Facilitating Mobileand Virtual Work

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Vartiainen, M. (2008) Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work. In: Wangel, C. (Ed.) 21st
Century Management, A Reference Handbook, Vol. II, pp. 348-360. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.

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Matti Vartiainen
Aalto University


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Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work

Matti A. Vartiainen
Helsinki University of Technology

Working in Multiple Places one week. In addition I go to China, Indonesia, Russia, Thai-
land, and Vietnam.
The distribution and mobilization of activities in the cor- We typically have trade shows where I meet local clients.
porate value chain has increased dramatically over the last Usually during a week I try to focus my work so that for
decade and will continue to do so as these organizations example I visit four countries and cities during the same trip:
seek to reduce costs, get closer to their customers, ally Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. A one-day visit to each
themselves with other companies, and engage the best tal- to meet the local account team in the morning and to visit
ent, wherever it may be. customers in the afternoon.

Two Examples: Global Sales Force When traveling, they work in the company’s local office,
and Local Maintenance Workers at customers’ premises, in conference venues, and in hotels.
The purpose of moving is twofold: first, to meet and co-
A Global Sales Force work with their own local teams, and second, working with
customers to promote product sales. Diverse actors such as
A sales force is marketing tailored product and system media people, local politicians, researchers, and company
packages in developing countries. The manager has seven people are met. This brings with it various cultural, reli-
local workers and five others in China, Russia, Singapore, gious, and individual influences on the ways and contents
India, and the United States. The U.S. representative is of communication. Working times are a challenge. For
responsible for activities in Africa. In addition, every 2 to 3 example, an employee may start to work at 3:00 a.m. local
months an extended steering group, also including product time in order to be able to have a joint call conference with
managers, has its meeting. The meetings are supposed to be colleagues in Europe. And while working at home, he may
face-to-face, but often, customer appointments make this participate in a virtual meeting at 9:00 p.m. in order to have
impossible, and virtual meetings and call conferences are a joint meeting with American colleagues. The sales force
used instead for communication and decision making. is mainly occupied with temporary projects; when a task is
Employees consider the distribution of their working fulfilled, a project ends and a new one starts. Employees
locations, asynchronous ways of working, and the diversity consider face-to-face meetings important, especially for
of the people they meet to be the main complexity factors in convincing customers. When traveling, sales force employ-
their work (see Figure 84.1). They fly to their working des- ees use electronic connections sparingly.
tinations, passing through several time zones. Locally, they
also use cars and trains. For example, one of the employees Mobile Maintenance Employees in a City
described his trips as follows:
A large-scale engineering and facility management en-
I have around 80 travel days yearly. I often go to Latin Amer- terprise employs people globally, but its teams work locally.
ica. Usually I go there twice a month, each trip lasting around Workers are organized into groups of maintenance workers

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Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work • 349

Location: highly dispersed, main office in Europe,

company’s and customer sites
in developing countries, home

Mode of
Interaction: Mobility: global ‘nomad’,
face-to-face with flying a lot, from a day to week
clients and country in destination countries, working
team members, in multiple places
electically mediated
during trips to main
office, and from main
office and home to
team members and
clients abroad

Time: synchronous working

Diversity: both
from distant sites to home office
workmates and
and from there to other sites
clients are diverse
over time zones
from their culture
and language back-
grounds, but Temporariness: working sites,
common technical projects and co-workers change
interests make them often

Figure 84.1 Global sales force’s complexity factors (Hyrkkänen & Vartiainen 2005, p. 93)

Location: elevators and escalators inside the main

maintenance area, maintenance car, sometimes, home,
occasionally main office

Mode of
Interaction: Mobility: local mobility all day
Mediated through long
Palm computer
services, phone and
SMS, both formal and
informal; an informal
daily face-to-face
meeting between

Time: mostly synchronous working

Diversity: similarity
–“working alone in parallel
of team members, all
men have similar
education, religion, and
cultural backgrounds
Temporariness: permanent,
stabile group

Figure 84.2 Mobile maintenance workers’ complexity factors (Verburg, Testa, ­Hyrkkänen, & Johansson 2006, p. 278).

under one supervisor. In each city, there are several service contract, alarm situations demanding immediate response,
districts, each with its own responsible supervisor. The and possible on-call and specified tasks (Figure 84.2).
service districts are further divided into maintenance areas, The size of the maintenance area is some 20 to 30 square
each with one maintenance employee. Maintenance work kilometers. The weekly round per employee is roughly 50
consists of the service tasks defined in the maintenance to 100 kilometers. The number of estates to be serviced

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350 • Information and Knowledge with Mobility and Ethics

varies from 150 to 250 per person. Their daily visits vary competition in markets, (b) developments in technology, and
in number from 10 to 20, depending on how demanding (c) organizational and individual preferences and needs.
the maintenance tasks are. Sometimes a whole day can be A major driving force is the fact that work has shifted
spent at one location. Each employee uses a transit van for from agricultural- and industry-based work to informa-
transferring spare parts and maintenance equipment from tion- and knowledge-processing work. Many objects that
one service location to another. are exchanged are digital “objects” that can be sent over
The maintenance employee receive their work orders large distances in seconds. Many other exchange processes
and report the completed jobs via a palm computer. On refer to knowledge that is shared between professionals or
receiving work orders, the employees themselves “com- between experts and clients.
mission” monthly service lists into the palm computer, Another important trend is the increase in market com-
while in acute situations the customer service center sends a petition and the search for expertise and lower labor costs.
message to it. Reporting on the job takes place immediately India now has a large number of well-educated engineers,
after the work, directly from the job location. Electronic and China has a large labor market of cheap employees. The
work reports are the basis of the payroll and act as the basis availability of sound information and communication tech-
for client invoices. nology (ICT) infrastructures, for example, made the out-
Collaboration between the employees and contact be- sourcing of software development or call center services to
tween the team members and their supervisor are main- these countries a viable solution some years ago. The ongo-
tained by telephone, by palm computer, and with text mes- ing globalization of markets and businesses leads to higher
sages. The employee need not carry several tools with him. mobility requirements and widely distributed international
Service work also involves safety risks. Therefore, if the cooperation. Customers for products or services, and the
maintenance employee has not used the software applica- human resources needed to create a product or a service,
tion for one hour, the application sends an inquiry about are globally dispersed. Products and services are getting
the situation. more complex and, to an increasing extent, are being based
The employees drive directly from home to the service on knowledge from different domains and disciplines. This
area, where they start work at 7:00 a.m. and work until 4:00 means that they require growing efforts to bring together
p.m., after which they drive straight home. Employees as- and combine multiple expertise and competences in order
sist one another in tasks that cannot be completed alone, to create specific customer solutions.
for instance, for reasons of safety. This adds to their jobs, Technology is also a driving force through being an im-
as they need to move outside their maintenance areas. The portant enabler. Technological changes, particularly the de-
factors affecting the time spent on the move are not only velopments in digital and wireless technologies and mobile
the number of kilometers driven but also the 2 or 3 hours and internet services, create the possibility of work being
wasted in traffic jams in the city. done at any place and time. Hamill and Lasen (2005) called
The maintenance employees visit the main office per- this the “digital revolution” and found three key features
haps once every 2 weeks, mostly to pick up equipment for that characterize digital technology. First, it reduces text,
the maintenance vehicle. Once every 2 months they have a sound, picture, and film information, which leads to the
team meeting. Usually during these visits, they also meet convergence of devices. Second, it is easy to store informa-
their supervisor, with whom they communicate daily over tion, which with increasing miniaturization means that it is
the telephone. Both the employer and the employees are cheap to store large quantities of data. Third, information
content with this working mode. is easy to transmit and reproduce.
Mobile technology provides essential tools for physi-
Drivers of Mobile Virtual Work cally mobile employees and groups. Mobile tools are not
only devices but also applications and services. A physi-
The challenge of working in multiple places and while cally mobile employee also benefits from wired technolo-
moving is not new; some spearhead companies faced up to gies in the places he or she visits and works in. Mobile
it early and changed their workplace strategies and policies. and wireless technologies, however, are not equivalent, as
However, Andriessen and Vartiainen (2006) remarked that Hayes and Kuchinskas (2003) noted. Mobile is the ability
the majority of companies are still grappling with how to to carry a computing or connectivity device easily from
deal with this growing phenomenon. location to location. Wireless is the ability to connect to
A number of driving forces enable us to understand why remote servers to access information and applications via a
these types of work have rapidly gained momentum world- wireless network. Not all wireless devices are mobile—for
wide. Some of the driving forces are related to reducing example, stationary devices in the office that are connected
costs and increasing economic outcomes. Others grow out by Bluetooth or infrared—and not all mobile devices are
of the needs and preferences of employees. The driving wireless; sometimes a worker just needs to carry informa-
forces form an interwoven set of relationships. They can tion or applications with him or her on the job but does not
be clustered into (a) societal and economical forces such as need to connect remotely to servers.

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Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work • 351

Mobile business models aim to provide new ways to of this work system. The mobility of a team is shown as
benefit from wireless connections and mobile devices and their physical mobility when they use different locations
services by redefining standard work processes and by and move between them. From the perspective of tools,
increasing the ability to transfer information quickly to team members may also be virtually and mentally mobile,
employees, wherever and whenever. In principle, physical meaning that they work together in virtual work spaces,
and virtual mobility provides employees with the oppor- exchanging and sharing thoughts and ideas electronically
tunity to be near customers and, at the same time, to be in digital format and externalizing them as products, for
able to access joint enterprise resources, for example, data, example, documents and drawings. The object of work
guidelines, and work orders, from afar and while moving. In moves as well or is transported from one place to another
order to work, employees need a wireless network, devices, in physical (material) form or is transformed into electronic
applications, and support. In mobile business models, mo- (e.g., immaterial, digitalized, or virtual) form. In addition,
bility uses the capabilities of wireless networks to connect concrete tools—that is, technologies such as the means
computers, smart phones, cars, and household appliances. of production and communication, for example, mobile
Some like to talk about real-time enterprise—a business phones—are moved.
that eliminates the time lag in receiving critical information The physical mobility of employees is realized on at
and acting on it. least two levels: Individuals move alone as members of a
Finally, there are the individual preferences of employ- distributed team or organization, and teams and projects
ees, related for instance to dual-income households with move as a part of a dispersed organization or network using
partners who work at distant locations and to international different sites. Moving employees establish their “instant
mobility in travel and living including the desire to keep in office” by adapting to and using the environment at hand
contact with the office during vacations. and do so both repeatedly and quickly. If collaboration with
To summarize, market and work processes stimulate the distant colleagues is needed, this is possible with mobile,
work-demand side—that is, what needs to be done and how. wireless information and communication technologies. Mo-
Demographic and social changes influence the work-sup- bile employees travel, using ICT for communicating and
ply side—that is, the kinds of workers that are available, collaborating with others at different locations. Therefore,
their preferences, and their behavior. These changes force mobile work is also telework in its traditional meaning of
and enable organizations to develop new business strate- being performed out of the main office.
gies including increased shares of mobile virtual work in
business and work. The direct consequence of all this is Individual E-Work
to be found in the growth of distributed work processes,
network organizations, the physical mobility of workers, At the individual level, telework and remote work are
and intensive mediated interaction. This may bring many terms that refer to all kinds of work and work arrangements
advantages for the organization such as greater flexibility, carried out outside of a main office but related to it. In the
effectiveness, and innovativeness and for the employee such traditional terminology, telecommuting means the substitu-
as dynamic and enriched work contents and a more flexible tion of physical travel by work. Telecommuting is a special
integration of work and private life. But it is not yet clear case of the more common remote work, which refers to work
to what degree the new possibilities can bring risks. They performed away from a central work site (Olson & Primps
may lead to workaholic behavior, higher stress levels, and 1984, p. 98). In Europe, the term e-Work refers to all those
lower job satisfaction. The work-life balance at home may work practices that make use of information and communi-
be disturbed and interpersonal relations in the workplace cation technologies to increase efficiency, flexibility (in time
loosened. Not much is known about the working condi- and place), and sustainability of resource use. It is evident
tions and safety of workers at home and when traveling. that most of the employees in postindustrial societies are
Therefore, it is beneficial to identify and profile what types using information technologies in their work. E-Work, how-
of mobile and virtual work (MVW) can be found, before ever, includes specific types of work (Electronic Commerce
analyzing their implications and success conditions and and Telework Trends [ECATT] 2000, pp. 8–11).
developing guidelines for MVW settings that are both ef-
fective and sustainable. a. Home-based telework is the most widely recognized and
best known type of e-Work. The majority of teleworkers
divide their time between the home and the office, and they,
Types of Mobility
therefore, are called “alternating teleworkers.” Individuals
Many things in work can be mobile. It helps to think of who spend more than 90% of their working time at home are
work as a system consisting of several interrelated com- called “permanent teleworkers.” “Supplementary telework-
ponents: an employee or a group working purposefully ers” are those who spend less than one full day per week
using tools to handle objects of work in some working teleworking from home. They are also called “occasional
environment. Mobility is related to all the components teleworkers” to distinguish them from regular teleworkers.

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352 • Information and Knowledge with Mobility and Ethics

b. Self-employed teleworkers in SOHOs (small office home without changing it, (f) whether there is a limitation of the
office) are private entrepreneurs such as consultants or work area, and (g) the distance between locations. Time
plumbers working and communicating with their contrac- criteria are (a) the frequency of changing location, (b) the
tors, partners, and clients by means of new technologies. time spent moving between work locations, and (c) the time
The critical difference between teleworkers in SOHOs and spent at a certain work location if not moving. Each type of
home-based teleworkers is their market position as self- mobile work has its constitutive criterion. On-site movers
employed. work in a limited work area, yo-yos return to a main of-
fice, pendulums have two recurrent work locations, nomads
c. Mobile workers are those who agreed with the question: “In
work in more than two places, and carriers cannot do their
the last four weeks, have you spent any of your working time
work at a fixed location while moving.
away from your home and from your main place of work,
The categories of micromobility (desk-based), multi-
e.g. on business trips, in the field, travelling or on customer’s
mobility (campus), and total mobility are also fruitful. The
premises?” (Lilischkis & Meyer 2003, p. 8). High-intensity
micro­mobility of an employee—that is, in-house and on-site
mobile workers are those who do so for 10 hours or more
mobility—increases primarily because of the implementa-
per week. In both cases, commuting to work is not included.
tion of the open office “flexispace” concept. Flexispace is a
Mobile e-Work is defined as high-intensity mobile work in
generic, adaptable space that can be used for a wide range
the course of which an online connection to the Internet
of activities. Campus mobility, that is, city-level mobility,
and/or to company computer systems is being used.
grows from the need for multiple face-to-face meetings with
colleagues, clients, subcontractors, and partners in different
Types of Individual Physical Mobility nearby places. The use of individual wireless tools increases
the potential for work in different places. Employees use
For the identification of physically mobile employees, visitors’ working places at other sites belonging to the
Lilischkis (2003) used a topology based on the dimen- company in the district, and work at home as well. Together
sions of space and time (Figure 84.3). Space criteria are with flexible working hours, this may also make possible a
(a) the number of locations, (b) the recurrence of loca- better work-life balance and result in savings regarding total
tions, (c) whether there are headquarters to return to, transportation times and distances. Fully mobile employees
(d) whether work takes place while moving or at a desti- are nomadic, moving all the time, for example, journalists,
nation, (e) whether work can take place at fixed locations multisite managers, and global sales persons.


Figure 84.3 Types of physically mobile employees (Gareis 2006; 22 based on Lilischkis 2003; Schaffers, Brodt, Pallot, & Prinz 2006).

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Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work • 353

Distributed Collaboration may be the same in both. Conventional team members

jointly solve problems that are just as demanding and per-
Types of Distributed Collaboration form tasks that are just as creative as is the case with
distributed teams. When studying the differences from the
Whatever the organizational structure, groups and teams viewpoint of contextual complexity, members of conven-
are its basic units. Virtual teams are groups of people who tional teams, as well as of distributed teams, often multitask
work interdependently with a shared purpose across space and divide their efforts and time between several groups or
and time, using technology to communicate and collaborate projects, work only temporarily in a team, and are diverse
(Lipnack & Stamps 2000). Virtuality is a team characteristic in terms of their members’ backgrounds and personal char-
that refers to the degree to which collaboration technologies acteristics.
are used; this is usually related to the degree of geographi- The remaining three characteristics of contextual com-
cal distribution. In a similar manner, physical mobility plexity, however, make the difference between distributed
is just one feature of team working. Martins, Gilson, and teams and conventional teams more clearly visible. These
Maynard (2004) concluded in their comparison of virtual are (a) geographical distance (i.e., crossing spatial bound-
team definitions that the majority of definitions are founded aries), (b) mode of interaction (i.e., the way information,
on the condition that teams rely on technology-mediated data, and personal communication are exchanged), and (c)
communication while crossing different boundaries such as the physical mobility of team members. Distributed teams’
those of geography, time, and organization. Geographical members work in multiple locations, communicate mainly
distance refers to different employee locations, time refers electronically, and often move from place to place.
to working asynchronously in different time zones, and However, distributed groups and teams vary as well. At
team refers to team members who often come from different one end of the scale, distributed teams possess multiple
organizations or organizational units. characteristics of conventional work groups such as all
Virtual teams have many forms as they operate in a members working in fixed places, though they are distrib-
variety of environments that have different purposes and uted. At the other end, there are the “ideal types” or pro-
internal regulative processes to adapt to their environments. totypical global, highly mobile, virtual teams and projects
Bell and Kozlowski (2002) proposed that this variety of such as management, marketing and sales teams, and new
goals, tasks, contexts, and processes needed for internal product design teams whose members may constantly move
regulation “produces” different types of teams. Common and may never meet each other face-to-face.
goals and tasks vary according to their complexity; that In practice, teams and projects are only seldom fully
is, tasks are routine or creative, and they are less or more distributed and “virtual” in the sense of being at the extreme
interdependent of each other. The contextual complexity ends of the six characteristics: All members, different in
may vary in six characteristics (Vartiainen 2006, p. 30): terms of their backgrounds, move and work temporarily
(a) location, for example, the geographical distance of em- and asynchronously together over large distances using
ployees working in a group; (b) mobility, for example, the only ICT for their communication. The six characteristics
number of monthly travel days; (c) time, for example, syn- of contextual complexity are closely related to and de-
chronous or asynchronous collaboration in different time pendent on each other: A change in one of them results in
zones; (d) temporariness, for example, employees working changes in some or all of the others. Two examples are the
temporarily in projects or in a permanent team; (e) diversity, greater the distance is between distributed employees, the
for example, the composition of a team; and (f) the mode greater the use of ICT is for collaboration, and the greater
of interaction, for example, the frequency of face-to-face the physical mobility of an employee is, the more likely he
meetings. The task content and the context characteristics or she is to meet and collaborate with people from diverse
of a team create needs to organize intragroup processes and backgrounds.
social support in such a manner that the team can survive. In addition to variation in spatial distance, media use,
Next, the differences between different team types are ex- and the mobility of team members, distributed virtual teams
plored in detail by using task and contextual complexities may also vary in the three other characteristics of contextual
as differentiating factors. complexity: time asynchronicity, temporariness, and diver-
sity. The combinations of these characteristics yield many
Conventional, Distributed, Virtual, and Mobile Teams possible types of distributed teams, only one of them being
a fully virtual team.
Conventional teams comprise members who work to- In summary, it can be seen that groups and teams are
gether in the same location and communicate face-to-face. complex entities, because their purposes, tasks, working
Other terms that have been used as synonyms include tradi- contexts, and the intragroup processes needed to adapt
tional teams, face-to-face teams, and co-located teams. vary greatly. All these factors are interlinked in such a way
Task complexity itself does not differentiate distributed that a change in one of them influences others. Therefore,
teams from conventional teams; the variation of task de- only rough categories of team types can be presented (see
mands from simple to complex and their interdependence Figure 84.4). Conventional groups and teams differ from

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354 • Information and Knowledge with Mobility and Ethics


Conventional Distributed Virtual Mobile virtual


Face-to -face, Different + Electonic +Physical mobility

here and now locations communication
and collabotation

Figure 84.4 Types of groups and teams by increasing contextual complexity (Vartiainen et al. 2007)

distributed, virtual, and mobile teams especially in three Working in Multiple Spaces
characteristics: the geographical distance between their
members, the mode of interaction, and physical mobility. Multiple Workplaces
Conventional groups and teams are co-located, commu-
nicate face-to-face, and work toward a joint goal here and The use of different locations characterizes a mobile
now. workforce. Gareis, Lilischkis, and Mentrup (2006) sug-
The main types of nonconventional teams, however, are gested that to categorize teleworkers either as “home-based”
(a) distributed, (b) virtual, and (c) mobile virtual teams. or as “mobile” distracts attention from the fact that many
Team members working in different locations and their geo- teleworkers spend their working time at a number of dif-
graphical distance from each other make a distributed team. ferent locations, among which the home is only one option
A team becomes virtual when group members communicate (Table 84.1). This trend has obviously been made possible
and collaborate with each other from different locations via by mobile technologies, which have liberated work from
electronic media and do not meet each other face-to-face. being bound to a particular space and time. For this phe-
Physical mobility of group members adds a new feature to nomenon, the term “multilocational telework” is used. It
distributed work. Mobile, virtual teams are always distrib- implies that people work wherever it suits their work tasks,
uted; however, not all distributed, virtual teams are mobile. business schedule, and/or lifestyle.
Virtuality, as in the use of ICT for communication and Table 84.1 shows the share of those teleworking from
collaboration, makes a team into a distributed virtual team one of the locations (columns) who also do telework at each
or mobile virtual team. In conclusion, it can be said that of the other locations (rows). For example, of those persons
mobile virtual teams are the most complex types of teams teleworking from the home (a), 11.5% also work at another
to lead and manage. location belonging to their employer and use online con-
nections to stay in contact when doing so.
As another example, 42.5% of those who
Table 84.1 Facilitating Mobile And Virtual Work telework on the move (e) also spend time
teleworking from home.
(a) at (b) on (d) at a
home or another (c) at hotel/
the same site of customers/ meeting (e) on the Embedded Spaces
Base → grounds employer clients venue move
While staying and working in multiple
at home or 100.0 40.4 42.2 39.1 42.5 locations, people are simultaneously em-
the same bedded in their virtual and social spaces.
grounds The working contexts are combinations
on another 11.5 100.0 52.5 57.4 55.6 of these spaces and can be outlined from
site of both individual and collective perspectives.
employer From the individual point of view, each
at customers/ 17.4 76.0 100.0 64.6 71.9 individual exists in a psychological field
of forces that determines and limits his or
at a hotel/ 9.2 47.4 36.9 100.0 50.1
her behavior. This implies and underlines
venue the meaning of personal perceptions and
on the move 14.2 65.2 58.3 71.0 100.0
interpretations of the contexts in use. The
well-known classic social scientist Lewin
Gareis, Kordey, & Müller 2004, p. 25; all multilocational workers; BISER RPS 2003, weighted (1951) called this psychological field

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Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work • 355

the “life space.” It is a highly subjective space that deals environments consisting of various tools and media for in-
with the world as the individual sees it. The life space is, dividual employees, groups, and whole organizations. The
however, according to Lewin, embedded in the objective Internet and intranet provide a platform to communicate,
elements of physical and social fields. As life space de- collaborate, and find knowledge both with simple tools
scribes individual contexts, the concept of “ba” (Nonaka, (e.g., e-mail, audio conferencing, videoconferencing, chat,
Toyama, & Konno 2000)1 focuses on shared contexts, in group calendar, document management, presence aware-
which knowledge is created, shared, and utilized by those ness, and findability tools) and with collaborative work-
who interact and communicate there, as often happens in ing environments (e.g., personal digital assistants [PDAs],
collaborative knowledge work. Ba does not just mean a smart phones, groupware systems, and social software, e.g.,
physical space, but a specific time and space that integrates Weblogs, wikis, instant messaging, chat, and other com-
layers of spaces. In this way, ba unifies the physical space munications systems that host many-to-many interactions,
such as an office premises, the virtual space such as e-mail, support group, and community interaction).
and the mental or social space such as common experiences, Harrison, Wheeler, and Whitehead (2004) called the
ideas, values, and ideals shared by people with common combination of physical work settings and virtual space
goals as a working context. Physical, virtual, and mental a “workscape.” The term workscape2 refers to the “layers
or social places are particular areas or positions in spaces of where we work”—that is, the constellation of (a) real
in relation to others where individual workers and groups and virtual work settings (i.e., furniture + IT), within (b)
of people collaborate. The workplaces that virtual mobile particular spaces (i.e., meeting rooms, project areas, cafés,
employees use are described in the following sections by etc.), that are, again, (c) located in a specific environment
using the three shared space categories. (i.e., office building, city district, street, home, airport, bus,
etc.). Together they form a hybrid work environment. As
Physical Spaces Morville (2005) noted, the challenge is how to design and
select tools for mobility when we cannot predict the context
The physical environments that mobile employees use of the mobile user. The only way out is to install interfaces
for working are divided into five categories: (a) home; (b) in all the physical spaces in use—a world where we can find
the main workplace (i.e., main office); (c) moving places anyone or anything from anywhere at any time does not ex-
such as cars, trains, planes, and ships; (d) a customer’s and ist yet, though we are headed in that direction.
partner’s premises or their own company’s other premises
(other workplaces); and (e) hotels, cafés, and so forth (third Mental/Social Spaces
workplaces). As they all can be used for work purposes,
they could all be referred to by the general term offices. So A mental/social space refers to the cognitive constructs,
the office is a place where work takes place. For example, thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and mental states that employees
van Meel (2000) distinguished locations that knowledge share. Creating and forming joint mental spaces requires
workers use for their work into communication and collaboration such as exchanging ideas
in face-to-face or in virtual dialogs.
• central office, that is, a building where the workplaces of As a summary, the working contexts of individuals and
the employees from the same office or department are lo- groups are today combinations of physical, virtual, mental/
cated; social, and cultural working spaces, especially in collabora-
• telework office, that is, a workplace that is physically dis- tive work (Figure 84.5). The use of various spaces varies,
connected from the central office; depending on the type of work and interdependence of the
• satellite office, that is, a telework office provided by the tasks to be done. Individual telework in solitude at home
employer; without virtual connections to others is an extreme and
• business office, that is, a telework office provided by a com- rather rare case. Usually home-based teleworkers commu-
mercial provider; nicate sporadically with superiors and colleagues face-to-
• guest office, that is, an office located in the building of a face by commuting to the main office. When employees are
principal or client organization; working in multiple locations, the combination and empha-
• home office, that is, a workplace located in the residence of sis of their spaces are different from co-located employees,
an employee; and just because of the greater number of physical places they
• instant office, that is, a workplace instantly created by the rotate and use. Still, they need not communicate virtually.
user in a place that is not primarily designed for office work The significance of virtual spaces grows when members of
(e.g., airport lounge, train, etc.). a distributed team communicate and collaborate from dif-
ferent locations with each other. They not only are distrib-
Virtual Spaces uted in physical places but also simultaneously use virtual
places (videoconferencing and documents shared on the
A virtual space refers to an electronic working environ- intranet), and they are related to other team members who
ment, to a virtual work space, or to collaborative working must share common goals (social space) to be able to reach

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356 • Information and Knowledge with Mobility and Ethics


Figure 84.5 Types of work spaces in mobile and virtual work (Vartiainen et al. 2007)

the aim and possibly to share common ideas, beliefs, and The working days of many mobile knowledge workers
values (mental space). are blurred, as there is no specific time or place at which it
is possible for work to start or end. People work all the time
both in solitude, virtually asynchronously, and synchro-
Enabling Mobile Work nously, online and in face-to-face collaboration with others
when visiting their offices. It is often rather difficult to
Benefits and Drawbacks of separate working in solitude from collaborative work, even
Working in Multiple Places when working at home. Working in solitude takes place
in “pseudoprivacy,” that is, it is interrupted by numerous
Working in multiple places and while moving to them e-mails, text messages, calls, and online virtual meetings.
has its benefits and drawbacks for both an employer and an The increasing findability and awareness of others’ loca-
employee. For example, some companies use teleworking tions and availability reduces the feeling of autonomy and
or remote working as a way to avoid transportation prob- increases that of external controllability. Thus, the nature
lems and adapt to environmental legislation. Others want of work seems to have become more blurred at several
to increase the size of their labor pool by including people levels.
that would not otherwise be able to work such as disabled It, however, is possible that new flexible ways of work-
workers or not willing to work such as an expert with rare ing and the implementation of a new workplace strategy are
competences who wants to stay at their present residence. a win-win situation for both companies and employees. It
Still other organizations have an even more human-centric seems that employees look for more autonomy and control
view and want to reduce employee stress resulting from over their work, as well as a better balance between work,
commuting and balancing home and work life. Critical family life, and leisure. Next, the benefits and drawbacks of
voices claim that organizing work in multiple places in mobile multilocational work are described from the view-
effective ways just offers an additional way of intensifying point of five types of physical places.
work. Nevertheless, the most common goal and the crucial From a company’s point of view, working at home re-
driver for companies is the desire to reduce costs and in- duces the need for office premises and transportation and
crease profitability. the costs associated with them. Reduced transportation

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Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work • 357

results in a reduction of traffic congestion and air pollution. Little is known about working in moving workplaces.
The ability to work at home may also attract and retain Once again, a company can save on the costs of premises,
certain highly valued employees, thus broadening the work- and it is better able to respond to customers’ needs. On the
force pool. On the other hand, companies’ responsibilities other hand, providing employees with communication tools
based on legislation (e.g., example insurance liabilities) increases costs. There is no direct control over employees,
increase. Management control over work performance is as tracking them may be unethical. From the employees’
lost as the visibility of employees is lower. Employees may point of view, there is an opportunity to interact with inter-
commit only weakly to the organization, and there are chal- esting strangers and go to exotic places to work. Traveling
lenges to renew bases of compensation. Building a home also provides chances to be alone and to think and reflect.
office, for example, furniture, equipment, rent, and addi- The opportunities to concentrate on reading, writing, using
tional media lines, also costs money. From an employee’s a mobile phone, and consulting documents also increase.
viewpoint, working at home can result in increased feelings On the other hand, the main challenge is the necessity to
of autonomy and self-control over time. Homes are places adapt to changing environments again and again. What is
where interruptions at the office can be avoided and where possible in one space is not possible in another. There also
one can do work that needs concentration. The time used seems to be some difference between working in public
is increased because of no commuting. There is freedom places such as trains and working in a private car. Public
to choose when to work and when to have personal time. transport throws large numbers of strangers together in en-
This may lead to a higher quality of personal life and more closed spaces under each other’s observation and leads to
effective work. On the contrary, “workaholism” may be unwanted interaction with strangers. The car allows drivers
exacerbated. The main challenge is work spilling over into more choice as to their types of social encounters. In order
family life and leisure time and is the balance between to work, it is necessary to take along numerous devices to
these. Additionally, there are also interruptions at home communicate and collaborate, though missing power sock-
if children are small. Work space can be inadequate and ets are a common nuisance.
separate working places are costly. Because of reduced staff From a company’s viewpoint, “other workplaces” such
interaction, there is a lack of social contact and isolation as satellite and telework offices also usually reduce costs
from the flow of information, support, and help from man- per square meter because of their location away from busi-
agement and colleagues. A deterioration of the relationship ness centers. Working in them may also promote environ-
with supervisors may harm promotion prospects. mental protection by reducing traffic congestion, energy
Open areas in main offices save companies money as consumption, air pollution, and the number of commutes.
more people are using the same number of square meters. They may also increase the availability of skilled personnel.
The dilemma of open offices is whether they should be a Alternatively, there are extra costs related to communica-
social setting or a place to concentrate full-time on task tion and collaboration technologies. Remote management
execution. There is also more interaction between manag- is a challenge as indicators to measure performance may be
ers and their teams (if that is valuable), which also results missing, as well as guidelines on how to act. In some cases,
in quicker decisions because of enhanced communication. protecting company secrets represents a challenge. From an
On the other hand, employees may be reluctant to give up employee’s viewpoint, working near home may bring about
their own space. Not all work can be done in an open of- a better quality of life, though working far from the main
fice. Too high a density may become counterproductive, office may disconnect an employee from his or her work
and the size of teams may create occasional space shortage, community. Working in a satellite office near the home
resulting in scheduling conflicts. Investments in equipment helps in avoiding the harmful mixing of work and family
and training are also probable. From the employees’ point life, compared to teleworking at home. In addition to saving
of view, working in the same space encourages interaction time, the reduced commuting time to and from the main of-
and the potential for rich and fluent communication. This fice reduces employee stress related to commuting. On the
increases social support and feedback from colleagues. other hand, social contacts with peers and preserving one’s
Business is performed in a spontaneous, informal, and flex- professional identity are challenges.
ible manner, which increases both explicit and tacit learn- There may be feelings of disconnectedness from the
ing. Alternatively, many studies show that work in offices organization. Working in satellite office may also impede
is frequently interrupted, which may seriously reduce work interoffice communication because of technological limi-
productivity. Difficulties in concentrating increase because tations such as missing power sockets and wireless con­
of uncontrolled noises and interruptions such as uninvited nections,
chatting and being asked questions about work and distur- Third workplaces include hotels, cafés, and conference
bances created by meetings within the space. The feeling venues, as well as the public areas and lounges of airports.
of privacy is lost. Two or several people may compete to They are quickly available and easy to access. Their benefits
use the same desk and may not find a place to work. Stor- from a company’s point of view once more concentrate on
age can be problematic. Nevertheless, offices are places cutting costs. Working in these places also means more
for meetings and dialogs, which are necessary for creating working hours. On the contrary, if they are in permanent
something new and for decision making. use, the public image of the company may suffer. Investing

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358 • Information and Knowledge with Mobility and Ethics

in the technologies that are needed is not without its costs. support mobile virtual work and collaboration. It seems to
Additionally, protecting confidential information is a chal- be possible to combine a company’s economic benefit with
lenge. From the viewpoint of third place owners, the pos- the work-life balance and satisfaction of its employees. This
sibility of working may attract new customers, as happens requires flexibility strategies and well-defined policies from
in cafés. From an individual viewpoint, feelings of freedom the company’s side.
and control over time and schedule may increase. Easy ac- As work becomes more geographically distributed and
cess contrarily may reduce the ability to separate work from is mobile, strains develop that reveal latent and often un-
personal life. Privacy and personal space are missing, and examined dimensions of collaboration. Management typi-
there may be interruptions. Reduced social interaction with cally has to rely more on results than on the supervision
coworkers results in the loss of opportunities to learn from and direct control of behavior that are typical of traditional
others. The technological infrastructure and devices that are organizations. The motivation of employees and social
needed in order really to be able to work are often lacking. bonding—two of the major benefits of face-to-face com-
In all, there seems to be the dilemma of control versus munication—have to be at least partly accomplished in
trust and empowerment from the viewpoint of management, other ways. With increased dependence on communica-
and the dilemma of full findability versus autonomy and tions, communication and collaboration tools substitute for
work-life balance from the viewpoint of employees. The face-to-face information. The increased autonomy of the
change from the one-place office—be it home or any other individual requires more explicit articulation of the formal
permanent place—to the multiple-place office, which could and informal contracts that bind him or her to the purposes
be called a mobile virtual office for multilocational collab- of the organization.
orative work, is a long jump. It may increase employees’ A psychological contract represents the mutual beliefs,
self-regulation, control, productivity, happiness, and time perceptions, and informal obligations between an employer
spent with clients because of reduced commuting time and, and an employee. It sets the dynamics for the relationship
especially, reduced space and occupancy costs. At the same and defines the detailed practicality of the work to be done.
time, it may reduce professional and social interaction be- It is distinguishable from a formal written contract of em-
tween employees and between employees and management, ployment, which, for the most part, identifies only mutual
reducing employees’ rights and connections to the organi- duties and responsibilities in a generalized form. The roles
zation, and upset the balance between work and life. and practices of participating employees must necessarily
shift in order to maximize the benefits arising from the new
Managing a Mobile Workforce mobile work situation. Good team members know how to
exploit the skills and expertise of others, but the mutual
Uncertainty and the need for continuous change have understanding that makes such behavior possible is more
implications for mobile work management strategies. As difficult to achieve with greater dispersion and mobility of
Ashby’s (1958) law of requisite variety says, the greater the team members. There is a loss of subtlety in communica-
variety in environment of a system, the greater the variety tion from not being able to see facial expressions and bodily
that should be within the system to adapt properly to its gestures and from not being able to share informal moments
environment. The changes in workplace strategy and alter- between substantive exchanges. Moreover, when relation-
native officing have great effects on the organization, its hu- ships with other team members become restricted to formal
man resources functions, and on the required technologies. occasions that are strictly to do with project purposes, a
Multilocational virtual work challenges the social functions diminution of the opportunity for further communication
of a traditional organization such as socializing, commit- can arise in informal situations.
ment, knowledge sharing, and organizational learning. The The traditional hierarchical organization based on direct
challenge is to develop a model for which alternative work control by superiors and colleagues is dissolving and being
options are the norm. This requires a fundamental change replaced by flexible networked, often temporary, work con-
of mind-set. nections, that is, grouplike work. Grouplike means flexibly
New types of work are challenges for managers and organized tasks and employees participating simultaneously
workplace designers, as well as for human resources and in several professional and informal groups, organizations,
knowledge management specialists, not to mention em- and communities.
ployees themselves, who should change their mind-sets to The contents of recruiting and training employees have
be able to adapt to and participate in the change. Helping to be reconsidered. Not everyone is suited to working in a
corporations to gain the competence to design the infra- mobile virtual manner, perhaps for work-family-leisure-
structure to support and enable this distributed mobile work balance reasons, for example. The integration of new­comers
is at the core of helping them to be productive and agile. into a mobile work environment is a challenge because
The alignment of work, space, people, and information they traditionally learn “tacitly” by observing, experiment-
technology, in fact, has become a practical necessity for all ing, and acquiring information from supervisors and co­
organizations. workers.
There are many now long-lived and still-growing good Information and communication technologies are the
examples of company policies and practices to successfully enablers of multilocational work. From the technological

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Facilitating Mobile and Virtual Work • 359

viewpoint, the multilocational mobile office implies em- The mobile network society deepens and diffuses the network
ployees equipped with laptop computers and smart phones society. . . . First on the basis of networks of electronic ex-
with wireless access to an information network working at change, next with the development of networks of computers,
home and clients’ offices, on the move, and in hotels. When then with the Internet, powered and extended by the World
they sometimes come to the office to meet their colleagues Wide Web. Wireless communication technologies diffuse the
and superiors, they log onto the intranet, where they can networking logic of social organization and social practice
find the databases that may not have been accessed from everywhere, to all contexts—on the condition of being on the
a distance for security reasons. Electronic communication mobile Net. (p. 258)
and collaboration can replace social contact to some degree,
but not fully. Management have to change their mind-sets, know the
In all, it is a question of developing and using such work- needs of their workforces, and develop a new workplace
place strategies and policies that align places, people, and strategies and policies that combine premises, technologi-
technologies and that are able to manage change. cal, and human resources management together.

Future Developments Notes

1. Ba roughly means place. The concept was originally pro-

The prevalence of new types of work has increased rap- posed by the Japanese philosopher Nishida (1921) and further de-
idly during the last ten years and will continue to do so. veloped by Shimizu (1995; see also Nonaka et al. 2000, p. 14).
For example, Gareis et al. (2006) showed that telework in 2. The concept of a workscape was initially developed by
Europe, including home-based telework (at least one day/ Becker and Steele in their book Workplace by Design (as cited in
week), supplementary home-based work, mobile e-Work, Harrison et al. 2004, p. 56).
and freelance telework in SOHOs increased from 6% in
1999 to 13% in 2002. In Britain, the number of people using
their home in order to work in a variety of places—that is, References and Further Reading
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the last two decades. This accounted for around 2.1 million Andriessen, J. H. E., & Vartiainen, M. (Eds.). (2006). Mobile
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Walters 2005, p. 59). ITAC, the Telework Advisory Group
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vious month, of 135.4 million American workers, 45.1 (Eds.), Global challenges to work place health and safety.
million worked from home, 24.3 million people worked Ashby, W. R. (1958). Requisite variety and its implications for the
at clients’ or customers’ places of business, 20.6 million control of complex systems. Cybernitica, 1, 83–99.
worked in their cars, 16.3 million worked while on vaca- Baecker, R. M. (1993). Readings in groupware and computer-
tion, 15.1 million worked at parks or outdoor locations, and supported cooperative work assisting human-human col-
7.8 million worked while on trains or airplanes. The study laboration. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
of Uhmavaara et al. (2005) in Finland showed that, at one Bell, B. S., & Kozlowski, S. W. J. (2002). A typology of virtual
time or another, 40% of employees worked either from teams: Implications for effective leadership. Group & Orga-
home, on business trips, at customers’ workplaces, or at nization Management, 27(1), 14–49.
Castells, M., Fernández-Ardévol, M., Qiu, J. L., & Sey, A. (2007).
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Mobile communication and society: A global perspective.
Geister, and Konradt (2005) reported a survey among 376 Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
business managers in Germany that revealed that about Electronic Commerce and Telework Trends. (2000). Benchmark-
20% of the managers worked predominantly as members ing progress on new ways of working and new forms of busi-
of virtual teams, and about 40% worked at least temporar- ness across Europe: ECATT final report. IST programme,
ily in virtual teams. This is equivalent to the prevalence in KAII: New methods of work and electronic commerce. Bonn,
North America as shown in the summary of Martins et al. Germany: Empirica. [Electronic version]. Retrieved 2 Sep-
(2004): more than one half of the companies with more than tember 2007 from <http://www.ecatt.com/freport/ECaTT-
5,000 employees use virtual teams and 60% of professional Final-Report.pdf>.
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