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Development and Acceptability of Mini fan with in-built Bluetooth Speaker

A Research Proposal

Presented to the

Faculty of


In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for

Applied Subject

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion








Contribution is a

Lovely tribute to our

Cherish relatives, friends, classmate, and teachers

For their constant assistance,

Prayers, and encouragement,

Above all to the Mighty God,

Who has helped us out

Over the years of our struggle

And who held the position of

Everybody’s life guide,

We are nothing without him,

As well as this modest piece of work

Will fail to materialize without his guide


First and foremost, praise and appreciation to God, the Almighty, for his

blessings that enabled us to successfully complete our studies.

To all the people who donated their time, experience, invaluable support,

encouragement, and inspiration to the completion of this modest piece of work are

much appreciated by the researchers.

To Mia S. Sumigcay, Practical Research I adviser, for her remarkable

efforts in teaching all of the lectures in this topic and for her insightful guidance that

encouraged us to finish this study.

To Benedick A. Garovillas class adviser, for her continual support and

motivation during our studies.

To our families, for their assistance, understanding , unconditional love and

unwavering support in our academic endeavours.

Friends and classmates who provided moral support and guidance, as well
as spending time with us in pursuit of our target responses.







LIST OF TABLES (if necessary)

LIST OF FIGURES (if necessary)



Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Conceptual Framework
Scope and Limitation
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms


Foreign Literature
Local Literature
Foreign Studies
Local Studies


Research Design
Research Locale
Research Map
Subject of the Study
Sources of Data
Statistical Treatment
Procedures of the Study




Summary of Findings


APPENDICES (this includes all documents you used


Table List

1. Frequency, Percentage, and rank distribute of the respondent in terms of

preferred location to use the product

2. Computed Mean of student’s Perception on Development and Acceptability of

mini-fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker

3. Composite Table of the Average Mean on Development and Acceptability of Mini-

fan with inbuilt Bluetooth Speaker with respect to Its different components

4. Computed P- value on the significant difference between the profile of the

respondents and their Level of Acceptability

Chapter 1

The problem and it’s Background


Republic Act No. 10844 An Act creating Department of Information

Communication Technology, defining its power and function appropriating funds

therefore, and for other purposes the department of information and communication

technology Act 2015 promotes the prevision of strategic, reliable, cost-efficient and

citizen-centric information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure,

system and resources promotes the ICT, ensure the availability and accessibility of

ICT service, foster a level playing field, partnership between public and private

sector, strategic alliance with foreign investors, promote local ICT content

applications and service, promote the enhancement of key public service, encourage

the use of ICT for development and promotion of country’s arts and culture, tourism

and national identity

Republic Act No. 9292 The State recognizes the importance of electronics

engineering in nation-building and development. The State shall therefore develop

and nurture competent, virtuous, productive and well-rounded Professional

Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians whose

standards of practice and service shall be excellent, qualitative, world-class and

globally competitive through inviolable, honest, effective and credible licensure

examinations and through regulatory measures, programs and activities that foster

their integrity, continuing professional education, development and growth.

This study is being conducted to assess the potential demand and

acceptance of a new product, the mini fan with in-built Bluetooth speaker, among a
selected group of students. Additionally, the study aims to identify any improvements

or modifications needed in the design and development of the product to increase its

overall acceptability and value to potential customers.

Background of the study

Mini fans with inbuilt Bluetooth speakers are becoming increasingly popular as

portable and versatile devices that offer users the convenience of a fan and a speaker in one

compact unit. With the growing demand for portable devices and the increasing popularity of

Bluetooth-enabled devices, the development of a mini fan with an inbuilt Bluetooth speaker

is timely and relevant.

The study aims to explore the acceptability and development of a mini fan

with an inbuilt Bluetooth speaker, particularly in terms of its usability, convenience,

and overall appeal to potential users. This study is important in identifying the key

factors that influence the acceptability of this type of device and in providing insights

into how it can be further improved to meet the needs and preferences of its target


The mini fan with an inbuilt Bluetooth speaker is expected to appeal to a wide

range of users, including those who are always on-the-go and those who want to

enjoy music while keeping themselves cool. By combining the functionality of a fan

and a speaker in one device, this product has the potential to offer a unique user

experience that is both convenient and enjoyable.

Overall, the study seeks to contribute to the development of innovative and

user-friendly devices that can enhance the daily lives of individuals by providing

them with convenient and enjoyable experiences. The results of this study may be
used to improve the design and development of mini fans with inbuilt Bluetooth

speakers and to inform the marketing and distribution strategies for this type of


Statement of the problem

The challenges surrounding the development and acceptability of the mini-fan

with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker include limited battery life, and quality concern, and

need to increase awareness and acceptance among a wider audience

1. Where do you prefer to use the product in terms of:

1.1 Indoor and;

1.2 Outdoor; and

1.3 Both?

2. What is the level of Acceptability of product in terms of;

a. Mini fan

2.1 Air produce;

2.2 Design;

2.3 Durability;

b. Bluetooth Speaker

2.4 Quality of Sound;

2.5 Battery life span;

2.6 Connectivity;
c. Mini fan and Bluetooth Speaker

2.7 Quality of product;

2.8 Accessible; and

2.9 Usable?

3. Is there significant difference between the profile and Development and

Acceptability of Mini-fan with inbuilt Bluetooth Speaker?


There is no significant difference between the profile of the respondent and

the Development and Acceptability of Mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker

Scope and limitation

The study aim to evaluate the acceptability and development of mini fan with

in-built Bluetooth speaker. Among 100 selected students from Baras Senior High

school study will cover the design and development process, including the selection

of materials, components, and features for mini fan This study was conducted in

march 2023 – May 2023 The study will also evaluate the acceptability of the product

among the selected students, including their perception of the product’s functionality,

design and overall value, The study will use survey questioner to collect data from

the selected students,

Significant of the Study

To the Municipality. This product can be used in public places such as parks, bus

stops, and other communal areas to provide relief during hot weather conditions

while also providing entertainment via the Bluetooth speaker feature. This product
can also help to reduce energy consumption because it uses less power than air

conditioning systems, making it a more sustainable and cost-effective solution.

To the Technician. This research provides an opportunity Create and improve an

innovative and multi-functional product that can meet the market’s changing needs.

The incorporation of a Bluetooth speaker in a mini fan can provide a distinct value

proposition that can help differentiate this product from other mini fans on the market

and potentially capture a larger market store

To the Consumers. A mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker is convenient and

practical, especially in hot weather. The Bluetooth speaker feature entertains and

improves the overall experience of the user, making it an appealing product for

personal and household use.

To the School. The Mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker can also benefit students

by providing a comfortable environment, especially during hot weather conditions.

The Bluetooth speaker feature can also be used in educational settings to

supplement learning with audio-visual aids.

To the Current Researchers. The study on the Development and Acceptability of

Mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker you can use this study as a basis for future

researcher on the development of innovative and multi-functional products.

To the Future researchers. This research provides an opportunity to expand on the

knowledge gained from the development and acceptance of the Mini fan with inbuilt

Bluetooth speaker. Future research can look into ways to improve the product’s

functionality, usability, and durability, as well as potential applications in different

Definition of terms

Acceptability. It means whether something is suitable or not based on certain

criteria. Factors like culture, ethics, laws, and personal preferences can influence it.

If something is more acceptable, it is more likely to be accepted by the intended

audience or target market

Bluetooth. It is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect wirelessly

over short distances. It uses radio waves to transmit data between devices, such as

phones, headphones, and speakers.

Development. It is the process of increasing or advancing something, such as a

system, product, or skill, is referred to as development. It entails making something

better, more efficient, or more effective by upgrading or enhancing it.

Development and acceptability of Mini fan with in built Bluetooth speaker . this

study being conducted by researchers

Fan. it is a device that circulates air. It is often made up of revolving blades or

paddles that propel air in a certain direction. Fans are commonly used to cool people

or circulate air in a room and may be driven by electricity or by hand.

Limited Battery. It is a gadget with a limited battery has a low or inadequate

amount of power stored in its battery.

Mini fan. It is commonly used for personal cooling, such as in hot weather or during

exercise, and are generally powered by batteries or USB cords.

Music. It is a type of art in which music is used to portray ideas, emotions, and tales.

It entails making melodic or rhythmic sounds using various instruments like as

guitars, keyboards, drums, or voices.

Mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker. small device that creates a flow of air and

also allows for wireless audio playback it. It combines the feature of a mini fan and a

Bluetooth speaker into a single devices.

Outdoor. It refers to the environment or activities that take place outside, in natural

or open-air place

Product. These are created by a process of research, design, manufacture, and

marketing, and are frequently made to satisfy the requirements or desires of

customers. They can be sold through a variety of ways, including direct sales, retail

locations, and internet retailers.

Productivity. It refers to the measure of output or work achieved in a given amount

of time

Quality. It can be used to describe goods, services, procedures, or experiences, and

it can have a big effect on how satisfied and loyal customers are. A emphasis on

continual improvement, quality control, and customer input is frequently necessary to

achieve high quality.

Sound. It is an important component of music, speech, and communication, as well

as in physics, engineering, and medicine. Distance, barriers, and interference may

all have an impact on sound.

Speaker. It is a piece of electronic equipment that transforms electrical impulses into

audible sound waves.

Technology. It can be utilized to increase effectiveness, productivity, and quality of

life through developing new goods, procedures, or systems. It may also have a big

effect on the economy, the environment, and society.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Litarature

According to ( David A. Fryxell Electric Fans: A History Timeline 2007). People

have been fanning themselves by hand for millennia, of course—or, like the ancient

Egyptians, making slaves fan them with huge lotus leaves. The Egyptians also

caught on to the trick of fanning air across wet mats or water-filled vessels for

evaporative cooling. The Greeks and Romans preferred peacock feathers for

fanning; Roman emperors added the cooling power of snow hauled down from the

Alps. The Japanese invented folding fans in the eighth century, possibly inspired by

the way bats fold their wings. But the heyday of the handheld fan was China’s Ming

Dynasty (1368 to 1644), when exquisitely painted fans were all the rage. Portuguese

traders brought Asian fans to Europe in the 1400s. The Chinese were also pioneers

in mechanizing the fan. About 180 AD, the famed Han dynasty inventor Ting Human

created a rotary fan employing seven wheels, each 10 feet in diameter, by which a

single man could cool an entire hall. Later rotary fans were used not only for cooling,

but also for winnowing grain and ventilating mine shafts.

Schiavon, S., & Melikov, A. (2009). Introduction of a Cooling Fan In a warm

environment, air movement with elevated velocity is a well-known cooling strategy.

The local air movement is typically generated by cooling fans (e.g., ceiling fan, table

fans, etc.). Appearance, power input, and price are the main parameters considered

today when purchasing cooling fans, while cooling capacity and efficiency of energy

use are unknown. To address this knowledge gap, this paper introduces the cooling-

fan efficiency (CFE) index, defined as the ratio between the cooling effect (measured
with a thermal manikin) generated by the device and its power consumption. The

index was determined for a ceiling fan, a desk fan, a standing fan, and a tower fan in

a real office at three room air temperatures and at different fan speed levels. The

results reveal that the index is sensitive enough to identify differences in the

performance of the cooling devices. A standard method for testing fan cooling effect

and an index for determining fan efficiency, such as the CFE index proposed in this

study, need to be develop.

According to ( Arati S.N.1, Ambika B.2, Divya K3, Gayathri A4, Nidhi S5

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2020)

Bluetooth is a modern wireless short-range RF technology that is designed to

communicate wirelessly between various machines. The popularity of Bluetooth as a

technology grows as time flies by and is still growing and is being embraced in

today's world. In this paper, we have embraced a way for brief survey on Bluetooth

technology that will explain the architecture, issues, and applications.

Local Literature

According to Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 91.

International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Big Data Analysis (MSBDA

2019). Mini desk fan is a kind of household appliance which uses motor to drive fan

blade to rotate and cut air flow to accelerate air circulation. Because of its small size,

convenient charging, easy to carry, moderate price and other characteristics, it has

become a necessary equipment for many consumers to travel and at home for

cooling and relieving heat. On the market, the quiet characteristics of small fans are

the main selling points of major fan brands. At present, the research on noise

reduction of small fan mainly focuses on the characteristics of fan blade, the analysis
of motor shock absorption effect, and the design of fan guard these three aspects.

From the aspect of fan blade, the number of fan blade, material, shape and angle of

small fan have important influence on quiet effect. From the aspect of motor shock

absorption effect, material, DC/AC, frequency conversion/fixed frequency play a

major role in noise reduction. From the aspect of fan guard design, the noise

reduction effect can be realized in accordance with the modelling of streamlined

grilles. In addition to quiet performance, the comfort of blowing is also an important

index of small fan performance. The evaluation index of fan comfort includes air

volume, wind pressure, wind type and so on, which is also affected by fan blade

modelling, motor speed control and fan guard modelling. It is worth noting that the

comfort of small fans is relative and to a large extent related to the user comfort

experience. For example, for users who need to cool down quickly, the comfort can

be reflected in the rapid heat dissipation and large air volume, high wind pressure

indicator; For users who blow cool for a long time, comfort is reflected in low wind

pressure, simulated natural wind and other indicators. Fan blade and motor are not

only the core components of desk fan, but also widely used in major household

appliances, construction machinery, aerospace fields. For their key performance

such as noise reduction, energy saving and so on, the related research is very rich

[14,15]. The optimal design of the blades and motors of small fans has become

mature at present, the cost of R & D is high and the room for improvement is small.

Based on the above analysis, the optimal design value of fan blade and motor to

desk small fan tends to be not high. Based on the cost positioning of small fan and

the current situation of lack of research on fan guard, it is more reasonable to

improve the performance of min desk fan by improving the design of fan guard.
(Warlito M. Galita1 * and Wenceslao M. Valerio2) Journal of Engineering and

Applied Sciences Technology (2022) The major objective of the study was to design

and develop a motion activated and temperature-controlled electric fan. It is the most

practical and affordable way of keeping areas cool especially during hot and humid

months. In the Bulacan State University, many electric fans installed in lecture rooms

are left unattended even after class hours. This translates to unnecessary fire risks

and/or excessive electric consumption of the University. It is in this light that the

researchers developed a device that presents an opportunity for the development of

intelligent appliances that can save on electricity consumption due to its innovative

and eco-friendly features. Various designs were put forward and a careful

consideration of each plan was done, with special considerations to the need for

innovative appliances that can be very useful in terms of energy efficiency and

environmentfriendliness through an integrated multi-dimensional sensor system.

Morris, N. B., Chaseling, G. K., English, T., Gruss, F., Maideen, M. F. B.,

Capon, A., & Jay, O. (2021). Electric fan use for cooling during hot weather: a

biophysical modelling study. In hot weather, electric fans can potentially provide

effective cooling for people, with lower greenhouse gas emissions and cost than air

conditioning. However, international public health organisations regularly discourage

fan use in temperatures higher than 35°C, despite little evidence. We aimed to

determine humidity-dependent temperature thresholds at which electric fans would

become detrimental in different age groups.

Foreign Studies

The most recent electronic searches were done in April 2012. We also

checked the reference lists of relevant articles and the websites of relevant national

and international organisations, and consulted with researchers and policy makers

with experience in strategies to manage heat waves to identify additional studies. At

present, the research on mini fan mainly focuses on the analysis of noise reduction

mechanism of fan blade. For example, Cheng et al. analysed the noise

characteristics of fan tip clearance and inclined/swept blade by using the mixed flow

field / sound field (CFD/AA) model calculation method, and confirmed the noise

reduction effect of inclined/swept static blade. Zhai et al. and Xiao Hu discussed and

analysed the noise reduction performance of unequal distance blade fan. The results

show that unequal distance blade fan can reduce discrete noise in the range of

human ear sensitivity to noise. In the study by Qian, from the point of view of fan

blade modelling, analysed the effects of tail edge tooth profile, blade perforation and

different tip clearance characteristics on the performance and noise of small axial

flow fan. The results show that the noise reduction effect of tooth tail edge fan is

better. In addition, the research object of noise reduction mechanism of mini fan also

involves muffler, support frame and so on. As one of the important indexes of fan

performance, the study of fan comfort is also very important. In the research of

household electric fan, BALMUDA puts forward the solution of double-layer structure

blade comfort fan, which represents the product of The Green Fan, which pulls the

outer fast wind convergence through the inner slow wind, and then impinges each

other to eliminate the vortex to achieve and the disorder effect and the purpose of

simulating comfortable natural wind. However, there is a lack of research on the

comfort of mini fans in the field of design. In this paper, based on the existing mini
fan design, combined with experimental analysis and numerical simulation

technology, a mini desk fan product design solution with short-term rapid cooling and

long-term soothing refrigeration function is proposed.

According to Talib, N.A., Kamarudin, F., Shema, S.S., & Aziz, A.A. (2020).

Development of Automatic Mini Fan with Human Detector Air circulation is typically poor in

living rooms and other public areas. As a result, the fan is a The basic way for

cooling down that is utilized in the majority of homes. However, when It is wanted to

vary the direction and speed of the fan, but there are no automatic or efficient

controls. features. Furthermore, most fans utilized today are inconvenient due to

their big size. and other considerations.

According Fuada, S., Fathany, M.Y., Adiono, T., & Afifah, K. (2021).

Controlling Mini Exhaust Fan through Android-Based Smartphone - We present a

control system in this study. to power a mini electric fan. This project's objective is to

create a prototype controller for an electrical fan. within the framework of a smart

home. The system is made from with the use of an STM32L100 microcontroller to

utilizing pulse-width modulation (PWM) on an electrical fan, TIP 102 BJT transistor

for controlling the "on" and "off" 1N4007 fly-back diode with fan. PWM is a the

STM32L100 microcontroller to gently adjust the fan's speed (between 25% and 50%,

75% and 0–100% of the speed). Furthermore, the system is containing a ZigBee

module to enable wireless interaction with the host is necessary to accept and carry

out orders from the Android a program that serves as the user interface. In addition,

with using Zigbee

Local Studies

According to Nolan McNulty, Susan Davis, 2015 Listening to music -

Employee satisfaction is an imperative element to a successful office, business, or

organization. Satisfied employees drive business foreword; increasing efficiency,

productivity, and time on task (Lesiuk, 2005). Businesses invest a sizable amount of

their budget on measuring, improving, and facilitating employee satisfaction. One

way to measure employee satisfaction is to understand the moods of employees

during working hours. Positive mood facilitates a more pleasant working

environment, and in turn can lead to greater employee satisfaction. Negative and

positive affect are vary as elements of mood. Individuals who score high in measures

of negative affect are prone to experience a diverse array of negative mood states

(anxiety, depression, hostility, and guilt). Individuals who score high in measures of

positive affect are prone to describe themselves as cheerful, enthusiastic, confident,

active, and energetic. Positive people tend to be more satisfied with their jobs, and

this satisfaction in turn helps individuals maintain a positive level of general life

satisfaction, further enhancing their positive affectivity (Landy & Conte, 2013).

According to Lin S-C, Shen M-C, Tso H-R, Yen H-C, Chen Y-C. 2017

Numerical and Experimental Study on Enhancing Performance of the Stand Fan

This research investigates the physical mechanism of the flow pattern and identify

the design parameters of a stand fan by combining numerical and experimental

methods. The stand fan is divided into the impeller and protective cover, and the

impeller blades are the first design target. CFD software Fluent is used to analyze

and observe the corresponding influences on flow fields and aerodynamic

performance. The protective cover is modified by varying the spacing between the
blade tip and cover, as well as the shape and angle of ribs. The testing results show

that the optimally designed stand fan is better than the reference fan with a 54%

increase in max flow rate and more uniform velocity distribution.

According to Lin, Sheam-Chyun & Hsieh, Ming-Yuan. (2015). An Integrated

Numerical and Experimental Analysis for Enhancing the Performance of the Hidden

Ceiling Fan. This study used numerical and experimental techniques to predict and

identify the flow pattern, airflow rate, efficiency, and noise for ceiling fans with

different design parameters. The results showed that the unique inhale-return

phenomenon happens for an inappropriate housing. Key parameters such as fan

guard, housing ring, inlet-to-outlet area ratio, and blockage height are evaluated to

avoid the inhale-return flow.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research Design

The first part of the study will utilize a descriptive design to gather information

about the acceptability of mini fans with in-built Bluetooth speakers. This will involve

a survey that collects data about consumer preferences, attitudes, and behaviours

related to portable fans and Bluetooth speakers. The survey will also include

questions about the potential benefits and drawbacks of combining these two

devices into one product. The survey will be distributed to a sample of potential

consumers through Face to face. The second part of the study will use an

experimental design to investigate the development of the mini fan with an in-built

Bluetooth speaker. The product will be developed based on the results of the survey

in the first part of the study. The mini fan will have a rechargeable battery, and an in-

built Bluetooth speaker. Participants will be randomly assigned to either a test group

or a control group. The test group will receive the mini fan with the in-built Bluetooth

speaker, while the control group will receive a traditional mini fan without the

Bluetooth speaker.

Experimental Research Design this a step involves designing the experiment

to the hypothesis. The experimental design includes factors such as sample size,

equipment, sampling techniques, and data collection methods

Research Locale
Baras Senior High School is the first public standalone senior high school in

the First Organic Town in the Philippines, the Municipality of Baras. Baras Senior

High School is currently housed at Baras Elementary School at Barangay

Concepcion, Baras, Rizal. The six-classroom building served as temporary station

(for SY 2016-2017) of students coming from Baras National High School. The School

also plans to cater to students from other nearby towns. However, there is another

proposed site for Baras Senior High School, which is situated at Sitio Ibabaw, Brgy.

San Juan, Baras, Rizal. Such a parcel of land with a total area of eight thousand nine

hundred twenty-four (8,924) square meters was donated by the Local Government of

Baras as stated in the Confirmation of Deed of Donation signed by the Municipal

Mayor and DepED Rizal’s Schools Division Superintendent. In the future, the said

site will be utilized as permanent location of Baras Senior High School. The school’s

environment and other nearby barangays manifest the town’s culture and civilization

that is very simple yet representing the entire family unit of the municipality. Baras

SHS is planned to be a quiet, peaceful, and child-friendly school surrounded by

trees, plants, and crops. A community whose inhabitants are engaged in crop

production and farming as their sources of livelihood, it is aware of the progress in

the neighboring barangays. From the town proper, the school can be reached in a

matter of five (5) minutes, with a distance of more or less 1 km. Modes of

transportation include travelling by walking, service jeepneys, tricycles, and other

private vehicles (e.g. motorcycle).

Research Map

Figure 1

Vicinity map of Baras senior high school

Subject of the Study
This study aimed to determine the level of acceptability of mini fan with in-built

Bluetooth speaker among Students of Baras Senior High This study will involve 100

selected students from Baras Senior High School and resident who will be randomly

selected to participate in the study.

Source of Data
The researchers used Research Gate and Google Scholar in looking for

related studies and literature both local and foreign. Online Dictionary was used to

define some words that is included in the definition of terms and used and distributed

questionnaires to seek for data needed in this study. The researchers used

researcher-made questionnaire check list.

Moreover, to determine the equivalent verbal description to Level of

Acceptability of Mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth Speaker in terms prefer location to use

of product and Satisfactory, the following ranges were used:

Scale Range Verbal interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Very Much Acceptable

4 3.40-4.19 Much Acceptable

3 2.60-3.39 Acceptable

2 1.80- 2.59 Slightly Acceptable

1 1.00-1.79 Not Acceptable

Statistical Treatment

This research will be using the following statistical reports tools that help the

researcher in interpreting the gathered data

For determining where respondents want to use the product frequency,

percentage and rank distribution was used

For determining the level of acceptability of mini fan with in-built Bluetooth

Speaker mean was used

For determining the difference between the Development and Acceptability of

Mini-fan with inbuilt Bluetooth Speaker and the respondents, AnoVa was used.

Procedure of the Study

A. Conduct of experimental

In making the device, the researchers first need to gather all needed
materials, such as an 18650 lithium battery, a Type C 5V-1A 18650 lithium battery
charger module with dual protection, a battery management system (BMS), a
recyclable mini fan, a Bluetooth module, a speaker, a passive radiator subwoofer
speaker, wires, a recyclable plastic case, hot melt glue sticks, tapes, and stickers.
The tools needed to develop the product are a soldering iron for joining the wires and
other components, a multi-meter to check the battery voltage and the connection of
all components, and a glue gun used to secure the parts.

Second, the researchers made a block and wiring diagram for better

understanding during the development of the product. After that, they sketched the

wanted design and proceeded to cut the recyclable plastic for the body of the device,

disassemble the recyclable mini fan to get the components needed, and test all the

parts using a multi-meter to see if there were any damages or defects to lessen the
failure in making a device. After checking, researchers made a 3.7V 18650 lithium

ion battery 1s2p 5000 mAh for the Bluetooth module and a 3.7V 18650 1s 2000 mAh

for the mini fan. All the materials and tools are ready. Researchers start assembling

all the components, soldering the wire connections, and gluing the parts. Before

finishing up, researchers try the actual device to see if it works properly, and if there

is no other problem, they glue all the parts to fit.

B. Conduct of Research

First, the researchers planned the research title/topic. Second, the

researchers formulated the research title and sought for the expert approval. Next,

The researcher started their Chapter 1 The problem and its background, then

chapter 2 Review related literature and studies and the chapter 3 Research

Methodology then sought for the expert’s and after that me and other members are

ready to defence our research chapter 1 to 3


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Data

This chapter present the result, the analysis and Interpretation of the data

gathered from the answers to the questionnaire distributed to the field. The said data

were presented in tabular from in accordance with the specific question posited on

the state of the problem

Table 1

Frequency, Percentage, and rank distribute of the respondent in terms of

preferred location to use the product.

Preferred location f % Rank

to use the product
Indoor 19 19 2

Outdoor 4 4 3

Both 77 77 1

Total 100 100%

Table 1 presents the frequency, percentage, and rank distribution of

respondents based on their preferred location to use the product. The table includes

three categories: Indoor, Outdoor, and Both, along with their respective frequencies,

percentages, and ranks.

According to the data, 19 respondents (19%) preferred using the product

indoors, ranking second in terms of preference. Four respondents (4%) preferred

using it outdoors, ranking third. The majority of respondents, 77 (77%), indicated a

preference for using the product in both indoor and outdoor settings, ranking first in

terms of preference.

It implies that most of respondents are not just staying indoor nor outdoor.
Table 2

Computed Mean of student’s Perception on Development and Acceptability of

mini-fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker

A. Mini fan Mean VI Rank

1 The fan’s power and Airflow are sufficient to Provide effective
Cooling. 4.42 VMA 3

2 The design and aesthetics of the mini fan are appealing VMA 2
3 The durability and build quality of the mini fan are satisfactory VMA 1

B. Bluetooth speaker
1 The sound quality of the Bluetooth speaker is satisfactory. 4.56 VMA 1

2 The battery life of the speaker is sufficient for extended usage. 4.37 VMA 3

3 The ability to control playback and volume through a

smartphone app enhances the user experience. 4.45 VMA 2

C. Mini fan and Bluetooth speaker

1 The mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth should have a durable 2
construction to withstand regular use. 4.54 VMA

2 The Bluetooth functionality of the fan should have a stable 3

connection and reliable performance. 4.46 VMA

3 The mini fan with Bluetooth speaker is convenient to use 4.64 VMA 1

Base on the table 2 The students' perception of the mini-fan with an inbuilt

Bluetooth speaker is generally positive, with high mean scores across most aspects.

They find the fan's power and airflow sufficient for effective cooling, the design and

aesthetics appealing, the durability and build quality satisfactory, the sound quality

satisfactory, the battery life sufficient for extended usage, and the ability to control

playback and volume through a smartphone app enhancing user experience. The
mini fan with Bluetooth is expected to have a durable construction, stable

connection, and reliable performance. Overall, the students find the mini-fan with

Bluetooth speaker effective, appealing, and convenient to use.

Table 3

Composite Table of the Average Mean on Development and Acceptability of

Mini-fan with inbuilt Bluetooth Speaker with respect to
Its different components

Variable Overall Verbal Interpretation

Mini-fan 4.447 VMA
Bluetooth Speaker 4.46 VMA
Mini-fan and Bluetooth
4.55 VMA
Grand Mean 4.486 VMA

It can be gleaned on the table that the three components above have not that

much different results.

It implies that for the respondents, the three components are very much

accepted. Since the overall mean of Mini-fan, Bluetooth Speaker and mini-fan

Bluetooth Speaker got the overall mean of 4.486 or very much accepted.


VMA – Very Much Accepted

Table 4

Computed P- value on the significant difference between the profile of the

respondents and their Level of Acceptability

Source of VariationSS
B a dfs MSe Fd P-value Fo
crit Ho
n VI t h
Between Groups
22676.67 4 5669.167 241.9275 1.91E-27 2.605975 FR NS
Within Groups
937.3333 40 23.43333

Total 23614 44

difference between the profile of the respondents and their Level of Acceptability is

The p-value represents the probability of obtaining the observed results (or more

extreme) if the null hypothesis is true. In this case, the null hypothesis is that there is

no significant difference between the profile of the respondents and their Level of


Since the p-value (1) is greater than the commonly used significance level of

0.05, the result of computed p-value failed to reject the hypothesis. Therefore, we

can conclude that there is no significant difference between the profile of the

respondents and their Level of Acceptability based on the available data.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

The study categorized respondents into three groups: Indoor, Outdoor,

and Both Indoor preference was 19%, while Outdoor preference was 44%.

Both preference was 77.7%, with indoor preference ranking first. A total of

100 respondents surveyed indicated a significant majority preferring the

product in both indoor and outdoor settings. Designing products suitable for

both environments is crucial to meet the preferences of the majority of users.

The mini fan and Bluetooth speaker received positive ratings for

cooling effectiveness, design, aesthetics, durability, and convenience, while

the speaker's sound quality, smartphone app control, and Bluetooth

performance were satisfactory.

The results showed that there is no significant difference between the

profiles of the respondents and their level of acceptability. This is because the

computed level of significance for preferring to use the product and the

difference in the level of their acceptability were both higher than 0.05.

Therefore, the null hypothesis failed to be rejected.


1. The majority of respondents (77%) prefer the product for both indoor and

outdoor settings, indicating its versatility. Indoor preference was second with 19%,

while outdoor preference was third with 4%. This data can help product developers
and marketers understand customer preferences and tailor their strategies


2. In this study, the researchers found that the respondents in Baras senior high

school are satisfied with the product of mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker

3. The result of this study showed that there is no significant difference between

the acceptability level of mini fan with in-built Bluetooth speaker in terms of product



The researcher would like to recommend the following in terms of using the

Mini fan with in-built Bluetooth speaker

1. If you're just indoors listening to music, just set the volume to 50–80 percent

to save battery life.

2. The charger used is 5w/5v.

3. The charging time of the product is 3–4 hours. Every hour, remove it, rest for

5 minutes, and charge again to prevent the heat of the charger module.

4. Always check the mini fan if it is on and if it is not in use. Just turn it off and

fold it up to avoid damaging the elesi

5. If you encounter something strange with mini and Bluetooth please contact

To the Manufacturer. To ensure success in producing a mini fan with a Bluetooth

speaker, conduct thorough market research, prioritize quality and durability,

determine a competitive price point, and develop a strong marketing campaign.

Utilize online platforms, social media, and influencers to create awareness and

generate demand, while building a brand image that aligns with the target market's

aspirations and values.

To the Technicians. it is recommended to explore the development of a mini fan

with an inbuilt Bluetooth speaker. This combination of features offers a unique and

versatile product that can enhance user experience and convenience.

To the Consumer. The mini fan with Bluetooth speaker offers convenience,

versatility, and wireless freedom. It can be used in various settings, including home,

office, gym, and outdoor activities. Wireless connectivity allows easy control of audio

content from a distance. The compact size and portability make it an ideal travel

companion, keeping you cool during beach vacations, camping trips, or commuting.

To the Future researchers. Should explore mini fan technology with Bluetooth speakers

for advanced connectivity and smart features, such as voice control and virtual assistant


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Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Acceptability and development of Mini-fan with inbuilt Bluetooth speaker

Part I. Where do you prefer to use the product. Choose one

Indoor Outdoor Both

Part II. Level of Acceptability

Direction: For each statement in the survey please indicate how much you agree or

disagree with your by putting check (/) in the box. There are no right, or wrong

answer and it will be kept strictly confidential, and you will not be identified

Scale: 5 – Very much acceptable 4 – Much acceptable 3 – Acceptable

2 – Slightly Acceptable 1 – Not acceptable

A. Mini fan 5 4 3 2 1
1. The fan's power and airflow are sufficient to
provide effective cooling.
2. The design and aesthetics of the mini fan are
3. The durability and build quality of the mini fan
are satisfactory.
B. Bluetooth speaker
1. The sound quality of the Bluetooth speaker is
2. The battery life of the speaker is sufficient for
extended usage.
3. The ability to control playback and volume
through a smartphone app enhances the user
C. Mini fan and Bluetooth speaker
1. The mini fan with inbuilt Bluetooth should have
a durable construction to withstand regular use.
2.The Bluetooth functionality of the fan should
have a stable connection and reliable
3 The mini fan with Bluetooth speaker is
convenient to use

This is official

questionnaire approved by research expert

Ma’am Mia Sumigcay

Assembling the product

Photos during the assembly of the product


The product

Photos of the finished product

Test the product

Student while testing the product

Sample questioner

Sample questioner with answers and good comments


Distributing the questionnaire and the students answering them

Compute the survey

Computing the data gathered

Compute the data collection

Computed mean and all data collected using excel



Address : St, Maynipay Brgy, San Salvador, Baras Rizal

Cellphone No. 09487206785


Secondary (SHS) : Baras Senior High School

Address : St, Ibabaw, Brgy San Juan Baras Rizal

Year : 2021 Present

LRN # : 109443140010

Secondary (JHS) : Baras National High School

Address : St, Malalim Bgry, San Juan, Baras Rizal

Year : 2015-2020

Primary : Santiago Elementary School

Address : Magsaysay, St, Santiago, Baras Rizal

Year : 2008-2015


Date of Birth : June 7, 20022

Place of Birth : Baras Rizal

Citizenship : Fipilino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5’9

Weight : 68 kg

Language/Dialect : Tagalog/English


Address : Sitio Malalim, brgy. San Juan, Baras Rizal

Cellphone No.09301267247


Secondary (SHS) : Baras Senior High School

Address : Sitio Ibabaw, Brgy. San Juan, Baras Rizal

Year : 2021- Present

LRN# :

Secondary (JHS) : Baras National High School

Address : Sitio Malalim San Juan, Baras Rizal

Year : 2017-2021


Date Of Birth : October 21 20022

Place Of Birth : Calapan Mindoro

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : INC

Height : 5’8

Weight : 53

Father : carlito pletado

Mother : Nelia pletado



Adress: Sitio Tamalan, Brgy Rizal, Baras Rizal

Cellphone No: 09666415987

Educational Backround:

Secondary (SHS) : Baras Senior High School

Adress : Sitio Ibabaw, Brgy San Jan, Baras rizal

Year : 2021 Present

LRN# : 109425100060

Secondary (JHS) : Baras National High School

Adress : Sitio Malalim, San Juan, Baras Rizal

Year : 2017-2021

Primary : Baras Elementary School

Adress : 2011-2017

Personal Data:

Date of Birth : Sep.18, 2003

Place of Birth : Baras Rizal

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5’9
Curriculum vitae


Address: 34 Door B M. Llagas St Robles Apartment, Brgy. Evangelista, Baras, Rizal

Cellphone No:


Secondary (SHS) : Baras Senior High School

Address : Sitio Ibabaw, Brgy. San Juan, Baras, Rizal

Year : 2021-present

Secondary (JHS) : Tanay National High School

Address : Tanay, Rizal

Year : 2016 – 2019

Primary : Baras Elementary School

Address : Baras, Rizal

Year : 2011 – 2016


Date of Birth : August 24, 2002

Place of Birth : Negros Occidental

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Born Again Apostolic

Height : 5’4

Weight : 58kg

Language / Dialect : English, Tagalog, Ilonggo

Father : Renante Guevarra

Mother : Carolyn Guevarra

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