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1. Explain the metaphor of the rattrap.

or Explain the metaphor of the rattrap in the context of

the story by Selma Lagerlof.

or In what sense was the world a big rattrap according to

the peddler?

Ans. The peddler thought that the world only existed to set baits for the people. It offered riches,
joys, shelter, food and clothing just as the rattrap offered cheese and pork. As soon as one let
himself to be tempted by the bait, it closed on him as a rattrap does.

2. Why was the peddler hesitant to accompany the ironmaster to the manor?

or Why did the peddler decline the invitation of the

Ans. The peddler declined the invitation of the ironmaster because he was carrying the money
he had stolen from the crofter. He knew that if the ironmaster discovered his identity, he would
hand him over to the police.

3. Why did the ironmaster compare Edla to a parson?

Ans. The ironmaster compared his daughter Edla to a

Parson as she preached to him just like one when she asked him to let the vagabond stay in the
house even though he was not an acquaintance. She reinforced the Christian value of
celebrating Christmas by helping other. She didn't want to chase away a human being whom
they had asked to come and whom they had promised Christmas cheer.

4. If the Christmas spirit is about selflessness, forgiveness and becoming 'better' versions of
ourselves amongst other things, Edla Willmansson is the epitome of this spirit things. Justify
with two points of evidence from The Rattap.

Ans. If the Christmas spirit is about selflessness, forgiveness and becoming 'better' versions of
ourselves amongst other things, Edla Willmansson is the epitome of this spirit. This is so
because despite knowing the truth about the peddler, Edla convinces her father to give him
shelter and treated him with full
respect. She forgives him for not telling his true identity to them and further invites him for future
Christmas celebration showing that even the peddler had the chance of becoming a better
version of himself.

5. Why did Edla invite the peddler?

or Why did the peddler accept Edla's invitation? How
did he feel?

Ans. Edla invited the peddler because she wanted to

celebrate Christmas in the true spirit of the festival by having a guest over for Christmas supper.
Moreover, she wanted to give the peddler a day of peace.
The peddler was moved by her compassion and courtesy.

6. What made the peddler accept Edla's invitation?

Ans. Edla looked at him compassionately and clarified to him that he would be allowed to leave
whenever he desires. She requested him to stay with them over Christmas Eve. Seeing her
speak in such a friendly manner made him trust her. Thus, he accepted her invitation.

Q2.Long Answer Type Questions

1. Edla is a contrast to her father, the ironmaster.

or Compare and contrast the character of the ironmaster

with that of his daughter.

or How are the attitudes of the ironmaster and his daughter different? Support your answer from
the text.

or Give examples from the story "The Rattrap' to show how the ironmaster is different from his

Ans. The ironmaster was an ambitious and arrogant man.

When he saw the peddler, he mistook him for his old regimental comrade, and invited him
home, but this was more out of his sense of pride than out of sympathy or generosity.
When the ironmaster realised that he had been mistaken, he called the peddler dishonest and
even threatened to call the sheriff. Later, when he learnt that the peddler was a thief, he was
worried about his own silverware.
On the other hand, Edla was a kind and compassionate lady who was really sympathetic and
considerate towards the peddler right from the beginning. She treated him with respect and
dignity even after knowing that he was not a captain. It was her generous attitude which finally
changed the peddler, bringing out the essential goodness of his nature.

2. How does the story 'The Rattrap' highlight the importance of community over isolation?
Support your rational with textual evidence.

or Give instances from the chapter 'The Rattrap' to show that most of its characters are victims
of loneliness.
Ans. There are a number of instances in the story, 'The Rattrap', to show that most of its
characters are victims of loneliness. First of all, the tramp appears to lead a sad, monotonous
existence, left to his own musings. He is always greeted with sour faces and cold words
wherever he goes.
Next, the old crofter lives all alone in a cottage by the roadside. He is only too happy to get
someone to talk to and get over his sense of loneliness. That's the reason why he is so
generous and hospitable as a host.
Then, the ironmaster and his daughter Edla have no company for Christmas. The ironmaster
decides to take the tramp home mistaking him to be his old comrade. He, with his daughter, is
happy to play the perfect host to his former colleague.
Thus, all of them are victims of loneliness and have a strong desire for bonding and
camaraderie. The crofter is happy to be friends with the peddler although only for a night.
Similarly, the ironmaster and his daughter have an opportunity to practice their Christian virtues
of kindness, sympathy and hospitality.

3. A good deed or an act of kindness can change a person's view of the world. What
characteristics of Edla's conduct inspire the peddler to redeem himself and change his ways?

or Describe the peddler's interaction with the ironmaster's daughter. To what extent was he
influenced by her?

Ans. The peddler first meets Edla Willmansson, the

ironmaster's daughter, when she comes to invite the peddler to their manor house for Christmas
on her father's insistence. He was so touched by the sincerity in her voice that he could not
refuse her invitation.
Later, she comes to know of the peddler's real identity but it does not change her warmth,
friendliness and hospitality towards him. She continues to treat him like a captain and the
peddler quite spontaneously starts behaving like a real captain. He leaves a rattrap as a
Christmas gift for Edla and encloses a letter of thanks and a note of confession in it. He also
leaves behind the stolen money to be restored to its rightful owner, the crofter, thus redeeming
himself from his dishonest ways.
Edla Willmansson's sympathy, compassion and understanding give the peddler an opportunity
to redeem and reform himself.

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