ps3 Long-Range Plans Grade 1 2

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Long-Range Plans for Grade 1/2

Dates: January 8, 2024 - April 19, 2024

Ecole Brentwood Elementary School

School and Classroom Information

Classroom 26 Students 15 Grade 2 Students 11 Grade 1 Students


Report Card Dates Report cards go home on March 18 Parent-teacher interviews on March 21

Student Supports Students who leave the classroom for support

- Occupational Therapy
- Math Club
- Early Literacy

Teaching Subjects

Subject Units and Topics

Science Energy: Light and Sound Earth Systems

Grade 2 Curriculum Grade 2 Curriculum

Social Studies Community Past

Grade 1 Curriculum Grade 1 Curriculum

Physical Education Games and Mission Games and Basketball Games and Curling Games and Badminton

Health Character Education Kindness Nutrition Safety

January 2024 - April 2024

Subject and Main

Outcomes Key Concepts Activities Assessment
Unit Resources
Check-In Assignment Page
- What is energy - Five Check-Ins this month. Students
- where does the Energy Presentation will complete a small worksheet with
sound come from questions from the previously
- natural Energy Student completed topic. I will take these in
Relate vibration to the
- man-made Workbook and assess what is understood and
production of sound. - How does the ear what topics may need to be reviewed
 work Energy again. I will observe and question
Identify sources of sound. - outer Centers Assessments Observing and questioning
Science  - inner - check-ins - students in the classroom, the
Listen to sounds and - middle Experiments - sound students questions they ask and their
describe their characteristics. - Characteristics of - as a class device participation and effort in class to do
Energy - sound - small groups planning activities. I will also be asking
 - pitch and questions and judging their
Sound Safely explore the production - duration Inquiry-based projects project understanding.
and behaviour of sound. - volume rubric Projects
 - reflection Reflection - ear - Sound device - using their knowledge
Build a device to change the - refraction protection of sounds to create a device that alters
behaviour of sound. - absorptions poster sound characteristics
- Indigenous examples (extra) - Ear Protection Poster
of sound Experiments
- Building a sound Videos - looking at observations and
altering device conclusions they make related to the
concepts of sound
Observation and Questioning

What are some familiar Anchor Charts

- students in the classroom, the
students questions they ask and their
landmarks and places in my Student Workbook
participation and effort in class to do
community? - what buildings make Videos
Social a community Videos
activities. I will also be asking
questions and judging their
Studies Why are these landmarks - what type of Project - pairs or
understanding. Observe if students are
and places significant landmarks does my individual All videos and books
engaged and contributing to the
features of the community? community have are described in the
activities and discussion in the unit
- what is important Collaborative activities unit plan
What are some differences about certain
My World - between rural and urban landmarks - what Discussions Anchor charts Student workbooks and activity pages
Community communities? purpose do they
serve? Books Games - Glancing and checking in on the
Where is my community on a student's workbooks to see if they are
map or on a globe? Games
keeping up, following along and
understanding the concepts we work
Students refine and apply Observation
spatial awareness across a - Participation: are the students trying
Physical variety of physical activity their best and trying to improve their
- how to work as a Group Activities Gym Equipment
Education contexts.
team - dodgeballs
- Safety: are the students acting
- inclusions and Skill building - bean bags
Students modify movement to appropriately, wearing proper
participation - motion - cones
improve control and footwear, following the rules
- honesty and integrity - refinement - pinnies
efficiency. - Teamwork: students are expected to
Games and - skills development - practice
work with others and involve them in
- communication Some ideas for
Mission Students demonstrate
Team building games from this
the team
teamwork and support Notes
Impossible participation in a variety of
- notes about the outcomes and skills
physical activities. listed above

Observation - can they identify emotions in

Health - self-regulation Emotions Journalling My Emotions themselves and others
- positive and negative SlideShow
Exploration of life
emotions Discussions Questioning - can they identify emotions in
opportunities and - identifying emotions My Emotions Journal themselves and others
virtues develop in others Books
Character resilience and personal - identify ways and Emotions Puzzle My Feelings Journal - can they identify what they
Development talents and promote resources (people, Centers feel when they experience certain emotions and
community, activities) Reflecting Anchor Chart what leads to them
- lifelong learning. that can help regulate
Emotions emotions Group collaboration Heart Map Heart Map - Can they identify strategies to turn
negative emotions into positive

Check-In Assignment Page

- ThreeCheck-Ins this month. Students
will complete a small worksheet with
Books Student Workbook questions from the previously
completed topic. I will take these in
Identify sources of light. - identify sources of
Investigations Presentation and assess what is understood and
light (sun, electricity,
(individual and what topics may need to be reviewed
Conduct an investigation to collective) Supplies for again. I will observe and question
Science - identify how light
experiments Observing and questioning
determine how the path of travels (reflection,
Videos - students in the classroom, the
light can be affected. refraction)
Books questions they ask and their
Energy - Light - How light behaves
Conters participation and effort in class to do
Examine how natural objects (paths of light)
Videos activities. I will also be asking
- how light affects
affect the path of sunlight Group Work questions and judging their
natural objects
(all linked in the unit understanding.
Individual Work plan) Experiments
February - looking at observations and
conclusions they make related to the
concepts of sound

Student Workbook My Community Puzzle

What are some familiar Projects
- Students will be required to draw three
landmarks and places in my - Why are landmarks
Presentations landmarks based of the criteria listed
community? important? Videos
Social - What do certain
in the unit assessment plan. Shows
Supplies for knowledge of landmarks and what
Studies Why are these landmarks landmarks/places do? Anchor charts
Landmark model their importance is to the community
and places significant - What landmarks do
Landmark Model Project
features of the community? we have in our Individual and
Anchor charts and - Students work individually or in pairs
My World - community collective activities
posters to recreate a Strathmore landmark and
What are some differences - Where are the
Community between rural and urban landmarks in our Drawing and colouring
list three things about that landmark
Games and activity Observing and questioning
communities? community
materials - students in the classroom, the
Games and activities
students' questions they ask and their
Where is my community on a Books participation and effort in class to do
map or on a globe? activities. I will also be asking
questions and judging their
understanding. Observe if students are
engaged and contributing to the
activities and discussion in the unit

- Students learn a new Individual work and - Participation: are the students trying
Students refine and apply Gymnasium
skill (BASKETBALL) practice their best and trying to improve their
spatial awareness across a
- how to skills
Physical variety of physical activity Basketballs
dribble Working together to - Safety: are the students acting
Education - how to practice appropriately, wearing proper
Basketball Nets
pass footwear, following the rules
Students modify movement to
- how to Playing games fairly, - Teamwork: students are expected to
improve control and Gym Equipment
shoot and according to the work with others and involve them in
efficiency. - dodgeballs
- Teamwork rules the team
Games and - hula
- Having fun - Skill refinement: are students
Students demonstrate hoops
Basketball - Skill development practicing and trying new things to
teamwork and supporting - cones
and refinement better their skills
participation in a variety of - pinnies
- Awareness of other Notes
physical activities. - bean bags
(games) - notes about the outcomes and skills
listed above

Students examine personal

characteristics, feelings, and Questioning - can students compare and
emotions and explore the - Define kindness contrast kind and unkind acts of kindness
Sticky Notes
understanding of self. - Compare and Discussion
Health contrast kind and Observation - do they understand the concept of
Kindness Heart
Areas for nurture and unkind acts Brainstorming kindness and identify key ideas about what it
development include - What does it mean to means to be kind
be kind Individual Project
- How do acts of Class Project Fill Your Bucket - can students identify acts of
Kindness ● patience Videos
kindness fill a bucket kindness that make themselves and other happy
● honesty, - How are they a kind Reflecting
● kindness Books
person Participation - see if students are participating
● compassion, and contributing to the acts of kindness
● empathy

Represent various Observing and questioning

components of Earth. - students in the classroom, the
questions they ask and their
- What are the
participation and effort in class to do
Discuss how the various components of the
Discussion activities. I will also be asking
components of Earth interact Earth?
questions and judging their
to support life. - Earth is the only Presentation
Brainstorming understanding.
planet to support life
Identify landforms that are Check-In Assignment Page
Science - Scientists are looking Student Workbook
found locally or in Alberta. Individual Projects - Three Check-Ins this month. Students
for other forms of life
will complete a small worksheet with
on other planets Materials for
March Compare various landforms - What are landforms
Inquiry Explorations
questions from the previously
Earth - What are the different
completed topic. I will take these in
on Earth’s surface. Centers and assess what is understood and
Systems landforms in Alberta? Projects and
what topics may need to be reviewed
- What is a UNESCO Materials
Identify and discuss Workbook again. I will observe and question
UNESCO World Heritage them
- How does water flow
Sites found in Alberta. Projects:
from small creeks to
Investigate local and - Throughout the unit, students will do a
an ocean
few smaller projects that demonstrate
provincial bodies of water.
their understanding of the concepts we
have learned.
Diagram the flow of water
from small creeks to an

Map Drawing Page

- Students create a drawing of their
What are some familiar
dream street where they have to
landmarks and places in my Projects
- What does a map create a legend and map symbols by
do? using buildings and features that are
Social Why are these landmarks
- How can you read a Presentations important to a community
map? Evaluating Page
Studies and places significant
- What are the symbols
Student Workbooks - Students will be asked a number of
features of the community?
of the map? questions and given prompts, and I will
- What are the different Games evaluate if they understand the
My World - What are some differences
kinds of maps concepts we have been learning
between rural and urban Evaluations
Community communities?
- What is a globe Materials for projects Student workbooks and activity pages
- Where am I on a - Glancing and checking in on the
Worksheets and
map? students' workbooks to see if they are
Where is my community on a activities
keeping up, following along and
map or on a globe?
understanding the concepts we work

- Students learn a new - Participation: are the students trying
Students refine and apply Individual work and Gymnasium
Physical skill (CURLING) their best and trying to improve their
spatial awareness across a practice
- introduction skills
Education variety of physical activity Curling Rocks and
to game - Safety: are the students acting
contexts. Working together to Sliders (school will
equipment appropriately, wearing proper
practice bring them in)
- how to footwear, following the rules
Games and Students modify movement to
shoot - Teamwork: students are expected to
improve control and Playing games fairly Gym Equipment
Curling (not - how to play work with others and involve them in
efficiency. and according to the - dodgeballs
- Teamwork the team
at The curling rules - hula
- Having fun - Skill refinement: are students
Students demonstrate hoops
rink - just in - Skill development practicing and trying new things to
teamwork and support - cones
and refinement Learning something better their skill
the gym) participation in a variety of - pinnies
- Awareness of other new Notes
physical activities. - bean bags
(games) - notes about the outcomes and skills
listed above

Differentiate between whole Comic Strip

foods and processed foods. - students will complete a comic strip
- what makes a food
Individual Work where they are the main character,
healthy Canada's Food
and they must name at least 4 healthy
Health Examine decision-making in - What makes a good
Class Discussion
foods in their story
food selection. unhealthy?
- What are processed Student Workbook
Games - This month, students will be playing
Nutrition Identify foods that contribute foods?
games and doing sorting games, and I
to the growth and - What are natural and Food Plates
Centers will watch and observe what they say
unnatural foods?
development of the body. and do during these times to check
their understanding.

Create a model to represent Discussion Presentation Observing and questioning

Science various types of landforms - What are some - students in the classroom, the
and bodies of water. bodies of water that Brainstorming Student Workbook questions they ask and their
are fresh? participation and effort in class to do
April - What are some Individual Projects Materials for activities. I will also be asking
Earth Identify bodies of water on bodies of water that Experiments questions and judging their
Systems Earth that contain fresh contain salt? Inquiry Explorations understanding.
water. Materials for Models Check-In Assignment Page
- Why are there Centers - Three Check-Ins this month. Students
Identify bodies of water on different types of will complete a small worksheet with
Earth that contain salt water. water? Workbook questions from the previously
completed topic. I will take these in
and assess what is understood and
what topics may need to be reviewed
again. I will observe and question
- Students will work together or in pairs
to create a 3D model of a landform
that must include a water flow system

Student workbooks and activity pages

How have changes affected Projects
- What is the past? - Glancing and checking in on the
my family over time (e.g.,
- What are the different students' workbooks to see if they are
births, deaths, moves)? Discussions
types of change? keeping up, following along and
- How are things understanding the concepts we work
What is my family’s past in Presentations
Social our community?
different from now to for
the past? Student Workbook Classroom Museum
Studies - what are generations
- Students will colour or draw one
In what ways has my
and ancestors Games Materials picture of the past from a memory of
community changed over Evaluations
- How does change the past and write a little blurb about it.
My World - time (e.g., original
work and affect Sorting Materials We will do a classroom gallery
inhabitants, ancestors, Worksheets and
Past generations, ways of life)?
different people and
Teacher and Self-assessment pages
communities - students will complete a
- How and where do self-evaluation page, and I will sit
How have changes over time Reflections
we learn from the down with them individually and ask
affected their families and
past? them questions
communities in the present? Family Survey

- Students learn a new

- introduction
to game
- Participation: are the students trying
Students refine and apply equipment Individual work and Gymnasium their best and trying to improve their
spatial awareness across a (racket, practice skills
Physical variety of physical activity birdie, nets)
Badminton Nets and - Safety: are the students acting
contexts. - how to hit a Working together to
Education rackets appropriately, wearing proper
birdie practice footwear, following the rules
Students modify movement to - how to hit
Gym Equipment - Teamwork: students are expected to
improve control and back and Playing games fairly -dodgeballs work with others and involve them in
efficiency. forth with a and according to the - hula the team
Games and partner rules hoops - Skill refinement: are students
Students demonstrate - playing a
Badminton - cones practicing and trying new things to
teamwork and support game
Learning something - pinnies better their skill
participation in a variety of - Teamwork
new - bean bags Notes
physical activities. - Having fun
- notes about the outcomes and skills
- Skill development
listed above
and refinement
- Awareness of other

- What is consent? Individual work and Presentation Observation

Practise ways to express, - What are the visual practice - This month, students will be playing
Health request, obtain, or refuse signs of consent? Student Workbook games and doing sorting games, and I
consent relating to personal - What are personal Group Work will watch and observe what they say
boundaries. boundaries, and how Game Materials and do during these times to check
Safety do we establish Games their understanding.
them? Project
Identify trusted adults in the - What are safe Class Discussions
school and community who situations and unsafe - students will conduct a project
can support personal safety. situations? together (my teacher mentor and I will
discuss this in the New Year)
Describe the differences
between safe situations and
unsafe or uncomfortable
Course Name Subject and Unit Focus Curricular Outcomes

Science - Energy Relate vibration to the production of sound.

Social Studies - Community What are some familiar landmarks and places in my community?
th th
Jan. 8 to 12 Physical Education - Games Students modify movement to improve control and efficiency.

Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are connected to behaviour. What are

Health - Emotions

Science - Energy Identify sources of sound.

Social Studies - Community What are some familiar landmarks and places in my community?

Jan. 15th to 19th Physical Education - Games

Students demonstrate teamwork and support participation in a variety of physical

Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are connected to behaviour. Can I identify

Health - Emotions

Listen to sounds and describe their characteristics.

Science - Energy
Safely explore the production and behaviour of sound.

Social Studies - Community Why are these landmarks and places significant features of the community?

Jan. 22nd to 26th Physical Education - Mission Impossible

Students refine and apply spatial awareness across a variety of physical activity

Awareness of the body’s reaction to emotion helps an individual to choose

Health - Emotions appropriate responses.
How can we self-regulate

Build a device to change the behaviour of sound.

Science - Energy
Identify sources of light.
Jan 30 - Lip Sync Battle (all
Jan. 29th to Feb.
7th Social Studies - Community Why are these landmarks and places significant features of the community? January 31 - PD Day
Physical Education - Mission Impossible Students modify movement to improve control and efficiency.
- Basketball and Games

Areas for nurture and development (kindness)

Health - Kindness
What is Kindness

Science - Energy Identify sources of light.

Social Studies - Community Why are these landmarks and places significant features of the community?
February 7 - Winter Monthly
Feb. 5th to 9th Physical Education - Games and Basketball
Students demonstrate teamwork and support participation in a variety of physical Walk (2:20-3:00)
activities. February 9 - No School

Areas for nurture and development

Health - Kindness
Acts of kindness for oneself and others

Science - Energy Conduct an investigation to determine how the path of light can be affected.

Social Studies - Community Project week

February 16 - 100th Day of

Feb. 12th to 16th Physical Education - Games and Basketball
Students refine and apply spatial awareness across a variety of physical activity

Areas for nurture and development

Health - Kindness
Identifying acts of kindness

February 19 - No School Family

Feb 20 - No School
Feb. 19th to 23rd No students this week
Feb 21 - PD Day
Feb 22 - Teachers Convention
Feb 23 - Teachers Convention

Science - Energy Examine how natural objects affect the path of sunlight

Social Studies - Community What are some differences between rural and urban communities?
Feb. 26 to Mar. Students refine and apply spatial awareness across a variety of physical activity
February 29 - Carnaval
1st Physical Education - Games and Basketball
March 1 - Monthly Walk

Areas for nurture and development

Health - Kindness
School Wide Act of Kindness
Represent various components of Earth.
Science - Earth Sciences
Discuss how the various components of Earth interact to support life.

Mar. 4th to 8th Social Studies - Community What are some differences between rural and urban communities?

Physical Education - Games and Curling Students modify movement to improve control and efficiency.

Health - Nutrition Differentiate between whole foods and processed foods.

Compare various landforms on Earth’s surface.

Science - Earth Sciences
Identify and discuss UNESCO World Heritage Sites found in Alberta.

Social Studies - Community Where is my community on a map or on a globe?

Mar. 11th to 15th March 15 - No School
Students demonstrate teamwork and support participation in a variety of physical
Physical Education - Games and Curling

Health - Nutrition Examine decision-making in food selection.

Investigate local and provincial bodies of water.

Science - Earth Science
Diagram the flow of water from small creeks to an ocean.
March 18 - Report Cards Go
Social Studies - Community Where is my community on a map or on a globe? Home
Mar. 18th to 22nd March 21 - Parent-teacher
Students refine and apply spatial awareness across a variety of physical activity Interviews
Physical Education - Games and Curling

Health - Nutrition Identify foods that contribute to the growth and development of the body.

Science - Earth Systems Create a model to represent various types of landforms and bodies of water.

Social Studies - Community Where is my community on a map or on a globe?

th th March 28 - Monthly Walk
Mar. 25 to 29 Students refine and apply spatial awareness across a variety of physical activity
Physical Education - Games and Curling

Health - Nutrition Identify foods that contribute to the growth and development of the body.
Apr. 1st to 5th No students this week Spring Break

Identify bodies of water on Earth that contain fresh water.

Science - Earth Systems
Identify bodies of water on Earth that contain salt water.

How have changes affected my family over time (e.g., births, deaths, moves)?
Social Studies - Past
What is my family’s past in our community?
Apr. 8th to 12th
Physical Education - Games and Badminton Students modify movement to improve control and efficiency.

Practise ways to express, request, obtain, or refuse consent relating to personal

Health - Safety
Identify trusted adults in the school and community who can support personal

Identify bodies of water on Earth that contain fresh water.

Science - Earth Systems
Identify bodies of water on Earth that contain salt water.

In what ways has my community changed over time (e.g., original inhabitants,
ancestors, generations, ways of life)?
Social Studies - Past
How have changes over time affected their families and communities in the
th th present? April 19 - PD Day
Apr. 15 to 19 April 19 - Last Day of Practicum
Students demonstrate teamwork and support participation in a variety of physical
Physical Education - Games and Badminton

Describe the differences between safe situations and unsafe or uncomfortable

Health - Safety
Discuss situations or reasons that might lead to a boundary change.
Monday (8th) Tuesday (9th) Wednesday (10th) Thursday (11th) Friday (12th) Weekly Goals


Monday (15th) Tuesday (16th) Wednesday (17th) Thursday (18th) Friday (19th) Weekly Goals


Monday (22nd) Tuesday (23rd) Wednesday (24th) Thursday (25th) Friday (26th) Weekly Goals


Monday (29th) Tuesday (30th) Wednesday (31st) Weekly Goals

Monthly Walk PD Day - No Students Career Long Learning

Thursday (1st) Friday (2nd) Weekly Goals

Inclusive Learning
Monday (5th) Tuesday (6th) Wednesday (7th) Thursday (8th) Friday (9th) Weekly Goals

Monthly Walk No School Inclusive Learning


Monday (12th) Tuesday (13th) Wednesday (14th) Thursday (15th) Friday (16th) Weekly Goals

100th Day of School Foundational FMNI


Monday (19th) Tuesday (20th) Wednesday (21th) Thursday (22nd) Friday (23rd) Weekly Goals

No School No School PD Day Teachers Convention Teachers Convention Career Long Learning

Monday (26th) Tuesday (27th) Wednesday (28th) Thursday (29th) Weekly Goals


Friday (1st) Weekly Goals

Monthly Walk Foundational FMNI


Monday (4th) Tuesday (5th) Wednesday (6th) Thursday (7th) Friday (8th) Weekly Goals

Inclusive Learning

Monday (11th) Tuesday (12th) Wednesday (13th) Thursday (14th) Friday (15th) Weekly Goals

No School
Monday (18th) Tuesday (19th) Wednesday (20th) Thursday (21st) Friday (22nd) Weekly Goals

Report Cards Parent-teacher Adhere to Legal

interviews Frameworks

Monday (25th) Tuesday (26th) Wednesday (27th) Thursday (28th) Friday (29th) Weekly Goals

Monthly Walk No School Building


Monday (1st) Tuesday (2nd) Wednesday (3rd) Thursday (5th) Friday (5th) Weekly Goals

No School No School No School No School No School No School

Monday (8th) Tuesday (9th) Wednesday (10th) Thursday (11th) Friday (12th) Weekly Goals

Professional Body of

Monday (15th) Tuesday (16th) Wednesday (17th) Thursday (18th) Friday (19th) Weekly Goals

My Last Day with No School - My Last Domestrate

Students Day Professional Body of
PD Day Knowledge

Monday (22nd) Tuesday (23rd) Wednesday (24th) Thursday (25th) Friday (26th) Weekly Goals

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