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1093/plcell/koab302 THE PLANT CELL 2021: 00: 1–12

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How plants coordinate their development in response
to light and temperature signals
Xu Li ,1 Tong Liang 2
and Hongtao Liu 1, ,†

1 National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Institute of Plant Physiology and
Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200032, China
2 Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089, USA

*Author for correspondence:

Senior author.
X. L and H.L wrote the manuscript. T. L gave suggestions.
The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the
Instructions for Authors ( is: Hongtao Liu (

Light and temperature change constantly under natural conditions and profoundly affect plant growth and development.
Light and warmer temperatures promote flowering, higher light intensity inhibits hypocotyl and petiole elongation, and
warmer temperatures promote hypocotyl and petiole elongation. Moreover, exogenous light and temperature signals must
be integrated with endogenous signals to fine-tune phytohormone metabolism and plant morphology. Plants perceive and
respond to light and ambient temperature using common sets of factors, such as photoreceptors and multiple light signal
transduction components. These highly structured signaling networks are critical for plant survival and adaptation. This re-
view discusses how plants respond to variable light and temperature conditions using common elements to coordinate
their development. Future directions for research on light and temperature signaling pathways are also discussed.

Introduction enhance leaf cooling capacity and thus improve plant sur-
Plants perceive changes in their environment, especially vival at higher temperatures (Smith, 1970; Quint et al.,
local illumination and temperature conditions, and re- 2016). Daylength (photoperiod) and ambient tempera-
spond by adjusting their developmental programs to ac- tures also affect the onset of flowering, allowing plants to
climate to new conditions. For example, seedling synchronize reproduction with the seasons (Li et al.,
morphology changes in response to the initial dark-to- 2016a). A long-day photoperiod promotes flowering in
light transition when the shoot breaks the soil surface long-day species such as Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thali-
(photomorphogenesis). Light-grown seedlings have short ana). Increases in temperature also accelerate flowering in
hypocotyls and green cotyledons that are open and ex- many plants (Sparks et al., 2000; Andres and Coupland,
panded, allowing the seedlings to increase their photosyn- 2012).
thetic output. Plants also alter their development in Photomorphogenesis has been studied for over a century
response to changes in ambient temperature (thermo- in a wide variety of plant species, whereas thermomorpho-
morphogenesis). Thermomorphogenesis is characterized genesis has been explored only more recently (Smith, 1970;
by hypocotyl and petiole elongation, leaf elevation, and Quint et al., 2016). In this review, we highlight recent devel-
hyponastic growth at the seedling stage, which may opments in research on the regulatory mechanisms

Received August 17, 2021. Accepted December 06, 2021. Advance access publication December 14, 2021
C American Society of Plant Biologists 2021. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:
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governing light and temperature sensing, signaling, and de- to become physiologically active (Liu et al., 2020; Ma et al.,
velopmental responses in Arabidopsis. 2020; Shao et al., 2020).
The third type of blue light receptor, ZTL family members,
Light sensing in plants mainly influence the circadian clock and photoperiodic flow-

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Plants sense light via photoreceptors, including the red/far- ering, although they also modulate light-regulated develop-
red light receptors phytochromes A–E (phyA–E); the blue/ ment (Baudry et al., 2010; Song et al., 2014). As with other
ultraviolet-A (UV-A) light receptors cryptochromes (CRYs); photoreceptors, UVR8 was identified from a screen for
phototropins (phots); ZEITLUPE (ZTL) family members ZTL, mutants showing increased susceptibility to UV-B stress
light/oxygen/voltage (LOV) KELCH PROTEIN2 (LKP2), and (Kliebenstein et al., 2002).
ultraviolet-B (UV-B) light receptor UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8
Light signaling in plants
(UVR8; Kami et al., 2010). These photoreceptors integrate Distinct photoreceptors transduce light signals using similar
various light signals to optimize plant growth and develop- mechanisms to regulate downstream gene expression. For
ment, such as photomorphogenesis in seedlings and light- example, phys and CRYs regulate cell elongation primarily
mediated development and photoperiodic flowering in older via the activities of two transcription factor families with op-
plants (Kami et al., 2010). posite functions. Photoactivated phys or CRYs translocate
Phys are widespread in plants; they absorb red and far-red into the nucleus, where they interact with the basic helix–
light through their chromophore phytochromobilin and loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factors PHYTOCHROME-
control a variety of developmental responses (Li et al., 2011). INTERACTING FACTOR4 (PIF4) and PIF5, which are positive
The phy family in Arabidopsis consists of five members, regulators of cell elongation, and regulate the protein stabil-
phyA–phyE. Phys exist as dimers and occur in two photo- ity or DNA binding activity of PIF proteins (Huq and Quail,
switchable forms: the biologically inactive red light-absorbing 2002; Shen et al., 2007; Ni et al., 2014; Ma et al., 2016;
Pr form and the biologically active far-red light-absorbing Pfr Pedmale et al., 2016). CRYs and UVR8 interact with the
form (Li et al., 2011). During dark-to-light transitions, phys transcription factors BRI1-EMS-SUPPRESSOR1 (BES1) and
BES1-INTERACTING MYC-LIKE1 (BIM1), which mediate
translocate from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and form
brassinosteroid (BR)-regulated gene expression and plant
subnuclear compartments known as photobodies (PBs;
growth, to inhibit their DNA binding activity and thus re-
Hiltbrunner et al., 2005; Klose et al., 2015). Higher light in-
press transcription and hypocotyl elongation (Liang et al.,
tensity stabilizes the Pfr form and promotes the assembly of
2018; Wang et al., 2018). CRYs and phys interact with the
phyB-PBs; darkness or shade (which is enriched in far-red
light) enhances phy conversion to the Pr form and stimu-
transcriptional regulators to protect them from degradation
lates phy redistribution from phyB-PBs to small foci in the and thus modulate auxin signaling and cell elongation (Xu
nucleoplasm (Hahm et al., 2020). et al., 2018). The phy, CRY, and UVR8 photoreceptors also
Arabidopsis PHOT1, initially named NONPHOTOTROPIC repress the activity of the E3 ubiquitin ligase
HYPOCOTYL1 (NPH1; Briggs et al., 2001), was first identified CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1), thus sta-
from a genetic screen for Arabidopsis mutants lacking or bilizing ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5), a positive regula-
with greatly weakened phototropic responses (Liscum and tor of cell elongation (Osterlund et al., 2000; Favory et al.,
Briggs, 1995). PHOT1 encodes a 120-kDa plasma membrane- 2009; Liu et al., 2011).
associated protein that contains two LOV domains in its In addition, PhyA and CRY2 stabilize CONSTANS (CO) to
N-terminus and a serine–threonine kinase domain in its promote the floral transition by inhibiting the activity of the
C-terminus (Liscum and Briggs, 1995; Huala et al., 1997). The SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA (SPA)–COP1 complex (Valverde
LOV domains in the phot1 apoprotein noncovalently bind et al., 2004; Zuo et al., 2011). In contrast to phyA and CRY2,
to the blue light-absorbing chromophore flavin mononucle- phyB promotes CO degradation and thus inhibits flowering
otide (Christie et al., 1999). NPH1-LIKE1 (NPL1), a phot1 ho- (Valverde et al., 2004).
molog renamed phot2, is a photoreceptor that regulates
chloroplast movement in response to high-intensity blue Thermosensing in plants
light (Jarillo et al., 2001; Kagawa et al., 2001). Temperature regulates many essential processes in living
In contrast to phys and phots, CRYs are present in a wide organisms, from bacteria to plants, animals, and humans
range of organisms from bacteria to humans (Yu et al., (Xiao and Xu, 2021). In bacteria, temperature regulates the
2010). Plant CRYs mediate blue light-inhibited hypocotyl extent of DNA supercoiling and the structures of some
elongation, the photoperiodic promotion of floral initiation, mRNA stem–loops; these complex, changeable structures
and blue light-mediated regulation of the circadian clock, might act as temperature sensors (Kataoka et al., 1996;
tropism growth, and the shade avoidance response (Wang Mizushima et al., 1997; Kortmann and Narberhaus, 2012).
and Lin, 2020). The Arabidopsis genome encodes at least Studies from Drosophila (Drosophila melanogaster) have
two CRY photoreceptors, CRY1 and CRY2, which undergo revealed many conserved molecular thermosensors, includ-
photoresponsive photoreduction and homo-oligomerization ing thermosensitive membrane ion channels and receptors,
Light and temperature-regulated development THE PLANT CELL 2021: Page 3 of 12 | 3

such as transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, the ion- phyB-PB formation and movement in response to tempera-
otropic gustatory receptor Gr28b(D), Drosophila rhodopsin ture changes are different from those elicited by shade (Hahm
(Rh1, Rh5, and Rh6), and phospholipase Cb (PLCb). The et al., 2020). PhyB also plays a major role in controlling hypo-
temperature activation thresholds and molecular mecha- cotyl elongation in response to warm temperatures in the day-

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nisms of these proteins are discussed in a recent review time (when seedlings are grown in long days and constant
(Xiao and Xu, 2021). light conditions), primarily via the regulation of PIF4 activity
Several factors are involved in temperature signaling, in- and stability, which requires the transcriptional activator
cluding putative plant thermosensors (Kumar and Wigge, HEMERA (HMR; Qiu et al., 2019).
2010; Chung et al., 2020; Jung et al., 2020). For example, a Besides ambient temperature responses, phys are also in-
forward genetic screen in Arabidopsis revealed that nucleo- volved in plant freezing tolerance by interacting with the
somes containing the histone variant H2A.Z mediate a ther- transcription factor C-REPEAT BINDING FACTOR1 (CBF1).
mosensory response, whereby H2A.Z occupancy on Cold induces CBF1 transcription, and CBF1 is essential for
chromatin decreases with increasing temperature (Kumar mediating freezing tolerance, positively regulating cold accli-
and Wigge, 2010). A more recent study showed that an mation, and promoting hypocotyl growth at ambient tem-
RNA-based thermoswitch located in the 50 -untranslated re- peratures (Dong et al., 2020b).
gion (UTR) of PIF7 transcripts results in higher PIF7 transla- The temperature-sensing properties of phots are based on
tion rates at warmer temperatures (27 C), a response that is the temperature-dependent lifetimes of their photoactivated
gated by diurnal PIF7 transcript levels (Chung et al., 2020). chromophores (Fujii et al., 2017). Chloroplasts adjust their
The PIF7 50 -UTR takes on a hairpin structure that changes intracellular positions in response to both light and temper-
between 17 C and 27 C (Chung et al., 2020). Similarly, the ature, a process integral to the phot family, based on the
core Evening Complex (EC) member EARLY FLOWERING3 phenotypes of phot1, phot2, and phot1 phot2 mutants
(ELF3) controls thermoresponsive growth in Arabidopsis (Kodama et al., 2008; Fujii et al., 2017). Phots perceive both
(Box et al., 2015). ELF3 may serve as a thermosensor via its blue light and temperature in the liverwort Marchantia poly-
prion-like domain, which undergoes a reversible liquid– morpha, where they arrange chloroplasts for optimal photo-
liquid phase transition in response to temperature changes synthesis while minimizing photodamage. The lifetime (i.e.
(Jung et al., 2020). These recent findings reveal that light sig- the kinetics of dark reversion) of photoactivated LOV2
naling factors play unexpected roles as putative thermosen- determines chloroplast positioning at different temperatures
sors, suggesting that light and temperature signaling may (Fujii et al., 2017).
not constitute distinct signaling modules but may in fact CRYs also participate in thermosensing. For example, low-
rely on the same players. In this review, we elaborate on this ering the temperature delays flowering in wild-type
hypothesis by exploring the overlap and interactions be- Arabidopsis accessions in short days to some extent, and
tween light and temperature signaling pathways in plants. cry2 mutants show an exaggerated response when the ambi-
ent temperature is reduced from 22 C to 16 C in short
Photoreceptors function in temperature days, raising the possibility that CRY2 is directly involved in
perception and responses temperature sensing (Blazquez et al., 2003). CRY1 and CRY2
All known photoreceptors appear to be involved in temper- also maintain the pace of the circadian clock and circadian
ature responses, although to date, only phys and phots have rhythmicity across a range of physiologically relevant tem-
been shown to function as bona fide thermosensors peratures, in contrast to a typical biochemical reaction,
(Miyazaki et al., 2015; Jung et al., 2016; Legris et al., 2016; Ma whose rate doubles for any 10 C increase in temperature
et al., 2016; Fujii et al., 2017; Hayes et al., 2017). For instance, (Gould et al., 2013). The longer circadian period displayed
phyB was proposed to act as a thermosensor, as higher tem- by cry mutants at higher ambient temperatures (27 C) in
peratures reduce the pool of light-activated Pfr (active form combined red light and blue light underscores the impor-
of phytochrome) and thus affect the physiological output of tance of CRYs in temperature compensation of the circadian
the photoreceptor (Jung et al., 2016; Legris et al., 2016; clock, whereby the pace of the clock remains close to 24 h
Hahm et al., 2020). Plants harboring null phyB mutations over a range of physiologically relevant temperatures (Gould
display a constitutive warm-temperature response with an et al., 2013). Blue light represses high temperature-mediated
over-elongated hypocotyl (Jung et al., 2016; Legris et al., hypocotyl elongation via CRY1, as cry1 seedlings exhibit far
2016). At lower temperatures, active Pfr persists until the more pronounced hypocotyl elongation when grown at
end of the night, but rising ambient temperatures from 28 C than at 22 C compared to the wild-type (Ma et al.,
10 C to 30 C at dusk accelerate the dark reversion rate of 2016).
phyB, reducing the amount of active Pfr present (Jung et al., CRY1 is also linked to H2A.Z occupancy, as CRY1 physically
2016; Legris et al., 2016). interacts with the core subunits of the Swi2/Snf2-related
Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by DNA sequenc- (SWR1) complex, SWR1 COMPLEX6 (SWC6), and ACTIN-
ing (ChIP-seq) revealed that phyB directly associates with the RELATED PROTEIN6 (ARP6). These interactions destabilize
promoters of temperature-responsive genes, some of which protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions within the
are also bound by PIFs (Jung et al., 2016). The dynamics of nucleosome, thus controlling photomorphogenesis by
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modulating H2A.Z deposition (Mao et al., 2021). H2A.Z oc- These findings suggest that plants use various photorecep-
cupancy decreases with increasing temperature, and ARP6 tors to sense or respond to ambient temperature and that
globally controls developmental responses to ambient tem- temperature sensing requires the activation of these photo-
peratures (Kumar and Wigge, 2010). These findings suggest receptors by light, as the perception of ambient temperature

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a new potential mechanism for CRYs and their tempera- relies on the temperature-dependent lifetime of photoacti-
ture responses. In addition, CRY2 protein levels were very vated phy and phot. Similarly, the modulation of CRY2 deg-
recently shown to be modulated by ambient temperatures, radation by ambient temperatures is blue-light dependent
with CRY2 protein being degraded at low ambient temper- (Figure 1). Phys, CRYs, and UVR8 modify the common
atures by Light-Response Bric-a-Brac/Tramtrack/Broad downstream factor PIF4 by affecting its transcriptional activ-
(LRB) proteins via the 26S proteasome (Ma et al., 2021). ity or its protein stability to regulate both light-induced de-
Interestingly, CRY2 degradation at low ambient tempera- velopment and thermomorphogenesis (Figure 1). The events
tures occurs only under blue light and not under red light in temperature signal transduction downstream of phots
or in the dark. The stabilization of CRY2 at high tempera- still need to be elucidated. Moreover, it is intriguing that
ture makes CRY2 a better negative regulator of temperature two types of blue light receptors, ZTL and CRYs, play oppo-
responses (Ma et al., 2021). LRBs physically interact with site roles in thermoresponses; the mechanism and potential
photoexcited and phosphorylated CRY1 and CRY2 to facili- physiological significance of this remain to be explored.
tate their polyubiquitination and degradation in response to
blue light (Chen et al., 2021; Miao et al., 2021). It appears Light signaling hubs function in temperature
that ambient temperature and blue light regulate CRY2 deg- responses
radation through the same class of E3 ubiquitin ligases, PIFs are pivotal components of light and temperature signal
LRBs. In addition to protein stability, an in vitro experiment transduction pathways. These proteins repress seed germina-
showed that temperature affects the photoreduction of tion and promote seedling de-etiolation and shade avoid-
CRY, as the concentration of the biologically active ance syndrome (Paik et al., 2017). The phyB-PIF4/PIF5
FADH.redox form of CRY increased at lower temperatures signaling module also regulates leaf senescence at higher am-
(Pooam et al., 2021). However, the details and mechanisms bient temperatures (Kim et al., 2020a). PIFs are growth pro-
of the responses of CRYs to ambient temperature remain to moters, based on the shorter hypocotyls and petioles seen
be fully elucidated. in the pif4 and pif5 single mutants and the pif4 pif5 double
ZEITLUPE (ZTL) is also involved in warm-temperature mutant in response to warmer temperatures (Koini et al.,
responses, as it positively regulates hypocotyl elongation in 2009; Ma et al., 2016). Both elevated temperatures and
warm temperatures and functions in temperature compen- higher light intensity stimulate PIF4 and PIF5 transcription
sation of the circadian clock (Edwards et al., 2005; Miyazaki rates (Zheng et al., 2021). PIF4 protein levels are strongly
et al., 2015). Indeed, ztl mutants showed reduced hypocotyl regulated by light but only moderately by ambient tempera-
growth at higher ambient temperatures (27 C) and a char- tures (Kumar et al., 2012; Ma et al., 2016). PIF7 is required
acteristic prolonged photoperiod at all temperatures tested for plant thermomorphogenesis, especially during the day-
(12 C, 16 C, 22 C, and 28 C; Edwards et al., 2005; Miyazaki time. Transcriptome deep sequencing (RNA-seq) and chro-
et al., 2015). The loss of ZTL function results in defects in matin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq analysis revealed that
warm temperature-promoted hypocotyl elongation, mainly PIF7 directly activates a group of warm temperature-
by affecting PIF4 and auxin-related gene expression (Saitoh responsive genes (Chung et al., 2020). Elevated temperatures
et al., 2015, 2021). Although much evidence indicates that enhance PIF7 protein accumulation, which may contribute
ZTL is involved in temperature responses, the underlying to the thermomorphogenic response (Fiorucci et al., 2020).
molecular mechanism is unclear. Whether the expression of PIF7 and PIF4 depend on each other for thermomorphogen-
ZTL or ZTL protein levels change as a function of tempera- esis by forming heterodimers (Fiorucci et al., 2020).
ture is unknown. In addition to being a key regulatory light signaling path-
Complex crosstalk also takes place between UV-B signal- way, the DE-ETIOLATED1 (DET1)-COP1-HY5 module also
ing and high ambient temperature signaling. UVR8 perceives mediates hypocotyl elongation at higher ambient tempera-
UV-B light and attenuates thermomorphogenesis via multi- tures, likely by regulating PIF4 transcription via HY5 (Delker
ple mechanisms, such as inhibiting PIF4 activity and auxin et al., 2014). Both det1 and cop1 mutants are insensitive to
signaling (Hayes et al., 2017). UVR8 interacts with the elevated ambient temperatures, as revealed by the lack of
COP1–SPA1 complex to inhibit PIF4 transcription, leading temperature-induced hypocotyl elongation, whereas hy5
to a strong repression of PIF4 protein abundance at 22 C mutants exhibit the opposite phenotype, with more elon-
and 28 C when seedlings are exposed to UV-B light. This gated hypocotyls than the wild-type, indicating they are hy-
UV-B-induced degradation of PIF4 at high temperatures is persensitive to a rise in ambient temperatures (Delker et al.,
partially compensated for by the stabilization of the bHLH 2014). Just as dark exposure promotes the translocation of
protein LONG HYPOCOTYL IN FAR-RED1 (HFR1) under COP1 into the nucleus, elevated temperatures also stimulate
these conditions, which in turn binds to PIF4 to prevent it the relocation of COP1 into the nucleus, which is accompa-
from performing its normal functions (Hayes et al., 2017). nied by the degradation of HY5 and the alleviation of
Light and temperature-regulated development THE PLANT CELL 2021: Page 5 of 12 | 5

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Figure 1 Ambient temperature-sensing and signaling pathways interact with light signaling pathways. All known photoreceptors (phys, phots,
CRYs, ZTL family members, and UVR8) and several light signaling hubs (COP1-HY5, PIFs) involved in ambient temperature responses are shown.
Phys, phots, H2A.Z, ELF3, and PIF7 were shown to be functional thermosensors, although the components that function in temperature signal
transduction downstream of phots are not clear. Additional light-signaling components (SWR1-C, HMR, SEU, INO80-C) contribute to temperature
responses through the DET1-COP1-HY5 or PIF pathways to regulate downstream gene expression and plant growth.

inhibited hypocotyl elongation (Park et al., 2017). In addi- The loss of functional PCH1 compromises PB formation and
tion, HY5 competitively binds to the promoters of PIF4 tar- disrupts phyB signaling, including light-regulated development
get genes and represses their transcription (Gangappa and and circadian rhythmicity (Huang et al., 2016; Huang et al.,
Kumar, 2017). However, genetic evidence suggests that 2019). SEUSS (SEU), a negative transcriptional regulator of
DET1- or COP1-mediated hypocotyl elongation in response light-mediated development, positively regulates thermomor-
to higher temperatures is independent of HY5 but depen- phogenesis by directly interacting with PIF4 (Huai et al.,
dent on DET1- and COP1-mediated stabilization of PIF4 2018). The SUMOylation of SEU is regulated by light and is a
protein (Gangappa and Kumar, 2017). COP1 regulates the prerequisite for its functions in photomorphogenesis, light-
rate of hypocotyl elongation in response to shade and warm regulated development, and thermomorphogenesis and for its
temperatures in a DELLA-dependent manner (Blanco- interaction with PIF4 (Zhang et al., 2020).
Tourinan et al., 2020). COP1 physically interacts with and The INO80 chromatin remodeling complex (INO80-C)
destabilizes DELLAs, which are negative regulators of gibber- promotes thermomorphogenesis by associating with PIF4
ellin (GA) signaling, in response to environmental cues and mediating temperature-induced H2A.Z eviction at PIF4
(Blanco-Tourinan et al., 2020). The COP1 and PIF pathways target promoters (Xue et al., 2021). These findings offer a
crisscross in transducing light and temperature signaling. possible mechanism for the eviction of H2A.Z from chroma-
Additional light signaling components contribute to tem- tin at high temperatures. Two additional players are COLD-
perature responses, mainly through the above-mentioned REGULATED GENE27 (COR27) and COR28, which were
pathways (Figure 1). SPAs are required for thermomorpho- identified as cold-responsive genes in Arabidopsis transcrip-
genesis by regulating the activity of the phyB-PIF4 module. tome profiling studies (Fowler and Thomashow, 2002;
In spa mutants at high ambient temperatures, the thermo- Mikkelsen and Thomashow, 2009). COR27 and COR28 are
sensor phyB is stabilized and PIF4 fails to accumulate involved in regulating the circadian clock as well as the
(Lee et al., 2020). PHOTOPERIODIC CONTROL OF tradeoff between flowering and freezing tolerance (Li et al.,
HYPOCOTYL1 (PCH1) functions in both light-regulated devel- 2016b; Wang et al., 2017). COR27 and COR28 promote hy-
opment and thermomorphogenesis by interacting with phyB pocotyl growth via their interactions with the COP1-HY5
as a structural component of phyB-PBs, thus protecting Pfr regulatory hub. COR27 and COR28 physically interact with
from thermal reversion back to Pr (Huang et al., 2019). COP1 and undergo COP1-mediated degradation in the dark.
6 | THE PLANT CELL 2021: Page 6 of 12 Li et al.

COR27 and COR28 also negatively regulate photomorpho- 2017). ELF3 might function as a thermosensor, as described
genesis by repressing HY5 transcriptional activity, thereby above (Jung et al., 2020). ELF4 also plays a role in buffering
fine-tuning the output of the COP1-HY5 regulatory hub to the temperature responsiveness of ELF3 by stabilizing ELF3
ensure proper photomorphogenic and light-regulated devel- in an active state at high temperatures (Jung et al., 2020).

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opment (Li et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2020). Consistent with the notion that ambient temperatures regu-
late ELF3 stability, recent studies identified XB3 ORTHOLOG
Endogenous circadian rhythms participate in 1 IN ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA (XBAT31) as the E3 ligase
temperature responses that mediates ELF3 degradation at warm temperatures, a
The circadian clock helps plants integrate exogenous and process requiring the thermomorphogenesis regulator B-
endogenous cues to coordinate growth and developmental BOX18 (BBX18; Ding et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2021).
processes at the right time of day and/or season. Light and Taken together, these findings confirm the notion that
temperature cycles are the two major input signals feeding the circadian clock plays important roles in the transduction
into the central oscillator, which is composed of a set of of both light and temperature signals, suggesting that light
transcription–translation feedback loops. The genes and ambient temperatures may modulate seedling and plant
CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1) and LATE development via the same regulatory mechanism
ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) are expressed just before (Figure 2A).
dawn and early in the morning; members of the PSEUDO-
Endogenous phytohormones and
RESPONSE REGULATOR (PRR) gene family are then
expressed sequentially, starting with PRR9 and roughly fol- environmental factors
lowed in order by PRR7, PRR5, PRR3, and TIMING OF CAB2 The growth mediated by light and ambient temperatures is
EXPRESSION1 (TOC1, also named PRR1); PRR9, PRR7, and inseparable from endogenous phytohormones.
PRR5 repress CCA1 and LHY expression. At night, Photoreceptors regulate cell growth via various phytohor-
GIGANTEA (GI), ELF3, ELF4, and LUX ARRHYTHMO (LUX) mones, including auxin, BRs, ethylene, GAs, and jasmonate
are expressed, and the proteins encoded by ELF3, ELF4, and (JA; Luo and Shi, 2019; Fernandez-Milmanda et al., 2020).
LUX form the EC to repress TOC1’s and their own expres- Here, we describe recent progress in determining which
sion. CCA1 and LHY inhibit the transcription of evening (and how) endogenous phytohormones mediate plant de-
genes, whose encoded proteins in turn repress CCA1, LHY, velopment in response to environmental signals.
and PRR9 transcription (McClung, 2014). Auxin mediates architectural changes in plants in response
The expression of photoreceptors is under circadian con- to shade and warm temperatures, as demonstrated by the
trol, and most photoreceptors (phys and CRYs) participate short hypocotyl phenotype exhibited by mutants of SHADE
in light entrainment of the circadian clock (Sanchez et al., AVOIDANCE DEFICIENT3 (SAV3), encoding an L-Trp amino-
2020). Most organisms also exhibit temperature compensa- transferase involved in auxin biosynthesis. This mutant fails
tion (Edwards et al., 2005). Based on genetic evidence, the to rapidly produce free IAA in response to changing light or
flowering time protein GI and the blue light receptor ZTL ambient temperature conditions, in the shade, or at high
are strong candidates for influencing temperature compen- ambient temperatures (Tao et al., 2008; Zheng et al., 2016).
sation between 12 C and 27 C in Arabidopsis (Edwards Local auxin metabolism in the hypocotyl plays a critical
et al., 2005). Warm temperatures enhance the accumulation role in hypocotyl elongation (Zheng et al., 2016). The
of GI, which then stabilizes DELLA proteins and thus attenu- warmer temperature-induced rise in YUC8 transcription and
ates PIF4 function during thermomorphogenesis (Park et al., repression of UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 76F1 (UGT76F1)
2020). The transcript levels of the core clock components fine-tune endogenous free IAA levels and depend on PIF4
TOC1, CCA1, and LHY have varied amplitudes and peak lev- function (Sun et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2020). However, hypo-
els in gi null mutants in response to changing temperatures cotyl cell elongation also requires cotyledon-derived auxin,
(Gould et al., 2006). PRR7 and PRR9 appear to maintain a pointing to both autonomous and organ-interdependent
constant circadian period at various temperatures by adjust- temperature sensing and signaling (Bellstaedt et al., 2019).
ing the transcript levels of CCA1 and LHY (Salome et al., Auxin signaling is also directly connected to photorecep-
2010). tors, as photoactivated CRY1 and phyB physically interact
In addition, the physical interaction of TOC1 and PIF4 with AUX/IAA proteins to stabilize them by reducing their
mediates the circadian gating (modulation of growth pace interactions with the auxin receptor TRANSPORT
as a function of time of day) of thermoresponsive growth INHIBITOR RESPONSE1 (TIR1), an E3 ubiquitin ligase re-
(Zhu et al., 2016). The EC plays a pivotal role in the circa- sponsible for their degradation (Xu et al., 2018). Upon their
dian clock, light signaling, and temperature signaling (Ezer stabilization and accumulation, AUX/IAAs inhibit auxin sig-
et al., 2017) and directly binds to the PIF4 and PIF5 pro- naling by interacting with AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs, pre-
moters to repress their transcription at night (Nusinow venting the transcriptional activation of their downstream
et al., 2011). Furthermore, the EC has been proposed to act targets (Xu et al., 2018). PIF4 and PIF5 regulate auxin biosyn-
as a temperature-responsive transcriptional repressor affect- thesis under changing light conditions and at high ambient
ing rhythmicity and thermoresponsive growth (Ezer et al., temperatures (Franklin et al., 2011; Hornitschek et al., 2012).
Light and temperature-regulated development THE PLANT CELL 2021: Page 7 of 12 | 7

In addition to auxin, increased BR levels are essential for

thermomorphogenic hypocotyl growth (Ibanez et al., 2018).
A screen for mutants with defects in high temperature-
specific cell elongation identified several genes involved in

Downloaded from by Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet user on 18 December 2021

BR biosynthesis. BRs act downstream of PIF4 and auxin to
regulate cell elongation via the BR-regulated transcription
factor BRASSINAZOLE RESISTANT1 (BZR1) in response to
elevated ambient temperatures (Ibanez et al., 2018). Besides
BZR1, another key BR regulator, BES1, associates with PIF4,
which alters the DNA recognition ability and transcriptional
activity of BES1 (Martinez et al., 2018). At higher ambient
temperatures, elevated PIF4 levels compete for binding to
BES1 and reduce the formation of BES1 homodimers, result-
ing in derepressed BR biosynthesis at dawn (Martinez et al.,
2018). The signaling distance between photoreceptors and
BES1/BZR1 may be even smaller than initially thought, as
photoactivated CRYs and phys appear to interact with
BES1/BZR1 to inhibit BR signaling (Wang et al., 2018; He
et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2019; Dong et al., 2020a). Nucleus-
localized UVR8 itself physically interacts with BIM1 and
BES1 to repress their DNA binding activity and BR-induced
gene expression (Liang et al., 2018). While most studies of
temperature-responsive growth have focused on the aerial
parts of plants such as hypocotyls and cotyledons or leaves,
elevated temperatures also enhance root elongation by re-
ducing the levels of the BR receptor BR INSENSITIVE1 (BRI1)
to diminish BR signaling (Martins et al., 2017).
PhyB and COP1 form a direct link between light and eth-
ylene signaling pathways (Zhong et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2013).
Light-activated phyB directly enhances the interaction be-
tween the nucleus-localized transcription factor ETHYLENE-
INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3) and the F-box proteins EIN3-BINDING
F-BOX PROTEIN1 (EBF1) and EBF2 to attenuate ethylene
responses (Shi et al., 2016). In contrast, nucleus-localized
COP1 directly degrades HY5 in the dark and stabilizes EIN3
Figure 2 Light and temperature regulate plant growth via similar
mechanisms. A, Light and temperature regulate the circadian clock. by promoting the degradation of EBF1 and EBF2 (Yu et al.,
The core clock components that are regulated by both light and tem- 2013). Ethylene signaling is also modified by ambient tem-
perature are shown from left to right based on the time of expression peratures. The E3 ligase SALT- AND DROUGHT-INDUCED
of their encoding genes throughout the day. Phy, ZTL, and PIF4 also RING FINGER1 (SDIR1) destabilizes EBF1 and EBF2 to pro-
interact with some core clock components (CCA1/LHY, TOC1, ELF3) mote the accumulation of EIN3 in response to fluctuations
to transduce light and temperature signaling information. B, in ambient temperatures (Hao et al., 2021). SDIR1 transcrip-
Photoreceptors modify phytohormone metabolism and signaling tion is induced by elevated ambient temperatures (Hao
through the PIF/COP1 pathways or by directly interacting with key et al., 2021). Whether SDIR1 is also affected by light will be
factors (AUX/IAA, BZR1/BES1, EBF1/2/EIN3, DELLA) involved in phy-
an interesting question to explore in the future.
tohormone signaling, thus mediating light and temperature signaling
to regulate plant morphology. C, Environmental signaling, the central GAs modulate light signaling to prevent seedling de-
oscillator, and endogenous phytohormones form an integrated net- etiolation in the dark. Blue light inhibits GA biosynthesis
work to modulate plant development. through CRY (Zhao et al., 2007). As DELLAs are negative ele-
ments in the GA signaling pathway, these growth repressors
are destabilized by GAs but are also COP1 substrates, thus
CRYs and phys interact with PIFs to inhibit their transcrip- promoting growth in response to light and temperature
tional activity, thereby reducing the expression of YUCs and changes (Blanco-Tourinan et al., 2020). CRY1 physically
many other auxin-related genes (Huq and Quail, 2002; interacts with DELLA proteins in a blue light-dependent
Franklin et al., 2011; de Wit et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2016; Kim manner, thus stabilizing them by preventing the interaction
et al., 2020b). CRY1 represses auxin biosynthesis in response between DELLA proteins, the F-box protein SLEEPY1 (SLY1),
to elevated temperatures by interacting with PIF4 (Ma et al., and the GA receptor GA-INSENSITIVE DWARF1 (Xu et al.,
2016). 2021; Zhong et al., 2021). Furthermore, warm temperatures
8 | THE PLANT CELL 2021: Page 8 of 12 Li et al.

enhance the accumulation of GI, which stabilizes DELLA Whether the highly conserved CRYs also function as ther-
proteins under long-day conditions, thus integrating photo- mosensors (like phys) will need to be addressed.
periodic and temperature signals with the GA pathway Second, although several potential thermosensors have
(Park et al., 2020). been described, their critical thresholds and active ranges of

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JA catabolic pathways are affected by light and tempera- temperature sensing will need to be investigated. How do
ture. For instance, SULFOTRANSFERASE 2a (ST2a) provides these different sensors recognize and distinguish light and
a direct molecular link between light/temperature and JA temperature signals? The downstream effectors and mecha-
signaling in plants (Fernandez-Milmanda et al., 2020; Zhu nisms specific to each pathway will also need to be explored
et al., 2021). Canopy light conditions and warm tempera- in detail.
tures increase the expression of genes controlling JA catabo- Finally, it is unknown whether temperature or light sens-
lism, such as ST2a. This gene encodes an enzyme that ing and responses are universal processes that take place
reduces bioactive JA contents and thus leads to the stabiliza- uniformly and systematically throughout all plant organs.
tion of JASMONATE-ZIM-DOMAIN PROTEIN (JAZ) pro- Both light and temperature are unlikely to have the same
teins, ultimately facilitating plant growth (Fernandez- effects in different plant cells or organs. We already know
Milmanda et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2021). that temperature attenuates phyB signaling to inhibit hypo-
Photoreceptors (such as phys, CRYs, and UVR8) modify cotyl growth but enhances phyB signaling to promote coty-
phytohormone metabolism and signaling either through ledon expansion (Hahm et al., 2020). Epidermis-specific
PIF/COP1 pathways or by directly interacting with key fac- expression of PIF4 coordinates thermoresponsive growth,
tors in phytohormone signaling, thus modulating the light which is inhibited by epidermal phyB, while vasculature-
and temperature signals that regulate plant morphology. specific expression of PIF4 has no effect on hypocotyl
These phytohormones and related regulatory factors are growth (Kim et al., 2020b). Shade-induced activation of PIF
intertwined to form a precise regulatory network that helps expression in leaves increases auxin levels in this tissue;
plants adapt to a changing environment (Figure 2B). auxin is then transported to the stem to induce stem elon-
gation (Bellstaedt et al., 2019). HY5 acts as a key factor in
Conclusion and perspectives root thermomorphogenesis by directly controlling the ex-
In the natural world, daytime is typically accompanied by pression of many auxin and BR pathway-related genes
higher temperatures, while evening and nighttime bring (Gaillochet et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2021). These findings point
cooler temperatures. However, what if plants are exposed to to the existence of tissue/organ-specific signaling circuitry.
higher ambient temperatures at a time when light signaling How these signals are perceived or transmitted by different
is waning, when they are in the shade of another plant, or cells, as well as between belowground and aboveground
under any other adverse condition due to climate change? plant organs, is unclear. The body of work already amassed
To maintain optimal growth potential, coordinated adjust- and what is yet to come will help us understand the mecha-
ments in morphology are needed in response to these perhaps nisms by which these sophisticated regulatory systems are
conflicting external signals, likely necessitating a fine-tuning integrated.
mechanism to coordinate the effects of light and temperature
on plant growth. The findings mentioned above indicate that
crosstalk between light and temperature signaling occurs at Acknowledgments
multiple points to coordinately regulate plant development. The authors apologize for not citing all relevant articles due
Plants use photoreceptors, light signal transduction factors, to space limitations. The authors thank Drs Zhiwei Zhao,
and similar transcription/post-transcriptional regulatory mech- Libang Ma, Yawen Liu, Fan Feng, and Yuhan Hao for helpful
anisms to adjust the circadian clock and phytohormone levels, discussions and sharing unpublished data.
allowing them to respond in a timely manner or protect
themselves from changing light and temperature conditions
and reach the reproductive stage (Figures 1 and 2). Funding
Identifying the components and detailed molecular mech-
The authors’ laboratory is supported in part by the National
anisms of this integration process will be instrumental in
Natural Science Foundation of China (31825004, 31721001,
better understanding plant adaptation skills. We anticipate
31730009 to H.L.), the Strategic Priority Research Program of
that exploring the following three research questions will so-
the Chinese Academy of Sciences to H.L. (XDB27030000),
lidify our views of light and temperature responses.
the Program of Shanghai Academic Research Leader to H.L.
First, both light and temperature appear to affect the con-
(19XD1404400), and the Foundation of Youth Innovation
version of phys between their active and inactive forms, but
Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
we do not know whether the underlying molecular activa-
(to X.L.).
tion mechanism of these two signals is the same. Higher
temperatures elicit different PB dynamics from those ob- Conflict of interest statement. We declare that we have no
served upon exposure to shade (Hahm et al., 2020). conflict of interest.
Light and temperature-regulated development THE PLANT CELL 2021: Page 9 of 12 | 9

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