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1. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a Tank in 6 hours.

After working Together for 2

hours, C is closed And A and B fill the tank in 8 Hours. The time (in hours) in Which
the tank can be filled by Pipe C alone is?
(1) 10. (2) 12

(3) 8. (4) 9

2. If 100 cats kill 100 mice in 100 Days, then 4 cats would kill 4 Mice in
how many days?
(1) 4 days (2) 3 days

(3) 40 days. (4) 100 days

3. A certain number of men can Do a work in 40 days. If there Were 8 men

more, it could be Finished in 10 days less. How Many men were there
(1) 20. (2) 24

(3) 30 (4) 16

4. A does half as much work as B In three fourth of the time. If Together

they take 18 days to Complete the work, how much Time will B alone
take to do it ?
(1) 40 days (2) 45 days
(3) 50 days. (4) 30 days

5. Two pipes can fill a tank 20 & 24 minutes respectively and a waste pipe can
empty 3 gallons per minute . All three pipes working together can filled the
tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of the tank is ?
(1) 60 gallons (2)100 gallons. (3) 120 gallons (4)180 gallons

6. A cistern can be filled by two pipes In 20 and 30 minutes respectively.

Both pipes being opened, when Must the first pipe be turned off , So that the
cistern may be filled in 10 minutes more?
(1) after 10 minutes
(2) after 12 minutes
(3) after 20 minutes
(4) after 8 minutes

7. A can complete a work in 10 Days, B can complete the same

Work in 20 days and C in 40 Days. A starts working on the First day, B works
for second day And C works for third day. Again A works for fourth day and
B For fifth day and so on. If they Continued working in the same Way, in how
many days will the Work be completed?
(1) 15 days. (2) 16.5 days. (3) 15.5 days. (4) 17 days

8. A and B together can finish a Work in 15 days. A and C take 2 Days

more to complete the same Work than that of B and C. A, B And C
together complete the Work in 8 days. In how many Days will A finish it
(1) 40 days. (2) 24 days. (3) 17 ⅐ days (4) 20 days

9. A can do a piece of work in 40 Days. He works on it for 5 days And then

B completes it in 21 Days. How long will A and B together take to
complete the Work?
(1)10 days (2) 15 days. (3)20 days. (4) 25 days
10.Pipes 1 and 2 can fill a tank in 18 And 24 hours respectively. Both Pipes
work simultaneously for Sometime after which Pipe 1 is Turned off. It
takes 12 hours in All to fill the tank completely. Find The time for which
Pipe 1 was Turned on.
(1) 9 hours. (2) 10 hours. (3) 11 hours (4) 12 hours

11.A can do a piece of work in 120 Days and B can do it in 150 days. They
work together for 20 days. Then B leaves and A alone continues the
work. 12 days after That C joins A and the work is Completed in 48
days more. In How many days can C do it if he Works alone?
(1) 230 days. (2) 225 days. (3) 240 days (4) 220 days

12>12 men and 18 boys working 7 ½ hours a day can do a work In 60 days. If
one man works Equal to 2 boys, then the number of boys required to help 21
Men to do twice the work in 50 days working 9 hours a day Will be :
(1) 42 (2) 44. (3) 46
(4) None of these

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