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Eaplain Data Entss W ute

a note on
on nlng9
Lwth tnluung data
Dala EnBy L the
nto a LempulL,
pDCeL enlein olata o Lno
uypicalls ulinq a eyboaud c
ycLLeuLoqhuluOnit Lninlveu Yppullunà data Lnlo
nlo a
CompuLe em D Dth seLLACe
Today data enIs L LLSually
entalunq npultin
data tinto anonlune daldbail
MLueset (ALel ho a tpeial eatu
callee LL
Hancllwhith uilu hi dola automaticall wuth
a p e u e patten-
Laiically, thi EL Handu toad LDmplete thu
LnLOMplrh enlsuu a dala bs eLaqnizun
fhe palein
it i an mbuult SettunguLeaus enablicl
by olefault sellungs
Yol cah eatend o Sei o datu,tunt,
umbes und lert comkunàtons _to the
oletued mutmber cells y juut wiitung
the LALt lvo entLu
Ohat are
Ohat buhs 7 How is it wied un guen cy
Buns a huumbe that upauCnt Hhe tnleavale
Lhlo whith
Lhlo uohith you want tD qsoup he wual clata
CLnp ut datay.
7h Lnvali muit be Londecutuu, non- owurlappma
and us ualy equal uze
A data pout Lncluded n a palucuula bin the
numbe u qLotun than thu lowul bound and
cqual to ot lets than the qu outiut bound 101 the
dala bui.
you 9m th bin Jange, Eacel CAalis a set of
Cutny diuti buttd bund heluoun the mun1mum
and maaimum valuu o the tnput data
Th fREQUENCY Junctun counl how dten u m e u c
valueOCCL un a u t c dala and uhu n

oktbutuon Liut hat ghows

Jsd (tewnt unge
a c h valut tn

at qiMLD nllual Chid). o u oL Mlica

FREUENCY HLluau th cluubulion
acount pe
humbes that piutnt
What dotabaA 7 Eaplaun how to impL
t a t t l un encel
Adatabasl ii a COUection o da1a thatu
AQanized, uohch u alio calledAiuctRd
4t can he LCLeLled sAtoHLd n a
Compu yitem
t t Can be ianaqedthiouah a Databae
Manaq0ment LLm DBMS), a soltuwaae
wAtd to manhe data.
Dataha HoLLA to Aulalud data in a1
AtiuctuALd oAm
Leps tn_Lmpoat l e t jil Ln Ael 0L
) Go to Aule>Open and"biowte to thu Location
that tontans t h leoct Lil
2 lact hot jilu in tha ils upt daopalouon
ist un theDpen dialog hon
)LocatL and olDubl click the leoLt pile that you
want D 0p en
14 thi l iu lot ulo (but),Eatul ctaatr the
ipot oat zald.ohn you asL_done outh
p , click Finuh to Lonmpleiu th lmpolt
t h pile iu csV il, Encel ths data
ptnu the teut Lile ahd displauys
LAL ubbons7 taplaun hou to pm a

h ubbon Ln MS euel to h Lop mat
LO tuks that pno uel thu uiw t h
leint acululus kuncthonalli
Home/ah. Lnset Tab
age Laycut fomulas
Data 6 ReNIeD

he ubbon CLn be uthi

ycu wosk
pLned unplnneol.
Lhen the Hibhon pLoned, taba and tommand

LOLLp a L uLLLbl
h e n he Lbbon LUnpunneal, Nc La iL

h t o b 4 but mot Lommand QQupA

cuck o toub, the Comniand qi0uyp
kubbon i
ollewnq ae ltps to pun tu

l fAL" Ct f1 to uel thL bben uLt

Cuck on any thu mu Llin
Vtw he uhon aqaun.
small pi icOn a
lip Nou you wull
hoeL uqht colnA the ubbon.
Clack oL1 t ph
bbo LA

0tu O ha spatadrheat

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