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Important Terms:

Ascend = Average Speed = গড় গ Circular =

Consequently = Constant Speed = Destination = গ
Difference = Distance = Downhill =
Drive = Equidistant = Exceed =
Excluding = Halt = Immediately =
Initial = Meet = Onward = গ

Proceed = গ Scheduled = Speed = গ গ

Uniform = Uphill = Malfunction =

The terms ‘Times’ and ‘Distance’ are related to the speed of moving objects.

Speed: We define the speed of an object as the distance covered by it in a unit time interval. It is obtained by dividing
the distance covered by the object, by the time it has taken to cover that distance.
Thus, Speed =

1. If the time taken is constant, the distance travelled is proportional to the speed, that is, more the speed; more the
distance travelled at the same time.
2. If the speed is constant, the distance travelled is proportional to the time taken, that is, more the distance
travelled; more the time taken at the same speed.
3. If the distance travelled is constant, the speed is inversely proportional to the time taken, that is, more the
speed; less the time taken for the same distance travelled.

Basic Formulae:

1. Speed =

2. Distance = Speed × Time

3. Time =

 Units of Measurement: Generally, if the distance is measured in kilometer, we measure time in hours and speed
in kilometre per hour and is written as Km/h and if the distance is measured in meter, then time is taken in second
and speed in metre per second and is written as m/s.

 Conversion of Units:

1. kilometre/hour = = m/s

∴ One metre/second = Km/h

Thus, x Km/h = ( ) m/s

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and, x m/s. = ( ) Km/h

 (a) If A covers a distance Km at Km/h and, then Km at Km/h, then the average speed during the whole
journey is given by

( )
Average speed = Km/h

(b) If A goes from X to Y at Km/h and comes back from Y to X at Km/h, then the average speed during the
whole journey is given by
Average speed =


(a) Time taken to travel Km at Km/h is

= hours
Time taken to travel Km at Km/h is
= hours

Total time taken = + =( ) hours

=( ) hours

Total distance covered = ( ) Km. Therefore,

Average speed =

( )
= Km/h …… (ⅰ)

(b) Let, the distance from X to Y be d Km.

Take = = d Equation in (ⅰ), we get

Average speed = =
( )

Example: A ship sails to a certain city at the speed of 15 knots/h, and sails back to the same point at the rate of 30
knots/h. What is the average speed for the whole journey?

Solution: Here, = 15 and = 30

∴ Average speed = = = 20 Km/h

 If two persons, A and B, start at the same time from two points P and Q towards each other, and after crossing
they take and hours in reaching Q and P respectively, then


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Let, the total distance between P and Q be d Km.
Let, the speed of A be Km/h and that of B be Km/h.


Since they are moving in opposite directions, their relative speed is ( ) Km/h.

They will meet after hours.

Distance travelled by A in hours.

= PO = Km.

Distance travelled by B in hours.

= QO = Km.

( )
Time taken by A to travel QO =

= (given) ……..… (ⅰ)

( )
Time taken by B to travel PO =
= (given) ……..…(ⅱ)

Dividing Equation (ⅱ) by Equation (ⅰ), we get


or, ( ) =

or, =

∴ =

Example: Nikita starts her journey from Delhi to Bhopal and simultaneously Nishita starts from Bhopal to Delhi.
After crossing each other, they finish their remaining journey in 5 hours and 9 hours, respectively. What is Nishita’s
speed if Nikita’s speed is 36 Km/h?

√ √ √
Solution: = = =
√ √ √

= =

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∴ Nishita’s speed = Nikita’s speed

= × 36 = 28 Km/h.

Class Work
1. A person walking of his usual speed rate is 40 minutes late. What is his usual time? (Pubali Bank - 2013)
a. 2 hours b. 1 hours c. 2 hours
d. 4 houre 10 minutes e. None of these (3 hours 20 minutes)

2. By how much percent must a motorist increase his speed in order to reduce the time by 20%, taken to cover a
certain distance?
a. 20% b. 25% c. 30% d.37.5% e. 83.33%

3. Robi drove 100 miles to visit a friend. If he had driven 8 miles per hour faster than he did, he would have arrived in
of the time usually took. How many minutes did the trip take? (Bangladesh Bank - 2015)
a. 120 minutes b. 150 minutes c.170 minutes d.110 minutes

4. A man started at 8 a.m from his home, walked at the rate of 3 km/hr and reached his office 45 minutes late. The
next day he started at the same time and walked at the rate of 5 km/hr and reached his office 15 minutes earlier than
the scheduled time. What was the distance between his office and home?
(IBA - BBA: 1998 - 99 ; Combined 2 bank - 2019)
a. 6 km b. 7.5 km c. 9 km
d. 10 km e. 12 km

5. If a train runs at 40 km/ph, it reaches its destination late be 11 minutes but if it runs at 50 km/ph, is late by 5
minutes only. The correct time for the train to complete its journey is - (Southeast Bank - 2017)
a. 16 minutes b. 19 minutes c. 22 minutes
d. 25 minutes e. None of these

6. A train can travel 50% faster than a car, both start from point A at the same time and reach point B, 75 km away
from A at the same time. On the way however, the train had lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations.
What is the speed of the car? (BGDCL - 2017 ; Janata Bank - 2017)
a. 120 km/hr b. 110 km/hr c.100 km/hr
d. 80 km/hr e. None of these

7. A ferry can travel twice as fast when empty as when it is full. It travels 20 miles with full load, spends 1 hour for
unloading and returns to its original empty. It took 11 hours to complete the journey. What is the speed when the ferry
is empty? (Modhumoti Bank : PO - 2017)
a. 5 b. 6 c. 6.5 d. None of these

8. A motorist travels to a place 150 km away at an average speed of 50 km per hour and returns at 30 km per hour.
What is his average speed for the whole journey in km per hour? (Agrani Bank - SO : 2013)
a. 35 b. 37 c. 37.5
d. 40 e. None of these

9. A train went 300 miles from Dhaka to Khulna at an average rate of 80 mph. At what speed did it travel on the way
back if its average speed for the whole trip was 100 mph? (SIBL - 2013 ; PBL - 2009)
a. 120 mph b. 125 mph c. 133 mph
d. 137 mph e. None of these
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10. A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the train had been 6 km/hr faster, then it would have taken
4 hours less than the scheduled time. And, if the train were slower by 6 km/hr, then the train would have taken 6 hours
more than the scheduled time. The length of the journey is - (Aggarwal - 95)
a. 700 km b. 720 km c. 740 km d. 760 km

11. Two stations A and B are 110 km apart on a straight line. One train starts from A 7 a.m. and travels towards B at
20 km/ph. Another train starts from B at 8 a.m. and travels towards A at a speed of 25 km/ph. At what time will they
a. 9 : 00 am b. 10 : 00 am c.10 : 30 am
d.11 : 00 a.m e. None of these

12. Fahim and Rishad both started at the same time from Point A to Point B at speeds of 52 kmph and 39 kmph
respectively on the same road. As soon as Fahim reaches to Point B, he turns back, starts towards point A on the same
road, and meets Risahd on the way. How far from Point B do the two of them meet, if the distance between the points
70 km? (Exim Bank: T. Off - 2015)
a. 20 b. 30 c. 10 d. 25

13. Mr. X decides to travel from Delhi to Gurgaon at a uniform speed and decides to reach Gurgaon after T hr. After
30 km, there is some engine malfunction and the speed of the car becomes th of the original speed. So, he travels the
rest of the distance at a constant speed th of the original speed and reaches Gurgaon 45 minutes late. Had the same
thing happened after he travelled 48 km, he would have reached only 36 minutes late. What is the distance between
Delhi and Gurgaon?
a. 110 km b. 120 km c. 132 km
d. 144 km e. None of these

14. A hiker walked up a mountain path from a way station to an observation point and back to the way station by the
same route. His average speed for the ascent was 2 miles per hour, and his average speed for the descent was 4 miles
per hour. If the observation point is exactly 3 miles from the way station, what was the hiker's average speed, in miles
per hour, for the entire trip?
a. 2 b. 2 c. 3 d. 3 e. 3

15. Two trains A and B start from stations X and Y towards Y and X respectively. After passing each other, they take
4 hours 48 minutes and 3 hours 20 minutes to reach Y and X respectively. If train A is moving at 45 km/hr, then the
speed of train B is:
a. 45 km/hr b. 54 km/hr c.50 km/hr
d. 30 km/hr e. None of these

Questions for Practice

16. How much longer is required to drive 1 mile at 60 mph then at 100 mph? (Marcantile Bank – 2016)
a. 30 seconds b. 40 seconds c. 28 seconds
d. 25 seconds e. None of these

17. A person walks at 18 km/hr instead of 14 km/hr, he would have walked 20 km more. The actual distance travelled
by him is - (BDB - 2014)
a. 50 km b. 56 km c. 70 km
d. 80 km e. None of these

18. If a man walks 8 km in 4 hours, the time taken by him in travelling a distance of 24 km is?
a. 10 hours b. 12 hours c. 24 hours
d. 48 hours e. None of these

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19. Raifa ran from her house to school at an average speed of 6 miles per hour and returned along the same route at
an average speed of 4 miles per hour. If it took her one hour in total to run to the school and come back. How many
minutes did it take her to run from her house to school? (Jamuna Bank-2014)
a. 16 b. 18 c. 20 d. 22 e. 24
Ans: (e) 24

20. In a journey of 160 km, a train covers the distance 120 km at a speed of 80 kmph and the remaining distance at 40
km/ph. The average speed of the train for the whole journey is-
a. 60 km/ph b. 64 km/ph c. 68 km/ph
d. 72 km/ph e. None of these

21. Ishtiaque completes a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of 21 km/hr and second
half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km -
(IBA - BBA: 2015 - 16 ; Mercantile Bank - MTO : 2015)
a. 121 km b. 242 km c. 112 km
d. 224 km e. None of these

22. A and B are 20 km apart. A can walk at an average speed of 4 km/ph and B at an average speed of 6 km/ph. If they
start walking towards each other at 7 a.m. at what time they will meet?
a. 9.00 a.m. b. 9.30 a.m. c. 10.00 a.m. d. 10.30 a.m.

23. A car driver leaves Bangalore at 8:30 am and expects to reach a place 300 km from Bangalore at 12:30 pm. At
10:30 he finds that he has covered only 40% of the distance. By how much he has to increase the speed of the car in
order to keep up his schedule?
a. 45 km/ph b. 20 km/ph c. 40 km/ph
d. 30 km/ph e. None of these

24. Anis drove at an average speed of 20 km/hr for some time and then at an average speed of 60 km/hr for the rest of
the journey. If his average speed for the entire trip was 30 km/hr, for what fraction of the total time did he drive at 20
km/hr? [IBA - MBA Admission Test; (Dec - 2015)]
a. b. c.
d. e. None of these

25. Two, trains, one from Howrah to Patna and the other from Patna to Howrah, start simultaneously. After they meet,
the trains reach their destinations after 9 hours and 16 hours respectively. The ratio of their speeds is:
a. 2 : 3 b. 4 : 3 c. 6 : 7 d. 9 : 16

26. A train which travels at a uniform speed due to some mechanical fault after traveling for an hour goes at th of the
original speed and reached the destination 2 hours late. If the fault had occurred after traveling another 50 miles, the
train would have reached 40 minutes earlier. What is the distance between the two stations?
a. 200 km b. 250 km c. 300 km
d. 500 km e. None of these

27. A plane left 40 min late due to bad weather and in order to reach its destination, 1600 km away in time, it had to
increase its speed by 400 km/ph from its usual speed. The usual speed of the plan is-
a. 600 km/hr b. 800 km/hr c. 1000 km/hr
d. 1100 km/hr e. None of these

28. An executive drove from home at an average speed of 30 mph to an airport where a helicopter was waiting. The
executive boarded the helicopter and flew to the corporate office at an average speed of 60 mph. the entire distance
was 150 miles; the entire trip took three hours. What is the distance from the apart to the corporate office?
a. 90 miles b. 100 miles c. 120 miles d. 140 miles

29. To reach point B from point A at 4 pm, Sara will have to travel at an average speed of 18 kmph. She
will reach point B at 3 pm if she travels at an average speed of 24 kmph. At what average speed should Sara
travel to reach point B at 2 pm?
a. 36 kmph b. 28 kmph c. 25 kmph d. 30 kmph

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30. Every morning Jim walks to his office at a certain constant speed which enables him to arrive exactly on time. One
fine morning he started walking at two-thirds his usual speed but after some time he realized that he was already 10
minutes behind at that point so he doubled his speed and reached his office 5 minutes early. What fraction of the total
distance had Jim covered when he doubled his speed?
a. b. c. d. e.

Answer Sheet:
16 E 17 A 18 B 19 E 20 B 21 D
22 A 23 D 24 B 25 B 26 A 27 B
28 C 29 A 30 D

- - - - - - - - - - Thank You - - - - - - - - - -

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