My Gentle Tyrant 2

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The audience was unnaturally silent, cold sweat trickled down XuanJi as she continued
performing. This was the limit of her singing capabilities. She had hoped that this,
coupled with the magic tricks she learned in her school day would be enough. There was
nothing more she could do at this point and the song would soon be over.

Without realizing it, her gaze drifted to Feng ZhanBai. After tonight, she will likely
never see him again…. With that thought in mind, as if on a whim, she walked slowly in
his direction.

XuanJi was unaware that the entire audience’s attention was on her at this moment,
watching as she moved towards him.

When their eyes met, there was a glimmer of familiarity, as if they had once known each
other in a past life. Feng ZhanBai felt his heart constrict, the hands that were hidden
beneath the table clenched tightly. He couldn’t help but laugh at himself, he had always
walked calmly through life, never having felt any anxiety or nervousness. Who could
have thought that he would first experience these emotions in this kind of scenario.

XuanJi watch as the handsome face reddened slightly. Curving her eyes in a smile, she
stretched her hand out towards him. Her delicate white palm held nothing in it. The
audience looked on with curiosity, no one understood her actions. Feng ZhanBai himself
could only focus on the dryness in his throat as he watched her.

Suddenly, the outstretched hand pulled back and twirled by her temples, a brilliant
purple flower had bloomed in her hand.

She smiled lightly and handed the flower over to Feng ZhanBai. Shocked, he immediately
reached out and accepted it.

Walking back, XuanJi let out the final note of the song and slowly turned her body
towards the back of the stage.

No one knew who made the first sound of, when suddenly, the entire room burst with
cheers and applause.

XuanJi vigorously wiped away the sweat on her brows, internally giving thanks to the TV
drama the song was written for.

Suddenly, she felt something lightly hit her back. Confused, she turned back towards the
audience. At the same time the lights within the building had been rekindled. Countless
silk flowers were being thrown at her feet. The shock that had flitted across her face
turned into a small smile.
In a matter of seconds, the floor was covered with a sea of multicolored silk flowers. If
one were to count, the number of flowers piled before XuanJi were many times that of
the flowers received by the five previous performers combined.

A voice shouted out “No need to continue the selection, Miss ShiMin is clearly the
winner tonight!” several other voices immediately joined in agreement. Soon, the sounds
of approval rang through the entire venue
Surprised, XuanJi didn’t know how to react. From the corner of her eye she saw Feng
ZhanBai’s heavy gaze and the eyes of Na-Ming TianLang and YunYang, all pointed at her.

In the distance, she saw Madame walking towards the stage with a face full of smiles,
XuanJi readied herself to leave the stage. Suddenly, she felt a heat rise from her lower
abdomen and spread down her limbs, throughout her entire body.

Before she could react, she felt something tighten around her waist. Shocked, she turned
her head and nearly let out a scream. WenSan, the pigheaded son of Wen Rukai had
wrapped his arms around her!

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” she angrily shouted, trying in vain to push him off.

WenSan gave her a perverted look and laughed. “You little seductress, I certainly didn’t
make a mistake choosing you, you’ll serve my father and I well tonight.”

As he continued to hold XuanJi he shouted out “Does everyone want to see this little
beauty’s face?”

“Yes!” The applause that had slowed down suddenly erupted again.

“Young Master Wen, hurry up and show us!”

XuanJi turned towards Feng ZhanBai in horror. Before she could cry out to him for help,
the veil was already ripped off of her face.

“What? Why is it you? Where is Lu ShiMin? To think you were a girl this whole time!
Ha, at least I still got something worthwhile for my money.” WenSan quickly recovered
from his shock and laughed out. The disgusting look in his eyes intensified as he drooled
over her. He looked as if he was ready to rip her clothes off and take her right there.

Furious, XuanJi lifted her hands and gave him a slap.

“You dare to hit me!?” He shouted in rage, immediately wrapping his hands around
XuanJi’s neck.

Struggling to break free, XuanJi turned towards Feng ZhanBai. “Big brother, save me.” she
cried out hoarsely.
Feng ZhanBai had barely been able to contain his rage when he saw WenSan grab
XuangJi. In the moment her face was revealed, he was stunned by what he saw.

He moved with lightning speed towards the stage before the words were even out of her
mouth. With a flick of his sleeves, she was pulled into his embrace and WenSan was
knocked to the ground.

“Sir” WuQi shouted out as he leaped to Feng ZhanBai’s side. The entire audience froze in
shock at the sudden change of events.

Blood was dripping out of the corner of WenSan’s mouth as he cried out in pain. Servants
rushed forward to help him off the ground.

Wen Rukai smiled coldly as he stood up from his seat. “Young man, your martial arts
skills are quite good.”

Due to his family circumstances Feng ZhanBai had kept a low profile on his trip to the
capital. He did not wish to draw the attention of any nobles or court officials. Yet at this
moment,with XuanJi trembling in his arms, he suddenly felt willing to fight everyone in
YanYu tower to keep her safe.

“I apologize for involving you in this.” XuanJi said with a sad smile.

“Since you’ve already acknowledged me as an older brother, then there’s no need for you
to apologize.” He said gently to her.

While in his arms, XuanJi felt the heat in her body start to subside. The brief moment of
reprieve quickly turned into discomfort when her body suddenly started to itch. The
feeling intensified and she felt as if a million ants were crawling beneath her skin.

The desire for Feng Zhanbai to hold her tighter suddenly rose unbidden into her mind.
Her cheeks flushed red as she tried to shake the thought away, but her entire head felt
cloudy. Through the haze she was able to realize one thing. She had been drugged!

Before her performance a servant had come in to serve her tea. She had been thirsty from
practicing so she drank it without a second thought. Thankfully, YuZhi was hiding
underneath the table at that time and didn’t have any.

How could she have been foolish enough to drink anything at a brothel without
examining it first?! Madame Huan must have sent it over intending to drug Liu ShiMin.
She felt the heat coursing through her body growing more and more frenzied. “Big
brother, please take me away from here.”

Feng ZhanBai saw the pained look in her eyes and immediately felt his heart constrict.
“Alright, I’ll take you away immediately.”

At this moment, ten to twenty people in soldier’s uniforms surged in and surrounded the

Na-Ming and YunYang glanced at each other. They were about to make a move when
Feng ZhanBai shot a glance at WuQi. Suddenly, all that could be seen was a swirl of
white cloth. When the movement stopped, XuanJi and Feng ZhanBai were nowhere to be

The onlookers were stunned, how can anyone move that fast?

“Spread out and search! Those two must be captured!” Wen RuKai sneered.

“Hm, I wonder who uncle is trying to capture?”

A light voice fell from the second floor as a group of people descended down the stairs.
The one who had spoken was a purple clad young man.

Wen RuKai was about to respond in anger when he saw whose voice it was. A wave of
terror washed over him as his knees started to shake. Why would he be in a place like

Pulling himself together, he hurriedly knelt and addressed the newcomer.

“This humble servant greets his majesty!”

When these words were spoken, the entire room froze. In a flash, everyone except for
WuQi, Na-Ming, and YunYan were kneeling on the ground.

“Na-Ming greets the emperor of the Western Capital.” Na-Ming placed his fist to his chest
and bowed slightly.

Long FeiLi smiled lightly at him: “The second prince does not to worry so much about

Although surprised to see the emperor, YunYang revealed nothing in his face. “This
official greets the emperor”
As he bent down to kneel, Long FeiLi reached out a hand to stop him. “Seventh brother,
we are family, there’s no need for you to be so polite.”

WuQi was in shock, to think that Na-Ming was actually a prince from YueLuo kingdom,
and YunYang was the seventh prince, Long XiuWen.

Long XiuWen had been exiled at a young age by the previous emperor and had not
returned to the capital since then. Although he and YuZhi were siblings they had only
met once as a child and did not even recognize each other.

Long FeiLi looked at the people kneeling before him and lightly said. “It seems that many
members of the court are here today. It is certainly is a lively event.”

Although his voice was calm, a wave of terror washed over the officials still on the
ground. None of them knew why this young emperor would suddenly show up here.
Unable to tell what he was thinking, they all remained silent out of fear.

At this moment, WenSan crawled over to Long FeiLi and sniveled. “Your Majesty, please
provide a recourse for this official, I was just heavily wounded by an unknown fiend….”

Wen RuKai cursed inwardly at his stupid son. “Who allowed to speak in front of his

Before he could even finish his sentence, WenSan had been fiercely kicked to the ground.
A stream of fresh blood spurted from his mouth. Seeing this, everyone was terrified.

If you were to consider family relations, WenSan was technically the emperor’s cousin,
yet he still….

Other people may not understand but those accompanying Long FeiLi knew all too well.
Earlier, when the XuanJi’s face had been unveiled, he had already reached his boiling
For him to then see WenSan molesting her and Feng ZhanBai carrying her away….. One
could only imagine how enraged he was now.

Long FeiLi tells everyone in attendance about YanYu tower being suspected of harboring
an assassin. He then orders several palace guards to seal the tower and search for the
criminal. QingFeng returns from tailing Feng ZhanBai to report back to Long FengLi.
Long FengLi leaves the scene to search for XuanJi who is hiding in Miss ShiMin’s room
with Feng ZhanBai.
Feng ZhanBai carried XuanJi over to the bed. Her mind was in a complete haze, unable to
process anything. She starts tearing at the clothes on her body as her face twisted in
discomfort. “It’s so hot…” She moaned softly, while writhing on the bed.

Seeing this, Feng ZhanBai immediately knew what had happened. Suddenly the sound of
fabric ripping was heard, XuanJi had torn off her outer robe, revealing a patch of snow
white skin.

Unable to do anything, Feng ZhanBai immediately walked out and grabbed a serving boy,
demanding the antidote. Terrified, the servant said that the drug could only be cured by a
man and a woman being intimate with each other, and it must be done within an hour or
the drug could cause great harm to her body.

Back in the room, XuanJi’s condition had not improved. Her chest rose and fell slowly
with each breath, her skin glistened under the candle light. The sight was enough to
drive any man crazy.

Having long fallen for her, Feng ZhanBai’s could barely control his beating heart.
Without thinking, his hand reached out to caress her face. He paused as his hand slid over
her smooth skin. Realizing what he had done, he immediately withdrew his hand, but it
was too late, XuanJi had reached out and grabbed his hand.

“No, don’t do this.” Clenching his teeth, he tried to pull his hand back, but this only
caused her to hold on even tighter, pulling him closer to her.

Feng ZhanBai had always been a man with great self control, but for some reason, he
wasn’t strong enough to pull away from her.

He smiled bitterly at himself. No, it wasn’t that he didn’t have the strength, but that he
didn’t want to. The man who had stayed away from worldly relations his entire life, he
had fallen completely in love today.

XuanJi had long lost all awareness of her surroundings. The only thing she could focus on
was the hand she was holding. She had felt some relief from it and was now trying to pull
it closer to her body.

When Feng ZhanBai felt the soft tug on his hand, he felt his restraint slip and swiftly
pulled her into his embrace. Giving her a light kiss on the forehead, he murmured in her
ear: “XuanEr, if I were to have you today, would you hate me for the rest of your life?”

“I am twenty three and yet to marry. I’ve never felt this way about any woman other
than you. After tonight I will go to your family to ask for your hand in marriage. For the
rest of my life I will only love you, will you accept that?”
XuanJi felt as if her entire body was being consumed by fire. She instinctively burrowed
into the embrace of the man who held her, squirming desperately in his arms with need.

With this, what little self control Feng ZhanBai had left was gone. He lowered his head
and kissed her deeply.

As their tongues intertwined, he breathed in her light fragrance. He had known the
woman in his arms for barely a day. Even the name he called her by may not be real.
Despite that, he felt as if he had waited for her for over a thousand years. Every inch of
his body cried out for her desperately wanting her, wanting to spend the rest of his life
loving her.

Feng ZhanBai felt as if a stone was dropped into his once peaceful heart. The ripples it
created had expanded until they could no longer be contained. He was drowning
completely in his desire for her, unable to resurface.

Hearing her gasping for breath, he reluctantly pulled away. He gazed at her as his thumb
lovingly stroked the petal like lips that were swollen from being kissed.

The hauntingly sad words she sung today suddenly floated through his mind.

If we were to be reborn in a different time with different names

Would I still recognize you?
After a thousand years
What kind of scenery will you be surrounded by?
Although our story is not considered beautiful
It is something I will never forget.
If we had been brave enough to be together
Would we have a different ending today?

He had never believed in rebirth or fate, but from the moment he saw that woman in
violet walk onto the stage, he felt like his heart had been struck.

He had inexplicably fallen completely in love with her. If this wasn’t fate then what was

Thinking back to when they first met at the marketplace, she had been trying to
raise money for the orphan girl. In that kind of scenario, he would normally send
WuQi to donate money in his stead while he stayed hidden. Yet, when he saw her,
he suddenly felt the desire to meet her.

While thinking, his hand slowly moved downward and unraveled the tie on her
chest band. He bent over again to kiss her, slowly moving down from her neck. He
was about to remove her chest band when...

The loud sound was accompanied by the sight of a young man angrily kicking open
the door to the room.

Surprised, Feng ZhanBai swiftly pulled the clothing that had been torn off back
over XuanJi. He looked up and gazed calmly at the unwelcome guest.

A handsome young man wearing purple robes walked through the door. Despite his
elegant bearing, the man’s eyes were red with murderous intent. Feng ZhanBai’s
reaction had been quick, but it wasn’t quick enough to hide what was happening
from Long FeiLi.

“Who allowed you to touch her?”

As he spoke, a flurry of sleeves swirled in the air and the man moved to strike Feng
ZhanBai. He quickly sidestepped to dodge the attack and laid XuanJi gently on the
bed. He pulled the blankets over her and quickly turned to intercept another

“May I ask who you are?”

Without responding, Long FeiLi unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards Feng
ZhanBai. After seeing what that man was doing to XuanJi he had only one thought
left in his mind. Kill him.

XuanJi wouldn’t be let off easily either.

He had watched stupefied at her performance, unable to tear his eyes away from
her as she swayed amidst the flurry of snow. When he found out who she was, his
head was filled with images of her. Her brilliant smile, her silent tears, her angry
expression, every emotion she had every shown him.

That day, when she humiliated him in the great hall he had fully intended to kill
her. But when he saw the blood dripping from her mouth, he couldn’t bear to lift
his sword.

Even while enraged, he couldn’t bear to exile her to the Cold Palace either.

He angrily declared FengJiu Palace a Cold Palace. Despite that, the luxuries
provided to FengJiu Palace were no less than before. Who did he think he was
fooling? When had he become so softhearted?

He removed the guards from her palace because he didn’t want to hear any news
about her.

He visited other consorts at night but would only think of her.

He agreed to YaoGuang’s request to invite XuanJi because he wanted to see her

He did all this because of her, yet she repaid him by escaping from the palace
perform in front of other men.

Even though he possessed her body, he didn’t understand her at all. Her mind had
always been filled with strange things. He didn’t know she could create a blanket
of snow from nothingness, or that she could sing such a moving song, and he didn’t
know who this man in white was.

Under dim candle light, he saw her walk towards him and hand him a flower. At
that moment, Long FeiLi could clearly see the smile on her face.

And now, she was in the arms of that man, embracing him.

If he had not arrived, would she have become someone else’s woman?
She claimed to love him, but what did that mean now? What did her sacrifice at
the Nian residence even mean…..

She had betrayed him!

Long FeiLi felt the anger bubble, he aimed his sword at Feng ZhanBai and struck.
Thinking quickly, Feng ZhanBai pulled out his sword and deflected the blow. The
two experts were evenly matched in martial arts. In a fight like this, one misstep
could be the difference between life and death.

Hearing what the man had said when he entered, Feng ZhanBai guessed that they
knew each other. He didn’t want to hurt Long FeiLi but XuanJi’s condition was
steadily worsening. Something needed to be done or her life would be in danger.

“Who you are and what is your relationship with Nian Xuan? If you are unwilling to
answer, then forgive me for being discourteous!” With that, Feng ZhanBai swung
his sword towards Long FeiLi. The two men continued to fight, a flurry of white
and purple fabric swirled around the room as the two struck at each other again
and again.

The drug had completely taken over XuanJi’s body. She had passed out completely
on the bed, unaware of the commotion going on in the room.

A sharp voice suddenly pierced the air. “What’s happening? Stop fighting, we’re all
friends here!”

“YuZhi, do you want to die?! XiaSang, who had also appeared by the door, roughly
yanked her back. Those two were focused completely on attacking each other. If
she had entered the room, a single stray strike could have killed her.

Up until this moment, YuZhi had been blissfully unaware of the havoc their little
excursion had caused. After the performance, YuZhi had felt hungry and had gone
straight to the kitchen. She was on her way back when she bumped into XiaSang
and they arrived at this scene.
YuZhi looked anxiously towards XuanJi’s unmoving body and then at the
bloodthirsty fight. “Ninth brother, stop fighting! Go check on sister-in-law! It looks
like she’s stopped breathing!”

Hearing this, both men were stunned. Feng ZhanBai’s entire focus was on the first
half of her words. He reflexively blocked the strike that had been aimed at him
and turned his sharp gaze towards YuZhi, “ What did you just say? Isn’t she your

Long FeiLi’s attention, on the other hand, had been caught by the second half of
YuZhi’s words. “she’s stopped breathing…” In a flash, he moved over to her side.

YuZhi slowly responded to Feng ZhanBai. “Actually….she’s my sister-in-law. That

man is my ninth brother and her husband.”

Feng ZhanBai felt as if he had been stabbed with a knife. He staggered back and
stabbed his sword into the ground, leaning on it to support his shaking body.

She was already married….

At this point, Long FeiLi had pulled XuanJi into his embrace and was now coldly
glaring at Feng ZhanBai.

Feng ZhanBai gripped the hilt of his sword and let out a bitter laugh.

“I did not know she was already married. She was heavily drugged with an
aphrodisiac. I had no intention to offend, but with no antidote on hand, I had little
choice if I wanted to preserve her life. She has been in and out of consciousness
and was unaware of what happened. Please do not blame her----”

As he spoke, he suddenly stood up and yanked his sword out from the ground.
YuZhi let out a shriek as he plunged it directly into his own chest. Blood seeped
from the wound, dying his white robes a vivid red.

“Nian Xuan, I was the one at fault, let me repent with this strike.” With those
words he disappeared in a flurry of white cloth.

Before YuZhi could even recover from the shock, XiaSang had lifted her up and
headed out the door.

As he closed the door behind him, he heard a dark voice. “XiaSang, go find the
identity of that man.”

“This servant understands”

Long FeiLi tightly held the woman in his arms, staring at her swollen lips. That
which should only be touched by him had been plucked by another man. How could
a single sword strike be enough to quell the rage in his heart? As the anger bubbled
up again, he almost had the desire to kill the woman before him.
Despite his thoughts, he couldn’t bear to lift a finger against her.

There was a flicker of movement from her eyes as she started to awaken. Like a
kitten, she mewled something unintelligible and snuggled into his embrace.

His throat tightened, unable to resist her coquettish actions.

Then she reached out her hands and started tearing at his clothes.

Despite knowing she was acting on instinct, he felt the anger that had subsided
boil up again. Right now, she would offer herself up no matter who the man in
front of her was.

He threw her bodily back onto the bed.

Unable to tear at his clothing, she started to remove her own again. The clothes
that had barely been put back on her were easily torn off and tossed aside.

Long FeiLi picked up the chest band that had been thrown over his knees, the
desire to kill her increased. He turned to glare at her but, was unable to look away
once his gaze fell on her.

Her skin was breathtakingly smooth and spotless, the pink tips on her breasts
contrasted starkly with her pale white skin. To make matters worse, the drug was
stifling her breathing, causing her chest to rise and fall heavily with each breath.

Long FeiLi was used to his Consorts’ many attempts to seduce him. Countless
women had disrobed in front of him, trying to entice him. He had always reacted
calmly without much emotion, but today, it felt like something was tugging at his

Unable to control himself, he pulled her back into his embrace.

A sliver of anger remained as he looked down at her. What tonight was not entirely
within her control, but she had willingly given that man a flower tonight with a
smile on her face. The man in white was definitely someone he needed to watch
out for in the future.


Long FeiLi had never truly felt jealousy before, but today he was able to experience it

He angrily grabbed XuanJi by the chin, pulling her towards him. Hurt by his grasp, she
struggled to break free. He sighed and let go of her again, not wanting to see her in pain.

Despite being given the chance to escape, she still foolishly clambered onto his lap,
curling up against his chest. The fire within her had become irrepressible and
uncomfortable, the only thought she had was that being next to him could quell the heat.
Unable to control herself, she burrowed deeper into his embrace.

Even through the layers of clothing, Long FeiLi could feel her heat as she rubbed against
him, her feverish motions causing him to lose his last shred sanity.

Still filled with anger and jealousy, he pressed her naked body beneath him, roughly
kissing her in an attempt to remove all trace of that man.

XuanJi felt a wave of pleasure from his forceful kiss, she reached out and wrapped her
arms around his neck, pulling him to her chest moaning as he continued to kiss her.

Her moans elicited an even greater reaction from him. He lifted her up and spread her
legs open, wrapping them around his waist, as he pressed her softness against himself.

Slipping in and out of awareness, her eyebrows furrowed slightly in concern at this
action, but her body rubbed wantonly against him, having succumbed fully to the
intensity of its desire.

In a brief moment of lucidity, XuanJi peered through half open eyes at the person before
her, barely able to tell who it was.

She muttered incomprehensibly “Idiot, of course it’s that bastard Long FeiLi!”

Long FeiLi clenched and unclenched his hands, resisting the urge to wrap them around
her neck. He bit down on her lips again, swallowing the ungrateful words trying to
escape from her mouth.

“Tell me, who am I, who do you want me to be?”

XuanJi whimpered “Long FeiLi, you bastard, Long FeiLi….”

Satisfied, Long FeiLi finally stopped resisting the urge to have her. With a single thrust,
he roughly entered her, repeatedly exploring her body.

From outside, the moon bathed the room with a silvery glow as the sounds of moaning
and heavy breathing came from the couple inside.


XuanJi woke up sore and groggy, looking around, it struck her that she had no idea where
she was.

It was funny, before arriving in this world, she had never experienced the feeling of
waking up in a foreign place, and now this was the second time it had happened to her.

She quickly cast this thought out of her mind however, as she noticed the bruises all over
her naked body. The pale green marks were scattered all over her snowy skin, the pain
coming from them made her feel as if she had been torn apart.

Thinking back to last night, her face turned pale. All she could remember was being
taken away by Feng ZhanBai, everything beyond that was a mystery.

Then with who did she…..? Feng ZhanBai? The more she thought the more uneasy she
felt, without examining her surroundings, she hurriedly threw on a nearby robe and
walked out of the bedroom and into the study.

“Big brother Feng? She murmured, a little afraid of hearing his response.

“Say that again…”

The man who had been reading in the sitting area immediately slammed his book shut
and stood up, his voice icy cold.

XuanJi blinked a few times. Standing before her was a man wearing ornate golden robes
covered in dragon embroidery, isn’t this.. Long FeiLi?

Startled, she quickly looked at her surroundings, this was the royal study! Then the room
she was in before had to have been the bedroom, but where were XiaSang and XuYan?
Weren’t they always with him? Why was she here alone with him?

But more importantly...….. When the realization hit her, XuanJi felt like she had been
splashed with cold water. Forgetting about their disagreement over YaoGuang, she
rushed over to him, tugging on his sleeve. “Long FeiLi! It was you last night wasn’t it?!”

Long FeiLi righted himself, unable to remember how many times he had her last night.
Just like the first night, he had continued till she could no longer take it and begged him
to stop.

He didn’t sleep that night either, only lying beside her and watching her, around four in
the morning, he finally arose and instructed everyone to return to the palace.

In YanYu Tower, everyone was already prepared to leave. Na-Ming and the Seventh
Prince were both sent to their respective homes, while Feng ZhanBai and WuQi left

When Feng ZhanBai first appeared, everyone could see that he had been heavily injured.
The blood was still seeping out of his wound, contrasting sharply against his white robes..
Unexpectedly, he was still able to move about quickly with his injuries. QingFeng had
tried to prevent him from leaving, but even his martial arts were not enough to stop him.
Within a few swift movements, Feng ZhanBai and WuQi had vanished.

In the dead of night, the street lights that were normally lit had already been
extinguished. A carriage quietly pulled up to the rear entrance of YanYu Tower as a
purple robed man carrying a woman slowly walked out. Upon entering the carriage, the
imperial guards surrounding the area moved to escort the carriage back to the palace.

That was the night YanYu Tower was closed, never to open its doors again.

In the opposite direction of the royal carriage an anxious man on the verge of tears was
pulling a lone horse. Upon the horse was the reclining figure of a white robed young

“Young Master, are we going back to the Chen ShiBo family?”

The man in white only uttered a few words “return to YanXia County” before passing
out. The JinChuang medicine on his chest had melted into the fresh blood that was
oozing out. Even the best medicine of the Feng family was not enough to stop the blood
flow as it trickled down along the belly of the horse.

The man couldn’t understand, since the age of twelve, no one has been strong enough to
hurt his master. How did he get such heavy injuries in just one night?

He continued to walk as he pondered, making the long trek to YanXia County.

Unbeknownst to WuQi, Feng ZhanBai’s hand was still clenched tightly around a purple


Fate often works in strange ways. Sometimes, what looks like the end is only the

After returning to the palace, against all expectation, Long FeiLi brought XuanJi into his
bedroom instead of confining her in FengJiu Palace.
This was the first time he had ever brought a woman in there. Afterwards, he went
straight to morning court without bothering to assign any extra guards to keep an eye on
her. Even XiaSang and XuXi were told to stay away.

It was still early in the day when morning court ended. When he went to check on her,
she was still wrapped in a bundle of blankets, deep asleep. He decided to go to the sitting
area to work on state matters.

At lunch time, he went back in to wake her, lightly patting her face. She had angrily
burrowed deeper into the sheets, still dead asleep.

Long FeiLi furrowed his brows. The wives of a noble family were groomed from a young
age to be elegant and graceful at all times. The residents of the palace were unlike the
regular citizens, his consorts were dignified even while asleep.

He reached out his hand to pat her again, this time, a leg shot out to kick him in response.

He reflexively caught her foot, his brows furrowing even deeper. Yet this unexpected
reaction caused his heart to stir a little, before he realized it, he had pulled her into his
embrace and kissed her lightly.


He returned to the sitting room to have lunch and spend some time reading.

Listening to her faint snores, he felt the stress and frustration from the past few days fade

…….until he heard a small voice call out. “Big Brother Feng?”

The calm atmosphere suddenly turned icy cold. “Say that again…”

She seemed to just realize he was there, her face lit up in joy as she ran towards him.
Seeing this, the icy exterior cracked a little.

“It’s you, It’s you! Thank goodness it was you!” XuanJi dove into his embrace relieved as
the lingering sense of fear slowly evaporated.

Long FeiLi’s entire body stiffened, after a long moment, he slowly wrapped his arms
around her.

The warmth of his hand erased all remaining doubts, with the anxiety gone, she suddenly
remembered.. Using all her strength, she forcefully pushed him away, glaring at him.
Memories of the events that happened before leaving the palace all came flooding back
into her mind.

There was a pause as the two looked at each other, neither knowing what to say. Finally,
XuanJi bit her lip and walked back into the bedroom.

Long FeiLi’ gaze turned heavy as he watched the figure beyond the crystal curtain.

Shortly, XuanJi returned to the sitting room, dressed neatly in her robes.

“This consort illicitly left the palace, your majesty may deliver whatever punishment he
deems fit. If there are no other requests, this consort shall take her leave.” With that, she
turned and left the room.

She had not apologized or shown an ounce of remorse. What wasn’t this woman afraid to


Staring at her retreating figure, Long FeiLi walked back to his desk and picked up his
book again.

“That’s probably for the best, Consort Nian should return quickly. I will be sending
XiaSang out in the evening with an official decree to punish the servants of FengJiu
palace. They were not able to do their duty as servants and protect their mistress, you
should also be there when the decree is issued.”

Hearing this, XuanJi turned around and raged “Are these underhanded tactics the
only thing you know how to do?”

Long FeiLi didn’t respond, his attention had shifted back to his book as if he was
reading a gripping story.

“Long FeiLi, what are you trying to do?” XuanJi clenched her teeth in frustration.

XuanJi stood unmoving, waiting for a response.

What she didn’t realize was that illicitly leaving the palace was a grave offense. If
Long FeiLi didn’t give a show of punishing her now, then the punishment she would
receive from anyone else in the palace would be far worse.

She didn’t for a second suspect that he had any good intentions.

Now that YaoGuang was between the two of them, all trust had gone. Even if he
didn’t love her, their relationship would never be able to return to how it was before.

He finally spoke again: “All I know is that one must apologize when one has

--This translation was done by LissuLand if you are reading it elsewhere then it was

XuanJi was shocked, she derisively shouted out “You can forget about that!”

Without waiting for another response, she turned around and left.

Long FeiLi angrily threw away the book in his hand. With a sweep of his arm, all of
the contents on the table before him were swept to the ground.

By the time XuanJi was done with this exchange, it was already late afternoon. She
had slept most of the day away.

She wanted to help the servants in FengJiu palace but she still had some time until
the decree was released. She’ll come back to beg him later, for now, let him be angry!

Thinking about this, she felt a little better.

When she returned to her palace, DeiFeng and the rest greeted her with tear streaked
faces. They all quickly asked where she had been. She only responded that she was
with the emperor. Despite knowing this wasn’t entirely true, they didn’t pry any

“Where’s the little wolf? I haven’t seen him since I came back.” XuanJi asked, half
curious half worreid. The little wolf that was usually seen scampering around outside
had mysteriously vanished.

DieFeng didn’t know either, ever since that day when QingFeng took him away he
was nowhere to be seen. XuanJi would have to ask him about it later.

“Mistress, princess YuZhi sent a servant over recently asking you to go visit her.”

“Did she say what it was for?”

DieFeng shook her head.

XuanJi went to visit YuZhi. When she arrived outside her palace, she heard XiaSang and
the princess arguing about her arranged marriage.

“Princess,you have to ask his highness to call off your wedding to Prince Fan and let
you choose for yourself between him and Prince YueLuo”

“Why? Is there any difference between the two of them?”

“At least you’ll be able to have another choice, and Prince YueLuo has not yet
married, you can be his first wife.”

“What does it matter, all of them are the same to me, none of them measure up to big
brother Feng!”

“Do you mean Feng ZhanBai? YuZhi, listen to me, don’t bring up his name in front of
the emperor! You should hurry up and go ask your ninth brother”

“XiaSang, aren’t you overstepping your bounds? What does my marriage have to do
with you? All you need to know is that whoever I marry, it won't be you!”

The silence was deafening.

“XiaSang…. I didnt mean---”

“What the princess said is right, I have been thinking too much. XiaSang is only a
servant and does not have the right to intervene in the princesses affairs!”

XuanJi stood in shock as XiaSang hurriedly left, all color sapped out of his handsome

To think the ever calm XiaSang could have this kind of reaction.
After XiaSang leaves, XuanJi goes inside to greet YuZhi who had a surprise for her.
CuiYa, the orphan girl they had helped in the streets was here, wanting to serve XuanJi.
On her way home from YanYu Tower last night, YuZhi had encountered CuiYa who
begged her to take her to XuanJi. She had talked the matter over with Long FeiLi who
agreed to let her stay. After helping CuiYa get situated, XuanJi decided to go back to Long
FeiLi’s palace to beg for forgiveness.


It seems that XuanJi had picked a bad time to visit, as the emperor was currently in
the company of one of his consorts ---- YaoGuang.

As soon as she saw this, XuanJi immediately turned to leave, but Long FeiLi had
already seen her.

“Consort Nian.”

Now that there were two consort Nian’s in the palace, who knew which one of them
he was referring to, XuanJi continued walking away.

“Nian XuanJi.”

She ground her teeth in frustration but stopped to greet him.

“Your majesty, this consort has interrupted you, this consort will take her leave now.”

YaoGuang picked this time to greet her.

“Sister.” She said with a magnanimous smile.

Unable to spit the words back out at her, XuanJi merely nodded her head in
YaoGuang’s direction, ready to drift elegantly away again.

“You may leave.” Long FeiLi said coldly.

XuanJi smiled in response, if he wants her to leave then she’ll leave. But before she
could take more than two steps, a strong arm had wrapped itself around her waist.

Surprised, she turned to look at the tall figure that was now standing beside her.

YaoGuang walked over and said in a quiet voice “This consort will take her leave

As she left, she cast a glance at XuanJi. Her complicated gaze was filled mostly with

Just now.. He had told YaoGuang to leave?

XuanJi straightened herself, not knowing what to say. Before she could gather her
wits up again, Long FeiLi had already let her go.

--This translation was done by if you are reading it elsewhere then it
was stolen--

“I wonder why Consort Nian wanted to see me?”

As he said this, he looked around a bit and casually stated: “Hm.. It’s almost evening,
XiaSang should be here soon.”

Hearing this, XuanJi almost exploded with anger, she spat out her response through
gritted teeth. “This consort was wrong to illicitly leave the palace, begging his

Long FeiLi smiled coldly, “Is this the level of your sincerity? Consort Nian, who asks
for forgiveness with that kind of attitude.”

He looked at her again and then turned to go back inside.

If she were wearing high heels right now, XuanJi would have surely taken them off to
beat him with it. Working hard to push down the anger, she followed him inside.

Inside, he was seated at his desk again. This time, the table was covered with food.
Despite being more sumptuous than the plain fare of tofu and vegetables they had
last time, the dishes were still very light and simple.
Long FeiLi was now elegantly sampling the food before him, completely unbothered
by the angry looks XuanJi was shooting at him.

Unable to hold back any longer, she strode towards him “Long FeiLi what is it that
you want me to do?”

Looking up from the food, Long FeiLi stared directly into her eyes. “Do you know
why YaoGuang was here just now?”

Why was he still toying with her like this?

“I only want to know what you want from me? I can’t be bothered to care about
anything else.”

Ignoring her, Long FeiLi continued talking. “She came here, hoping I would visit her

XuanJi smiled bitterly at him. “It’s good that your relationship is so strong. That day
at the Nian Residence you were only able to sample, now you can feast whenever you

Long FeiLi’s pupil’s constricted . “But right now I’m only interested in your body,
what do you think I should do about that?
Hearing his words, XuanJi almost choked on her own spit, this person was
shameless enough to say something like that without turning red.

She suddenly didn’t know what to say next.

The words filled with obvious intent… She would be lying if she said she wasn’t
interested, her heart was audibly beating with excitement.

She still couldn’t understand, Long FeiLi could have any woman he wanted. Many of
the consorts in his palace were far more beautiful than her. Why would he be so
interested in her? Could it be because he was tired of feasting on gourmet food and
wanted to try something more simple?

The more she thought about it the more it didn’t make sense.

Seeing no reaction from her, Long FeiLi continued to eat without saying any more.

If the enemy does not make a move then neither will I. XuanJi continued to stay
silent, but as she watched him eat, she suddenly remembered how little she ate
today. Now that she thought about it, she was ravished.

Feeling mischievous, she reached out her hand and grabbed a piece of meat off the
table and popped it into her mouth.

Long FeiLi had not expected her to do something like that, he looked up in surprise.

“So uncivilized.”
XuanJi glared grumpily at him, seeing him reach for another plate of food, she
reached out and grabbed another piece.

Long FeiLi furrowed his brows and put down his chopsticks. XuanJi took this
opportunity to quickly eat some more. After polishing off a few more platters of food,
she smiled sweetly and said: “This consort has not eaten yet, she is a little hungry.”

Long FeiLi smiled and took a sip of tea. “Then consider these dishes a gift from me.”

XuanJi’s face immediately fell, gifting me with food that you’ve already eaten….

“Thank you, this consort will take the rest of the food to-go.”


“It’s a culinary term, you may not be aware of it.” XuanJi said.

“You’ll eat here.”

“We should talk about important matters first, your majesty still hasn’t said what he
wanted this consort to do.”

“Eat first, then we’ll talk.”


XuanJi gritted her teeth and threw and quick glance at him, his eyes were filled with
mirth at her reaction. She silently cursed herself, why did she have to eat his food?
Wasn’t she just digging a hole for herself?
The food was served in small stone pots, she picked up the bowl he was using and
added some rice to it. It was only then that she realized there were no other chairs,
she looked around a bit, would she have to eat standing up?

Something suddenly tugged at her waist, before she realized it, she was leaning
against a firm chest. His hand was pressed gently against her lower abdomen, a calm
voice came from behind her.
“Hurry up and eat, the food is starting to get cold.”

These words almost sounded gentle, making XuanJi feel a little uncomfortable, what
were they doing here? She bit her lip and started eating without a word.

His hand continued to hover around her lower abdomen.

She never bothered to act ladylike around him before, and now was not the time to
start, especially since she was hungry. She started eating with bigger and bigger bites,
quickly shoveling the food into her mouth.

She suddenly thought back to a particular meal she had at the cafeteria during her
school days. She had happened to sit at the same table as LinSheng and his
girlfriend. He barely knew who she was and paid her no attention, but she had still
carefully eaten her meal, wanting to make a good impression. To date, that was the
slowest she had ever eaten a meal. Thinking about it now, she couldn’t help but laugh
a little.
Long FeiLi had found a book to read, hearing her laughter, he reached out and
turned her head towards him.

“What are you laughing at?”

XuanJi paused and then shrugged.

Long FeiLi furrowed his brows and frowned as he removed a grain of rice from the
side of her cheek.

“It’s one thing to be like this at home, but didn’t you take any etiquette lessons before
entering the palace?”

Why was he always nagging her, even back at the Nian residence, he had scolded her
because she wasn’t as elegant as YaoGuang.

“I’m not an idiot, I’m only like this with you, I’m the picture of elegance in front of
other people.” She said angrily.

These words seemed to amuse him as a laugh escaped from his thin lips. XuanJi
didn’t think what she just said was funny, she silently cursed him for laughing at her.
She was about to turn around and continue eating when he grabbed her chin and
enveloped her mouth in a warm kiss. Soon, her mouth was pried open by his tongue

At that moment, the only thought she had was that she hadn’t rinsed her mouth after
This man….

Her lips were kissed swollen by him when he let her go, she leaned against him,
gasping for breath.

Before she had a chance to catch her breath, he picked her up and carried her
towards the bedroom.

XuanJi was embarrassed and annoyed, it was only 7 or 8 PM, what was he trying to
do? They had despised each other ever since the fight over YaoGuang, what
happened last night was an exception.

Since neither liked the other, why were they doing this kind of thing?

“Long FeiLi, I haven’t finished eating yet!”

“You can eat after we’re done, I will send for a few more dishes then.”

What does ‘after we’re done’ mean? He could say these kinds of things without an
ounce of shame.

She felt herself tumble onto the bed, the fresh scent of the sheets enveloped her. She
turned her head slightly as a rough kiss landed on her neck.
“The issue of FengJiu Palace---” XuanJi exclaimed.

“Can’t you see that I’m too busy to punish them now?” He said as he nibbled on her
ear, his heavy voice caused XuanJi’s entire body to shudder uncontrollably in

She pushed back the desire bubbling up inside her and gripped the blankets tightly.

“YuZhi’s marriage, can you push back the decision to after your birthday?”

The clothes were being ripped off their bodies, Long FeiLi’s slim but toned body
tightened as he pressed her beneath him.

XuanJi desperately tried again. “Long FeiLi, about YuZhi… I’m begging you----”

Her mouth had been forcefully covered, the rough sound of his voice vibrated over
her lips.

“Who taught you to negotiate with me like this?”

“Is that a yes or a no? If you say no, then we aren’t doing anything tonight!” XuanJi
shouted out, not caring about etiquette or shame.


“You want to change things in one night?” Long Fei’s corner of mouth lift.
Xuanji was stunned. sHe followed and said, "How about that?"
"Until I don't want you!"

night, second shifts, Huayin Palace.

In Empress Dowager's dormitory hall, all the waiters were deported, only the YKZ waited
inside. There are three people on the table, the Queen Mother, prince Zining Yelong Liyu,
and the Queen Mother's brother Wen Rukai.

Wen Rukai sneered and said, "In the yanyu building, the emperor is not putting Wenjia in his
eyes any more."
"Didn't he get angry when he saw you waiting for a prostitute? Rukai, don't blame your
family for saying that you are so foolish when you deserve to be beaten!" The Queen
Mother's eyes slowly fell on her knees and fingers. Her nails were bright red. The paint has
not dried. Under the dim light, it was red as blood.

Long Liyu: "Mother, uncle, what do you do when you is away from yanyu building?"
The Queen Mother laughed lightly. "Maybe it's because there's an assassin. Maybe it's a
cover. Who knows."
YKZ on the side of the voice is shrill, "Return to Lord, but the assassin's whereabouts are not
reliable, the slaves are still here."
As soon as he said this, the queen immediately laughed and scolded, "Poor mouth."

But it turned out that it was precisely YKZ that grabbed the sheepskin picture in Nianfu and
Longfei on that day. He was also ordered to go for the road map, but the Empress Dowager
did not know the truth and falseness of the two plans hid in Nianxiang, and the empress
dowager's detective found the location of the false map, and sent YKZ to steal.
That evening, YKZ saw Longfei leave the Nianxiang study and thought it was the emperor's
man. Longfei deliberately hid his martial arts. YKZ never thought that it was the emperor
who was fighting with him.

If the YKZ teaches the dragon not to leave the picture in hand on that day, then what they
take back is the true picture.
Wen Rukai frowned slightly. "Sister, you don't seem to be anxious."

The Queen Mother looked up and stared at Wen Rukai. "Of course, it's not urgent to mourn
for her family. Now the situation seems uncertain, but once Xiliang and Hun fight, the
situation will certainly be reversed completely. Yonghua wolf son ambition, and the Huns
have long been in collusion, his son of righteousness in the year of eulogizing the court hand
holding heavy soldiers, war "chaos" will not wait for when?
Wen Rukai bowed his head and looked forward to time. "Both defeats hurt the best."

Long Liyu laughed and said, "Uncle, don't worry. Long Fei is going to fight for the national
defense and win MINISTER Nian. It's inevitable that both defeats and losses will hurt each
"Yu Er," the Queen Mother glanced at Longliyu. "You must not take it lightly, behave in a
proper way and run against the emperor everywhere; he can do everything you want him to
do, but you must not lose points at this time."
Long Liyu nodded. "This ministers should follow the instructions of their mothers and
He said, but his heart flew over Xuanji angry appearance, and his eyes sank: Nian Xuanj, one
day, this king will asked you to accept mercy under this king himself.
"Sister," said Wen Rukai in a low voice, "Over the past few years, the imperial party has
become more and more feathered, and it seems intentionally not to curb Nian Yonghua and
gradually override our forces. Do you think he will have known that?"

Empress Dowager looked at him lightly and said with a sneer, "The emperor fought with the
ru family secretly, but the ai family was his biological mother. Hundreds of officials in the
court looked at it. The people of the world looked at it. He had a warm name, but would he
never do it?" Where did the man who knew it die? He only said that the family of ailoved
Yu'er very much. He only said that the family of ai wanted to preserve the power of Wen's
family, but he did not think that the tiger of ai family poisoned his parents and children for
the time being.

"Well, what my sister said is reasonable. What did Fang Chufan say about that?
The Queen Mother said leisurely, "Well, what's Fang Chufan's mind? Among the three Kings
of Fan, his ancestors had the lowest birth status. Now he wants to climb the most beloved
golden branches and leaves and raise his head in San Fan, so that his ai family can complete
him, give him personal affection and give him some other benefits. In the future, Yu Zhi will
be the emperor of Yu Er, and Yu Zhi will be his sister, and then be sealed again. He is a
county. He has both rights and names. Why not? How could he not help his family when
things started to happen?

third shifts, the lights are more dim, at this time, Long Liyu and Wen Rukai have left, only
the Queen Mother and YKZ are left in the hall of Huayin Palace.
"YKZ” The Empress Dowager slowly opened her eyelids.
"Slaves obey orders." The Queen Mother put her hand on the wrist he handed him.
The palace lamp pulled the figures of the two men black and long.
Who would have thought that there would be such a place called "chamber" in the
bedroom of the queen mother.

Ten candlesticks, but also shining a room bright, if not just the darkness of the road, this is a
house in the deep underground of the harem, which is simple, corner of a fence prison,
hanging on the walls around some torture.
It's nothing, but there's a big black-and-blue round jar outside the jail. The candle lights up
for a moment, reflecting a face on the jar, bald head, black-and-red holes in the eye sockets,
scars all over the face, and a scar of red flesh in the scar. It's terrible.

This is a person, her hands and feet were chopped, pickled into the wine tank, eyes were
dug, a face was cut out by a thousand knives.
"Suru, how have you been lately? I miss you very much."
Sitting in a soft chair in front of the body, the Queen Mother laughed softly.
"Empress Dowager, the slaves are still alive." The head of the body was tilted to one side of
the direction of the queen mother.
Her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as though she had been stabbed through her throat
by some sharp weapon, but the tone was rather flat.
"The ru family seems to have said silly things, too. How could you die? The ru family will not
let you die, your son has not yet spent a day of filial piety.... Suru, you can rest assured that
your son will soon come here to accompany you. This ai family has already prepared a jar
for your son.

"Official kiln fired top-grade copper red glaze dragon vat, to make this vat, Aijia can spend a
lot of precious things ah, emerald, agate grinding into the glaze, but also not wronged your
son's identity."

"What do you want to do to him?" Su Ru said sharply that her body was immersed in the jar,
unable to move, only the head and neck were active, and she struggled, and the skin on the
neck wore the jar hissing.
"Fourteen years ago, the night before he took the throne, he escaped the his fate..." The
Queen Mother said softly, and suddenly her eyebrows sank. There was a dark air between
her eyebrows. She soon laughed again, "Lucky things will not happen twice. This throne, he
has been seated for fourteen years. That's enough!"
Suru sneers.
The Queen Mother stood up and pointed to the jar. "What are you laughing at?"
"Slaves laugh at you for wasting your time." Su Ru is indifferent.
Mother and son were so passionate that she lost her "color" just now. She was a very
intelligent person, but she calmed down. "Fourteen years ago, what you could not get from
Wen Biyi would not be available today. The son of Suru, the throne, will not only sit for
fourteen years, but also for the next fourteen years. Niang Niang, what does not belong to
you will never belong to you."
The Queen Mother was furious. "Shut up!"
She rushed to the wall, took a small sharp knife, raised her hand, and cut Suru's face.
The woman's face, which could not see an inch of clean skin, suddenly burst out with large
"You, a servant seduced the former Emperor in that year. You were only a servant of low
birth, but he made you a princess and made your son a crown prince. Ai's family is his
descendant, Yu'er is his three sons, according to the dignity and inferiority, according to the
order of elder and younger, how can it be your son turn to be king?

"Because he loves Suru." Suru whispered.

The queen's throat burst with a shrill voice. With a wave of her hand, the knife immediately
dragged Su Ru's face. She was born in a military family, with great strength, the flesh and
blood flew from Suru's face.

Suru just gritted her teeth and laughed, and her eyes without eyeballs did not shed a tear.
The sound of the ear seems to pass through distant memories.

"Ru'er, if you have a dragon, I will make him a crown prince."

At that time, the girl's face was still beautiful, a pair of Phoenix eyes full of laughter, she asks
the young king who hugged her behind her head. That's a very gentle man.
"You know why..."
—— You know why.

Su Rui laughed lightly. This sentence is the reason why she will be put into the jar, and she
has survived for more than 10 years in this bowl.

Sanguintian, Cangshui Xuan.

This is Emperor Qingjia's new concubine Yaoguang's dormitory.
On the bed, Yao Guang pinched the paper tightly in his palm into a ball. At this moment, his
beautiful face has a trace of ferocious "color". Daddy came again and asked if she had won
the favor of the emperor and the military power. He taught her to speak in front of the
emperor. Many people disagreed with Nian, but Nian Songting was loyal to the emperor.

However, knowing that the emperor suspected that he was colluding with the Huns, he
devised this method. These days, in front of the court officials, he also talked about the
many disadvantages of the Nian Songting Court. It was a waste of money to collect the
righteous son, so that the emperor could rest assured of his power.
Asking her, how the emperor has treated Xuanji recently. Is she sure she can cash in on her
Remembering the evening in Chuxiu Hall, Yao Guang clenched her lip. No, she couldn't tell
Dad. The emperor seemed to dote on Xuan Ji. If Dad knew, he would despise her. She thinks
she is above Xuan Ji in appearance and intelligence. How can she make people look down on
her?... This city, Yao Guang in her old age must be pulled back.. That handsome and
luxurious man can only be hers!


Sangengtian, Chuxiu Hall.

inside the crystal curtain, the night Pearl was glowing. The man put the woman on his arm
gently on the pillow, stared at her, and brushed her sleeping figure with his hand.
The woman whimpered and went to sleep more soundly. inch by inch, the man pulled up
the slightly slipping quilt to her shoulder, and came out in his clothes.

When the crystal curtain was lifted, there were three people standing quietly outside, but it
was Xu Xi, Xia Sang and Qing Feng.
"XS, have you heard from Fengzhangbai?"
A little hesitation flashed through Xia Sang's eyes, and he whispered, "That man
disappeared like a void, and the detective is still pursuing him."
Long Fei-li's voice was slightly cold. "You remember, I must have his news!"
Recalling last night's event in the Yanyu Building, Xia Sang said, "The slaves understand."
"Emperor," said Xu Xi at this time, "a number of detectives verify the return, and the traces
they found in the counties do not seem to be descendants of the bai family."
Long Fei-li twisted his eyebrows slightly. "How many other detectives have not heard back?"
Xu Xi whispered, "There's only the last batch left."

"Well." Longfei took a look at QF. "In five days, if there's no more bai house news, you go to
the Xiahouchou to bring Ningjun Wang (military commander) secretly to see me."
"QF knows.”
Xu Xi stepped forward and whispered, "Emperor, there's news coming from the girl."
Xia Sang and Qing Feng exchanged their eyes with "color", but they all had "color" on their
Long Fei moved his eyes slightly. "When?"
"Sigeng (fourth shift), she's waiting for you at Bixia Palace."

Third shifts, feng jiu Palace.

Xuan Ji came back in the evening, and then went to the princess's dormitory and never
came back. DF was so worried that she took two little maidservants and was about to go
there. Yuzhi Princess came and gave Cui Ya to DF, saying that Xuan Ji had gone to the
When Xuan Ji did not return in the evening, people began to worry again. At that time,
General Manager Xia Sang came over and said that Niang was staying in the storage hall
They were relieved and then rejoiced. For a long time, they had heard that there was a lady
who lived in the imperial palace. But after missing one day yesterday, their lady had spent
the night in the Store Show Hall last night, and now there was another one... and then they
talked about it with great joy.
DF also told Cuiya about the rules of the palace and Xuan Ji's life habits and preferences. In
this way, we found that this master was different from other masters. There was no taboo
about not indulging in arrogance and temper. Apart from sleepiness, there seemed to be no
preference. So they laughed again.

Cuiya did not sleep soundly. She put on her clothes in the middle of the night and crept out
of the room. She couldn't fall asleep just after she changed her surroundings. Standing in
the courtyard, starry moon, about the 3rd shifts of day.
Never thought that one day I would go into the place that I only heard from the storyteller. I
only knew that there were the most noble people in the world. The cost of food and
clothing was the best in the world, and they could control the lives and deaths of other
people at will. The storyteller talked about the people and stories here, but in the end, he
sighed slightly. She didn't understand what that sigh meant. Is it not good enough to have
the most noble status in the world?

Niang passed away a few years ago. Dad was not in good health, but he dragged on until he
died. At that moment, when she was sad, she was at a loss. She had a sad idea and wanted
to go with her father.

Capital are very prosperous, but far away from the outskirts of Beijing, although few, there
are also poor places like their villages. Almost all the people in the villages have gone to the
Emperor's capital to make a living. On weekdays, she makes tofu ]and lett and sells them in
the city. She leads a poor life and eats a hungry meal, but she has warmth and dependence.
But on the day of her father death, everything seemed to have gone with him.

Without money, the village was left with old and young women and children, and no one
could help her. She finally thought of selling herself, which was also heard from the stories
of the storyteller. On the long street, there were many people watching the bustle, but no
one would give alms until the young man appeared.

When his money was stolen, he tried his best. She knew that without him, the noble men
would not help her. When she returned home, she looked down at the village's ruin, but she
could still see the disgust or sympathy in the eyes of those young men. At that moment, her
humble heart suddenly came into being. If you were born here, if you were born here too…
But Nian said, don't abandon your home easily, as long as you are willing to find ways to
work hard, you will be better. When he said that, his eyes were bright. At that moment, she
just wanted to cry loudly, and then she saw the boys staring at her. Among them, the son
named Yunyang has the brightest eyes.

When they got into the house and saw Dad's body, they were disgusted. The young man's
face was very pale, and he seemed to feel uncomfortable smelling those smells, but he said
he would stay and help. And Feng Gong-tzu, she knows that Feng Gong-tzu is sincere, but
she doesn't know why, she prefers Nian Gong-tzu. Mr. Shushu used to say a word called
respect. Mr. Shushu said several times what it meant, but she and the children in the village
still did not understand it. At the moment when the young man said that she left behind,
she somewhat understood it. Feng Gong-tzu's eyes are very gentle. She thinks that Nian
Gong-tzu deserves to be treated like this.
Later, they quietly went away. She remembered that nian had said in the carriage that he
and his brother were going to the Yanyu Tower. She had been to the Emperor's Capital
several times and knew that it was the place where bad people should go. She was a little
sad, why did he not want her, housework, needle and thread scarlet, her strength is also
great, she can be his slave, help him do things. Why didn't he want her? Why go to that

The storyteller said that the debt of love in this life should be paid off in this life and be free
in the future; Dad said that if you receive the favor of others, you must pay it back. She's
going to ask him to accept her!

In the morning, she had gone a long way to Didu, and now, she would go there again... Once
again, she worshiped Dad and locked the door carefully. Although no one would steal to rob
the door in such an embarrassed place, it seemed that there was a lock in her heart, even if
it was worn or worn, it belonged to herself. My place.

She couldn't get in the yanyu building. Even though she took out the remaining silver tickets
to the doorkeeper with a cruel heart later, she was seen as a woman and worn out and
refused to let her in. She hid aside and waited. It's summer, but there's still a chill in the
night. She was cold and hungry until she saw Prince Naming and Prince Yunyang crowded
out in military uniforms. She almost rushed forward to ask them about the whereabouts of
their young friends, but was afraid of the sergeants. In this hesitation, they had already
entered the carriage and gone away.

She was so upset that she had no alternative but to wait. She don't know how long it took to
see a handsome young man carrying the Nianyu friend come out. Nianyu friend seemed to
be frightened by something. The young man then quietly comforted her. The look in his
eyes when he looks at her, seems to resemble that of Feng young man.

She couldn't hold back any longer. She ran up and stammered to Nian Yu friend and knelt
down to beg him. Nian Yu's friend lifted her up and only frowned. There was no problem
with sister in law and herself, but it depended on of 9th brother. She didn't understand who
is his sister-in-law was and who is his brother-in-law was.Then Nian Yu friend laughed again,
saying that they were doing something and that it would take a long time for them to come

Later, she don't know how long it took. Someone came out and said hello to her. He led her
to the back door of the yanyubuilding. Only then did she know that the young man's name
was Xiasang. Back door, parked a carriage, carriage side quietly stood a few men, are
beautiful dress and good-looking people. Suddenly, she saw a purple-robed man come out
with a bed and a quilt in his arms. She was wondering. Looking carefully, she was surprised.
There was a blue silk hanging from the quilt. It seemed that there was a person in it. She
had a vague feeling that there was a woman in it.

She saw the purple robe Prince gazing at the woman in the quilt, and his eyes were like
those of the feng young man to nian young man and of xia sang to nian young man friend,
but seemed to have more emotions swelled inside. That pair of beautiful Phoenix eyes... She
has never seen such a beautiful person. When the purple robe prince came out with the
woman in her arms, she almost thought she had fallen into the painting.Everyone saw that
man and bowed his head. Who is he?
Yuzhi, nian young man friend, went up to tell him about her uneasily.
It turned out that he was Nian Yu's nine elder brothers.
The man glanced at her and said, "Take this girl back. It's not bad for many loyal people
around her.” He said, looking down at the sleeping woman in his arms.
Later, I learned that Nian Yu's friend nine elder brother is the emperor.Yuzhi is actually a
woman and a princess, and Nian Gong-tzu... is the emperor's... concubine-Nian Yu-niang.
However, no matter what, she found him, whether male or female, she is the pearl in her
heart. That day, she was the first person to raise eyebrows for her in Didu Street.
In this lifetime, she only wants to do her best to serve her well.


Suddenly, a rumble behind her interrupted her thoughts. Cuiya was shocked and turned to
look. She saw a strange little beast staring at her at the gate of the yard. The door of the
vulture palace did not know when it opened. It was dark outside, very quiet, and only heard
the hoarse of some unknown summer insects. Under the moon, the little beast was shining
white with two wings on its back. It had a sharp nose and blue-green light in its eyes. She
had a feeling that the little thing seemed to be looking at hers.

She's a little scared. What's this? Some are like dogs, but not at all. Suddenly, there was an
inspiration in my brain. Isn't this the little wolf that my sister DF said was my niang’s pet?
Heard that this little thing has been missing for several days, Niang Niang has been thinking
about it. She was instantly delighted and approached it slowly. She whispered, "Good wolf,
go back to the house with Cuiya. Don't run away in disorder. Madame will worry about it."
The wolf looked at her with his head tilted.

One step away from it, Cuiya stretched out her hand and swung forward, but suddenly
swooped into the empty space. The wolf "squeaked" and ran to the gate of the courtyard.
Cuiya was shocked and did not think about it. She stamped her foot and went after her.
She did not know that the wolf itself had a strong attack ability, and after intensive training
from QF these days, it was intelligent and cunning, fighting against QF, inheriting the
mysterious physical potential of ancient ancestors, although not yet stimulated, but its
strength and increasing. Even a number of forbidden forces are no longer its opponents. If it
wants to attack Cuiya, she will surely die. Even DF, who was loyal to Xuan Ji, she would still
hesitate to think about aproaching it. This Cui Ya did not care, She only wanted to catch it
back and make Xuan Ji happy. Cuiya ran around after the wolf for a long time. She was more
and more surprised. The beast seemed to have deliberately picked up the bright road in the
palace. Everyone who ran to one place and saw the proscribed army patrolling and lighting
from a distance went around some tree-shaded paths. It ran so fast that she could hardly
catch up with it, but whenever she could not see it, it slipped out again and ran away

The footsteps stopped in front of a grassland, and the wolf disappeared again. Cuiya
thought it would come out to amuse her or something like the previous times, but after
waiting for a long time, there was no movement. How could there be such a bleak and
miserable place in the palace where almost all the grass grew taller? Dark beds, glancing,
not far away in the grass eaves tile green and red, it seems that there is a hidden palace.
Suddenly Cuiya seemed afraid, and a chill crept up from her back. She gritted her lips, teeth,
and haystacks to the deep courtyard. Perhaps, the strange wolf hides in it. When she
reached the gate of the courtyard, her sight was not obstructed. At last, she could see the
courtyard in front of her, the outer wall was covered with moss, and some unknown flowers
and plants were climbing on the wall. The door was concealed as if it were not closed. She
looked up unconsciously and saw a sign, mahogany and black letters hanging across the

She and the village children had learned some words with the kind storyteller, and she
struggled to identify them. The plaque seemed to read "Bixia Palace". She looked at it again,
and the dark words seemed to be pressing down on her heart. She swallowed and dared,
pushed the door open gently, went in, thought about it, and hid it again.

There was a big, messy yard, some trees, plants, bamboo racks for drying clothes, and
several large vats, some soft haystacks on the ground, a dark area, which seemed to have
accumulated something. At this time, the sky turns to stars, it is the 4th shifts.

She looked closely at the front door and the windows, which were closed tightly, and she
thought it was the main house. Suddenly, there was a slight cry coming from inside. She was
shocked and covered her heart. She felt a sudden "chaotic" jump of heart and liver, as if she
was about to jump out.

She walked forward with frightened steps, but suddenly under her feet it is empy, straight
down, her voice had not yet come out, has fallen to the end, but there is a soft glutinous,
there are some stabbing hands. She seems to have fallen into a dry well. She was in a panic,
wondering if she was going to cry for help or what, and remembered the scary cry she had
just made. She covered her mouth with one hand, just fell like a stumbled foot, pushed her
other hand to the ground, trying to stand up, but suddenly "touched" to a piece of things,
that is soft and rigid with a distinct degree... She was terrified, it was hands.The hand tightly
covered the mouth, only to stop the fear in the bottom of her heart and shout out. Is there
anyone else in the well? Are they alive or dead? Her teeth trembled, her injured leg
dragged, and she curled up to the other side of the well.At this time, there was a sound
coming from the wellhead.

"What about her?"

Cui Ya was shocked. The light man's voice seemed familiar.
"Maybe the girl hasn't come yet." Another slightly shrill voice, listen to this voice, the
speaker seems to be some age.
"Well." The man who first spoke whispered, "Xu Xi, you and QF go outside and don't let
anyone in."
"The old slave obeyed."
As soon as Cui Ya was in awe, she suddenly remembered that the voice before her was the
Isn't that the empress's dormitory? Why did he come here? She did not know why she was
doing this, but she put her mouth and nose tighter for fear of making a sound.
Her heart was in a state of panic, but she could not help raising her ears to listen.
Suddenly there was a soft sound of footsteps overhead.

"Here you are." It was the voice of a woman. She could only hear her say, "I dare not come
at once for fear of being discovered.
The emperor said, "Your safety is of the utmost importance. Be careful of everything."
The woman seemed to smile a little before she whispered, "Tonight, she went to that place
again. Your method is wonderful. YKZ’s clothes have already let you teach people to smear
some fragrance extracted from beautiful flowers. That kind of moth loves this flower juice
"liquid" and goes along with the fragrance. I put some fluorescent powder on the moth.
When its wings fluctuate, the powder falls off. When the powder meets water, it will
appear. When it appears, it will be air-dried in the air.
"I followed the clue left by the moth to"touch"the past, and finally found the entrance this
time." Her voice was suddenly solemn. "Who would have thought that there was an
underground palace under the Huayin Palace? I'll try to find out as soon as possible --"
The emperor interrupted her, "No, once you are in a hurry, it is easy for you to be found
out. Your safety is the first consideration."
The emperor said, "If it weren't for you, I would have been killed the night before I took the
throne. Now you are helping me save my mother. If the mother and the concubine knew it,
they would not have liked you to be so involved."
"I see." The woman said softly, "Just, there's something wrong now."
"That day, I couldn't go away, so I took my maidservant to your Chuxiu Hall to send an
urgent letter. I was afraid people to recognize my doubts, so I let her disguise as a eunuch
and gave her a brocade bag as a voucher. The girl was nervous, but she lost the brocade
bag. If she was found, she would....................................”
"Xu Xi immediately sent someone to investigate the matter thoroughly. You don't have to
be afraid.”
“If people find the clue…. "The voice of the woman is a little worried.
"I killed whoever it is."
"Well." The woman paused for a long time before she whispered, "Emperor, I miss you very
much. What about you?"
At the bottom of the well, Cuiya bites her finger dead, breathing almost stops.
Four days later, here is the Leyang River in Leyang County. On the river, a big boat with
exquisite decoration sails deep into the river. A teenager came out of the cabin. There are
two men and women sitting in the hall. They are all human-like. The men are handsome and
beautiful. The girls are beautiful and charming. They can't be forced to look at by Rongguang
Teachers. The two eyes and eyebrows are somewhat similar. They are blood relatives.
Looking at the teenager coming out with tears, the girl frowned and said, "May 7, what's
wrong with my cousin?"
"The master's fever has finally gone away, that is, he still has that sentence in his
mouth,'Rotary brother, don't approach Baizixu. ''
The girl exchanged eyes with the man. The girl wondered, "Baizixu died as early as a year
The man nodded his head and gazed slightly. "What do you mean by the words"Battle
Maple"or the white son I buried with Battle Maple?
Suddenly, the girl whispered, "May 7, who is my cousin's brother-in-law, my cousin... What's
going on?"
She said with a bitter smile, "I just wanted to wipe his sweat for him, but he refused to do
so. He shouted at his brother-in-law with his mouth full. He threw me on the ground with
his sleeve thrown."

The man laughed lightly. "Little sister, the fever is high. If he didn't recognize you, then you
would not have landed on your buttocks. It's a heavy-duty injury. How could you sit here
and laugh?"
"Hum," said the girl with a laugh, "Big brother looks down upon others, even if his cousin is
not injured, he may not be able to throw me down in three tricks. It's also a credit to me to
get rid of those who are following me."
The man frowned. "Fortunately, although the battle Maple was injured, it was alert and
alert. It was detected that someone was on guard and asked May 7 to inform us that you
and I were just near the capital of Emperor, otherwise the people who were followed would
be in trouble."
"Brother, do you think these people will be imperial?" The girl frowned and said, "It's just
that our ancestors have been living in seclusion with their cousins for hundreds of years.
How can the people of this court find clues at this time?"
The man whispered, "It's up to you and me to repel the seven whistles. That skill and
consistent withdrawal order must be well trained. We can defeat a batch of whistles and
immediately have a batch of whistles on our watch. If it's a master, it's not impossible.
Fortunately, the Fighting Maple proposes that we first be on land. The clue was broken only
when people were led away and waterways were closely followed, and the neighbouring
County of forgetfulness returned to Yanxia County from Leyang County.


The girl nodded her head and looked at May 7. "May 7, do you know who those whistles are
and what happened to my cousin in the capital?" His whole body of martial arts, even as his
ancestors killed enemies in the sand, millions of troops also come and go freely, who else
can hurt him? May 7 lips wriggled... Those whistles he really did not know who was injured,
but the prince, how he explained to them, he later helped the prince dress the wound and
saw the shape of the sword mouth, he knew that it was the prince's own hand; how to talk
to the young lady, although the young lady and the prince were not like other people's.
Sample from a small finger, but the cousin Qingluan has always loved his master...

The next day, Emperor's Capital, Jinluan Hall. After the early dynasty, Longfei declared that
Na Tomorrow Lang and Longxiuwen had come.

Longfei said with a smile, "Are the 2nd prince and 7th brother still satisfied with the
accommodation arranged by me?" 2nd princes came from far away, 7th brother came from
youjun County, and they also traveled long distances. I was afraid of being neglecting.
Long Xiuwen laughed and said, "On that day, on the capital yanyu builiding, the emperor
told his ministers that his brothers did not need to see the outside world. If the emperor
said this, the ministers would not have to answer it?"

Long Feili and NTM looked at each other with a smile, NTM said: "Na Ming does not need to
say much, is extremely satisfied with the arrangement of the emperor. Emperor, did you
ever catch the assassin in yanyu building that day? Long Fei looked at the two men and said
with a light smile, "The 2nd princes' question is raised in good time."
"Oh? How do you say that? NTM is of concern.
Longxiuwen's heart is slightly awe-inspiring.
"Still in Nianfu, the Forbidden Army tracked him that night, and later found the
whereabouts of the assassin, and then confronted him; but it was a group of slaves who
were useless, in the fight, had uncovered the robber's scarf, but still taught him to run
away." Longfei's voice is quiet.
Long Xiuwen said, "Seeing the rebellious face, it is much easier to trace him down, though
he is taught to escape."
Long Fei left his bow. "What Seven Brothers said is not bad, so the Forbidden Army soon
found the traces of assassins in the smoke and rain building."
"Emperor, have you ever captured an assassin in a rain and smoke building?" said NTM.
Dragon Feili got up from his chair, walked down with his shoulder, and laughed, "It's strange
to say that, at last, the banned army took a man in the smoke and rain building. After
careful interrogation, he found that it was not the assassin, but a similar leather bag. But
that face is almost chaotic.

Dragon Xiuwen sank into a deep "Yin" and said, "There are people like this in the world who
are not from their compatriots?"
Na Tomorrow Lang said, "Although very few people look alike, they are not without them.
Na Ming has also seen them."
"What the two princes said is reasonable. Next time, I must take precepts as well. I mistook
people and taught the real assassin a chance." Longfei said with a laugh.
The three men talked for a while, and Longfei said with a laugh that the birthday feast for
the two of them and Fang Chufan, king of Corning County, who had also arrived in the
imperial capital, would be ready.
However, it is said that if Lang and Fang Chu come to visit their relatives tomorrow,
Longxiuwen will congratulate the emperor because Yuzhi is about to leave the cabinet.
Before the emperor, he led hundreds of officials to receive two people. They had met in
Chaoyan and talked with each other in private, which was a scene in the streets of the
emperor's capital on that day.

After NTL and Long Xiuwen left, Xu Xi and Xia Sang looked at each other. Xu Xi said,
"Emperor, why are you doing this assassination?".
Long Fei-li did not speak, and closed his eyes slightly. Xia Sang's heart was full of excitement.
He said, "The emperor was afraid of this birthday event that They will recognized the
princess and Nian Wen-niang at the banquet. First, they blocked their mouths in this way?"

Imperial garden.

NTL frown. "Yunyang, what do you mean by what the emperor said just now?"
Long Xiuwen claimed that Yunyang was also true. His character was Yunyang. Long Xiuwen
looked slightly astringent. "If he says that, we will listen to him."
He smiled and said, "I heard that the 2nd princes sent many people to look for Miss Nian. I
wonder if there is any news?" NTL face will change slightly tomorrow.
Chu Xiu Dian, Wu Gentian. This is the morning of Xuan Ji's fourth day in Chuxiu Hall.

Inside the crystal curtain, the Dragon curtain opens slightly. The man sits in bed and dresses
along it. Before long, a small face emerges. The crown on the man's legs, and a piece of
green silk scatters all over the man's legs and knees.

"Long Fei Li, lower your head, let me help you tie your hair." Xuan was squinting and
drowsy. She knew he was calling her up to help him with his hair, even though she did not
want to.
he's her husband, but not her husband. He doesn't love her. She's his wife, but not his wife.
She loves him, so what's more, he has many women.
"Well." Long Fei left her and put her in his lap.
Xuan Ji's consciousness is consciousness, but she is drowsy. As soon as her head touches the
man's chest, she automatically and spontaneously adjusts her comfortable position in his
arms, puts her head on his neck, puts her hand around his neck, and then falls asleep again.
Longfei took a quick glance and pinched her nose.

Xuan Ji could not breathe well, so she opened his mouth to breathe, and soon it was also
blocked up again. The warm lips were sucking on her lips, Xuan Ji was slightly annoyed and
opened his eyes. "I want to sleep."

"The hair hasn't been done yet." The Men is indifferent.

"You do it yourself, Xu Xi, Xia Sang, QF, and the maids outside can do it too." Xuan Ji said,
breaking away from him, and climbing into the bed, muttered, "Anyway, I won't help you
make it anymore, so I'd better pull it down now."

Her ankle was pulled by his big palm, and Xuan Ji almost climbed back to his destination and
planted herself in the man's arms.

"What does that mean?"

"I go to bed, you go to the court, division of labor and cooperation, what should I do?"
"What do you mean by that sentence?" he asked.
Xuan Ji suffered a pain in her stomach. She has taught him how to hold hands. sHe became
angry. Her eyes opened. sHe lifted her feet and took them to the man's knees. the pair of
feet were quickly grasped again.

"There is a place in the human body that the Tao called the cave of laughter.”Long Fei-li's
voice came low and deep.
Xuan Ji was stunned and repeated, " the acupoint of laugh?"
"Oh." Xuan Ji nodded her head blurred..... Without letting go of him, she curled up in his
arms again. This time, she learned to threw her face on his chest, buried deep before closing
her eyes, so that he would not have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

She really can't understand what she and he are in now. From that night to last night, she
was tossed about by him for three days. he would do it in the evening. He would come back
early. She would still be asleep. He would pick her up and continue to do it. This man was
just trying to put her to death.

The punishment for the servant in the fengjiu palace was over, but he caught her pleading
for yuzhi. Three days ago that night, he said that he wanted her to exchange her body, so
she would stay here until he did not want her.She was blank and wondered when he would
not want her.He said he would not want her for a long time if he did it a few more times.
She said, oh.
She also thought, it won't be long.
Then, there are three days and nights that are going through a lot of ups and downs...
The body itched slightly, and his hands moved up and down her body, from the clavicle to
the depth of her body, where there was a burst of burning, after these days, this
unconscious body has been sensitive to him. She gasped slightly, and the sleepiness faded a
lot, but she heard him whisper in his ear: "This is the laughter of the cave.”
Press his hand somewhere in her body and sink slightly.
Xuan Ji's poor sleepiness was suddenly frightened away by all, stammering, "Emperor,
concubines tie your hair for you."
His eyes darkened and fell deeply into her face.
"Beam your hair and answer my questions later."
Anyway, I won't do it for you in the future. It's better to pull it down now.

That seems to be what she said just now. Xuan Ji slightly turned to his side and said lightly,
"You said the same thing. Soon you won't want me. Where you sleep, there will be beautiful
people who will tie your hair with joy."
She broke away from him and went barefoot to the ground. A cool feeling came up from the
bottom of her feet and she became more sober. "I don't understand. What do you really
care about?"
The footsteps behind her sounded, and the crystal curtain was lifted and flicked.
Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, fell to the ground and buried her face in her knee.
Long Fei Li, what are you! Why do you force me to love you when you don't love me?
Climbing back, tossing and turning for a long time, but not sleepy at all, looking at the bed to
the top of a daze. her nose was full of ambergris, whether in a jacket or in her body.
His caress and possession, her body had a faithful response, and her feelings of grief and
indignation almost swallowed her up.

It's summer. When will he take her out of the palace? She can't stay here any longer. Sooner
or later, he will drive her crazy. But if she leaves, what about the waiter in the fengjiu palace?
The bitterness of her heart grew worse and worse, but suddenly an idea loomed: if she could
get anything from him to ensure that the servants of the fengjiu palace would not be

Suddenly some voices came from the door outside the hall. She was slightly surprised that Xu
Xi and Xia Sang had also been sent away these days because when she was here and they had
been entangled many times. In the courtyard, there was a patrol of the forbidden army.
Besides, there were only two maidservants waiting outside. He sent them here and said that
if she wanted something to eat, she would do it with the maidservant.
It's quiet on weekdays.
It was sharp and crisp. It seemed to be the voice of women's struggle. Xuanji frowned,
dressed quickly and went to the hall to open the door.
What's at the door - Anjin and Yaoguang?

Xuanji picture is to throw the door on the faces of the two women, says, "What are you doing
"Sister Yao Guang, listen to Nian Yanniang's words, as if she were the master here," Anjin said
with a laugh.
Yao Guang hid her mouth and smiled. Xuan Ji was upset when she saw the two maids outside
the door. They were all afraid of "color" and owed one's blessings. sHe said, "The maidservant
has said to the two maidservants that Nian's maidservant is resting inside..."

"It's all right." Xuan Ji waved his hand, indicating that the two maidservants did not need to
panic. He looked at Anjin and Yao Guang and said, "If nothing else, please redeem Xuan Ji for
impoliteness, lack of sleep and go back to make up for sleep."

The matter of Xuanji living at the chuxiu hall, in the inner court is like piercing the sky, even
the Queen Mother deliberately asked about this matter. Just like consort Hua, Hui, and other
concubines, only concubines of lower rank dare not make a second attempt.

But Yao Guang was so anxious about the handsome young emperor because of her age that
she could not suppress it even more. With the envy for Xuan Ji, YG and AJ had a close
relationship with each other, so they consulted and held the time for the emperor to go down
Yao Guang laughed and said, "Sister, does this change the solar term? This sisters put
together some soup meals for the emperor. The emperor hasn't come back yet. Would you
let your sister go ahead and put down the things?
Xuan looked at the stew in both hands and was amused that he could find any excuse.
Ann Jin looked at XuanJi "color" silently, and her heart became more angry. sHe sneered and
said, "Nian Huangniang, please lend me a hand."
Xuan Ji didn't care much about them either, so she came out sideways and went to the front
step and sat down.
After sitting for a long time, she raised her ears and listened. There was no movement in it.
her heart was very angry and funny. she dare say the two men sat in it and waited for the
Long Fei could leave her here, she was upset, but she could not leave at will. sHe was annoyed,
and Yuzhi's affair went away.
After sitting there for a while, she felt dizzy. The two women were inside,so she didn't want
to go in. She buried her face in her knees and felt stunned. Tomorrow it will be warm, and a
few winds will blow on the back, only to feel very cold. The dizziness will become more and
more obvious.

Suddenly there was a voice coming from the front, the tone was slightly fierce, "Nian Xuanji,
what are you doing here?"
XuanJi raised her head in dismay. She did not know when he was standing in front of her, and
his face was a little dark.
She patted her almost numb legs and feet and stood up, but her feet were unstable. She fell
forward and her waist was tight. She was embraced by the man.
She was not polite to him either. She grabbed his Dragon Robe and said, "The dragon is
inseparable. I feel a little uncomfortable. Could you let me go back to the fengjiu Palace to
She can always easily provoke his anger. Longfei said angrily, "Are you still sitting here when
you feel uncomfortable?"
When he came back down, he saw her sitting on the steps with her knees in her arms, waiting
for her to raise her head, but her eyes were blue and black, and his heart was instantly
Xuan Ji breathed softly. "Someone is looking for you, so I can't sleep in it."
Longfei frowned and murmured, "Who is it?"

Anjin and Yaoguang were delighted to see Longfei coming in. When they saw Xuan Ji in his
hand, they were shocked again.
"The concubines have seen the emperor."
Longfei said coldly, "Who asked you to come here?"
He glanced at the stew on his desk and said, "Get out and take it out!"
Anjin and Yao Guang were both frightened and frightened, but dared not say much. Anjin
gritted her teeth and glanced at Xuan Jin. They took something and quickly retreated.
Outside the door, the maidservant quickly closed the door again.
Xuan Ji smiled softly.
Longfei sat and did not speak. He took her into the room and put her on the bed.

Just holding her, he felt her body slightly hot, frown wrinkled, reached up to her forehead and
asked, "What's the laugh?"
Xuan Ji laughed happier. "You always seem to like asking me this question. Can't you laugh?
You don't want to see me crying in front of you all day, do you?
Long Feili grabbed her chin and asked for an answer.
Xuan Ji looked at him and said, "I'm laughing. I've tried the predicament of Anjin and Yaoguang
today. When will it be my turn again?"
Long Fei was furious and sneered, "Nian Xuanji, isn't he enough to spoil you now? Do you
intend to keep Ann Jin and Nian Yaoguang waiting in the hall for this good play?”
Xuan Ji was stunned. "Play? Do you think I meant it?”
Longfei wiped irony from his eyes.
Xuan Ji shivered with rage. "Okay, okay! In that case, what do you want me to do here?”
With a cold smile, she struggled to get up and went outside the door. Then she lifted the
crystal curtain. The whole person was hugged by Longfei and thrown back to bed.

She was just about to get up, and he had put her hands on the bed and her body tightly
He clings to her slightly stretched texture, she knows, he is angry at the moment, she suddenly
has a slight fear, the eyes that originally wanted to look at him dare not look into his eyes.
"Long Fei Li, Yuzhi is your sister. If you hurt her, I'll do something about it. I was mad to get
involved." She leaned her head slightly, gritted her teeth and struggled, "You're going to
marry her to a caveman at the top of the mountain, to feed polar bears at the South Pole, and
I don't care! I'm going back to my cold palace as a deserted concubine!"

Xuan Ji was shocked by a sudden noise, she saw that the Dragon had hit the bedside with a
punch. The carved dragon red sandalwood was instantly broken and collapsed.
"Nian Xuanji, tell us all your conditions! What else do you want to be a woman in peace? I'll
give you all! "
Xuan Ling was stunned for a moment. What did he mean by that?
He pinched her chin and forced her to look at him.
His eyes were so deep that she could not really see them. His stares is like a fire inside.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly.'Long Fei Li, first, what I just did was not acting. You can believe it or
not. Let them in, but you don't like me to be a jealous women, and I also don't want to be a
jealous women any more.
His hand stiffened slightly.
"Secondly, I can't afford your favor, and you won't give it. Even if you give it, that person will
never be me. That's what I already know."
“Third, we can't go back. As you said, I'm not in charge of who you love and who you spoil.
But why must you have that night, even if you didn't look at me at that time, why did you let
Yao Guang on your bed?”
“I haven't cried for a long time. The night before I left the palace, I said to yuzhi at the fengjiu
Palace that this sorrow is no greater than death, and it will still be full of tears and pains.
Longfei was staring at her wet face, seemingly momentary loss of consciousness.
his finger caught in her jaw suddenly loosened. He got up from her and hugged her in his
arms. "Little Seven."
Xuan Ji was shocked, and only when his body was entangled with each other at the deepest
level would he whisper the name in her ear.

A trace of fear sprang from her body... No, he couldn't call her that way. This strange
tenderness frightens her. This man, she can't keep entangling with him any longer. She will
really go mad.
She was trembling, but he said in her ear, "I will never touch Nian Yaoguang again, nor will I
ever touch Nian Yaoguang again."
Xuan Ji shivered. Did he know what he was talking about? She didn't want his assurance...
"Don't call me Seven." She said angrily and did not know where the strength was coming from.
She pushed him away and ran out.

Longfeili almost immediately stood up, but his steps were taken back. He looked back at the
corner of the collapsed bed and drew a mockery across his mouth.
He just lost control.
Even, he almost wanted to tell her that it was not him who went to bed with Nian Yaoguang
that night.


XuanJi walked out of chuxiu hall walked back to the fengjiu Palace. DF and others
welcomed up, each happy eyebrows. Xuan Ji squeezed out a silk smile and looked around at
the crowd with a slightly strange look. "DF, Cuiya?" he asked.
Before the DF spoke, she laughed. Several maidservants beside her had already burst into
"Niang Niang, you don't know," said Xiao LuZi. "Before you came back, Xiasang had come.”
Butterfly Feng smiled and said, "XS is bringing you lunch.
XuanJi said, "Lunch?”
Luzi said, "XS said that the meal was passed down by the emperor to you. Let's take a look at
it." sHe said mysteriously, "Madam, guess it."
Xuan Ji said, "Speak up to your mistress and make it clear"
DF whispered to Xuan Ji's ear, "They are all the favorite food of the master in his daily life."
Xuan Ji was shocked all over. What does Longfei mean?
When she left Chuxiu Hall, he let Xia Sang... She became more and more confused and looked
at the ground in a moment of stupefaction. When people at the FJ Palace look at her like this,
they want to laugh but dare not laugh.

For a long time, Xuanji gritted her teeth and said, "Sooner or later, I have to be angry with
you. I asked for Cui Ya!"
"Master, I'm just going to tell you," said Xiao Lu Zi, pouting her lips. "The meals are cold. You
haven't come back yet. Cui Ya is afraid that you'll be hungry and get the small dining room
hot again."
Xuan Ji whispered, "It's too much trouble. It doesn't matter if you're cold."
The DF laughed and said, "Mistress, you can't say that. if we let you have a cold meal, will the
emperor not blame us, if he knows it?"
Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. Only when Cuiya came back, she will asked her to deliver the food to
the room and went in.
The crowd laughed and said, "Take a rest, Niang Niang. You are tired these days."
"Smile again," Xuanji said angrily.
The DF smiled and quickly helped her in.

Inside, the DF paced to the dressing table and took a package.

Xuan Ji looked at it. It was wrapped in fine silk and satin. It looked like a book.
"What is this?"
DF way: "This is sent by Princess Yuzhi in person. When the maid is absent, she handed it
over to her maidservant. She told to never let others see it." Xuan Ji felt a little strange.
Opening the silk and satin is her journal!
She was so excited that yuzhi would keep her word after she spends several days in Chuxiu

On the journal, "Yuncang Period. Xiliangzha" only it remained written, the number has
disappeared. She turned the pages and the prophecy was gone. The page is clean. Where else
is there a word in it?
No wonder Yuzhi said that there was nothing in it. Xuan Ji was lucky and strange. He thought
about it and said, "Butterfly wind, go down, I want to rest."
The DF nodded and carefully closed the door for her.
Xuan frowned and opened Xiaozhao. When she looked at it, she was shocked. The words
"Baizhanfeng", the God of war, were found on the front page again. Her heart was beating
very hard. Does it mean that only she can see the words on the Xiaozhao?
She reached down under the pillow and took out another thing, the brocade bag that she had
been hidden all the time.

At this time, there was a slight noise at the door, and the door was gently pushed open.
" Niang-" voice trembled slightly, a head came in. Xuan Ji looked at it and said with a smile,
"Girl." It was Cuiya who came in with her meal. She smiled shyly and put her things on the
table. Xuan Ji waved to her, "Come here, girl." Cuiya hurried to the bed. Xuan Ji patted the
bed and sat down.

Cuiya shook her head again and again. "Niang Niang, this makes it impossible. DF told me the
rules in the palace. I am a slave and maidservant. This is not the case -"
Xuan Ji chuckled, took her hand and pressed her hard. "No slave in the FJ Palace ever obeyed
the rules. They don't have to be obeyed here. Just go out and make mistakes. If you insist on
telling me the rules, I will not be happy."
"Don't be upset," cried Cuiya.

Xuan Ji listened to her self-proclaimed slave, and felt a little sad in her heart, touching her
head: "I hoped you would live freely. What's the pain?"
Cuiya shook her head. "You are there, Cuiya is there."
Once i run, i have to worry about her. Xuan Ji sighed, "Then you can follow me after that."
Cuiya was full of joy. A small face was smiling like flowers. Her eyes fell on Xuan Ji's hand. She
held a pamphlet and a brocade tightly. Her hands trembled slightly. She was surprised and
said, "What is this, Niang Niang?"
Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, "This is something that can't be discovered, otherwise it will surely
cause great trouble."
Cui Ya seemed to know better than nodding, and hurriedly said, "Then you hurry close up."

Xuan Ji nodded and glanced at the meal that Cuiya had brought in. Her heart was depressed.
It was all her favorite food. The few times she ate with that man were more frequent in the
Storage Hall, but he wrote down her preferences.
Can you understand that you also care a little about me?
She looked back and stared at Jin Bao (small pouch) in amazement, but this person who you
cares about?
Cuiya saw Xuan Ji frowning at the brocade sack. She looked down at it and saw two words
embroidered on the brocade sack. She said softly, "Why?"
Xuan Ji was refreshed by this sound. She quickly pinched her hand and said, "Girl, don't say
these two words in the palace, remember! This taboo can't be called casually. It's a big crime."
Cuiya did not understand: "Niang Niang, why ah?"
She said it with a sudden tremor, from which she heard the two words! That night in the dry
well, before she left, the woman addressed the emperor. That night, she curled up in the
bottom of the well and trembled all over. Although she did not understand a lot of what they
said, she knew that they were all great secrets. Once they were taught, she would be doomed!

The woman had been calling the emperor "Emperor", but before she left, she said softly, "you
Surprised, she blurted out, "From the emperor?"
Cuiya's remark also surprised Xuan Ji. She wondered, "How do you know it is the emperor?"

Don't say that Cuiya, who first entered the palace, even Xuan Ji, who grew up in the palace
when she was young, dared to swear that she didn't necessarily know the words of the
emperor; most of these words were taboos among the same acquaintances of her generation,
but how many people dared to call them the words of the emperor directly? The imperial
concubines and ministers know it, but they have never heard of the "touch" of the general
housekeepers in this palace.

Cuiya heard Xuan Ji ask, and when she thought about that night, her face turned pale in panic.
Xuan Ji looked at her like this. The deeper the suspicion was, she took her hand and asked

If someone else changes, Cuiya will never say it, but Xuan Ji opens her mouth. She is afraid
of returning to fear. She still hugs Xuan Ji to tell the source of what she heard four nights ago
at the bottom of the well. Although she did not understand what was happening in the palace
and what was at stake in her life, her memory was very clever and her narrative was
inseparable. The more Xuan Ji listened, the more frightened he was. So the empress dowagor
was not the emperor’s mother.

She remembered that night she had been entangled with him until late at night, and he let
her sleep, but he went to the bixia palace after she was asleep. The person beside the pillow...
familiar but so unfamiliar, the heart for a moment unexpectedly came out with a slight chill.
But soon she began to worry about him again. How difficult would his situation be if the
Queen Mother imprisoned him? What frightened her most was who was that woman?

Since Longfei is holding a brocade bag embroidered with "heart ripple" (xin yi) in his hand,
she her lip and ask Cuiya, " have you heard what the emperor called that woman?"

Cui Ya frowned and searched in her mind for the conversation between them later that day.
She murmured, "xin..."
Xuan Ji could not help but put her hand over her mouth despite her early psychological
preparation. Sure enough, it's xin yi!
Just who is the XY? She remembered that in private, she had also quietly inquired about DF
and YZ and asked them if they had ever heard of Xinyi in the palace, but they both looked
blank. Cuiya looked at Xuan Ji's face as pale and startled. "Niang Niang, what's wrong with
Xuan Ji looked at Cuiya for a long time before he said with a bitter smile, "You know what?
The thing trhat they look for, I have it in my hand! "
Cui Ya was so frightened that her face turned green. She trembled and said, "How could this
be? What shall we do then? Niang Niang, throw this brocade bag away. Cuiya will help you
throw it away now."
Xuan Ji reached out and touched her face. Her heart was in chaos, but she had a clear idea.

He has said to Xinyi that he would kill the person who had found the brocade bag. If... He
knew that she was that person, what would he do?
Cuiya looked at Xuan Ji and said nothing. She was in a hurry and held her hand tightly.
Xuan Ji shook his head and whispered, "The more evil things are, the less they can be
discarded. Once someone finds out who is the discarded person --"
Besides, once the matter was broken, she was most worried about his current situation, but
she could do nothing.
Don't spoil the present and forget the sorrow of the future. That's what she told DF before.
She grinned bitterly as she stared at lunch on the table not far away: Would he kill her for the
sake of heartbreak?
"CY, today you and I said this thing, only you and I know, can not say with the third person,
understand?" Xuan Ji ordered in a low voice.
Cui Ya nodded her head forcefully, Xuan Ji smiled and said, "Similarly, when Jin Bao is here for
me, you must be a million..."
Before she had finished speaking, Cuiya had knelt on the ground and her face was firm.
"Niang, you can rest assured that Cuiya will never say a half sentence even if it is killing her."

Although she did not understand the conversation and entanglement between the emperor
and the woman, she heard the emperor say that he would kill the man who found the brocade
bag. Now the brocade bag in Xuan Ji's hands is closely related to Xuan Ji's life.
Xuan Ji lifted her up and sighed slightly, "Silly girl."
Picking up the brocade bag in her hand, her heart became bitterer and bitterer. She
murmured, "XY, who are you?"
From Cuiya's words, Xinyi must also be a person of status in this palace. Even, she is very
familiar with the Queen Mother's affairs.
Cui Ya stared at her, her lips moved, and she soon bowed her head.
She still showed Xuan Ji this subtle movement. Xuan Ji sank and said, "CY, did you have
anything to say to me about that night?"
Cuiya shook her head and Xuan Ji whispered, "I told you the truth about the brocade sack,
because I believe you will never betray me. As for me, does CY think I am not credible?"
Cuiya waved her hand in a panic and said, "Niang Niang, no, no..."
Xuan Jining said to her, "Is it about Xinyi?”
Cuiya clenched her lips and said, "Niang Niang, do you want to know who that woman is?"
"Well." Xuan's eyes drooped and her face fell.
Cuiya looked at her face, and her heart ached. She attached her mouth to XJ ear and
whispered, "Although Cuiya did not see who the woman was at the bottom of the well that
day, she just…”
Xuan Ji said, "What is it?"

Cuiya intuitively know she shouldn't have told Xuan Ji this, but looking at her sad face and
heart, she said, "That night, they made an appointment to meet there again in four more
Xuan Ji felt that her breathing had stopped and her heart was beating fast and turbulently.
Four days later, isn't it tomorrow? If she passes first and hides quietly in the cold palace... she
shudders, but there is an unspeakable excitement in her heart.
XY... She closed her eyes slightly, even if she was leaving all the time, she still cared about the
woman who had been occupying the deepest feelings in his heart.
Remembering the night when she sank into the lotus pond and helped him pick up the
brocade sack, she trembled, her hands full of wounds cut out by the gravel at the bottom of
the pond, but his watery eyes fell faintly on the brocade sack.

"Niang Niang, you... think about the past?" Cuiya asked in a trembling voice. She said that she
regretted it almost immediately. She panicked
Xuan Ji knew what was going on in her mind and said softly, "CY, I'm not necessarily in the
past. I understand the seriousness of the matter. Don't worry. You go down, I want to take a
Cuiya nodded cleverly, took a few steps, then suddenly turned back and stamped her foot.
"Niang, if you want to go, remember to call Cuiya, Cuiya to accompany you."
Xuan Ji was moved and nodded to her.

When the room was empty, Xuan Ji grinned bitterly and hugged herself tightly. Should she
go? Another question is, who is the woman's corpse at the bottom of the well in Bixia Palace?
The well was not deep, and the wall was concave and convex. That night, Cuiya propped up
to dawn and climbed up quietly. Before she left, she could not help but look at the corpse,
which was a female corpse.
Night, Liuligong.

"Emperor, but what concubines do that dislike you?"

Watching the emperor who was about to step out of the room, Huifei stepped forward with
a delicate voice that was full of grievances and grievances. The emperor turned over her sign
today, she was surprised and happy, and dressed herself carefully early... The emperor spent
nights in the Chuxiu Palace. Today, I heard that she finally returned to the FJ Palace. There
was news that she ran out of the palace with a pale face and wondered what had happened
in the palace. Is it XJ who once again provoked the emperor and was deported by him?

On talent, Nian Xuanji is inferior to the Queen; on features, let alone Hua and hui concubines,
to Yao Guang, and Ann Jin, she is inferior, but the emperor seems to be very fond of her,
although there is derogatory punishment, but it is fast and fond of both, clearly this time has
been relegated to the cold palace.

Longfei said quietly, "Huier is worried. Didn't zhen tell you that when I think of something else
in Chuxiu Hall that I won't stay up at night."
What did Huifei say after that? sHe had no time to compare. He just stepped out of the
Liuligong Palace.
Xia Sang followed and whispered, "Emperor, you need a slave to take the sign and make you
heavy -"
"No need." Longfei slightly sank his voice, and even before he touched Huifei, he suddenly did
not want to stay any longer.
The two waiters carefully held the lamp in front of them. Xia Sang's view of "color" was a dark
surprise, which was the direction of the FJ Palace.

FJ Palace.

Xuan Ji woke up at the turn of four or five shifts, which was the time when Long Fei went to
court every day. In the days of Chuxiu Hall, it was usually Longfei who woke her up and asked
her to wait for his hair and clothes to be curled. She was unwilling to but still helping him to
put them away. He left with satisfaction, and she continued to fall asleep till he came back
Now she wake up. sHe lay down for a long time, but couldn't sleep any more.
Today is the second day of leaving Chuxiu Hall, and he and Xinyi agreed to see again tonight.
Survival or death is a problem. Going or not going is also a problem. She is in the same mood
as Hamlet. Xuan knocked her head into the quilt and shouted.
It's impossible to jump into the dry well where Cuiya hides and climb up. She shuddered at
the thought of the corpse. If you don't hide there, Longfeili is a vigilant person, and other
places can easily be found...
Want to go, but afraid to be found out, want to know who is the XY, and afraid to know who
she is. she thought about the headache and impetuous attack yesterday. She dressed and got
up, washed and washed simply, and went out. I don't know how long I've been wandering in
the yard until it's dawn.

Out of the courtyard... she suddenly wanted to see Bixia Palace. I can't say why, from the first
time Yuzhi took her there, she felt a kind of inexplicable tremor about that place. The imperial
garden is the only place to go to Bixia Palace. Just around the imperial garden, she heard a
burst of laughter. Before she could see it, there were voices coming from the lake beside the
Babao Pavilion on the side.

"Isn't that Nian's sister?"

Xuan Ji couldn't think of it without looking at it, but she saw Hui Fei, who was talking, looking
at her with a smile of "Yin". She was also surrounded by dozens of Palace Dress beauties, as
well as many housekeepers. It was the concubines from below the queen, along with Anjin
and Yaoguang.Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. These women seemed to like gathering very much.
She just wanted to say a few words and then slipped away.

The Queen had laughed and said, "Nian are coming too, but it's better to come early than it
happens." In a few days, the emperor's birthday will come. The sisters are gathering together
to figure out what to give to the emperor at the birthday party.
She paused and said, "I should have notified my sister earlier, but my sister is in Chuxiu Hall
these days. The palace is afraid of disturbing the emperor and his sister."

The concubine laughed and said, "Queen's sister, did not Nian's sister return to the FJ Palace
The Queen seemed to be slightly shocked, and laughed again: "It is said that this queen is
confused, did not know that my sister has returned, the younger sister should not blame

The concubines laughed lightly. How could Xuan Ji not hear the mockery in their words... She
was driven out of Chuxiu Hall by the Emperor! The Queen really didn't know, how could it be?
She laughed and said, "The words of the Queen's are heavy. It's Xuan Ji's crime. She rashly
disturbed the conversation of the sisters. The sisters chatted slowly. Queen's Madame, Xuan
Ji will retired first.”

"It's rare for us to meet." Huifei frowned and laughed, "Do you dislike your sisters?"
"Yes, my sister will join us too." Yao Guang said, even came over and pulled her to the lake.

Xuan Ji wished that a splitting knife would halo Yao Guang. As soon as she stood still, a
concubine asked, "My sister Nian has always been loved by the emperor. I wonder what gifts
she has prepared for the emperor this time?" The elder sister said quickly, so that the sisters
can also refer to it. This statement was immediately echoed by the public, and only giggled
and let Xuan Ji speak quickly.

The concubine glanced at her and said, "Yes, the gift of Nian's younger sister must be original.
After the birthday feast, the emperor saw joy and maybe left her to serve in Chuxiu Hall
The concubines laughed again, and Ann Jin said, "That's not right. Nian Yanniang should not
hide behind. Let's talk about it."

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, these people are not tired, repeatedly taking her "drive" out of Chuxiu
Hall to make articles - but when it comes to the gift of Long Fei-li, she is really unprepared.
She also learned from the conversation between Xia Sang and Yuzhi that day that Long Fei is
about to celebrate his birthday, and later she has been trapped in Chuxiu Hall. Always beside
her, he goes up and she sleeps; he goes down and they "sleep together"; he reviews the
memorials and holds her in his arms, she is bored, or sleeping...

Although people are cynical, but what happened in Chuxiu Hall yesterday, she is most clear,
thinking funny, just want to perfunctory past, the feeling of dizziness, Yao Guang just pulled
her to stand, that is very close to the edge of the lake, people see her suddenly shaking body,
seemingly to fall into the lake, are surprised, Yao Guang scolded. Xiao Lin, don't you mix in
Nian's wife?
That Xiaolin is Yao Guang's close maid. She stands behind Yao Guang and just separates Yao
Guang from Xuan Ji a little. She responds and reaches for her hand.

An Jin's mouth was slightly warped, and her maid Ashi on the back made her eyes "lustre",
beside which was Xuan Jin. As soon as Ashi was awe-inspired, she stepped back quietly,
stretched out her feet to the ankle of Xiaolin, who was supporting Xuan Ji behind her. Xiao
Lin gave a cry of pain and fell into the lake with Xuan Ji.

Out of the Golden Ruan Hall, a minister, relieved of his burden, had just received a few county
letters. The rain was moist in late spring and early summer, resulting in the lack of LeYang
River levees flowing through several counties. Overnight, there were many villages in LeYang
county, causing heavy casualties.
The emperor received a report of fury.

The Golden Ruan Temple blamed local officials for their inadequate handling of affairs.
Originally, it was time to judge the situation, which should have been done long ago to
reinforce the river and evacuate the people, but now such a big thing has happened.
Hundreds of officials in the palace immediately put forward various ways to rescue the
aftermath. The emperor's face was only slightly flattered. He also ordered the opening of a
granary in the national treasury, dispatched officials from the imperial capital to make patrols,
and led soldiers to Leyang County to remove the malfeasant officials and investigate them,
and immediately organized and guided local officials and civilians in disaster relief.

At this time, Yujingqing, the rightist prime minister, came out of line to propose the
withdrawal of Fan. He said that King Yueyang had imposed heavy taxes over the years, which
had prevented the people from living. Now this happens again. It turned out that, just like
Corning County, which was ruled by Fang Chufan, the King of Fang, a foreign surname, Leyang
County was also ruled by a king of Fan. As soon as Yu Xiang's words were uttered, several
young officials immediately echoed them, including the patrol that had been sent to Leyang
County for disaster relief.

Hundred officials were surprised and moved by one incident. Once the King of Yueyang
County was removed, what would the other two Kings think? Moreover, it is not easy to
withdraw the King of Yueyang. The King of Xiliang supported the army heavily. This is the
reason why the emperors of past dynasties in Xiliang considered withdrawing the King of
Yueyang for many times and finally stopped. Now the Huns on the frontier are acting foolishly.
Once the war breaks out, the situation in Xiliang will be unstable if the vassal King fights again.

Yu Xiang has always supported the emperor, and the young officials of the admonition are
also the new force that the emperor has been promoting in recent years, which virtually
represents the idea of the emperor. What is the emperor's intention to withdraw the
admonition at this juncture?

Many ministers looked on suspiciously and guessed what the emperor thought; some old
ministers immediately raised objections and urged the emperor to put the situation first;
years and depression had always been at odds with each other, but this time they supported
the withdrawal of the vassal and implied their thoughts. Some generals, such as Wen Rukai,
strongly opposed it.

The emperor looked at the fierce disputes among the three groups of officials in the court,
and finally said, "The ancestors of the vassal emperor followed this ancestor emperor to fight
and created the foundation of Xiliang; the vassal emperor made great contributions to Xiliang
society. Regarding the withdrawal of vassal, the Qings might as well go back and think about
it, and then discuss it again." All the ministers went out of the Golden Ruan Hall one after
another, and Longzijin came out slowly with Longfei.
Longzi brocade frown deep lock, do not understand: "Nine elder brothers, Yu Xiangfan said,
you know beforehand?"
Longzijin said in surprise, "In this way, it's your instruction?"

"Jiuge, I know it's your long-cherished wish to withdraw Fan, but natural calamities also work
well in heaven. The river of Leyang releases its flow and the King of Leyang is duty-bound. It's
only in this joint that the Fan can't be withdrawn, in case we fight with the Huns-"
Longfei stood still, looked at the distance and said, "Zijin, Nian Yonghua is going to fall, do you
Longzi, followed by Duan Yuhuan and Xia Houchu look at each other, the heart is no less
suspicious than Longzi. It's time to shake the Nian?!

Xiahouchu thought about it and moved in his heart, repeatedly saying, "Nianxiang and the
influence of the Empress Dowager have always been tied up, this year when they fall, Wenjia
must be dominant. Fang Chufan, King of Kangning, made good relations with the Queen
Mother, and tried his best to prevent the withdrawal of Fan.

"The emperor reminds the three-way vassal lords again with the help of Yu Xiangxiang that
the heart of the royal family to withdraw vassal has never ceased. Whether the emperor or
the queen who supports the vassal on the surface today, if she is in power tomorrow, he will
do what the emperor did today!"

Longzi was slightly agitated, "Once Nian came to an end, the imperial army would then fight
with the Huns. When would the Empress Dowager not take advantage of that time to
start"chaos"? If the Vassal King assists the Queen Mother, it is bound to bring about the end
of the cooking of dead rabbits and dogs. They will surely think of Jiuge as a fighter against the
Huns and will not move them easily. Nine elder brothers and the queen mother, they do not
help each other, but they are the best for them! “

Duan Yuhuan nodded and touched his palm and laughed. "So, emperor, you intentionally
provoke the rebellion of the vassal king, to make the three vassal kings the candidate to
contain the forces of the Wenjia family after the fall of years?"

Long Fei stood up with his shoulder in his hand, and the bright yellow figure stood upright. He
was silent, but everyone knew that it was the young monarch's mind that made it up just in
time. Who would have thought that he should have done so? But is the nian really about to
fall? Nian Songting is still in the hands of the army...

Outside the palace overlook, each face "color" carefully, Xia Sang's eyes, glimpsed ahead of
an eunuch rushing forward, full of "color" and mouth called "master in charge". His heart sank
slightly, and he rebuked, "Why is there such a panic before the Emperor?"
The eunuch threw himself down on his knees in front of Longfei and trembled, "Your Majesty,
Nian fu fell into the water and the rescue was delayed. Now the situation is critical."
People were shocked. Longzijin asked, "Which consort?"

When the eunuch was shocked and scolded himself for being confused, a strong wind passed
over his face, but he saw the emperor swinging his clothes and hurrying away to the fj palace.

The fj is a mess.
When Longfei walked into the courtyard, there were many concubines in it. When they saw
the emperor, they would worship and salute. Longfei waved his hand, and his glance fell
quickly on the queen.
The Queen, with her eyebrows fluttering, said, "Emperor, it is the negligence of the
concubines and officials, did not take good care of consort nian. Her body seemed to be
uncomfortable. Yao Guang's sister is also kind, let the maidservant help each other, who
knows that the maidservant is clumsy, actually pulled people into the lake.

The hand in the sleeve is tightened, and Longfei glances at Yaoguang coldly.
Yao Guang, full of tears and panic, knelt down in front of Longfei and cried, "Emperor,
concubines are kind, never thought of maidservants..."
Her words were not finished, she had taught the dragon not to leave and kick, and the
emperor sneered angrily. "If anything happens to Nian Xuanji, do you believe that I will kill
you and all the slaves of Cangshui Xuan?"
Behind the concubine, Ann Jin's mouth floated with a sneer.

Yao Guang was shocked. sHe dragged the clothes of Longfei to beg for mercy. Longfei did not
look at her. He looked around and said, "What about the slaves?"
sHe didn't know who he was talking about. Why didn't the people in the courtyard know who
he was talking about?
The Queen's chambermaid immediately pulled Xiao Lin to Longfei's face. She was wet and
green. She murmured, "I didn't mean to grab her. I didn't mean to..."

At this time, the closed door suddenly opened, someone rushed out from inside, but it was
Xuan's maidservant butterfly wind, her "color" sad, saw Xiao Lin, splitting her head and hit,
"You bastard-maid, Niang Niang understands water, if you were not afraid, dead around her
neck, she would have swam up early, and later the guard came into the lake to fight for help,
Niang Niang returned. Push you up first..."

Long Fei was irrepressible from anger, and his eyes were bright and dark. "Xiasang, Chaos"
died with a stick.
Xia Sang nodded, waved back, and immediately two guards came forward, pulling down Xiao
Lin, who was screaming wildly.
Yao Guang was so frightened that she collapsed to the ground.
Longfei slightly sank his voice, "All of them get lost."
The emperor was so cold that no one dared to say more. The empress dared not neglect and
immediately led the concubines to retire.
Longfei stepped into the inner room quickly.
Doctor Cui had told her not to let many people in. A crowd of servants in the fj palace stood
outside the house, grieved. The df watched the emperor enter, wiping her tears, and only
stood aside without further follow-up.

Green shadows move slightly, Xia Sang's figure is faster, blocking in front of the teenager, light
way: "Qing Feng, where are you going?"
The QF startled, looked at Xiasang coldly, silently, and left the courtyard.

Yesterday, when she left, the phrase "Don't call me Seven" seemed to be still in his ears.
Today, something happened to her. Without looking at her for a moment, she made a mistake
of herself.
Long Fei-li shook hands tightly, and his heart was very angry: Nian Xuanju, you did run into
Bed to bed, he saw Cuiya kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to the doctor Cui's and crying,
"Aunt, you must save Cuiya's mistress."
Cui Doctor's woman frowned tightly, and God's "color" was somewhat vague. It took a long
time to lift Cui Ya up. She said, "The situation just now is a bit dangerous. Now it's okay, just..."

he grinned bitterly, and his voice came from behind. "What is it?"
Both Cui Doctor and Cui Ya were shocked. They knelt down and said, "The maidservant has
seen the emperor."

"What's wrong with Nianyang?" I asked. Longfei stared at Xuan Ji, who was pale in bed and
face. Although he was depressed, his voice was already angry.
"Emperor, she..." Cui's voice was trembling, her face was terrified.
Longfei startled and glanced at Cuiya. "You go out first."
Cuiya looked at Xuan Ji reluctantly for several more times before she left the room.

The door was gently closed, and Longfei said in a deep voice, "Say!"
"Slaves are guilty!" cried Cui. She said, falling to the ground and kowtowing.
Long Fei only left and Xuanji already have an accident. In a flash, his heart ached and his hands
were cold. He seemed to have drawn all his strength left. He was furious and gritted his teeth
and said, "tell me!"
Cui Doctor's daughter gritted her teeth and said, "Emperor, the consort is still in good health,
but she... is pregnant and calculates the time when she is pregnant in another hospital (house
outside capital?) ." Longfei was shocked all over, and the young monarch who was still
working on the palace of Jin Lung was left blank in his mind.

Compared with the emperors of Xiliang dynasty, his Empress palace is not full, but there are
many concubines. He was 14 years old and had a pet, but over the years, no one in the rear
palace was pregnant with a dragon heir. There had been a lot of discussion both inside and
outside the palace, but no one did not know that it was actually the hands and feet of Emperor

Every concubine's dormitory is planted with flowers and plants. One kind of flower is called
Zi Che. It tastes fresh and sweet. It was introduced into Xiliang by the small country of clouds.
Everyone said that the flower bloomed beautifully and its name was good: Zi Che, Zi Che,
gentleman must be pitied.
In fact, the real meaning of Zixi's name is: Zixi.
If it rests, it will perish. Zimi.
Zishi flower fragrance has the effect of breaking pregnancy, if more inhalation, will be harmful
to the body.

At that time, Xuan Ji was recuperating in another hospital. Xu Xi planted the flower in the
hospital early. He had a vague thought that the flower had hurt Xuan Ji's body. Then Xia Sang
uprooted the flower.
Later, he occupied Xuan Ji's body, and only let Dr. Cui give her "medicine" meals.
Did she have a child?

Times are tough. Once a princes has a heir, he must break the checks and balances. Most
importantly, he doesn't love them, and he hates the heirs of any of them.

Even love, the first emperor only loves his mother and concubine, so what? But unable to
protect her thoroughly! Empress Dowager, she was pregnant with Ru Fei at the same time.
At that time, the power of the empress dowager's family was strong. Her son died on the
night of production. After several considerations, the empress changed Ru Fei's son into her
son, and called Ru Fei's son died in childbirth.
After the first emperor's trip, Ru imperial concubine disappeared immediately...

In addition to Zixi flower, he himself is very restrained, rarely released in the imperial
concubine. That night, he was crazy.
Originally towards the bed to the woman's footsteps, dragon Fei slowly turned around, the
voice is cold.
"Didn't you watch her drink the medicine that day?"
Doctor Cui's body was trembling slightly, and she was about to answer, but a weak voice
answered in front of her, in a tone of indifference.
"Emperor, that day's"medicine", courtiers and concubines did not miss a drop to drink. Maybe
she should wake up later, and then she won't listen to all their conversations so precisely.
Xuan Ji stretched out her hand to press on the bed and mattress, struggled slightly to support
herself, and stared coldly at the tall and indifferent figure ahead. From the moment she heard
the pregnancy news from Dr. Cui, she was happy, frightened, panicked and "chaotic". In a
moment, she realized that emotions could be so complicated. But at first it was joy before all
the other emotions.

Her body will gave birth to his and her children. She loves that man, and now she has the
man's children. My own, and his, together. It was pure excitement and joy without any
But it was clear that his reaction was so different from hers.
Finally, Long Fei came back and XuanJi looked down. sHe didn't want to see the mood in his
eyes. sHe was shy and hated some. She could feel the absolute indifference in him, and only
heard him ask Dr. Cui, in a terrible tone.

"I ask you, did you watch Nianyang drink the medicine with your own eyes that day? My
tolerance is limited. Don't let me ask again for the third time.”
This sentence falls on Xuan Ji without warning and mercilessly.

She said it, but he didn't believe her! He thought that she, like every woman in the back
palace, had tried her best to conceive his heirs, and that a good mother would adore the
palace chains because her children were expensive.

But she knows, let alone true love, as long as it is not a woman the emperor likes, even if
there are children? He will still never let them?
She would have been almost unstable if she hadn't pressed her hands tightly on the bed.
Headache hit, abdominal contraction, Xuan Ji reached out to cover her abdomen, hands and
feet cold.

Cui Doctor's daughter trembled and kowtowed, "The emperor forgives her sins. Don't blame
niang niang." Niang Niang did drink all the medicine. The problem lies in the slaves. At that
time, the maidservant was injured. Although the maidservant used all the medicines of
warming the sex, it was the medicine of stopping pregnancy after all. The maidservant was
afraid of damaging the body of the maid and the dosage was lighter, but generally speaking,
the dosage was enough.
Cui's benevolence and carelessness brought about today's results.
Xuan Ji grinned bitterly and then whispered, "Emperor, did you hear that?" It's not Dr. Cui's
responsibility. It's Xuan Ji's crime. In Xuan Ji's abdomen, your seed is so stubborn that the
"medicine" can't kill it.
When she finished, she looked coldly at Longfei. On the woman's pale and stubborn face, a
pair of apricot eyes shining toward Longfei from a heavy shock.
"I'll just ask you one question. You don't want this kid, do you?"

He saw her staring down into her stomach, her thin hands pressed against her stomach.
he couldn't take his eyes off her. Closing his eyes hard, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes."
In fact, she already knew his answer, heart was still pumping hard. Xuanji grinned and
pinched her stomach. sHe whispered, "I want it, but I know I can't afford it."
"Well, no.." Her nose was sour, her tears fell straight from her eyes and she murmured,
"Don't, it will be the best….”
With child, how could she ever leave him and where could she escape?

Long Fei had already grasped her hand tightly from her sleeve, so that she had not been held
tightly in his arms in the past. He never hesitated to do anything. No matter how difficult the
situation was, he was quick to decide what to do next.
But for her, he could not be sure.

Reason tells him that he can't have this child. According to his arrangement, it won't be long
before the family collapses. It's a serious problem to dispose of her or kill her at that time.
How can we succeed in her children?
Never before had a woman like her made him irritable.
But he couldn't tell her what it really meant to her, even himself.

He made a decision long ago.

With the nian, the empress dowager, the king of fa, and all the foreign enemies of Xiliang in
this fat bait gamble, this bet is Xiliang's great rivers and mountains.
If she wins, she will set her heart on becoming a concubine and makes her children a crown

Her sleeves were painfully clasped with both hands, but his eyes reflected her face.
She got up, lifted up the doctor Cui on the ground, and laughed softly, "Go and help me fry
the bowl of"medicine". This dose should not be lighter.

Cui Doctor's daughter was shocked when she heard the words, "Niang Niang..."
The emperor had already spoken, and when she saw Xuan's eyes still stained with tears, her
heart felt sad and she stood in the same place for a moment.
Xuan Ji let go of her and leaned over to the bedside. sHe said in a mute voice, "Go ahead,
don't talk to anyone else about this."
XJ looked at the ground: "Long Fei Li, I only ask you one thing, Nian Xuanji has never had a
child, Doctor Cui does not know this matter."

Cui Doctor's was in a hot mood. She did not understand why the emperor did not want the
child, but the matter of Longshen was big or small. She knew Xuan was afraid that the
emperor would kill her and she is begging the emperor to spare her life.
She hesitated for a moment and looked at the emperor again. Longfei was indifferent and did
not stop it. She gritted her teeth and ran out.

The room was dead for a moment. Men's silence and cruelty... XuanJi grinned coldly, and her
heart was like this quiet and frightening room, instantly all died.
Although standing confrontation is more momentum, but the abdominal pain is tight, Xuan Ji
slowly sat on the ground.
The child conceived, it is so small and shapeless, but it seem to know that it is going to be
killed. She felt sad and suddenly wanted to ask the dragon to let it go, but when it came to
her mouth, she swallowed it.
He won't change his mind...
Looking down at the flat stomach, the tears seemed to break the line of sight, blurred the
view in front of her completely, including button on his robe..


she don't know how long it took for the soreness in her nose to stop. She had to hide her face
in her knees and bite her wrist to keep the crying from escaping. The flesh was broken, blood
slipped into the mouth, the mouth salty, but still unable to stop the sound.
The air in front of her is a little strange, burning and heavy breathing.

Xuan Ji clenched her lip and raised her head, but she saw the Dragon half crouching on the
ground, tightening his eyebrows and staring at her. The mood in his eyes is deep and is fierce.
She sneered and wiped her face with tears. "You go!"
but Long Fei seemed unconscious, just staring at her.

"Long Fei Li, please leave me a little dignity!" Xuan Ji stood up, leaned askew, pointed to the
door and gritted her teeth. "If you don't rest assured, call Xu Xi or Xia Sang in to see me drink
medicine. Anyone can do it. You can roll off me"
As soon as the pain in her abdomen was tight, she could not help bending over and covering
her abdomen. Long Fei looked at her pain and was shocked. he reached out and took her into
his arms.
Xuan Ji refused to let him touch her, staggered sideways to avoid, and stepped back a few
steps, leaned against the cabinet and looked at him coldly.
Long Fei left and was angry and anxious. "Nian Xuan Ji!" he said.
He moved and came to her.
The door was then gently pushed open and Doctor Cui came in with her medicine. She stared
at the scene and was at a loss.

Long Fei lifted his eyes and said, "Get out of here!"

Long Fei was so angry in her eyes that she was shocked and trembling to put the medicine on
the table. She looked at Xuan Ji and bit her teeth back.

Xuan Ji stared at the delicate porcelain bowl on the table, choking and laughing softly.

Long Feili had never seen her look like this before. Her eyes were bloodshot and red as if they
were going to bleed.

Suddenly, Xuan Ji flew across the unprecedented panic and chaos. Her consciousness was
faint. Xuan Ji went to the table and picked up the bowl.

The "medicine" juice was black, sticky and pungent.

After drinking the bowl, she will be completely cut off. In the past, she has planned to leave
without his memories. After this, all the memories can be omitted, so she don't have to work
hard to forget them.
Xuan Ji closed her eyes and put the bowl on her lips. She raised her head slightly. The bitter
"medicine" juice just touched her lips. A strong force grabbed her overhead. She was
surprised and the bowl had slipped out of her palm.

A few drops of hot water fell on the back of the hand, and there was a crisp noise in the ear.
The pottery bowl was broken on the ground, and the thick black "medicine" juice produced
ink-splashed stain.

Xuanji looked forward, several steps away, Long Fei raised his arm straight, five fingers slightly
The hegemonic martial arts! He broke the bowl. But why did he do that?
She laughed bitterly, put her hands over her face and slowly squatted down. With this man,
why do you always end up with scars? Long Fei Li, what do you really want?

The hot breath soon surrounded her. A pair of warm big palms fell on her, she was held up by
him, she wanted to struggle, but found that the moment lost all strength, so tired, tired.
Pillowed in front of his chest, she can clearly hear the sound of his heart beating, loud and
urgent. He sat down with her in his arms, but did not let her go. He held her tightly in his
arms and laid her head heavily on his neck.
Xuan Ji turned over and looked at the man's eyes, the corner of her bursting into smiles, but
her heart was full of desolation, "If you're a dragon, you'd better kill me. The second bowl of
medicine, I'm afraid I won't drink it again."

Her remaining words were locked in each other's lips and tongues. He kissed her frantically
on the lips and tore her clothes open with his big palms.
She didn't know why things had turned out like this. Her eyes were scattered and her eyes fell
on the pile of broken clothes on the ground, forgetting to struggle.

He hung over her, his hands hung beside her. She could still feel it, but her heart was empty
and her tears were pouring out of her eyes.
He bowed his head and kissed one by one.
His heavy breath fell on her face, lips, neck, and everywhere on her skin.
In the blurred eyes, his eyes were too dark to describe, and he stared at her with cold eyes,
giving the impression that the man seemed to began to sober.

Unfortunately, in such entanglement, the body would have a bone-cutting joy, when he again
released in the depths of her body, both slightly trembling, and she finally despaired to die.
For the first time, she did not sleep as usual, but closed her eyes slightly.

She heard the sound of him getting up. She knew that he covered the quilt for her. She even
heard him whispering outside the door to the waiters not to wake her up and make people
go to the imperial dining room to pass meals.
Then he seemed to leave quietly.

She curled up in the quilt and hugged herself in a ball. The sky outside the window was full of
stars sometime. Yes, it's time for him to go. It's less than three hours before he meets Xinyi.
Outside the sound of silence, XuanJi also got out of bed, the original clothes were torn by him,
can not wear any more, to the cabinet again took the dress and skirt put on, sat down at the

Before long, a silk voice came from outside the door, "Niang Niang."
"Come in." She laughed quickly to make her expression less stiff.
DF and Cuiya came in with her meals. They were arranged on the table. Cuiya said, "Niang
Niang, have you feel better?"
DF looked at Xuan Ji with a red face and a gentle smile. She whispered a few words in Cui Ya's
ear. Cui Ya was stunned and looked at Xuan Ji with a red face.

Xuan Ji couldn't understand what the two girls were laughing at. She looked down at her neck
and her skin was covered with traces left by him. She grinned bitterly, and involuntarily
caressed her stomach.
Usually, he spared no effort to her. Although he had robbed her just now, he put his hand on
both sides of her so as not to let all the weight of his body fall on her.
He left without saying a word, the child... What does he want to do with it? He let it go this
time. What about next time?

Maybe she hesitated for a while, but now she has made up her mind that she wants the child
and can't let him take it away. So she's going to run away and she can't wait any longer.
To the Two maids waiting on her for dinner, Xuan Ji said, "DF, is there a map of Xiliang in the
DF felt slightly strange, "Niang Niang, what do you want this to do?"
"Every day in the palace is boring. Pass the time."
DF chuckles. "Mistress, if you are bored, what about the other women in the palaces? you are
the most cared person in the whole palace.”
"Dead girl!" Xuan Ji was bitter and didn't want to worry the two girls. sHe just laughed and
scolded on her face. "Help me get it as soon as possible. This is the order."
DF frowns, "Niang Niang, if you don't say that, DF really don't know if there is such a thing!"
will asked the Home Office Rong Nu-maid to look over there."
Xuan Ji nodded. "Don't publicize this. The FJ Palace is a cold palace. You should keep a low
profile and let no one speak."
The DF laughed and said, "The emperor is good to his wife. This cold palace is more valuable
than any one."
Cui Ya did not ask, "Sister DF, you said that the emperor liked our Niang, then why did he
relegate our palace the cold palace?"
DF looked at Xuan Ji, but it was somewhat meaningful. "It's not the first time that the emperor
was angry. But, If he was really angry, how could he even let her go to Chuxiu Hall to sleep?"
Our mistress is stubborn, if she is willing to submit and softly asking the emperor a few words,
the emperor surely be happy, and our FJ palace will be turned.”
Cuiya nodded her head.

Xuan Ji felt funny. To him, she is really stubborn. When she think about it carefully, he does
not love her, and he is tolerant of her.
However, DF did not know that the things on the Jin Ruan Temple could be retrieved if they
were subjected to softness.
She was thinking of it. Cuiya suddenly handed some bank notes to her and put them on the

Xuan Ji was stunned, and Cuiya had repeatedly urged, "Madame, get it quick. Listening to
other maidservants, Sister DF said that all the ladies in the palace’s gift had been prepared,
so you need to hurry up. Make haste to wear soft clothes and prepare gifts. Otherwise, the FJ
palace will be the cold palace.”

Hearing Cuiya's words, the DF bent over with laughter, looked at the things on the table and
sighed, "Niang Niang, can you also count that as a gift?"
Xuan picked up the pad on the table and laughed. That was the result of last night's "tide".
How could there be such a thought at this moment?
Each sheet of paper was cut down and some words were written on it, which was intended
to cost her a little more for casual binding.
her eyes fell on the paper.
—— Five times.
—— Five quarrels are never answered.


She made gift vouchers.

DF had inquired about it earlier, and all the palaces had great gifts. In this world, What was
he missing? It's a little bit of her caution. She doesn't want to discuss the gift with her family.
What she has is only some silver tickets that he gave her.
No value, all she can give him is heart.
After today's event, she really did not want to touch these things again.

Two maidservants stared at her with golden eyes. DF is silent, but holding the mood that
chatting is better than nothing. The lights flickered and the three servants laughed and made
fun of each other, but they also tore things out.

DF looked at the little book on the table, clapped and laughed. "Mistress, it looks good now."
Cuiya is also smiles.

Xuan Ji stared out of the window and was surprised. "What time is it now?"
The DF thought for a moment and said, "Niang Niang, about 3rd shift."

Xuan Ji's heart was tight, but her face still silent. sHe only said, "You all have a rest, and I am
going to sleep too."
DF and Cuiya answered, quickly tidied up the table, and then retired.

Xuan Ji stood in front of the soft couch, opened the window a little, looked out at the small
house where DF and others lived outside the courtyard, and saw that the lights had gone out.
sHe turned around and gently blew out the candles in the room. sHe stood by the window for
a while, and stayed silent all around. There was no sound coming from her. sHe quietly
opened the door and went out.
Bixia Palace.

She finally came. When DF said that it was the middle of the third shift, she made up her mind
without hesitation. Yuzhi had taken her to this place before, but they only stayed outside. The
grass grew long and the eaves and tiles of the palace were visible. Now I'm walking in and I'm

The dark doors of the main house were starlit and barren. Trees, grass, flowers, bamboo poles
hanging some clothes, night "color", can not see clearly, but can distinguish the "color" is no
longer bright.
Here lived the women of the former emperor, and later, maybe the women of the last dragon.
Think of here, the heart can not help but a slight tremor.

She walked carefully, afraid of an inadvertent, and fell into the dry well that Cuiya said.
Suddenly, there was a slight difference in the straw rake. It was estimated that "touch" was
where the well was.
Cuiya said that when she left that day, she took some dry straw and covered the wellhead.
She wanted to cover it more carefully, but she heard someone coming out of the main house
and hurried away.

The little girl is very careful. There is a place where Xuan Ji feels strange. Even if it is an
abandoned well, the women living in the cold palace live here, and the female corpses in the
well are unconscious.

In this way, when the corpse is hidden in the bottom of the well, it should be covered with
straw. Even if the well is dry, if not accidentally, no one will deliberately open the stack to see.

But a stroke of straw is not insurance, and the dead must have thought about it. According to
Cuiya, the well is not very deep. Xuan Ji estimates that although the well is not deep, the
bottom of the well must be very wide. Limited by the light, even if the straw is removed, the
location of the body may not be visible.

Cuiya was curious but afraid that day, and dared to glance at it in a hurry. Although the bottom
of the well was shady and the corpse took longer than usual, Cuiya could still recognize several
features of the corpse at a short glance under the extremely frightening circumstances, saying
that it was a beautiful young woman's corpse and that the clothes were gorgeous.
It also shows that the woman in the well is a new corpse.

The thoughts seemed clearer and clearer, but the shudder in her heart grew heavier and
heavier. Xuan Ji stretched out her arms and hugged herself. Suddenly, a voice like crying came
from the dark door of the main house.
She was so frightened that she almost cry out. The estimate that what Cuiya heard that day
was the voice of these women. Not a ghost, but more miserable than a ghost.

When she went out, it was almost past 3rd shift, cause it took her a lot of time to walk around.
She dared not neglect, her eyes lightly circulated, looking for a place to hide.

Beside the bamboo clothes, several tall and broad haystacks were erected, and behind the
haystacks the shadows of trees were whispering. The haystack was wide, and although it was
okay to hide a few people afterwards, the place was not safe enough. Time was burning, she
was biting her lip in a hurry, but there was a slight footstep outside. Listen, there are three or
four people coming.
A chill rushed up her back and she was shocked and immediately hid behind the haystacks.

The door of the courtyard had been pushed open just as the figure had stabilized. She covered
her chest and breathed quickly, but did not dare to move.
Only the man's light voice was heard. "You three should stay outside."
Then there are several different responses.

It's him! It's really him! Xuan Ji was so nervous that her legs and feet trembled.
The stars were shining densely overhead, but the moonlight was not round, but it was like
water. At the haystack, he was not far ahead of her. She could even hear his quiet pacing

XY haven't come yet. He's waiting for the her. Four more days, he is waiting for her here. Wait
for the woman whose name he keeps close to.
The nervous and suffocating heart seems to be full of some kind of emotion. Xuan Ji smiled
Suddenly, a voice came in from the door. "emperor forgives me . XY are late again."

Light, light, that feeling, and his voice is somewhat similar, but gentle, with a little smile.
This voice is not unfamiliar... Xuan was shocked heavily, a face, a beautiful side suddenly burst
into her mind. Is it her?!
She had guessed who XY were many times. She doesn't know anyone, she doesn't know...
But... how could it be her?
Suddenly she was not sure. She knew that what she would do next would be risky, but she
could not restrain the impatience and urgency that burned her fast.
SHe bit her teeth, reached out and gently held the haystack, and poked her head out.
In the moonlight, the two people in front her embraced each other quietly.
They stood on their side, blurred as it was, but their outlines could be seen.
It's her! It's really her!
This person, she will never be able to compete. Xuan Ji felt stuck in breath and covered her
mouth. He held her in his arms and whispered something in her ear.
She could see XY’s silky smile, thin as water, but bright as the moonlight above her head.

Xuanji also smiled, but this smile, she thought, will be far less beautiful than her’s.
Maybe from the first day she met him, she began to build a towering feeling one by one, and
now she heard the whole thing crash with a click.

Suddenly, Longfei let go of XY, his arms extended, and instead put her in his arms. He said
coldly, "Who is it?"
Xuan Ji was looking up at his heart-warming guard posture. When she heard the words, she
was shocked and cold. She was found?

On the other side of the haystack, there was a sound. Instantly, a green shadow rose in the
air, and a person appears in the haystack beside her. With a leap, her figure flew back to the
The green-shirted teenager is QF, and the person caught is... Cuiya!
Xuan Ji was trembling all over. How could Cuiya be here? Is Cuiya always following her? She
was too focused on her surroundings to notice it.

Cuiya's hiding place is on the same plane with her. In fact, just now Qingfeng not only found
Cuiya, but also found her! She caught a glimpse of QF in her direction, and his eyes were so
complicated that they were terribly disturbed.

Xu Xi and Xia Sang have come in through the door.

Long Feili twisted his eyebrows slightly and stared at Cuiya. Cuiya knelt on the ground, her
thin body trembling.

Xia Sang frowned and sided. Xu Xi's face was gloomy. "Why are you here?"
Cui Ya's face was pale and her voice fell silent in horror: "Slaves... Slaves can't sleep, get up,
walk... and come here."
With a faint sound and a sneer, Xu Xi drew his sword from his waist and pointed it at Cuiya.
"Your Majesty, are you going to kill her?" XY slightly shocked, "But she is Consort’s..."
“She saw you and couldn't stay.” Longfei’s phoenix eyes freezed and he said lightly, "Xuxi, do
Xuan Ji always remembered when Yuzhi told Long Feili that they had just returned from the
—— It's not bad to have a loyal person around her.
Now, for the sake of XY, he so understates to kill her little girl.
Xuan Ji smiled lightly, reached out and grasped the haystack. The air falling into her palm was
tight and cool.
What else can you do for the sake of XY?
"You can't kill CY."
her figure emerged little by little from the shadows of trees on the ground, and all her fears
suddenly disappeared.
She walked slowly towards him.
Then she saw that everyone had changed their faces, especially, LFL face "color" suddenly
changed, the long and narrow eyes of the phoenix firmly grasped her every step.

"What do you know?" His eyes were dull and his tone was almost unrecognizable.
Xuan Ji smiled. "If I say I don't know anything, do you believe it?"
Longfei gave a cold smile.
"Well, then I know about your biological mother and XY." like a sharp cone into the heart,
once, even swallowing will be painful, Xuan Ji turned to XY, whispered: " Wen Ruyi."

Apart from Cuiya, these people have stood together as they did tonight. Why does one of
them change her identity and everything seems to change? Xuan Ji laughed astringently.
XuanJi smiled at Longfei and said, "Emperor, reward a word, how to deal with me and my
Longfei stared at her, The glare burning and dirty seemed to tear her apart, closing his eyes
and turn around.

The tall figure stood on the back of his hand, and his white clothes were like snow.
QF suddenly looked at Xiasang and Xiasang smiled bitterly. Xu Xi frowned, knelt down before
Longfei and whispered, "Maybe you don't like the words of this old slave, but for the sake of
XY safety, you let this consort go safely!"

It took a long time for Xuan Ji to react to Xu Xi's words.... Xu Xi advised the emperor to kill
her! It was as if the snow poured down on her head, and she felt cold all over her body.
Immediately, she laughed softly. In fact, at the moment when she came out, she had a vague
understanding of whether the man who had lay with her several hours ago and gently covered
her quilt before he left would kill her!

At this time, Xu Xi sneered, "Xia Sang, Qing Feng, if a drop of wind goes out tonight, the
consequences need not be said, you know."
Xia Sang looked at QF for a while, and then gave Xu Xi a hard look. He knelt down and
whispered, "Emperor, do it!"
With a low roar QF knelt down. He gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, do it!"
All the people he trusted most wanted her to die!

Finally, even the bitter laughter could not be squeezed out. Xuan Ji looked at QF and nodded
gently to him as a thank you. Although the man wanted her to die now, he has just clearly
saw her hiding behind the haystack, but he did not hand her over.
QF shunned her eyes and lowered his head.

Cui Ya was stunned, but then she rushed up crazily and cried, "Niang Niang, why did you come
out? I'm not good. I hurt you. If I don't come with you... Whoop, I just want to help you see
who that woman is...i shouldn't come, Cui Ya hurt you."
Xuanji hugged her, pushed her behind, and placed herself in front of Xu Xi's sword.
Xu Xi's "color" became colder and colder.

Xuan Ji frowned at the man with his back facing her. It was clear that she felt empty, but she
still feel pain, that He was thinking about killing her for the sake of his beloved.
Well, he wants to kill her!
Her belly was tight again, and she quietly reached out and pressed it, silently waiting for his

Cuiya got out of her back, knelt down and climbed to Longfei's feet. She knocked her head on
the ground, banged and choked, "Emperor, your servant begs you to let go of niang. She was
in the room just now to help you prepare your birthday gift. How can you kill her?"
when she saw that Longfei's back was slightly stiff, She frowned and looked at Xuan Ji again.

Xuan Ji went up and lifted Cuiya. Tears streamed down her cheeks, but her tone faded. "Silly
girl, is it useful to ask?"
As soon as her words fell, Longfeili's voice came low, "Why come out?"

"I said, I can't just hide in a corner and watch my girl killed by you. Like my maid who was
killed by your staff, she is only a little girl.” Xuan looked down and saw that the straw on the
ground was gently blown up by the wind and fell back to the ground.

"Before you, I have killed a women here." Longfei suddenly said, in a light tone as he had just
told Xu Xi to "do it".
thought flashed through Xuan Ji's mind, and she thrilled and trembled, "She's lying in the dry
well of this yard now, isn't she?"
"Well. You know a lot," Longfei said lightly.
"Who is she...?” Xuan Ji lowered her voice so it did not sound too shaky.
"Don't you know that a noble women has disappeared from the court recently?" He retorted.
"You killed your concubine?" Xuan Ji's teeth trembled slightly.
"She was my first woman. She followed me when she was fourteen, seven years now." he
stated as that had nothing to do with him. "But, I knew Xinyi before I was even seven years
old, Nian Xuanji, do you understand?"

Xuan Ji's heart sank and she suddenly wanted to laugh. He wanted to kill her! He finally
decided to kill her!

Surprisingly, Xinyi knelt heavily and whispered, "Emperor, please let the consort go."

If he says he's going to kill her, then let's not plead for mercy... she'd rather be killed by him.
Xuan Ji gritted her teeth and gently let go of Cuiya. sHe went to his right and knelt down
slowly. Everyone was surprised.

"Ruyi, since Xuan Ji entered the palace, you have helped me a lot. Maybe until i dies later,
Xuan Ji doesn't know why you want to help me. Xuan Ji only asks you for one last thing." Xuan
Ji smiled and said, "Don't plead for me again."
"I can't learn your mind. I'm stingy. If I love someone, it's a once in a lifetime, but, I also hope
that the person also the same. His situation is very difficult, I understand, I really do not
deserve to be with him, you are the most suitable person, no wonder his mind is with you, I
envy you, in my opinion, you are my enemy, so please do not plead for me, I do not want my
enemy to plead for me."

XY looked at Xuanjie with dismay. Her pale face was absolutely calm, but it had a kind of
brilliant beauty. Suddenly, Ruyi somewhat understands why Long Fei is treating XJ differently
from other women. She has been with him for many years, but she is more and more afraid
to decide what kind of existence Xuan Ji really is in the heart of Long Fei.
Perhaps Xuan Ji's death would be better, but with a bitter smile, "Niang Niang, you are so kind
to me that I can't watch you die."

Xuan Ji muttered, "How is it possible?"

She closed her eyes and said, "The father of Xinyi is Wen Ruping, another brother of the
Queen Mother. He has a lot of wives and concubines. Xinyi and Huafei are sisters. The
difference is that her mother is the right wife and the richest pearl in the emperor's capital.
My mother is only the daughter of a teacher and an outdated concubine. It's not the same

"It was nothing at all, but at the end of the year, all the houses made new clothes, added new
jewelry, and Hua Min was made a new Pearl necklace. It was beautiful. The children in all the
rooms were so envious that I couldn't help looking at it more. Later, her pearl necklace
disappeared, but she was sure I had stolen it. I don't know, she let the slaves beat me hard,
my mother has no place in the family, who will care about us? And my mother was afraid of
offending the big house, but also let me apologize, I was angry, sneaked out of the house.”

"I was cold and hungry, wandering in the street for several days, all on a stupor, and finally
fainted in the back door of Nianfu." You saved me and gave me food and clothing to keep out
the cold. On my way back, I met the ex-emperor and Ru-fei, who took me out of the palace in
micro-clothes. Then the queen saw me and asked Wen Jia to make me a maid. Without you,
I would have died on that snowy night, and it was impossible to meet the ex-emperor and the

Xuan Ji staggered back and forth for several steps, her mind was blank, her fingers trembling,
"The grace of a meal... That child is you, not him -"

Yeah, on the Bank of Liuhu Lake in Qiyuan, he told her that the young lady saved a child when
she was a child, but he never said that the child was him, but she always thought that was


What the hell is this? He took care of her everywhere in the palace, not because he is
returning one of her feelings, but because he is returning her grace on behalf of his XY.....
What that was all between them?
Long Fei Li, what on earth is between you and me?

Raising her hand to wipe away the tears, but the wet gushing was more severe. Xuanji pointed
to Cuiya who was still knelt at Longfei's feet. Her bright forehead was already blurred with
flesh and blood. The little girl's face was full of tears and blood. Her face overlapped with her
little maid who had died that day. She was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was still
a child. But the man's back was straight and straight and cold.
Everyone's eyes, face or dignified or gloomy, but there is no forgiveness.
Tonight, in this courtyard, she is lonely...

"Why, Long Fei li, you want me to die, but could not bear to see me?" She pressed her belly
tightly, as if to scream out all the sadness in her chest, perhaps because she had tried her
best, and her voice was hoarse.

Xinyi, bend down, her head touching the ground, and her chokes slightly, "Emperor, please
let her go..."
Xuanji ruthlessly wiped the tears on her face. Her eyes were so painful that she couldn't open
them quickly. sHe hoarsed, "Xin yi, if you owe me. I beg you not to ask him for my final dignity.
Okay, I beg you..."
She Lift her and tears drop gently on the ground. Xuan Ji whispered, "Come here, Cui ya."
Cuiya's face was stained with tears and blood. She looked back at Xuan Ji and stumbled to
Xuan Ji's side.

Xuan Ji took her into her arms, stretched out her sleeves to wipe the dirt off her face, and
laughed, "You are a good girl. I shouldn't have left you behind."
Cuiya just howled and cried, gasped, and her lips moved vigorously, but she could not say a
word just hugging XJ’s neck.

Xuan Ji attached her mouth to Cuiya’s head and whispered, "CY, remember, Bai Zhengfeng is
in Yanxia County. Later, when I die, tell the emperor that you know where Bai Zhengfeng is,
and you can take them to find him. Don't tell them the exact location. When you get to the
neighbouring county, try to escape. Do you understand?”
Cui Ya looked at Xuan Ji, but she could not reflect it for a while.

XuanJi let go of her, stood up, gazed at the man in white in front her, and whispered, "Take
away Xinyi’s brocade bag, don't drop it again, Ali, Xiaoqi wishes you to save your mother as
soon as possible... Xiaoqi's family is gone since childhood, so I understand the feel..."
Unable to stop the tears blurring the view of his back. She raised her wrist and wiped them
vigorously. She watched him tremble slightly, but never looked back.
"I wish you and your Ruyi a long life together."

When the last word was uttered, Xuan Ji looked at Xu Xi. He stood beside her with a sword,
nearer than anyone else, and had a fiercer expression on his face than anyone else. One step
or two?
She laughed, stepped forward, grabbed the tip of the sword that hung slightly on the ground,
and thrust it into her chest. First, she felt terrible pain, but it only pierced the skin and flesh.
She gritted her teeth, grasped the sword body with five fingers, and cut into the depth of her

When she fell, the sky above her head was mottled and the sky was blue as satin. She smiled,
but she could hear a growl in her ear. Who was it?

Tears are still in the corners of her eyes,but she see all the people have changed their faces
again, their expressions are much heavier than when she just came out...
she saw the hard-hearted figure turning around. His long narrow eyes disappeared in an
instant and all the cruel blood-thirst disappeared. he looked at her in horror and pain. he fall
to the ground.... White clothes fluttered, he was as bright as light, her fallen body was tightly
embraced in his arms.


Her chest and abdomen were bleeding so much that she couldn't open her eyes. She could
only curl up in his arms without moving. She heard his hoarse growl, felt finger on several
points of her, sealing several big acupoints to stop bleeding.

People around her are shadowy, crying, and all kinds of words are in chaos.
"Long Fei Li, let them go away... I... I want to say a few words to you." She clutched his clothes
tightly and muttered.
Xuan Ji did not see that the eyes of the man holding her were as red as blood on her body.

The blood dyed all her dresses red, rendered purple "color" bright red, like a married dress.
Longfeili suddenly remembered that day in Huayin Palace, he saw her laughing like a flower,
walking in a red dress, throwing her hands and feet, as if the knitting butterfly at the chest-
chest cuff was about to break free from the shackles and fly lightly.

Hearing her painful and weak voice, his heart trembled and his hand trembled around her.
Looking up at the crowd, everyone quietly and heavily retreated, Xia Sang restrained the crazy
cry of Cuiya...

He has sealed the big "acupunture point" around her, but her blood kept pouring out.
She also has a baby in her stomach that has not yet formed but will also die. forcing it to die!
He laughed loudly and pressed her in his arms, she was dying and could no longer jump in
front of his eyes to make him angry.

She did not know that as long as he did not open his mouth, Xu Xi would never start!
two words (do it) hang around his lips,but he can't say them all the time.
However, the phrase "and I knew Xinyi before the age of seven, Nian Xuanji, do you
understand" has killed her.

She's dying. He should be happy. He doesn't have to make the damn choice anymore. He's
known her for only 145 days, only one season --- just for one season. How can a season be
worth more than ten years of affection? Even his first woman, he did not hesitate to kill,
because the she know his affection.
Hard-hearted, no! How many lives must be built under the Dragon Seat to survive the cold?
Nevertheless, her sentence "Keep the brocade of XY away, don't drop it again" and "Ali" made
all his senses collapse. At that moment, he knew that he would never kill her!
He was reluctant.
He should have give her up,
If he did, she should have been burned in the palace after she hit him;
if he did, he would not be jealous when he saw BZF touching her;
if he did, he would not let Zi Wei go to bed with Nian Yaoguang, but directly used her body to
disintegrare Nian Yaoguang's military power in the future;
If he did, he won't hand out to break the bowl of "medicine" by seeing her srying red eyes.
In such a situation, between him and her, every step he takes, he is forcing himself into
thousands of robberies.

He should be very disgusted with her. She had an unbearable father who betrayed the
Before the big marriage, Xinyi told him about the xuanji helping her in the past and begged
him to take more care of her in the palace. Out of curiosity, he did not go to the Queen's
dormitory on the wedding day, but to the FJ Palace.

Seeing him, she was surprised, shy and restrained, but he saw through the arrogant and
domineering temper of all the ladies in her body at a glance, and she was neither beautiful
nor intelligent. He did not touch her that night. To her, more and more disgust.

How can he have not put his spy in the palace, knowing that the Empress Dowager would kill
her, so when he get back to save her at the autumn night, he would make it a good excuse
for the queen mother to rebel against the Nian. But, at that time, Seeing her again, she was
badly hurt by the stick, but struggled to climb under his feet. When she reached for his boots,
he felt that she seemed different.
Then she said, ask him to save her maid. She didn't ask him to save her. The first thing she
thought about was her girl.
The woman aroused his curiosity, again.
Later he went to her room at night, but he just looked on and watched.
However, in the dark, as if against "chaos", she is stubborn, clever, trouble-making, saying
strange and witty words, but also seems to have infinite sympathy that he sneers at.

he don't know when it started, maybe from the moonlit night on the eaves of the garden,
where he kissed her, maybe later.... Who knows?
He became more and more unable to control the rage and boredom in his heart. Later, when
she was not around him, he would miss her. In the quiet discussion with his hearts, he will
even think of her, even if only for a moment.
Time changes, three months as for the life of what? What does this great river and mountain
count for? He and XY have known each other for more than three months.
He was never a hesitant person. He was uncertain about what to do with her in the future,
but just now she called him and he has made up his mind: He will not kill her! Never!
However, when he heard the sound of the blade of the sword entering the flesh, he turned
around for a moment, only to see her covered with blood, such as falling leaves.
Her face was calm and her mouth was still smiling.
Such a smile, even the first beauty in the palace, Wen Huamin, is not comparable.
But she's dying.
Why did she kill herself just now?
She used to look at him with that kind of laugh and say, "Long Fei Li..."
She said she liked him.
She said, "You're tired. It's good to have someone you can trust.
She said, let's eat green vegetables and tofu.
She had cooked tea for him, went into the water to collect brocade sacks, and rushed at the
swords for him without hesitation at her home in the past year.
There are many, so many.
In an instant, all kinds of wind, such as dew, came upon her, but within a quarter or more,
how can she leave so many memories in just a hundred days?
Or, that he remember every inch?
She asked him if he was tired. It was childish. he calculate life and death every day. How could
he not be tired?


After the age of seven, a good night's sleep has become a luxury.
However, with her, no matter dull and intense, unexpectedly he have a good sleep. His body
can achieve the ultimate happiness in her body. Every time she gets entangled, she pillows
on his arm and he listens to her breathing carefully. He can also close his eyes slowly and feel
He wants her!
She can't die. Didn't her maid say she was still in the room preparing his birthday gift?
For the first time, his birthday...
As if someone had gouged several knives with a knife deep in his heart, finally, he knew clearly
that he was in pain, as she was in pain.

"Xiao Qi, I'll take you to doctor Cui's now. You and your children will be all right. You have to
stay with me all the time." He gritted his teeth and roared, so he would pick up the women in
his arms.

Consciousness diffused in deep pain and tried to gather back. Xuan squinted and slowly saw
his distorted face caused by pain and anger,"You look so ugly." She said with a low smile,
"Don't go. If you saves me, you'll regret it again."
"Don't talk nonsense," Longfeili rebuked.
He didn't want her dead, huh-huh. Xuan Ji closed his eyes. What's on TV? What do classical
dialogues say? Think about it, shake your head and say, "I know I can't..."

She said she wanted to laugh. The corners of her lips had just opened a little, but they touched
the wound. She clenched her teeth and held his clothes tighter.
Long Fei-li saw her like this, and his heart was frightened and painful. he was about to pick
her up, but she pull at his shirt, "Long Fei Li, I will say a few words, otherwise I will hang up
and not speak, I will lose a lot, the sword of the dead eunuch is so sharp..."
She had no blood on her face, and her lips were dry and pale. He was frightened and angry
and said, "Say!"
"Let go of my girl, she knows nothing, put her back to the folk, okay?"
Is that all she's going to tell him? Why? Didn’t she die? But, She also thought about the
unrelated people. Longfeili became more and more angry and held her tightly with both
Xuan Ji's heart was a little cold again. He seemed very angry and angry. She could feel the
rage and oppression in him. His lips are tight... He still refuses to let Cuiya go.
"Long Fei Li, I thought when I was dead, you will at least be a little sad, maybe you will let go
of my girl, but I know, I can not compare with her, but...You can't kill her, she knows... she
knows where Bai Zhengfeng is." She said, blood gushing up, a mouthful of blood gushing out
of her throat, wetting his hands.
Longfei said in horror, "Xiaoqi, don't talk. I let her go. I let her go."
He thought of Cuiya and heard her say, "I thought when I was dead... maybe you'd let my girl
go." Only then did he know that she had such an idea. All of a sudden, he was cold and
trembling. How could she care what he said behind her?

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, but thought that the news of Bai Zhengfeng was more important than
her life. At this point, the man emptied everything in her heart.

"Long Fei Li --" The wound in the chest and abdomen trembled with pain. Her hands and feet
began to freeze. Her still resisted, but she shuddered and called his name. Instinctively, she
snuggled in his arms and slowly closed her eyes.

Long Fei was shocked, and then ignored what she said. He picked her up and murmured, "Xia
Sang, immediately sent the hospital principal of Taiyuan Hospital and Dr. Cui's to Chuxiu Hall."

Xia Sang just pricked Cuiya's sleeping "acupoint". At this time, he quickly put Cuiya in the
hands of QF and leaped out of the courtyard wall.
Long Fei left his foot a little, and his figure flew into the darkness.
QF was silent, holding Cuiya, following Longfei closely behind, and falling into the night.
Xu Xi's face colored bleakly and came to XY side, "this old slaves saw what the girl had done
for the emperor over the years. Don't dislike the old slave's mouth, the girl's heart is good,
but just now you really shouldn't plead for consort nian. she would be a stumbling block
hindering his mother's rescue."
sHe closed his eyes tightly and did not speak For a long time. she said, "Mr. Xu has watched
Xinyi grow up. He treated Xinyi well. He knew Xinyi. However, Nianyuan is a benefactor of XY.
The emperor also has been with her for some time, and there will always some feelings
in.......But, In the end, I believe in him.”
Xu Xi took back the sheath of his sword, laughed bitterly and left slowly.

The sky was starry, the night was cold as water, and she held her arm to herself... When he
embraced the bloody consort in his arms, he never looked at her again until he left.
Because, Nianyang was injured.... Emperor, what if the injured is XY? What will happen to
you? She paced slowly out of the yard, with a slight landing behind her. She knew that his
Ziwei was cleaning up the bloodstains.

On the leaves, a pair of blue and green eyes stared at several purple clothes people smeared
with blood. When they left silently, it leaped down from the leaves, sniffed gently on the
ground, and smelled a faint sweet smell. It stretched out its tongue, licked, and a teardrop
glided out of its eyes.

Such a scene, which had been experienced before, of him helding her in the palace of the
night, the feeling of flight and freedom. Xuan Ji slowly opened his eyes.
When the man saw her wake up, his eyes glistened, as if in joy, he bowed his head and kissed
her forehead. "Xiao Qi, don't be afraid, soon in Chuxiu Hall. I will let them cure you."
Xuan Ji laughed and said, "Long Fei Li, I'm afraid that they will only save me... If the baby is
not spared, let's make the second chances right between us, Xiaoqi will not... love you again."

Her weak but indifferent and firm tone... Long Fei heart sank, holding her hand tightly for a
few minutes, and there was not a slight gap between the two people's already close bodies.
"No!" He spoke in a deep voice, but the woman in his arms closed her eyes gently.

That night, the Chuxiu Palace was ablaze with lights, which lit up everywhere in the palace.
Later, the whole palace was as bright as day. the cause of serious injuries is unknown. The
imperial concubines rose in their clothes and led their maids to Chuxiu Hall, but all of them
were intercepted outside the courtyard by the banned troops under the command of the
banned army. Outside the courtyard, across the crowd, many eyes watch the emperor's
bedroom entrance, the palace girls anxious to and fro with copper basins, various utensils,
and "medicine" meals.
Inside the crystal curtain, the emperor white cloths was dyed in red, standing on the side of
the bed, the eyes of the Phoenix were fixed on the women. Doctor Cui's hands trembled
slightly on the women. Several doctors waited on her. Two of the principal and Deputy
hospitals of Taiyuan Hospital were standing with their heads bowed in case of emergency.
"Emperor..." Dr. Cui turned around and looked at several medical kits, and then at two
hospital directors.
Among the doctors and women, she is the most skilled. If she is in direct proportion to the
two experienced hospitals in Taiyuan Hospital, she is still a little inferior. She knows that the
emperor is worried about Nian injury. In case she can't help, she will not avoid the suspicion
of men and women.
Longfei waved his hand, "Say!"
Cui Doctor's gritted her teeth and went to Longfeili. She knelt down and reported, "Emperor,
the empress is weak. She has several times closed her breath. In addition, her blood flow is
insufficient. The breath of the dragon has been broken."

Long Fei slightly shake, he just told her that he would not let her and children come to
anything, he has asked them to accompany him all the time... Her injury, he knows, that the
child will not be able to kept, but it is a comfort words to her.
She has said, "If the child has not been spared, let have nothing on each other."
At that time, he was in a deep panic. If the children were gone, there would be no more of

Two courtyards on one side were looking at each other. They were shocked that the consort
was pregnant with a dragon heir.

"Emperor, Madame's chest was badly wounded by her sword. The first wound was okay, but
the second one was very strong --" Doctor Cui sweated a lot. She has cleaned up the wound
and had seen that it was a "suicide" wound.

Why do you want to commit suicide?

Is it because the emperor ordered the children to be taken away during the day?
But the child is still there! It is not a secret that the stakes of the imperial concubines are
dangerous, especially when it comes to the imperial concubines bearing heir.
the sentence of Cui Doctor's filled his mind: This second sword has exerted a strong force.
He gripped his sleeves so hard, so that he managed to suppress his desire to see the woman
in bed. His voice burst out from deep in his throat: "If she dies, i will kill all the people in the
Doctor Cui's back was wet with sweat, and the two old courtyards were also panicked and
kneeling down to look at Doctor Cui together.
Cui Doctor's trembled and said, "This sword wound has been dealt with and she has also used
the Emperor's heart-protecting pill, that is the best Jinchuang medicine. If the consort can
endure several hours, the medicine will wield her strength and her life will not be lost." But
this intra-abdominal stillbirth must be cleaned up urgently. Otherwise, it may drag on the
condition and this slave........ intends to turn it into water and blood by the method of blood
conduction and drain it from the body of the mother to the body of the maid -"
The two doctors immediately understood the implication of Cui's words, but they saw the
emperor staring silently at the ground, and the god's "color" was overcast, seemingly

The Vice-Court was biting its teeth and climbing on its knees to the front way: "Emperor, this
fetal blood is dirty, the process to move it from the its mother body need to be done in
another place, to not dirty the palace of the Emperor."

Long Fei left a stunned, then angry, raised his foot and kicked the courtyard over.
"How can she stand the bumps? She's not going anywhere! I'm here to accompany her, to
perform any surgery, in this Hall of Storage and Show!"

This blood transfusion fetal collection is no less than women's production, it is a very filthy
thing, not to mention the king of a country, even if the Royal nobles, down to the common
people, men never watch in the room. Moreover, usually the imperial concubine undergo
surgery in their dormitory.

The three were stunned and speechless. The Deputy hospital was reminded that Taiyuan
Hospital had once disrespectfully expressed disrespect for this consort nian. Although he was
not with the hospital at the right time, he was the culprit of Taiyuan Hospital. For a while, he
could not help sweating cold and sweating.


"Doctor Cui, operate immediately."

As soon as the doctor's arrived, she hurried back to bed, only to find that the emperor had
embraced the unconcious consort nian in his arms.
The emperor did not care, he kissed her gently on the forehead and whispered something in
her ear. It sounds like some comforting words.
Doctor Cui looked sideways at the two doctors. The three of them were more surprised. The
young emperor was so fond of killing, if they could not redeem his wife's life tonight...

When Xuan Ji woke up, she only felt the unusual silence around him.
She touched the wound with a slight movement and immediately blew her teeth with pain.
Her eyes were still a little blurred. sHe looked out and was immediately surprised. The man
sitting beside her - eyes closed, eyebrows wrinkled, plain and beautiful to the incredible face,
at this moment, the skin under his eye is dark, and his jaw full of stubble.
Oh, that's what it's all about in the novel, and finally it tastes like the heroine's aura.
Unfortunately, time has been missed. Besides, she was never a lady.

Well, she's not dead. She laughed, did not care about the satin wrapped in front of her chest,
eyes fell on her abdomen, hands gently pressed on it.... It's gone.

One hand also touched her hand gently.

She was shocked to know that he was awake.
Beautiful and slender, his palm is big, and her hand is completely wrapped up. Warm and dry,
she always liked, but at the moment she was a little tired.

She pulled out her hands, slightly over the head, inside the bed along the carved flowers,
cloud transpiration, “is this the Chuxiu Hall?” She sighed.
her person has been embraced in a warm and solid embrace. The man's movements were

Xuan Ji thought for a moment and asked softly, "is my son all right?"
Behind her, the man's slightly stiffens.
"Well." Xuan Ji echoed... How could it have survived in that situation? But, her heart still
twitched tightly.
"We'll have children again, if you want, I-" The emperor's voice was tense.
Xuan Ji laughed and interrupted him in a faint voice. "There will be no more."
"Why not?When your body is ready, we'll have another child." He held her hand tightly, and
she could hear the implicit anger in his words. Xuan Ji was startled and laughed. Who was he
angry with?
Longfeili heard her laugh and seemed to be shocked. He said, "Little Seven."
Xuan Ji frowned. "Emperor, this title is not suitable for you and me. It was a concubine at that

She usually calls him by name and surname, but now he suddenly hears her indifferent voice
of "Emperor". Longfei twists his eyebrows slightly and suppresses his anxiety. he says, "Don't
you want children?"
"Don't you not want it?" Xuan Ji retorted.
“If It's your child, I want it." His hand touched her belly and held her tighter.
Oh, Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. Should she be grateful? The more tired she was, the more she
said softly, "In the past, the concubines did want children, and now they didn’t."
"Don't be angry with me, I'll give your children a place."
Hearing a swipe of serious anger tightly supressed in his voice, Xuan Ji also slightly angry, her
lip back to ridicule, "Place? Does the emperor want the children of his concubines to be
crowned princes?
"You want this?" His voice hardened slightly.
Xuan Ji sneered. "The emperor can rest assured that what is the emperor's mind, concubines
understand and this concubines will not compete for anything with the WRY, she is previously
ignorant, and never thought about this, but after the Bixia Palace event, not anymore."
She was so excited that she accidently touched the wound, so she clenched her lip tightly that
her voice could not escape.
Long Fei-li was shocked, and his voice sank slightly. He said, "Don't talk. Sleep a little longer.
I'll be with you."
Xuan Ji no longer took up the previous topic, assessing that he did not want to listen to her
talk, and she did not ] say anything.
When she remembered something, her heart suddenly became tight. "What about my girl?
Did you kill her and throw her into the bottom of the well?
"If I promise you, I won't touch her. She's in the FJ Palace."
"Well." Xuan Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief, thought about it, turned around and looked at
Longfei looked at her beautiful eyebrows, her body was not healed, a small sharp face became
clearer and clearer, and without warning a twist appeared in his heart. He pressed her head
into his chest and Gently kiss the top of her hair.

Xuan Ji was extremely resistant to such intimacy. Her palm was against his chest. sHe
remembered what she wanted to say and bit her teeth before she pushed him away. sHe
whispered, "LFL."

She resisted him. Didn't he know? Longfei was angry, but she was not healed, so He did not
want to use his strength at all. At this time, he heard her shallow voice, but his heart was
overjoyed. he thought if she asked him for anything, he would give it to her.
"Let me tell you something, believe it or not." Xuan Ji sighed slightly.
"You say."
"Cuiya did not know about Bixia Palace. I had already warned this girl that this matter could
only rot in my heart, and could not be mentioned again. But, I just want to see the woman in
your heart. There's really nothing else besides that.”
"Long Fei Li, in fact, the cold palace is very simple, if you believe me, you will not want to kill
me." Xuan Ji was a little lost in her mind and muttered, "After all, you refuse to believe that I
will never betray you."
Since she woke up, she has been tense mood, in her desolate sentence "you will not believe
me at last" , finally he can not suppress his feeling. he pulled her out of his arms, kissed her
Hard, heavy, sucking to her taste, until she pushed him hard, then he took her back into his
arms, in a low voice, over and over again: "I believe."

Xuan Ji laughed at herself. "I don't want you to believe these things anymore. It doesn't matter
to me whether you believe them or not. I just want to discuss something with you."
"What do you want? I'll do it for you."
She just said, "Do you remember what I said to you?"
"Little Seven?"
"Bai Zhengfeng."
"How do you know where the descendants of the Bai family are?" He stroked her slipping hair
on the forehead and asked softly.
"The Buddha Don't say it." Xuan Ji smiled and said, "Long Fei Li, I'll exchange a condition with
"Without it, I will still promise you." Long Fei-li's voice sank slightly.
"No, that's the only way that you and I will be equal. I want to take something from you, so I
should exchange for it." Xuan Ji laughed.
Long Fei looked at the light and darkness, held the shoulder of the woman in his arms tightly,
and said angrily, "You are a lady of the emperor. You don't need to exchange things for it."
Xuan Ji thought about it and suddenly said, "Long Fei Li, do you care about me?"

When the young emperor stared at her, Xuan looked at his face from the corner of her eyes,
and saw his handsome face reddening slightly, she almost did not laugh.
"Well, well, if you don't talk, I will still be right."
The atmosphere was silent, but his hands around her waist were extremely tight.
Xuan Ji nodded satisfactorily and said, "Then I tell you, my chest and mouth ache, I want to
As soon as she uttered her words, Longfeili immediately said, "I am calling on Dr. Cui's."
"No, I just want to sleep, but if you don't let me say what I want to say, I can't sleep."
Longfei looked at her charming voice and he had some helplessness. He found that he was
ashamed of his past mischievousness. He sighed and said, "Say it."
"I know where the Bai family's descendants are hiding. I'll take you out to find him.


Longfei looked away and held her face in his hands. "Are you really only the daughter of
Minister Nian?"
Xuan Ji knows his doubts and looks up and smiles. "If I am not the daughter of the Nian, who
do you think I am?"
Long Feili suddenly opened her skirt and Xuan Ji was surprised. The emperor's finger touched
the cinnabar nevus on her chest, An inch from where the wound lay. Xuan Ji closed her eyes,
and she could feel his hands becoming cool and careful.

" On Father's birthday banquet, your parents brought you, still a child, into the palace. At that
time, I have seen you and also saw your birthmark."
Xuan Ji was curious and laughed again. "How old were you then? How could you go and saw
other people's little girls private place? It's really the "color" of an embryo?"

Longfei flicked his eyebrows and smiled. "Look at it and see it. Anyway, you're also my friend.
It's just like this day and night." You were about three or four years old. During the dinner
party, I and several princes were suffocated and went away quietly. Your milkmother just
leads you to play in the imperial garden.

He paused, glancing at her as if remembering something.

Xuan Ji became more and more curious, only urging him to speak quickly.
"You pissed your pants wet." The emperor laughed narrowly.
Xuan Ji was stunned, her face darkened, and then angrily said, "You slander me."
Longfei said with a smile, "I am not joking."
Xuan Ji blushed. "No wonder you hate me. It is because of that childhood accident."
She grinned and gritted her teeth.

Longfei looked at her eyes and eyebrows with bright smiles. In her heart, he could not help
but "swing" slightly and put his hand on the back of her head. She let her beautiful hair fall on
his arm, he kissed her forehead and whispered, "That was before."

The warm and moist kiss, Xuan Ji did not resist, but her heart was desolate. sHe knew clearly
that they could not go back,so before leaving the palace, he could not touch her mind too
much. If he knew what she really thought, he would never let her wanting to leave the place
again for the rest of her life.

Her hair was held in his hand, and his voice came faintly. "At that time, you were in a terrible
state, and your milkmother did not bring your clothes, so the 3rd brothers took off his coat for
Xuan Ji lost his voice and said, "Zining that pervert?"
Longfei nodded and said, "Seven and ten brothers are also here."
"Taking off my clothes and change them?" Xuan Ji continued the black line.
"Long Fei Li, let's change the subject."
The emperor stared at her, and his eyes were a little deep.
"It doesn't matter, baby. Now only see me can see you."
Xuan Ji turned around and avoided his glare.

She really knows where the descendants of the Bai family are. There seemed to be many
secrets in his woman, but what bothered him most was that she was resisting and avoiding
Longfei shook her hands, pressed down her irritability, took her to his arms and said in a warm
voice, "What do you want to exchange?"
"The fire at the gate of the city killed the fish in the pond. I always feel that one day you will
kill me again." Xuan Ji laughed.
His anger was finally aroused by her, Longfei gritted his teeth and said, "I won't!"
Xuan Ji didn't argue with him either. sHe looked at the bed indifferently and said, "Before the
Bixia Palace, I didn't think so."
Her cool tone making he so angry that he wished to crush her, but she was weak under his
hands. The white gauze in front of her chest hurt his eyes. He sneered and said, "What do you
want to do then?"

"Long Fei Li, I want you to have a holy decree, no matter what mistakes I make in the future,
you will not move my FJ Palace slaves!" Xuan Ji turned around sharply and looked at him with
bright eyes.

Her face was pale, but her eyes were full of anger. Two days ago, when she fell into his arms
with blood, he almost lost her. He couldn't help but feel terrified. He loved her stubborn but
vigorous appearance. He nodded heavily and murmured, "Okay, I promise you.”

Xuan Ji couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh. If it hadn't been for the pain of the
wound, she would have jumped up long ago. The decree of the people who kept the eagle
palace was finally obtained. Now, She can go out of the palace!
However, she never thought that the prophecy of that little book was finally used for her
going out of the palace.

Blue-eyed handsome man said, "This is a note of a person's life, that is to say, when he wrote
this note, everything had happened; who is it among them?"
Thousands of years later, did she escape from the palace first, or did she have this little note
first? The problem of eggs and chickens goes around, wondering which is the cause and which
is the result.

She thought, for a moment in a trance, until his hand touched her eyebrows, then she looked
back and asked, "When shall i leave the palace?"
Longfei looked at her and asked, "Not only do you know the whereabouts of the descendants
of the Bai family, but also do you know his name?"
She was shocked. She was careless for a moment, but Longfeili noticed the details.
She forced calm and said, "I know where the Bai family is hiding, and what's so strange about
their names?"

Long Fei smiled and said nothing. For a long time, he said lightly, "Why do you have to go out
to find him?" If you tell me his whereabouts, I'll be able to reach him."
Xuan Ji suffocated, she didn't expect him to say so. If she can't go out of the palace, what's
the meaning of all she's just done, including finding the life-guard for the servant of FJ palace.
She doesn't want to stay in this place anymore! In the past, one second is struggle, but now,
one second is pain.

"Long Fei Li, only if I go out, I will tell you where the Baijia descendants are."
His eyes fell faintly on her head.
He could not have the slightest idea that she would really leave, so Xuan Ji said, "I will always
think about that night here. I just want you to go out with me. If you can't go away, you can
send someone to me."
She said as she came out of his arms and lay aside, looking at the carvings on the bed to the
top of Hualong.

Behind her, there was no movement, and she fell into a slight despair.
For a long time, she was embraced by him.
"Do you want me to go out with you?" His hot breath hit the clothes on her back.
His tone was so thin that she could not hear any of his thoughts. Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. Of
course, she didn't want him to accompany her out. With him, her chances of escaping were
very low. But that was the best way to dispel his doubts.

She turned sharply and gazed into the man's deep eyes. After a pause, she gritted her teeth
and snuggled into his arms. "Yes?"
She suddenly approached, Longfei slightly shocked, immediately reached out and hugged her,
her appearance, he could not refuse,"Let me think about it..."

"Well." Xuan Ji closed her eyes, too late, things will turn against the extreme, she dare not say
more, just bothered about things are okay, then relax a little, only feel the pain of the wound
hot. Put out your hand and hold it. Her tiny movements did not escape the dragon.
His voice drifted deep into the silk. "It hurts? I'll help you pass on the doctor immediately."
She just wanted to say no. He got up quickly and went out.

In her memory, Xu Xi and Xia Sang followed him all the time, as if, because she was there, he
sent them away; when they were not there, he would do things by himself. The crystal curtain
reflected his tall back, and Xuan's eyes were tingling.
When he lay down next to her again, she whispered, "You can send me back to the Eagle
Xuan Ji was stunned. His "why" question seemed quite natural. On the contrary, it seemed
that she had no reason.
" when I'm here, you're inconvenient."
Long Feili's tone was slightly unhappy. "You stay here."
"There's only one bed here. I'm still sick. You can't ask me to make a bed on the floor. Unlike
in the past,now I'm sick and bloody, which makes you dirty here. It smells bad. It's not suitable
for you to sleep with me."

It's this indifferent tone again! Despite intentional repression, Longfei could not help but feel
slightly angry, sneering: "You are in a coma these days, which day is not sleeping with you!"
Dirty? On the day of your bandaging, the bedclothes were changed several times too. Is it not
too late to be dirty now?


He stared at her coldly, but saw her face slightly white, a surprise in his heart, a trace of
remorse climbed out....
Xuan Ji turned over, but the two of them did not speak.
Her wound was painful and she soon grew tired. His voice came stiffly from behind.
"If you sleep, Doctor Cui will be here soon. I will pass you lunch."
He seems to have gone out again.

Xuan Ji's nose was sour. she closed her eyes quickly, but she could hear the beads colliding.
At the crystal curtain, he said lightly, "You are here. You will stay here in the future."
When Xuan Ji woke up again, Long Feili was no longer in Chuxiu Palace, instead there are
several maidservants.

Watching her wake up, a slightly older palace maid respectfully said, "Madame, dr. Cui just
came here and changed the medicine for you. She also stewed some medicine soup. The maid
waited on you to eat first, and after lunch, you could use the medicine."
She said to the other servant "The medicine soup is simmering in the imperial dining room.
You rush to get it. When the emperor is ready to leave, he told us, that she must drink the
medicine immediately after she has finished her meal."

Xuanji watched two of them lead the way. She was really hungry. With the help of the leading
lady, she ate something and asked, "What about the emperor?"

"Niangniang lying sick in bed for a few days, the emperor loved Niangniang, but also did not
come out of the Chuxiu Hall, let alone go to court. Just now, I heard from General Manager
Xia that it was estimated that he was going to Jin Lung Hall to deal with some urgent matters.
The lady laughed and said, "God is respectful and envious.”

She doesn't want him to treat her like that! Xuan Ji's heart was filled with screams, and she
didn't want to stay here any longer. Looking at several palace maids in the room, she thought
about it and said to the big palace maid beside me, "Aunt let them go, you can wait here."
Outside the Chuxiu Palace, many forbidden troops were patrolling. Several palace
maidservants came out and stood quietly at the door. The emperor ordered that no one
should enter the Chuxiu Palace. Duan Yuhuan, the commander of the Forbidden Army, also
came over several times and told not to let anyone disturb Nianyang's rest.

Before long, the door opened and closed quickly, and the lady of the Grand Palace bowed her
head and hurried out, as if she had been instructed by Nianfu to do something.

Imperial garden.
The lady of the Grand Palace hurried along and covered her chest and mouth. She raised her
face, and in the afternoon, the sun was shining on her face, but she could not raise her head.
It was Xuan Ji who dressed like the big palace maid. She has stunned the big palace maid. Now
she just wants to go back to the FJ Palace to see them.

Someone came forward. It seemed that a man in beautiful clothes was surrounded by several
eunuch. She was surprised, and she quickly lowered her head and went to the next path. But
she heard a little "chant". Then the man whispered to the eunuchs, "Bring the maidservant
to me."

XuanJi curses, who is this? Never Zining or Longzijin.

The eunuch led her over, and she gritted her teeth and looked down, only to hear the man
say faintly, "Raise your head."

The voice.... Xuanji looked up, the man in front of him was young and handsome, his eyes
were as warm as jade, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

Two people's eyes touched, the man shocked, and then the corner of his mouth lifted gently,
"it's really you!" He paused and whispered, "No wonder you were a maid in the palace."

Xuan Ji's surprise is no smaller than that of this man. It's him!
That day, on the streets of Du in the capital, she met three men, one of whom was the man
in front of her, Long Yunyang!
At this time, the eunuch who pulled her over shouted, "Which hall are from? This does not
understand the etiquette, see the 7th prince but not quick to kneel down to salute?”

7th prince? This young man, who claims to be from Leyang County, is actually the brother of
Long Fei-li?! Xuan Ji was shocked and laughed bitterly....... she guessed right. The three men
really had a lot of origin. The world were very small. Yunyang is such an identity. What about
the other two?
The eunuch didn't recognize her... Otherwise, it would be troublesome to explained to the 7th
prince the reason why an imperial concubines had gone out of the palace and visit places like
the brothel. She quickly bowed her head and panicked. "The maidservants have seen the 7th
prince, may the Lord lives until a thousand years old."

Long Xiuwen looked at the eunuch coldly, and the servant was surprised. He taught the maid
to please the king, but he did not know why he had offended him.

Xuan Ji did not listen to the voice. sHe was upset. A pair of big palms pressed on her shoulder
and lifted her up. He only heard Longxiuwen's gentle voice saying, "Nian Xuan, old friends
meet, don't you remember Yunyang?"

He knew she was a woman! Xuan Ji was determined to carry out the whole process of not
recognizing him. sHe only said, "The slaves don't understand what Wang Ye is talking about."

Don't you understand? Long Xiuwen sneered, but he remembered the face. With a slight wave
of his hand, several eunuchs saw the situation and immediately stood aside.

Xuan Ji was shocked when her chin was gently lifted. sHe subconsciously retreated, but the
man has hold on her shoulder tightly.
"Are you hiding from me?" His voice was slightly unhappy.

Yunyang on the Du street is wise, modest and gentle, but the man in front of her is more
hegemonic, Xuan sighed slightly. "Lord, this maid are still busy. Please allow her to withdraw."

Long Xiuwen was a little shocked. His emotion was very deep and always reserved. He just let
out his feelings and stared at the woman's drooping face for a moment. He lowered his voice
and said, "Young girl, you don't have to be afraid of me. If Ben Wang said that Ben Wang
wanted to take you back to the feudal land, would you like me to?"

Xuan was stunned by what he said. What did he mean? Take her back, what does that mean...
She frowned and looked up at Longxiuwen, who was staring at her. But one side of it! Xuan Ji
panicked and was looking for a way out, but she heard a sneer behind her back. "Long Xiuwen,
you hypocrite."
Xuan Ji was startled. Long Xiuwen's face had sunk slightly. She turned around and looked, only
to see a man in such a dress, leading a group of attendants came over. Xuan Ji wails, if she
has not forgot checking the calender today, If she knew she will meet these people, she would
stay in that bedroom for a few days. Who is NTL, why is he here?
"A Xuan." NTL watched her gaze at himself and smiled.

Before Xuan Ji could respond, Na Tomorrow Lang had put a ring around her waist. Long
Xiuwen's hand was still on her shoulder.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. Such recognition would frighten her heart out of hairy disease,"Who
is that master? This maid do not recognize..."

Well, shut up, the two men have completely ignored her, Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, NTL said
coldly: "7th prince, please let go! Gentlemen do not take advantage of others."

"Didn't the 2nd prince just say that Ben Wang was a hypocrite?" Dragon Xiuwen snapped his
lips and said, "The prince must not forget the purpose of his trip to Xiliang."

"You..." NTL angrily pointing to Longxiuwen with his finger raised. "You had already seen her
that day! I have decided! I don't believe, the Xiliang Emperor would be stingy with a maid!”

Dragon Xiuwen looked at each other and said with a sneer, "The Prince is here to propose to
the princess Yuzhi. Can't it be that the Xiliang Royal Family is willing to buy one for one? The
prince has not yet married his princess!"

XuanJi heart and soul jumped. sHe was frightened. This was the prince who came to seek
marriage at the end of the month. And he also asked for her in marriage. If LFL happened to
know about this, how will it end? Don't talk about the palace, she can die again in no time!
What can I do?
She immediately feel her clothes wet... The wound seems to be cracked because of the
excitement. She bit her lower lip in pain. Xuan Ji raised his hand and pointed to the side and
said, "Emperor."

The two men shocked and look at her pointed side. Taking advantage of this gap, her shoulder
shrank back vigorously, and she broke away from the hand that Dragon Xiuwen put on her
shoulder. At the same time, she collided with her elbow on NTL’s abdomen, and both of them
were caught off guard, so Xuan Ji finally escaped and ran back.

But, before she could walk a few steps, she saw all the people kneeling down and bent down
and said, " the Emperor!"
She remember the first time she met with Yuzhi, and lied to her that there was a pig flying in
the sky, and at that time, there was no pig flying in the sky. This time, the emperor really
came. How did the man really come!
Xuan Ji couldn't cry because if she cry and He's here, she's dead! Now, whether he is an
emperor or a film emperor, let's run first!
Among all the people who saluted the emperor, her unique figure was very obvious. She was
soon tightly waisted and carried back like a chicken. She dared not take a breath of air, her
head was very low, her sleeves were slightly shrunk, and she glanced at the man's clothes,
but it was NTL.

Xuan Ji waved his hand, knelt down and gnashed her teeth: You barbarians, you barbarians.

Shaking and staring at the ground, Longfei had not found her yet.... A little farther ahead, she
heard Longfei laugh, "Prince and Seven Brothers don't have to be polite. See how happy they
are talking. Where is that the pleasure?"

A voice of a joke took over and laughed, "Yes, seven brothers and the prince tell us about it,
so us all enjoy it." He paused and wondered slightly. "Is that a maidservant in the prince's

The voice, Xuan Ji recognized, was that Zining's fellow. Sure enough, the man and LXW are in
the same boat, which pot does not lift which pot. She became more and more panicky and
chaotic, with the corner of her eyes looking down. Longfei was beside her. Xuxi, three of them,
did not miss one another. he also had Longzijin and LongLiyu.


NTL looked at Long Xiuwen and frowned, "Before Na Ming arrived in your country, he listened
to his ministers'remarks that Xiliang people are clean and spiritual. Only when he came here
personally, did he realize that what they said was true. She is this palace maidservant. she is
also intelligent and shrewd. Naming is very interested. I hope the emperor can give Naming a
Longfei said, "Oh, is there such a thing?"
"The prince's charm is a beautiful talk." Longzijin smiled lightly.
Long Liyu raised his eyebrows and smiled. "The Prince and The King of Fan propose to the
princess. The prince's status is honorable, but it's hard to say who will get this marriage. If he
can't get the married, he will get a maid and never come here in vain."
"That's right," said NTL.
"Emperor, this minister is also interested in this palace maidservant and asked the emperor
to marry." Long Xiuwen said after NTL.

Long Liyu and Long ziJin were both surprised. They never got along well. At that time, they
exchanged their eyes with each other. It is necessary to know that although Long Xiuwen's
mother died early, she was greatly loved by the former emperor. Somehow, the 7 th prince
were later hated by the former emperor. As early as in his childhood, he was conferred the
title of the prefecture to forgot the county. Desolation, and even more, swamps abound.

No one thought that Longxiuwen was getting older and older, and began to reclaim with great
axes, develop water conservancy industry and commerce, and make good use of the people
who knew him. In the past decade, he built the county of forgetting worries into a prosperous
county comparable to Yanxia County, with a hidden trend of exceeding Yanxia County. The
achievements were reported to the court. Nobody dares to belittle the despised prince today.

He has been unmarried, the Queen Mother and the Emperor have also asked about this
several times, it will be a number of important court ministers of the thousand gold roster
with him, let him choose, he only laughed, but at this time, he proposed to marry for a palace
girl, how surprising!

Long Liyu and Long Zijin thought at the beginning that NTL only saw a handsome maidservant
in the palace. Now listening to Long Xiuwen, they immediately thought that this maidservant
was very difficult.

Even Xu Xi, Xia Sang and Qing Feng behind the emperor raised doubts and went to see the
maid who had been kneeling silently on the ground. However, she hung her head, and the
head of her cape was lightly hidden in her sleeve, so that her appearance could not be seen
for a moment.

Longfei was still silent, and he said with a light smile, "The Prince and seven brothers proposed
to marry at the same time, presumably this maidservant is well-tolerated and well-behaved,
but I didn't realize that there are such beautiful maid in the maid's back palace."

Long Zijin laughed. "Nine elder brothers regretted not bringing the beautiful woman into the
harem on that day, but today they have completed the prince and seven elder brothers?"
As soon as this was said, the crowd burst into laughter.
Longfei said with a smile, "What the ten brothers said is true."

Dead Emperor! Xuan Ji, knowing that the man was joking, couldn't help scolding. She was
frightened, and her wound was so painful that she felt more dizzy in the sunshine. At this
time, Long Fei walked slowly forward, Xuan Ji was shocked. They were only inches apart. He
could only hear him whisper, "Look up and show me."

Long Liyu laughed and said, "How beautiful is her? The king is also very curious!"

The imperial garden was silent for a while, but the eyes of all the people were bright, and they
all fell on Xuan Ji. Sometimes she is mellow, but she is always cautious, extremely alert, and
intelligent, but now she only feels that she has never encountered such a difficult situation.
This head is not lifted, nor can it be lifted!

"Didn't you hear me?" The emperor's voice was cold ahead.

Xuan Ji's heart is crossed, you let me raise my head..... Horizontal dead pigs are not afraid of
hot water, how to deal with it is your business. She gritted her teeth, raised her head straight
and looked into the emperor's dark eyes.

Long Fei's expression has changed greatly, and the Dragon Liyu beside him has lost his voice
and said, "How can it be you?"
From, Longzijin to Xuxi, all has changed their face.

Although Longxiuwen and NTL did not know what surprises everyone, they were shocked
when they saw the emperor lust. However, they heard the emperor ask angrily, "Nian Xuanji,
why are you here?"

"Your Majesty, can you let your concubines get up and talk again?" Xuan looked at the angry

She always had problems, more and more serious. This time, she was attacked by the Prince
of the Moonset Kingdom and his seven elder brothers. Longxiuwen even wanted to marry her
as a princess. How many other men did she get in touch with where he couldn't see her? Long
Fei was irrepressible in anger. When she left Chuxiu today, her attitude was... sHe had already
suppressed a fire in his heart, but he could not touch it or scold it.

Suddenly in the his brain crossed the memory of the scene in the yanyu building where that
man did things to her, Longfei left his sleeve hands clenched, she is his! She can only be his!
Whoever argues with him, he kills whoever!
Push down all the fury, he see her face white, and his heart is tight, even without thinking
about it, then he lifted her up, in the shock of all the people, she was held in his arms, in a
light way: "Prince, Seven Brothers, this woman can not be given to you."

When NTL watched Longfei leave and hugged Xuan into his arms, he was already frightened
and angry. At that moment, he heard himself speak plainly but toughly, and gritted his teeth,
"Is it not as Prince Liyu said just now that the emperor wants to take her into the palace?"
Long Fei moved slightly. There was no trace on Xia sang. Xiasang was very hidden, but he
heard the voice of the emperor, which was slightly cold. "Taking her to the Imperial Palace?
Prince, she was already in my palace."

Xia Sang looked at Xu Xi and both of them appeared at the same time. They said in a respectful
voice, "Only the maid have seen Nian's wife."

Na Tomorrow Lang was shocked. How she be a concubine? But if she was a concubine, how
could she leave the palace? The dragon Xiuwen next to him was silent, his lips were slightly
wiped, and his face was two or three times like that of the emperor, but he was calm.

NTL stared at Xuan Ji with a mixture of surprise and wonder. "Aren't you the Axuan in the
Long Street of Du in the capital on that day?"

Longfei left but looked at Longxiuwen. His eyes fell on NTL. He laughed and said, "I let the
concubine dressing up as a palace maid. It is a play with me. Listen to what the prince says. It
seems that you are looking for someone else?"

her hands were held and slightly pressed by the man. Xuan Ji laughed and said, "this
concubine lives in a deep palace. This is the first time I saw you. Why did you come to the
capital’s Du Long Street?"

NTL seeing her laughing like a flower, His heart is very tight. The person he saw that day is
indeed her! Fury! Fury immediately reprimanded his whole mind, grinning and sneering….

But when Longxiuwen looked at Xuan Ji, he leaned down to the ground and whispered, "Nian
Huangniang, it's zhen who offended you, so it's no wonder that Wangnangniang did not
offend zhen."

Somehow, Xuan Ji's eyes overlapped with the his calm eyes, and a trace of panic flashed
through his heart. Xuan Ji only saw the sleeves of his clothes turn over, but The emperor had
reached out to hold Long Xiuwen's arm, and smiled lightly: "The so-called innocence is a
family. If we divide the age according to the folk generation, it is really seven brothers and
daughters-in-law, why do seven brothers have to be more courteous?"
Dragon Xiuwen looked at the emperor and smile. "I remember the day when the emperor
said about the assassin in the Yanyu Hall, I thought that this woman was similar, though rare,
but also ordinary. This is true of assassins, and so is the case of women today."

NTL was shocked. Thus, the emperor did not search for assassins in the yanyu building, but
went away for this Nian. Thought of this, he suddenly turned cold sweat on his back, but his
heart was unwilling, which made his heart itchy and indescribable that he could not touch her
in person!
For a moment, the atmosphere was complex and slightly condensed.

Although Long Liyu did not know how she was related to the Prince of Moonset and the seven
younger brother, but he saw that Long Fei was clinging to Xuan Ji and became more and more
jealous. He wanted to occupy Xuan Ji more and more. He sneered under his heart: Whose
was Nian Xuan Ji at last, and waited for it!

The wound was not healed, and there were many twists and turns. At this time, Xuan Ji was
sweaty and wet. She gritted her teeth forcefully, but her head slightly tilted in the emperor's
arms, and her body slowly slid down.

Long Fei felt her bosom sinking and saw the pain of Xuanji face. Her eyes were closed and his
heart suddenly shocked. he was no longer concerned about anything else. He held her
horizontally and murmured, "Xia Sang, immediately send Cui Doctor's daughter to the ChuXiu

Xia Sang was also shocked, just then, the green shadows around him flashed. The figure of
Qingfeng was outside the abbot. The voice came from afar. "I'll go."

This sudden change, all people were surprised, and when they looked at it again, they saw
that the emperor had turned around and left at a rapid pace. What happened in Nian's life?
Just a quick glance revealed that her dress was bloody red.

Chuxiu Hall.

When Xuan Ji regained consciousness and opened his eyes, the emperor's eyes were gloomy
and he was standing at the bedside staring at her coldly. Outside the window, the sky was
black, and I wondered how long he had stood.
She smiled indifferently and closed her eyes. Ear, crystal curtain sliding down the voice is
harsh... In the hall, the sound of porcelain tile broken to the ground, not stop in the ear.
Xuan Ji was shocked and struggled to support himself.

When the crystal curtain was lifted, everything on the desk was overthrown to the ground.
The dragon stood in the rubble, and the God was absolutely absolute.

Xuan Ji grinned and sneered, "Why don't you put me back in the FJ Palace, since you don't
want to see me?"

"Let you go back?" Long Feili repeated her words in a soft voice. Suddenly he raised his hand
and pointed straight at her. His voice burst out from his teeth. "Nian Xuanji, unless you are
dead or dead!"

She remembered what he said during the day: You are here, will always be here. No, it's just
a whisper from him. He didn't love her. What did he leave her in his dormitory for? Besides,
in other people's eyes, this is a favorite, and he can't do it.

But, At this time, listening to his tone, there is no doubt of his determination. Her heart was
filled with fear, and her instinct was to run away from him without thinking, so she ran to the

"Today, a maid that was knocked unconscious by you has been killed." Behind him, his voice
was as cold and cruel as a devil.
Xuan Ji trembled all over and turned back in dismay. "What did you say?"


Longfei did not move, nor did he speak. He sat down at his desk and said lightly, "I promised
you that I would not move the slaves of the FJ palace, but I didn't promise that to servant
sering you here. her crime of dereliction of duty --"

sHe looked at him and said, "Damn it."

As if she had fallen into an ice cellar, Xuan Ji's hands and feet were cold. She wanted to rush
over and question him fiercely. Like last time, she slapped him hard in the face and finally
leaned against the back of the door and slid down powerlessly.

His voice came softly, "Don't you want to go? Well, there are several maidservants waiting on
you outside the palace..."
The meaning of his words is no longer obvious, but what else can she do? Xuan Ji's face was
covered with trembling hands before he "touched" it. It was a tear in his hand.

"Come on."

Xuan Ji rose timidly and went to his desk. The two people's breath just intersects, she has
been grasped by him in the bosom. His warm lips and tongue, his face was moving, and her
tears were swallowed up by him.

She's leaving! She's leaving tomorrow! The idea, which could be hidden in the bottom of my
heart at the moment of waking up, finally broke away from all the shackles in a moment and
burst out in all the wreckage of her limbs.

In his arms, she is soft, quiet and clever. Long Fei is very satisfied. he holds the woman tighter
and claps her hands lightly. At once, someone pushes the door in, but two eunuchs.

Longfei took a look at the ground, and the two waiters immediately noticed. In a moment,
they cleaned up the fragments of porcelain tiles, put the scattered memorials back on the
table, and replaced the paper and ink before they retreated.

Long Feili picked up a memorial and read it carefully. Xuan Ji stay motionless. sHe stared at
the ground. After a while, she only heard him ask softly, "How do you know them?"
Xuan Ji's heart was awe-inspiring, half a day, and she said in a desert way, "The margin of one
side of the streets of Du in the capital."
"Well, when they meet me by chance, they ask for you." Long Fei paused and smiled coldly.
"You ask Yuzhi." Xuan Ji didn't say much. sHe closed her eyes and said, "I'm tired. You don't
let me go back. What about the disease? Give or not? Help me pass Doctor Cui over. I have
chest and mouth pain.”
Longfei was shocked and stretched out his hand to open her clothes, so he would inspect
them. "pass on Dr. Cui's to me!" The emperor's roar rang through the Chuxiu Hall in Sangeng.

The lights were bright inside and outside Chuxiu Hall. Outside the Hall, the Imperial Army was
patrolling. Several eunuchs and maidservants stood in the courtyard in panic. When they
entered the bedroom, XuXi's two chief executives stood beside them with their faces
congealed. The emperor sat on the edge of the bed, wearing only his middle clothes and a
frightened face, clasping her arms tightly.

Cui Doctor's was carrying the medicine box. With the eunuch rushing to her place, she saw
such a scene.
her eyes were closed, her face was red and painful, and her mouth was blistered. Doctor Cui
did not dare to neglect her, so she immediately took her hand and began to check her pulse.
The emperor asked in a deep voice, his face was fierce. "Before she fell asleep, you had seen
it. It was good at that time. How can it be like this now?"
Cui was frightened. She looked at the emperor and gritted her teeth. She said, "The injury of
the Niang was very serious. She suffered from the loss of her fetus. Today, she still walks
around repeatedly, and her body is damaged by fatigue, plus..."

“in addition, what?" The emperor asked angrily.

"In addition, the accumulated illness in the heart, also causing high fever, heart and liver
depression. if the high fever does not fade, then good"medicine" and this maidservant is also
be ineffective.”Doctor Cui's heart crossed and she knelt down to play.

"Medicine" stone is ineffective...” Long Fei was shocked all over. He looked at Xuanjie's face
and saw that she was sweating with cold sweat and her eyebrows were in pain. His heart was
frightened and panicked, and his words were silent for a moment.

"Long Fei Li, Long Fei Li..." Weak whispers came from his arms. Dragon Fei suddenly returned
to his mind and kissed Xuan Ji's eyebrows. He repeated, "Xiao Qi, I'm here, I'm here."
"I'm in pain... going out..." Her hand grasped his skirt unconsciously but instinctively.

Longfei suffered a lot from his heart pain and said angrily, "Did you hear that? She said it
hurts. Are you deaf? Treat her immediately! "

Cui Doctor's shook her head and trembled, "Emperor, if your Nian heart is full of depression
for a day, you can take the life of your maidservant, but she will not be cured. Even if there
are two rectifiers, they will also be …”

"Seven, you say, what you want, I will give you!" Longfei hugged the woman in her arms and
said in a dumb voice.


Xuan Ji could burn her mouth full of bubbles, her lips wriggling, but her voice was so low and
weak that she couldn't distinguish. Long had to lean over to listen to her murmurs. He gritted
his teeth and said, "I promise you! As long as you are well, I will accompany you out for several

At dusk, after telling the doctor to send the medicine to the nian concubine, the doctor Cui
walked out of the hospital and began to walk slowly. She had a secret in her heart. In recent
days, there have been several major events in the palace, all of which are related to Nianfei,
and her secret is also related to Nianfei.
A few days ago that night, Nianfei was still wandering between life and death, but today she
regained her place, and the emperor once again promoted the woman to the rank of
concubine. Tomorrow, Nianfei will accompany the emperor to Qiushan.

In the mid-summer of the fifteenth year of Qingjia, Emperor Qingjia went to Qiushan again.
The last time, he went to worship the ancestors, this time he went to pray and worship for
his birthday in late autumn, summer and early autumn. Originally the concubine had nothing
to do with going to Qiushan, but he took his concubine with him. According to reason, he
offered sacrifices and prayed for blessings, bathed and fasted, and could not approach her;
to say the least, he should take the queen even if he wanted to.

The palace finally boiled and spread, the emperor favored consort nian.

But no one knows that Nianfei once had a heir. The diagnosis of the night when the concubine
was injured, such as blood transfusion and fetal guidance, was not recorded. Doctor Cui knew
that the two hospitals were being secretly warned. Everyone knows what to do in the face of
life and death.

And besides her and Nianfei, no one knows the fact that Nianfei had a high fever on the night
of "fans" a few days ago. Before the emperor went to bed, the emperor had told her to go to
Chuxiu Hall for the diagnosis of the disease.

She also remembered that Nianfei was lying in bed with tears on her face. Nianfei asked the
emperor to go out. The emperor's eyebrows were wrinkled, but finally he came out. She is
not surprised. The way they get along makes her feel that they are not like emperors and
concubines at all, but like an ordinary couple.

Inside the crystal curtain, Nianfei asked her for a pill and she gave her it, the "medicine" that
keeps people feverish. Even today, she still can not understand why she gave that "medicine"
to Nianfei at that time, perhaps because the woman's bloody eyes and heavy kneeling.

Nianfei took "medicine" and taught her a few words. Later, she said a word softly: Aunt Cui,
treasure. That night, Nianfei was seriously ill. Today, she knows that the "medicine" has
become the key to her trip to Qiushan.

She did not know why Nianfei did this. During her trip to Qiushan, did she announce the
emperor's favor to all the imperial concubines in the palace? Intuitively, this woman is not
that kind of person. But who can tell us clearly what is going on in the back palace? Beauty's
mind is changeable. She always had a feeling that if the Pope knew about it, it would surely
lead to a bloody scene. And I am the first to bear the brunt.
Treasure. Why did Nianfei say this to her?
Turning around a branch, not far away, two figures appeared in the bushes. They were Lingrui
Wang Ye and Ruyi. In the palace, who doesn't know this pair?

It is often heard in private that Ruyi is going to fly up a branch and become a phoenix one day.
Prince Lingrui has never married a concubine, so it's not difficult to explain anything. It is said
that if she did not want to stay with the Queen Mother for more time and the Queen Mother
would not give up on her, then prince Lingrui would asked the Emperor for a marriage grant.
She dared not stay any longer for fear of seeing something red and ear-burning, and hurried

"Tomorrow I'll leave the palace with Jiuge." Longzijin stared at Ruyi and whispered, "It will
take some time to get back."
“As you wish” she only responds shallowly.
Longzijin sneered.'It's my own fault. What can i get when he comes to you?”


Glancing at him wishfully, she whispered, "You'll never come again."

Longzijin laughed angrily.'You don't want to see me like that?'
Smiling bitterly as you like, "Lord, your maidservant said earlier that you could go to the
Queen Mother..."
"Can I? I can find you in private, but Jiuge believes me and knows what I mean to you, but I
will never betray him.” Longzijin grinned bitterly. "Besides, with me, no one will doubt your
relationship with Jiuge. The Queen Mother only knows how to love Jiuge auspiciously. You
are also her niece. It's not the best way to hand over private affairs to you."

"You and I have many years of friendship, but my heart... only one of him."

"I don't want you back!" Longzijin gritted his teeth, reached out to hold her shoulder, and said
fiercely, "Nian Xuan's kindness, you have returned it. If you treat her well, will you not be
afraid that she will snatch nine brothers from your hands?"

Ruyi closed her eyes tightly and said, "he said to me that when the political situation in Xiliang
is stable, it will be me after him, but I never thought so, I told him earlier that as long as he
established me as his concubine, I will accompany him. He is the emperor, and even then,
how can there be fewer women around him? There will be other women without Nianfei. As
long as the women in his heart is me. And I'll have a baby for him. We'll...”
Longzijin chilly interrupted her, "Are you not afraid of Jiuge's change of heart?"

“If you want to bite your teeth, you won't! How do you think he brought Jin back?” Ruyi
said,”First, in order to balance the relationship between the rear palace, when he just got
married, so that the palace and the forces behind them have some scruples, the emperor
register new concubines that also can carry the relatives behind them.”

"Second, and most importantly, at that time, I went to Qiushan with him to worship. I had a
dispute with him about things. Anjin was a daughter of the common people and had a similar
life experience with me. When he was angry with me, he took her back with him. If he does
not love me, he will not be angry, let alone do so!"

Longzijin shook his head slowly. "Wen Ruyi, it's not like that! Well, I don't say anything about
Ann Jin; just, have you ever thought about a man like Jiu Ge, calm and calm, who never really
had a temper for any woman before Nian Xuan Jin entered the palace, yes, it's just a fake one.
But, I'm a man, and when he looks at the eyes of Nian concubine... Well, he never looked at
you like that."

When Ruyi returned to her courtyard, the evening became more and more intense, and it was
almost dark. sHe was not happy with Longzi, and before he left, his words were replayed in
her brain over and over again, and her lower lip had taught her to bite her teeth red. She is a
high-ranking female official with her own small courtyard. As soon as she entered the
courtyard, she saw a graceful figure standing in front of her bedroom, cold and quiet.

"Ji Xiang?"

The figure turned around, with a beautiful face and glamorous eyebrows everywhere. It was

"RY, we grew up together. My mother was the maidservant of Mrs. Ru. The woman killed her
and imprisoned her. She knew who I was and that I loved the emperor. Yes, in this deep
palace, who did not know JX feelings were for the emperor. She did not know that we had
already known that she had identified me and used me to do it. False news to the emperor;
in fact, I am in the light, you are in the dark." She said softly, with a smile on her lips.

"JX, what do you really want to say?"

"I revenge my mother, you revenge the favor of the prophet, but also for him," JX smile, and
suddenly stopped laughing, "Our goals are the same, so over the years, although I hate you,
but will not harm you."
“You hate me?”
JX slowly approached RY, with a cold smile, "Why ask knowingly? I taught you the art of tea,
but he liked to drink the tea you cooked, so I vowed never to cook tea again in this life.” She
paused, and laughed, "Now, there's a concubine..."

"JX, what do you really want to say?"

"if you are beside him, you can tolerate me. If Nian Xuanjie, she can't tolerate anyone. I'm
here to say something to you: Do something, RY, I absolutely believes in your love." Her voice
was curling. She pulled something out of her close pocket. On her palm, the pearls from the
West China Sea were round and shining. She could not help holding her eyebrows. She felt
headache and crack, and evening "color" poured in from all directions.

Shengping Palace.
Shengping Palace is Yuzhi dormitory. At this moment, she is sitting in front of the dressing
table, stunned, and suddenly heard the voice of her maidservant coming from behind. "See
you, Princess, General Xia."
When she heard it, she jumped up with joy. "Please invite him in!"
She grew up with Xia Sang. Xia Sang was several years older and took care of her a lot from
an early age. Later, she went to Mingjian Villa to study art. He was sent by Jiuge and would
visit her regularly. Every time he went there, he would bring her many things, including gifts
from Jiuge and Shige, and many things he bought for her. Brother's things are luxurious, but
he gives her things are intimate, snacks and ceramic dolls that she likes snacks.

They had deep feelings. For her, Xia Sang was her brother's confidant and friend. On that day,
they were stiff about her marriage, and he never came to see her again. Although the palace
was large, the palace went in and out, and she often went to visit the emperor and the prince
Lingrui. Sometimes it was unavoidable to encounter Xiasang, who was full of etiquette. Every
time she saw Xiasang, he respectfully saluted, and then walked quietly, making her head

She was anxious and thought of Xuan Ji's words. She had been trying to find him to make
peace, but the girl was thin-skinned and did not go after all. From childhood to childhood, he
gave in to her in every way, which had been the same as this time. She understood that the
words of that day really hurt his heart.

He is a castrated man, which is the greatest shame and regret in his life. She knew from an
early age that he was smart and capable, and that he was no less intelligent than her two
brothers. How could she not be ecstatic when she heard him come to her on his own
initiative? The maidservant, however, hesitated and said, "Princess, General Xia said that he
was waiting for you in the courtyard when he did not come in."
Yuzhi nodded and said, "Don't go in. Don't go in. I'll find him."
She ran and jumped to the courtyard. She saw Xia Sang standing under a flower tree with a
blue shirt on his back. His figure was very tall and meaningful. She thought how many women
would be taken away if he was not of such status. For a moment, her heart was sad and she
stood in the same place.

It was Xia Sang who heard the noise and turned back, saw Yuzhi standing on the steps, staring
at him, grieving and even looking at him in a certain way. XS could not help but frown slightly.
At this time, only to see Yu Zhi secretly glancing at him, and quickly bowed her head,
whispered: "What are you doing here?"

"Tomorrow I'll leave the palace with the Emperor, and I want to come and see you." XS said
in a light way. His tone is clearly understated, but also implicitly indifferent, the sentence
"want to come and see you" makes YZ's nose suddenly sour, she wiped, wow ran over and
threw into the man's arms.

When Xia Sang was a child, he often hugged her, but although he was a castrated man,
eventually men and women were different. After she was fifteen years old and dutiful, he
never touched her at all. It seems more than two years ago that he held her last time. YZ held
him, but his hand is hanging on his side, straight and tight, he has always been calm and
decisive, at this moment, did not know what to do. Her fragrance percolated into his nose
from the top of his hair. At last, he gritted his teeth, trembling and holding her in his arms.

Dusk, FJ Palace.
Coming back here again, Xuan Ji felt as if she had been separated from the world. It was her
last night in the palace.Tomorrow, she will leave the palace. She grinds several times, and
Longfei has refuses to let her go back to the FJ Palace to collect things. He had planned to
send Xiasang people to the FJ Palace to make her maidservant a little tidy up. When she left,
Longfei frowned slightly and did not know what she was thinking.

Ming Dynasty built trestle road and crossed Chen Cang secretly. It's false to go to Qiushan.
It's true to go to the Palace to find the descendants of the Bai family. In fact, there is no other
clue in Xiaozha except that the prophecy and BZF are in Yanxia County. Xuan Ji is not familiar
with Xiliang's geography and human feelings, and the map is not available. But in the past,
she heard DF gossip in the FJ Palace. sHe still knows a little about some of the major counties
in this country. sHe knows that Leyang County is a county of forgetting worries, while the
county of forgetting worries is adjacent to Yanxia County.
She only talked to Longfei about going to Leyang County, and did not dare to tell him directly
that the Bai family was in Yanxia County. She needed time to get away. If they soon found
someone in Yanxia County, she could not escape. At the same time, she knows that the border
situation is also urgent, so this circle should not be big pocket, in order to avoid wasting the
time of Longfei's departure. When the night comes, she will leave a message to tell him the
real place of Bai Zhanfeng, so he can reach Yanxia County and bypassing Forget Worry County.

Leyang County is the most compromised place. Not only geography, but also the situation.

These days, she stay in the Chuxiu Hall. During the day, he will take her in his arms to watch
the performance. Sometimes they talk a few words. She knows that the Leyang River has been
flooding recently, and the county has suffered a lot. She firmly believed that if he went to
Leyang County to find people, at the same time, he was bound to take a personal visit to
defend himself. In this way, his attention could not always be on her. Her escape gave her
another chance.

However, she did not know that Longfei had other concerns. Hundreds of years ago, the
Xiliang Royal Family destroyed the Baijia family. Whether it succeeded or failed is unknown.
Please come to Baijia posterity are all happy, if the Baijia suspicion gap in mind, few must be
a killing.

General Wang helped Xiliang's ancestor emperor acquire mountains and rivers on horseback,
which was a martial art that dominated the world in the Cretaceous Period. Baijia Wugong
can't be underestimated. Duan Yuhuan, Longfei, gave up the arrangement and sent Ziwei to
accompany him secretly. If the negotiation fails, or he perceives that the Bai family has
different ideas, he will start to completely destroy the Bai family, in order to prevent future

This is also the reason why Longzijin and Xiasang went to look for Yuzhi and Ruyi before their
departure. This line is dangerous.

Xuan Ji entered the house, and the master and servant looked at each other with tears. Xuan
Ji laughed and scolded, "Okay, okay, go wherever you want. I can't spare you, and I can't tell
the emperor.”
Luzi spat and said, "That's not possible. If you don't go, Madam, we'll have to throw you out."

Xuan rewarded him with a burst of chestnuts and laughed with the crowd before sending
them off, leaving only DF and Cuiya, saying, "Cuiya, go and tidy up, and leave the palace with
me tomorrow."
Cui Ya was overjoyed. She smiled and went to help Xuan arrange her clothes.
"Hum," said DF, furious, "Niang Niang, you are eccentric, only take a CY, what about the DF?"
Xuan Ji grinned and smiled. Her eyes were red. DF startled her and said repeatedly, "Niang
Niang, DF is just nonsense. You must not take it seriously.”

Xuan Ji was sad to know this difference, and it will be forever. She took Cuiya away to bring
her back to the people. If she was not there, it would be difficult to keep the dragon from
killing her. But the DF was different. She grew up in the palace and had learned a set of ways
to survive here. Moreover, she had sought the saint of that person. Thought of this, Xuan Ji
wiped a tear, pulled the DF to the bed and sat down, took out the paper silk wrapped in bright
yellow brocade from her arms, and stuffed it into the DF hands.

The DF was shocked to see that it was an imperial decree. Just wanted to ask Xuan Ji, who
had interrupted her quickly, whispered, "Look at it later, you must take good care of it. It will
be useful in the future."
DF was full of doubts, but Xuan Ji was in a hurry and she nodded her head.
Xuan Ji thought about it and laughed again, "The silver tickets the emperor had rewarded
The DF thought she wanted to use the silver ticket. When she stood up, she wanted to take
it. Xuan Ji shook her head. "Just keep it. In a few days, you can take some and give the rest to
The DF startled and said, "Niang Niang, you are --"
Xuan Ji held her hand. "DF, listen to me and finish my speech. If the wolf comes back, gives it
to QF and tells him, "When the wolf's wings grow up, Xuan Ji asks him to put the little thing
back where it belongs."

DF's heart flurried "chaotic". Doesn't the master just leave the palace for ten days? How is it
like telling the story behind you, trembling: "Niang Niang, is not Qingfeng Gong going with

Xuan Ji's heart was astringent, and she gently circled her, laughing, "Look, you are in a hurry,
I am not afraid to forget it at that time?"

The DF nodded in a strange voice and got up to the table and took a roll of paper. SHe said,
"Master, this is the map you want. The maidservant asked for it from the maid in the House
of Internal Affairs. You had been in the Chuxiu Hall before, and DF had not been able to give
it to you."

Night "color" gradually deepened, the palace garden has already been lit everywhere.
Xuan Ji, holding the palace lamp, cursed the man in her heart and hurried to the Chuxiu
Palace. Long Fei-li only allowed her to tell some details about the FJ palace, but She had to go
back to the Storage Hall to rest. When she reached the gate of the palace, several of the
forbidden troops were just about to salute. She reached up to her lips and felt nauseous,
intending to frighten him. XuanJI gave a loud cry, pushed open the door with one hand and
rushed in, shouting, "LFL."

Someone just stepped out of the door and she fell into the man's arms.
The man seemed astonished, hesitating a moment in his eyes, but still reached out and held
"QF?" Xuanji, sorry to laugh, hurried out of the man's arms.
Just now, when they were close to each other, he could feel the curve and fragrance of her
body, passed through his hands, and his eyes drooped slightly.
Xuan Ji's eyes turned. There was no one in the hall. It was a little strange. He said, "Where is
the emperor?"
"He's out."
"I'm going first."
The corner of her eye is her figure walking towards the desk, QF is indifferent, "Wait a
QF stops lightly and stared at Xuan Ji.
Xuan Ji smiled and said, "Thank you for Bixia Palace."
QF voice is cold. "I want to kill you. What do you thank me for doing?"
Xuan Ji didn't take it seriously either. sHe laughed and said, "Thank you all the time."
QF frowned, and just wanted to go out, but heard Xuan Ji say, "By the way, DF said, you take
the wolf out for training, is it okay? It hasn't returned to the FJ Palace for a while.
Listening to her mention of the wolf, QF sigh hard, and after a while, he whispered, "It's
"What did you say?" Xuan Ji was shocked and walked forward quickly.
His face changed, QF said, "It seems that some changes have taken place on it... One night, I
took it to the lake to practice. Suddenly, it was blue and bright, twitching all over, screaming
and rolling on the ground. It seemed very painful. I was just going to look at it, but it jumped
into the lake."
Xuanji was shocked and stunned for a long time before she asked, "Do the wolves here
understand water?"
QF was also stunned, and then shook his head, "I don't know."
"It has wings. Once it flies, it will be all right." Looking at her worried face, he added quickly.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly and suddenly remembered that Cuiya would go to the Cold Palace
because she was chasing the wolf. If the wolf disappeared before falling into the lake, it would
be all right. She calculates the next day, just want to ask him, but voice his has been outside
the door, "You can rest assured, when you come back, I will find it back to you!" The voice
went away, but with a very firm.
Xuan Ji caressed her forehead and was annoyed by the chaos. sHe put the palace lamp on the
ground and went into the bedroom. she didn’t know where LFL was going. She had not seen
him back for a long time. Although her wound was good, it had not healed yet. The pain was
hidden. Her eyes start to closed…

Who is calling her? No, she's Xuan Ji, no… She's Ah Qi... Who's name is Zisu?

The voice is far away, and slowly approaching, deep, gentle, Xuan Ji thought of the bed, only
feel heavy body, like being oppressed by some nightmare, clearly aware of the slightest
clarity, but the body is extremely heavy, no matter how she struggle, she can not rise. This
feeling is not untried. Many people have experienced it in their sleep.

She opened her eyes vigorously and looked down to the bed unconsciously, but saw a thing
all over the snow-white, blue and green eyes, squatting on the ground and staring at her. She
was very happy and said, "Wolf."

The wolf's mouth was filled with cold laughter. Xuan was frightened. He thought that such a
laugh should be a characteristic of human beings. She was in a trance. When she looked at it
again, the bed was empty. Where was the wolf's trace?

It was dark before her eyes slowly closed again.


Crystal curtain was gently lifted, a shadow slowly came in, snow clothes wrapped, long black
hair shawl, he took the palace lamp, went to the bed and stood, staring at the woman sleeping
on the bed. Looking blue, he suddenly reached out and touched the woman's face. The long
fingers disappeared, and the sleeves of his snow-white clothes were empty.

Xuan Ji let out a cry of surprise and sat up. The room was quiet, only the beads of the crystal
curtain whispered and swayed. She sweats all over. Did the wolf come? Who was that man
just now? She can't see his face...

It's a dream, just a dream! This Chuxiu Hall is well guarded. Who can come in? Look down,
but a sudden shock, bedside palace candles light translucent. This Palace lamp, she clearly put
in the hall, how can it be here! Did someone really come in just now?

Xuan Ji caressed her heart that flustered and chaotic. sHe couldn't help but open her mouth
and shout, "Long Fei Li, have you come back yet?"
"The taste of saury, cats and you want to know..."

She screamed in horror and put out her hand to hide her face. This voice, which she had not
heard for a long time, is the exclusive bell of her damn mobile phone. How could it be here?
Isn't this Chuxiu Hall?

The bell was still ringing. She opened her eyes from her trembling fingers. Under the crystal
curtain, the blue light was deep. A mobile phone lay on the ground, and the fuselage was
trembling slightly.

Her heart and liver jumped in disorder, gritted her teeth and gritted them again. She flipped
off the quilt, ran barefoot and picked up her cell phone. How could this happen? Mobile
phones have also passed through?

These days, she has even forgotten her original identity and melted into the time and space
of this millennium. Shivering to the screen of the mobile phone, there was a MMS, she
pressed open a look, if not tightly cover her mouth, she would have lost her voice and

A voice came from the hall. She quickly turned off her cell phone, put it in her dress, and ran
out with a crystal curtain. The hall door opened, Xu Xi and Xia Sang followed Longfei, and the
three seemed to have just returned. Longfei looked at her hair in disorder, frowning slightly.
Xuan Ji, however, was no longer concerned about the others and plunged into the emperor's

When Xuan Ji recalled the palpitating picture on her mobile phone, the sunshine penetrated
through the curtain slightly opened by the carriage. She was curled up in the arms of a man,
and there was a sound of conversation in the carriage. All of them were on their way out of
the palace. Xuan Ji was in the arms of Long Fei-li, listening to people talk, but she was still
immersed in last night's events, with palpitations.

The scene of last night came to mind.

She plunged herself into the emperor's embrace, and Longfei was shocked. She said lightly,
"You go back."


She was so frightened that his voice sounded pleasant. Only heard Xia Sang laugh: "Servants
Before leaving, Xu Xi glanced at her, as if he was very dissatisfied with her handing down to
the emperor. She was terrified in her heart and could not care for him. She held the emperor's
waist tightly.

When the porter closed, he pulled her out of his arms and kissed her heavily on her lips. These
days, although they ate and slept together, he seemed to be afraid of her injuries. Longfei did
not touch her, nor did he spend the night in any concubine's dormitory.

Sometimes she laughed and asked him to turn over the imperial concubine's brand. He
glanced at her lightly and then calmly handled the affairs of the government, ignoring it.

When the woman was killed, she felt guilty and went through the night of high fever.
Somehow, she felt that Longfeili had become silent to her, but she was not allowed to leave
Chuxiu Hall. The gap between him and her deepened gradually where they could not see.

His kiss switched from light to intense. The big hand has lifted her clothes, plunged into her
skin, kneaded and pressed again. The thin cocoon in his palm stimulated her senses. She hated
him so much that she could not resist his touch. His kiss spread along her lips to her neck. She
heard his slightly heavy breathing spraying on her neck.

She was panicked, trying to push him away, but he stopped first, buried his head in her neck
and did not move. She twisted her lower body uneasily, but he murmured, "Don't move."
There was a faint anger in the voice.
She was slightly shocked. He had picked her up horizontally and stepped into the bedroom.
Palace lanterns glow thin on the ground. He put her on the bed, lay on her side, put her in his
arms, and asked, "What happened?"

Of course, she could not tell him that her mobile phone had also passed through... and the
horrible and weird MMS, so she had no good way: "Long Fei Li, you have a ghost in the Chuxiu
Immediately he was scolded, "Nonsense."
She turned her eyes and whispered, "It's the maid you killed. I saw her."

Say, to his ghost is false, his regard human life is as grass mustard, but... Her fear is real. Long
Feili held her tight and did not speak. The man's solid and powerful embrace, warm fragrance,
let her panic slowly disperse. Before her consciousness fell, she seemed to hear his faint voice
and wondered who he was talking to. "If you want revenge, you come to me. I killed you. It
has nothing to do with my woman."
She flicked her head, refused to think about him any more, and ran back to last night's MMS
on her mobile phone - the information was sought after. In fact, she had seen the picture
once before, but because she had seen it before, it made her feel more frightened.

It was her, last night at home and she saw an archaeological excavation on TV. The red coffin.

The coffin was covered with dust, and on it was a nameplate commonly used by
archaeological teams. It says: Queen Xiaoqi.

This morning, before leaving the palace, she quietly looked through the information records.
She came up with an important question: when exactly was the message sent? Modern Zhu
Qi is dead. Then, is the information pursued before or after Zhu Qi's death?

It should be after Zhu Qi's death, because she died the night she went to Xiliang. That night,
XinZhuiZhui sent her only two messages, asking her to go to No. 18 Xining Street. she don't
know who has emptied all the information on my mobile phone, including the two damn texts
before crossing. She had already forgotten when she had traveled, so she was not sure about
the date and time on the MMS: was it after her death that she sent the message?
If the message is sent after her death, the question arises: How can ZZ send a text message
to a dead person?
Unless XZZ didn't know, Zhu Qi was dead.

According to the mirror in the antique shop, Zhu Qi was killed in Xining Street, which should
be classified as a criminal case. Zhu Qi's friends are few and far between. The police will surely
track down XZZ and Yuhuan. Therefore, Zhu Qi died,XZZ could not have not known. Unless
XZZ also disappeared!

However, that day, she clearly saw the girl on TV. Moreover, from this picture, it seems that
they have been excavating the tomb group, before the tomb of the accompanying objects,
coffins. Now it seems that one of the tomb owners has been identified: Queen Xiaoqi. And
chasing and texting constantly, so she must not be missing!

But if she hadn't disappeared and she knew that Zhu Qi was dead, how could she send this
message? Why did she let Zhu Qi go to Xining Street? What does this MMS mean? Who is
Empress Xiaoyihui?Xuan Ji bit her lip and suddenly realized a problem she had neglected for
a long time.

On the day she went to Xining Street, she called all day to catch up, but no one answered.
Later, she got the information that XZZ gave her an illusion that they still had some kind of
connection. But in fact, she couldn't get on the phone. She didn't hear ZZ voice. If you say, the
message to her, from the beginning to the end is from XZZ
But, Who would it be from if it weren't XZZ? Can it be a handsome man with blue eyes? She
could not understand why he wanted to help her at first. Now it seems that she would go to
Xiliang. It seems that nothing else is wrong.

She hides her cell phone in her personal clothes. Suddenly she had an idea. When she stopped
and hit the pinch later, she would try to dial back to see if the phone could communicate after
a time and space.

It's difficult to catch up with Yuhuan, but it's not impossible to get in touch with Yuhuan. If
you can get in touch with Yuhuan, she have to let Yuhuan catch up. She's really worried about
the situation of the archaeologist. In addition, there is always a feeling of indecision in her
heart. She want to know who is Queen Yi Hui in the red coffin.

In the original world, Yuncang Continent did not exist in history, Xiliang, Moonset - this is
another balanced space-time. It is reasonable to say that Queen Yi Hui should be the queen
of a certain Dynasty in history, which is not related to her present situation. Somehow, she
trembled and was afraid of the coffin and wanted to see the woman's corpse inside.

However, even if the coffin was opened, her face had already decayed for thousands of years.
Moreover, she might not be able to get in touch with the jade ring (Yuhuan)at all. She began
to move impatiently, and Longfei glanced at her lightly. She ignored him, but found a
comfortable place in his arms and closed her eyes. The carriage had left the imperial city and
was driving along a very remote road on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

At the same time, the emperor's grand imperial driving also entered the official road and went
to the Qiushan Mountains. However, except Xu Xi, the emperor, the concubine, prince Lingrui
and so on, all of them were dressed in Ziwei (purple guardian). The real emperor and princess
have been in the carriage of the road of the emperor's capital, heading for Leyang County.

Xia Sang smiled and said, "Emperor, Duan Yuhuan will join us in Taoyuan Town in front of us."
Longfei leaves his chin. Prince Longzi felt strange and said, "Nine elder brothers, why don't
you let Ziwei easily become Yuhuan and let Yuhuan follow you for a while and meet with me
again? Isn't that bothersome?"

"Yuhuan is the commander of the Forbidden Army. He rides a horse and leads a team to escort
him. He talks with the Forbidden Army more. He is no more than others in the carriage. He
only looks like Yi's"dew"flaw. He lets Ziwei follow him secretly for a while. He tries to figure
out his manner and tone. It's not too late for Yuhuan to come back when he has a good grasp
of it."
Longzi Jin laughed and praised him: "Jiuge, this tiny thing... really has you."
Long Fei left but looked at Xuan Ji. The woman was sleeping in his arms. At this time, he stared
at her with wide eyes. He slightly curled his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"
Xuan Ji laughed and said, "his concubines and ministers feel that the emperor is thoughtful in
every detail."
"What's your idea again?" Long Fei drew a hook from the corner of his mouth.
Xuan Ji hated the itching in her heart. He was so smart, but he was so careful in small places.
How could she escape?
"The emperor is very thoughtful." Xuan said, her brain began to recall last night in the FJ
palace to see the map, but heard the Dragon Fei Li quietly asked, "Who are you in the end?"

She was surprised and came out of his arms, but saw the eyes of Longzijin, Qingfeng, Xiasang
and others sitting opposite on Cuiya. She thought that the dragon was talking about herself.
Then she knew that he meant Cuiya. The degree of surprise was no less than just now. Cuiya
suddenly smiled and Xuan Ji exclaimed, "You are not Cuiya!"


she just wanted to go over and see, but Longfeili's arm was tied to her waist like iron. The
carriage suddenly stopped, the Qingfeng sword had been out of sheath and stabbed at Cuiya's
neck. Cuiya was shocked. The man came out of the sword quickly. She had just turned her
head back and avoided danger. The Qingfeng sword flower was slightly pulled up. The second
sword had arrived.

She could not avoid it. Seeing that the blade was going to cut her neck, Xiasang seemed a little
stunned, and then quickly extended his finger to the QF sword body.

"Xia Sang, what are you doing?" The QF says hard.

Prince Longzi did not talk, wrist raised rapidly, sleeve willow blade knife straight to Cui ya

XuanJi was frightened, though she did not know who the person pretending to be Cuiya was.
sHe thought that this would be a life-threatening event. Xia Sang's face had changed a lot. He
was receiving several swords stabbed by QF. sHe had no time to rescue him. Suddenly, there
was a slight metallic noise in the air.

In the flint room, the fierce knife flew into the carriage along the wall, the cold light was sharp,
and the body of the knife was still shaking. On the knife, a silver needle shines, and the small
silver needle penetrates the body of the knife vigorously.

"The Emperor's handsome kungfu!" Cui Ya caressed her palm terribly. Once in a blue moon,
it was Longfei who left her hand to block the knife.
Xuan Ji, an inspiration, broke away from the dragon, the latter frowned, but did not stop her.
She had to take off, step by step to Cuiya side, pinch her neck, angry: "nnd, how can it be you!
Yuzhi you dead girl, where did my servant girl go?”
"Sister-in-law, let go before you say, strangle me, Jiuge, help me!"
Long Feili smiled and said, "you deserve it!"

When Longzijin and Qingfeng looked at each other, they knew that it was Yuzhi that could
easily be called Cuiya. Longfei saw it early in the morning, but he did not know why. Later, Xia
Sang and Xuan Ji recognized it.
QF was expressionless, drew the sword into the sheath, opened the curtain, and said coldly,
"Keep going."

The two purple guard drivers were ordered to drive, and the carriage began to gallop as soon
as it tipped.

Long Zijin was furious, and reached out and knocked on YuZhi's head. YuZhi screamed, "Xia
Sang, save me."
Xia Sang snorted, did not look at her, and sat back in his seat.
Xuanji was so angry that she rubbed Yuzhi's face flat and raised her hand and knocked several
of her chestnuts.
In the carriage, Jade Chi's screams were heard all the time.
"Dragon-" Xuan Ji grinned. "Emperor, you knew Cuiya was disguised?"
The carriage was bumping slightly, Xuan Ji stumbled at her feet and Long Fei probed her
slightly into his long arm, bringing her back to his bosom. Xuanji was angry, because she could
not do anything to him in front of many people, so she just bowed his head and said nothing.

"When did Jiuge know that?" Longzijin said with a laugh.

Jade Zhi was playing with the dummy skin on her face. Long Fei looked at her and said lightly,
"Before leaving the palace."

Xuanji is furious. He not only knows, but also knows in the early morning.... Long Fei Li, this

Yuzhi curiously said, "Jiuge, how can this be possible? It's not Jade that praises herself, but
Jade's easy-to-look technique and Master's praise.”

Long Fei-li snorted lightly, "In the famous sword villa for several years, you can take out this
skill, but also make it up."
Listening to Long Fei-li's tone, Xuanji was so angry that she almost didn't bite her teeth.
YuZhi hearing her elder brother's praise, and giggles happily. sHe says, "Nine elder brothers
tell Jade quickly, how do you see through it?"
"When I got on the carriage, I took a look at you. There was no fear or avoidance on your
Longzijin nodded. "If you look at the flaws again, it's easy to guess your identity."

Yuzhi voiced, "Nine elder brothers, since you knew it earlier, just now you suddenly asked me,
so that I almost did not give ten elder brothers and Qingfeng pierced several holes in my
body." She said and laughed, "Xiasang is best for me."

Xia Sang looked at her beautifully and smiled. She remembered that they were snuggling
together in the courtyard last night. The temperature on her body seemed to be still around
his fingertips. he could not help but start slightly sideways.

QF snorted coldly, "What my brother just said to Princess, Long Yuzhi, take a good note of it.
This description is far from enough, and the manner needs to be well understood."
Jade hummed and nodded honestly.
Hearing all the people's words, Xuan Ji's small universe finally burst out. "Turn around! Go
back and exchange my maid."
"No!" Long Feili denied simply.
"You promised me!"
"There's an accident now."
"You contributed to the accident."
"That's also an accident."
Xuan Ji was going to argue with him, but she heard him say coldly: "If you don't want to, the
trip to Qiushan will be cancelled."
Xuanji was so angry that she broke away from his embrace and sat aside by herself.

Everyone looked at Longfei's face and dared not say anything more. For a long time, Longzi
Jin asked in a low voice, "Nine brothers, Why you let Yuzhi follow you?"

Jade Zhi stole a glance. She sneaked into the FJ Palace last night and lit Cuiya's sleeping "cave",
which was easy to accommodate her. She just wanted to play with her. It was also when she
changed the carriage that she realized that Jiujie's party was not going to Qiushan at all, but
something secret.But she did not understand why Jiuge let her follow.

Long Fei moved slightly from his eyes and passed Xuan Ji, saying, "If you go back now, you will
miss the news." Xuan Ji sneered. "You can stop her in the morning."
"As soon as she has gone out with her heart, she will not be at ease once I leave the palace.
It is hard to avoid causing the same misfortune as last time."
"So you'd rather keep her quiet, what about my girl?"
"Do you have to take her out of the palace?" Long Fei-li also slightly angry, sneering: "I
promised you would not move her! Or do you not believe me at all?”
Xuan Ji was angry and shouted, "Yes!"
Longfei's eyes are sunk, but don't go too cold.
If in peacetime, people can walk away, at this time in the carriage, the emperor and the
concubine argue, each face "color" embarrassment.

Yuzhi didn't know what was going on inside. sHe went to Xuan Ji and sat down. sHe said softly,
"Don't worry sister-in-law, Don't you have a little maid waiting for you? You see, we can't
always call it "Empress and Madame" later. You and my nine elder brothers just pretend to
be ladies and young masters. Yuzhi is your little maid girl, okay?”

Xuan Ji was angry, but she could hear the soft voice of Yuzhi, but she could not be satisfied.
sHe reached out and pinched her face.

Xia Sang glanced at the "color" of the emperor's face and said with a quick laugh, "Yes, the
princess is right. How should we use the identity terms of our party? Emperor, give us a

Longzi Jin accepted the comment and laughed, "According to Yu Zhi, Jiu elder brother is a
young master, Nianfei Madame is a wife, Ben Wang is a second young master, Xia Sang is a
servant, Qingfeng is a guard, Yuzhi is downgraded to a young maid, full-time waitress."
Xia Sang feigned a bitter smile. "The slaves obeyed God's orders. Anyway, wherever Xia Sang
went, he was a slave."
Yuzhi laughed and said, "Slave girl, XS, Yuzhi is right with you."
Xia Sang looked at her and did not answer. YZ stifled her heart and touched her nose.
The breeze glanced at Prince Zijin and said, "2nd master is right. I think you can be a domestic
servant. Xia Sang waits on two masters by himself. Our family is cold enough."

Longzijin laughed and scolded, "Aren't there two waiters driving outside?"
The cool person like QF also said such a thing. Xuan gave a loud choke and finally laughed.
Yuzhi lost her temper when she looked at Xuanji. sHe made Xia Sang's eyes "color" and smiled.
Xia Sang took a deep look at her, and finally his mouth could not help but open slightly.

Xuan Ji hated to see Long Fei leave for a while. The latter was turning around. When they
met, Long Fei kept a poker face and said lightly, "Let's arrange that."

Xuanji said, "I'm against it!"

It was not easy to calm down the angry emperor's mood a little. What was she going to do?
Everyone looked at XuanJi with a little amazement. Xia Sang frowned and looked at XuanJi
with a "color" in his eyes.

Xuan Ji said, "I'm not a wife. I'll be a maid, too."

The crowd looked at each other and Xuan Ji said with a smile, "We always have to stay at the
inn, right? Based on the poor allocation of the room just now, the role of Sex has solved all
the problems, one room for the elder brother, one room for the servant, one room for the
two maids.

It turned out that she had the idea of not sharing a room with the emperor.
So, after Xuan Ji finished the "reasonable" room allocation, no one dared to see the emperor
again. Yuzhi moved himself back to Xia Sang's side and look at the Han boundary of Xuan Jichu

Xuanji shrugged her lips. "No one objected, that's the way it was decided."
After a long silence, the emperor said lightly, "The concubine is going to be a servant girl. As
for the allocation of the room, I think the second master get one room, the servant and the
little girl get degraded automatically, and the rest of the room. Well, do you have any

"The emperor is wise." Xuan Ji black line, half a day speechless.

Taoyuan Town is a big town. Taoyuan County's County clubs, restaurants, pavilions, bustling
and extraordinary, carriages into the main street of Taoyuan Town, about "touch" is the
beginning of Shenshi, the sun is still very hot.

Out of Taoyuan Town, it takes a good section of mountain road through the dense forest to
reach the next town and county. Although it is still early, if we continue to travel, we need to
"dew" in the evening, so we will stay in this town tonight. As early as before departure, Longfei
had counted his journey with Xia Sang and booked a hotel in the town as early as possible.

The carriage was walking along the street for a while, and suddenly stagnated. Through the
curtain, the voice of the people came in full swing. Jade was curious and raised the curtain
slightly, only to see the crowded people in the street, and to rush forward, as if to rush to
something lively.
Xia Sang laughed and said, "Two masters, madam, the slaves go to explore."

People's tide is so dense that the carriage can't move forward, it is parked aside. Yuzhi turned
over the curtain curtain and looked excitedly. Xuan Ji was curious and looked over. Haven't
seen it for a while, Xia Sang is smart and has come back.

"In this town, Master Fu Jiayu, nine women, embroidery ball recruitment, all unmarried men
of 20 to 40 years can go, family is unlimited, no one in the town does not go to see the lively.
Xia Sang laughed at the way of "Yin" and "Yin", and frowned slightly. "But there is one thing
that is quite strange."

Jade Zhizheng listened with relish and busily said, "How do you say that?"

"This is Mr. Yu's ninth marriage recruitment in two months."

"Nine women, the ninth woman?" Xuan Ji moved in and said, "Did he help eight daughters in
front of him to recruit relatives like this?"

Despite the fact that Longfei is not divorced from the god, both Longzi and Qingfeng are
interested. Longzi sinks into silence and says, "He married eight daughters in this way?"

Xia Sang said, "It is said that this is a custom in other countries. This old man also came to
Meiyuan Town just before February and March."

QF frowned and said, "It's really incomprehensible. Even in rural customs, it's too urgent to
marry eight daughters in two months."

"Are his daughters ugly?"

Long Zijin laughed. "Impossible."

When people looked at Longfei, Yuzhi couldn't help asking, "Nine Brothers, how do you

Long Fei flicked away from his eyebrows. "If they were all ugly people, it would never be
possible to marry them all in such a short time. Moreover, this is the ninth time, but there are
still thousands of people scrambling to see the robbery."

Xia Sang nodded and said, "As the young master said, it is said that when the first embroidery
ball was recruited, the eldest girl took off her veil and went to the embroidery building for a
stop. She immediately startled the people who were fighting to see the embroidery. The slave
asked several people and said that she looked like a fairy. The eldest girl said at that time that
her sister was only more beautiful than her, the younger she was, the more beautiful she

However, when seven sons-in-law chose, the girls were all covered with veils, but still they all
said that the girls felt more beautiful than the older ones. But whether it is true or false, no
one can tell the truth. Ladies and gentlemen, these ladies are not going out until they leave
the cabinet." Xia Sang laughed.

Longzi frowned slightly. "It's strange that besides the eldest daughter, the other seven women
have also married. Has no one in Taoyuan Town, except Yu's family, ever seen the faces of
these seven people?"

Xia Sangfa's "color" is slightly condensing. "The town people don't have too many ideas, and
the slaves also feel doubtful about this place. Seven Girls left the cabinet that night with their
husband, saying that the girl took her new uncle back home and went back to the province in
a hurry.

Xuan Ji listened all the time, only to find it more strange. sHe whispered, "It's not like a happy
event to hear you say that. It's like Master Yu dismissing his daughter to avoid any disasters."

QF looked at Xuan Ji and said, "Xia Sang, you go on talking."

At this time, Longfei asked, "Why only seven daughters with their husband returned to the
province? What about one more person?”

Xia Sang was shocked and said with a laugh, "Young Master has a clear mind. Miss Eight
recruited her husband a few days ago, and the new husband remained in the mansion. Not
many days apart, Miss Eight waited for the nine girls to return to peace together.”

Longfei's eyes moved slightly, and his lips gave him a light smile.

"Farewell from home, settle down in Taoyuan Town, marry eight daughters in two months,
and rush to return to Ning, this is interesting."

Long Fei-li said that the strange feeling in people's minds was distinct. The most strange thing
about this was not the appearance of the other women, but the rapid running here, as Xuan
Ji said.... It was like avoiding some disaster.

Jade was so excited that she clapped her hands and said, "Let's go and have a look."
"No." Long Fei-li vetoed.
Jade Zhi stayed and looked at Longzi, but everyone kept silent and glanced at Xuan Ji. Jade Zhi
met Xuan Ji in a daze and looked at Xuan Ji with busy eyes.
Now it's Xuan's turn to look back at Yu in dismay and say, "What do you see me doing?"

Xia Sang's mouth raised slightly and said, "Master, the slave went out to wait for your

Jade Zhi hurriedly said, "Little servant girl is also a way."

In a twinkling of an eye, all the servants and maids of second master's family were cleared up.
Only Xuan Ji and Longfei remained in the carriage. Xuan Ji was stunned and scolded all the
people. Everyone wanted to know why she wanted to speak out alone. Besides, it was Long
Fei who left her Cui Ya in the palace.

However, she herself really wanted to see the lively town, glancing at the emperor, poker face
is close in both eyes, it seems that his eyes are closed for refreshment.

"LFL." She touched the man's boot with her outstretched foot.
LFL is slowly opening his eyes.
"Would you like to see it?" Xuan Ji stared at the ground and held back for a long time. Finally,
she spoke four words in forty words.
"Not good." Long Fei is lazy and resolute.
"Not good."

Xuan Ji looked down at the emperor's slightly deep glance. She did not know when to pull up
his sleeve. Her face turned red and she would withdraw her hand. Long Fei left but turned
her palm.

Her little hand was glued to his palm.

She bit her lip and was at a loss. For a long time, she said urgently, "How on earth can I get
Longfei glanced at her slowly and methodically, and said, "You seem to have a slight comment
on the method of dividing rooms proposed by me."
Xuan Ji couldn't hear the meaning of his words. sHe bit her teeth and stamped her feet.
"Room, then... one room for the rest of us."

People were very interested in getting out of the carriage. Xuan Ji and Yuzhi changed into
men's clothes for their convenience.
Longfei raised his eyes lightly, and two purple guard knew it immediately. They immediately
entered the crowd and notified all Ziwei who were concealed in Taoyuan Town to secretly
protect everyone's safety.

A short distance ahead is the Embroidery Tower for Recruitment of Families. They arrived at
a very timely time, and the recruitment of relatives had not started yet. People in the street
were like water. Some shops even abandoned their livelihoods and went to the Embroidery

Dog blood everywhere, thunderstorms rolling, Xuan Ji recalled that when she saw "Return
the Pearl", it was not such a scene. Her heart was excited and amused. She was intent on
disturbing Long Fei, pulling Jade Chi and whispering a few words in her ear.

Yuzhi was also the master of who was afraid that the world would be "chaotic", and
immediately smiled.They ran arm in arm. The latter men followed closely. Shortly after
standing downstairs, Xuan Ji and Yu Zhi were laughing and laughing happily. Suddenly, a loud
voice burst out from the crowd.

"Miss Nine is out!"

Yuzhi pulled Xuan Ji, and they looked at the attic. They saw a young woman dressed in red,
surrounded by Cuiruo, veiled with light veils, coming out with the help of two maids.

Like Xia Sang who listened to the town people's description, although he could not see her
face, there was no doubt that she was beautiful when she looked at her dark hair, figure and
beautiful eyebrows. Only, the woman's eyebrows are very beautiful, and this feeling is
inexplicable, which makes people feel a little..............

Xuan Ji asked Yuzhi, who shook his head and said, "These nine young ladies must be


Xuan Ji thought that maybe she was overhearted, women, sometimes see more beautiful
women than herself.
She glanced at the men behind her. The eyes of the men seemed to be no longer on the
embroidery floor. They were talking in a low voice. Suddenly, she heard a deep male voice
coming from the embroidery building, "fellow villagers, friends passing by, this embroidery
ball rules, Yu said again."
Xuan Ji's heart and mind are united, and there are two more people in the castle. One of them
is a beautiful dress. In the middle of his year, he wants to come to the same old man. His
appearance is very handsome. Besides, there is nothing special about his charm, which makes
people feel more like a scholar than a merchant.

At this time, a lot of people in the crowd laughed and said, "Mr. Yu, we are all familiar with
this rule, so you can let Miss Nine start at once. Don't delay the good time."

Master Yu "touched" his moustache and laughed loudly, then made an eye "luster" to the
housekeeper who looked like him.

The housekeeper realized that, from the tray handed over by the slave behind him, he took
out the embroidery balls of seven-coloured gold-painted vines and presented them
respectfully to Miss Nine.

Miss Nine took it, smiled shallowly, the veil moved slightly, and the overflowing voice of the
crowd burst into full swing at once.

In the blink of an eye, the sky's "color" is graceful and colorful, and the embroidery ball has
slowly descended.

Xuan Ji's voice was deafening. If he hadn't held her tightly in her waist, she would have been
washed away by the crazy tide. She leaned into the arms of the dragon, but gives YZ the eye.

Yuzhi understood that suddenly, "Ouch," a cry, "Who"touches"my buttocks?” . Xia Sang
nursed her behind, stretched out him arms and supported her, but she stared vigilantly at the
disorderly crowds around people.

Xuan Ji said, "Yuzhi, let go see." She broke away from the emperor's arm and took Yuzhi's
hand. Yuzhi bowed her head, the corners of her mouth warped slightly, and her elbow
bumped into Xiasang's abdomen, pulling Xuan Ji's hand with a slight effort, a leap, which had
already entered the crowd.

When it comes to martial arts, YZ can't escape from Xia Sang's palm. Xia Sang is concerned
about "chaos". Let She be angry all her life. But, YZ eyes are sharp and she looks at the man
beside her. A glimmer of God and Yuzhi makes her escape. XS was furious. Next to him, Long
Fei-li had sunk his face.

Woman? Sometimes you can't see a more beautiful woman than yourself.
The two women hid in the crowded crowd. Xuan Ji turned back and shouted, "Master, servant
girl’ll grab you an embroidery ball (wife) and come back. You are so rich, but you have only
ten wives and concubines. That's too bad."

Yuzhi clapped her hands and laughed and cried out, "Sister-in-law, you rob Jiuge of his wife.
Why does he still have this face?"
"We're late, and the rest of the family has married eight daughters. Otherwise, if we rob him
every day, your nine brothers will have eight more beauties."

Jade nodded. "Right! Nine brothers are too few! Ten elder brothers, you don't need to be
angry, sister-in-law robbed nine elder brothers, jade to rob you oh."

Xuanji chuckled. "Xia Sang seems more angry than your elder brother. You see his face is
Jade Zhi glanced at Xiasang far away. The latter looked angry and full of fire.

Since that time, when they were stiff and he ignored her for the first time, she began to be a
little afraid of him... afraid of him ignoring her... She "touched" her nose and shouted, "Don't
worry about Xia Sang. Jade is going to give you too, not to give ten elder brothers."

Xuan Ji laughed and scolded, "Yuzhi, you pig head."

When Yuzhi thought about it, her small face was wrinkled and her tongue was spitting. sHe
dared not go to see Xiasang again. Xuanji said, "Never mind, let's return the pearls first."

"What is Pearl Return?"

"Grab the embroidery ball, grab it, and give it to whoever wins."
"Good, good!"
"Brother... Master, I'll bring your wife back." QF dropped its words and leaped into the crowd.

Longzijin laughed and said, "Qingfeng, what is the name of Master and Young Master?. XS,
you rush after the jade to go to...” He looked in the direction of Xiasang, but he had long

The dragon beside him is looking at the light figure of Xuan Ji, but He does not pursue her.
Longzi Jin felt little strange. He asks, "Nine brothers, why don't you go?"

Long Fei-li's voice was quiet and frozen. "Apart from the ordinary people, there are at least
two groups of people among them, one of whom is highly skilled in martial arts."
Longzijin was secretly shocked. "Did we leak the news about our secret trip to Leyang

Longfei shook his head and raised his mouth slightly. "It's hard to say. If the other party knows
your identity, now is the best time to start.

"That's why you let Madame and Jade go away?"

"QF, XS in the crowd and purple guard, they are safe over there." Long Fei looked around him
and said, "Let's just sit here and watch it change."

Longzi Jin looked wary and smiled shallowly, "Okay! If you and my brother can fight together
today, it will be a great pleasure! “

Hydrangea balls in the crowd after several turns, this throwing in the head has become a crazy

"Daddy, is it time for them to stop?" Upstairs in the embroidery room, Miss Jiu's mouth turned
up and smiled coldly, but her father frowned next to her.

"Dad?" She doubted the way of "confusion".

Master Yu murmured slightly, "I'm afraid something bad is coming."

He turned to the housekeeper and said something to the housekeeper. The housekeeper's
face "dew" panicked, "lust" and bowed down.

YZhi's eyes were bright, her feet little, and she turned over gently in the air. She successfully
grabbed the embroidery ball from a tall man.

Xuan Ji said, "Good!"

Jade Zhizheng is proud, the palm suddenly light, embroidery ball disappeared in a flash. She
was shocked and looked up. A man in blue dress in front of her, smiling at the corner of his
mouth, whispered, "Miss, I promise you."

The man knows she's a daughter! She was shocked again. Xuan Ji on this side saw the situation
and looked at the man. However, she saw that he was very young and had a beautiful face.
he was very handsome. She said urgently, "Yuzhi, get back!"
Needless to say, Jade Zhi is not angry, a pinch of her small hand, she attacked the man, the
man smiled faintly, the sleeve flicked slightly, Jade Zhi only felt a great force coming towards
her, screamed, her body tilted backward.

She was so frightened that she closed her eyes and suddenly someone tightened her waist to
hold her firmly in his arms. The man smiled gently, but his voice dangerous. "Long Yuzhi,
remember, later back in the inn, you're dead."
Jade was stunned and said, "XS-"

Xia Sang snorted coldly and looked at the man in blue. He laughed and said, "It's not polite to
come and go."
A fierce drive came. The blue-coated man quickly dodged Xiasang's sleeve, but even stepped
back several steps before he could hardly keep his figure. He could not help but be surprised:
if the man did not hold someone in his hand, he would have to be hurt if he had left a little
strength. Such an age is such a practice.

"Thank you for your mercy." Man's speaks loudly.

Xia Sang laughed and said, "Miss, let's do it!"

The man in blue has a hot face. This is what he said to Jade just now. Now the man has come
back to teach him.

Jade was shocked. "What? He is a woman?

She thought about it, and then she became angry. "Xia Sang, if you look at a girl, you don't
care about the death of the jade, nor do you return it."
Xia Sang's face sank and he said angrily, "Long Yuzhi, who taught you to talk like that in a girl's

Xuan Ji listened clearly, her face was black, and her heart said: I taught him, no, it was Yuzhi
who learned from me, good did not see her learn..."

"Madam, I'll take you out. The young man is waiting over there."

It's QF! Xuan Ji was surprised, but he heard Yuzhi shout, "Duan elder brother, grab that
embroidery ball for me!"
Xuan Ji was startled, and saw a white shadow in mid-air, falling in front of Xiasang. It was Duan
Yuhuan, the commander of the Forbidden Army. It was unexpected that he had come so fast.

Duan Yuhuan frowned slightly. Jade made her eyes turn and said, "That's what my nine
brothers want."

Duan Yuhuan listened to the meaning of "Long Fei Li". He did not talk and jumped all over. He
fought with the man in blue clothes and exchanged a few tricks. The man in blue clothes was
very surprised and doubtful. This small town of Taoyuan was full of good skills. This man's
martial arts skills were not inferior to that of the man in blue clothes."

Xia Sang reprimanded, "Yuzhi, don't add chaos."

"You treat me badly," Yu said angrily. "I don't talk to you."
Xia Sang was angry. He treated her so. She said so. He gave a cold smile and said, "It's the
slaves who offended you. Go back to fight and scold, and you can do whatever you want."


"XS..." heard his tone cold, the jade started to suffocate, even speechless.

On the other side, Duan Yuhuan pulled out a move and suddenly withdrew his strength and
said, "miss, are you a member of the military jia family?"

Blue clothes "man" startled, and then laughed: "mister has good eyesight!"
She was not a brutal person. She stopped when the other side gave in intentionally.

the military Yue family was a family of military generals, serving in the court. General jia was
one of the three major guards in the border guards, General Rong, one of the deputy generals.
General jia's several sons and heirs served in the army, and Duan Yuhuan worked under one,
so The martial arts routes of the jia family was not unfamiliar to Duan Yuhuan.

His trip was confidential, and his identity could not be identified. He sank and said, "My
surname is Duan under a clan led by Duan YuXi, who works under a leader in the military
section, and is a is a colleagues of several sons of the Jia Family."

Blue-coated "man" nodded and lowered his voice. "No wonder you are so skillful, I am Jia
JingYing, general Jia’s third daughter."
Duan Yuhuan grinned. "It turned out to be 3rd Miss jia, the famous woman of the imperial
government of Yamen."

"Mister Duan knows Jingying?"

"JingYing is a heroine, Duan has always admired."
Yue Jingying smiled and said, "you praise too much.”
Duan Yuhuan asked softly, "Are you here to handle the case of the arest of Yanmen
Yue Jingying's face was clear and bright, and she whispered,"Yes, a dozen colleagues also have
come over to this county in this four weeks.” Jingying grabbed the embroidery balls
Duan Yuhuan nodded and looked at the embroidery ball in Yue Jingying's hand.
Yue Jingying was clever and said, "mister Duan also wants this embroidery ball?"
Duan Yuhuan said, "can I ask this fellow adults to hand it over to the girl again?"
"This -" Yue Jingying glitters slightly frown, but also very difficult.

At this time, a crisp voice came softly, "Mr Duan, my husband does not want this embroidery
ball, if your friend wants it, it is with her."

Duan Yuhuan looked at Xuanji. QF had just taken Xuan Ji with him, but Xuan Ji stopped him.
She watched Duan Yuhuan's words because of jade and the blue clothes "man" hand in hand,
afraid of really causing trouble to Longfei Li, and soon after seeing the move, Duan Yuhuan
stopped, and the two talked low. The two men spoke in a very low voice. Xuan Ji stood close,
but could not hear the content clearly. But it seemed that they knew each other. Later, when
he saw her eyes on the embroidery ball, he opened his mouth.

Yue Jingying listened, overjoyed and smiled, "Thank you!"

Although many men around her are not angry, they dare not rob her again because of her
martial arts.

Yue Jingying took the embroidery ball and glanced at the embroidery building. She was just
about to speak. The light and shadow flashed in the air. It was so fast that everyone could
only see a flower in front of them. By the time she saw it again, a man in black clothes with
ordinary "color" had taken the embroidery ball steadily and safely into his hands. He is not
outstanding in appearance, but his eyes are black and bright, and his eyebrows are inclined
into the temples, which gives people a feeling of gloom.

Yue Jingying frowned, and she had to go forward to recapture the embroidery ball.

The man in black smiled coldly. His glance just passed Xuan Ji.
Yuzhi happened to meet Xuan Ji there. Xuan Ji took her hand, her sleeves fell slightly, and a
small white arm appeared.

The man in black looks like he sees something. His face "color" suddenly changes. He grasps
it with five fingers, and then grabs Xuanji's arm.

As soon as QF pushed hard, Xuan Ji raised her eyebrow slightly and pushed him behind her,
then she met him. The man, who was still young, suddenly leaped up in his breath and
skimmed QF. His five claws, like electricity, were found on Xuan Ji's clothes.

QF was shocked. The man's martial arts were strange, but he was very domineering and
powerful. He was not stopped by his carelessness. Xia Sang was also shocked, but he was
farther away from Xuan Ji than QF. Xuan Ji was shocked. When she saw the man's claws, he
would tear Xuan Ji's clothes on her arms.

Several silver needles broke through and shot at the black man's head, eyes and chest. The
man was a little shocked and sneered, "Insect Carving Skills!"

With a backhand copy of the embroidery ball, he had caught three silver needles. Suddenly,
he shouted softly, but in milliseconds, the fourth silver needle came into his wrist. The last
fine needle actually took the same time as the first three needles, but the hairpin man
subtracted the force of the needle slightly, so that the needle arrived a second later, and the
man did not notice it for a moment. The embroidery ball.

He grinned angrily and looked forward obliquely. A man in white had blocked the young man
in purple (Xuanji dressed as a man). His eyebrows were bright, but his eyebrows were cold.

Xuan Ji was still in a state of panic and leaned out from behind Longfei, who suddenly reached
out and held her hand. Her face was red. She was also a man now. The two men in the street
were intertwined with each other. Just thinking about it, she exerted a little force on her wrist.
She was shocked that she had dropped something from her wrist. It was the Pearl she had
been wearing on her wrist: the pearl from the carp/koi.

The man in black seems to have come to rob her. She looked at the man ahead and saw that
his face had changed a little. Long Fei li look at her and put the cord between her wrists.

"Long Fei Li..." She gently pulled at his sleeve.

"release me first." His tone was so light that her heart could not help moving. In the eyes of
the public, she understood his intention to do so.
But she still have the pearl. In the close pocket, with the mobile phone, which is given to her
by BZF, and she forgot to return him, because he has not asked her to.

The man in black smiled coldly. He leaned slightly and seemed to come forward. Longfei
pushed Xuan Ji back. Longzijin also came up and looked at YJY beside Yuhuan, and cautiously
stared at the man in black. Just now, Long Feili said that there were two groups of people,
one which seemed to be here.

"Brother." Suddenly a soft voice came from the crowd. A woman in yellow stood aside and
came over. The crowd was slightly surprised that the woman's appearance was similar to that
of the man in black.

The woman seemed to take a look at Longfei, her eyes were still and her "color" flashed a
glimmer of light. Others may not pay attention to it. Xuan Ji is absorbed in it, but she can see
it clearly. The uneasiness of the first meeting of Miss Nine was renewed.

The woman in yellow whispered something to the man in black, who stepped back a few

The crowd, which was noisy just now, has become extremely quiet. Someone quietly glanced
at the embroidery ball on the ground. It was there, but nobody dared to pick it up.

"It's a real embarrassment this time. It seems that all of you have a destiny for this embroidery
ball and a destiny for the little girl." Someone came in laughing, but it was the old man.

The servant next to him picked up the embroidery ball, and he sighed, "It's not too early now.
Every man is a foreigner. If you don't mind it, you can stay in the old man's house tonight for
a night. If the little girl marries, we'll have a long discussion tomorrow to see who the old man
is lucky to find as his son-in-law."

Yue Jingying took the lead in bowing, "That's all right."

The woman in yellow smiled and said, "My brother, Murongpei, me, Muronglin, brother and
sister, have also disturbed this old man."

Master Yu looked at Longfei again and realized that he is incharge of Xuan Ji and the others.
At this time, Duan Yuhuan came over and whispered something to Longfei. Longfei smiled
faintly and said, "Then there's Mr. Lao Yuhuan."
When the people entered the hall, they saw a person sitting in the hall. Mr. Yu laughed and
said, "this old man recruited a son-in-law for his eight daughters a few days ago, let me
introduced him to all of you."

He raised his voice and called out, "son Bai."

Xuan Ji was shocked when the man sitting on the side of the tea table turned around. How
could it be him?

She glanced at him, seeing LFL frowned slightly.

Seeing the crowd, the man eyes lingered on Longfeili's and Xuan Ji's faces, but soon smiled
faintly. "hello everyone, are you all well?" he said.

"Are the two princes safe?" The last sentence is to Long Feili and Xuan Ji.

Mr. Yu's eighth son-in-law is... Baizixu.

Duan Yuhuan came in. Everyone was in the room.

Longfei took a look at Longzijin, who nodded and said, "Let me say, we seem to be in a very
complicated situation."

Yuzhi frowned. "Ten brothers?"

Xuan Ji is still thinking about Bai Zixu. Why is he here? Didn't Longfeili hand him over to Xia
Houchu? He should be in the official department now. Why did he come to Taoyuan Town
and become the son-in-law of Yu Fu?

Mu Rongpei's attempt to seize her wrist beads was very strange. Now the deeper the
suspicion was, the slower Longzijin said, "First of all, let me talk about Yu Gong's eighth son-
in-law." He paused and looked at Xuan Ji. “girl, how much do you know about Bai Zixu?"

Xuanji frowned and said: "I want to help young master understand. He and I is from the same
Nian residence."

Long Fei left his eyes dim. "Xiao Qi, Bai Zixu, this man died as early as a year ago."

Xuan Ji was shocked all over and could not speak for a long time. "then who is this man?" She
asked in a trembling voice.
"No one knows who he is," said Longzijin with a silky smile.

Yuzhi was stunned and said, "I don't understand. What do you say, Nine Brothers and Ten
Brothers? Illusionary undead?"

"You don't have to understand," Xia Sang said softly. "You just know to be on guard against
this person."

Yuzhi listened to Xia Sang's indifferent tone, trembling in her heart, humming a little, bowing
her head and not talking.

Duan Yuhuan's face "color" condensed and said, "In this Yu residence, we know the details
except Yue Jingying. Others, we are afraid that all of them are not good people."

Xuan Ji bit her lip and said anxiously, "The most troublesome thing is that Bai Zixu still knows
the identity of all of us!"

"Madam, that's good." XS nodded.

Xuan Ji thought about it and asked, "When did you know about Baizixu?" She looked at
Longfei, hesitated slightly, and asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you kill him?"

"This man was very talented in the official department, and I called him to Jin Luan Temple
that time, in order to improve him." Longfei is indifferent.

Xuan Ji heard the words of Jin Lung Hall and lowered her head slightly. The rift between him
and her began to widen from there. Long Fei-li's eyes passed over her, he knew.

Xia Sang is a smart man. Seeing Long Fei-li did not go on talking, he said, "Madam, the young
master decided to reuse him and investigated his identity. His wife's family had a marriage
contract with Bai Jiaben. Bai Zi's fictitious family is the richest man in Yanxia County, but after
his family's wealth, he taught people to plan to seize it, and Bai Jia fell from there. Baizi was
so depressed and unhappy that he died of illness as early as before he went to his home in
the New Year. Before his death, he felt that his Bai house had fallen in his hands and had a
dirty face. He did not want to be buried in his home, so that he could conceal the news of his
death. His dead body was buried in another place by his friends.
"The detective found out about it at his old servant's house and went to see his graveyard

Xuanji said, "Then this present appearance is false."

Longzi said in a condensed voice, "This man is easy to look like a the Bai son and has entered
his family in the past year. If from the ordinary point of view, it's nothing to climb with the
family and seek honor and wealth."

Xuan Ji said, "What does Er ye mean is that he has something else to do?"

"He was refused to marry by your father," Longfei said, turning away from the corner of his
mouth. "Knowing that he could not do anything at home in your father house, he still stayed
in there. What do you say of that?

Xuan Ji frowned tightly, and then QF asked, "Master, is he waiting for your appearance that
day, so he can be promoted?"

Longfei's eyes flickered slightly. "He can't possibly know that I will go to the Nianfu later. That
kind of accidental is too strong. I think his original purpose is Nianfu.”

Xia Sang thought for a moment and said, "According to the young master, false Baizixu
changed his original intention only when he met the young master's wife later."

Yuzhi listened with half an understanding and said, "Then why did he come here again?"

Dragon Zijin took a sip of tea and continued, "This man is not simple and alert. On the night
we found out his identity, first master and I took someone to his place, but that person has
lost his trace."

Duan Yuhuan grinned bitterly, "That is to say, why did he come to Taoyuan Town and even
become the eighth son-in-law of the Yu family is a fan."

The atmosphere is thin and light.

Xuan Ji suddenly remembered that Fengzhanbo had told her to beware of Baizixu. He also
said that the Pearl was a gift from Baizixu, and that the gift of Baizixu was no longer the
original Baizixu. In this way, Fengzhanbo and the false Baizixu were of old knowledge of each
This carp pearl is not simple, Nianfu overnight, without it, she will not wake up in the fierce
fragrance of "fans". Today, the man in black grabs it. Baizixu gives it to Fengzhangbai, which
shows that they are not shallow in friendship. How could Fengzhanbo keep her on guard
against his friends? What is the relationship between FZB and BZX?

Bai Zixu left the Emperor's Capital and came here. Is it really a coincidence that they met
today or did he know their whereabouts already? She was shocked and blurted out the
question. It was only the old knowledge of Fengzhanbai and Baizixu. She had another pearl
and so on, but she didn't say it subconsciously.

Duan Yuhuan's face became more dignified and said, "Madam, this is a good question. It's just
a secret of our journey. How did he know that we would come to Taoyuan Town?" If he had
made preparations for the young master's arrival, then we would have to have a lot of trouble.

Longfei left and said, "I don't think Baizixu necessarily came for us."

Xuan Ji looked at him and said, "When I saw him in the hall, he was a little surprised. It seems
that he didn't want to see us here. In addition, if he is intentional, why should he present
himself now? That would be a warning to the enemy.”

XS said sternly, "Young Master said very well! In that case, Baizixu is likely to rush to the rest
of the family. Don't you just come back from JYJ’s room, Duan Jun? What did she say?”

Duan Yuhuan grinned bitterly and sighed, "Master, where is everybody, the seven sons-in-law
recruited by Yu's family before except Baizixu?"

Yuzhi said, "Doesn't it mean that all the seven ladies of the Yu family have gone back to Ning?"

Duan Yuhuan shook his head. "They are all dead."

People were shocked and looked at Duan Yuhuan.

Duan Yuhuan said slowly, "JYJ disguised herself as an investigative officer under the orders of
the Governor's Yamen because they had found two corpses in the desolate suburbs of
Emperor's Capital earlier. They were two sons-in-law recruited by the Yu family. Their death
was terrible. All the organs were dug out and the body was spared not a drop of blood when
they died."

Yuzhi cried out and clutched Xiasang's sleeve tightly. Xia Sang twisted his eyebrows slightly
and did not pull her apart after all. Long Feili glanced at them, but said nothing.
His sleeves were also taught to pull. He raised the corner of his mouth and held Xuan Ji's hand.
Xuan Ji's face was slightly hot,but her tremor and fear had subsided a lot.

Duan Yuhuan then said, "The seven daughters of the Yu family and their husbands-in-law have
different returning times. They all set out one after another. How can two of them be buried
together on Guining Road?"

"What about their wives?" QF asked in a deep voice.

"No wife." Duan Yuhuan shook his head and laughed. "Or, their wives didn't return home at
all. Before JYJ came here, she had sent someone to his hometown, which Mr. Yu said was very
remote. Most importantly, there was no family name Yu there at all. Two bodies have been
found and several other men must have been killed. After seven young ladies of the Yu family
murdered their husbands on the road, they estimated that the girls had quietly returned to
the residence.”

Duan Yuhuan's words fell, and everyone was silent for a long time. It was unexpected that the
rest of the government should be so sophisticated. Duan Yuhuan grinned bitterly. "Of course,
some of these are just the guesses of Yue JY, which need to be confirmed."

"No wonder she wants to grab the embroidery ball with me. Fortunately, Yuzhi didn't grab

QF chilly reprimanded, "Look at you. later dare not fool around."

Xuan Ji was uneasy. If she and Yuzhi did not pester at the embroidery ball to recruit relatives,
they would not let people fall into all the unpredictable situation, "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Yuzhi vomited and said, "Yuzhi is sorry, too."

They never saw the princess would say sorry, and they were all slightly astonished at what
they heard.

Long Fei Li smiled softly,“All right, I decided to stay."

QF frowned and said, "Young Master, in order to avoid more details, I think we should leave

Longzijin and others exchanged their eyes and looked forward to Longfei. Although each
person is highly skilled in martial arts and secretly accompanied by the Ziwei, the identity of
Longfei is not small, and there can be no difference.
“Mou Rongpei's brothers and sisters are very afraid of coming. Mu Rongpei is very interested
in the beads. There must be some movement. It's better to solve it here than to let him follow
him away. In addition, Yuhuan should take more care and help her when necessary. This is
the death of my people, the father and daughter must be ruled by the law of the state.”

Since he stepped into Taoyuan, he accepted the title of imperial power. Now his tone is light,
but the king's momentum is full of dew. As soon as he spoke, they all said in unison, "I will
obey your wishes."

Xuan Ji moved and suddenly said, "Master, what did you just say - this pair of Yu's father and

When they shook hands, she only felt that he was holding them tightly. Jade was suspicious
of "puzzlement" and frowned. Xia Sang, beside her, rushed out. "Young Master means that
there are no Nine ladies in this mansion at all?"

All doubts, Duan Yuhuan strange, said: "Young Master, how do can say this?"

Longfei stood up, looked out of the window and said, "Except for the eldest daughter, the
other eight daughters all veiled their faces and did not show their true faces. The time for
recruiting a son-in-law was very close, but they went to Guining. Nine daughters were just for
recruiting a son-in-law. The rest of the government was afraid that there was only one lady."

"Yes! "No wonder Yuzhi has always wondered why only the elder and younger sisters do not
twist their hands and are willing to throw their heads into the dew. The original strange place
is here."

Duan Yuhuan laughed and said, "The young lady has married herself nine times."

They laughed and Xuanji glanced at Long Fei, who met her eyes with a low voice. "What's

Xuan Ji laughed and said, "You're very smart."

Longfei was startled, his mouth raised, but then he twisted his eyebrows slightly.

One thing he did not say to them was that Mu Rongpei's martial arts were extremely high,
and that Mu Ronglin's skills were only more powerful. They are only between Bo Zhong and
themselves. Like Bai Zixu, they seem to have rushed to the Yu residence, but unexpectedly, in
the end, the three parties are entangled with each other. This night, I'm afraid it's more
dangerous than in Nianfu. But Longzijin said, "Nine Brothers, that BZS room is –"
"Baizixu is there, waiting for his chance. Six of us sleep according to the original method.
Yuhuan has his own room. I have let Ziwei scatter around each room. But tonight, everyone
must be careful not to fall asleep!”


Night, Yufu Guest Room.

Mu Ronglin leans against the window, her fingers are charming. She lifts them gently. A black
bird with feathers releases from her palm and falls into the darkness.

Mu Rongpei sneered.'How? Didn't you say that the phoenix eyed man looks a little like your

"I have drawn the face of this phoenix-eyed man. The blackbird travels thousands of miles
every day and has been confirmed by that man. This confirmed that the man with silver
needle is the son of heaven ( current emperor)!" Mu Ronglin smiled and looked at the cold
bird. "Brother, Yufu's business, tonight, if you can take care of it, then its the best; if not, then
stop, Yu's father and daughter stole martial arts secret books from Xianyantai, we will review
them later."

"It is necessary to know that the West Sea Immortal Inkstone Line was inherited from the Sea
Dragon West Palace thousands of years ago. Millennium ago, after the death of Dragon queen
Zisu, he was in a great rage, leading the army to kill the immortals and gods in the heaven.
Xianyantai's martial arts are the study of immortality cultivation. How can they use dirty
method to cultivate them?”

"This surname Yu only knows how to use human blood and other poor methods to catalyze,
even if the secret book is in hand, it will not work. Leave those two life for a few days, but,
tonight, the dragon must die if he leaves!”

"Without him, my man can rise to the throne. This throne is his!"

"Well, Lin'er," mu Rongpei said quietly, "This brother will help you to eradicate the emperor
tonight!" He paused and frowned. "Only, if we work together, we can fight him, but he also
has several good hands around..."

Mu Ronglin sneered, "Good hand? No, brother, except Longfei, no one has the ability to resist
now. Just before I came out to meet you, I wiped "Gonggong powder" on my body. It is
tasteless and tasteless. Once the air is dispersed, it will be permeated into meridians in a few
hours, which makes people temporarily lose their martial arts.
"When I grabbed the embroidery ball, before I came out, Long Fei had put on the carp jewels.
This carp jewelry is a jewel. Don't blame your treasure-conscious man for grabbing it. The red
spirit of carp beads is transmitted to the inner organs of the dragon through the skin, which
prevents the poison of the "eating Kung Fu powder", but the rest of the people, this night,
they can not perform any martial arts! I have let the blackbird be heard, and our people
estimate that powder "touch" will be available in three shifts. No matter how good the
emperor's martial arts are, it will never be able to withstand your cooperation with me, as
well as the Murong family's many good hands!! “

Yufu, another room.

Xuan Ji had something in her heart and slept very poorly. Between half sleep and half
awakening, the man's arm was gently pulled out under her head. She heard the noise and
Longfeili seemed to sit up.

In the dark of the night, she closed her eyes again, but she could see that the man seemed to
be quietly staring at her. At last, he reached out to hold her face, covered her lips, and sucked
on the kiss gently.

Xuan Ji's heart almost jump out. The man didn't attack her like that.

Obviously, he had no reason to go to bed. He just took her in his arms and there was no other
movement. What is he doing now? She was not supposed to pretend to be asleep, but she is
not pretending to be or not pretending to be. She did not want to be intimate with him, but
her body was unwilling to resist his touch, and her heart was in contradiction.

His warm and pleasant smell, his gentle teasing and possession on her lips, she could not help
but tremble... She waited for a while, but his hands were very regular and did not move to

He kissed for a moment, seemingly contented, and left her lips. She was relieved, but his
finger slipped onto her dress. She shuddered, and suddenly heard him whisper, "Are you

Xuan Ji opened her eyes. Fortunately, in the dark, he could not see her blushing face and ears.
It was clear that he had kissed her secretly. Now how could she feel that she was guilty?

She bit her lip, sat up, lowered her head, did not know what to say, accused him of being
overpolite, in his view, she was only afraid to enjoy it. She was worried, but she heard him
say, "I'll go out and come back."
He just dropped his hand on her clothes.... Xuan Ji's heart was agitated, and she looked up
sharply. He wondered, "Did you just want to touch my sleep accupoint?" After a moment of
silence, he said, "Yes."

In the darkness, his expression seemed vague. Xuan Ji's heart sank and said, "Do you want to
go out?"
So, what about that kiss, which is the compensation before forcing her to sleep? Xuan Ji was
slightly unhappy, and she did not know what she was angry about. She muffled, "You don't
have to cave me when you go out."

"You wake up and you can't see me. You'll become chaotic." He said.
Xuan Jilin sneered, "How can I be like that? Can't you sleep soundly without me?"
He seemed to laugh and his voice was a bit mute "You can't sleep as fast as I can?"
Xuan Ji stayed there and was very angry. sHe growled, "Hey, listen to the point, I'm asking you
the question, which means that I can sleep well without you."
The lips, blocked by soft lips and tongues, are a deep and lingering kiss.
Xuan was angry and shuddered. When he let her go, she punched him in the chest.

He quietly went down to bed, dressed himself and sighed slightly "Don't go in disorder, I'll go
back." He paused, then smiled and reminded her, "But you can't go in disorder, Ziwei

Xuanji was angry. His figure shook before her eyes. She panicked slightly. She ran barefoot
and grabbed the clothes behind him. "Where are you going? You said I was running in
disorder, what about you? I know you're good at martial arts, but in this ghost place, don't
run in disorder.”

Longfeili suddenly turned around and put her in her arms. The warm breath was spitting on
her temples. "Are you worried about me?"

"Of course not." It seems that Xuan Ji spoke out very firmly, but he knew clearly that her
words were wrong.

Longfei smiled, picked her up, went back to bed and put her down, kissed her on the forehead,
and turned out. He moved so fast that she could not speak, let alone stop.

She closed her eyes and lay down for a while, but she couldn't sleep over and over. When she
saw Yu's father and daughter, Baizixu, Mu Ronglin and others in the daytime, she was quiet
and uneasy. Before going to bed, Duan Yuhuan and others said about the mystery of Yu Fu,
and Baizixu, who had died, became more and more anxious and trembling in her heart. Why
did he go out at such a juncture? Where on earth is he going?

Before he kissed her, she overheard that someone came into the house, as if his Ziwei were
coming to tell him something? Suddenly she sat up and wanted to find him! She knew she
shouldn't go away, just like the intuition in Nianfu that day, this time, she still wanted to find

Only in Nianfu, she guessed that he might have gone to Nianxiang's study.... In the rest of
Nianfu, there was no clue. Where should she find him? She closed her eyes impatiently, and
her mind flashed over what he was saying before he left. Suddenly she had an idea.

Long Fei lift his hand and waved slightly. Ziwei, who was leading the way in the dark, bowed
respectfully and disappeared instantly.

A figure stood on her back in the water Pavilion ahead. A mantle swept over the ground. she
walked quickly past, but hearing the man footsteps, turned quickly, and slowly took off her

Longfei twisted his eyebrows slightly. At last, he said in a condensed voice, "Why are you

The figure looked down and remained silent for a long time. Suddenly her footsteps rose and
she fell into his arms."Sorry, I know I shouldn't have come. But this time I can't help myself,
I..." the gentle and graceful eye of XY is slightly gaunt, "Last night, I made an appointment
with you, but then I become angry and I didn't go. When you left this morning, I regretted it.
I spend the whole morning doing wrong thinds in the palace. The empress dowager only said
that I was tired and let me go back to the my yard for a few days to rest. I had the jade cards
for the queen to enter and leave the palace.... I went crazy and secretly found Ziwei who you
sent to protect me and let him bring me here.”

Xuan Ji went out of the door and put her hand around her mouth and whispered, "Ziwei, the
legendary Ziwei, where are you?"

For a while, nobody paid any attention to her.

She laughed and said, "Is nobody here? That lady has gone for a stroll."
Only two steps have been taken. There are two more purple shadows in front. They are
dressed in purple clothes and covered with purple scarves.
"Madam, please go back to your room." One of them spoke respectfully.

Xuan Ji frowned and said, "Two of you will take me to the young master. I have something
urgent to look for him."

Two Ziwei looked at each other, and Xuan said angrily, "Did Master tell you to look at me?"
Now that you take me to him, it's not dereliction of duty. It's related to the safety of the young
master. Are you still dawdling?

As expected, Xuan Ji also let Ziwei find the pavilion of the Water Pavilion.

She let Ziwei invisible, just wanted to walk over, but saw two people snuggling together in the
pavilion in the lake. He held a person in his arms. That person is...........


Xuanji looked blankly at those two people. She saw, Ruyi leaning and saying something in
his ear. At last, she lightly pillowed her head on his broad shoulder.

Against the light, Xuanji could not clearly see his face, but it was clear that his hand was
fastened to XY waist.

It turned out that he came out in the middle of the night to see his XY.

No wonder she was asked to sleep, no wonder he was afraid of her running in disorder...
She thought he was worried about her safety, turn out she was wrong. But why does he
worried? He could have told her that he was coming to see his XY. She won't make trouble
to him. After the Bixia Palace, she won't, and she never will!

She laughed, her heart was dull and painful, and she was ready to run away at any time.
How could that happen? She was a little bewildered, turning quietly and heading back.
Tonight, I found that going along and pain seem to be two different things, going along and
love are never related.

She was shocked when she suddenly bumped into a man who had reached out to hold her
and said softly, "Madam." It's Longzijin!

Xuan Ji looked back at the hugging couple in the distance and looked at Longzijin again.
Longzijin laughed at her and said softly, "Let them stay, will you?"
Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, daring to say that in the eyes of Prince Lingrui, she was a jealous
woman. "Yes, why... not?...Why are you here?” Speaking out, stuttering, she bowed her
head a little embarrassed.

Longzijin smiled and said, "She came over and the Ziwei informed me... I'll send you back."

"I don't want to go back yet. I want to walk." XuanJi shook her head, laughed and said softly,
"Er ye is not confident of me, for fear that I will turn back and disturb them.... ?"

Longzijin was shocked. He did have this idea. When he heard Xuan's sad voice, he
apologized and said, "Zijin doesn't mean that."

He has reprimanded and warned RY against XJ because of his own heartache. But, He did
not hate Xuan Ji in his heart. After hearing Xia Sang say about Bixia Palace, he even liked her
a little. If it hadn't been for RY’s interest, Xuan Ji and him would have been be good friends.

"That's all right. It's human nature for you to think so." Xuan Ji waved her hand and said in a
low voice, "You are suffering too."

Longzijin shocked for a long time and laughed at himself.

"Shall we walk together?" He suggested, "You probably didn't think that the back of this
mansion is a good place to go. But, It has a high slope and view of the sea. the scenery in the
backyard is very good."

Xuan Ji nodded. "Good!"

Longzijin waved his hand in mid-air again. Xuan Jiwei was confused. "What's wrong?"

Longzijin laughed and said, "Let the Ziwei that is hanging around us go back. I'm here to
protect you."

"Thank you."

As they walked along, Xuan Ji laughed and said, "These purple guards are like shadows."

"Yes, they are the shadow of Jiuge." Long eyelashes are light and close. Longzi looks far
away. Like recalling something, his voice is a little distant.
"The night before Jiuge took the throne, if he hadn't shouted and found Ruyi passing by,
Jiuge would have been killed. Later, his master came from the famous Mingjian Village and
lived in the palace for a long time. Ziwei was trained from then on by his master to protect
Jiuge's safety.”

He laughed and said, "Of course, now, the nine brothers don't need anybody to protect him
anymore, but he has personally trained batches of Ziwei and hidden them in counties all
over the country. He often tells me that the cunning rabbit's "acupoint" is not enough.”

Xuan Ji's heart was very tight..... The man life was really not easy these years. Ruyi had
saved his life. sHe said astringently, "No wonder he loved her so well."

Longzi slightly stiffened, looked at Xuan Ji and said, "Yes, Jiu Ge's feelings for Ruyi can not be
replaced by anyone."

"Well." Xuan Ji nodded hard and laughed, "I understand... He only has her in mind."

When Longzijin saw Xuan Ji's eyebrows were sad and his guilt deepened, he has deceived
her. In fact, he implicitly understood that Long Fei-li's feelings towards Xuan Ji were not
trivial, even far more complicated.

The two of them were silent for a moment. At that moment, they could only hear the waves
of the sea. The wind blew over and wrapped up a slight salty smell. They had already
reached the high slope, which was very steep and rocky. Under the Black-painted cliff was a
deep sea, and the waves rolled over.

Xuan Ji shrank slightly and smiled, "Terror, if one falls down, one will surely die."

Suddenly, a sneer came from behind. "These two are left alone here, this time it takes no
effort at all!"

Longzi Jin turned to block Xuan Ji's face, only to see, three men in black in front of them,
armed with their blades, staring at them, with a grim look on their faces.

One of them sneered and said, "You have no way to escape." He glanced at Xuanji and said,
"The little lady looks good. Maybe she's your way of life."

It was Xuan Ji who had changed into a dress when she went down to bed, instead of
dressing up as a man.

The other two laughed loudly and said, "Lao San, you are so sly."
Xuan Ji was shocked. Long Zijin was furious. He clasped several Lancet flying knives in his
hand. Soon, he was shocked all over, because his strength was beyond his control.

Over there, the three men looked at each other, and the man called the third man grinned.
"What's wrong? Can't exert internal force, can't you? You are just a dead fish if you can do
all your martial arts.”

Longzijin was shocked. He knew that he was poisoned. If everyone else did the same thing,
the situation tonight could be jiuge deaths! "Who are you?" he said coldly.

"Never mind, dying man, let you die to understand." Old three obliquely eyebrows a smile,

Wen Yan, Longzijin and Xuan Ji were shocked. Long Feili once said that the Murong family
was afraid of great success, but now it seems to be in one word. Xuan Ji suppressed her
panic and said, "Are you here for Koi beads?"

"For pearls, more... change dynasties and generations!" The harsh voice drummed in the

"Wanton!" Longzijin roared.

Xuan Ji was frightened. They did not shy away from saying this, which meant that these
people were not only ready to come, but also not afraid to lose their live tonight.

She is a woman of the nine brothers. He can't let her lose anything in his hands. Longzijin
clenched his fists in both hands and whispered to Xuan Ji sideways, "I'm entangled with
them. When you see the empty space, you run away immediately!" Go and tell my nine

Xuan Ji urgently said, "You can't use your inner strength. Can you handle it?"

Three men in black dress, like cats and mice, did not rush up at one stroke, sneering as they
approached. Longzijin stared at the front tightly without much words, saying, "Remember,
run away!"

As soon as he spoke, he suddenly pulled himself up and ran to the front of the three men. In
a flash, he fought with the other side. Although he lost his inner strength, his tactics were
still ingenious, and his actions were so rapid that the third class caught him off guard for a
Xuan Ji gritted her teeth and rushed forward at once.

She was about to walk out of the high slope. As long as she folded into the backyard, where
there were many trees and hid away, the situation would be much easier. She stepped out
with one foot and heard a low roar, and then she could no longer move forward.

Looking around, I saw that Longzijin had been captured by the other side. He was wearing
white clothes, but, At this time, his cloth was dyed in red and blood was pouring into his
thighs. The third man was swinging his sword and slashing it down on top of his head.

Xuan Ji was frightened and in a hurry, she became wise. Suddenly, she had a dispute and
shouted, "Stop it!"

Between the black mans, the sword suddenly disappeared. With a sneer, he muttered to the
other two, "Take that woman, and our brother will have a good time tonight."

At this time, Xuan Ji had already run to the edge of the cliff, but the two men in black
clothes were also deceiving themselves. There was only a few steps between them.

Longzijin was frightened and angry. He said sharply, "Nian Xuanji, what are you doing ? why
do you come back?"

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. "I want to leave as soon as possible, but you are his brother. I can't
ignore you."

Longzi Jin was shocked again, but he was not surprised that her affection for Longfei was so
deep. He has tried desperately to stop these people. She clearly had a chance to escape.
Isn't that silly?

He was shocked and laughed bitterly. Both of them had lost their lives here. Why did she
suffer? he suddenly remembered the words of third black man, immediately terrified, if
they touched her.


The third black men glared evily, "She is not captured?"

The two men in black immediately stepped up. Xuan Ji stepped back and the rubble rustled
under her feet. There was no way to retreat. Behind it was Wanzhangyuan Cliff.
Longzijin hoarsedly scream, "Be careful!"
On TV, they all jump down, and no one has ever been killed... But now she can't do it!

It was absolutely false to say that she was not afraid. Xuan Ji was frightened and only clenched
her teeth to keep her emotions from leaking out. Suddenly she raised her hand to her head
and sneered, "Do you want anything else?"

A pearl sparkled in her raised hand.

The old three were shocked, and the two men who had stepped forward stopped.

XuanJi coldly said, "Mu Rongpei doesn't want this thing? Let him go, and I'll give you the
beads. Otherwise, I'll throw it into the deep sea."

Between the three men, they exchanged eyes quickly.

Xuan Ji's heart moved slightly. sHe realized that they had been moved. sHe laughed and said,
"You must be full of your people now, don't you think? He was badly injured. Even if he came
out of here, he could never escape. I just didn't want to see him die in front of me. As long as
you let him out of the high slope, I and the pearl, you can handle it."

Hearing that she was using herself as a chip, Longzijin snapped, "Nian Xuanji, you're crazy!"

Xuan Ji paid no attention to him and stared at the three man's gloomy face. She knew that he
was the master among them. Looking at his eyes, tossing and turning, she laughed and said,
"Tonight, all of you are leading the killing mission. Everyone kills people. It's hard to tell who's
doing this. But this pearl is what your master want in their hearts. Or, you can know the beauty
of this thing,and if you hide it privately. No one knows..."

The other two looked at Lao San. Lao San took a look at Xuan Ji. Suddenly, he reached for
Longzi Jin belt and pulled it. One force had thrown him to the gate of the courtyard. Xuan Ji
was very happy. sHe gritted her teeth and said, "Zijin, go quickly!"

Xuan Ji could see clearly the anger and hesitation in Longzi's eyes, and said angrily, "Go and
find your brother Jiu!" If you don't go, how can you live with me today! "

Longzijin was shocked all over. He took a deep look at Xuan Ji. The old three Gods'color
changed dramatically. He seemed to regret the decision he made before the moment. He
took a little step and swept to the gate of the courtyard. But where else was Longzijin?

As his face sank, he rushed toward his two companions and Xuanji. He felt violent that he said
angrily, "Come on!"
Xuan Ji was shocked. sHe gritted her teeth and looked back. There was no way to retreat. sHe
saw that the third big palm had grabbed her chest and front clothes.

How could she let anyone touch her except Longfei? She closed her eyes tightly, trembled
and tried to jumped down. Suddenly she heard a screamed. When she opened her eyes, she
saw a long sword running through the third back. The tip of the sword protruded from his
forechest, and the blood dripped down like a waterfall along the cold tip of the sword.

Two black-clad men were stunned for a moment, and their faces were full of incredible
"color." How could this one miss the poison of "eating Kung Fu powder"?

Xuanji looked ahead. Under the moon, baizixu cut Lao san back with one hand and pulled out
his sword slowly with the other hand. His light smile at the corner of his mouth seemed as if
what he was doing was nothing more than ordinary. Lao San's eyes cracked and fell to the

Xuan Ji is still stunned. The man's figure moves slightly. He has come to her and reaches for
her waist. He says lightly, "Miss Nian, how can you give anything to others at will?"

Xuan Ji was shocked and suspicious. For a moment, she could not tell whether he was an
enemy or a friend.

The two men in black came back to their senses with a low roar and swung their swords at
Baizixu. Baizixu frowned. Xuan Ji did not even see his movements. Two more blood corpses
were found on the ground.

This is the legendary... Second kill?! Xuan Ji was terrified of the blood spraying from the
wound of the corpse. Although she covered her mouth, she could not help crying out.

Baizixu takes her into his arms and comforts her softly. "Don't be afraid, Zixu won't let anyone
hurt you!"

Xuan Ji pushed him aside and shook her head and said, "No! I don't know you. You're not even

Baizi twisted his eyebrows slightly, then smiled and said, "Does it matter who I am? You just
need to know that I am the only person in the world who will be good to you.”

Xuanji frowned and looked at him warily without saying a word.

Baizi drew back the sheath of his sword and stared at her, his eyes glistening deep. "In Nianfu,
when you and I first saw each other,then when we met again at the Jin Ruan Temple. I hated
that I didn't remember you, but later..."

Suddenly he stopped his voice, his figure flashed, and Xuan Ji, who running forward with her
feet stopped.

"Where are you going?" He looked at her with a slight displeasure, and his voice sank.

"I don't know who you are. Xuan Ji thanked you for your rescue. sHe will report this to elder
young master tomorrow." Xuan Ji paused, thought, and bit her lips. "I'm his wife. Where do
you think I can go? If you can help me save him-"

Before she finished, Baizixu interrupted her coldly, "Save him? He has taken over your body.
It's his great fortune that I won't do it today. If he doesn't die tonight, I'll take his life
tomorrow. Of course, now, I don't do anything, just take you away! “

"Who the hell are you?" Xuan Ji was frightened and gritted her teeth back.

Bai Zi sighed faintly and moved like a shadow. Xuan Ji retreated a few steps. He held her tightly
behind him.

"Let me go, I won't go with you!" Xuan Ji was angry and struggled hard. Bai Zixu was angry
too. He smiled coldly. Suddenly he straightened over her body and kissed her on the lips.

Xuan Ji was frightened. When his lips touched her lip, a sharp howl cut through the long wind.

A white shadow jumped from the sky to Baizi Xu, terrified of hurting Xuan Ji. he sent her gently
behind him.

A surging and strong force had hit the other side.The white shadow was so quick that it flew
into the air to avoid the deadly attack.

Xuan Ji has not lost her voice and cried out, "Wolf!"

The white shadow whirled in the air, glanced at the direction, jumped down and blocked
XuanJi. It’s fluffy "hair" is as white as snow, its eyes are blue as sea, its eyes are fierce and
shining with surprise and surprise. This is her wolf who has been missing for a long time. Many
days later, the little thing had grown up. It was half the size of the wolf that Xuan Ji saw in
Qiyuan that day. it stood in front of Xuan Ji and stared at Bai Zixu coldly.
Baizi's color changed greatly. In a short time, his eyes were cold and his voice was quiet
slightly. "Unexpectedly, this magic book of Xianyantai finally tell you to get it from Yu's father
and daughter."

Baizixu seems to know the wolf, but the wolf grew up in the garden at the foot. How can
Baizixu know it? She was full of doubts and wonders, but the wolf suddenly turned around
and looked at her.The expression in that eye seemed to be...... Telling her to go!

Xuanji looked at it anxiously, but it shouted fiercely at her. It seemed to be in great anger.
Xuanji stamped her foot, gritted her teeth and turned around and ran.

Hidden foreboding that the situation over there is bound to be dangerous, her heart hurt, but
dare not look back, afraid not to give up the wolf, only pulled out her feet to run to the
entrance to the courtyard, she must hurry to find Longfei!

Behind her, the wolf howled all over the high slope.

When Longzijin returned to Yufu Garden with serious injuries, the situation there was chaotic
and dangerous.

The confrontation between the two sides is over.

On the one hand, more than ten Ziwei circled, tightly encircling the breeze, Duan Yuhuan,
XiaSang and Yuzhi, and Yue Jingying was also there. With Ziwei, people had more or less hung
colors on their bodies, and the jade scared their little faces white, Xiasang was red and hugged
her tightly.

On the other hand, there are thirty or forty people in black, each with a sharp knife in hand,
and the battle is fierce.

There are more than ten corpses on the ground, Ziwei, and some strange faces in blue "color"
clothes. I think it's the snatching speed of Governor Yue Jingying's Yamen.

Two people were standing in front of each side.

The Murong brothers and sisters laughed at each other, and the two faces were almost
identical. At the moment, they made people look glamorous and frightening. Both men were
armed, Mu Rongpei's sword was straight and pointed straight at the man in white in front of
When Longzijin looked at them, he saw that Longfei was holding Xinyi in his arms. The tip of
the soft sword fell gently on the ground, and his posture was leisurely. However, in his
phoenix eyes, it was a brilliant flash.

It was just that his arm was so red that he seemed to have been injured.

When Longzijin was surprised, he blurted out, "Nine Brothers, are you injured?"

Everyone heard the noise and looked at him.

Ruyi face was white and her voice trembled slightly. "Zijin, are you hurt too? The emperor is
hurt because he saved me from being wounded.”

Longfei stared at him, his eyes dim, and asked word by word, "Ten brothers, what about her?"

As soon as the words came out, all of them, was shocked and immediately understood who
the dragon was asking.

With a haggard face and tearful eyes, Longzijin saw Longfeili guarding her in his arms, and
suddenly felt that the picture was so dazzling... a smiling face flashed through his brain.
—— I understand... he only has her in mind.


Suddenly he remembered the woman's sad eyebrows when she spoke, but she still said it
with a gentle smile. Now, in order to save him, she may have been humiliated or dead.

"Oh, she, Jiuge, she saved me. Now, she may be dead."

He didn't know why he said that, but it seemed as if a force was instigating him. If he didn't
say that, his heart would be torn apart.

Long Fei left his eyes, everything seems to be fixed, not moving again, including the front
Murong bright sword.

After the other side launched the attack, except for him, all the people's internal forces were
restrained and could not be exerted; the situation was critical, and all the hidden Ziwei
guarded everyone to the utmost. Fortunately, the Ziwei is not poisoned, otherwise, the
consequences are hard to imagine.
He fights with Murong's brother and sister as he likes, but nobody can please him. However,
when he saw that she was not among the guards, he was shocked. The defensive momentum
diminished immediately.

Mu Ronglin is very keen and knows that Ruyi is important to him. When he sees the gap, he
stabs at Ruyi, but he has sideways the blockades of the sword for Ruyi.

He inquired the two Ziwei who had protected her, but they said, “ Consort Nian just came
here, and then left with the second young master."

Has she been here? Did she see them? He was with Ruyi... his mind was full of her pale face.

But that's all right. She's with Longzijin and she's not here. Forbidden Quarters arrived in
Leyang County. Tonight, Ziwei, who was accompanying secretly, had done all they could. If
they could win the battle, it would be the best. If they could not, she still might be able to

But, At this time, Longzijin said that she may have died. what does that mean?

He doesn't want maybe. He doesn't want such ambiguous answers.

As soon as his thin lips were lifted, he quickly sided, lifted his belt and gave her a gentle palm,
urging her into Ziwei's surroundings, between Duan Yuhuan and QF.

Longzi Jin only feels the air front of him is clearing, and Longfei has come before him.

"What's wrong with her?" Holding tightly the collar of his only brother, Longfei asked coldly,
the Phoenix eyes narrowed, dark red without a trace of clarity.

Longzijin smiled and opened his mouth, but he could not speak.

"What's wrong with Nian Xuanji?" I asked. The hand that holds the sword trembles slightly,
Longfei's voice is fierce.

Looking at the violent side of the man in front of her, Ruyi heart was desolate. Seeing him and
snuggling into his arms, her fear and pain in these days were slightly reduced. She has asked
him that his original promises could still be counted. He said he would never fail her. He said
that his mother and his concubine's business had been done and that she would not have to
take any more risks. She weeps with joy, and it’s always her in his heart... It won't change, it
won't change. At this moment, the agitation and anger in his eyebrows, all the emotions he
has is for Xuan Ji, began to shake the rock-like idea in her heart just now.
NianXJ place in his heart, is that place, has been as important as her? Is it? Did he really


The moonlight is like water reflecting on the courtyard, and the smell of bloody killing is also
dipped in the ground. Suddenly a voice turned timidly from the flowers and trees behind the

Purple "color" skirt.... Speaking woman's face just came into the public eye, white clothes like
snow, her thin body has been tightly embraced by the emperor.

Emperor Qingjia hugged the woman tightly under the circumstances of the enemy's strength
and weakness, and the situation was in full swing.

This hug, then nobody else is important.

Hugged tightly in his arms, Xuan Ji was as dull as a wooden chicken, neither of her hands knew
where to put itself.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on both of them.

It was almost to "knead" her strength into the body, chest to scapula also dull pain, her heart
instantly bright, but quickly she dense up. Yes, he cares about her, but all he has in mind is

Just Xin yi.

Her hand that has been raised to his waist, frozed, and slowly put down.

Suddenly, several shadows jumped down in mid-air, but Jade was surprised and shouted,
"Brother, Sister."

QF was a little suspicious of "puzzlement", but Xia Sang next to him gently pulled his sleeve.

While the crowd was still in doubt, the five or six figures had fallen to Longfei's side and said
in a respectful voice, "Emperor."

Xuan Ji was surrounded in his arms. Just now he held her in his arms. He was much taller than
her. Now.... Her face was hot, she reached out and pushed him secretly. he did not move at
all, so she had to stop him.
Longfei looked them and said. "Brothers and sisters, Longfei has to rely on your help this

"Don't say that emperor. Between the public and the private, the famous sword villa is duty-
bound. When we see the fireworks put by the emperor, a group of teachers, brothers and
sisters are right here. Fortunately, they catch up on time." A man grinned.

Long Fei looked at Murong's brothers and sisters and said lightly, "It seems that I will not die
tonight. I just can't die. Who's going to die?"

How could this happen? Although not as good as Dragon's hands, but the famous sword villa
is full of masters, his side of the people are five enemies, one is not necessarily an opponent!
The situation turned around at once. The Murong family can't turn around here!

Mu Ronglin gritted her teeth and raised her mouth, but she immediately thought about it.
She made an eye contact to Mu Rongpei. She suddenly reached out and waved her hand. She
saw the dark shadows of the garden flying over. In a flash, all the Mu Rongjia people had

The man who had spoken to Longfei before was trying to catch up with others. Longfei waved
his hand, smiled coldly and stared at Muronglin.

Muronglin smiled, "Emperor, do you think this is the end of it?"

Xuan Ji was startled, the corners of his eyes were still shining, and Long Fei-li had changed his
face.he hadn't responded yet.

She could only hear a low roar of QF in her ear. She was shocked. She saw Murong Pei's
figure turning in the air and he had caught a figure in his hand. That's right! Mu Rongpei has
broken the Ziwei's forbidden zone.

Xuan Ji saw Xinyi and Longfei was moving very fast. He had been chasing Murong's brothers
and sisters. Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, folded up her spirit, and chased him with everyone.

In the running room, a small bracelet on her waist, Jade Zhi's crisp voice in the ear worried
sounded, "Sister-in-law, are you okay? Just now I heard 10th ge say you are In danger. That
scared me to death."

Xuan Ji shook her hand and her head with a smile.

At this time, she heard QF murmur and asked, "Xia Sang, these people are not famous sword
villa at all, who are they?"
With Duan Yuhuan running in front of Jingying turned around and smiled, "It's the Governor's
Yamen who catch fast."

Xia Sang's face was very white, but he said with a light smile, "Just now the emperor and Mu
Rongpei fought. Do you think it's fun for me to rush in?" The Emperor gave me an eye "color",
I struggled to receive a sword from Muronglin before getting the emperor's information, and
then hurried to YJY.

Just like QF, Duan Yuhuan suddenly realized it and laughed, "Fortunately, the arrest of the
Governor Yamen YJY is not complete yet. There are ambushes nearby. The emperor's trick to
attract the enemy is both wonderful and dangerous."

Yuzhi caressed his palm and said, "Is Yuzhi smart?"

The face of QF was tense and said coldly, "That's what XS reminded you."

Yuzhi pouted his lips. "It's always my nine elder brothers'wisdom and the light of Yuzhi."

Xia Sang frowned slightly and said worriedly, "Just now Wen Ruyi is in their hands, it’s a big

Apart from Yue Jingying and Yu Zhi, who here does not know what Ruyi means to the emperor,
Xia Sang said, “if Mu Ronglin has used Xinyi to threaten Dragon Fei Li...”

People dared not neglect and stepped up their journey.

Yes, he is really smart. It seems that no matter how dangerous the situation is, he will always
have a way to solve it. He is the centripetal force of all. It's just that such a person never
belongs to her.

Xuan Ji subconsciously looked at the nearby Longzi. he was silent and his eyebrows were
locked. He was badly injured in his legs. A Ziwei helped him to walk.

"Don't worry, it won't be all right. Your ninth brother will let her be all right." Xuan Ji

Longzijin smiled and wanted to say something, but saw that the image of purple "color" had
run ahead. Xuan Ji had no idea that he would eventually turn back into the cliff, and the sound
of the waves beating against the rocks and reefs in his ears, which roared slightly in the humid
air, made people feel nervous.

Murong Brothers and Sisters have come to the edge of the cliff with their Xinyi, and she had
been handed over to Muronglin. Murongpei, with his sword, is staring coldly at them. Longfei
stood ten steps away from the two of them, with a stern face.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. All the people behind Longfei's departure were his own, but the
biggest chips were in the hands of the other party.

Mu Ronglin raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly. "Emperor, don't go any further. My sword
blade doesn't have long eyes."

Long Fei left his eyes like torches and murmured, "Open up your conditions."

Mu Rongpei, Mu Ronglin, looked at each other, Mu Rongpei's eyes darkened and sneered.
"Emperor, first of all, I want your right arm. If you shouldn't, it's very simple, I'll cut off your
woman's right arm."

The crowd was shocked. QF had lost its voice and said, "Brother, you mustn't do that."

Xinyi is shocked, shaking her head desperately, and hoarsely scream, "Emperor don't do it!"
If you agree with her, i will hate you all your life! "

The haggard and hoarse voice dissipated in the wind bit by bit. Xuan Ji closed her eyes and
finally couldn't help looking at Long Feili's face. He was looking deeply in Xinyi direction. The
expression on his face was calm, just like what he said next: "Okay, I promise you. I will broke
my arm, you set her free, I am your hostage, to ensure that you two can leave safely."

Longzijin's eyes were red, and he said angrily, "No! This prince will change with you!"

Mu Ronglin was delighted, glancing at Xinyi and smiling with delight. "Jiangshan Beauty, Little
Beauty, this idea is not only from the emperor, but, also from Lord Lingrui, what do I want
your arm to do?" Her voice still had a trembling micro-rhyme, and then cold way: "Emperor,
do it."

Xinyi face is as white as paper and full of tears, murmuring, "Emperor, don't, don't... How can
I doubt you?"

"Please think twice, Emperor!"

Beauty is like jade, sword is like rainbow, dragon has pulled out the his soft sword. Xia Sang
and others exchanged horrified glance in their eyes. They were both frightened and anxious.
In a moment, all of them knelt down.

Xuan Ji did not kneel.

Look around the circle, the cliff edge of the sea, there are three old bodies, the wolf and
Baizixu have long disappeared. Wolf... I don't know what's going on. Maybe she shouldn't
have turned back just now.

But, even if she hate, she still love deeply, how can she not feel embarrassed and sad?

Long Fei Li, let me be the last jealous "woman" for you.

For the Last time.

Mu Rongpei and Mu Ronglin stared at Longfei's sword. The dragon has raised it from his left

A pale hand grabbed his right arm gently.

Long Feili twisted his eyebrows slightly and his voice was low. "Xiao Qi, let go."

Xuan Ji laughed, "Don't want let go."

As soon as she spoke, Longfei lifted his sleeve lightly and threw her away.

Xuan Ji stumbled and almost fell down. She stabilized herself and smiled coldly. "Is she so
important to you?"

Long Fei sank from his eyebrows. "Don't make a noise."

"What am I then?"

A few steps back to him, Xuan Ji grabbed the man's clothes again and said angrily, "No
chopping, I forbid you to do that for her."

Mu Ronglin and Mu Rongpei looked at each other, and Mu Ronglin sneered, "The little lady is
jealous. Your Majesty, my tolerance is limited. Don't blame me me if you don't do it again!
His death glance fell on the hand holding his sleeve. The darker Longfei's eyes were, the
stronger his arm was, and Xuan was thrown to the ground.

Originally, this is the feeling of fourteen years, she is in no way comparable.

The impatient "color" of his eyebrows and eyes gave her a sharp stab in the heart. Xuan Ji
grinned bitterly. sHe got up from the ground and ran forward. sHe gritted her teeth and said,
"Wen Ruyi, it's all you. Why are you coming here?"

Xinyi look at her and clench her lip.

Behind her, everyone was shocked. Although they all understood the gap between Ruyi and
Nian Xuanji, who would have thought that Nianfei was so ignorant at this time to take care of
their problem everywhere?

Long Fei said angrily, "Nian Xuanji!"

Xuan Ji has already stood up with his brother and sister Murong. Murongpei's face is "color".
His sword is in front of her. Muronglin's face is awe-inspiring. She retreats slightly. She smiles
and says, "It seems that we have more allies. Mu Ronglin has retreated to the edge of the

Xuan Ji's pupil shrinks. She sneered and said, "Who is your ally witch?" She said but staring
hard at Xinyi.

Mu Ronglin was doubtful, when she looked on her movements with a cold eye, she was
relieved. With Mu Rongpei beside her, she no longer paid attention to Xuan Ji, but looked at
the Dragon ferociously.

Longfei snicked and laughed, his eyes were cold and proud, and he grasped the sword in his

Xuan Ji sneer: "Long Fei Li, you love to cut off, I just say a word, after you have cut yourself, I
will not care about you."

Longfei gritted his teeth and laughed angrily. "you have such bad character... I misread you."

Xuan Ji was shocked all over. Her hands and feet were cold. sHe gritted her teeth. sHe laughed
and said, "Yes, you really misread me! You know what? I lied to you about the future
generations of the Bai family. He's not in Leyang County, he's in Yanxia County."
As soon as her voice fell, she did not look at Longfeili. She whispered to Murongpei, "Doesn't
Murong want this thing? Xuan Ji gives it to you.” She Throw something that has been hidden
in her palm as hard as she can.

The brilliant light shines in the mid-air, Mu Rongpei exclaimed, "Cyprinus carpio beads?"

He was in a vertical shape and jumped into the air.

Looking at the bright "confusion" in the sky, Mu Ronglin was suddenly slightly shocked. She
felt uneasy, but it was too late. Xuanji slammed into her shoulder with a fierce force. She was
in pain, instinctively she used her sword to pierced forward.

The sword pierced her shoulder. Xuan Ji was in great pain. She gritted her teeth and did not
escape. She held Mu Ronglin tightly in one hand and pushed Xinyi behind her.

When her head and ear is full of cold wind, Mu Ronglin's heart and soul are split with fear,
her body fell sharply, her seeing that everywhere are full of rugged rocks, beneath is
Wanzhang Shentao. Together she fall with a woman in a purple "color" dress.

All over the cliff top, the final whirlwind in everyone's ears is a loud but sad dim voice, as if all
one's strength has been exhausted.
—— Take care of yourself.

Everyone's heart tightens in an instant.

How long is the instant? Maybe the time from that purple "color" figure to Mu Ronglin's face,
a moment, a minute, maybe even shorter.

She disappeared instantly in everyone's eyes, and did not hesitate. Perhaps she had already
made a good decision, so she could not hesitate in the end.

"Ah! No! Sister-in-law, no!" Jade Zhi, kneeling in the middle of the crowd, suddenly stood up,
hoarsed and shouted, her words still choked in her throat, and her face was wet with tears.

Falling on the edge of the cliff as she wished, her soul seemed to be pulled away, motionless.
when the crowd again find lost its voice and started screaming, the horror and panic broke
the sky, and she finally burst into tears.
The sky has dawned, and the light is shining on the figure in white clothes that are tightly
brushed down leaping to catch the women in purple dress. White clothes like snow, and
their jackets are floating.

At last, for a moment, the country, and all of us are behind. But, Someone gently held her
head, and she could feel a solid chest hug behind her.

Bright light shining on her eyelids, dazzling them with pain. Headache is very painful, scapula
is more intense pain, it seems to be injured. Xuan Ji slowly opened his eyes.

"She woke up." Someone laughed and said, clear and crisp, is the voice of a girl.

Then came the voices of many people, mixed with joy.


When the line of sight was fixed, the men, women and children in a room, beside her ears,
were hoarse to slightly stiff voices, "Little Seven."

Xuanji looked slightly sideways, squinting at the master of the voice, and hugging her behind
seemed to be the person who called her Little Seven.

He's an incredibly handsome man.

The man phoenix eyes were painful, but her face was deeply reflected.

"Who are you?" Xuan Ji asked in a low voice.

The man's face changed slightly and his hands were tied tightly to her shoulders. "You don't
recognize me?"

His hand was so strong that he touched the wound on her shoulder. She was crying out in
pain. The man just let her go a little, but then he slack her face. He smiled and said, "Little
Seven, don't kid. How can you not recognize me?"

A crisp voice shocked a room.

Xuan Ji knocked off the man's hand on her lower jaw. He was as beautiful as a lotus flower,
but she subconsciously resisted him and disliked him. She frowned out of his arms, rolled and
crawled to the corner of the bed, eyeballing him vigilantly.

The man's frown is locked, deep and painful eyes, is a faint "color" that can not be believed.
His lips floated a silky smile, "Little Seven, you forgot me?"

Xuan Ji's head hurts when she touches it. She really doesn't remember anything. she just don't
think she is not from here. She seems to have come from a very far place. The living
environment there seems to be quite different from here. As for who she is and why she is
here, she can't remember all of them.

"Dragon Prince, the old man suspects that your wife lost her memory when she fell on a cliff
or hit her head on a reef in the sea." An old man with white beard came out, sighed slightly,
and said, "Old age has been diagnosed for many years, and it's not like this."

In the old man's words, there were several simple-looking "women" who said, "Yes, Mr. Long,
Dr. Gong is the God doctor of our village. That's what he said.”

The phoenix-eyed man was Longfei Li. He tightened his fingers, stood up and said earnestly,
"Excuse me, sir, when can Long's wife remember things?"

Doctor Gong looked at Xuan Ji, and he was very worried. "It's hard to say that the old man
was afraid that there is a blood clot in your wife's head. It's a big trouble. Not only the matter
of memory, but it's also very damaging to her body for a long time. He had to release the
blood clot, but the old man was not sure about the skill of craniotomy."

Long Fei left her eyes dark, even if the old man is sure, how dare he let the barefoot doctor in
this small fishing village open her skull and take blood for her, he must return to the palace
as soon as possible!

He nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, old man. Long will waited for his wife's body to be
restored and took her out to seek medical treatment.

At this time, a middle-aged man came out and said aloud to the crowd, "Okay, the sky is too
late. Let's all go home. Don't disturb the rest of the Dragon and his wife."

Longfei smiled faintly and said, "There is a village chief who works hard. I borrowed the shelter
of for my wife, and delayed the doctor's diagnosis and treatment.
The head of the village smiled and said, "It's very kind of him to have brothers all over the
world. When he and his wife return to their hometown, their relatives encounter banditry
and fall into the sea. The sea is very deep and dangerous. It's still his wife's good fortune.
Besides, our small fishing village is remote and seldom has visitors."

"I will ask my mother-in-law to cook some food later. Song Mou lives in the courtyard next to
his son's house. If he needs anything, he will come and find Song Mou."

"I'm tired." Long Fei leaned back and thanked him.

"Don't be polite to my father and son." A very bright-looking girl whispered, her head hanging
slightly, and her voice was charming and shy. It was the girl Xuan Ji had just woken up, the
daughter of the village chief, Song Ni.

People in the village were very enthusiastic and had a cold spell with Longfei. The head of the
village patted the shoulder of Longfei and led them away. Several young girls stole a glance
at Longfei, blushed, turned around and whispered in a low voice.

At this time, the voice came from the bed.'Can you take me away, too?'

People were greatly dismayed. At first glance, it was Mrs. Long, who was curled up in the
corner of the bed with a quilt in her arms and looked timid.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Song ni walks to the bedside, curious.

Xuan Ji bit his lip and pointed to the dragon and said, "I don't want to be in the same room
with him. Will you take me away?"

When the room was empty and there were only two people left, the postures of Longfei Li
and Xuan Ji remained unchanged. Xuan Ji still curled up in the bed to the end and looked at
the man in white in front of her on guard.

Longfei stood at the wooden table, motionless, frozen Xuan Ji, his hands hanging on the table
trembling slightly.

Last night, she fell into the cliff with Mu Ronglin in her arms for a moment, and besides being
frightened and hurt, there was only one thought in his heart that he would not let her leave
As she leaped to the bottom of the cliff, and before she fell into the deep sea, he took her
into his arms, who was already unconscious. At that moment, he had tasted the ecstasy that
he had never tried in the past twenty-one years.

After seven years of age, he resisted water, but last night in the deep sea, he was as flat as
ever, as if he were born with the ability, he did not even need to breathe, but occasionally
gave her breath. He knew that if he couldn't support her, she would not survive. He swam to
the shore with her in his arms until he dared to faint.

Now, she forgot him, and she was afraid of him. She looked at him with deep disgust.

She forgot everything, but only remembered to hate him.

That shouldn't be the case. She loves him.

Even if she forgot everyone and everything, she would not hate him.

Otherwise, she would not jump the cliff for a moment, and told him that the descendants of
the Bai family were in Yanxia County.

However, why did she cheat him and let him go to Leyang County? An idea sprouted in his
mind, but he suddenly did not want to go to the root of it. Perhaps because of the root of it
that he hated it.

On the bed, she was covered with a piece of green silk. Suddenly, she leaned forward slightly.
She was still covered with gauze on her shoulder. Mu Ronglin's sword stabbed hard. He
remembered that on the cliff, he had fail her twice and had a sudden convulsion in his heart.

What did she do for him? What did he do to her?

No more thoughts and things could be contained in his mind. He moved to the bed and took
her into his arms.

Xuan Ji was crushed by him, the wound was painful and slightly angry. she scolded, "Let go, it
hurts a lot."

Listening to her pain, Longfei sat down tight and gently circled her in his arms. He said, "There
is no good medicine here, Xiaoqiao, endure it for a while. Tomorrow I will go out to find ten
younger brothers and take you back to the palace for medical treatment."
He is not likely to say anything comforting, but today he even said two words to her, "Little
Seven" and said it out, himself is a little stunned.

Xuan Ji frowned. Although she had forgotten something, she could not forget her common
sense and knowledge. She doubted, "hey, you self-proclaimed yourself as an emperor?"

A painful feeling in his heart soon overwhelmed him, never had such a feeling.... Up and down
in the court, he saw too many people, without keen judgment, he can not last to today.

When she woke up, he once suspected that she fake an amnesia, but now, judging from every
little look on her face, he finally dispelled all hope.

She really forgot, forgetting all the things between them that had been carved in his bones in
this short time.

All her love and hatred for him had vanished with that leap.

All that remained was fear, resistance and disgust.

Suddenly he thought that she hated him, and he was willing to prove that at least she had
him in her heart, but afraid that she hated him to the extreme, it would be better to lose the
memory, so that they could at least start again.

I don't know how long it has been since he was afraid of anything, but now he can't stop
thinking and trembling. He was not so alarmed even when Xinyi was captured.

The little force of rejection came from her little hand across his chest, his eyes sees her
pushing him away with great concentration. What's in his heart, he just wanted to put her "
into his body, but he worried about her injury, even holding her had to be careful.
But, The anger in his heart can hardly be suppressed.

"Seven, don't push me away." He gritted his teeth.

Xuan Ji heard the man's voice deep and crude. He seemed to be suppressing something
severely. sHe frowned and said, "Hey, you don't want to hit me. Anyway, I don't think I'm your
wife. Don't touch me."

"You are!"

The man's tone was heavy and his eyebrows were cold and angry. She couldn't shake a trace
of strength on him. Her shoulders were itchy and painful. Xuan Ji became more and more
upset and angry. "I hate you very much. How could you be my husband? What did you lie to
me for? I remember someone in my heart. He's not you."

Longfei was staring at her and grinding his teeth. "Who is he?" Longfei said.

Xuan shrugged his lips. "What's your name?"

Long Fei-li recalled that she used to be irrespective of dignity and inferiority. Long Fei-li
shouted at him. The more painful he was, the more his voice was stifled. "Long Fei-li."

"I'll just say, not you." Xuan Ji turned her head and thought, "His name seems to be Lin Sheng,
a person who feels very handsome, and XinZhuiZhui, Yuhuan. I remember these three

She thought about it and added, "I can't remember their looks very clearly, but one day when
I meet them, I will remember that XZZ and Yuhuan is girl and Lin Sheng is a man. I only
remember this man. I think he must be very important. He is my husband."


Lin Sheng, Lin Sheng, Lin Sheng again! When she returned to Nianfu, he heard her mention
that her bright eyes were full of miss. Now she has no memory, but she still misses the man
in her heart!

Who is Lin Sheng? Is it her lover before she left the residence?

Did the man hold her and kiss her? Will she treat that man as she would treat him?

She said Lin Sheng was her husband, so what was he? What is he who marries her into the
palace as a side concubine and turns her into a woman?

No, she can only have him in her heart! There can't be another man!

He won't allow it!

All the tea sets on the table were rolled up by strong internal force and fell to the ground,
shattering into pieces.

Xuan Ji looked at the bloodshot man with a fierce "color" in his eyes. sHe cried out in horror,
earned it and rolled the quilt down to the end of the bed.
Without saying a word, Longfei went to Xuan Ji's side, took her to her knees, grabbed her
chin, and roughly kissed her lips.

Xuan Ji was suffocated by the man's rough plundering lips and tongues. He was announcing
his ownership to her. Although she was not impressed by the man, she had a vague sense of
familiarity. She even knew some of his thoughts from his eyes.

Just, she doesn't want him to touch her!

She doesn't want him to touch her! It's not her in his heart! Xuan Ji, why does she know that
the person in his heart is not her?

With a "pop", he had tear her dress apart.

"Will you only bully me like that?"

Long Fei, who was intoxicated with her soft body, woke up immediately. Her red eyes and
tears filled her eyes... Yes, what was he doing? Her wound is not even healed. Now, she must
hate him even more. He Slowly release her.

Immediately she came out of his arms, shuddered up her broken clothes, moved to the other
side of the bed, and stared at him in anger and vigilance.

"Little Seven." He approached slowly.

Xuan Ji grinned her teeth and sneered, "Look at you, there must be a lot of women like it?"
Don't mess with me!"

Longfei was shocked, and a light surprise sprouted. Was there jealousy in her voice? Although
she lost her memory, would she be jealous of his imperial concubines as he was jealous of Lin

"I don't like them, I..." He bit his teeth and whispered, "I just like you."

There was a hint of cautious pleasure in his tone. Xuan Ji was stunned. Looking at his slight
side, he looked like he had just said something that could never be said.

She was stunned for a moment, staring at him, tightly packed, but already embraced by him.
"Don't touch me." She growled angrily and blurted out, "I know, the person in your heart is
not me, I know, you don't have to lie to me." She roared out, and suddenly stunned. What
was she talking about?

Longfei put her head in his bosom and said in a dumb voice, "Xiaoqi, if I had not you in my
heart, I would not chase you here, you don't know, when I saw you fall off the cliff, I..."

Xuan Ji covered hier ears and muffled, “ Not listen, don't listen. You like me and I don't like
you. I'm going to look for Lin Sheng."

Just suppressed anger poured up again. Long Fei was grinding his teeth tightly. If he learned
who Lin Sheng was, he would surely kill him! Anyway, he has assassinated a lot of people over
the years, and he has never been a gentleman. He can still sit in the courtyard now, his hands
already stained with blood.

"Who is Lin Sheng?" The voice outlet is a light, light temptation.

Xuan Ji frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you I don't remember? It's probably my husband. I
have to go and find him. I'll remember him as long as I find him."

She just wanted to say that the dog's blood was also shown on TV. I don't know why, but she
felt that these words could not tell him. Her head began to ache and she had to knock in his
arms for a few times.

She's going to look for him? Dragon Fei-li heard this, angry again, but suddenly saw her God
"color" pain, he was shocked, pulled her out of his arms, said: "Is it wound pain?"

Doctor Gong only applied some grass "medicine" in the village for her. He took a hard breath
in his heart. She was his woman, worthy of the most precious thing in the world, but could
only use these things to heal her wounds.

"I'll go out tomorrow morning, little seven, bear it. I can't rest assured of putting you here at
night." he kissed her lips with pity and gently patted her back.

He wanted to say more comforting words to her, but when he came to his mouth and turned
it over and over, there were only those words.

Xuan Ji returns to pain, but suddenly has an idea that when he goes out tomorrow, she will
run away quietly. She can't say why, but she doesn't want to stay with this man. This feeling
is firm and absolute. But intuition say that she can't let him know.
"Will you really go out tomorrow?" She pushed him aside and asked tentatively.
Hearing her tone softer, Longfei was delighted and said, "Well, I'll go out immediately
tomorrow and come back to pick you up. When I get back to our house, I'll let someone with
excellent medical skills treat you. You'll soon be better. I'll give you anything else you want."

"What a big voice!" Xuan Ji disagreed and muttered, "It seems that you are really an

Longfei did not know how to raise his mouth. He liked her to talk to him in such a tone. She
was happy and carefree. She should have more joy. He whispered, "Seven, I will not let
anyone hurt you in the future. If anyone dares to disrespect you, I will kill anyone."

Xuan Ji thought for a while and snorted, "Then kill yourself first. I think you are bad to me.
You are bad to me. I must have hated you before."

Breathing paused slightly, and staring at her little raised lip, he said in a dumb voice, "Yes, I
did not treat you well enough before. Even on the cliff, you treated me like that. I thought
you were making a scene."

He paused and suddenly thought that she was the only one in the world who would treat him
like that.

Even though he had killed her as he wished, she was willing to die with Mu Ronglin in order
to save him as she wished. He took advantage of the rocks at the bottom of the cliff before
they fell into the sea. If he did not catch up with them, she would not be able to bear the
momentum just before they fell into the sea.

When he thought of it, he shunned the wound on her shoulder, reached under her arm,
hugged her tighter, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

He said again and again in her ear, Xuan Ji's nose was slightly sour, and then she was shocked.
her heart intuitively rejected the emotion. sHe twisted his body to get up from him, but there
was a knock at the door.

Her dress was torn by him just now, and the skin came out. Long Fei took up the quilt and
covered her body carefully before he opened the door.

It's Song ni, the daughter of the village head.

She blushed slightly and said, "mister Long, my father asked me to bring some food to you
and your wife."
"Lao girl."
Song Ni came in and saw Xuan Ji's tears still wet, a little stunned, she pulled Xuan Ji to speak,
the corners of her eyes dim and dim to the dragon. Xuan Ji forgot something, but her head
was not confused and she laughed at herself.

Longfei said indifferently, "Did the girl eat? If not, let's have dinner here.

Sonny was shocked, her face "color" suddenly, "yo" a voice: "SN is really stupid, lady-in-law
eat fast, SN said goodbye first."

As soon as she came out of the door, Long Fei called her, Xuan Ji pouted her lips behind him.

Song Ni smiled like a flower. "Yes?”

"Can the girl help my wife find some laundry?"

Xuan Ji's face was hot and her small and medium hands folded the torn clothes.

SN laughter was lightened and she said, "Oh, yes, SN will take it in a minute."

Longfei left the way: "This, please take it with the girl."

Song Nie looked at it and was surprised that it was a golden treasure of the precipitated ingot.
Fortunately, Longfei's wallet was not lost in the sea. This is the first time that SN saw such a
large ingot of gold, the Dragon Prince should be so rich, no wonder that the father said that
the son is not rich but expensive.

Yeah, this fishing village is not small, but when I saw such a beautiful person, before, she
thought that the pursuit of his water growth is good, she is also the envy of the girls in the
village, but now it seems that... __________.

She was still preoccupied with thoughts and cold hands. Long Fei-li had put gold in her hands,
said thank you, and closed the door.

Xuan Ji vomited, "Fair lady, good gentleman."

Longfei exclaimed, "What does chaos say?"

"Don't you like it?" Xuan Ji put on a grimace and said, "Still, your concubines are beautiful?"

Longfei interrupts her in a low voice. "I said, I don't like them."
"Just say, you must have many wives."

Xuan Ji has a "I know" expression. Long Fei bites his teeth. She can always make him angry
even if she loses her memory. But now, he can't even get angry.


The dishes are very rich, mostly seafood, and some melon dishes, wounds on the right
shoulder. Xuan Ji found that her right hand was not even strong enough to hold chopsticks.
She keep dropping chopsticks on the ground.

Long Feili picked up the chopsticks and his eyebrows were cold.

Xuan Ji hummed and said, "What are you angry with?

"What the Murong family has done to you, I will redouble it tomorrow."

Hearing his murderous tone, she was astonished, and her body had been embraced by him.

"What do you do?"

"I'll come."

Xuan Ji realized that he wanted to feed her. A little embarrassed, but she is not left-handed,
so had to "reluctantly" for it.

"Hey, the soup is in my nose."

"No fish, no vegetables."
"They say no fish... Ah, there's a thorn."
"Vomit out!" The voice was a little angry.
"Because of time, it's stuck, Dragon... Hello, what's your name?"
"LFL." The voice was a little tense.
"Long Fei Li, pick fish’s thorn clean, or I will only eat vegetables."

Xuan Ji is a little apologetic, glancing at her "husband", he must have never done these things
in his life, a busy "chaotic" look, but even willing to "wait" for her to finish the meal, he slowly
began to eat the remnants.
Longfei looked at the woman with eyes and cheeks and stared at him. "Little Seven? Do you
want any more?”

Xuan Ji shook her head quickly. He just stuffed her mouth vigorously. She couldn't eat any
more. sHe said, "I'm full. I see you eat. Well, I hate you, but the way you eat is beautiful."

Longfei was stunned and his face was a little hot.

Xuan looked at the man in a daze. He ate almost all the meat for her. He did not take it
seriously. He ate two bowls of rice with a smile on his face. She did not understand what he
had been laughing at, and occasionally looked at her.

What a strange person! So she was right to decide to run away.

After dinner, she began to clean up, but he stopped her, "I'll come."

Xuan was so happy that he had to go into the kitchen to wash.

I don't know what other people's amnesia is like. She feels like something is wrong with
herself. Except for the first moments of confusion after waking up, it seems to have adapted
to it now. Uh, is it too happy to know your destiny?

Although the handsome and luxurious man claimed to be her husband, she seemed familiar
with him, but did not even want to ask him more about the things between her and him, nor
care about how she was hurt... and he did not seem to want to say more about the things
between them.

All in all, however, she's leaving. She is going to see Lin Sheng. She has a hunch that she will
find him soon.

A crisp voice came from the kitchen. She frowned and went in. Glancing at the handsome
man and the debris of the place, she sighed, "Rich mon, you go out, I'll do it."


"No, if you wash it again, we'll have nothing to give back."

"That's all right. I've already paid for the money. It doesn't matter how many falls I make."

"If you breaks a few more, you'll breaks all. Why do you wash the dishes?"
"Didn't you say you wanted to wash it?"

She wanted to wash, she was not allowed; he wanted to breaks the dishes, she refused, and
the end result was that she instructed him to wash the dishes, clean the floor and table. Xuan
Ji gasps for breath, this man has low ability in life!

Longfei seemed very happy, as if he had done something amazing.

Xuan Ji rolled her eyes and said that he had "hair" disease.

Long Fei took her and whispered, "Seven, I am very happy now."

His narrow eyes were glittering, and she was startled, and suddenly felt that he had seldom
been so happy.

"Washing the dishes is very lively. What's the logic? I don't want to wash dishes, "Xuan Ji's
face was black." I'm not happy. I'm sticky all over. You go out and I'll take a bath with boiling

"I'll come."

"No, you'll burn the kitchen."

Facts have proved that Xuan Ji's eyes of the rich family are not so bad, for a long time, the
kitchen there are no sound of things breaking, but it seems that there is little movement,
Xuan Ji suspicion rises, she went in.

Originally, the man is standing staring with big eyes at the stove head.

Xuan Ji laughed. "I'll say I'm coming."

Longfei took a look at her and suddenly flashed out.

Well, it wasn't angry. She walked out and there was no one in the room.

Just thinking, the door opened and Longfei came in. She was about to ask him, and he walked
quickly into the kitchen.

When Xuan Ji went in again, the man had caught water with hay and dried wood, but he had
a firm eye.
He knelt on one knee, dressed in white, and looked like that. She always felt out of place to
do these things, but he had a slight smile on his mouth and seemed to have done a great thing

She chuckled, "Dirty."

Without thinking too much, he squatted down and lifted his hand to help her wipe away the
grey and black smoke from her face.

He grabbed her hand and the fire was melting in front of her. Occasionally, the firewood made
a "pop" sound. When Xuan Ji came back to her mind, she was tightly embraced in the man's
arms. She was shocked and broke away. She pointed to the cooker with her finger and said,
"How did you get it again?"

Typically nothing to say. "I went to the village chief's house and asked."

Suddenly Xuan Ji felt a little distressed and panicked and hurried out.

In the middle of the room, there is a big bathtub, and above it there is a curling heat.

Xuan glanced at Longfei and said, "I want to take a bath."


"Long Fei Li, I want to take a bath."


"I mean, you go out!" Xuan Ji almost went mad.

"Where have I never seen you?"

In an instant, the man was hit by something that could smash people in the house.

Xuan Ji faded her clothes and was about to step into the bathtub. Her eyes were attracted by
the blue light and tremor of the first thing in the bed.
Sitting outside, across a thin door, the sound of the water inside came clearly. Longfeili
suddenly felt a dry tongue. She was clearly his woman, a person who he could touch brightly
and honestly.

But In just a few hours, eating, washing dishes, boiling water, the brilliant smile in her eyes
spread into his mind, and her happiness, he was also happy.


The leap on the cliff, even without regret, will have hatred. Lost memory, still secretly hate
him, if the memory is still there? In this case, the past, forget the best! After returning to the
palace, he asked them to come back!

A cry of panic suddenly came from inside.

He shocked, waved the door open, and she stood in the bathtub. As soon as he entered, she
threw herself into his arms.

Her hands were soft and fragrant, and she was naked. His throat was tight and he said in a
dumb voice, "Little Seven."

Suddenly he remembered something. He flicked his sleeve and closed the door.

Her body trembled slightly, and he looked down her eyes. On the ground was... The box?

He twisted his eyebrows slightly. She kept it close to her. He woke up and found it on her. In
addition, there is a little book, a map, wrapped tightly together with the palace's good
tarpaulin, tarpaulin waterproof, did not let the sea to erode it.

Xiliang Map, no word Xiaozha, or even, the most strange is that the small box, it seems to be
a precision instrument, just like the instruments used by the Qintianjian to detect astronomy.
However, at that time, a heart in the coma "coma" of her body, he had no time to pay
attention to, now it seems that this thing is not simple.

Was that the reason for her fear? This kind of panic, when she was still in Chuxiu Hall, she had
it. What is it inside?

As he learns about the Bai family's descendants, she seem to has more and more secrets,
which are beyond the scope of her identity as the Nian’s daughter.
But just now, Xuan Ji took the casket into the bathtub and looked. She forgot what it was
called, but knew to raise the casket so that it would not get wet.

She even remembered how to play with... Unfortunately, a picture suddenly popped up.

The coffin of vermilion has been opened. Under the slightly open cover, a skull "dew" came

Covered with a bright red silk, it has gone through a long period of time. The red silk is bright
but tender as water. The feeling of being alive gives people an illusion, as if the silk would
come back to life.

Under the picture, there is a word that says: Queen Yi Hui's identity is very strange. She will
imitate Mawangdui's corpse, Madame Xin Chao's facial restoration procedure, and will soon
restore Queen Yi Hui's thousand-year face.

For a moment, she was so frightened that she fell everything.

Ears, the man's voice is calm and powerful, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, nothing can hurt you."

She was shocked. He had taken her out of the tub, put her on the bed, and went to the small
box on the ground.

Xuan Ji ran ahead of him quickly, barefoot, and copied her things into her hands. sHe shook
her head in a hurry and said, "You can't see this thing LFL!"

Long Fei's eyes were slightly dull, but he only said lightly, "Why?"

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. "I don't know why, but I just think it can't be seen by you."

She glanced at his face, but saw his god's color as usual, but the eyebrows were very deep,
staring at her eyes as if the were flames of fire. "Then I'll look at you."

Xuan Ji was so shy that she realized what was going on. sHe called out and rushed back to bed
and wrapped herself up. Longfei came over and pushed her under. Soon, he was kicked out
of bed.

When the lights went out and in the darkness, Xuan Ji turned her back to the man on the floor
and said, "Long Fei Li, promise me one thing. You must never go to see that thing in private."

Sharp eyes fell on the back of the bed... He would find out her secret, but did she really lose
her memory?

The next day.

Genius shines brightly. Xuan Ji hears the voice of Longfei's departure. He says in her ear, "Xiao
Qi, I used to talk to the village chief. I'll ask Dr. Gong to come and help you change the
medicine later. I'll also ask the village chief to help you with the two meals. I'll send them to
you and wait for me to come back."

Xuan Ji was sleepy, huffing and turning over to sleep. He kissed her on the forehead and went
out. At the door, some voices came, and he seemed to be greeting the villagers who had gone
to sea early in the morning. Xuan Ji soon fell asleep again.

I don't know how long I slept. One of them got up and saw SN cooking on the table.

Xuan Ji was shocked and almost overslept. She got up and talked with Song Ni for a while. Dr.
Gong came to change her medicine. After eating, she set out the village route from Song Ni's
mouth, found an excuse to send her away, and hurried out of the door.

Although this fishing village is still under the jurisdiction of Taoyuan County, it is far away from
Taoyuan Town and isolated from the world. Usually villagers sell seafood to the town. It is
also a turning point for many weeks. First of all, the fish and shrimp must be fresh.

Xuan Ji's shoulder wound was not healed and her steps were not fast. sHe walked for a long
time and looked around her as if she was still a "color" of the sea and the sky. ~sHe wanted
to cry without tears.

After a long walk, it was dark.

Only then did she realize that she was unwise and that the injuries were not suitable for
running. Although she took a bath carefully last night, she let the water touch the wound.
Today, Dr. Gong also blamed it, because the wound is being inflamed. She had to be more
careful. She went forward in a dizzy and painful situation, but was held up by someone and a
voice rang out, "How can you be here?"

He's back?

Xuan Ji wailed and looked at his bag of things in his hand. She quickly changed the topic,
"What did you buy?"

"Why are you here?" Longfeili's voice was slightly cold.

Let him know, she can't run away anymore! Xuan Ji panicked and thought about it. sHe
hugged the man and said, "I'm coming out to see you."

If in peacetime, how could Longfeili believe this? Only Xuan Ji held him and rubbed and
whispered. This was the first time she woke up and approached him voluntarily. The cold
anger just disappeared, and a little joy came into being.

"Didn't I tell you that I went out to find someone?"

"I'm afraid you won't come back and leave me here." How could he have trusted her so easily
if she had told the lie a little more roundly? Xuan Ji is still worried. Although the man lives a
poor life, she knows that he is not simple at all.

Wu Nong's soft words were like clear water flowing through his heart. Long Fei could not help
holding her tight and scolding, "How could it be?"

Although he was scolding, his tone was full of laughter. Xuan Ji secretly vomited her tone and
said, "Has anyone found it?"

"Well, they'll be looking for it soon. It's just a matter of days."

Last night, worrying about Xuan Ji's injuries, Longfei thought about it today. Guessing that
Longzijin and others will find it along the place where they went into the water on that day.
Now they are not in town, but the sea is deep and the village is remote. It takes a lot of effort
to find it. Beyond Ziwei, he set up secret whistles all over the country. When he returned to
Taoyuan Town, he immediately sought out the town detectives and asked them to bring the
news to Longzijin and others. He bought some good medicines for Xuan Ji in the town and
several sets of clothes for them to replace.

Xuan Ji listened, but was anxious. If he taught his men to find them, they would go back, and
she would never escape again. She did not succeed at all, and soon gave birth to another plan.
She gritted her teeth and held the dragon in her arms.

Sure enough, he breathed slightly faster, and the warm breath had moistened her earlobes.

"LFL." Xuan Ji softened her voice.

"I like it here. Can we stay here for a few more days before we leave?"
"No. When you get home, you need to be performed a minor operation to release the
congestion from your head.” Long Fei left the silent channel, shoulder injury or not, the
congestion in the skull is not small.
Xuan Ji curses, eyes turn, tiptoe gently kisses the man's lips, low plea, "You promise me, just
a few days, okay?"

When her breath approached, Longfei could not help but buckle down her waist and back and
put her in her arms, where could he hold back at that time?

Everything in his hand fell to the ground and he kissed her deeply at night.

Occasionally, people from the village came back from the town and ran away red-faced as
they watched from afar.

When he returned, Xuanji smiles, and he.... promised her!

On the sand, footprints stretch far away. Her hands were clasped in his big palms, her fingers
were cool, his mind was so cold, his hands were warm, and his heart was so happy.

"Long Fei Li, can you promise me one more thing?"

"Yes, tonight, I'll go to bed."

The next morning, they got up very early. Outside, on the horizon of the sea, the village was
busy, and the young man was packing up his fishing gear and preparing to go to sea.

See two people come out, the villagers are very enthusiastic, but in the crowd, there is a
young man sneer.

"Villager, Long wants to go to sea with you today." Long Fei departs from the path.


Everyone was shocked, and the head of the village worried, "Dragon, the deep sea is very
rough and windy. The most important thing is that there have been sea animals in the sea
recently. Those who go out to sea in the neighbouring villages have been killed and injured.
This is..."

"Yes, how did the prince think of going to sea?" SN, who had helped her father tidy up fishing
gear beside her, also stood up and said in a hurry.

Long Fei looked at Xuan Ji and said with a faint smile, "My wife wants to eat some seafood."
"Ouch, the last time the father gave us silver, and more seafood was bought, what the wife
wanted to eat, let SN father catch it." The village chief's wife laughed.

"Yes, although the prince knows water's nature, he is not like us who grew up on the beach.
Don't go. Let's just us go." A number of villagers have been "inserting" their mouths.

If you don't go away, how can I escape? Xuan Ji's eyes were busy and she pulled at his sleeves.
"I'm going to eat the fish you caught yourself," she said.

Her voice was clear and graceful, and she immediately spread through the crowd.

Some women and girls stared at her and shook their heads. They said, "This lady is so spoiled
and innocent. Isn't it that her husband risked his life with nature?"

Song Nie has blushed. "Sister, you will kill Dragon Prince like this."

The crowd immediately talked about it, Xuan Ji bit her lip, looked wronged, and Longfei
suddenly sank his face and looked at the young man who was waiting for his hair. He said
aloud, "This is my idea, which is nothing special with his wife. May I ask you, who hasn't had
the first day of arrest at sea? Now, with the skill of fostering a wife and supporting a child,
Long wants to do something for his wife, and his heart is with you.

Some people saw their love at the seaside last night, when they spoiled their wife. In addition,
although his tone was smooth and normal, they were so comfortable that they dared not say
anything more.

"Who can't say that good thing! The key is not to trust big, to succeed. With a sneer, a young
man came out.

It was SN lover, Aquatic, who was the first good fisherman in the village.

There were many people who knew the anger of water. Since Longfei left, Songni's mind was
written on her face. As long as she was a man, how could she not be angry?

Song Nie angrily said, "Aquatic, you speak on the ground, not to apologize to the Dragon
Prince soon?"

The aquatic sneered and stared at Longfeili coldly. "The rude people don't say good words,
they just tell the truth."

Longfei smiled and did not get angry. He only said, "Longmou's trip depends on more advice."
Unexpectedly, the aquatic man said this. For a while, the young people who had made friends
with him could not hold back. One person came out and shouted, "Dragon boy, you dare not
compete with the aquatic man to see who catches more fish in a limited time. If aquatic life
wins, you should not entangle other girls more."

Xuan Ji was amused. Although she had a troubled face, she didn't seem to have entangled
Song Nie from beginning to end.

The aquatic student looked at Song Nie and said, "Ah Ge's proposal is not bad. I don't think
so. The winner can take his favorite girl to Longhou Temple to pray for the wishes of Lady
Purple Su."

Longhou Temple? Unexpectedly, there are legends about the dragon king Zisu in this village.
Xuan Ji and Longfei look at each other. Xuan Ji suddenly stares at each other. Why, how can
she know the purple perilla of the Dragon queen? When Longfei left, she whispered in her
ear, "Have you really forgotten everything?"

In his Feng eyes, Xuan Jue was slightly surprised and laughed bitterly. Now she feels very
strange about her condition. I wonder if there is any such thing as half amnesia.

Song Nie stamped her feet, blushed and looked at the dragon, looking down and whispering,
"Is the prince sure?"

Long Feili and Xuan Ji did not know that there was a custom in Taoyuan Village. Young men
and women who prayed at the Dragon Queen Temple would be blessed and married by the
Dragon Queen. If a woman in this village would go there with a man to visit her, it would
mean that the man could offer her marriage and engagement friendship.

Aquatic is to hold the idea of relatives to Song Niti.

Long Fei took a deep look at Xuan Ji and just laughed and said, "Okay."

The aquatic student sneered, "You don't know this way, I'll let you have an hour. In addition,
if you and I catch the same number of fish, it is also my aquatic transportation.

He did not take advantage of his skill.

"Thank you so much." Longfei is indifferent.

Many girls laughed and run against Song Nijiao. Song Nijiao was so shy that she hid herself in
her mother's arms. Since she saw Longfei leaving, she had a secret heart. Although she had
known that he had a wife, he was beautiful and handsome, and came from a big family. She
wished to be the concubine of the man. At this time, she saw that Longfei had agreed to the
competition, thinking that this man had already intended to himself.

The atmosphere in the village jumped up at once and there was a good chorus. The village
head is an honest man, unlike Song Ni, who has many thoughts. He has long regarded aquatic
life as his son-in-law. He thinks that the Dragon Prince is a scholar, and there is no defeat in
comparison with aquatic life. Take this opportunity to marry your daughter!

Long Feili laughed and said, "The troubled village chief prepared some fishing gear for him."

Sonny glanced at him and said shyly, "Come on."

Dragon suddenly pulled Xuan Ji, in the eyes of the crowd, quickly flashed into a stone house

Behind the stone house.

Xuan Ji is still in the state of being thundered. Although her purpose is to let him go to sea,
she dares everyone to die when Mrs. Long dies. Has anyone ever asked her for her opinion?
Longfei is more abhorrent to this fellow, and directly responds to him. The panic began to rise
again in her heart. She looked down and said, "Go quickly."


Looking at his back, she suddenly called him, "Long Fei Li, be careful yourself."

He turned and gave her a deep look. His kiss, his temperature seems to be still hanging on his
lips, Xuan Ling stopped and looked at the boundless sea on the side.

When he came back, she had already left the fishing village. She laughed, but suddenly felt
that the smile was very astringent.

Her face was wet, and she was startled to "touch" until she realized that it was raining.

She was shocked by a roar in the sea. She saw dark clouds piled up on the far side of the sky
and the sea, shining brightly in the clouds. She had not yet had time to respond. The fierce
wind swept up the gravel and rolled up the gravel. Her breathing became difficult. The
hurricane almost made her unable to stand.
How could this happen? Surprised, only see the sea silver and snow flying, rough waves,
whistling in the ears, on the thunder and waves, dozens of feet high spray overwhelming the
sky. All of a sudden, the whole class was soaked.

The situation on shore is so bad. What about the sea? Xuan Ji gritted his teeth. He just ran
forward and did not dare to look at the sea. He was afraid that he would... turn back.

Taoyuan Village, seaside.

All the villagers came out and watched in panic as the wind and clouds on the sea turned pale.
Their father, son or husband are still in the deep sea. Some young men who did not go to sea
were secretly alarmed and glad for their good fortune. How long haven't you seen such a bad
situation? In this case, casualties are inevitable!

Sonny and her mother were standing among the villagers, too. Sonny's eyes were red with
anxiety and she murmured, "How could this be? Today's weather... shouldn't be like this.

They grew up by the sea, and the weather was always very accurate, and only after judging
whether the weather was good or bad all day could they decide whether to go to sea for
hunting or not.

A man trembled and said, "Yeah, why does this ghost weather suddenly change?"

All of them were panicked and their voices were mixed with tremors. Some of the "women"
had fallen to the ground and wept in silence.

At this time, an old man in the village shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten? This has
happened recently.

As soon as he said this, someone whispered and immediately remembered that the same
thing happened when the sea animals came and went. Fortunately, on that day, in order to
drive the town fair, the labor in Taoyuan Village was all entangled and went out to sell things,
which saved a disaster. The people in the neighbouring village were badly injured.

According to the surviving fishermen, the sea animal was like a fish, big enough to be the size
of a small boat, with hard scales like a helmet, sharp teeth and claws, and devoured at the
sight of people, looking fierce and terrible.

On that day, all the people on the boat were dismantled by the sea animals. The fishermen of
the other boats abandoned the boat and got into the water by taking advantage of the
opportunity it swallowed. In their panic, they also taught the sharp rocks in the sea to pierce
and scratch.

Nobody wants to mention it again... Several fishing villages hunting for days in shallow water.
During these days, the sea was calm and the sea was calm. There was hope that the monster
had swam into the deep sea hinterland and went out again today.

The cry grew louder and louder, mingled with the sound of the waves, roaring and hoarse.
Suddenly, someone pointed to the distance and said, "Look, what's that?"

When the people got down on the boat, they hugged and cried together, and all the people's
fears settled down a little. They came back as safe as they could!

There are "women" who kneel on the ground, kowtow their heads and excitedly say, "Blessed
by the Dragon Queen Mother."


The head of the village and the fisherman who went out to sea looked at the snow-white
figure. The head of the village trembled and said, "This time, there are more sons than sons.
If not sons, we would have died."

Listening to the head of the village, the villagers were stunned and looked at the dragon, how
could it be this gentle man who saved the lives of all?

A man's eyebrows were panicked and his face was full of color. "We met a sea animal. If not
for the Dragon Prince who killed the genie, we would have been buried in the fish belly."

The fishermen of the same trade began to talk about it one after another. People rushed to
thank Longfei. The aquatic animals kept silent and stood close to their lips. Sonny was
surprised and delighted. She surrounded Longfei with several girls and asked them in a
trembling voice.

"Where's my wife?" A faint voice sounded in the crowd, overwhelming all the noise."Yes, Mrs.

It was then suddenly discovered that the petite woman seemed to have disappeared earlier.

"Don't worry, son. Madam may be in the house..."

The village chief's words were not finished. Long Fei's face had changed. A sneer rose from
his mouth. "How could she still be in the house?"

When he spoke, his dark eyes, his cold tone and the voice of the crowd suddenly fell silent,
and everyone shivered.

The village chief felt only a cool hand, and something fell into his hands. His deep voice was
already several feet away. "Take care of it with great care."

The crowd was shocked and saw that the white clothes were vague. The Dragon Prince
disappeared in a twinkling. Looking at what is in the hands of the village, it is a fish that leaps
and jumps.

The village chief grinned bitterly and said, "The Dragon Prince said that he was going to cook
soup for his wife. At that time, all the fishing barrels were knocked over. If it hadn't been for
this fish, the Dragon Prince would not have been injured."

"He was injured?" Many people shouted out. Didn't they encounter animals? How can we
hunt in this situation? People are frightened and frightened. Who is the Dragon Prince? They
all blamed Mrs. Long for her strange temper.

Song Nie stamped her feet in anger. The girls in the village were urging her. The aquatic
students stared at her and sneered.

Xuan Ji dared not stop breathing slowly and her shoulder hurt painfully. Her heart wanting to
turn back grew stronger and thicker with the rain.

The distant waves slowly calm down, but the dark clouds are still heavy, the sky has become
a half-faint face "color", dark, rainwater hit the face, how to wipe away, eyes are greasy and

"You deceived me."

She was shocked and stiff for a long time before she slowly turned around. In front of her, the
man stared at her coldly. The snow-white clothes and the rain were pale red.

The rain was cold, but his eyes were full of raging fire.

Xuan Ji suddenly realized that he was not upset. At least she had been suspended for a long
time before he let go. He came back... Only, was he hurt? She shook hands and her heart
Fear of his anger, but still indifferently asked: "Yes. What?"

Longfei slowly smiled from his lips. "Not so much."

Xuan Ji was shocked. His figure had already swept in front of her. He did not speak. He just
took her into his arms and went on with his light work. She tried several times to ask him
about his injuries, but he never asked about her exit.

Sunrise in the East and rain in the west. Back near Taoyuan Village, the rain has subsided. He
let go of her and walked ahead in silence. She followed in silence.

Most of the villagers were still outside. When they saw the two of them coming back one
after another, they were all slightly surprised. SN went up and Gong doctor was worried.
"Dragon boy, let me dress your wound."

"Thank you." Longfei leaves his chin.

Sonny immediately ran back to the house with joy and diligence. She slightly stepped out and
laughed, "Daddy was injured, and Annie was dressed up too."

The village head's wife laughed and said, "Yeah, Annie is a good worker, and she can do
housework very well."

What does that mean? Do housework well, too? Xuan Ji bowed her head and smiled gently.
Is she a good worker? Doctor Gong is also here? If it comes to craftsmanship, who can match

The village chief looked at the dark aquatic life with a slightly sided face and looked at the
dragon. After the incident at sea, he thought that if the Dragon prince like Songni, he would
not object to Songni's following him.

Standing outside the crowd, Xuan Ji looked at Song Ni as she took off his coat and tied it up.
He is handsome and beautiful, but under his clothes is a good body, lean and strong, clear
texture. Some "women" and girls blush, don't go too far, but quickly and quietly look again.

"Go to Longhou Temple!"

Suddenly someone shouted out in the crowd, and then the voice immediately became

"The Dragon Prince is our hero, the Dragon Prince and SN goes to the Dragon Queen Temple!"

Nominally, she is his wife. Xuan Ji clasped her hand. She was separated from the crowd. She
listened to the voice more and more loudly. She watched the "color" on people's faces with
excitement and joy.

Song Nijiao lowered her head shyly and her hands trembling slightly on his chest and chest.
Long Fei did not say anything, but the eyes were extremely evil, lip line slightly raised.

Xuan Ji closed her eyes again and turned away.

After standing here for so long, listening to and watching the bustle, she just wanted to see
how deep his wounds were. Now it seems that she has no need to be here any more.

Night invaded the house and she did not twist the lights. Xuan Ji sat in bed, her body was
covered with sticky wet clothes, her shoulders were numb with pain. She smiled softly. She
deserved it, didn't she?

In everyone's eyes, such a woman is not a good wife. He's too good for her, isn't he?

But that's not the case. Forget about it, but feel like it's still there. She was tired of him. There's
nothing wrong with leaving. Keep together, who will suffer in the end? Who will be hurt
I'm sorry. But, in him, she did not find the courage to be sure.

Outside the window, the bonfire is brimming, and the bonfire by the sea is beautiful. People
seem to be reveling for the rest of their lives.

He and SN were there, too.

The pain came and the clothes were sticking to her body. It was very painful and cold. She
closed her eyes slowly. He didn't come back last night. Maybe he's already in love. Xuan Ji
woke up and smiled with the bright sunshine outside the window. After a simple wash, she
go out of the house.

After a few steps, she saw two people coming, talking and laughing. Oh, it's Longfeili and
Songni. His eyebrows were pale, but his mouth was smiling. His clothes had been changed.
Does he spent last night at the village head's house?
"Sister." Song Ni glanced at her. Although she was called, her eyes and eyebrows did not agree
with her.

"I've never had one of my own, not to mention brothers and sisters." She did not look at them.
She said it quietly and brushed past them.

You have never had anyone? Xuan Ji didn't know why she said that. She didn't even know
who she was...

She swam around the village, and the villagers looked at her with contempt. She laughed and,
apart from that, suddenly she didn't know what to do with herself. Not knowing how long she
had gone, she slowly turned back.

Longfei was in the house, some sounds came from the kitchen. Xuan Ji was felt strange. sHe
walked in and saw the Dragon staring coldly at a fish in the barrel. When he heard the noise,
he ignored it. Xuan Ji laughed at herself and walked back to the house.

When she saw something on the bed, she suddenly suffocated... That's Sunny's dress this


Why is it here? What did they do in this room?

Xuan Ji, sad in heart, went over and took the clothes in her hand. As soon as she returned,
Long Feili was coming out of the kitchen.

"Too happy to leave it here?" She grinned her teeth and sneered.

Long Fei changed his face slightly, but smiled faintly. Walking past her.

"Take your woman's things." Xuan Ji only felt that her grief and indignation would tear her
apart. sHe raised her hand and threw the clothes on his back.

Longfei turned around and glanced at the clothes on the ground. He said lightly, "I'm going to
go to sea. If you see a girl, give her back her clothes."

The tip of her tongue was bloody. Xuan Ji bit her lips and tongue. The pain in her heart was
still fierce. sHe tried his best and said with a cold smile, "Go to sea? Aren't you afraid I'll run
away again?"
Longfei sneered and said, "From yesterday onwards, I no longer cared. If Miss Nian wants to
leave or stay, I'll do as I please."

Xuan Ji was shocked and leaned tightly against the bed so that she could not fall to the ground.

"Take it away!" She cried out in a low voice, and the bitter pain in her heart almost drove her
tears out.

Long Fei turned, the colder the smile on his lips, turned around and went out without any

When the door closed, he stared at her and said with a light smile, "Nian Xuanji, I followed
you for a while yesterday before taking you back. Do you know what I was doing? I'm waiting
for you to come back. I'm waiting for you to come back.”

Xuan looked down and dared not raise her head. sHe was afraid to cry a tear in front of his

The door slapped hard.

Xuan Ji gritted her teeth, opened the door and ran out. His figure was at the gate of the yard.

She closed her eyes.'Isn't there a sea animal? You..." Don't go, three words, very simple, why
can't you say it stubbornly?

"I'm just going to find the beast and kill it, and save your life by returning it to the people in
this village." Longfei turned back, drew a deep ridicule in his eyes, and laughed, "Don't you
really want me to go to sea? I fulfilled your wish."

"You're crazy! Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I'm dead. You must be happy."

Xuan Ji was shocked all over, but there was a shy female voice outside the door. "Brother
Long, I'm ready for you. Come here, I'll dress the wound for you, and you'll start again."

Brother Long? Xuan looked back and froze at the dress on the ground. Her heart was silent.
sHe stared at Longfeili and smiled coldly. "Yes, I am happy when you die!"
Long Fei changed his face, his throat nodule moved slightly, his voice was crude and fierce,
"Take your good advice!" This time, he won't come to see her again. Want him to die? It's
against my will and I want to laugh.

She should have gone, not endlessly walking around the village. In the room with her breath,
she was in a panic, and the clothes on the ground hurt her.

Her head was heavy and her body was cold and hot. After he left, her strength seemed to be
drained away. She knew that she had caught a cold last night, that the wound had not been
properly managed, and that the inflammation had not been well.

In fact, when he told her that he was waiting behind her for her to turn back yesterday, she
wanted to tell him that she was doomed not to go out of the village, and that she would turn
back as far as she went.

Unfortunately, in the end, he arrived a step earlier and she was a step later.

Just, that dress... how could she tell him?

It was getting dark, so she went into the woods. The gloom around her was deep, and she
was a little flustered. Stand still, just want to go out, the front corner of the eaves aroused
her curiosity, seems to be a temple.

Suddenly she remembered the Dragon Queen Temple mentioned in the village and wanted
to go in and see it.

The temple was picked up very cleanly. It seems that the people in this village sincerely
worship the goddess. Standing in the doorway, her eyes stared, and she fell on the statue in
front of her. She was shocked.

Is this the dragon king Zixu? Red dress, sleeve standing, face like the full moon, a little cinnabar
in the forehead, beautiful face, mouth with a smile and voice, Huaguang "forced" people, is a
perfect "color" beauty.

Just, no, no! Xuan pinched his eyebrows. How could it be Zixu? she shouldn't be like this... She
whispered, bent down and felt headache and craving. She didn't know Zixu. How could she
know Zixu wasn't like this? What frightens her most is that she seems to have known the
goddess in red!

Suddenly her waist tightened and she was cruelly embraced in a man arms.
She was terrified, and a gust of fishy air came, but the man pressed her nose and mouth. She
could not call out, and she had taught him to carry her into the temple.

She was slammed to the ground. At the same time, she saw the other side's face and said in
horror, "It's you! What are you going to do?

The man sneered and bent over her.

The voice of silk cracking echoes in the temple of the Dragon Queen. The smiles of the gods
in the temple seem to suddenly fade away and look coldly at the evil.

"Don't touch me!"

"What your man did to Sonny, I'll get it back on you tonight!"

If she hadn't been injured or sick, she might have struggled with him, but now... he was a very
young man, her hands were pinned on her head by the water, his thick body was on her, her
hands and feet couldn't move an inch and a half....

Her body struggled wildly, but she could not escape his rage on her neck. The fishy smell, as
well as the man's ugly face full of desire and hope, Xuan Ji stomach rolled, nausea feeling
wrapped in a cold and hot body. Seeing his kiss and plunder spread to her breast and mouth,
she felt great grief and despair in her heart, struggling with all her strength.

"No, don't touch me, Long Fei-li, save me..." Long Fei-li, he did touch Song Ni, did he? If he
hadn't touched Sunny, how could she be so insulted by this man, but at such a moment, she
still thought about him, why should she still think about him?

"Well, it's from a big family. It tastes so good. Maybe it's much better than SN..." The man
muttered, his muddy eyes full of desire and hope. He caressed Xuan Ji's softness with one
hand and pulled off her trousers with the other.

"You go to die." The cold and furious voice was still swirling in the temple, and the naked body
of the aquatic red had been skewed.

The broken voice choked in her throat, but she couldn't shout. Xuan looked terribly at the two
arms separated from his body on the ground. The soft sword on the ground was cold and evil
until her trembling body was tightly clasped into his arms. In the "infatuated" blurred vision,
the man's bloody and painful eyebrows are twisted, and the hands around her waist and back
are trembling.
"Little seven, it's all right, it's all right..." Close the torn clothes of the woman in her arms and
dragon Fei ruthlessly and bloodthirstily flies over the dying aquatic life with fear and trembling
on the ground.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me..... "Broken arm, water painfully rolling his body, face full of fear
and panic of the"color".

If he had not cruelly suppressed the murder in his chest, Longfei knew that he had already
broken the humble man into pieces. Kill him? No, he won't kill him! He's going to take the
man back, torture hundreds of people in the uterus, and he wants him to die after he tastes
it all.

"Long Fei Li, you go! You go!" Xuan Ji then staggered to stand up, gritted her teeth and tried
her best not to cry out.

Listening to her cracked and hoarse voice, Longfei closed his eyes, the pain in his heart cut
every inch of the inner wall, and hugged her tighter. "Seven, I'm not going anywhere. It's my
fault. I shouldn't leave you behind."

"If you hadn't touched Sonny, how could this man... Long Fei Li, I hate you, didn't you say that
youwanted to stay? Then let me go!"

Why did not even remember, with him still so much grief, almost by violent fear, he and Song
Nie laughing in front of her, the clothes on the ground... Finally all the pain and hatred, under
her comfort, she can no longer hide, crying voice, completely disappeared in his arms.

Go? How could he let her go? Be respectful and self-deceiving and ridiculous!

In the Bixia Palace, when she pierced her heart with the sharp sword, he knew that he would
never let her go, even in prison or imprisonment, for the rest of his life.

If he could let her go, how could he stare at her in the sand, waiting for her to turn back?

But how did he push her into the present situation? She was almost insulted by the water
when he thought about it, and the rage and pain overwhelmed him.

Tightening her carefully, kissing her and shivering slightly on every tear stain on her face,
Longfei said with a bitter smile, "How could I touch her if I hadn't touched her?"
That dress was Sunny's intention to stay in the house. It was impossible for him to touch that
woman! She's all in his head. How could he touch another woman? There is no desire, only


“You lie to me, you lie to me again!" her consciousness began to blur. Xuan Ji "chaos" cried
low, pinched her fist and hit him.

Her face was haggard, her eyes were red and swollen, her body was so hot that she seemed
to be sick again. His heart ached so much that he wanted to talk to her, but he didn't know
what to say. Her little fist fell unconsciously on his wound and blood slowly oozed out. He
kissed her lips silently and deeply, just let her beat him.

"My heart hurts..." She said to him in kiss, and the voice and salty tears blossomed and
withered on his lips.

"I ache too." He gritted his teeth, laughed and tied her tightly in his arms. "If I knew that your
presence would bring me so many variables, I would surely kill you in the FJ Palace even if the
Queen Mother did not kill you."

Empress Dowager........ Xuan Ji, who has fallen into a dreary state, has no strength to guess
the identity of a man from this title. She has pain on her body, wide eyes, and only instinctively
chokes. "How can you feel pain? How can you hurt? My pain, you give me back, let me go..."

Think that if she loses her memory, they will be able to come back, but still can't? He knows
the pain in her eyebrows, but now she doesn't care about it. Long Fei-li laughed softly and
reached out to pick up the soft sword from the ground and put it on Xuan Ji's hand. "Xiao Qi,
your pain, I still want you. Today, I will give you back all the pain you have suffered. However,
I will not let you go, even in the next life! "

Xuan Zheng looked at the man with a hot, unexpected and sudden muffled voice, which she
had experienced once but was familiar with all her life. The dull mind suddenly came to its
senses with alarm.

He took her hand and put the sword into his chest and mouth. Xuan Ji was still looking at the
bright red rushing out of the white "color" shirt. His hand was still holding her hand tightly.

The hoarse voice burst out from her throat. Xuan Ji's heart was cold. Just now, her fear
wrapped around her body like a slippery snake. She held back the hand of Long Fei-li, who
still had a faint smile on her face. "This soft sword is made of cold iron for thousands of years.
My inner strength can withstand three swords..."

"No!" Xuan Ji shook her head in horror, gritted her teeth and looked at his wound. He stabbed
the sword so deeply that she dared not pull it out rashly. She said angrily, "You madman, LFL!"

Not knowing where the strength came from, she broke away from his hand and panicked, "I'll
take you to Dr. Gong, and we'll go now..."

His body was tightly clasped in her arms, pain made him frown slightly, but the eyes were
bright, he stared at her, word by word, said: "As long as there are two more swords, I can not
prevent you from staying."

"You..." Xuan Ji was frightened and angry, but he reached out and gently took out her face
and kissed her lips. His hands were stained with blood, and the bright red meandered across
her face and became flowers.

How else is she going? And this time she did not leave, she knew that there would never be
another chance, because it would only be more and more reluctant to give up.

This despicable man!

"Long Fei Li, you ruthless. I'm not leaving. I'm going to stay and kill you." She wiped away the
tears from her eyes and cursed him in a low voice. She tried to help him, but she couldn't help
it. Instead, he pulled her up with a slight pull.

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, and he was as bright as a spark. Xuan looked at the man
in dismay. Suddenly, her face became hot. sHe saw that he had pulled out his sword and the
blood springs were splashing.

He also did not hum a sound, long fingers like electricity, quickly placed several large
"acupoints" on his body to stop bleeding.

Xuan Ji bit her lip and said with a strong laugh, "Shout out the pain, I won't laugh at you."

Long Fei smiled and suddenly changed his face. He faded his red robe and covered Xuan Ji
with it. He held her horizontally and made light contributions to the forest.
"Let me down." The man was really mad. He suffered such injuries and acted like this. Xuan Ji
was angry and distressed. Long Fei stopped and the sword pointed straight at the crowd

Xuan Ji, who had already returned to the village, saw the crowds in disorder and
miscellaneous. It seemed that all the people in the village came out, and the aquatic face was
pale. Behind the head of the village, two young people supported him. Everyone looked at
them in horror.

Long Feili put Xuan Ji down. "Can you stand firm?" Depend on me."

Xuan Ji nodded quickly, grabbed his clothes gently and tried not to drop her weight on him.
Longfei said coldly, "Give him up, I don't mean to hurt people, but if anyone shelters the
animal, I will kill anyone!"

"What if you cut both his hands off?" A young man who has a good relationship with aquatic
animals bites his teeth and is bold and brave.

At this time, several men advised: "Dragon Prince, you have saved our lives, but the aquatic
punishment is enough -"

The village chief sighed and pleaded, "Please spare the aquatic life, and he regretted it too

Longfei frowned and sneered, "He bullied my wife. If I don't kill him, how can I wipe out the
humiliation of my wife today?"

SN walked up and said softly, "Brother Long, since SN is with you, she is also a compensation
for her sister's affairs. She can't live with aquatic animals. My father can't do it..."

“Who wants to be with you? Compensation? You don't deserve to pull my wife's shoes!"
Longfei did not look at her, but interrupted her coldly.

Song Ni's face changed greatly and she lost her voice and said, "What did you say?"

Xuan Ji was thinking about Longfeili's injuries. sHe was trying to persuade him to treat them
first, but she saw Longfeili twist his eyebrows slightly.

Suddenly, A fierce smile rang from behind. "The people's saw the emperor and his
concubine." Suddenly, it shocked the whole Taoyuan village.
Long Feili embraced Xuan Ji in his arms and returned to stare calmly at several black-clad men

It is Mu Rongpei and Mu Ronglin's brothers and sisters who are the leaders. A long scar on
Mu Ronglin's face stretched from her eyebrows to the other side of her face. She grinned
coldly. "I can't imagine that I'm not dead, but I've got more scars from my bridesmaid. Today
I'll return the favor of my empress."

Originally, when Murong Lin fell off the cliff that day, Murong Pei immediately also made light
efforts to rescue. Murong Lin's martial arts were very high. When she fell to the bottom of
the cliff, she taught the rocks to draw on her face. In great pain, she sobered up and wrapped
her belt around a branch which was sloping across the cliff. Murong Pei later saved her. They
followed the sea all the way and found Taoyuan Village.

Originally, Longfei Jin and others received the clues left by Longfei in the secret whistle, and
should also come to Taoyuan Village. Although he was deceived by xuanji, Longfei did not
forget her promise. Before going to sea today, the village chief sent letters to the secret
whistle and let Longzi Jin and others come back in the future.

Mu Rongpei smiled and said, "Sister, the emperor seems to have been hurt a lot. It's funny

"Not exactly?" When Mu Ronglin spoke, the five figures behind her had jumped to Longfeili
and Xuanji and attacked them, but two of them fell to the ground in mid-air with a loud cry.

Murong's brother and sister were awe-inspiring. Long Fei had seen Muronglin's strategy of
attracting enemies in the early morning. Before the action of the black man, he had secretly
buttoned a silver needle in his hand.

Murong Pei and Muronglin exchanged eyes, and the two men swung their swords together
to attack the past.

The people in the village are already in chaos. This Dragon Prince is the king of the country.

In the chaos, someone cried out with a trembling voice, "The Dragon Prince saved our life
from nature. If he is the emperor, we should protect him even more." In recent years, if the
emperor had not reduced or exempted taxes, our life would not have been as good as it is
Xuanji looked at the Dragon Fei Li. Was he really the emperor? In the shadow of the sword
and lightsaber, he took her in his arms to avoid the fierce attack, and took a few leaps of
breath. He had already left the village and came to the seaside.

"They can't be involved, can they?" Xuan Ji asked with a smile and said softly, "You seem to
be a good emperor."
Longfei was shocked. She understood him. "I've killed a lot of people," he said lightly.
"Well." She still laughed and leaned gently in his arms. The enemy was ahead.
"I'll make sure you leave safely tonight. Do you believe me?" He whispered in her ear.
"If you say that, the other side must be very strong." She knows all about it she is a women in
his arms.
"Long Fei Li, if we can, let's go together, if not, you go." Xuan Ji's nose was sour. sHe tore off
her dress and helped him to wrap up the wound which was constantly oozing blood. sHe
laughed and said, "You are the emperor. There must be many women. It doesn't matter if you
loss me."

She did not know how strong the other party was, but only that in the fierce battle he was
protecting her, his arm was stabbed by them. They laughed and said that he had reached the
end of the crossbow.

He glanced at the blood on his arm. At that moment, his eyes were cold and bloodthirsty.
Suddenly, his sword, like light and electricity, was so sharp that it seemed to dye the whole
world overnight.

he heard Mu Rongpei shout in anger and said to Mu Ronglin that it was the destructive way
of the famous JianShan Villa, called Chao "Lu" late Xin... He stabbed seven swords and
wounded seven other people at the same time.

The price is that he suffers the same number of swords himself.

The late period of "dew" is a moment of fanghua.
In the final analysis, it's just the same thing.

She did not know how far Taoyuan Village was from Taoyuan Town, but only knew that he
had been galloping with light merit after he was covered in red. He said, yes, she was safe,
but he was dying.

When he stopped, he fell quietly into her arms. Long Street, the lights are silent, the night is
already late.
In her arms, he had passed out in a coma, and she was actually exhausted, but now she could
not faint. She thought she couldn't bear him, but after many failures, she still carried him on
her back, taller and heavier than her.

she can't remember how many doors of the pharmacy were opened, but no one would cure
him. They all said that his life could not be saved. Who is not afraid that the dead will smash
the sign?


Tears wrapped in her eyes, she dared not let it fall, sometimes, once a moment of weakness,
they can no longer find the courage to know despair but still indomitable.

"Long Fei Li, don't die. If you die, I'll go." She spoke in disorder and choked, "Would you please
say a word to me? Would you please? I'm afraid of that."

Without a response from him on her back, she said to herself that he was so heavy that she
almost fell off her thin body. She sniffed, held him up and walked all the way. With her teeth
clenched, she opened a clinic at the end of the street. It was at the end of the street. She
would not save him even if it was here. She put him on the ground, wiped the tears that had
finally flowed down and patted the door desperately.

With a squeak, the door opened.

Xuan Ji did not say a word, and immediately knelt down in front of the middle-aged man who
opened the door.

"Please, please, save him."

The little man frowned, looked at the man on the ground, shook his head, and called in his
breath, "The blood is so bloody that it can't be saved."

He said he was going to close the door. Xuan Ji's heart was very sad, but her stubborn temper
suddenly came up. She stood up, held the doctor's arm tightly, and cried, "I beg you to save

The doctor sneered and scolded, "This is clearly the dead phase. You want me to cure a dead

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Xuan Ji said, his hands and feet were cold and his heart was in a state
of panic. He knelt down and began to kowtow. "I beg you."
"What's the matter, Lao Wu?" A woman stood out in her clothes.

Doctor Wu frowned. "It's all right. A mad woman brought a dead man to the doctor."

The woman looked at Xuan Ji, looked at her face covered with blood and murmured, "It's a

Doctor Wu flicked his sleeve and said, "You'd better go back and prepare for what's behind

Blood flowed down from her forehead and slipped into her eyes. Xuan Ji knelt on the ground.
Doctor Wu and his wife were going to cover the door. A harmful sword rested on his neck. A
cold voice rang in front of him. "Cure or not?"

The two people were shocked. Xuan Ji was shocked. Long Fei was standing on the door with
one hand and pointing his sword at Dr. Wu. A snow suit, all red and wet, no trace of white.

Doctor Wu gritted his teeth, trembled and wounded the man's bleeding cloth in front of him.
Mrs. Wu watched with trembling trepidation. Both of them looked at each other with a
trembling look: it was human beings who could endure pain to a limited extent, and the man
could not endure the pain caused by the two deadly wounds in his chest alone. It is impossible
for such an injury to survive.

Xuan Ji cunningly curled up on Long Fei-li's knee, raised his eyes and fixed the "color" like a
handsome white paper face. On his knee, their hands were firmly held together.

"Long Fei Li, I thought you were..." She whispered her fear in tears.

The pale and dry lips wriggled slightly. "I can't die yet. What will you do if those people come
after you and I die?" Although he had been supporting, he finally passed out in a coma.

He asked her to clean up the bloodstains outside, saying that although the other party was
not injured lightly, it was difficult to recover. Just to say, he closed his eyes.

At this time, Mrs. Wu gave her a gentle cry in the back.

Xuan Ji was shocked and took the sword that Long Feili held in his hand. Now it's her turn to
protect him! The hand that held the sword trembled slightly, but the voice was firm. "He
needs a place to rest."
Mrs. Wu was shocked. She stepped back and said, "Little lady, I'm not going to drive you away.
Looking at you like this, how can we do that immoral thing?"

Doctor Wu nodded and sighed, "Your husband is a man."

He returned and summoned a little doctor to come out and whispered to him to clear the
bloodstains outside the door.

Xuan Ji worshipped with tears and said, "Thank you for your two great virtues. If the enemies
come after me, I will certainly take my husband away and not tire you."

Woodman looked at each other and sighed slightly.

Doctor Wu looked at Longfei and said, "Mrs. Long, if he is serious, there must be a precipitous
moment. If the Dragon Prince can't hold up the two hours tonight, he's afraid of..."

Doctor Wu's words came true very quickly. Before long, Long Fei was all over with high fever.
He didn't even say a word. He woke up with his eyes open and only silently frozen Xuan Ji.

"Fool, is it worth it?" Xuan Ji laughed, but his tears fell again.

Wax torch ashes. Behind her, Mrs. Wu changed a new candle and took a look at her husband.
Doctor Wu's eyes showed that the Dragon Prince was shining back.

Longfei sat up from grinding his teeth and supported himself on his back with a bed. Even
when he died, he did not want her to watch him die weak.

"Don't cry when I give you something." When he put something gently into her arms, she was
stunned, but she saw his pale face reddening slightly.

Looking at the things in the palm of my hand... A small wooden comb?

His voice was tense. "Last night, when you were sleeping inside, I did it outside. It's not good.
If you don't like it, throw it away."

He was out last night?

"No, no, I like it. I like it very much. I can't throw it away!" Xuan Ji was anxious not to be held
tight. Her heart was filled with sadness and joy. The heavy weight made her want to cry only.
Comb the texture slightly, with words on it? She stared at it, recognizing every word.
“we... will..."

"Don't read!" He interrupted her in a gruff voice. Xuan Ji spits out her tongue and looks at him
with joy.

The words were imprinted in my mind, but my heart was in a sudden "chaotic" jump. we will
never be separated. No separation, no separation.

She quickly lowered her head and closed her eyes, blinking away her tears."Ugly, this comb is
so ugly." After a while, she looked up and scolded, "Why do you want to do this?"

Long Fei wrinkled slightly from his eyebrows, and seemed to still care about the phrase "Ugly"
Hair curling." He paused and said, "Give it to me."

Huh? Xuan Ji is so stunned that he dares to give her something, and the last beneficiary is

Xuan Ji was angry and laughing, but slowly sinking on his shoulders. She watched his head
resting on her shoulder, closed her eyes gently, and her smile was in her closed eyes. If you
can only walk here, in the end, you can remember to laugh, that's good.

Behind her, Mrs. Wu wiped her wet eyes.

"Long Fei Li..." Xuan Ji lowered her hand and wiped her tears, but the more she wiped, She
gripped the comb tightly and put it back in his arms, saying, "Wake up and send me back, if
you can't wake up, then I won't."

Doctor Wu twisted his eyebrows and looked at Xuan Ji's gray face. He wanted to tell Xuan Ji
that she did not have to wait any longer. It was cruel, but it was lighter than the sadness after
hope. Xuan Ji seemed to know what he was thinking. sHe turned around suddenly and
laughed. "We still have two hours."

Dr. Wu sighed and took his wife into the inner hall.

The candle on the table burst on a lamp and then "popped" out.

Xuan Ji also disagreed. His weight rested on her right shoulder. Her wound was very painful.
She just let him lean on it. After thinking about it, she broke up their hair. They picked up a
strand of each hair and tied it together again. She whispered, "Ah Li, can I tell you to leave?"
Because you're leaving me, you're not leaving me, you're deceiving me."
"Well, if you can't wake up, I'll take you back to the sea of Taoyuan Village, OK? You can't
always give people trouble here. I heard that some emperors died and many people were
buried with them. You are not so lucky. I am the only one to accompany you. Shall I bury you
with me? Well, I'm tired, too. You don't object. Let's make up our minds. I'm tired. I'm going
to sleep, or I won't be able to take you back."

"Little Seven, no way! You dare to do so, I - "Dragon Fei sat up violently, but held an empty

Sunshine came in from the window lattice, and he searched all around in shock.... All around
was quiet and empty. What about her?

He pressed his chest and shoulder, gritted his teeth, raised himself, and ran barefoot.

Medical Hall
Doctor Wu, who was in the process of diagnosis, took a look at the thin figure that was passing
in front of him and breathed slightly. That night, the Dragon Prince finally survived
miraculously, this man, by no means extraordinary!

He had been sleeping for two days, but his stubborn little lady, did not close her eyes after
that night. He could not help laughing at Xuanji, who was afraid of the heat, pinching his ears
and carrying the "medicine" soup shuttling through the hall.

Suddenly it was a shock again. Only a few people came into the hall. A group of men and
women, regardless of their appearance or temperament, were extremely "lustrous".
Suddenly, one of the clear and graceful women came running quickly and held tightly the tall
man coming out of the inner hall.

With a clear and crisp sound, the porcelain bowl in Xuan Ji's hand was broken to the ground.
At first glance, is she a beautiful woman, also a concubine in his palace? He woke up at last.
It's good... She should be happy. How could she still be so damn sad?

Without looking any more, Xuan Ji bent down to pick up the debris on the ground. A crisp
voice was surprised and said, "Sister-in-law."

Xuan Ji looked up in a daze and fell to the ground.

He was so anxious that he came out to look for her, but suddenly taught her how to hold her.
Long Fei was absent. His eyes were reflected on Xuan Jue's falling body. He was shocked and
pushed aside without thinking. He hugged Xuan Jue, who had passed out in a coma on the

Yuzhi, Qingfeng and others surrounded him.

"What happened to Jiusao?" Longzijin was in a hurry.

After receiving the notification of the secret whistle, they were ready to go to Taoyuan Village
immediately to find someone. Later, Longfei sent someone to inform the secret whistle to set
another date. Although it was only a few days, Longzijin and others could not rest assured
that they arrived at Taoyuan Village last night, but they were a few hours later than
Murongpei and so on. After listening to the villagers, they were shocked. They were afraid
that they had been injured. So they went to the Inn and hospital along the road and found it
all the time.

"Seems to be caused by excessive fatigue, Dragon Prince, how long did you fall asleep, Mrs.
Dragon will keep you for how long, wipe your body for you, boil"medicine"for a while, also
did not close her eyes.” Doctor Wu stepped forward and frowned slightly.

Long Fei left Huaizhong, Xuan Ji face was green and white. Everyone was surprised. Long Fei
grith his teeth. She was already so weak, but she did not rest. Is she a fool?

"Ah Li, Ah Li..”

"Seven, I'm here." The man answered in a low voice, and she opened her eyes sadly.
"Ah? Are you really here? Xuan Ji sat up and stared at the man sitting along the bed.
The man had taken her to his knee and scolded, "Tell me, why did you faint?"
Xuan Ji was stunned again. "You should ask Dr. Wu about this question. How do you ask me?"
Long Fei sank from his face and said, "Doctor Wu said you never had a rest."
"I dare not sleep,". She arched her head into his arms, but suddenly remembered his injury
and exclaimed, "Did it hurt you?"
Long Fei-li did not respond, but suddenly thought that it could hurt a little more.
Her small face was sharper and sharper, and her eyebrows were bleak. His heart was stifled
by her appearance.
"Why don't you dare sleep?"
“You ask knowingly." Xuan Ji was slightly angry, but she saw Longfei's face and felt even

"Don't you have a brain? Shoulder injury, also do not let Dr. Wu take care of it, let it burn! If
Mrs. Wu hadn't seen the wound on your arm and bandaged it for you, would you not have
ignored it?”
Xuanji looked at the man whose voice was getting colder and colder. When he stopped, she
was also annoyed. She took his arm and raised his sleeve. She opened her mouth and bit him
hard on his arm.

He did not move. He did not seem to be afraid of pain. Xuan Ji became more angry and bitten
hard. She felt the bloody smell on the tip of her tongue. She was shocked. She wanted to
make a mistake. She threw his hand away and moved her body. She wanted to crawl into the

Instantly, she was fished back.

Longfei glanced at the light red on his arm and said lightly, "Have you bitten it?"

Xuan Ji stared at him, bowed her head and did not speak.

"It's my turn."

"Don't bite me!" Xuan was shocked. sHe had just called for an exit, but He had hold her lips
and tongue. "Why are you so disgusting!"

His breath was in her mouth. Xuan Ji wiped the foam at the corner of her mouth vigorously
and scolded. Her face was red and hot.

"Nian Xuanji, why can't you save your mind?"

He's scolding her again! Xuan Ji hated his tone of voice and was about to scold him. His fingers
were gently cruising in her hair, and his deep words were twirling in her cochlea.

"When I woke up, you fell ill. What do you think of me?"

Xuan Ji used it in her heart, but disagreed with it on her face. sHe hummed and said, "How do
I know what you think?"

Longfei said softly, "Can't you see it?"

Xuan Ji looked up with suspicion, but saw him staring at evil places. In a twinkling of an eye,
he bent down, and the fierce fire had invaded her. Xuan was angry and buried her head in his
Several days of suspected gaps, serious injuries, life and death parting, to this moment is calm
down, sniffing each other's breath, both of them are intoxicated in their hearts, at this time
there is no doubt that the mind, hold each other tight.

After a while, Xuan Ji looked around and saw that it was a well-decorated compartment.
"Where is this?" he said.

"This is the other yard I bought in Yanxia County."

"Well, aren't we in Taoyuan County?"

At the top her hair, the man's voice was slightly unhappy. "You have slept in the coach for
three days, and we have arrived in Yanxia County."

She slept for three days... Xuan Ji vomited. She was so tired. No wonder he was angry.

But Long Fei was worried about Xuan Ji's brain congestion and decided to go to Yanxia County
immediately. No matter whether he found the Baijia descendants or not, he returned to the
palace immediately after a few days.

At this time, Duan Yuhuan had secretly sneaked over thousands of prohibited troops and
fought on the cliff. Xuan Ji said that although Murong's brothers and sisters did not know who
Bai Zhengfeng was, they knew that he was going to fight in Yanxia County and Taoyuan Village.
Although they were wounded, they were far worse than him. He expected that they would
follow him to Yanxia County and wait for the opportunity.

He has been searching for the whereabouts of Mu Rongpei's brother and sister and Bai
Zhanfeng by a county detective whistle. It's just that Yanxia County is very big. It's not easy to

Especially Baizhanfeng, which is hidden in the city.

Baijia, hidden for hundreds of years, has even abandoned its original surname, which is
extremely difficult to do.

"How is your injury?" They snuggled together for a long time. Xuan Ji couldn't help asking.

“It's all right."

Can the wound of eight swords be healed in five or six days? Luckily, Longfei was young and
had a very good body, so he could not die, but he was still badly injured.
Xuan Ji whispered, "You lied to me again."
"What am I kidding you about?"
Where Xuan Ji would believe that he had just wanted to show her his clothes when he faded,
but suddenly his wrist was cold, and it looked like a crystal white pearl.

"What is this?" She was slightly curious.

Long Feili helped her tie up the rope and said, "You told me that this pearl came from a
hundred-year-old Koi carp. murong pei is also fighting for the pearl, this is a treasure. I won't
let them get close to you again, so it's time for things to come back to their original owners.

"Is it a treasure? That's all for you. Xuan Ji was so happy that he had to break the thin rope of
his wrist.

Listening to her words, Longfei rose slightly from the corner of his mouth, because it was a
treasure, so they wanted to give each other, both of them were in the same mind, and could
not help but bow their heads and kiss her.

Quickly, Xuan Ji pushed aside and Longfei frowned. "What's the matter?"

"No, what about my stuff?" Xuan Ji urgently said, "Did the small box fall in Taoyuan Village?"

"Before leaving Taoyuan County, I had sent someone to take all the things back. I'll give them
to you when your body is ready." Long Fei left the indifferent way, he will find out what is
hidden there in the future, of course, this can not let her know.


Xuan Ji nodded with relief and kissed him happily on the lips. Long Fei looked at Xuan Ji and
smiled beautifully. She couldn't help but whisper, "Ah Li, you're here with me, isn't that girl

"Is she your concubine? How many concubines do you have?

Her voice was muffled, Longfei hugged her tightly and said, "She's not my concubine, she's -"

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, why are you still awake? Get up and play with Jade." Jumping,
someone pushed the door in, and strange way: "Hey, Jiuge, you are here too?"

She could see Xuan Ji sitting on Longfei's knee. They looked close and red on their faces. "Did
Yuzhi disturb you?"
Xuan Ji's face was also very hot, so she had to get up from Longfei. Longfei was not happy
about it. He criticized the jade and said, "As you get older, how come you don't understand
etiquette more and more? Go out!"

Yuzhi pouted her lips grievantly. Xuan Ji had already left Long Fei's: "What do you scold her

Although she can't remember Jade Chi, she is intuitively fond of her.

Yuzhi saw Xuan Ji guarding her and was bold enough to squeeze her eyes at LongFei.
Suddenly, she patted her head and said, "Jiu Ge, I saw Ruyi sister in the garden just now. Yuzhi
saw her holding a bowl of noodles, which was delicious. i asked her where she was going. She
said she would go to the study to find you, and would you like something to eat?" She said,
glancing at the table herself again. "What about noddles? oh, this is not a study.”

Noodles? Is it today... Long Fei's face has changed slightly.

Xuan Ji took a look at Long Fei and chewed her lips and lowered her head... Is that the girl in
the Pharmaceutical Museum, Xinyi? He seemed to have said just now that she was not his
concubine, but ……

"Yuzhi, you are here to accompany your sister-in-law, to talk to her to relieve her boredom,
before I come back, you must not go away, understand?"

Xuan Ji was shocked. Long Fei had let go of her and stood up to tell Yu Zhi.

Jade nodded and said, "Nine elder brothers, are you going to find Ruyi elder sister?"

Long Fei-li did not return to her, stroked Xuanji's face and whispered, "I'll go back, you wait
for me, let's have dinner together. I have something to tell you.

Is he going to find Xinyi? Xuan Ji's heart was astringent, and she said lightly, "Good."

When Longfei left, he took a look at Yuzhi. His warning was fierce. Suddenly, Yuzhi was
shocked, she suddenly realized what kind of foolish thing she had done.

She did not know the relationship between Ruyi and Longfei, but after the Yufu incident, how
could she not understand it? After the event, both Longzijin and Xia Sang warned her that this
matter must not be spread out, otherwise it would be very unfavorable to Longfei's
separation and success. Although she did not know all the things in the palace, the interests
between the Empress Dowager and the emperor were still vaguely clear.
How could she be so foolish as to say what she liked in front of Xuan Ji? Although she knew
Xuan Ji earlier, she liked Xuan Ji a lot more in her heart. Now... there's an accident!

She stamped her foot and ran to Xuan Ji. She tentatively shouted, "Sister-in-law?"

Xuan Ji smiled, pulled her down and said, "Are you his sister?"

Yuzhi remembered that Long Feili had mentioned Xuan Ji had lost her memory, her nose was
sour and she shook her hand.

After they talked for a while, Xuan Ji suddenly said, "Yuzhi, I haven't eaten for several days.
I'm a little hungry. Can you find some food for me?"

Yuzhi doubtless has it, "OK! You wait! Xia Sang is very good at cooking. I'll go and find him!"

Xuan Ji watched Yu Zhi go far before she got out of bed. sHe did not intend to drop her eyes
on the shelf beside the bed. sHe saw only a few men and women's clothes hanging on it. It
seemed that Longfeili spent the night here. Under the shelf is a small burden.

She was a little curious. When she opened it, it was her little box, a little book and a map. Not
knowing why, she took out the casket and the little book, put them in her arms, put on a coat
and went out.

Turning out of the corridor is the garden. Some summer flowers are blooming just right.

Because you want to see her as well, he let Yuzhi accompany her? Xuan Ji laughed, no, she
did not want to be accompanied, she preferred to go out.

Is there anyone in the garden?

The figure sitting quietly on the stone chair... is that Ruyit? How could she be here? She was
stunned and subconsciously wanted to go away.

"Niang Niang."

The soft voice came from behind. If she finds her, she can't just walk away. She turns around
and smiles.

"Niang Niang, come and sit down together, will you?” Xinyi Stand, her expression is earnest.
Xuan Ji hesitated for a moment and nodded. When they sat down, Xuan's heart sank. On the
stone table, Ruyi held something in her hands.

"This is -" she asked, her hands trembling violently on her knees.

Looking at the little wooden comb in her hands, Ruyi said, "Don't think much, Consort. Today
is the birth of a slave. The Emperor gave me a gift."

"Gifts?" Xuan Zheng looked at the small wooden comb. How many combs did he make? one
for each Woman in the palace?

Like being poured snow, her heart become cold and grim.

Wish to have one hearts, to never be separated.

This sentenced was repeated in her heart. The comb, she thought it could only be given to
one person, but she was wrong.

Seeing Xuan Ji's face pale, Xinyi felt unhappy and bitter, but she can't help feeling a little
disappointed. Even a comb, does Nianfei care about it? She will never forget Her grace for
saving her life, but Xinyi also want to accompany the emperor.

No! it's clearly the comb he has given her! It was also stained with a little dried-up blood. Did
he change his mind and refuse to give it to her again? Or, is Xinyi the person he actually wants
to give it to? That night, was it just a momentary "chaos"? Xuan Ji smiled bitterly and asked
in a low voice, "Miss Ruyi, is this really what he gave you?"

Is she questioning? Does Wen Ruyi not deserve a gift from him? sHe laughed at herself and
pinched the comb tightly.

"Yes," she said. “Niang Niang, you don't need to care, if your birthday come, he will certainly
give more precious gifts. Last time in the palace, it was just a leisure time. He rewarded you
with many treasures in the palace. Which one is not of great value? So, on your birthday, he
decided to -"

Xuan Ji stared at her comb, clasped her trembling hand, and interrupted her in a soft voice.
"Miss Ruyi, what is of great value is always valuable, but some things is invaluable and it’s
price can’t be estimated ."

"Wish to have one heart, to not be separated."

Suddenly, Ruyi looked at the small words, closed her eyes, and whispered, "it price Can’t be
estimated... Consort’s words have taught Ruyi something new."

"I don't have any money on me. There's nothing to give you." Her head hung low for fear of
letting Ruyi see the wetness in her eyes. Xuanji pinched herself severely. That was his choice.
How could she hate it? She whispered, "Happy Birthday."

Ruyi observes her expression and listens to Xuanji's voice choking, her heart can not bear,
thus holding XJ hand, she said: "Niang Niang, we will be good to each other in the future,
okay? Your kindness, you are Ruyi’s saviour, Ruyi-“

"Miss" Suddenly someone approached. He went up to them, saluted them, and said to them
in a respectful voice, "The emperor and the prince is setting up a small banquet in the
backyard to invite the miss to come over."

On the day Xuan Ji fainted and the two of them met again, he had told her that Ziwei would
have to send her back to the palace. She has leaved the palace for many days. If the Queen
Mother was suspicious, their situation would be dangerous.

She told him it was okay. She had used Ziwei to send a letter to Jixiang telling her that she
was in bad health. She went to the suburban courtyard of the Emperor's Capital to rest for a
few days. The courtyard was bestowed by the Empress Dowager herself, and Ziwei had to
disguise herself and stay in the courtyard.

Tell him that her birthday is coming and she wants to stay with him for a few days. Their
birthdays are very close, she first, he later, in previous years were together.

He gave her his consent. He was still seriously injured, but decided to go to Yanxia County

Xuan Ji had been sleeping all the time. He bought several other carriages and allowed other
people to ride separately, but He and Xuan Ji had one by themselves.

On the way, when they encounter a lake, he drew water himself, and quietly returned to the
carriage. He himself... Washed Xuan Ji's body?

She often thought that Xuan Ji had been sleeping all the time. What was he doing in the
carriage alone? Just guarding her like this, no sound?
On the cliff, he would give her his arm, but jumped into the sea with Xuanji. Although she
knows that he is highly skilled in martial arts, she is worried about his safety. In the days when
she lost his trace, she was so afraid that she strangling breathlessly every day. If he had cut
himself off at that time, maybe he would not have suffered such a danger, but she would not
have given up on him.

Xuan Ji's grace and kindness, Ruyi thought, he wanted to repay her, but would his act annoy
her? Fortunately, this little wooden comb told her... His heart.

"Niang Niang, let's go together." Grasping Xuan Ji's hands Ruyi say earnestly.

Xuan Ji shook her head and squeezed a hard smile. "Go ahead, I'd like to sit here, go quickly,
don't let him wait."

Seeing that Xuanji was determined and unwilling to force her, Ruyi left after being permitted.


Flowers blossom beautifully and fall to the ground. Among the fragmented petals on the
stone table, there are some small stones with sharp edges. Xuan Ji picks up two stones and
plays the game of throwing stones.

The falling stones were always impossible to follow. She scratched her finger out of a deep
mouth in a hurry. Xuan looked at the blood falling into the table and dyed the bleak fallen
flowers gloriously.

One small word became clear in the brain. Xuanji grinned and thought about it. After some
changes, she pointed to the blood on her finger and stroked gently on the table.

After writing, she looked at the bright red on the table for a long time. The injury on her
shoulder seemed to have been taken care of for her. sHe only had a little itching, but suddenly
felt great pain on her head. After all, she could no longer suppress her mood. sHe turned and
ran out of the garden, followed the road, and then walked to the gate of the house.
It's quiet here, but the backyard is very busy.

In her mind, the simple comb swayed, and her mind was painful. Xuan Ji cried bitterly and ran
out of the house with her head caressed in her hands. sHe just wanted to drive the pain away.

There were not many shops in the street. Long Fei chose this house in a secluded place. The
evening was at the end of the depression, and it was night in a twinkling of an eye.
Ten purple shadows leap lightly and follow behind Xuan Ji eagerly.

The crowd exchanged their eyes, and two Ziwei went to Qian Xuanji to take them back. One
hundred of them were transferred from the emperor with thousands of banned troops, who
were stationed in the suburbs, while they were responsible for guarding around the house.
They did not interfere in the activities of any of their masters, but only secretly protected
them. Among them, the Ziwei near Xuan Ji was the most dispatched by the emperor. There
were more than ten of them, all of whom were death guards.

A green shadow, shaping slightly, has fallen in front of a crowd of Ziwei.

"Go back, I'll follow her."

Xuan Ji ran a stagger and fell to the ground. She laughed bitterly and was about to stand up.
One hand was handed to her.

She was puzzled and looked up, but she was a handsome young man in green clothes. His
eyes were cold, but it were slightly strained.

"You are..."
"Qingfeng, the emperor is my brother." Teenagers are impatient.

Xuan Ji had a face-to-face interview at the Yao Museum that day. Although Xuan Ji did not
remember clearly, he still had some subtle impressions.

"Thank you." Xuan Ji put her hand in the man's hand, and QF lifted her up with a gentle force.

They were still holding hands together. Xuan Ji felt that the big palms of QF were hot and wet,
and a layer of sweat appeared. He held her hand tightly and even scraped the cocoons into
her soft skin. But he did not let go, and she was embarrassed to break away. They stood silent
for a long time.

Finally, Xuan Ji had to say, "Well, I'm up, thank you."

Only then did QF come to its senses, like touching a hot potato and throwing her away.
Xuan Ji is bitter and funny. He's really a strange man.
"Qing... Feng, I'll take a stroll and go back later." She whispered a farewell greeting.
"Well." The teenager squeaked coldly.
After a few steps, Xuan Ji was slightly strange, and he was still following her
"Don't you go back?" Xuan Ji sighed and said.
"I'll follow and protect you." QF tossed a sentence.
Xuan Ji was in a blue mood and didn't want to be followed, but she was embarrassed to
refuse, so she said, "Thank you."
They walked back and forth to see the sparse shops in the street rising.

"Nian Xuanji." Suddenly, QF voice came from behind, with a low voice, "I know you are not
Xuan Ji said, "How do you know?"
"Leave me alone." She was interrupted by QF, and there was a slight peeped-through anger
in her heart. He was in the garden all the time.

He accidentally came out and saw her turn out of the corridor, she talked to Ruyi, She wrote
on the desk. He could see behind the pillar. He was going to walk away, just staring at her,
but he was... Unable to move.

He was startled in his heart and was about to go away, but he saw her pale color and decided
came out. He could not help following her.

Xuan Ji was still stunned, and QF voice came back "Go back."
"I'd like to walk a little longer. You go back first." Xuan Ji's words are so eloquent that the hot
breath is beating in his ears.

"Ruyi girl is a good woman. Don't be too ambitious. You must not betray my brother."
Xuan Ji was shocked, but in a twinkling QF was beside her, talking in a deep voice.
"Betrayal?" Xuan Ji chewed the word and did not understand the meaning of Qingfeng dialect.

"My mother thought my father had a woman outside, and she later... had an affair with other
men, and my father killed her and left with her. My brother is very kind to you. You can't
betray him. Do you understand?” At the beginning QF lowers his voice, but when it comes to
the final sentence, his tone suddenly stifles.

Xuan Ji shocked, although she forgot QF, but just talked for a moment, but there is a kind of
feeling, this is a man who hides himself very deep. She didn't want him to say that to her.
After all, it was a disgraceful sad thing. How could he tell her? Is it because LFL that the two
met very deeply before? In fact, how can Xuan Ji understand the complex and contradictory
psychology of Qingfeng at the moment? She is afraid she can't understand.

When he was young, he experienced drastic changes. Nature was silent and perverse. Long
Feili had great kindness to him, and they had a deep friendship with each other. Later, he
found that he liked Xuan Ji, but this woman that is never destined for him. she and his most
respected people is together. he is joyful and painful, so he bitterly suppresses his feelings,
but in the Yanyu building, he saw Xuan Ji smiling at Fengzhanbai, and then caused the dispute
between Longxiuwen and Na Tian Lang.

The other side is a dragon, he can his brother, can silently guard, but if other men, he can not
help not be jealous, so there is hidden anger: why she likes other men, but can not like him.
So he loved, but could not help resenting Xuan Ji.

"Qingfeng, what do you do?"

It was not until Xuan Ji's cry that Qingfeng realized that he had grasped Xuan Ji's shoulder
tightly. He's crazy. How could he tell her about his life? Even now.

But it was also for this reason that he had always been worried about the feeling of landing.
Long Fei's hands he knew, she fell off the cliff, but he thought she was dead, she was still
good. In a panic, he pushed her away in panic.

"Unexpectedly the emperor's women and guards had such a leg!" The sneer of ridicule rings
in the back, and QF carelessly fails to realize that the other party is close to him.

He quickly turned back and pulled Xuan Ji behind his back. He looked at the strangers coldly,
but there were two men in black. He slowly pressed his hand on his waist and wore a sword.
He was going to kill them if he spoke to them.

"Just for you, not yet!"

With a laugh, two more people jumped out from behind the inclined house. QF and Xuan Ji
were shocked. They were Mu Rongpei and Mu Ronglin! Qingfeng grasped the handle of the
sword and was frightened and angry. The two black-dressed men were all right. The two
brothers and sisters'martial arts could only be fought against Longfeili. He was really damned.
Why did he send Ziwei back? Ziwei has a large number of people and is also a defender.
Although it is not an opponent of Murong Pei and others, it is absolutely no problem to
entangle these four people and let Xuan Ji escape.

A man in black fell to the ground injured, Xuan Ji was in a great hurry, and a person was injured
by QF, but he had been injured on his shoulder and back. The shadow of the sword was
dazzling with chaos. Although she did not know martial arts, she also saw that QF could not
support her. If this goes on, he will surely die!

She gritted her teeth and held up the sword of the black-clad man on the ground. Murong Lin
jumped out of the circle and hid her mouth and smiled. "Oh, will our concubine join us?"
QF was distracted, and Mu Rongpei was taught to stab a sword on his shoulder, sweating and
bleeding on his clothes.

Xuanji sneered and said, "I have no martial arts in my body, but you don't end me with a single
sword, because you want to catch me alive and use it to threaten that man, do you?"

Mu Ronglin was shocked when she was told that she was the centre of the matter. Then she
said coldly, "What is it?"

Xuanji moved, and her sword was across her neck. "Put him back to the letter, or I will kill
myself immediately. You can choose to use my corpse to intimidate the dragon."

"You!" Mu Ronglin was furious. She hated Xuan so much that she could not help tearing her

Mu Rongpei snorted coldly and retracted the deadly sword handed to the heart of Qingfeng.
Qingfeng supported the ground with the sword, only then could he stabilize his body which
was about to fall to the ground.

His face was covered with sweat and blood. He stared at Xuan Ji tightly. He looked at Xuan Ji
painfully and cracked his eyes. He asked her to save him in this way!

In the night, a carriage is racing.


Inside the carriage, glancing at Xuan Ji, curled up in the corner with a headache and crying
bitterly, Mu Rongpei smiled and said, "Linmei, this woman seems to have brain disease."
Mu Ronglin's eyes were gloomy and she sneered, "So it hurts? Would you like to have a taste
of life rather than death?
Mu Rongpei was shocked and questioned, "Didn't you receive a letter from the man in Didu
saying that we only killed the emperor and left the woman alive? Is it still useful for him?"
"Just leave her life, as for her face..."

Cake, longevity noodles, sake. Simple as it is, it is an annual meeting, with a thin taste of wine,
a slight red cheek, a smile from Longzijin, and a pour of wine for Longfeili and Ruyi. Glancing
at Longfei,Ruyi can't help holding his hand under the table.

An anxious voice came suddenly and mixed with a scream of crying. "Nine elder brothers, no
good, Qingfeng was seriously injured, and sister-in-law... you come quickly!"
The petite figure flickered and disappeared at the gate of the backyard. Surprised, Longfei
lifted his clothes and swept them out.

In the garden, Duan Yuhuan's face was anxious, and Yuzhi cried out anxiously. QF was bloody.
He leaned on Xia Sang. When he saw Longfei Li, he broke away from Xia Sang. He knelt down
before Longfei Li and whispered, "Sir, I can't stand you. Nian Xuanji was captured by Murong

He said that he wanted her to wait for him to have dinner together... Like in Taoyuan Village,
he once again left her behind. Longfei closed his eyes heavily, clenched his fists, swung hard
on the stone table, but the handwriting on the table was red.

Summer dinner,
Let's sing a cup of green wine.
Best wishes to Chen San-yong:
I wish Lang Jun a thousand years old.
Two wishes for a healthy concubine.
Three wishes are like carving swallows on a beam.
You two often meet.

Looking at this little poem, Longfei was shocked all over his body. In a moment, his heart was

In addition to QF, people stared at the words on the table in surprise, but suddenly touched
the fierce and violent eyes of Longfei. "Why did she go out?"

Ruyi Smile bitterly and bite her lips, "Maybe it's because the emperor sent Ruyi the wooden
Long Fei laid his arm on Ruyi hands, and his eyes were bloodshot and terrible. He asked word
by word, "What wood comb?"

Yanxia Town is the County Council of Yanxia County. It is very busy and lively. It is not inferior
to the Emperor's Capital of Lust. This is Yanyun Tower, one of the most famous restaurants in

"Oh, little brother, are you not afraid to drive away all the guests with such a mournful face?"
Standing at the door of the shop, the sophomore laughed a few times and said in a respectful
voice, "Hello, Miss Qingluan."
Miss Qingluan is a big household in the town. Who is not in awe of three points?
sHe looked at the two men who were walking behind the Green Luan and laughed all over
her face. "Zhanbo is a good boy. He is eager to see him. May 4th is coming too."

Miss Qingluan and Prince Shuwang are brothers and sisters with Yan's surname; Prince
Zhanbai's surname is Fengjia, the richest household in Yanxia County, which is the same name
as Baijia. Only when Fengjia always acts in a low-key way, can it give the appearance of Baijia's
momentum above the Wingjia. However, Baijia finally falls into a state of fame, with people
scattered, and the owner's son is even more ignorant. Trace. But it's not as solid as this, not
as famous as the wind house!

Qingluan laughed and said, "Little brother, have you left us a room?"

The second child grinned bitterly, "How can this best compartment not be kept for you? Just
now, a group of black-clothed villains came and took up the land without asking about it. The
shopkeeper went and said, and gave them a beating.

Qinglu said softly, "Are there any unreasonable people like this? The girl in this room will take
back what she says! "

As soon as she put on her skirt, she went to the second floor.

Bai Zhanfeng and Yan Shuwang looked at each other and laughed, their spleen was indifferent
and gentle, but they did not have to ask for that room. They just hurt people, but they could
not sit and watch.

The May 4th muttered, "If this aunt-“

"May 4th, don't think I didn't hear what you were talking about, man, I'm not a man --" she
said she looked at Fengzhanbo quietly, her face was red, Yan Shuwang laughed, and patted
the shoulder of Fengzhanbo.

Bai Zhengfeng smiled faintly. Qingluan's heart was clear to him that his parents liked her very
much, but as for him, only the friendship between brothers and sisters. Besides, he
subconsciously "touched" the upper side of his chest to shoulder.

Several people were able to go up, and Qingluan did not talk. He directly lifted the curtain
and went in. There was only one table and six people, all dressed in black. Strangely enough,
one of them had a bamboo hat on his head. The black veil hung down and covered his whole
Qingluan sneered.'Who else do I say? It turned out to be ugly."
The middle-ranking person is Mu Rongpei's party. People are preparing to eat. Mu Ronglin's
face is not covered up. It is necessary to know that the women are very fond of her
appearance. When she listens, she is furious and claps her hands. A hot tea on the table has
poured away to the green luxuriant.

Qingluan blunt mouth, body shape evaded.

"Insect carving skills, but Er -" she did not finish, a scream has been sent out from the throat,
see another hot tea poured from the other side, it is Mu Rongpei's hand, just a little trick.

Murong's and others laughed, flipped their fingers, and saw that the Blue Luan was
unavoidable. A sudden blow of the palm wind came, but it was not so fierce, but it was just
right to count the tea back. Muronglin's heart was cold, and immediately dodged, and the tea
sprinkled on the person with bamboo hat beside her.

The water was hot and the man was silent. Bai Zheng's Maple frowned slightly.

Mu Rongpei was shocked that his ancestors were from Xianyantai. After that, they were
greedy for the prosperity of the world and betrayed Xianyantai. The martial arts they had built
failed to reach the inkstone.

But depending on the Wushu foundation of Xianyantai, he has not met any enemy since he
walked in all directions, except Longfeili. Unexpectedly, there are people here who have such
high martial arts skills.

Over there, Mu Ronglin had changed her face and looked at the man in white with surprise
and suspicion.

This man is Bai Zhanfeng. He had no intention of causing trouble, but when he saw the other
side's fierce hand, he was slightly angry. The tea was boiling hot, and he was also provoking
"shooting" into the face of Qingluan. If he hit the spot, he was afraid that he would suffer.

The Murong brothers and sisters are the people who are always ready to report. They stretch
out their hands and move several times. They change their eyes, and their hands have been
pressed on the hilt of the sword.

Blue Luan blushed and said angrily, "Are we afraid you won't make it?"

Bai Zhengfeng looked at each other lightly and suddenly looked at Yan Shu next to him and
said, "The man wearing bamboo hatches has been ordered Dumb Point 2. Look, please go
and solve it."
"Don't you dare to come here?" Mu Rongpei sneered and stabbed BZF with a sword. BZF
smiled slightly and the sleeve flicked gently, pushing the green Luan away.

His figure shuttled through the crowd, and he took all the tricks of Murong's brother and sister
and the three black-clad men, so that Yan Shuwang could explain the locked accupuntur point
for the strange bamboo-hat man.

Hands brushed on the bamboo hatchet, Yan Shu looked at Yilin, this is a... Woman?

Qingluan was curious, hey, hey, and laughed. He had deceived her, reached out and
uncovered the hat of the bamboo hatter.

She immediately cried out, and her face was frightened and "ghost!"

Under the hat, the man's silk shawl is a woman, but how they make him look like that?

The knife marks on both sides of her cheeks are striking, and the most frightening thing is her
face covered with gray patterns, which resemble the vines of plants. Her whole face is like
teaching flowers and plants to wind on it!

Yan Shuwang was shocked, and even Bai Zhanfeng in the battle turned around and looked at

"Lin Sheng."

With a slight choking sound, a great earthquake in BZF and a double sword stabbing Murong
Pei into the important position in the chest and mouth, he almost forgot to avoid it. Perhaps
this is indeed the most turbulent time in his life.

The person whom I miss day and night appears in front of me like this, and there is nothing
else to say, even if it is not his name...

If only as first seen.

At first sight, she was among thousands of people, in the crowd, gently calling him.

He fought with several people, although the other side acted viciously, but it was a meeting
by chance. He didn't want to hurt people, so he didn't do his best. At first sight, under Xuan
Ji, he just wanted to come to her and see her.
When he had a good hand, 10% of his internal strength was used up, and the wind was
everywhere. Murong Pei and others felt only a fierce hurricane coming and were forced to
open up as many as possible.

The white clothes shook, but BZF had come before Xuan Ji.


He stared at her face in dismay. Yan Shuwang and Qingluan were all surprised. Bai Zhanfeng's
face is very pale. The three of them had been together for 20 years. Where had they seen
such a crazy and angry expression on his face.

"Did they do it?"

Hearing his question, Xuan Ji looked askew as if trying to remember something, but finally
shook her head timidly and said blankly, "I don't know..."

How tightly should the hand in the sleeve hold in order to restrain oneself from embracing

Bai Zhengfeng smiled softly, but his anger and pain had surged up his throat. He wanted to
say a comforting word to her, but his throat was shaking, but he couldn't hold his breath.

Behind it, the 54th shouted, "Master Shuwang, Miss Qingluan, don't come to help yet?"

But Mu Rongpei and others wanted to attack Baizhanfeng. Knowing his young master's
martial arts, he had been standing at the door as a passer-by's armor and rushed to attack it.
At that time, it was dangerous.

Yan Shuwang looked at BZF with a stern look, greeted the voice of Qingluan, and Qingluan
responded. He bit his lip and looked at ZF with a glance..... My heart was slightly disturbed.
Did my cousin know this destroyed-looking woman?

Must be self-distracted, she is so ugly, how can cousin have any trouble with her? As soon as
she was in high spirits, she quickly joined the battle.

"Are you Lin Sheng?" Xuan Ji looked at ZF in fear and trembled back.

She shook her head and shouted a person's name desperately, but it was no use... She was
forced to open her mouth, pungent "medicine" powder penetrated her mouth, cold knife
back tapped on her face, and then...
"Ah -" She held her head and bent down, and said in a dumb voice, "No, no, no, no pain, no,
no Long... What's your name, I can't remember, save me, don't want to drink, I'm so painful,
why don't you come to save me?"

What have they done to her! What about her husband?

Bai Zhanfeng clenched his fist, his heart ached, he bit his teeth, but finally he could not hold
back. He marched forward and hugged the shrunken woman into his arms. Her body trembled
in his arms.

"Lin Sheng, are you Lin Sheng?" Suddenly she popped her head out again and asked carefully.

On the streets of Emperor Du, such words and laughter, such elves and crafty. She called him
Big Brother with a furry laugh. Now, from her scattered eyes, he knows clearly that she has
forgotten him and that her mind is wrong. Maybe she's crazy.

He doesn't know who Lin Sheng is, maybe a person who looks very similar to him. he is an
important person in her life. He doesn't care who Lin Sheng is, as long as she is happy. But she
will never smile again. If life is as good as first sight, if she can still be as happy as that time,
then he would rather not see again.

"Rotary brother," he patted her trembling body gently, and he still called her as if he had met
her for the first time, because in fact he did not know her name, nor did he need to know her
name at all.

She is not different because of a different name.

Xuan Lian looked at the pear blossom-like white smile of a man.

For the first time in 23 years, people have tasted the salty and astringent taste. Bai Zhanfeng
smiled and hid the slight moist corners of her eyes in her smile. he said softly, "Xuan Di, you
wait, Big Brother will help you kill these bad people, and then take you back to the capital to
find your husband, okay?"

"Husband, what is Husband?" Xuan Ji asked dully, "Go back? Go back and do what? It's not
me in his heart.”

When they met, he knew the man's martial arts is very good. No wonder his wife is allowed
to be bullied and hurt. He never put her in his heart.
Bai Zhanfeng holds the people in his arms tightly, but his eyes have been lightly stained with
the cold darkness of killing. The shirt in front of his chest suddenly taught him a little strength
to hold it tight. He lowered his head, stroked her hair and listened to her low murmur.

"Lin Sheng, can you help me get the beads back?"

"Beads?" Bai Zhengfeng is a little dismayed.

Xuan Ji thought he was unwilling to help her. sHe carefully explained to him, "I have nothing,
no comb. The pearl is my treasure. I only have it. Lin Sheng, can you help me?"

In fact, as Bai Zhengfeng speculated, Xuan Ji at this time is like a piece of white paper, and
even the latest memory has not been remembered.

When the blade fell on her face and blood was running down her neck, her head and face
were torn and shattered, but no one would come, whatever she called. No one will come.

The already thin image was cut out frame by frame with the pain of the knife after knife.

Finally, all she could remember was a beautiful woman holding a shallow comb and smiling
happily. A voice said that the emperor had set up a small dinner in the backyard to invite the
girls to come together.

Also, there was a person who put the beads in her hands, and the temperature of their skin
touched for a moment. She seemed to remember what the man said, because it was a
treasure, so she gave it to her. But she can't remember who that man is anymore. She has
only this bead.

"That man wants to rob my pearl, I have to protect it, but I can't beat him, Lin Sheng, I can't..."
She said quickly and urgently, suddenly tugged her high sleeves to show Bai Zhengfeng.

The bloodstains on that arm... repressed in the chest of anger and resentment burst out, Bai
Zhanfeng looked coldly at Mu Rongpei, only to see a bead shining on his wrist.

This is the Pearl he gave her in Cuiya House! So this is the bead she said? After the fury, Bai
Zhanfeng felt the emotion could no longer be suppressed. He gently kissed Xuan Ji's forehead
and said in a tight voice, "Wait for me." The voice dropped and the fight broke out.

Yan Shuwang was already at a disadvantage. As soon as BZF came, the situation immediately
"Qingluan, you go and watch her." The latter raised his palm lightly and sent the Blue Luan
out of the battle circle.

Qingluan looked at Xuan Ji, who was sitting on the ground playing with beads, and her heart
sank slightly.

Later, a group of black clothes came to teach those people to get away, but also took the
beads from the man's wrist to his cousin. My cousin said that poor Kou Mo chasing, but her
cousin's eyes, she has a feeling, he will not do so.

My cousin never caused trouble, but this time.... He immediately ordered May 7 to find the
carriage. It is a simple matter to find the carriage. Don't say that Yanxia Town is the whole
Yanxia County. How many shops are windy? Just one third.

Not only was the woman ugly, but she seemed to have some brain problems.

He looked at her so tenderly that she remembered the words "lover". No, impossible!

She was in a hurry. She just wanted to ask her cousin about their relationship. Yan Shuwang
smiled and said, "May 7 is back."

The luxurious and comfortable carriage is parked at the gate of the back yard of Yanyun

He's taking her back? Qingluan bit her lip and said, "Is it necessary to use a carriage when my
aunt's house is not far away?"
"Come out today, don't you call yourself tired?" Yan Shuwang is funny.
"Then why did we come out without a carriage, and now this ugly girl has one?"
Wuqi Pi smiled and said, "Miss Qingluan, who won't give you a ride in a carriage?" There are
many in your family, too!"
"You!" Green Luan stamped her feet. She complained to her cousin about this. she was just
about to take Xuan Ji into the carriage with BZF in the corner of her eye. It seemed that she
had not noticed her words at all.

She gritted her teeth. Yan Shuwang frowned and said, "What are you doing, Qingluan?"
"Men and women do not accept relatives." Blue Luan Road.
"This girl is also pitiful, it looks like the old friend of BZF. What's your anger?" Yan Shuwang
"You!" Staring at Yan Shuwang and 571 eyes, Blue Luan angrily hummed “don't go
Xuan Ji saw that she was going to get on the carriage, shook her head and drilled into Bai
Zhengfeng's arms. "No, I'm afraid."

Those people must have tormented her in the carriage. Bai Zhanfeng was very nervous and
said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, it's my carelessness."


He thought about it, put Xuan Ji down, he bent down and said, "Xuan Di, I'll carry you."

Finally, not only Blue Luan, but also Yan Shuwang and May 7 looked at ZF in surprise.

Bai Zhanfeng lifted Xuan Ji on his back and laughed, "Look out, you three go back in a carriage,
so you won't waste a lot of trouble."
"Cousin, I walk too!" Green Luan grinds her teeth again.

Bai Zhanfeng chose some quiet paths to walk. At dusk, the grass along the river bank was also
reflected in orange.

On the way, although there were not many pedestrians, there were also many. When I saw
them, I stopped and even looked at them for several times. I was shocked to see who was
wearing bamboo coriander black yarn on the back of BZF. Looking at the slender figure, it
seemed like a woman.

Fengjia is the wealthy household in the county, Fengzhanbai is the only son in the family. After
dinner, who in the county wonders which girl is so lucky to marry Fengjia. He hears that the
county keeper also intends to marry him with thousands of gold, but later he refuses to teach
Fengjia gracefully.

Yan Jia and Feng Jia had been very close, and they were in-laws with each other. In this street
market, they guessed that the young lady of Feng Jia was the right and wrong Miss Yan Jia.

Yesterday, Bai Zhanfeng did not pay any attention to it, but Xuan Ji was very afraid and shrank
to his neck.

She is not afraid of him! Small movements, Bai Zhengfeng heart but can not help but rise
bursts of joy, two people close, breathing, breathing smells, Bai Zhengfeng suddenly thought,
this section of the road may be as long as possible.

Xuanji lie on the back of BZF and ask in a low voice, "Where are we going now, Lin Sheng?
"Go home."
The man's smiling voice came from the front.
"Do you know where my house is?"
"Big brother's home, it will be yours later."

What does cousin mean by this sentence? Yan Shuwang and May 7 looked at each other, and
both of them could see the shock from each other's eyes.

Although some things have not been seen with one's own eyes, but associate with all kinds
of emperors, the May 7th is a little vague understanding of the childe's mind.

Qinglu paused and sneered, "That ugly girl just has hair on her face. She has a brain problem.
She's not a foot twitch. What do you want her cousin to back her?" This tube saves lives, but
also feeds and shelters? How long will it take to eat and live?

Yan Shuwang smiled and said, "You know that she has brain disease. How can you tell if it's
ugly or not?

May 7 sighed, "Miss Biao, this girl is not ugly, looks very good, you are not the old ugly girl
ugly girl calls others."

Qinglu whispered, "May 7, you've been with your cousin since you were a child. You're the
cousin's personal caddy. Who is this woman?"

At this time, Yan Shuwang's voice came softly.

"Blue Luan, war maple coma,"coma"those days, you say who is calling in his mouth?

"Xuanji, it's coming soon. I'll take you to my parents. They are all kind and kind people. Don't
be afraid. The poison and injury on your face, my eldest brother will certainly find a way to
help you cure it." Bai Zheng Feng Rou's voice, looking back, a few people behind have

Xuan Ji nodded speciously. She leaned on his neck and touched the face of Baizhanfeng
through the skin of the veil. The heart of Baizhanfeng moved slightly. She hesitated and
touched his face sideways.

Xuan Ji laughed, reached out and pulled up the black veil, and touched his face with her finger.
But it was a little intimate gesture, but Bai Zhanfeng was shocked and said with a bitter smile,
"Rotary brother, do not be naughty."
He suddenly remembered that day in the room of the Yanyu Building in Emperor Du... He
kissed her all the scenes.

In fact, according to the genealogy, the family name of Fengjia Master is Bai. The name of
Fengjia Master is over. Mrs. Kang Ning.

At this moment, drinking tea and laughing in the hall, suddenly, the maid Qiaoer rushed in
with panic on her face and said, "Sir, madam, no good, no good."

"Look at this little girl's nonsense!" cried Aunt Kang Ning's close mother.

Kang Ning laughed and said, "Qiao Er, Madam and Master are fine."

Apart from the housekeeper, Uncle Shi and Aunt Rong, several girls in the hall laughed.

Qiao'er shriveled in grievance.

At the end of the white war, when we saw all the people, we immediately quieted down.
Although the master was magnanimous, he was very serious nature, and the servants of
Fengfu were not afraid of it.

"Qiaoer, what's the matter?"

"My lord, madam, young master, he... he brought a girl home, no, he carried a girl back."

Don't say Qiao Er is still astonished by the "color". Everyone in the hall was astonished when
they heard the words.

Bai Zhengzhi and Kang Ning looked at each other and were surprised.

"Dad, mother."

This voice... Qiao Er was frightened. How did Master arrive? She threw out her tongue and
quickly stepped aside, with the other slaves, her eyes wide open, to see the young master
and the girl he had brought back.

"ZF, is this girl?" said Kang Ning, shocked by the glare of BZF and the black veil woman behind

Bai Zhengfeng bowed his head to Kang Ning and told him, "Uncle Shi, let Aunt Rong stay, and
everyone else will go down."
All the people were anxious to see the girl's appearance. At that moment, they were
disappointed at the young master's command, but they had to retreat quickly.

"ZF?" The white war ended with a slight frown.

Bai Zhanfeng smiled and pulled Xuan Ji behind him forward. "Rotary brother, the father and
mother of the eldest brother are sitting on the seat. Let them see how you are?"

Apart from Bai Zhanfeng, Xuan Ji was very afraid of other people and shy: "Lin Sheng..."

"The eldest brother's mother is the best doctor. If you show her, she can try to cure you."

"Lin Sheng, am I ill? Why should we treat the disease?

"Well, isn't your face painful? That's when you're sick. You don't want to be in pain all the
time, do you?

Xuan Ji nodded, pulled at his sleeve and whispered, "Just look at it. Those wicked people said
I was ugly. They laughed at me and scolded me. I was scared. They said it was impossible for
people to see me. Then they let me wear this and put it on, so they didn't scold me."

Bai Zhanfeng was angry and painful. He held Xuan Ji's hand tightly. "Don't be afraid of Xuan
Di. Big Brother won't let anybody hurt you any more. I will repay you for this hatred."

Xuan Ji nodded again as if he knew nothing about it. "Lin Sheng, after that, will you take me
along? I just want to stay with you."


Not to mention Kang Ning, all were shocked by BZF exclamation, which had always been as
calm as Thailand.

From the expression of Bai Zhanfeng, it seems that the other side is his beloved woman. But
the woman has a facial disorder. What's most surprising is that she seems to be an idiot?

Kang Ningwei sank and went to Bai Zhanfeng's side. sHe held Xuan Ji's shoulder and said
softly, "Girl, let me see your face, will you?"

Xuanji hide behind Bai Zhanfeng. Bai Zhanfeng looked at Kang Ning with some misgivings.
Kang Ning smiled. "It will be all right."
Xuan Ji looked at Kangning busily for a long time, then suddenly reached out and took off the
bamboo hat.

Kan ning was shocked and blurted out, "Who is so cruel? If you break your face, you should
return this poison to the little girl?'

At the end of Bai zanzhi, he came over and said, "Anin, what is this poison?"

"Niang, can you cure it?" Bai Zhengfeng observed the view of "color" and the dignity of "color"
of Kang Ning God. His heart sank suddenly.

"Governance? Do you know where this poison comes from? Kang Ning grinned bitterly. "Xian

"Xianinkstone?" Bai Zheng closed his eyebrows and said, "That's a place close to the immortal
home. How can such a poisonous thing come out?"

Bai Zhanfeng was shocked all over and gritted his teeth and said, "Niang, you just said you
can't cure it. If you can, no matter what you need to do, I -"

Kang Ning frowned and said, "Warrior, this little girl is with you to the end..."


Aunt, this girl and cousin just meet by chance and make friends on the one hand."

Clear voice "insert" into the crowd, a startled, only to see Yan Shuwang and others are
entering the door, the voice of Qingluan Lang. She glanced at the hand that Bai Zhanfeng and
Xuan Ji held, and said no to her indignation.

At the end Bai zanzhi, he looked at the ZF and twisted his eyebrows slightly. "ZF?" he said.

Xuan Ji's mind was vague and she heard the sharp tone of Qingluan, but she knew that she
didn't like herself and was afraid. She retracted behind ZF. The ZF slightly. "Qingluan!"

The Blue Luan gritted his teeth, but kept silent.

"Zhan Er, Qinger's spleen"sex"you do not know, is a little impatient, but a good girl, you-"

Kang Ning sighed slightly, her words were not finished, the BZF slightly gathered eyebrows,
suddenly raised a pendulum, kneeling in front of her and BZZ.
The crowd was shocked.
"Master..." murmured.

The ZZ stopped and murmured, "ZF, what are you doing?"

"Dad, Niang, as the younger sister said, Zhanfeng and this girl are indeed one side of the bond,
but in Zhanfeng heart, she is the person who can stay with him for a hundred years, have
children and will marry her as a wife, but also hope that her father and mother will complete."

"You want to marry her?"

Hearing his words, Qingluan walked at his feet and murmured, "You want to marry her as
your wife?” Behind her the Yan Shuwang grinned bitterly, holding her sister's shoulder.

"Zhan'er, no matter whether the poison on the girl's face can be cured or not, she is an idiot."
Kang Ning trembled and said, "Sir, this..."

BZZ ended without too much excitement, but took a deep look at the BZF. "Have you

"Yes!" Bai Zheng's eyes were bright and his tone was unexpectedly firm.

Qingluan plunged into Kangning's bosom and cried out, "Wow". Kangning originally belonged
to Qingluan. sHe couldn't bear to see what happened. sHe said, "Warrior, Qingluan grew up
with you when they were young. The two families know the root of the matter. How can they
not match you? According to Niang, if you really like it, you will marry that girl as a concubine,
the right wife..."

"Niang," Bai Zhenfeng interrupted Kang Ning resolutely, and said with solitude, "Please don't
mention Concubine's matter any more. If I want to marry her, she will be my right wife. She
will be the only one in my life, and no one else will be there. The son can never wronged her."

Bai Zhanfeng serves his parents with filial piety, his nature is gentle and elegant. He is a good
talker. Yanxia County is full of morality. But Bai Zhanzhi and Kang Ning know that this son is a
firm man. If he makes a decision, he will never change it.

Hearing Bai Zhanfeng's words, Qinglu was full of jealousy and anger, and earned her feet from
Kang Ning's bosom. Xuan Ji saw Bai Zhanfeng kneeling on the ground, feeling interesting. She
also learned to squat down and sweep by the strong wind. She was frightened, but she was
stunned and did not know how to avoid it. She just closed her eyes subconsciously.

A little muffled hum, her body has been taught to embrace, she was curious, opened her eyes,
but saw that BZF in front of her, the Blue Luan that fell on him.
The crowd was surprised and frozen.

"What are you doing, Miss Wai?" Wuqi said angrily.

"Cousin, why are you blocking it? Why don't you avoid it when you can? Blue Luan murmured.
Bai Zheng looked at Qingluan and said, "Qingluan, you are my sister, I let you, I take her as my
wife, I protect her, but if there is another time, I will not be polite anymore. Do you
Green luan, covering his mouth and nose, ran out of the house at a gallop.
Yan Shuwang sighed, "Uncle, aunt, I'll go and see her."

Kang Ning grinned bitterly and extended his hand to his aunt. The latter thought and said,
"Cousin, girl's family, it's better to go to the maidservant's house."

Bai Zheng stopped clapping his wife on the shoulder and said, "Marriage, let's talk about it
later. It's the poison of this little girl. What do you think of it?"
Kang Ning's eyebrows were silent. she reached out and pulled up BZF, "Niang, but it's okay to
say so."

"The name of this thing is"Flowers blossom and fall for a thousand years." Kang Ning laughed
bitterly, paused for a moment, but did not go on.

Although Yan Shuwang was concerned about Qingluan, he could not help wondering about
Kangning's awkward appearance at the moment. He was curious about the poison in Xuan Ji's
place and said, "This name is elegant."

Uncle Shi, the housekeeper who had been silent, said, "Don't look at the name, cousin. But
the more beautiful and mottled the poison, the more poisonous it is, the better it sounds..."

Bai Zhanfeng looked at Xuan Jiyou tilting his head and wondering what he was thinking. He
felt a pain in his heart. He held her hand tightly and said, "Uncle Shi, you are a master of
poison, but what's your opinion?"

Shi Shu and Kang Ning looked at each other. Both of them were good at poisoning and treating
each other. At that time, however, they were all faced with difficulties.

"Niang, Uncle Shi." Bai Zhengfeng bites his teeth.

"Let me talk about it." Shi Shu said, "This poison begins to spread to the neck at the end of
the full moon. If only the flowers blossom and grow ugly all over the body, then the flower
falls is not small. By the next full moon, the skin will peel off along with the shadows on the
skin. So many times, the poisoned person will fade the skin and flesh to death in pain. Who
suffers this pain? Come on?"

Kang Ning couldn't bear to look at Xuan Ji again, turned around and said, "Zhan Er, neither I
nor your uncle Shi can cure this poison. The poison came from the West Sea, only heard its
name, but never heard of the method of detoxification."

May 7 was trembling, quietly looking at the BZF expression, but saw him slightly bow his head,
do not know what to think, BZZ stopped pressing his shoulder, BZF suddenly raised his eyes,
glance like water, "Shi Shu, for me to send the town's ancestors old part, there are several
people, must be captured for me in the month!"

"Yes!" Uncle Shi bowed and said, "I'll do it right away."

Yan Shuwang smiled and said, "The Yan family is also the old part of the Bai family. It seems
that I can't escape this trip."

His life was free and easy, and his friendship with Bai Zhengfeng was very deep. The incident
of Qingluan did not fall into the slightest suspicion in his heart.

Bai Zhanfeng also smiled back and said, "You have seen the faces of those people, and now
you are going to paint an image for Uncle Shi."

"Now? You're too busy at this time.” Yan Shuwang grinned bitterly.

Bai Zhengfeng looked at Xuan Ji and said, "It's about her life. How dare I delay for another

"Dad, Niang, Zhanfeng intends to get married immediately."

Kang Ning was shocked. Although she knew Bai Zhengfeng's determination, she hesitated to
marry Xuan Ji because of her short life. Just hope for a long time, he may have disappeared
this heart, but now ZF...

It was the end of the BZZ that saw a few points and said, "ZF, are you planning to go to
Xianyantai in the west?"

Bai Zheng bowed his head, "Yes! If within the time limit, they can not find the person who
poisoned, I will take her to Xianyantai for medical treatment, I married her, it will be rude to
guard against, on the way to take care of a lot of convenience.
At the end of the white war, he nodded and spoke softly to Kang Ning.

Kang Ning grinned bitterly.'Your father is right, Zhan Er, even if it's a marriage event, you're
thinking about taking care of her. What else can you say? Come on, come on, Niang will go
and prepare for you."

"Thank you, Dad and Niang." Bai Zhanfeng was so happy that she took another look at Xuan
Ji. She was sure to look at herself and hold her gently with a move in her heart.
This time, he came to take good care of her.

"Stop it! Don't move her! Little Seven... Little Seven!"

Opening his eyes suddenly, go to her side to "touch", but catch the empty.

"Emperor." Someone came at a quick pace.

Longfei was looking slightly, but Xia Sang was beside the bed. He was about to wipe his sweat
on Longfei Li. Longfei Li had grabbed his collar and gritted his teeth and said, "Why is the Gong
still here?"

He is still in the other courtyard of Songfeng Town, Yanxia County!

Xia Sang grinned bitterly. Everyone waited on the Emperor in turn. Why did the Emperor wake
up when he waited on him? At that time, no one dared to provoke Long Fei-li's anger. He
hardened his scalp and said, "Emperor, when you sent Ruyi that day, you rode a fast horse to
chase your Consort. You were so angry that you burst your wound and bled a lot. You could
not afford to fall down."

Long Fei closed his eyes. He had calmed down. Now, he could not rush, chaos or fall down.

But when he thought that she was still in the hands of those people, his calmness was

Let Xiasang go, he asked softly, "Zijin has sent Ziwei out, hasn't it?"

"Yes." Xia Sang hurriedly said, "Songfeng Town diverges five roads to five towns in Yanxia
County. Wang Ye has sent people to the past and asked Ziwei to notify the dark whistles in
the towns to watch out for suspicious people. DuanYH also sent some banned troops to assist
in the investigation..."
Long Feili laughed lightly and interrupted him. "Mu Ronglin is a cunning woman. Choosing
Songfeng Town to start is indeed a smart move. Xia Sang, if I were her, I would disguise my
hands and make them easy. Then I would leave clues in every town to confuse people. So, I
guess, you have received the return of detectives now. All five towns are suspicious, aren't

The emperor was as if he had seen it with his own eyes... Xia Sang was shocked and knelt
down and said, "The emperor is wise, indeed... so!"

Long Fei sank from his face and said, "Take the map to me."


Looking at the light on the map, Longfei raised his mouth and ordered, "Xia Sang, the order
goes down, half an hour later, all the people in the other yard immediately packed up and set
out with the gong, let Yuhuan pull out the camp, break up the rest of the forbidden army in
groups, and follow the Gong line."

Resolute decision, hegemonic tone of voice, Xia Sang Ring, answered: "Yes!"
He said, "Emperor, five towns, which one shall we take?"
"Yanxia Town."
"Yanxia County Council?" XS is puzzled slightly.

Longfei said indifferently, "Among the five towns, the Leyang River flows only through Yanxia
Town. After arriving at Yanxia Town, Muronglin has more waterways. Moreover, Yanxia Town
is the most prosperous town. It is very difficult to find it. Why doesn't Muronglin choose this

During the emperor's "coma" period, several people gathered to discuss, but could not pinch
which direction Mu Ronglin was going. Now Long Fei said that it seemed as if he had pulled
away the fog of "coma" immediately. Xia Sang even bowed his head, and his heart
immediately rose. He was also very worried about Xuanju's safety. At this time, the emperor
woke up and could not tell what kind of trust he had in this young and wise master. But he
was sure that the emperor would save the concubine.
He owed him a fortune and was about to retire when Longfei asked.

"How long did I sleep?"

"Emperor... for two days."
Long Fei-li hit a punch on the bed railings, the wooden tips flew, the thorn fell on his finger,
blood flowed down his palm, he stared at the strands of bright red coldly, silent.

Xia Sang bit his teeth and persuaded him, "Emperor, if you are like this, you will be sad if the
concubines and wives know it."

"Sad? How could she still be sad for me? Long Feili suddenly sneered, his eyes fell on the
leaping candle flame, and he said lightly, "Xia Sang, I just had a dream, I dreamed that those
people tortured her..."

When he said this, he paused, and Xiasan looked quietly, only to see the emperor holding the
quilt tightly. He was surprised, but he dared not speak the words of comfort in his mouth.

At this time, the voice of the emperor came softly again, with a slight silk.

"Later, she looked at me coldly and said that she would not go back to the palace with me."

"Xia Sang, I tell you, impossible, impossible, she can't! I'm not sure! Her whole life, whether
she lives or dies, will be buried with the hawthorn, and the Hawthorn will be buried with her
after a hundred years.

The emperor's voice was as cold as that of the most evil ghost king in the dungeon. He wanted
to say that only the queen could be buried in the same roof.


On the desk, it is the bookkeeper who handed in the account room. This month, Bai Zhanfeng
looked carefully at the detailed accounts and general ledgers of all stores in the country. May
7th was studying ink beside him. At the age of eighteen, the old man began to transfer the
affairs of the house to him.

May 7 asked, can the young master cope with it? Bai Zhanfeng only laughs a little at a time
and says it's OK.

May 7, however, knows that the young master is very powerful. Over the past few years,
Fengjia stores have opened up more and more, and wealth has hidden the potential of super-
white man's fictitious home.

Bai Zhanfeng suddenly put down his account book, rubbed his eyebrows and said with a bitter
smile, "No, it's wrong again."
May 7 curious, asked, "Young Master, this account is not correct?"
Bai Zhanfeng shook his head and chuckled. "It's your young master."
Master's mood seems to be... very good? May 7 is full of black lines. "You've always
miscalculated and you're still so... Happy?"
Bai Zhanfeng just laughed, paused, and suddenly remembered what, the voice was very
urgent, "Xuan Di's night, you ordered to do it?"

May 7 tears rushed, "Young Master, you spare me, you are the third time to ask, I have already
ordered the younger."
Bai Zhanfeng nodded satisfactorily and said with a laugh, "It's a reward."
"Things are all right. Don't forget to remind me to use them with her."

When did you see the young master like this? May 7th madness, no good way: "I absolutely
have reason to believe that even if I do not mention you, you will not forget -"

As he spoke, a panicky "chaotic" voice interrupted him, "Master, Master, no good, no good!"

It was Qiao Er who pushed the door in. She cried and said, "Master, the girl refuses to let the
slaves wait for bathing. She wants to... go to..."

By the time Bai Zhanfeng went to the place where xuanji lived, several maidservants had
stood outside in panic. Everyone was wetter, and each was worse than the other.

This young man also walked too fast...... Qiao son who followed quickly gasped and
said:"Master, let your servant sum up again, the girl is in a bad temper, don't let us touch

"Yes, she said as long as Lin Sheng..." a maidservant answered, "We can hear her calling you
like this, so we have to find you."

571 listens, muddled, "Er, you mean, want young master to help her bathe?"

"It's not us, it's a girl." Qiao Er crossed 571 eyes.

May 7 muttered, "You can't ask the young master to wait on you, or I'll go?"
All the maidservants crossed him: "..."

Bai Zheng frowned and blushed a handsome face. He usually decided to be quick. At that
time, he didn't know what to do.

"Lin Sheng, Lin Sheng, where are you..."

Sobbing came from inside, Bai Zhengfeng was also anxious, biting his teeth and saying, "Qiao
Er, do you have a handkerchief? Lend it to me."

The crowd was stunned to see the young man take the handkerchief, tie it to his eyes, and
push the door in.

Soon, there was a sound of something falling down. Qiao Er scratched his face. "Uh, on the
ground.... The girl just fell a lot of things."

This falls down... not a young man, is it? The maidservants looked at each other, and finally
they could not restrain themselves from laughing.

"I said to you, are you laughing, Master?" May 7 angrily said, "Young Master falls or young
Master falls, young Master falls is also right..."
All maidservants: "..."

In the room.
Bai Zhanfeng grinned bitterly. This place was wet and fragmentary. How many things he
kicked over... Never tried to be so confused, but his heart was happy...

He listened attentively, distinguished the direction of breathing, a light leap, to the side of the
bathtub, shape square, then heard Xuan Yue sweet call him, "Lin Sheng."

"Xuan Di." He echoed and stepped aside quietly.

"What do you do to ignore me? They've removed all my clothes. I'm afraid." Xuan Ji patted
the spray and said wrongly.

"I'm sorry, it's my brother's negligence, that... Rotary brother, have you finished bathing, put
on your clothes, brother will accompany you to have supper?" Bai Zhanfeng said, and moved
a step aside.

His throat tightened slightly when he heard the sound of the water.

Xuan Ji's body and body, although only for a moment, Bai Zhanfeng has seen it. He has been
extremely in love with Xuan Ji. At this time, his ears and face are burning like fire.

Xuanji leaned beside the barrel and looked curiously at BZF, which was going farther and
farther away. His eyes turned busily and he said, "Lin Sheng, my face is very painful..."
She cried out "Ouch", covered her mouth and looked at BZF with a smile.
Kang Ning had given her "medicine" before, and she was very tolerant. She was unwilling to
show weakness to Mu Ronglin and other people in her consciousness. Apart from thinking of
Longfei's departure, she died and tolerated at the beginning of her injury, and did not say
much. Flower poison did not come to the onset of the period, although the face of the knife
wound is still very painful, she endured, but although her memory is biased, the mind is not
clear, men and women's prevention is blurred, but ultimately this "sex" has not been taken
off, and the heart thinks that the white war maple is very close to the people, and then they
pound eggs on him.

If someone else, Bai Zhanfeng had already heard the origin. He was concerned about the
chaos. He heard Xuan's cry and pain, and his figure moved back.

"Rotary brother, you bear with it, elder brother now go to find -"

As he was speaking, he could only hear a rush of water, and there was a sudden light in front
of him.

But Xuan Ji stood up and pulled off his handkerchief.

The candle flickered slightly, and the beautiful white carcass of the woman was exposed to
him without any cover.

He looked at her in dismay and forgot to evade for a moment.

After a long time, he turned around in a hurry and scolded himself. He said in a dumb voice,
"Rotary brother, give the handkerchief back to Big Brother. We are not married yet..."

Xuan Ji suddenly cried out, and his voice was frightened and frightened.

"You're naughty again --" Bai Zhengfeng whispered, but there was a little helplessness in his


No, no, ah..."It was not until Xuan Ji's screaming and crying voice came that Bai Zhanfeng
realized that she was wrong. He was surprised and looked back, but Xuan Ji stared at the
bronze mirror hanging from the screen in front, her face was full of fear, and there was a small
face full of scars and shadows in the bronze mirror.
She was surrounded by maidservants before bathing and did not see the mirror. Now she
stood up and the height of the mirror was just above the bronze mirror.

Bai Zhanfeng is so anxious and angry that she can't put a mirror in the place where she lives.
How can we be so negligent?

"It's not me, it's not me..." Xuan murmured, her eyes red. She suddenly shouted, her hands
holding her head, squatting down, and hoarse, "It hurts so much, don't come, don't come,
you go away..."

The screen was covered with a cloth towel for scrubbing. Bai Zhanfeng took care of nothing
at this time. He stretched out his hand and pulled it off. He spread the cloth towel and
wrapped it around Xuan Ji's body. He took her out of the bucket and put her on the bed.

"Rotary brother, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there will be a way to cure it." Holding the
trembling body in his arms, his heart ached and his voice trembled slightly.

Knife wounds may not restore the original appearance, but Kang Ning is a national skill, with
"medicine" to reduce the scar, the poison is extremely difficult, he said, do not know is to
comfort her, or comfort himself.

Her crying came from his arms. Her clothes were wet in front of his chest. Bai Zhengfeng
clenched his teeth and thought that whatever the price, he must help her to detoxify it.

"How can it be cured?" Xuan Ji suddenly pushed him aside and asked angrily.

"Yes, certainly!" Bai Zhanfeng concentrates on how to speak to comfort her, but does not pay
attention to her eyes at this time, slightly changed. Sadness, but clear.

Xuan Ji smiled lightly and looked straight into the eyes of Bai Zhengfeng. He asked, "Aren't
you afraid of such a ghostly look?"
"I'm not afraid." That's a thoughtless remark.
Bai Zhengfeng stared at her and kissed her lips gently. "I'm not afraid."
Xuanji was so stunned that the man's kiss fell on her forehead, eyes, face, every ditch on her
face, every flower branch.

She clutched his shirt tightly. She thought he would tremble, but his kiss was firm. Did he
know he was kissing an ugly girl? No, not even ugly, just... a woman like a monster.
She stared into his eyes, his eyes were deep and clear, his eyes filled with pain and pity, and
some emotions she did not know, but never a trace of fear.

Xuan Ji laughed. There was a tinge of pain in the bitterness, which soon covered up all the
senses. "Thank you, whoever you are."

Such a tone of expression, Bai Zhanfeng tremor, recalling all her words just now, he was
surprised and happy, "Xuan Di, you have restored memory, right?"

After detailed diagnosis and treatment, Kang Ning said that she was neither natural "sex"
dementia, maybe one day stimulated, suddenly restored memory is uncertain. Was it just a
shock that made her remember everything?

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly and shook his head. "I don't know who I am. I only remember that you
rescued me from a group of people. Then, you said, you want to -" When she said this, she
paused as if hesitating to go on.

Bai Zhanfeng clearly understood that her mind seemed to have waked up, but her memory
was broken in the day of Yanyun Tower. He was so happy that he hugged her.

"Rotary brother, you say, what am I going to do? You say, elder brother likes to listen to you."

Xuan Ji's face was hot and slightly overturned. "You said you were going to marry me."

"Yes." BZF mouth lifting, and soon stopped, and asked in a low voice, "You were not conscious
at that time... Would you blame me me?"

Xuan Ji shook his head. "I remember you. Although I don't know who you are, there are three
images in my mind. One of them is you. You seem to be called.... Lin Sheng."

Still Lin Sheng-ha, she still did not remember him, Bai Zhanfeng grinned bitterly and said
lightly, "You said, there are two more, one of them is your husband?"

"Husband?" Xuan Ji was slightly strange. "My husband is not you? Two more are girls."

She frowned, held her brow, and meditated, "No, we haven't got married yet. You're not my
husband, but why do I only remember you -"

He could not hide her. She had the right to know her own affairs. Bai Zhanfeng grinned bitterly
and said, "You had a husband, but..."
"Just what?"
"It's not you in his heart."
Xuan Zheng was shocked and said with a bitter smile, "No wonder."

She grabbed a strand of hair and wanted to remember something, but her mind was blank,
her head ached, but she could not remember half of what he said about her husband.

But one thing, she firmly believes, that memory is very painful, unbearable, as long as she
tries to think, that kind of dull pain will come to mind, she knows that person, does not love

Bai Zhanfeng pulled down her hand, rubbed her forehead and whispered, "Don't think about
it until you can't think of it. It will get better slowly."

"Well." Xuan Ji leaned on Bai Zhanfeng's shoulder and let him massage for himself. He closed
his eyes like a lazy kitten.
This man, I feel like... I've known him for a long time. It's comfortable and comfortable to be
with him.
Bai Zhanfeng looked at her calm appearance, a slight "swing" in her heart, and kissed her
forehead. Immediately, it settled down again

:Xuan Di, if you don't want to get married, Big Brother -- " Silence for a long time, he finally
resolutely voiced.

"There's only one person in my life. I remember what you said. I don't remember anybody
else. I only remember you. I..." Xuan's nose was slightly sour and snuggled in his arms.

Bai Zhanfeng was in a state of ecstasy, some things needn't be said, he had understood her
mind. He Kiss her lips.

It was no longer the gentle touch, He prized her lips and tongue open.

For the first time in his life, he fell in love with a woman. He thought he had missed the
woman. He wanted to give all the best to her. It was also the first kiss he had ever kissed. It
was the first time that he had touched the woman of desire, whether she was beautiful or

Deeply staring and panting, the woman huddled in his arms, Bai Zhanfeng wiped the silver
silk from her mouth for her, and he was also slightly surprised. He never thought that he had
such a wave of Meng, and his feelings for her were getting more and more uncontrollable. In
many moments, he would have a little more.
They snuggled together and talked without saying anything. He told her about his plan to take
her to a doctor. He said that she listened, he was happy, she was at ease, she said she believed
him, and then his happiness grew crazy.

Looking at her beautiful body, he did not think half of it. At this moment, he just wanted to
keep her.

It's good to worry about those people going back, of course. If we catch them, we can get the
"medicine". We have already ordered Uncle Shi to send people to strengthen the guard of
Fengfu. The guards are all good hands trained by Bai Zhengzhi and him, but he still keeps her

In the courtyard, Kang Ning is comforting Qingluan. Qingluan and Yan Shuwang stay tonight.
"Aunt, do you think cousin will change his mind?"
Kang Ning sighed and said, "Qinger, there are not a few good men in the county who pursue
you. Look..."
"I only like cousins." Qingluan said, crying in a low voice and said, "Aunt, if the ugly girl is gone,
will my cousin..."

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came out from the corridor. It was a group of maidservants who
served Xuan's bath who passed by, squeaking and speculating about the relationship between
the young master and the ugly girl.

If Aunt Rong hadn't told her earlier, everyone would have screamed at the sight of the girl.
What is the relationship between Master and her? Her mind seems to be a little bit out of
order, but the young man even..... Help her take a bath in person? Isn't that fantastic?

"If Master would take a bath for me, I would be an ugly girl." A maid's cheeks flushed red, and
several others laughed and scolded, but no one rebutted them. They were both envious and

Marriage has not yet been announced, the slaves in the palace did not know that Xuan Ji was
the future young lady. No one could have imagined that such an ugly woman would win the
favor of the young master.

Kang Ning smiled and said, "What are you so happy about, girls?"
Chief is Qiao Er, she shook hands, said: "Madam, young master is not good."
Looking at the room in front of him, Qinglu fell into tears and Kang Ning was in the same
place. Just now, I heard several girls say that Bai Zhanfeng wanted to help Xuan Ji take a bath.
Both of them were surprised. When they came to see, the light in the room was extinguished.
Kang Ning knew that Bai Zhanfeng was a man who never exceeded the rules. However, she
did not expect that he should be living in Xuanqin's room. sHe felt a sudden panic at her. It
was clear that BZF was... Obsessed. she hope something else will happen in the future.


The next day, another thing happened in Fengfu. When Bai Zhanfeng took Xuan Ji out for
breakfast, Xuan Ji's changes shocked everyone.

Bai Zhanzhi and Kang Ning are very gratified to see Xuan Ji's memory is still unknown, but his
speech and behavior seem to come from everybody. Green Luan saw Bai Zhanmaple's mouth
corner smiling and stared at Xuan Ji severely.
Soon, however, problems arose.

Bai Zhanzhi asked about Xuan Ji's family. Yesterday, he was in a hurry and dispersed as soon
as he got together. Things had not yet been reported. Bai Zhanfeng was an honest man. He
did not hide Xuan Ji's marriage and told his parents about the cause and effect.

Bai Zheng had no objection to marriage, but when he heard the words, his face was blue, and
Bai Zhengfeng was silent, he knelt on the ground and asked his parents to complete it. When
the White War ended, he whispered, "If the Bai family's ancestors agreed, they would not
stop being fathers."

At night, the Baijia Temple.

Hundreds of tablets are written with Feng's surname. In fact, there is a small tablet hidden in
each tablet, which is embedded with the Bai family's original name.

Bai Zhanfeng knelt in front of his ancestors and stood erect for the first day. Without food
and water, if he could support for seven days, he would be allowed to marry Xuan Ji at the
end of the White War.

He thought he would survive, and he would take her to Xianyantai. Sticking to the ancestor's
plaque, I can't help thinking of Baijia's merits and humiliation hundreds of years ago.

It's not without complaint that you are forced to hide your name with a faint smile. But now,
after a hundred years of bomb index, everything has become smoke and dust. What can't you
let go of it?

Suddenly a slight noise fell into his ear. He was awe-struck, picked up a small gravel on the
ground and raised his sleeve. He heard only a hum. He was surprised and turned to look at it.
Xuan Ji came in through the door and looked at him wrongly.
Fortunately, just to warn the other party, he kept his strength. He was just about to get up.
Xuan Ji had already drunk him. "Don't move! Your dad said that as long as you get up, you'll
have to start all over again."

Her charming appearance, Bai Zhanfeng can not help but shallow smile, said: "Come and show
Xuan Ji was hit in the leg. He was so painful that he jumped in with one foot.
"Xuan Di, in front of his ancestors, must not be rude."
"Yes." Xuan Ji spits out his tongue.
Zhanfeng hurriedly lifted up her skirt and looked at it a little. He saw a pinch of red on her
snow-white knee. He felt sad and blamed himself, saying, "Does it hurt?"
"If you let me call back, you'll know it's painless." Xuan shrugged his lips.
Bai Zhanfeng smiled and gently embraced her in his arms.
The two of them sat quietly for a while, and Bai Zhanfeng told them, "Go back."
Xuan Qian pretended to be distressed and said, "I can't go back. I'm seriously injured and I
can't walk."
Bai Zhanfeng was shocked. "Is it very painful? I thought it was May 7th, but I kept my strength.
It's reasonable...
Listening to his earnest tone, Xuan chuckled and said, "You're lying."
Bai Zhengfeng cried and laughed hard, rubbing her hair heavily.
"Serious injury is false, but that sentence is true."
Bai Zhanfeng twisted her eyebrows slightly. "Xuanji?"
"Brother, I told your father that I would come to accompany you. Okay, I'm done. Let's
concentrate on kneeling, talking and laughing. Don't do anything that wastes energy." Xuan
Ji, Smile.
Bai Zhanfeng was shocked, and then he was angry and scolded, "Are you crazy? Do not say
seven days, you body, two days can not support.

Xuan Ji stared at him and said earnestly, "Although I can't remember the past, I remember
these days very clearly. I know that you treat me sincerely and that getting married is a matter
of two people. I can't let you carry it all by yourself. I said to your father that if I help you kneel
for seven days, I can kneel longer and you will suffer less --"

The final voice disappeared in his arms, the strength of his hands, the tightness of his arms,
and she was shackled to death.

She managed to earn it out, but saw that his eyes were burning hot, but her mouth whispered,

"It doesn't matter to me if I have one or two more days. I have martial arts, but you are
"Big brother, this martial arts is good, can seven days without eating or drinking water ah? By
all accounts, three days at most." Xuan Ji thought for a moment. Her eyes were shining. "Is
your martial arts very good? Would you teach me well?"

Bai Zhanfeng laughed and was going to reprimand her. he pulled at her and scolded her. He
caressed her hair and said, "Your body is poor and you can learn to be strong in martial arts.
When we go out, my elder brother will teach you."

As he said, he suddenly remembered the scar on her body and a sword wound on her chest
and mouth. With a long sigh, he held her tightly.

"I'm not kneeling to death, I'm afraid I'll strangle you first."

"Rotary brother, you hit me, weight on my side, so you will be more comfortable..."

Outside the ancestral temple, men stood with their hands on their shoulders.

"Sir," said Corning, frowning, "do you really want to stay here for seven days? Even if his body
can last seven days, I am worried about the poison of young girls. Why not let them get
married as soon as possible so that they can get off as soon as possible?

She saw Xuan Ji go to ask Bai Zheng to stop the war and let her accompany Bai Zhengfeng.
She was already a little fond of the girl.
Bai Zhengzhi insipidly said, "Aning, let two children get up and get married the day after


After the white war, he smiled and said, "In my opinion, this girl has a lot of origins, and her
husband's family is afraid of being a very powerful person. However, it was the man who was
in the first place regardless of his feelings and righteousness and was deeply involved in the
war. This marriage was also inevitable."

"Zhan Er is a man with a sense of propriety. He also told me that once the poison on the young
girl was cleared up, he would immediately take her back to Emperor's Capital to clear up the
matter over there... I let Zhan Er come here for the purpose of not punishing him, but to let
him know that he was determined to do this thing, so he would be firm in the end, otherwise
he would be tired of others later. Girl."
The next day, behind Fengfu Mountain.
Bai Zhanfeng wiped Xuan Ji's sweat with a sweat scarf and praised him, "Brother Rotary, I
can't imagine that your understanding nature is so high. This basic skill of introducing the
subject was only grasped after three or four days'training of 57 feet."

Next to the five seven pout mouth. Xuan Ji laughed, took a sword, pulled a sword flower, and
poked several pokes on the ground.

May 7 was distressed. "Young girl, this sword is my young master's treasure. Be careful, don't
break it."
Xuan Ji laughed and said, "If a baby is a good sword, how can a good sword be so easy to
break down?"
May 7: "..."

Xuan Ji looked at Wuqi eating turtle and could not help but tease him again. "Besides, I am
also the treasure of your young master. Would he spare this sword?"
May 7 Black Line: "You..."
"Brother, you said I was right?" Xuan Ji turned his head to Bai Zhengfeng.
Bai Zhanfeng's face turned red slightly. May 7th began to make fun of Xuan Ji. Bai Zhanfeng
whispered "Hmm" again. Finally, he added, "This sword elder brother sent you."
May 7 was very angry, snorting a few times, "Don't play with you, young man, I left."
Xuan Ji laughed and said, "It's you who want to be the light bulb with you."
"What is a light bulb?" May 7 stayed there and asked.
"It's the person who spoils the fun."

Looking at the back of Wuqi Qidrum coming down the hill, Xuan Ji vomited, "What should I
do? He ran away with me."
Bai Zhanfeng surrounded her and said with a laugh, "Just in time to save him from spoiling his
Xuan Ji hugged her stomach and laughed and bent over. In her feeling, Bai Zhanfeng was a
man of serious ideas.
Bai Zhanfeng asks, "What is a light bulb?"
Xuan Ji shook his hands. "My mind is in a mess. In fact, I don't know what it is."
Bai Zhanfeng laughed and did not ask any more questions. They sat down on the spot and let
her lie down on his knee. Only then did he say, “You have two strange things on you.”


Xuanji was stunned and asked, "Do you mean this?" She said, taking the small box out of her
arms and shaking it.
Bai Zhanfeng laughed, "Didn't i put it away for you? Why did you take it out again?"
"I don't know. I always feel that these two things need to be brought close to me, just like... I
will die at any time."
"Chaos!" Bai Zhanfeng shook her nose and scolded her.
"Brother, you're not going to kill me."
"Let your parents know that you bullied me."
"It's okay to bully."

"Xuanji, do you like your life now?"

"Yes, although I look like a ghost, I don't know who I am, but you are good to me."
Bai Zhanfeng had a pain in her heart. He knew that her sorrow was getting deeper and deeper
after she came to her senses.
If not, she would not have laughed like that all the time. He can't rush, he can only accompany
her and let time heal her pain.
Actually: Brother, you are not allowed to kill me.
"It's going to be like this in the future. Don't think about the end of your life any more."
Xuan Ji smiled and suddenly said, "Brother, do you like this kind of life?"
"Big brother likes to be with you."
Xuan Ji listened to his deep voice and could not help looking at his face. her dark eyes closed
her face like a deep whirlpool. She said in dismay, "It's not your life, I always feel."
Bai Zhanfeng smiled lightly, "Oh, what's my life like?"
"If in the"chaotic"world, I think the eldest brother is a general, protect the family and defend
the country."

Bai Wars Fengwei earthquake, Baijia seclusion for hundreds of years, but each generation of
descendants do not forget the aspirations of their ancestors, military science and military
skills, all learn, all good. Even in his generation, the White War ended, saying that the former
Emperor was too kind, and that if anything happened, disaster would ensue. Originally, during
his reign, the Huns had been disturbing the people's livelihood at the border for many times.
At that time, the Huns'military strength was not enough, but the former emperors did not
attack them. Several battles succeeded, but peace talks ended. The White War ended,
asserting that one day the Huns would commit war "chaos".

In fact, before the age of eighteen in the White War, he was taught by his father that he spent
most of his time at the frontiers of various countries, dressed up as a soldier, and watched
the war tactics of various countries. This is the same reason that Longfei sent Ningwang to
enter the barracks.
It is beautiful to talk about soldiers on paper, but it is impossible to forge the commander-in-
chief's talent without a good military life, which laid the foundation for the defeat of Huns
several times after the White War.

"Xuan Di, why do you have this idea?"

Xuan Ji shook his head and laughed. "I don't know. That's the feeling."
She seems to have a lot of places worth exploring. Bai Zhengfeng smiles, it doesn't matter,
the future is long.
But she did say something about his mind.

The descendants of the old ancestors have always hated the Royal family, but they don't know
whether the descendants of the Bai family are all flowing with the blood of the general king
who dominated the world. In his heart, he has always hoped that one day he can ride the
battlefield, reproduce his ancestors'aspirations and return the people to a prosperous era.

He whispered, "My eldest brother once thought that if one day Xiliang and Hun fought, my
eldest brother would join the army."
"No, you're going to be a general."
"It's a kid's story," said Xuan Ji's eyebrow "Hair" with a laugh, "Where is it so easy to be a
"That's not going to work. You have to be a general. Well, you have to be the king of a

Bai Zhanfeng laughed and looked far into the distant scenery. The mountain was very high,
the grass and trees were green and the sun was warm. From a distance, all the sceneries in
Yanxia County were in full view, which gave people a sense of heroism.

He looked at it quietly and remained silent for a long time before he said, "Brother Rotary,
there used to be a great general, but at last he was killed by a cunning rabbit and cooked by
a walking dog. Do you say that his descendants and grandchildren should still put the
commander-in-chief to death for that country?"

Xuan Ji closed her eyes and thought about it. sHe said, "The emperor did despicable things
and had nothing to do with the common people. In the face of war, private grievances are no
greater than the well-being of the people. Big Brother, I think of such a sentence:'The small
chivalrous, chivalrous, help people in distress; the big chivalrous, for the country and the
people, dedication, after death. Countries, countries, do not they all say that only countries
have a home? Some of them are generals for the sake of power and wealth, while others
hope to live forever. Real generals should fight for their own homes and for the families of
the people. This is the chivalrous man, just worthy of the word general, isn't it?” Despite the
occasional birdie calls, suddenly there was silence. Xuan Ji is slightly strange. Didn't her
remarks make him angry?

"Big Brother," she called him tentatively, and she opened her eyes quickly. "I don't understand
that either. I just say what I think. Don't -"

Before she had finished, she was thrown away. She screamed out in horror, "Make money
and kill yourself."

When she fell, Bai Zhanfeng caught her and hugged her tightly. "You're absolutely right, Xuan
Di! My eldest brother will remember what you said today.

Xuan Ji was startled. His voice was even slightly trembling. His mood seemed very excited.
She looked into his eyes puzzled. Her eyes were bright and brilliant. In a moment, the sunshine
was not so bright.

"Big Brother..."

Bai Zhanfeng put her on the ground, bent slightly on one knee, took her hand, kissed her
gently, and said aloud: "Xuan Di, if one day, this country will eventually be doomed to war,
elder brother will go to the border, never fall behind, protect parents, protect you, as well as
all the homes you said, elder brother wants you to be safe, safe and happy. Happy life is here.
Big Brother will fight for you till the end. Will you... wait for me?"

Xuan Zheng looked at the man with a slightly raised mouth in front of him, a wipe of the
corners of her eyes, and suddenly her hands were wet with tide.

A long time later, when she and a man stood on the city tower, looking at the northern
frontier smoke and listening to it, she remembered what a man had said to her a long time
ago, and the light but pious and firm smile on his lips. He loves white clothes, and she loves
to call him Lin Sheng.

Wrong address, if I could call a few more elder brothers, would there be less regret later?
His name, there is a word of war, perhaps destined to be a person to fight, his name, there is
a maple character.

Maple, wood, wind.

Is it true that when trees show in the woods, the wind will destroy them?
But, in this world, there is indeed a person who can protect your safety and never fall behind
others and fight to the end.
Yanxia Town Street.
Pedestrians on the road are happy, even though it is the joy of contaminated families.
Tomorrow, Fengjia Prince's big marriage will stir up the whole county. Tomorrow, all the
restaurants in Fengjia will have a three-day, three-night feast.

However, no Festival can reduce the curiosity and deliberation of street people about a group
of men and women who seem to have arrived here. After all, none of them is mediocre.
Among them, the most beautiful and luxurious look is the man with Phoenix eyes.

He became a landscape in the eyes of others, and a woman in white in front of him became
a landscape in his eyes. This man is a dragon.

That figure, he slightly frowned, immediately followed up... Only, she did not teach Mu
Ronglin to catch it? How did it happen on this street?

At this time, the woman in white raised her hand to wipe sweat, and a sudden ecstasy
immediately poured into his heart. The carp bead is tied to the white wrist. That was the day
he helped her tie it back.

how can doubts overcome these days of thinking, and then no doubt, he strides forward, the
woman's shoulder, his voice tight, slightly trembling. "Little Seven."

When the woman was shocked, she slowly returned to her body, and Longfei was shocked by
the face of the white yarn.


Those eyes are her! How could he mistake it?

The Women frown, eyes like frightened rabbits. Pushing him aside, she immediately ran into
the crowd.

"Little Seven."

A sword, crossed in front of him, a pink woman came out, blocked in front of him and said
coldly, "If you don't want to die, get away!" She said as he looked forward again, and the
white "color" figure had disappeared into the endless stream of people, he was angry, Long
Fei departed from the road: "bad luck!" This woman in pink is Qingluan.

Long Fei-li did not admit that he was wrong. The woman just now was Xuan Ji indeed!
In the morning, when she returned home from the back hill, Kang Ning asked Bai Zhanfeng to
take her to the biggest jewelry and jade shop in Fengjia to pick out some jewelry. Although
Kang Ning had helped Xuan Ji select a lot of jewelry, she was afraid that she would not like it,
so Xuan Ji went to see it personally.

Xuan Ji didn't care much about these, but Bai Zhanfeng was so caring that he just wanted to
give her all the good things, so he brought her over to see them. Qinglu wanted to follow him,
and Yan Shuwang, worried that the savage sister was angry, followed her.

Looking at it for a while, while Bai Zhanfeng was telling the manager something, Qingluan
suddenly said that she wanted Xuan Ji to accompany her to buy something. She quickly pulled
Xuan Ji out. She rushed out of the shop, and was rushed away by the crowd. She had a carriage
in the vicinity to get Xuan Ji away.

Who knows, half way to kill a man, this delay, Xuan Ji is estimated to have turned back to find
Bai Zhanfeng. Grinding her "good deeds"... She was angry, but she stabbed Longfei in the
scabbard, trying to teach him some lessons.

Seeing Xuan Ji disappear, Qinglu Nulong is not separated from bad things, but Longfei's anger
is only above her, and he does not avoid it, finger by finger.

Unexpectedly, the other party would have martial arts, Qingluan sneered, but would you like
to cut off her way? She worked hard in her hand, but suddenly felt that a powerful force had
totalized her strength. She was surprised that the sword had been taught to seize it.

At this time, a voice reprimanded: "Qingluan, what are you doing?"

As soon as Qingluan saw Yan Shuwang, he said, "Brother, this man bullied me and helped me
to teach him a lesson."

At this time, Longzijin and others also came up, and Yuzhi pouted his lips and said, "Where
did you come from cunning sister?"

Qinglu was furious, but Yan Shuwang hugged her: "My little sister is reckless and offensive,
and I hope mister will forgive us all." He had just come all the way, and he could see it clearly.
He knew that Qinglu was the first one to do it, and he was not partial.

Long Fei looked at Yan Shuwang's speech and behavior, and knew that he must be a person
of identity and background. He came to search for people, and did not want to make more
trouble. He also saw his sincere tone and said, "Mister is polite." With one hand raised, he
threw back Qingluan's sword.
"Thank you for your friendship." Yan Shuwang smiled and Longfei measured him. He also
speculated about Longfei's identity. In terms of martial arts alone, he could not see the other
side's depth, but that momentum was very promising.

He is a straightforward man, Shu wang laughs: "As the saying goes, don't fight or don't know
each other. Tomorrow is the day of the next cousin's great joy. If the son doesn't dislike the
meager dishes and drinks, please go to Fengfu with your friends and have a glass of water and

"Thank you for your kindness. Such a contemptible man would be disrespectful." Long Fei
moved away from his eyes and agreed with a smile.

"Good to say, good to say, the prince only needs to say Yan Mou's friend with the porter."
Yan Shuwang was very happy to see the dragon and said, "At that time, Yan will be waiting
for a ride in the mansion."

Looking at Yan Shuwang taking Qingluan far away, Longzi brocaded his eyebrows and said,
"Jiuge, are we really going to eat this wine tomorrow?"

"Well." Long Fei left his bow. "He said that the windmill, estimated that"touch"is the windmill
we heard along the way."

XS one Lin, "This second richest household in Yanxia County?"

"Wow, it's great to eat wedding wine and see the bride. It's great that we've not always heard
about Fengjia, Fengzhong, and how grand this marriage is. It's also said that the identity of
the bride is mysterious. I don't know what kind of beautiful woman she is. Yuzhi must be a
great beauty." Yuzhi caressed her palm and laughed, and then remembered what, and her
little face faded away again. "Then, don't we find a sister-in-law? Yuzhi still doesn't go to

Long Fei leaves the light of his eyes and looks for them. How can he not? He came for her! He
did not want to disturb the local government, but if he could get the help of the big people
here, after all, they were most familiar with the situation here.

Has she... escaped from Mu Ronglin and been hidden in this county? He'll find her out!

Suddenly, Jade made a "haw" sound, pointing to the ground, curious: "What is this?"

QF, quick hand, a pick of the tip of the sword, has put things on the ground to the hand, people
look at it, but it is a crystal clear round white jade.
"There are words on it." Xia Sang laughed and read out slowly: "BZF?"

Night, Feng House.

Kang Ning took the wedding dress to let her try, just left, Xuan Ji was a little strange,
so late, who is knocking at the door? Qiaoer is a little girl sent by Bai Zhanfeng, dress herself.
She hurried to open the door.
“Young Master?" Qiao Er covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Master, this
bridegroom and bride can't meet the night before the wedding, otherwise they will be in
mouldy condition."

Bai Zhanfeng laughed and said, “ the dead girl is chaotic. Go down."
Xuan Ji wondered, "Big Brother, why are you here?" It's not that you can't...”

Bai Zhanfeng whispered: "Customs are customs, your safety is the most important, especially
today you meet strangers interception, after all, that group of people in the dark, everything
still needs to be careful."

Xuan Ji turned around and looked at the soft couch beside the bed. he was worried that
someone who caught her would commit the crime that day. These days, he spent the night
on the soft couch, watching over her, and her heart was warm.

When they sat down at the table, Xuanji frowned and said, "Brother, I'm only worried about
Qingluan now --"

Today, when she went out, she suddenly meet a strange man stop me in the street. Later, I
ran away in a panic and turned back to the shop to find Bai Zhanfeng. she wonder if Qingluan
was lost there.

It was Bai Jianfeng who sent her to the back hill. She said they were going to be married. She
was his wife. She should know something about it. He told her that his real name was on the
Bai, which involved some family secrets and important events of life and death.

When they came back, she found that Qingluan had disappeared. Bai Jianfeng asked Wuqi to
go back to look for it, but she could not find it.

Bai Zhanfeng laughed and said, "It's unexpected to teach people to pick up the busy streets."

"Brother, I'm sorry. I'm only afraid of causing trouble."

"There are more bai surnames in the world. You don't have to worry about it. It's all right.
Only when the ancestors wanted to put an end to all the aftermath did they ask to change
their surnames."

"It's just that your grandfather gave you a full moon gift, but I carelessly lose it. I... your
grandfather will be angry too." Xuan Ji bites his lip and says uneasily, leaving aside the family
secrets, that is also her most precious thing.

Bai Zhanfeng smiled softly, stroked her hair and said, "If Grandpa knew that you had become
a wife of the White family, he would not be happy, how could he blame it?" Sleep, it's late.
Tomorrow we'll have to toss about. Let's start the day after tomorrow."

"Well." Xuan answered, glancing at the moonlight sprinkled on the ground from the window.
Deep in her heart, she felt more and more uneasy, panic and panic, but she felt a strong
emotion stirring her heart. She could not tell what it was. She felt bored and dull pain. It
seemed that after meeting the phoenix-eyed man, she stood down. It's chaotic...

firecrackers, Leding, jokes, festive voices are endless.

The next evening, when Longfei led the crowd to Fengfu Mansion, it was past the time when
the groom and waiter came out to welcome the bride.

The firepots on the ground were still thick, and the smiles of crowded people were
dim in the blue flame. Guests like "tide" are rushing to Fengjia Hall one by one. The guests
who came in endlessly said that the bride and groom had just entered the living room and
were preparing to offer tea and worship the world to Lady Feng Jia. There were so many
guests that they stood at the door and waited for the crowd to enter.

Yuzhi smiled and said, "Fortunately, we didn't come too late, or we would miss the good show.
I haven't seen the folk worship and marriage yet!"

"We're early," said QF.

"You," Jade stared at QF. "Dead QF, you love to follow me!"
"Well, don't make any noise," laughed Longzijin. "QF is right. We're only here for wine, but
the dinner hasn't started yet."

At this time, Longfei quietly told Duan Yuhuan around him a few words, Duan Yuhuan head,
turn around and leave quickly. Apart from Yuzhiyu's arrogant black eyes and intense gaze at
the bustle, Longzijin and others knew that Duan Yuhuan had arranged for the deployment of
the banned army. What happened happened happened as if it didn't take much time.

The Sword I picked up yesterday is the real situation? Perhaps it is someone else, but it is also
very likely that the two brothers and sisters left behind, if they are really two people, this bai
house may have a close relationship with the Yan family and even the Fengjia family in Yanxia

"Duke Long, ladies and gentlemen, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Together with
laughter, a man came out of the gate. When people looked at him, it was Yan Shuwang.

Yesterday, the two sides exchanged words. After a few words of greeting, they left separately.
Today, there are many guests in Fengjia, but I didn't think the man was really waiting here.

Longfei said with a smile, "Prince Yan is polite and busy today. How dare you greet each other
when you are in Longmou District?"

"Where does the Dragon Prince say, please come in quickly, the new man is preparing to
worship the church, bustling with it." Yan Shuwang returned with a smile and hastened to
lead the crowd in.

Enter, see the hall is very lively, only see the hall decorated gorgeous atmosphere, Rao is a
great place, the crowd is divided on both sides, has almost no place to stand, talk and laughter
filled the hall.

In the middle of the hall, there were two people sitting separately. It was Mr. Feng Jia and
Mrs. Feng Jia.

Long Feili and Yan Shuwang said, le tus just go busy, and later drink and talk happily. Yan
Shuwang laughed at the crime and went to a pair of middle-aged men and women dressed in
luxurious clothes near Master Fengjia. Qingluan also stood aside, holding a five-or six-year-
old girl in her hand.

Longzijin whispered, "Nine elder brothers, look at their appearance. Both Mr. Feng and Mrs.
Feng are extraordinary characters."

Longfei smiled faintly and said softly, "Ten brothers have good eyes."

Jade Zhi pouted his lips. "It's not easy, of course, to be a rich family in Yanxia County."

"What does a little girl know?" Xia Sang laughed.

Jade gave a cold hum. Don't go too far. She asked an aunt next to her and said, "Aunt, why
don't you see the bridegroom, waiter and bride yet?"

"Well, little girl, look over there, won't this come out?"

Yuzhigang looked in the direction of the woman's finger, and there was a burst of cheers and
applause in the hall. On both sides of the hall, someone came out. On one side, the
bridegroom and waiter were graceful and handsome. sHe stood in the hall, staring at the
other side, and everyone looked in the same direction.... The voice rose again.

Yuzhi's eyes were shining and her eyes were rolling slightly around the bride. She didn't realize
that several men around her had changed their faces.

"Is this man FZ actually him?" Long Zijin was astonished. ZS, QF also shocked. That day in the
Yanyu building......... FZ.

On that day, in the yanyu building, Qingfeng was sent away by the dragon and followed
Fengzhanbai. Later, when he came into the room with Xuan Ji in his arms, he went to report
Longfei. Although he was very surprised, Longzijin and Qingfeng did not know what had
happened at that time. Xia Sang knew something vaguely. The detective kept track of the
man's whereabouts and Fengzhanbai. But lost his trace completely in Leyang County... He
looked at Longfei and saw Longfei smiling from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were
deep and dark.

Bai Zhanfeng's eyes were always on the bride, but he did not notice Longfeili and others.

By this time, the bride had come. The BZZ housekeeper Shi Shu nodded slightly, Shi Shu
agreed, went to the hall, laughed: "Good time has arrived, please the bride and groom to the
ceremony of heaven and earth, the hall of the ceremony, the ceremony of worship."

The crowd suddenly quieted down and waited for the bride to come to the ceremony.

The bride stood side by side with BZF, laughing and chanting and saying, "I worship heaven
and earth."

Qinglu smiled coldly and patted the little girl in front of her. The child was abetted and
nodded. But it was a gap between the ears, and all they saw was a small figure in the hall
running to the bride's face and lifting her red cap. Everyone was shocked. Soon, some people
lost their lustre and screamed. Together, the voices of terror, shock and panic echoed through
the hall.
"How could this bride look like such a ghost?" The crowd was crowding, pointing out in horror
and disdain...

Looking at the red silk on the ground, Xuanji grinned bitterly. sHe was trying to bend down
and pick it up. A long, white hand was in front of her.

At the same time, a voice sounded slowly, shocked, deeply hurt, angry, but overwhelmed all
the noise and chaos in the hall. "Little Seven."

Who and whom often meet. On the stone table, the poem she wrote before she left was like
a touch of blood smeared on his heart. He was wrapped so tightly that he could not breathe.
These days, he died and oppressed himself not to think about this poem, not to speculate
about the way she left, all kinds of. At first thought, he could not calmly command the way
laid out. Because, think about it, it's crazy.

For fourteen years, he never say a heavy word to Xinyi. On that day, he took off her comb and
told her coldly that I would send you back. Then, he and Longzijin said, "Get this done."

As soon as the words fell, he rushed into the backyard to release the rein and chased after it.
Flapping the horse, to catch up with the strongest speed. In the roaring wind, you can hear
the sound of wounds breaking down one by one.

Dare not stop, do not want to stop, until fall off the horseback, consciousness before falling
into the dark, there is a voice in his brain tells him: Long Fei Li, you are wrong. Yes, he was
wrong. Even without ordering Ziwei, the Forbidden Army pursued Ziwei and pursued Ziwei by
itself. Even if he catches up with her, he may not be able to save her. However, when I heard
that she fell into Murong Lin's hands, there was nothing else in his mind.

How to suppress, later, I still think. Want to meet her again, want to talk to her. He even
thought about a thousand beginnings. But there is no beginning at the same time.

She looked down at the red cap on the ground. She's going to marry someone else. Her face
was destroyed, and her face was whispering outside the flesh-and-skin turned-out scar. "It's

Bai ZF eyes were sharp, and his figure moved to block Xuan Ji's front, but Longfei left a step
faster than him.

In the hall, don't know who took a slight breath backwards, and the voice was silent for an
instant. But in between, the phoenix-eyed man embraced the ugly bride in his arms, and then
withdrew for a distance.
If only one word is allowed to release the mood at the moment, LFL. For the first time in my
life, I was so powerless.

She was dressed in red. Once, LFL watched her from the crowds coming towards him from
afar, all red and bright. She is his bride, how can she be someone else's bride? It was an
extremely calm rage, and he wanted to pinch her neck.

But in his arms she trembled, her mouth slightly open, her eyebrows raised, like the moon
that Xiliang had never been perfect, her eyes like a frightened beast, the scar on her face,
looking at him in dismay, and when approached, he could see clearly that it was cut out with
the sharp knife, so, every time. With one knife, the skin and flesh are rolled out, and the pain
is extreme. It is also very difficult to heal the wound. It's a desperate wound.

One knife even fell on the eyelids, and a little more deviated, the eyes were also gouged blind.
The shadows of flowers and branches all over her face seem to have bloomed all my Nian,
leaving only vicissitudes of life. In fact, in her memory, she was just ten years old, not much
bigger than Jade.


It's just the scars on her chest, shoulders, arms, and face... She followed him for several
months, but it seemed that her life was over. Suddenly all his anger disappeared. There was
a tingling in his eyes, and then the tingling slowly widened, and his vision was blurred. Finally,
he pinched her shoulders and whispered, "Seven, shall we go back?"

"Seven, let's go back, I will heal the wound on your face for you, I killed the Murong clan to
revenge you, okay?" His mouth was low and he asked if she was okay. His slender fingers
caressed the scar on Xuan Ji's face, but his tone was cool.

Murong..... The blood in the pupil is broken. Death is no good. How could he let them bully
her so much? He has sent Ziwei back to the village to take him back to the palace. He will not
let go of any of those who bullied her.

Who is he? Don't talk to her in such a tone. It's a deeply cherished tone. Although it's tightly
hidden, it's full of sorrow and pain. But they shouldn't be like this. He doesn't love her, it's not
her... Open her eyes and stare at the phoenix, as if someone was holding a knife and swinging
her head, Xuanji stroked his cheek. With a loud cry, she pushed away the man holding him.
"Shut up, stop talking, I don't want to listen to you. My head hurts when you say that..."
It was clear that he had only spoken a few words to her, but all the fear and despair flashed
through the carriage that day surged into her heart. Xuan Ji covered her head tightly and
screamed loudly.

What did she experience after she left? Her eyes reflected the ugliness of her face, the pain
and tears of her eyes, and he looked at her so stupidly that he forgot to hold her back for a

Originally, compared with this moment, the pain of the eight swords is nothing at all. Long Fei
laughed, but the wetness in his eyes finally grabbed her eyes.

Looking at Longfei coldly, Bai Zhanfeng walked quickly to Xuan Ji and held her in her arms.

Blue Luan suddenly felt panic and confusion. Her cousin looked at her lightly in the corner of
his eyes and eyebrows. Was it... hatred? No, how come? She has known him for so many
years that she has never seen a him like that. Don't look at her like that! The fear in her heart
made her want to scream out. The most terrible disaster was to let the person in her heart
look at her so lightly, without even a word of scolding.

Many of the guests saw Long Fei in the street yesterday, but how did they know that this
handsome man had led such a disturbance today? How can an ugly and frightening bride win
the hearts of both of them? Everyone was shocked and suspicious, breathing tight and silent
in a large hall.

Yan Shuwang took a look at Tieqing's parents. His heart was filled with bitterness. Who
thought of his unintentional invitation, which caused a disaster? On the seat, Bai Zhengzhi
and Kangning have both stood up, their eyebrows full of dignity.

Bai Zhanfeng hugged Xuan Ji and whispered in her ear, "Don't be afraid of Xuan Di. Big Brother
won't let this person hurt you any more. Big Brother said, no one will hurt you any more."
Xuanji's body still trembled with pain.

With one hand cut behind, the glare that fell on the BZF became extremely cold, and Longfei
said, "Let go!" She's my wife!"

BZF lip line was cold. "Impossible!" If you abandon her, she will no longer be your wife."If it
hadn't been for him, how could she have been hurt like that? Even the nature is uncertain.

This is not only a statement, but also a surprise to the guests in the hall….
Bai Zhengfeng's nature is peaceful. At this time, although there is no expression on his face,
his heart is full of anger. The more angry he was, the more calm he became. Staring at
Longfeili, he smiled softly and said, "Why don't you come earlier? Two or three days ago, do
you know how she was? She forgot everything. She's crazy!"

In the last sentence, Bai Zhengfeng almost roared out, and the voice bursting out from the
deep throat struck across everyone's heart.

"She's crazy! Why don't you treat her well when you marry her? She is such a woman, which
point is not worth your cherishing, you have someone in your heart, you should not marry
her! If you marry her, you shouldn't let anyone hurt her like that!" The BZF eyes was so bright
and he raised his hand and pointed straight at the Dragon Feili, throwing it back word by
word. "Wife? No You don't deserve it!"

She lost her memory again? She's even... crazy? She's crazy! Long Fei shook all over his body,
lowered his head slightly, and trembled violently in both hands.

From the fall of the bride's cover to Longzijin and others, who were already shocked, to the
moment when they heard Bai Zhanfeng, they were beating like drums.

Nianfei is mad?!

"Nine sisters-in-law." Longzijin laughed bitterly in a low voice.

QF slowly lowered his eyes, the first moment of shock and pain, knowing that he was wearing
anger, to now a blank in the brain...

Xia Sang took a look at Yu Zhi, and Yu Zhi looked at Xuan Ji in Fenghuai of Baizhan in panic.
sHe put out her hand to cover her mouth.

The hall was quiet but dead, pale and dignified, contrary to the red layout of the hall.

A moment ago, she and Aunt Rong went to the inner hall and ordered people to arrange for
a new house. Now she just came out to see the 57-year-old, who worshipped the young
master. She was shocked to see that she could not speak for a moment and stood in the same
place foolishly.

The phoenix-eyed man in the hall, though only one side of the smoke and rain building, how
could he not remember? He is today's emperor! So, Nian her...
Outside the door, the last drop of sunset light is also exhausted. Early in the hall, red candles
are lit, and the light is still bright. In the light, but suddenly cold flashes, spent everyone's

The soft sword was raised gently, pointing directly at the wealthy man in his happy clothes.
"Yes, I don't deserve it."

Others, such as Longzijin, were shocked to hear the voice. That man was the emperor, and an
emperor said he was unworthy? Maybe it should be said that he knows what he's talking
about now?

"But I must take her away tonight. No matter what she looks like, no matter whether I'm fit
or not, I'll take her with me!"

People only heard a faint voice, beating everywhere in the hall, and the cold despair in the
words that were so faint that they could hardly hear it beat into the hearts of everyone in the
hall, making people shudder.

The man who had been lowering his head looked up. People saw the cold in his eyes. When
his eyes touch them, they dared not look into his eyes again. There were fierce ghosts in them.
In his voice, there was clearly despair, but the hand holding the sword did not tremble. In that
quiet posture, people suddenly felt that if anyone stopped him, he would kill the man. If
everyone here stops him, he kills everyone.

In a surprise, some people involuntarily retreated. Crowds of people suddenly became

"disturbed" and "chaotic" when they kicked each other.

"Sir?" Kang Ning frowned at BZZ.

BZZ closed his eyes again and again, and opened them with brilliance. He said aloud, "My
fellow countrymen, tonight is a broken family." Feng here announces that tonight's wedding
is cancelled! This is a crime of friendship, and Feng will make amends to you someday."

Bai Zhengzhi saw Shi Shu and Yan Shifu's "Woman" at the end of the war. Several people
realized it and immediately started evacuating the guests together with the family members.

"Weddings are not cancelled." A voice sounded from the hall. His voice was even modest, but
his momentum never lost the battle. It was Bai Zhengfeng! He held Xuan Ji in one hand and
pulled out his sword in the other.

On this happy day, the groom took his sword with him. No one was surprised. How could he
know that Bai Zhanfeng was afraid that Murong's brothers and sisters would take the
opportunity to commit the crime, and that he would take his own troops with him when he
was secretly on defense? From the moment he proposed marriage, he knew very well that
Xuan Ji was his destiny.

"ZF!" ZZ ended with a silent rebuke and a stern command: " Shi, send the guests out!"

A moment ago, the guest like "tide" to, at this moment, as a beast scattered, everyone's face
is panic.

Between the overlapping figures, two men of the same magnificence stood confrontationally,
each pointing to one side. Longzijin and others have also come to the back of Longfei, each
holding the blade of the army tightly.

i always served father filial piety. Bai Zhengfeng chewed his teeth and swallowed his words.
He stared at the back of the last guest and disappeared in a panic in the dark night outside
the gate. He bowed his head and said astringently, "Xuan Di, without the congratulations of
all the guests in the hall, would you complain about Big Brother?"

Xuan Ji slowly raised his head from BZF. she glance fell on the red silk handkerchief which he
held tightly in his sword hand. sHe smiled and shook her head gently.


Bai Zhanfeng was very happy. At the same time, Xuan Ji was pushed to the back.

She forgot him, but smiled at another man like this, so inclusive of gentle laughter. Longfei
laughed, his wound was not healed, and for several days he planned to catch up, blood
surging, an itch in his throat, a sweetness has "forced" his tongue. He just swallowed heavily
and lifted his wrist. The magnificent swordsmanship was handed to BZF.

At this time, Bai Zheng stopped shouting, "Zhan Er, if you were still my father, even if you
were dead, you could never move half a point!"

Bai Zhanfeng was shocked all over. His martial arts with Longfei were between Bozhong and
Bozhong. The master fed and beckoned, and a tiny gap was enough to kill him. He hesitated
slightly, dragon Fei from the cold sword spirit has broken into the air, BZF grinned bitterly, but
resolutely withdrew the sword, the tip of the sword ruthlessly into the ground, sparks
Long Fei-li sneers, such a victory, he disdains!

But his sword power had been exhausted and could not be eliminated. He immediately
pressed down the internal force horizontally. The internal force counterfeited and hit the
body. A mouthful of blood poured up again. The tip of the sword still pierced BZF, but the
strength and strength had been weakened.

This must be between a series of changes, no one expected, gently "boom" sound, blood
dazzling soft sword from BZF clothes dripping down.

"ZF!" Kang Ning cried loudly.

Xuan Ji was stunned and stared at the red "color" cap falling from the hands of Bai Zhanfeng,
spreading and withering on the ground.

The feeling of grief and indignation flooded all over her body at once. She gritted her teeth
and pulled out her sword from the waist of 57 beside her. Wuqi was frightened by the scene
in front of him. In a moment of unexpected surprise, she let Xuan Ji to take away her sword.

Bai Zhanfeng only taught her a day's sword, Xuan Ji only knew how to stab, and there was no
way to do it.

Even in the case of serious injuries on that day, Mu Ronglin and other seven people joined
hands and did not ask for cheap money from Longfei, let alone Xuan Ji? However, he just
looked at her bright red figure running towards him like that day in the Huayin Palace, looking
at her red dress and smiling at him.

Maybe she didn't laugh for him that day, just as the tears on her face didn't flow for him at
the moment.

Yeah. She had a blank sheet of paper in her mind, and even forgot all the life that was not so
peaceful in a small fishing village for only a few days. That night, she carried him on her back
to seek medical treatment in a long street, fragile and strong at the same time, until she finally
thought it was possible to make friends with each other, all of which she had forgotten.

However, once she loved him so much, he knew, and later he finally knew how she loved him,
when she was willing to die with the enemy for him that night. The country, that moment is
not too slight, is not not loving this great river and mountain handed over by the father and
Emperor himself. But he loved her, so he didn't want her to die, that's all.
In Bihua Palace, when she hit Xu Xi's sword point, he finally understood her despair and
despair. But it was too late for them to go back. Now she hates him deeply. What reason did
he have to avoid her sword?

Smile softly, listen to the sound of the sharp point of the sword piercing into the chest, raise
three silver needles to stimulate the "shooting" out, that is, in the dark to protect her from
his three Ziwei, afraid they will hurt her, he put the needle "shooting" into their accupunture
and blocked all their actions.

Three loud sounds landed.

As bright as red plum after snow, Xuan looked at the sword that she had put into the man's
chest by herself. Her consciousness had not yet awakened, but her tears had rustled down
from her eyes.

"Why don't you avoid it?" She murmured, but in the blurred vision, the man carefully pulled
out an object from his arms and gently handed it to her. The light movement seemed to
frighten her.

"Dang" a sword, fell to the ground. It's a comb, a wood comb.

Everything seems to have settled down at this moment. If not for the tears still flowing on her
face, Xuan Ji thought that time had stopped. This thing...

"Here, only for you."

She heard his voice coming from ahead, and he seemed totally indifferent to the wound in
his chest. He just stared at her as if he were trying to grab every tiny expression in her eyes.

She was afraid of his intense stare, staring at his little comb spread flat on his hand, some
images in the brain, struggling to come out, more fierce than ever...

She had to stretch out her hand to hold her head. It was so painful, as long as she remembered
a little something.

Suddenly, Aunt Rong, who had been standing behind the May 7th Movement, came up with
a worried face and said, "Young lady, your maidservant will help you." As she spoke, she
suddenly drew a dagger from her arms and stabbed the Dragon ferociously.

From the injury of Bai Zhanfeng to the injury by Xuan Ji, everyone was still shocked. Xuan Ji's
eyes fell on Long Feili.
It was so sudden that she didn't know why, even without thinking, she sided in front of

"Xuan ji." Bai Zhengfeng was shocked, but he could not stop her.

Blood "liquid" seemed to freeze in an instant. Long Fei-li roared. To push Xuan Ji away, but
the dagger had pierced her. Xuan Ji gave a low swallow and fell into Longfei's arms.

The sound of a sharp knife breaking through the air came, and at the same time a knife had
fallen into the head of Aunt Rong. But the hand that ended belong to BZF. He used the knife
as well as Longzijin. Both Longfeili and Baizhanfeng were very keen people. Only when their
hearts were divided on Xuan Ji, did Aunt Rong have a chance to take advantage of it.

But Bai Zhengzhi got along with Aunt Rong a lot. As early as she came out, he noticed that her
tone was different. When he saw the fierce "color" of God, he knew that she was not really
an aunt, but a person who was easy to dress up, and immediately started.

Long Fei was frightened, hugged Xuan Ji and bent down to inspect her wounds. Longzijin and
others also rushed to the encirclement.

Fortunately, the wound on the abdomen was not too deep. Kang Ning came over and said to
Longfei, "Give me this child." Longfei took a look at Kangning and carefully put Xuan Ji in her

Uncle Shi had taken out the small medicine box commonly used by Corning from the inner
hall and said, "Aunt Rong was knocked unconscious inside."

Kangning side dressed Xuan Ji and whispered, "The injury is not hindered. It is caused by
excessive emotional palpitation, weak body and unbearable body." She said and looked at
Longfei coldly.

"Thank you." Long Fei left but didn't take it seriously. He just looked at Xuan Ji tightly.

Green Luan rushed to Bai Zhengfeng and choked, "Cousin, I'll bandage it for you." Put her
hands down on his arm, but Bai Zhanfeng said lightly, "Thank you, no need."

When Qinglu heard his indifferent tone, she looked at Xuan Ji with his eyes fixed on him. Her
eyebrows were worried. She was stunned for a moment, and soon she hid her face and cried
Kang Ning just stopped, Bai Zhanfeng and Longfei have reached out to meet Xuan Ji at the
same time.

The BZZ gives a long sigh and murmured, " back down."

" forgive this son, but can not obey orders." Although his tone is light, BZF expresion is
resolute and firm.

BZZ closed his eyes and said with a bitter smile, "Do you know who Nian Xuan's husband is?"

"Who he is is has nothing to do with this son, since he carried the burden first that day, today
that man has no right to ask about Nian." Bai Zhengfeng gritted his teeth. He saw his father
disapprove on the face and grieved in his heart. He only held her hands tightly.

"Zhan Er, The person you are going to marry today is his concubine." BZZ ended with a
grinning grin.

In Fengfu, except for May 7 and the end of the White War, Yan and others, including Kangning,
do not know the identity of Longfei. At this time, everyone was shocked to hear it.

BZF body shook, this man unexpectedly is the emperor? And she's a princess?

A feeling of grief and indignation surged, filling the chest and mouth for a moment. Hundreds
of years ago, the Bai family was almost destroyed by the cruelty and violence of the Royal
family. Today... will he still bow his hand and his favorite woman?

If the two of them loved each other, he has nothing to say. He is willing to back down even if
he is miserable. But she was not happy. She was so unhappy.

Even Kangning approached with a bitter smile and dressed the wound for him. He was
shocked by his internal force several steps away.

He was shocked and quickly gathered up his thick but angry internal force. Kang Ning nodded
at him to show that he was okay. He nodded and looked deeply at Xuanji.

Her eyes were closed and she crouched in the emperor's arms. Without a full face, he thought,
her face would surely be pale at the moment. Such a thought, the pain in my heart, for a
moment, I was crazy.

Longfei reached out and sealed her "acupoint", stopped bleeding and tightened Xuan Ji. After
these hard days and nights, she finally returned to his arms. Although she forgot, she still
loved him, otherwise, she would not have given up her life to save him just now. She's his
Xiaoqi, and he's in a state of ecstasy... He'll never let her leave him again. Glancing at BZF, his
mouth was cold. "ZF, ZZ, originally such ingenuity."


Xia Sang and others were shocked that the Baijia descendants they had been searching for
were the Fengjia princes in front of them. Kang Ning and others were equally shocked that
the Baijia family had been hidden for hundreds of years and was found in this generation.

Longfei was very sensitive in his thinking. Although he was in a chaotic state, he quieted down
a little and understood the meaning. He laughed a little and looked at BZZ. BZZ stopped
laughing bitterly and was about to speak. But BZF met Longfei's eyes and said, "The Emperor
does not have to test everyone in the palace."

"Sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing to make things clear. Aren't you afraid you won't
be able to get out of the house today?"

A little bit of the atmosphere suddenly tightened again. Longzi's face sank and sneered, "A
good sentence can't get out of the mansion of the wind!" Can Bai Jia still refuse to obey the

QF looked cold at BZF, and the sword had come out of its sheath.

Bai Zhengfeng smiled lightly and spoke in a desolate tone. "Jun is not the king of the Bai family.
A hundred years ago, the Bai clan and its tribes were almost killed; today I also said that I
want to protect her safety -" Speaking of this, he paused slightly, but the sharp light in his
eyes was magnificent.

Long Fei stood up with Xuan Ji in his arms and a wink of eyebrows. "Unfortunately, it's not
your turn to keep her safe."

Bai Zhengfeng's sword was displayed and he said, "Why not try it?"

"ZF!" Bai Zhan stopped his anger and said, "You know, the Bai family was once found by the
court in your grandfather's generation. At that time, the father of the former Emperor was in
power, that is, the grandfather of the present emperor. The former Emperor was still the
emperor's son. His father wanted to kill the Bai family, which was persuaded by the former
emperor. He was afraid that his father would change his mind and help the Bai family hide all
its tracks. He himself cut off contact with the Bai family in order to prevent leakage. A hundred
years ago, the court had a killing hatred for the Bai family, but at present, the ancestor
emperor had a living grace for the Bai family.

"Why does the eldest husband live without distinction between grievances and gratitude?
When you confronted the emperor, just now the sword wind was stagnated, and he was also
merciful, which was done by an honest gentleman. Grace of the year, friendship of the day,
emperor, you can't move! You can't take his concubine! If you insist on doing it, you will kill
me tonight first!!”

Father's words, sentences thrown on the white war maple heart, condensing Xuan Ji, he
laughed loudly, a blood coughing out, LFL from the chest a sword, the internal force
withdraws most, plus his internal force is strong, not seriously injured, at this time the heart
of grief, hurt the heart.

Long Fei-li handed Xuan Ji to Yu Zhi and stood up with his hand in hand. He said loudly, "A
hundred years ago, the ancestor emperor was cruel and incompetent. He did not know
whether he was a good general or a bad general and did nothing to help his country. He was
a wise emperor, but he was too merciful to bear slaughter, which caused the Huns to commit
disorder today. There are biographies, outlines the friendship with Bai Jia on the one hand,
and said that they had a very happy talk with the owner of Bai Jia at that time, praised him
for having hilly chests, which is the talent of the generals.

"My visit to Xiantai is to search for generals for Xiliang and to enslave the Huns, which is
already on the string. The imperial concubine taught the enemy to take captivity, but it had
nothing to do with the country.”

Bai Zhengzhi and Kang Ning looked at each other and felt a shock in their hearts. A hundred
years later, the Bai family will fight again in armour? Worry, excitement fills my heart for a

Bai Zhanfeng thought of his father's nurturing since childhood. He did not know what his
father was vaguely looking forward to. He also remembered Xuan Ji and what he said, no
matter how big private grievances were, they could not be greater than the well-being of the

Xuan Di, isn't Big Brother even worse than you?

You still love him, don't you? Otherwise, you won't stop that knife for him just now. But how
can he treat you like this?
Staring at the sleeping woman, he raised a silky smile on the corner of his mouth, and Yuzhi
embraced Xuan Ji, just in time to meet the eyes of Bai Zhanfeng. He was clearly smiling, but
between his eyebrows was sad to the vicissitudes of life, and her heart trembled violently.

Bai Zhanfeng glanced at the dead body on the ground... This man dared to assassinate in such
a situation. It can be seen that he was a dead man, so his father did not leave a living mouth.
She was caught because she was accompanied by the emperor. There were too many people
who wanted to kill the emperor in the world. Holding the sword in his hand, he stared at the

"If you can't protect her and cherish her, today, whether you are a gentleman or not, you and
I will inevitably fight a war. I only ask you one question, can you have her in your heart?"

Long Fei-li's eyes also fell on the corpse. He heard the words and said, "BZF, I hope to talk to

No one knows what Longfeili and Bai Zhanfeng talked about for an hour in a closed room. But
to everyone's surprise, Longfei immediately ordered to leave and return to the palace. And
the most surprising thing is that there are also... Bai Zhengfeng.

Under Duan Yuhuan's arrangement, the Imperial Army disguised itself as dispersing behind
the wagons, two wagons, one for Xuanji and one for Yuzhi, and one for the rest. Another
hundred violet satellites were secretly accompanied by protection, this time tight, light and
dark, solid as gold soup.

Longfei sent Ziwei to inform Xuxi that Qiushan Royal Driver and his party immediately set out
to return to the palace and meet at the outskirts of the imperial capital.

Along a dense forest, people stop to rest.

With the sound of the water rippling, Bai Zhanfeng got out of the carriage and went to the
stream in the forest. But he suddenly stopped at the edge of the waterfall. A woman in purple
stood quietly facing the splashing water.

He was about to leave, but the woman suddenly turned back and said, "Big Brother." It was
Xuan Ji who wore a light veil on her face and drew a dark shadow on her forehead.
"Xuan Di."
Xuan Ji smiled. He saw her bend her eyebrows slightly and beat her breath on the veil. The
purple veil trembled slightly. The hand behind her was firmly grasped, but only a faint smile
came back on her face.
"He's still waiting for me over there. I'll go first." Xuan Ji whispered.

Xuan Ji had just taken a step, but she could hear Bai Zhengfeng's desire and stop saying, "Xuan
Di, I..."
Xuan Ji turned around and laughed, "What does Big Brother say?"
"Can I... hold you?" Bai Zhengfeng grinned bitterly and whispered.
Xuan Ji seemed stunned and looked down.
"Xuan Di, it's my friendship." Bai Zhanfeng smiled and said, "Go over." His voice fell and he
turned and walked away.
The pain in the man's eyebrows, Xuan Ji stood in the same place, unable to move, astringent
voice: "Big Brother."

A sudden impulse from behind, Bai Zhengfeng a shock, a hand circled his waist, for days of
repression, finally can not resist missing, he returned to hold her tightly.

"What are you doing?"

Beyond the sound of water, the cold voice came, and they were surprised. Longfei turned out
of the forest ahead and looked at them with a sneer. Xuan Ji lowered her head and Bai
Zhanfeng said, "It's not about her, it's me."

"I thought you were willing to return, you are a disaster after all, or even if it is related to you,
I killed you today." Longfei has two fingers and one finger, and the soft sword at his waist is
in his hand, pointing to the BZF.

Xuan Ji shook her head and urgently said, "Emperor, no, this concubines beg you -"
Bai Zheng frowned and rolled his sleeves, which had sent Xuan Ji several feet away.

He looked back at Xuan Ji deeply, with both feet a little, and made light efforts to go deep
into the forest. Xuan Ji was in a hurry. sHe ran to the carriage to find Longzijin and others to
stop the fight. But there were two black shadows in front of her.

Shadows staggered, separated, they are both in white, at this time has been bloodred.

Long Fei suffered serious injuries before he left the ground. His wounds were much heavier
than those of BZF. He put his sword "into the ground" to support his body. The light was cold.
The sword of BZF was pointed at his eyes.

Longfei laughed proudly. "Start, kill me, and you can take her away."
"I can't kill you, you are king." Bai Zhengfeng lightly, gently pressed the bloody wound on his
body. He was subjected to three swords, one of which was in the abdomen, and the wound
was very deep.

He walked a few steps, lacked strength, frowned, and reached up to a big tree.

The crisp clapping sounded loudly.

He looked back and saw ten people walking out of the shade behind him, the first two, a man
and a woman, with a face almost identical, but an ugly scar on the woman's face. It is Mu
Rongpei and Mu Ronglin who led Mu Rongshi and others.

Long Fei's face "color" changed, Muronglin has a giggle, said: "Oh, emperor, last time, the old
aunt did not kill you, this time you are not so lucky."

BZF eyebrows a grim, "Sure you are."

"Father Feng, how did you not think of it?" Mu Ronglin raised her voice and laughed. "It
doesn't matter if you talk about the ways of monarchs and ministers. Let's do it for you."

Mu Rongpei sneered, "Thanks to your serious injury to the emperor, otherwise we really have
no chance to start with his skill."

"Brother, do it now! It's a long way from where they are stationed, but it's hard to say if those
people will come anytime.

Mu Rongpei nodded his head, raised his eyebrows and laughed, drew a dagger from his arms,
and walked towards Longfei.

Bai Zhengfeng gritted his teeth and fought with a sword. Mu Ronglin hid her mouth and
laughed, "Don't worry, i will send you on the road soon."

She turned to Chao Long Fei and left the way: "Yes, Emperor, forget the report, Nianfei
Madame, I have sent someone to wait on you, you will not be lonely on the way." She paused
and grinned coldly. "Beauty is in trouble, I bah!"

Longfei gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to touch her, I will not let you go."

Mu Rongpei sneered, "Next life."

As soon as the corner of his mouth sank, the two men in black immediately went forward,
one left and one right tightly separated and held on to the shoulder of Long Fei-li. With a flash
of cold light, he held up his dagger and severely pierced the heart of Long Fei-li.

Mu Ronglin sneered and waved her hand. The rest of the black-clad men were in command
and their bodies were shining. They had surrounded BZF. Her eyes were cold and she stared
at Mu Rongpei in front of her.

The sound of a sharp roar came, and her mouth was raised, and her eyes and eyebrows were
filled with fierce joy.

Seeing that dagger was about to fall into the emperor's heart, the white shadows moved
slightly in a short time. Two black-clad men were shaken apart. Longfei took a look at his arm
and suddenly grabbed Mu Rongpei's neck.

Another hand, two fingers lightly buckled, to Murong Peihukou a shot, has taken the dagger,
his backhand a bunch, that sharp blade will "insert" into Murongpei's scapula.

Mu Ronglin was shocked and had not yet responded, but she felt chilly on her back neck. A
long sword struck her neck. In her panic, she turned her head and saw that it was Baizhanfeng
that had restrained her. Six people in black had fallen to the ground. In the woods, Longzijin,
Qingfeng, Duan Yuhuan and others did not know when they would all be there.

"It's a good way to lure the enemy." Mu Ronglin gritted her teeth, laughed loudly, and then
stopped laughing. She stared at Longfeili and said, "Emperor Dog, you are despicable!"

Long Fei-li twisted the dagger of "inserting" on Mu Rongpei, mu Rongpei screamed, sweated
all over his head, dragon Fei-li drew his eyes and smiled slightly at his lips. "I said that if you
touch her, i will not let you go, why don't you remember? Do you think I'm kidding you?"

His voice fell, his palm clapped, and the dagger plunged into Mu Rongpei's body for a few
minutes. Mu Rongpei hissed wildly, his head turned askew, and he fainted.

"Brother -" Mu Ronglin's eyes were cracking, grinning her teeth and sneering, "Don't forget
that your woman is still in my hands.


"Oh?" Longfei smiled lightly. Longzijin came over and took over Mu Rongpei in his hand.
With a delicate laugh, several people came out from one end of the forest. By this time, the
sky was dark and the star was rising.

Two Ziwei were carrying two men in black. A woman was smiling and said, "Miss Murong, but
I'm looking for you?"

She stood next to Xiasang, who sneered and said, "Madame is still asleep. Don't you wait to
disturb her?" Mu Ronglin looked at the woman in purple and trembled, "Aren't you Nian

"Why are you such a silly woman? Hasn't Xia Sang told you that my sister-in-law is still
sleeping? You hurt her, she is still sleeping, has been sleeping........ "The woman snorted, said
and gradually angry, ruthlessly white Mu Ronglin one eye, stretched out her hand to face, a
thin skin mask as cicada wings in the hand.

"Jade to Princess?" Mu Ronglin startled.

Jade clapped her hands and laughed, jumping and jumping. "Is it not Princess Ben? Nine elder
brothers and ten elder brothers, did you say that Jade made this easy-to-tolerate success?

Longzijin laughed and scolded, "Little girl."

Yuzhi said and imitated Xuan Ji's voice, laughing at BZF "Big Brother, what do you say?"

Bai Zhanfeng heard her big brother and looked at her. He didn't reply. He knew that he had
run out with the man who had been calling him, but he still hoped selflessly for her.

After knowing the man, it seems that there are many joys and sorrows, and there are also....
selfishness, he laughed at himself.

Yuzhi stared at Baizhanfeng and bit her lip. Xiasang saw Yuzhi's "color" and his heart sank

At this time, Longfei's voice came faintly, "Mu Ronglin, I want to spend poison to solve the

Mu Ronglin burst out laughing. "Solution to medicine"? Do you think I'll give you some
medicine? Jokes!"

"I thought you wanted to live." Long Fei's eyes are deep, but his tone is perfect.
"I will not be naive enough to think that if I give you the medicine, I will be able to change the
lives of my brothers and sisters!"

Bai Zhanfeng whispered, "If you don't hand over the medicine, you two will surely die. You
are not a fool. Why don't you fight once and say nothing at all?"

In order to attack the heart, Bai Zhanfeng said shallowly that Mu Ronglin was shocked all over,
and she did not want to die.

"Long Fei Li, what you said can be counted?" Mu Ronglin put her hand into her bosom.
Longfei said coldly, "If you give up the medicine, I will spare your life."
"And my brother! You must promise me that when you get the medicine, you will let both of
us leave immediately without any hindrance.

Mu Ronglin turned her eyes and raised her arms. A small porcelain bottle was thrown at
Longfeili took the bottle and glanced at QF.
QF bowed and walked quickly to Mu Ronglin's face. Bai Zhanfeng made a quick move and
sealed several accupoint of Mu Ronglin.

"What do you want to do?" Mu Ronglin said in horror.

QF was silent, and her jaws were pinched by two fingers, and a brown pill of "color" was put
into her mouth.
On the other hand, Longzi Jin also made Murongpei dead.

Long Fei phoenix eye frowned and said lightly, "This kind of medicine is called Devastating
Heart Dan, and its toxicity is very slow, but if there is no solution to the drug, after half a year,
the poisoned person will die of angina pectoris."

"Miss Murong, I wonder if you should really give me the medicine now?"

Mu Ronglin was shocked that she was vicious. The bottle she had just given Longfeili
contained only one of the "drugs". If the poisoner only took this "medicine", the poisoning
would fade from her face on the surface, and the shadows would disappear. But, by the end
of the full moon, the poisoning would be on schedule.

Bai Zhanfeng unlocked Mu Ronglin's "cave" road, and Mu Ronglin closed her eyes and grinned
sadly, "You are indeed ruthless!"
She threw another bottle on the ground trembling and gritted her teeth and said, "Take both
pills at the same time."

"Six months later, the Emperor will see you all. If something happens to my woman, then you
don't have to come. It's not as poisonous as your flowers. But it's said that when poisoned,
you won't die immediately. People have to endure it slowly until the heart is broken. That's a
bad taste. Longfei flicked his eyebrows and laughed, but the time in his eyes was fierce.

Murong Li shivered. Since ancient times, the cruelest punishment has not been more cruel
than the court. The most poisonous "medicine" is Daneili. She knows that Longfei is right.

Six months later, she had to go to Emperor's Capital, and then her life was pinched on the
man's hand again. This man, who will not die for a day, is a great enemy.

Bai Zhanfeng looked at the two nurong who had escaped into the night and said lightly, "Do
you really let them go?"

"Brother?" QF frowned slightly.

Longfei left the way: "If you don't let them go, who will take my detective to find out the old
nest of the Murong clan? I had promised her that I would kill all the admirers to avenge her."
He paused, his voice chilling, "No one left."

Women, old and young, do not keep one? Bai Zhengfeng twisted his eyebrows slightly and
said, "The emperor is looking for someone else behind the scenes."
Bai Zhanfeng said that Longzijin and other talents knew the emperor's mind.
Duan Yuhuan smiled and said, "The emperor has a wonderful plan."
Longzi brocade way: "Jiuge, you see, this behind-the-scenes pointed out that the other people
will be Palace people? Will it be Longliyu?
"Not necessarily." Longfei stares at the distant road.

Bai Zhanfeng handed Longfeili the second "medicine" bottle just picked up from the ground.
"Thank you."

Yuzhi Hehe smiled and said, "Don't thank you, let's go and see Jiusao as soon as possible."

Long Fei has already made great strides forward with a throw of his clothes. He can't wait to
see her.

When he got the medicine, everyone was in a good mood. Now he just waited for Xuan Ji to
wake up. Before her departure, Kang Ning said after her diagnosis and treatment that she
would surely wake up in time.
A group of people arrived at the carriage outside Delin Ziwei, only to see dozens of Ziwei who
were surrounded by the carriage with different faces.

Longfei immediately went forward, murmuring, "What can happen in the car?"

Everyone who followed him also pinched in sweat for fear that something might happen to
Xuan Ji.


“Emperor, Niang Niang is all right." A Ziwei returned.

Long Fei wrinkled his eyebrows, raised the curtain, and the car was empty. He was shocked
and grabbed Ziwei's front breastplate and said, "Didn't you say that Niang Niang is okay? What
about her?”

"Emperor, she's over there." Several Ziwei looked at each other, with place color on their
faces, referring to the bushes behind the carriage. Longfei was about to pass by, but he saw
dozens of Ziwei clumps coming out of the bushes.

It was Xuan Ji who was "submerged" in the middle.

"Go ahead, is this protection too professional? Can you walk away a little bit? C'mon! It's all
trees here, you tall horses, and you've make me lose all my signals.”

The voice of distress came out from the middle, and the people were staring. A crowd of Ziwei
saw Longfei's face "color".

Yuzhi just wanted to embrace Xuanjie. Xuanjie made a silent gesture to her and walked
forward quickly. She walked past Longfei and ignored him directly. People only saw her with
a small box in her hand, staring at it intently, turning around and putting it in her ear.

" XinZZ! You must hold on to me, don't hang up the phone, maybe we'll only be able to talk
like this once in our life, what? I beg your pardon?” Xuan Ji stamped her foot and growled,
"Ah? You say the telephone is expensive? Go to hell! XZZ, If you hang up, you're dead! Let me
find a good signal place, wait for me! “

Longfei, plus 100 Ziwei's, even Bai Zhanfeng looked at the purple-coated woman in front of
them, and Jade rounded her eyes, pulled Longfei's sleeve, and cried and mourned. "Nine elder
brothers, sister-in-law not only lost her memory, but also seemed to be crazier. What should
we do?"
Longfei pinched two small bottles tightly from the palm of his hand and stared closely at Xuan

Longzijin, Xia Sang and Qingfeng stood together and looked at Xuan Ji in shock. Xuan Ji just
came up to them. Suddenly, she shouted excitedly and reached out to drive several people
away. "make a move, hurry up, let's give in, the legendary signal."

Several people took a look at her and looked at Longfei, whose face became more and more
blue. However, they saw Longfei waving to them with a heavy face. All of them knew it and
hurried to one side.

"Pursue, all right, listen to me." Xuan Ji said in a hurry, "I have a question for you, what? Is it
time for the archaeological team to have dinner?” she said frustatedly " will you die if you eat
less! Do you know where I am now? What? You said I was missing? ZZ, listen to me, it's not
that I'm missing, it's you that's missing, I'm just dead...”

"You said I was crazy?" Xuan Ji patted her head and burst into tears. "Well, let's not talk about
the missing problem now. I ask you, did the underground money bank look for you in the
end? Where were you the other day? You say you've been working on the archaeological
team? Who sent me the message to go to 18 Xining Street?”

"You haven't sent me any text messages? Has only sent two MMS pictures?! But I clearly
received your message at No. 18 Xining Street. What? How many days have your cell phone
been missing?”

"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise, listen to me. What about my body? Have you
seen it? Did the police look for you?”

"What body? My body... You say I'm crazy? Well," Xuan said, crying without tears, leaning on
a tree beside her. "You are mad when I am mad. The handsome blue-eyed man deceives me
and chases me. You don't care where I am. You go to No. 18 Xining Street to find a blue-eyed
man. Let him go to Xiliang to find me. Life and death, you must go! You told him I was going
back to China in 2010. Also, Queen Yi Hui's appearance, your recovery process is completed...

"Insufficient balance, less than a minute long call?" Xuan Ji's face was covered with black lines
and her ears were covered with sand. The sound of Xin ZZ had disappeared.

She was so angry that she threw her cell phone on the ground, pulled her skirt and tried to
kick it up a few feet. After thinking about it, she picked it up again. she can only hope Xin ZZ
calls again. Originally, this phone call was from her. She slept in the carriage and was suddenly
awakened by the bell of Qilixiang. When she woke up, she seemed to have had a long dream.

But the scene in the dream was clear and unusual. The last scene was the little wooden comb
spread in the palm of the man, the dagger shining in the old maid's hand... She remembered
everything, including when she was mad.

Shut your eyes, Xuan Ji sighed and looked up, but everyone looked at her like she was a

She stared at BZF clothes and paused. She remembered the abnormality she had just seen
when passing by Longfei. She sank a little and asked Yuzhi, "What happened to BZF and your
Nine Brothers?"

Her voice shocked everyone again, and Longfei stared at her eyes more deeply.

Yuzhi opened her mouth wide and said, "Sister-in-law, are you all right?"

Xuan Ji sighed and laughed bitterly. "My maidservant name is DF. Your brother's younger
brother are called Qingfeng. The elder brother of Fengjia is actually BZF. Do you think I'm

The bigger Jade Zhi's mouth was, the better she said, "Their blood is fake. The blood of the
hare is used to cheat Pei Muronglin."

Xuan Ji nodded and smiled back at Bai Zhanfeng, saying, "Brother, you're okay."

If she really recovered her memory, Bai Zhanfeng was surprised and delighted. he wanted to
say something to her. After all, she didn't say anything, but bowed slightly.

Xuan Ji glanced at Longfei near the carriage again, bit her lip and strolled back to the carriage.
Her skirt was pulled up and she just wanted to go in. Behind her, the man's voice came low.
"Nian Xuan Ji." There is a bit of gnashing in the voice.


Xuan Ji doesn’t turned to Longfei and returned to the carriage.

The carriage was very big. There were even two beds or quilts in it. Did he sleep separately
from her during her sleeping days?
Also, who doesn't dislike such a face? If she hadn't spoken to Xin Chai, she would not have
been able to face so many people at all.

After XZZ and Yuhuan could not find her. They thought that she was missing. It was the
policemen they were looking for, not the policemen looking for them. They tried to call her,
but the phone kept shutting down.Without a charger, she dared not stand by all the time. On
the night of Yufu, she wanted to call two people. Longfeili suddenly came in again. After they
had rest, they met with their brother and sister Murong.

The machine forgot to shut down, and when she received the chase picture in Taoyuan
Village, although she forgot the matter, she still remembered to turn off the machine after
looking at the picture. On that day, she took out a treasure to Baizhanfeng and did not shut
down the machine, so intermittently, the machine had only the last grid of electricity left.

Once the power is exhausted, she can no longer be contacted to catch up with them.
Remembering what ZZ say, knowing her news, she can finally go to dinner with ease, just be
safe. Safety......

Take off the veil, reach out and cover your eyes, but tears can't help wetting your hands. Who
can tell her what she should do now? Her appearance has chaos the life of Bai Zhanfeng. How
can she go back to the palace with that ghost?

Comb... He said only to her. How about that? Even if his face is as good as yesterday, there is
a happy relationship between him and her.

Where else can she go without going back to the original world? But would you really like to
leave? Can we go back?

The voice of the conversation outside and the aroma of the food came, gripping the back of
her hand tightly, so that the cry did not leak out.

Suddenly the curtain was raised, and she was surprised. She hurried to get the veil, but she
didn't know where she has thrown it. She was so anxious and afraid that she quickly lowered
her head.

When one hand touched her jaw, the strength of the other's fingers forced her to raise her
head. It was the man... She saw him frowning and his black eyes looking at her keenly. "You
need it here. Let me go out."
"Go out and cry?" Long Fei asked indifferently.
Xuan Ji, stunned, gritted her teeth and said, "Which eye did you see me crying?"
"Well, I didn't see it. I just stood outside the carriage, across the curtain. I heard it, but now I
finally saw it."
The man spoke in a leisure tone. Xuan Ji was in great embarrassment and said angrily, "Go
away or I'll go out."
"Go out? Don't you think of your appearance for people you meet unexpectedly?” Long Feili
grabbed her face and asked.
Xuan Ji was also angry with his aggressive "forced" attitude. sHe pointed to the bed and
sneered, "Don't you care, too? Why don't you put me in another carriage?
Longfei shook slightly, pinched her chin, and said, "You cry because of this?"
Xuan Ji was in a panic and immediately struggled to get up. Longfei left her and took her in
his arms and sat on the quilt.
"Two beds, one is for jade."
"Yuzhi?" Xuanji said, "Is that where I sleep…with Yuzhi?"

Long Fei sighed, where did the woman's usual wit go? "I have a quilt with you. Yuzhi sleeps
by herself. Brothers and sisters Murong Pei have been peeping in secret. They know that
Nianfei is in this carriage. Yuzhi is here for tonight's convenience. i will not sleep here tonight,
only yuzhi and you."

Xuan Ji nodded, then remembered something, and bit her lip and lowered her head.
"Do you think I will dislike you or abandon you?" The mute voice, the breath has burned the
her ear, the man kissed her face.
"Don't..." She resisted and tried to push him away, but her hands were locked in his palms.
His voice was slightly hoarse and clear: "Everyone is outside, but also between the curtain,
plus Ziwei, there are more than 100 people, and, there are Duan Yuhuan people.

Xuan was so angry that she wanted to kick the man to death. He threatened her like when
she was in the small fishing village. He told her not to act rashly, not to shout, not to act big.
She gritted her teeth and said, "Do you really think I dare not?"
Longfei let go of her, smiled faintly and glanced at her face.
Well, she really dares not.

Xuan Ji was so angry that she grabbed Long Feili's arm again and try to bit it off. He gently
stroked her back. Xuanji was stunned. The bite mark on his arm was from her in Songfeng
Town's other courtyard. Why didn't it fade?

Longfeili followed her eyes to his arms, put his jaw on the top of her hair, and slightly raised
the corners of his mouth. He used "medicine" to keep the marks of the wound. Of course, he
won't tell her.

"My teeth are not steel..." Hearing her suspicion, Longfei could not help laughing softly.
Xuan Ji heard laughter, but he became more and more angry and roared into the man's ears.
"You let me go. I'll go to sleep with Yu tonight."
"Aren't you afraid to wake up in the middle of the night and be frightened by what I look like?"
"Nian Xuanji!"
"Long Fei Li, there is one thing I want to tell you." Xuan Ji laughed and laughed. In fact, it was
also pleasant to make such a fuss with him. But how long could the pleasure last? It's time for
them to have a good talk.
"I can't go back to the palace with you."
Long Fei sank from his eyebrows. He did not forget what she had just said with that weird
little box. She said that she would go back. The one who went back was not going back to the
Originally on this trip out of the palace, she planned to run away. The map, the whereabouts
of the white maple she hides, is all about leaving him!


Even before, she has asked him for a pardon for the servant in FJ Palace in order to leave!
When he was in Taoyuan Village, he had already thought, but he did not want to go deep into
it. She finally mentioned it.

"Do you think I'll let you go?" He smiled coldly and asked quietly.
"You don't need an ugly concubine." Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. "I'm only a joke in the palace."
"Anyone who dares to say more, I will kill ." He stared at her, word by word.

She knew that he would do what he said, but...... Xuan Ji bit her lip, smiled and whispered,
"I'll never be the same as Xinyi -"
"I don't need you be Xinyi! Your nature is very good. You don't need to change. You don't
need to change at all.” He looked at her, his voice was heavy and dumb.

"In that case, we will not be happy." Xuan Ji's heart was sad. Suddenly, her mind reflected her
desire. She held the wooden comb with a slight smile and opened her eyebrows. "Ruyi is a
good woman, she-"

She had not finished her words, the man had pinched her shoulder hard, and a slight sneer
floated around his mouth. "Nian Xuanji, what on earth do you want?"
He's the smartest man she's ever met, but at this moment, she thought he was going
backwards, didn't he? Xuan's nose is sour. He has asked her more than once before. How can
she answer this question?

Bixia Palace, let her make up her mind to leave, after leaving the palace, experienced many,
even if she can let go of the scene in Bixia Palace, she has let the child's death sink into her
heart, what possibility of going down they have now?

Her answer to his question was very simple. She thought that he was the same as her and
that there was only one person in her heart.

In the face of life and death, it becomes simple to love someone, just like those days and
nights in the hospital. He lives, she lives, he dies, she follows.

She wanted to tell him that when it came to her lips, she suddenly thought, in fact, how could
he not understand? A slight drooping eye suddenly suffocated.

On the palm of his hand stretched out in front of her lay a little wooden comb. She was
startled, her heart suddenly panicked, looked up at him, his black eyes deep like water, but
inclined to wrap in the hot.

She clenched her lips and only wanted to go out. He only wrapped her waist and limbs with
one hand. With all her strength, she stretched out her hand to break his hand, and got nothing
but sweat.

Their bodies clung together, and she heard his slightly gruff breath. "Don't you dislike the
original hair comb, letting me take it from you back then?"

Xuan Ji was stunned. His voice seemed tense. She could not help bending her mouth slightly.
He really cared about what she said that night. If she told him that it was only a woman's
coquettish, would it be very affectative?

"I has planned to carve something before returning it to you later. When I put the comb in my
study, Ruyi came in carrying noodles..." His voice came from near her ear, and the breath on
her skin was hot, and she trembled violently. in addition to the body, there is also the heart

What he meant was Ruyi misunderstood, and then she also misunderstood? Is that what he
said at the Baijia, just for her? These two misunderstandings, however, led to the subsequent
correction of piles...She clenched her lip tightly, and a heart finally became multi-petals.
Longfei was so keen. They were close together. he immediately felt her sensitivity. Just now
she was struggling in his arms, which had already aroused his feelings. At this time, when she
looked so charming, he suddenly closed all her voices, passed her face and kissed her lips.

Shortly after they left the palace, they experienced life and death many times. At this
moment, eventhough, seem to be calm, She was thinking of Ruyi. In her heart, didn't she also
long for him? Although, both sensible and emotional, she understands that she should finish
what she should say, reason, emotion and instinct are three things.

As his lips captured her, she was soft in his arms, allowing his lips and tongue to slightly rush
into her mouth. His lips weighed heavily on her, and his tongue forced her to intertwine with
him, sucking her breath. She could not help but put her hand around his neck, lip and tongue,
and gently responded to him.

She could hear him breathing heavily, but his big palm could not even reach into her dress, so
she had to pull the curve of her body out across the dress. Her chest was cool, and the comb
fell into her jacket. The dryness of the comb stimulated her skin. She was shy and annoyed.
She reached in to take the comb out. He sliced her hands behind her, and put his lips and
teeth in the position of the comb and covered her with softness.

Her sensitivity tossed and turned in his mouth. She clenched her teeth, but could not help
moaning and chanting. It seemed that the little voice of the conversation outside was in her
ear. She was so shy that she bit him on the shoulder that she dared not make any more noise.
Under his caress, the body was hot and dry, so it could only cling to his vigor, She slide one
hand down his neck and plunged into his clothes.

He is not a man of heavy desire, but he is deeply "obsessed" with her body, after leaving the
palace, he has never been entangled with her again. She is shy, inside the Dragon curtain,
always just looking at him with "fans" in her eyes, resisting shrewdly, or closing her eyes in
embarrassment and letting him ask for it. He pulled up her dress and dropped her trousers.

Feeling cold, Xuan Ji suddenly wake up, extremely embarrassed, dragging her clothes said:
"Don't be here."
Long Fei frowned and his face was impatient. He said, "Here it is."
"There's someone outside."
"I ordered Ziwei to let them go."
Xuan Ji's face is covered with black lines. Isn't that telling everyone what they are doing

The water splashed slightly on her face, and her body was close to the man's in clothes spread
out on the ground. Xuan Ji blushed when she remembered that he had taken her out of the
carriage and came to the waterfall Lake in front of everyone.

What's the difference between this and ordering Ziwei's to let other people go? What will
others think? She was so absorbed, but before she could change her mind, her legs had been
separated to the maximum its arc around his waist.

No one was so direct. Xuan Ji clenched her lips, shivered all over and grabbed the robes on
the ground beside her. The fierce collision tore her apart. From the initial discomfort of pain
to the intense numbness and trembling, she could not help but whisper.

"Little Seven, call my name." His lips came after her, kissed her on the corner of her nose and
lip, and coaxed her in a low voice.

His breathing, his voice of passion and hoarseness, Xuanji was extremely shy, quietly kissed
him back, but trying not to moan at the pleasure driving back into her abdomen.

He suddenly stopped, sweaty forehead against her, she wrenched uncomfortably, grieving:
"Long Fei Li..." The voice was so delicate and charming that she was shocked.

"Well?" He responded lazily, tossing, kissing and crushing on her back.

It was so hot inside, but he did not move.

Xuan Ji was anxious and annoyed. "You pull out."


"Then you..." She clenched her lips. How could she say that annoying thing?

"Like this?" Long Fei said lightly, and went to the depths of her body, Xuan Ji lost her voice
and cried out, this evil spirit!

"Seven, I say, say my name."

Xuan Ji wanted to die. sHe scolded evil spirits and gritted her teeth and said, "a li, broken
pear, rotten pear..." She was cursing, but she heard his shallow laughter coming. She trembled
and clutched his robe tightly on the ground. He seemed to feel it. Then he leaned a little closer
and buried deeper in her body.

Feeling so tormented by him, Xuan Ji's eyes were suddenly white, and finally she couldn't help
whimpering, "Ali..."

She saw his eyes full of darkness and fire, and her body was turned over quickly...

The great joy was like a whole piece of lightly exploded fireworks, her legs hanging weakly on
him, the splash of the waterfall in the lake, his sweat on his waving hair tips, falling on her
faded body.

She pulled down his head, sobbed in his ear and begged for mercy, but he ignored it and
whispered again and again in her ear, "Seven, say you don't leave me."

Until she stubbornly closed her eyes and fainted in his arms..... Long Feili put one of the
"medicine" from Murong Lin's hand, put it on his lip, eyebrow tip converged, put it on her

About half an hour after the touching, she was given the medicine with a gentle luck and no
hindrance in her body. Reaching for the scar on her face and frowning slightly...

The tip of the sword touched the ground, but a mouthful of blood came out. Bai Zhanfeng
knows that he can't practice any more. Once his Qi and blood are blocked, he will be paralyzed
and killed. He grinned bitterly when he put his sword into the ground.

Who are you cheating on? Will you come to Lin Zi's side to practice swords? When Longfei
came out with Xuan Ji in his arms, he involuntarily followed in. Determined to let go, what is
the current practice?

The subtle groans by the waterfall hit his my heart over and over again.
If it hadn't been for the rubble thrown by the dragon, he might still be standing there, unable
to move.
The dense bushes cut off the two figure, but how could he not know what they were doing

When he gritted his teeth and held his sword, a delicate voice whispered, "Big Brother Bai."
He frowned and glimpsed. A little distance away, under the shade of the tree, flew out a
shadow. It was precisely Jade, and her body was still full of purple appreciation. He was
startled and gave a slight stare.
"Princess." He Say, pick up the sword and wait to leave.
Yuzhi ran up to him and looked at him with round eyes. "Don't practice sword any more, Big
Brother Bai," she said.

"Whether it's sword or sword, if you don't practice it often, you'll be blunt."
Jade wrinkled her face. She looked serious. "You're not practicing sword, you're practicing
"Thank you for your concern." He was polite but cold to her.

When he spoke to her sister-in-law, it was not like this. Jade bit his lip. Perhaps it should be
said that compared with the first meeting, the warm man changed..... There was more
indifference in his bones.

At the wedding ceremony of Feng Jia, her shock was not small, not only did he not abandon
her sister-in-law's appearance at all, but his eyes and eyebrows were full of pity.

She has pretended to be sister-in-law in order to attract Murong's brothers and sisters. When
he took her into his arms, she was actually shivering slightly. When she saw him enter the
forest, she could not help following him and wanted to talk to him. Everything, can not say
why, but the bottom of my heart has a vague... Longing.


Suddenly, a voice broke the silence and embarrassment between her and him. Yuzhi was
startled to see Xiasang.

"May 7th came and brought an important message from Mrs. Bai, which seems to be related
to consort Nian."
Bai Zhengfeng immediately bowed his head and said, "Thank you. I'll be right there."
He took a subconscious look at the shade of the waterfall and asked softly, "Does the Emperor
Xia Sang said, "Ziwei has gone to the emperor."
Yuzhi was curious and asked, "Xia Sang, what message is there?"
Xia Sang glanced at her lightly, said nothing, and went out.
Jade is so shriveled, she doesn't seem to offend him anywhere. What's his attitude?

At the edge of the waterfall, overlapped in the clothes of men and women on the ground,
suddenly a faint blue light flashed, accompanied by a mute song.

Long Fei stands up to take his clothes, and a white arm raised and take a hold in his arm.
He twisted his eyebrows slightly and saw Xuan Ji make a face at him. "A li, go away."

She took the man's robe and put it on her body. Xuan Ji grabbed the ringing mobile phone
and jumped out of Longfei's arms a few steps. Glancing at the call display name on the screen,
this time it's... Yuhuan?

Inexplicably, there was a slight panic her my heart. It was a good thing to communicate with
Yuhuan. But, Why did she feel this way?

In front of him, Longfei stared at her lazily.

On his bare chest were several beautiful scars. Xuan Ji quickly lowered her head. Her heart
was dull and painful. At the same time, she pressed her hand to answer the call.

the voice of Yuhuan came with the sound of crying, breathing fast, and sounded very panicky.
"Ah Qi, what's the matter with you and XZZ? Do you guys want to scare me to death?"
Xuan Ji was stunned and busily said, "Yuhuan, what are you talking about?"
"Your mobile phone has been unable to connect, I and ZZ even found the police, and now...
now even ZZ is missing."

Xuan Ji was shocked. sHe grabbed her cell phone. "Yuhuan, don't worry. Why did XZZ
disappear? I just got her call today! "

"Did you receive a MMS from her later? Ah Qi, look at that picture quickly. Why is that so? Do
you think it's ZZ joke for us?”

Xuan Ji's sudden heart jump, the signal is not good, but she can clearly hear the heavy
breathing sound of Yuhuan.

Yuhuan's love for joke has always been greater than them's. Just now she was wondering if
she had misheard it. Now she can be sure that Yuhuan is very panicky and extremely afraid.
Pictures? What picture is it? Suddenly she was shocked. Would it be the image of Queen Yi
Hui's face?
"Yuhuan, send me the pictures at once!"

What? Broken? Xuan Ji stayed for a while, called back and tried several times, but there was
no signal.
Looking at her distressed appearance, including what she just said, Longfei's eyebrows are
tighter and tighter. She's talking to others. It's impossible to hide a person in this small box.
What's the secret of it? Can it be sorcery?

Suddenly his face sank, and he turned around, holding Xuan Ji, who was still playing with her
small box in her hands freely, to his arms.
"Don't touch me..."
"Put on your clothes!"
Men's tone is extremely bad, Xuan Shuan closed her mouth and obediently do.

Only when the belt veil was finished neatly and meticulously by the Dragon beside her.
Looking back at himself, his clothes were wrinkled and his hair was shining. Long Fei-li lightly
clapped his hands and a purple shadow lightly fell in front of them.

"God forgives." Ziwei knelt and his voice was terrified.

"Go back to Xiasang to collect the punishment."
"Obey your orders."
Xuan Ji was surprised and asked in a low voice, "Why should we punish him?"

Long Fei did not say a word, glanced at her, drew up her dress's collar, and pinched her nose
Xuan spit out her tongue and realized that Ziwei had just arrived. It was estimated that there
was an urgent report, but she was wearing only one of his clothes........ she thought that this
man's possession and desire were really strong. she thought about it again. Feeling very
happy, she touched his neck and kissed him on the mouth through the veil.

"Master, subordinates or retreat first --" Ziwei, who looked up just to report the incident, saw
this picture, and his heart was filled with bitterness.

Long Fei raised his hand, touched her lips, looked at Xuan Ji, who was humming something on
his shoulder, and felt a little "swing" in his heart. He should have pushed her away from his
hands to deal with the matter, but he tightened his hold on her.

"What's the matter?"

Ziwei was very happy to hear the voice of Long Fei-li. He hung up to the heart of his voice and
then put it down. He said in a respectful voice, "Lord, Mrs. Bai has a message."

By the time they got out of the woods, all the people beside the carriage had risen and waited
for their arrival.
Xuan Ji's guilty face was hot, but the man holding her was not surprised. Bai Zhanfeng's eyes
seemed to slightly circle her, Xuan Ji's heart dim, slightly lowered her head, she wants to find
a time to talk with him.

"Nine brothers, Mrs. White sent a message to May 7." Longzijin opened her mouth with a
smile on his face. Xuan Ji, seeing Zijin's face, this message... seems to be a very good thing.

Longfei bowed his head and turned to BZF.

Standing beside BZF, Wuqi swept Longfeili and Xuan Ji angrily. Don't go too far. Like Longzijin,
Bai Zhanfeng is extremely happy.

"Emperor,... There is a chance for her to regain her looks."

Long Fei felt a big joy, said: "But Mrs. Bai has thought of the method of treatment?"

Xuan Ji was stunned and trembled slightly. Yuzhi rushed over and held Xuan Ji's hand tightly,
jumping and jumping. Hearing the words, Bai Zhanfeng frowned slightly.

At this time, QF came and whispered, "Sir, Mrs. Bai said that she thought of a man holding a
pill of"medicine", which has the effect of invigorating the skin and muscles."

"Who is it?" Longfei asked in a quiet voice, but his heart was slightly awed. Looking their
expression, he was all dignified at the moment. The man was afraid of being extremely

Xuan Ji also leaned slightly, holding hands tightly with Jade, and cold sweat came out of her

Bai Zhanfeng laughed bitterly and was waiting to open his mouth. Suddenly, a song sounded
on Xuan Ji. All the people were shocked. Xuan Ji looked over.

Xuan Ji let go of Yuzhi, took out her mobile phone, looked at the MMS hint on the screen, and
knew that Yuhuan had sent the picture to her. In association with the panic of Yuhuan just
now, Xuan Ji felt a panic again in her heart. sHe pressed her finger on the check button and
dared not press it for a moment.

Regardless of how the people around her guessed and thought, she did not recognize it
anyway. Xuanji closed her eyes and pressed the button.
Who is that?

At first glance, she was shocked and covered her chest and mouth, so she didn't throw her
cell phone away again. Most unexpectedly, there are two pictures!
And these two pictures... No wonder Yuhuan said that this ia XZZ joke for them.

If it's a joke, that's normal.

If it's not a joke, it's weird, horrible, and illogical.

The images are the images of ancient ladies in costumes, identical headdresses, clothes, red
silk and satin, embroidered Phoenix lacquer and Phoenix sunrise.
How can it be possible for a Queen Yihui to be reduced to two shapes?

If the two models are similar, it's fair to say that the problem is that the two models are very
different. One face is like a full moon, the other is a small face with melon seeds.

But the people in these two images are all very familiar with them, and it is absolutely

The former is XZZ, the latter is Zhu Qi.

Computer simulation, can not achieve full restoration of the original appearance, but with the
two portraits it came 90%.

If it wasn't XZZ’s joke, how could she not be afraid to see these images? Because of this, does
she have to hide in panic?

From the first picture she received, she had a strong feeling that the archaeological pursuit
might be closely related to her passage. Otherwise, the mobile phone would not come to
Xiliang for no reason. The intention seems to be to ask her to see these pictures.
Who is behind the plot? Is that blue-eyed man? What's the purpose of this?

She was in a panic. Suddenly, her cell phone shook and she quickly opened it. But it's the
message of Yuhuan.
"Ah Qi, here are some text messages sent to me by XZZ. Look at them. Where on earth have
you been? There's no way to get through the phone. When you see the information, you'll
come to my house and find me at once." Xuan Ji was shocked and immediately turned down.

Flashing screen, lines of text jumped into the eye.

"Yuhuan, I met the most terrible thing in my life. Now I'm going to figure it out. Don't tell Aqi
about it for the time being. I'm afraid she'll be afraid. Dad has never believed that I can do it
independently. It's my greatest pleasure is to host the excavation of this graveyard group for
more than 20 years. You are my best friends. Ah Qi even made a huge debt for me. But up to
now, I don't know whether I was right or wrong in my original insistence.

"You may not understand what I'm saying and feel confused, but according to the inscription
on the funeral implements we have now, we have a surprise discovery that parallel time and
space do exist around our world, and these time and space are not completely parallel, maybe
somewhere. There are some intersections, and the tomb group we excavated is one of them.
Many years ago, Hawking proposed the possibility of timetravel. Once there is evidence to
support it, then the traversing text of timetravel in your daily life is not entirely fictional.”

“From the inscription, Emperor Qingjia, the emperor served by Empress Yi Hui, is the most
famous King in Xiliang Country. Yihui is his second empress. Regarding this emperor, I don't
know why, I'm interested in it... Just, Yuhuan, did you find out, Xiliang, Qingjia, this is not any
country or dynasty in our history that we know well..."

"I have been sending you and Aqin the progress of the archaeological team in the form of
pictures. What I just sent you is a restored image of Queen Yi Hui's appearance. Why are there
two images? That's because we all made mistakes before! That coffin... Actually, it's not an
ordinary coffin, it's a coffin, that is to say, it has two layers, coffin, usually refers to the coffin
outside the coffin, but this coffin is very strange, divided into two layers.”

"This coffin is exquisitely crafted. There is no gap between the coffin and the coffin with the
naked eye. Until a worker accidentally spills a preservative, and the liquid seeps into the tiny
gap between the coffin and the coffin, we know that there are two corpses hidden in the
coffin, one above and the other below. They were wearing identical accessories, we made a
facial restoration, the result is that the two groups of pictures, are you afraid? Because we
were shocked to find a coffin under the coffin, the bodies were mixed up when they came out
of the coffin. Now we can't tell which one is on top and which one is on the bottom.”
"They died young, not more than twenty-five years old. The exact cause of death is still under
investigation by the archaeological team. However, this method of joint burial is very
mysterious, Yuhuan, you guess, who is the real Queen Yi Hui? Lie in the same coffin, which is
a great disrespect to the real Emperor Yi Hui. Without the emperor's instruction, it would be
impossible to bury together like this. But what was the purpose of Emperor Qingjia? Have you
ever heard of Cao Cao's 72 graves? Is it the emperor's fear of future grave robbers that makes
one true, one false and two queens here?”

"Yuhuan, I do not believe in reincarnation, and I have always believed that there is a very
similar person in the world. If there is only one woman in this coffin and that person is very
similar to me or Aqi, then I believe it is only a coincidence. Now, however, the faces of these
two women who died for thousands of years are similar to those of me and Ah Qi, and the
two bodies were dug out by my own hands. What does that mean? I don't know. I'm really
scared.. I always feel that something will happen soon, and these things are not under our
control.. Recently, something happened to Ah Qi. A few days ago, when I spoke to her on the
phone, her mood was unstable. Yuhuan, remember, don't tell her about this. I'll find you when
I get the whole story straight.”


Xuan Ji looked up at the sky, and it was bright. According to the message, XZZ talk to her on
phone a few days ago, it was clear that they had only talked last night, that is to say, the time
of the two worlds is not the same.

That's not the point. The point is, what's the matter with those two pictures. XZZ nature is
very stable, rarely joking, from the tone of her message, it does not look like a joke.

Brain flashed a fast image, which was seen in Taoyuan village after the Dragon Queen Zixu,
then her memory is still very vague, only that the God is not Zixu, and she is very familiar with
it, because the image of the God is XZZ!

She would have been surprised if she had recalled it before, but after receiving the
information from Yuhuan today, nothing would have surprised her enough. There was a tomb
of Queen Xiliang in the tomb group, and the tomb was the second queen of Longfeili.

What about the original queen? Did she step down? RY is his childhood sweethearts, she also
firmly believes that Long Fei li’s love would be the now Nian Xuan Ji or Ruyi. How could those
two portrait be XZZ and Zhu Qi?
Did XZZ and Zhu Qi later come to Xiliang with their bodies? According to the handsome man
with blue eyes, the modern Zhu Qi is dead, unless he deceived her, then Zhu Qi's body is still
preserved, or are there really two people in this country who are so similar to them?

Two women were buried in the same coffin. Then, it should be on this position. If Emperor
Qingjia wanted to do this because he was afraid that future generations of grave robbers
would damage the coffin, then the woman lying at the bottom of the coffin was the one he
wanted, and that was the real Queen Yi Hui.

So, lying below will be XZZ or Zhu Qi? Or who are the souls in these two bodies? How could
they die in their prime?

What happened to the gods of Taoyuan Village? Is she real ZX or fake ZX?

ZX.... Every time she heard her name, she felt familiar and distressed. There were some
fragmentary images and fragments in her brain about her and the Dragon King.
Unfortunately, the true appearance of ZX in the fragment was never seen clearly. If there
were reincarnation, could the Dragon Queen thousands of years ago be... Herself?

Xuan Ji felt headache and dizziness when she thought about it. Everything in the dark seemed
to remind her of something. Many times, she foresaw the future in order to prevent
something from happening. Queen Yi Hui and Taoyuan Village are reminding her to change

It is at present that she is inseparable from Dragon's feelings, and her debt to Bai Zhengfeng
is also dazzling "chaotic". Does she have the ability to change anything else?

From the comb, she knows that Longfeili loves her, but what about it? From beginning to end,
he did not say it to her, and what does his feeling for Xinyi count?

She laughed bitterly, trying to send a message to XZZ and Yuhuan, but suddenly found that
the machine had been extinguished. All the electricity has been used up!

She was shaking and almost fell, but she had taught people to huddle into her arms. Long Fei
was deeply locked from his eyebrows. "are you all right? What's wrong? The voice is light, but
the tone is very tight.

She shook her head quickly.

At that moment, Yuzhi suddenly pointed at her and shouted, "Sister-in-law, your forehead -"
She hadn't responded, but she saw that everyone had changed their faces. Long Feili had
taken her to the back of the carriage, removed her veil, and watched her face gloriously.

"Xiao Qi, no matter who this person is, I will certainly help you get back the medicine."

Xuanji was at a loss and said, "Aren't I already ugly, A li?" Now it's uglier?'

"No, it's Xiaoqi that has become beautiful, the poison of flowers has been dissolved, and the
shadow of flowers has disappeared. As long as I get the Shengji pill, your face can be restored
to its original appearance."

Xuan Ji put his hand over her mouth and trembled, "Are you serious?" She touched her
cheeks, bit her lips, and was so excited that she could not speak for a moment.

Long Fei kissed her face, and they spent a lot of time together. Long Fei took her out and said,
"The poison of flowers is no longer dangerous."

"Congratulations to the emperor and to the empress." Everyone was overjoyed and

Bai Battle Feng Ning to Xuan Ji, Xuan Ji nodded slightly, silently said a thank you. Longfei
looked in his eyes and said nothing. QF standing with Xiasang had a slight sunken face.

Yuzhi jumped with joy and said, "Sister-in-law, what treasure is your little box? It can shine
and sing, you still talk to it! Is there a little man hidden in it? Look at Yuzhi and tell her how to
do it.”

Xuan Ji was in a dilemma. Long Fei-li silently interrupted Yu Zhi. "You naughty son, don't
disturb your sister-in-law."

He glanced at Bai Zhengfeng and said, "Who is the person mentioned in Mrs. Bai's message?"

Bai Zhengfeng twisted her eyebrows slightly and said, "The emperor knows this man, too. He
is the emperor's master, Hengye Daoist."

Xuan Ji wondered why each face was so dignified, not that man's uncle? Yuzhi pulled Xuan Ji
aside and whispered, "Sister-in-law, you don't know, this Hengye master is my master and
Jiuge's master, the head of the famous Jianshan Villa have a great hatred. He was originally a
brother, but the master's ancestors passed on to our master. Later, he set up another door
for himself and created a broken sword. Men, Jiu Ge is also the master's most proud
apprentice, you say how he can-"
Longzijin said with a bitter smile, "Mrs. Bai said that although this pill is effective, it must be
taken within half a month of injury, otherwise it will lose its efficacy."

"Xiasang, Yuhuan, immediately arrange, Ziwei and the Forbidden Army are still in their
components, and follow Hang to the Broken Sword Gate." Long Fei left his face but did not
hesitate to "lust" and had been ordered to go on.

Xuan Ji knows that this trip is bound to be dangerous, but she is hesitating. sHe is afraid of
hindering Longfei's departure. Suddenly, the horse hoarses. Not far away, a fast horse gallops
in. Without waiting for the horse to stop, a purple shadow has flew up from the horse's back
and knelt down before Longfei's departure. The visitors seem very anxious.

"Your majesty, JX in the palace sent urgent news, XY critically ill, please immediately return
to the palace emperor."


She didn't understand what he meant by waiting for him. And she did not understand her

Women's heart is very complex, but, it is also very simple.

In Taoyuan town, when he was willing to die for her and send her a comb, she still lost her
memory, but decided to live and die with him. Later, because of the comb, she thought that
he had repented his promise and had twists and turns... But when he told her that she had
misunderstood XY, and when he wanted her, she quietly responded to him, she had actually
confessed her heart to him.
The experience along the way made her want to understand many things.

She can not accept the love shared between three people, but she will not escape, internal
and external worries, his burden is heavy, so she will give him time to make a choice.

He wanted to go back, but he could tell her directly. In the end, he chose to use checks and
balances to make her yield. How can she reach him in terms of tactics? She did not think
carefully at first, and he also thought that if he wanted to kill the people who punished the
vulture palace, he only needed to remove their palace, and there was Mrs. Nian...

She laughed bitterly, and the familiar emptiness rose from the bottom of her heart. The veil
was held in one hand and handed to her.

"Big Brother." Xuan Ji smiled softly, "Thank you."

"Rotary brother, ready to go. From your injury to now, elder brother is out of date, although
less than half a month, but the time is over. We have to seize the time, Palace interests,
appearance is very important to you. You can rest assured that no matter what the cost is,
this "medicine", I will help you to get it! “

Xuan Ji wanted to talk to Bai Zhanfeng. Her voice fell off, but he already left talking to Xia
Sang and Duan Yuhuan about the road. Next to her, Yuzhi stared at Bai Zhanfeng, and seeing
Yuzhi's eyes. Xuanji was a little startled, but did not notice that QF expression behind was
getting darker and darker.

In the sky, the light gathers and breaks through the clouds. The sky just opened is full of

Suddenly Xuan Ji thought, I hope the way is coming. It's not a journey of wind, but a journey
of rain.

The Broken Sword Gate is at the junction of Yanxia County and Forgotten Worry County. It is
not far from here.

Only half of Ziwei was taken away by Longfeili, and all the forbidden forces remained to
protect Xuanji. Duan Yuhuan's 1,000 banned troops are all one in a hundred miles. They are
loyal to the emperor. Long Fei is loyal to the emperor, but they think that many people are
easy to let off. Along the way, they will be accompanied by the banned army as a component,
and let the banned army stay close to each other, only to be deployed in an emergency. So
the Forbidden Army never knew that the imperial concubines were being protected on this

Before Longfei left, Ziwei was still under Xiasang's jurisdiction, while Duan Yuhuan and
Baizhanfeng were in charge of the forbidden army. On the way, Yuzhi raised the curtain to
cool down. Xuan Ji saw Bai Zhanfeng beside the carriage and Duan Yuhuan murmuring and
exchanging opinions from time to time.

Duan Yuhuan led the banned army for several years. Xuan Ji was very careful. He found that
most of them were BZF’s. Duan Yuhuan listened and nodded from time to time.

Suddenly she somewhat understood the purpose of Long Fei's departure, and he had begun
to assess the future commander of Xiliang, who might be the battle between Xiliang and Hun.
Beyond martial arts, from loyalty, strategy to generals.

Half-closed curtain, sunshine rolling in threads, and occasionally Bai Zhanfeng slightly passed
over the eyes, except for the pain when thinking of that person, Xuan Ji felt very reassured.
Men are sometimes very strange animals, separated by one of her, Long Fei-li dared to entrust
300,000 troops to Baizhanfeng. He is a man of great wisdom and will not indulge in feelings.
Maybe this is the emperor!

Perhaps, she decided to follow him, but also need to learn a lot of things, such as... Tolerance,
tolerance, but not compromise, until the country is determined, she made a decision in her
heart. If she is not the only one in his heart, then she will go!

Just, the heart is still sore and sour, close your eyes, hum softly: to be happy to take care of
themselves, even if one day a person is lonely, you and I agree that a quarrel will soon stop,
but also say that there is no secret is very transparent, I will love you silly, do not care about
fairness and injustice...

Yuzhi stared at Xuan Ji in a daze. The curtain was blown away a little by the wind. Bai
Zhanfeng's eyes came in slightly. Yuzhi looked at Xuan Ji in dismay. However, he saw Xuan Ji
look at him quietly. He turned his head and looked ahead with firm and clear eyes.

Yuzhi's lips are touched and his wife is a good person. She doesn't blame her, but will Big
Brother Bai still like other people? Suddenly she was shocked. Why did she think so? sHe
leaned over and tried to close the curtain, but saw Xia Sang's sword eyebrows slightly
converged and looked at her lightly.

Heart panic "chaos" inexplicably soared, always feel that XS than before there is something
different.... Palm trembled, the curtain fell.

Starry sky, wet hair pulled back, Xuan Ji came up from the lake and put on her jacket. There
are also women in Ziwei, who are guarding around. She can take a bath in the lake with ease.

Tonight, they will rest in this forest. In order to keep our tracks as hidden as possible, Bai
Zhanfeng decided to take the mountain path only, and then we can go to the Broken Sword
Gate tomorrow.

She put on her clothes and sat on the rocks by the lake. She was stunned for a moment.
Suddenly, there was a rustle from the trees in front of her. She was surprised and said, "Who
is it?"
A dark green figure slowly emerged from the shade of the tree.
"QF?" Xuan Ji was relieved. No wonder Ziwei did not obstruct him.
But QF that came slowly towards her looked a little --- strange.
Emperor's Capital, Jingjiao.
Two figures quickly jumped down from the horse. Several Ziwei had already rushed out of the
house to take over the reins. Three thousand-mile Liangju were killed in a row, and Longfeili
and Longzijin rushed back to the Emperor's Capital overnight.


“Lord, the subordinates report to the girl-"

"Don't disturb the girl, I can go with 10th prince."

Come back from Yanxia County, change Ziwei's easy-to-tolerate house if you like, and you've
been resting in the house given by the Queen Mother.

This is also the teachings of Long Fei-li. Although he had a feeling that Rongjia was not the
Queen Mother and Longliyu, he was not willing to return to the palace to take the risk before
it was confirmed.

Unexpectedly, XY illness that was lied about before was really ill. The queen mother also
declared that the doctor and daughter would come to see XY, and told her that she would live
well here, and let JX take care on her.

"Nine elder brothers, you go first, I will go again later.You haven't seen her for days," said
Longzijin softly. "She must have a lot to tell you... She has suffered a lot for you, and you treat
her well."

"Well." Longfei responded, and as a Ziwei coming to pick up the small burden in his hand, but
he stopped. Longzi Jinwei was shocked. Suddenly, he remembered Xuan Ji holding the burden
tightly. He felt guilty. He didn't even apologize to her.

Longfei looked away and said, "Can you check on her properly?"

"Lord, please rest assured that there are our people all around the house. The Queen Mother
came to visit us in the morning and all the palace people were evacuated at noon." Ziwei is
awe-inspiring and respectful.

"Well done, the guards on the side of Ruyi girl must not relax! In addition, immediately
prepare three fast horses for me."

Three fast horses? Longzijin was shocked that Longfei had gone away with Ziwei.

"Lord, this way!" Ziwei led the way, and Longfei hurried all the way.
When he arrived at the entrance of the boudoir, Longfei waved away and Ziwei immediately
withdrew. He pushed the door in, and the woman sitting in front of the mirror whispered and
stood up. She looked beautiful, she is JX not XY.

"Emperor." In surprise, she worshipped again.

"How is XY?" Longfei swept the empty bed in his eye room, and it was cold.
"XY..." JX slightly frown, face Yu "color".
The trembling voice came from behind. Longfei turned away. she was in a single dress and
stood at the door with a cape on her shoulder. sHe looked at him in dismay, but her eyes
flowed with joy.

Long Fei frowned slightly and went to XY side. "Are you well?" he said lightly.

Suddenly surprised, She had exposed JX in the corner of her eyes. Long Fei is so keen that he
looks at JX side and says, "Xing Jixiang!" The frost in his tone was just as good as frost.

He tossed his sleeves, everything on the table was swept up and instantly fell to pieces.
JX is frightened, her legs trembled and knelt on the ground, trembling, "Emperor...The
maidservant did not deceive you, I-"
Long Fei-li sneered, "Of course you didn't deceive me, but you aggravated my heart!"

He gritted his teeth and XY kneeled at the ground, and said, "Emperor, please look at XY and
spare JX this time."

Longfei went up and lifted her up. He said softly, "Take good care of your illness. Don't go
back to the palace first. I'll make arrangements after I come back."

sHe nodded her head and frowned slightly. "Aren't you just back? Where else are you going?

Longfei has turned back and looked at JX coldly. JX only felt that the emperor cut her body
like a pair of sharp eyebrows, and a sharp, cold and trembling body.

"Xing Jixiang, this is the first and last time. Don't try to touch the bottom line of the hairpin.
You can't provoke it!"

The emperor's cruel warning was still in her ears. A sudden and violent force came to him.
There was a cry from JX, a great pain in her back, and a bright red mouth coughed up.

Ruyi Ningfei's figure quickly disappeared in the darkness, staring at JX, grinding her teeth and
saying, "Xing Jixiang, are you willing to kill us all? How will the emperor spare me doing this?
JX face pale, but she raised her eyebrows and laughed, "Wen Ruyi, see it? You win, he comes
back for you! You dare say you are not half happy! In his heart, Nian Xuanji is not as good as
you. Didn't you ever think that if she died... I might not be able to do it alone, but if you

Surprised, she said in a trembling voice, "What are you talking about?"

Outside, Longzijin was surprised to see Longfei striding out with a fierce face and said, "Nine
elder brothers, Xinyi..."

"She's all right. I'll go back to Yanxia first." Long Fei moved slightly from his eyes. He stepped
on his horse and galloped away. Several Ziwei also quickly mounted their horses, each with a
strong horse.

Longzijin gritted his teeth, turned over his horse and chased him up.

Running all the way, Longfei pulled the reins, looked at Ziwei beside him, and muffled his
voice slightly. "Send me a message to Ziwei beside Xing Jixiang to let him watch all Xing
Jixiang's actions. If he finds out that she has any disadvantage to XY, don't ask me for
instructions. Kill her immediately!"

"Yes, Lord."

The whistling wind passed by his ears, and Longfei pinched the small burden in his hands
tightly. The whip was beating hard on the horse's abdomen, and there was a sudden strong
uneasiness in his heart. It seemed that something would happen...

By calculating the itinerary, she will be able to go to Broken Sword Gate tomorrow. She's his
woman. She will go with another man who loves her?

Nian Xuanji this woman, until this day, he still hasn’t understood her completely. When she
walked into the carriage without a word, he thought she was going to let him away.
If she opens her mouth and ask him stay...
His little seven.


“QF?" Xuan Ji sounded out tentatively again, but QF was silent, and his face came to her in a
cloudy way. Xuan frowned and involuntarily stepped back.
"Are you avoiding me?" QF suddenly sneered.
Xuan Ji saw his face "color" and "tide" red, and a strong breath of alcohol in the air rushed
towards her. She sneezed slightly, but she did not expect QF to drink at this time.
He walked towards her faster and faster, and his face grew gloomy. Xuan Ji felt a little uneasy
and said, "I've gone first. Don't drink so much."

Only a few steps, has taught people to grip their shoulders, mixed with wine, the voice of the
hoarse breeze in her ear frantically ~maniacally sounded: "You like BZF right? Why did you
marry him? Do you and he already have skin relations? Don't think I don't know. He looks at

Xuan Ji's shoulders ached when he pinched them, and she felt a little sad. At this moment,
she was angry at his dirty words. sHe said, "We are not as dirty as you think! Whatever you
scold me, you can't insult my eldest brother!”

"Are you still protecting him?" QF was very angry, and his face became fierce. "How can you
do that when my brother treats you so well?"

Xuan Ji was frightened and frightened when the strong alcohol sprayed on her skin. sHe said,
"You drink too much, let me go -"

"No, I don't, Nian Xuanji, you shouldn't do that!" QF roared, and Xuan Ji's blushing face was

Their skin matches each other, the stronger the fresh air is, the warmer their palms are, and
Xuan Ji, though green and astringent, is already human. The man's desire for women is in the
eyes of QF.

She was shocked and struggled hard, but she could hear a crisp hissing sound. The gauze on
her body had tear apart. "You're crazy! I am your brother's woman. "She shook her head
desperately, but her voice was lost in the man's palm.

QF, with his eyes red and white skin, murmured, "Am I dreaming again?"

He cut Xuan Ji's hands behind her back and covered Xuan Ji's mouth with one hand. "Don't
make a noise. Let me see you. Every time I wake up before I see you clearly, I can't do that
every time. I only watch this once!"

"Stop it! Big Brother, Yuzhi..."

His heavy body has arrived at her. His martial arts are high, he loses his constant after drinking,
and his strength is even more brutal. She struggles desperately and cries, but her fragmentary
voice drifts like weak willow catkins on the lakeside.

Ziwei has been deported by him... Xuan Ji closed his eyes in despair.

A warm "liquid" body splashed on her face, Xuan Ji shocked, her body had been tightly
embraced in her arms, the man's hand on her shoulder was also slightly shaking.

She opened her eyes and saw Bai Zhanfeng hugging her tightly. His sword pointed directly to
QF ahead. QF covered the wound on his shoulder. His clothes were bright red. He opened his
eyes wide and looked at Xuan Ji incredulously. His eyes shocked and he seemed to have
recovered from his drunkenness.

BZF eyebrows deep, tight lips show that he has been angry, if not for the excellent ears and
eyes, vaguely heard her cry, what will she do? He could not restrain his resentment and grief
at the thought that she might be bullied. His eyes slowly sink, Xuanji knew that he had been
prepared to murder.

Before the tears were dry, she gritted her teeth, reached over and shook her head.
Bai Zhanfeng glanced at Xuan Ji, stared coldly at QF, and his voice was mute and angry. "Get
out of here! If you take a step closer to her, I will kill you."

QF looked at Xuan Ji, His eyes were full of regret and helplessness. He suddenly shouted,
turned around and started running.

Xuan Ji was in a panic of "chaos" embarrassment. A gown had been draped over her shoulder
and she had a shallow body temperature. She was surprised that Bai Zhanfeng had let go of
her. She saw him turn around quickly. "Xuan Di, put on your clothes first."

Xuan Ji answered with tears and put on his robe. He remembered the scene just now. The
experience of the Dragon Queen Temple came to mind again. The fishy smell of the aquatic
body, the wine in QF mouth, and her fingers shook slightly, covering her eyes.

Hearing her slight choking throat, Bai Zhengfeng was shocked and turned back. Her eyes were
everywhere. Xuan Ji lowered her head and worn her clothes. Her body was still shaking
slightly. Her heart was painful and angry. Her eyes glanced over the sharp sword on the
ground. She just hated QF.
Although the Bai family is secluded from the world, things are still going on. Bai Zhanfeng
admits that Longfei Li is not a mediocre monarch. Looking on calmly, he knew that he loved

But after all, the man abandoned her again and let her be bullied and humiliated again and
again. If it's him... he laughs bitterly and can't think about it anymore...

Tears kept slipping out of her eyes. She reached out and wiped her hands over and over again.
She seemed to realize his look. She looked up and smiled at him, so pale. Bai Zhanfeng
stepped forward, and could no longer avoid suspicion. he embraced Xuan Ji in her arms.

Xuan Ji shivered and the man's big hand patted behind her.

Starlight was floating on the lake, and she knew that the embrace was free of impurities.
Pillowed on the shoulder of Bai Zhanfeng, she whispered, "Big Brother, thank you."
"Did you call me a big brother and see me outside?" They reclined beside the rocks.
"Big brother, I've been trying to ask you, have you really thought about the right to take over
the army?"

Bai Zhanfeng looked at Xuan Ji with red eyes, but looked at him closely without mustard. He
understood her mind and felt warm. He said, "Do you remember what you said to me? Before
the national calamity, whether you, the emperor or the eldest brother were in the general

Xuan Ji nodded, but heard Bai Zhengfeng say, "What are you going to do about QF? Where
the Emperor is-"
"Would you mind not mentioning... the emperor first?"


Xuan Ji lowered her head. At that time, she really didn't want to mention him. At this time,
he was next to another woman. Even if she didn't regret it, did she really not hate it at all?

“As for QF” he frowned at her... She frowned tightly and her voice was calm. "The emperor
should know about it."

Yuzhi didn't know how long she had been standing here, from the anger before to the bitter
smile on her face at the moment. She came along with BZF, unexpectedly, will see these.

When BZF sword stabbed QF, she wished that she would poke holes in QF with her sword.
She did not expect QF would treat Xuan Ji like this.
Starlight shone on the faces of the two people in front of her. They sat separately, with Xuan
Ji leaning against the rocks. Their eyes closed and their movements were quiet. They seemed
to have gone to sleep.

Bai Zhanfeng picked her up, put her head on his knee, and tore a large piece of satin from his
robe... Yuzhi watched him wipe her wet hair lightly. The waves were like scales, reflecting his
thin but contented smile on the lips.

She suddenly thought, in fact, sister-in-law and Big Brother Bai are also good together, that
scene, comfortable and quiet, like the quiet water in the lake. She knows it's a bad idea. I'm
sorry Jiuge, but the idea is very strong.

Her sister-in-law's face suddenly changed. She reached out and rubbed her eyes. That face
turned into herself in an instant. She was shocked. She went back modestly to Big White.. She
was afraid of making a noise. She walked for a long time before she dared to run.

As soon as she turned out of a bush, she hit a man.

The voice was a little reproachful. "Don't be careful about such a big man."
She took each other's arm in a blank way, and for a long time she just stayed silent and said,
He frowned and said, "Late, go back to the carriage and sleep. Tomorrow morning we will go
to the Broken Sword Gate. Although Hengye is the Emperor and your master, the Emperor
has already told us before he left. If you want to get the medicine, or the ritual, or the battle,
things will go on for a long time.”

Jade nodded and turned to leave. One hand grabbed her wrist.
She was stunned and looked back at Xiasang, but Xiasang was slightly overturned.
"Yuzhi, before leaving the palace, I mentioned to you that you shouldn't care much about his
affairs. The emperor will not be happy. You have a mission in yourself. You know you can't do
it, and you will suffer in the end."

Is her mind so obvious? Jade Zhi bites her lip. Is Xia Sang telling her that Bai Zhanfeng will
never fall in love with her? She laughed bitterly and pushed Xiasang away.

The eyebrows closed lightly, Xia Sang looked at his palm, was pushed away by Jade Zhi's hand,
grinning his teeth, Xia Sang, you live a ghost in your heart.
Damn the mission!
Bai Zhengfeng's feeling of treating Nianfei, he know that he will not fall in love with Yuzhi,
afraid that Yuzhi will be hurt, at the same time, he do not want her to fall in love with Bai
You hope she loves you.
You want her to love you? Xia Sang frowned and smiled silently. You want Xiliang's most
golden princess to love a palace man? Xia Sang, you are crazy!

Previously, his feelings could be restrained, but after seeing his feelings for BZF, the more and
more intense feelings quickly concealed the sense of self-control.

Suddenly, his hands were dripping with blood, but he only stared coldly at the fallen trunk in
front of him. Tomorrow's business must not be entrusted by the negative emperor. Maybe
it's right to pair up in the palace. He needed one or more women to transfer this terrible
feeling. When he returns, he will...

"XS?" The timid voice came from the front. Yuzhi had run far away. Her delicate little face was
dim in the night.
Looking at her, he still couldn't see it clearly, only heard her footsteps go back along the same
"XS..." She walked quickly and called his name shallowly.
"Yuchi, don't come here." He roughly interrupted her cry.

Xia Sang's voice is fierce, which she has never heard before. Privately, she has also heard the
Palace people mention that Xia is in charge of treating people and kindness, but the rewards
and punishments are clear, punishment sometimes very cruel, but at least, in front of her,
she has never seen Xia Sang like this. He only spoils her, Jade hesitates for a moment, but still
rushes forward. She did it many times from childhood to adulthood. This time, it's still the

Clothes and clothes brush each other, without warning, Jade Zhi only felt a light cold wind
coming, body suddenly soft, black in front of her eyes.

After taking Yuzhi's body, Xia Sang squatted on the ground, touched her eyebrows with his
fingers, touched her skin, and trembled slightly. Hold her in your arms.

He restrained her from sleeping in the cave. On this quiet night, in the quiet forest, he did
something offensive to her. He wanted to hold her again.Maybe for the last time in this life.
She and he will eventually go farther and farther. Yuzhi, what on earth should i do to make
you happy?
If he had the power of life and death, even if he loved her again, he would give her what she
wanted. But he can't, unfortunately, he can't.
Many years ago, when he had not been with the emperor, he was beaten and scolded by the
master of the palace, bullied by the little eunuch, and ate the leftovers of their meals. No one
ever asked him. He was just a slave.

Until that day, she went into the palace with her father. At the corner of the palace wall, he
was a little eunuch who had been beaten all over the body. She was a little princess who had
no intention to walk by.

“Why are you crying here?”
"Yuzhi has something to eat, to eat for you, to play with you, you don't cry, okay?"
"My God, princess, this slave is dirty. Don't touch him. You are a golden leaf. How can you
play with a low slave?"
"What's your name?"
"Mammy, did you hear that? He's not a slave. He's Xiasang."

The Broken Sword Gate was built on Chongshan Mountain.

Hengye Daoists were always the elders of the emperor. Duan Yuhuan and Bai Zhanfeng
stationed the forbidden army under the mountains. Xia Sang accompanied only a dozen Ziwei.

Hengye's nature is lonely and proud. If Longfei wants to seek "medicine" as someone else's
identity, Hengye will not receive it. He will open up his identity and let people report that his
trip is for the emperor to seek "medicine". Hengye will definitely make difficult conditions, as
long as he does not violate the laws and regulations of the state, Longfei will leave Xia Sang
and others. All can promise, otherwise, they will threaten each other with emperor's respect
and force.

Considering the long-standing resentment between Broken Sword Gate and Famous Sword
Villa, Xia Sang and Duan Yuhuan began to meet as ordinary businessmen in order to avoid
Heng Ye's difficulties. As expected, Heng Ye refused.

Later, Bai Zhanfeng personally sent a worship note and stated the identity of the emperor.
Heng Ye ordered Heng Ye's son to open the door, but he did not invite people to come in. He
only brought the elders and disciples under the door out. Dozens of people scattered in ranks,
but also had great momentum.
Hengye Ye was half white and had a dark eye. Although he had friendship with other people,
Qingfeng and Yuzhi were not at Mingjian Villa when they got to the gate, but they had never
met each other.

At this moment, everyone thought that this man was full of wolves and tigers, but he lost the
word "Taoist".

Xia Sang opened up the condition of LFL, but Heng Ye said, "This pill of Shengji is the treasure
of the town of Jianmen. Can we teach people to get it by dividing three into two? No matter
who comes to the rivers and lakes, he should follow the rules of Wulin and control people by
his skills!”

Hengye's words mean a war!

Who knows on the rivers and lakes, the famous Jianshan Villa did not spread its strength.
Although Hengye was a great brother, his martial arts was inferior to Longfeili's master, and
finally lost the position in charge.

Hengye ranks in the top three in Wulin,but he is extremely domineering. He sent his disciples
to the battle. If he did it himself, it would be better for Longfei to come. Xia Sang and others,
though highly skilled in martial arts, who was his opponent?

Hengye gave everyone a cold look and said, "The famous sword villa is the Taishan Beidou of
Wulin. It's a broomstick and a small caddy that is different from others. Today, the poor road
throws a brick to attract jade to see."

When the crowd was shocked, Hengye was so slippery that he blocked his words, regardless
of his age, that he really responded personally with shame before the snow.

Duan Yuhuan, Xia Sang and Qing Feng's martial arts are all between Bo Zhong. The three
exchanged their eyes for "color". Qing Feng glanced at Xuan Ji quietly. She touched his eyes,
but did not turn her head lightly. He was already very sorry for last night's incident. He was
afraid that Xuanji would hate him and would not think about it, so he marched forward.

Xia Sang looked at BZF lightly. People did not know it. Even QF was only injured by the white
battle Maple after drinking last night. Xia Sang saw the fight between BZF and the dragon in
Yanyulou. He knew that the man's martial arts were unpredictable. If he went to war, he
would not know whether he could win a victory or not. But when he saw his eyebrows slightly
frozen, he did not know what he was thinking.
"Famous Sword Villa breeze, please Shibo to teach." BZF pulls the sword out of its sheath and
speaks loudly.

Heng Ye sneered, "Xiaoxiao younger generation, not self-sufficient, or let the poor road to see
where the famous sword villa is now growing!"

Xuan Ji did not understand martial arts. sHe saw only two figures intersecting in mid-air,
swords crossing vertically and horizontally. Yuzhi pinched her small fist beside her, and her
face turned red. sHe was very nervous. "One, two, three... forty-ninth move, fiftieth move."

When she counted fifty moves, a figure fell out of the air. It was QF. He fought with his sword
and wanted to fight again, but he coughed up several mouths of blood.

Duan Yuhuan frowned slightly and was thinking of summoning the Forbidden Army. Although
it was best not to move troops, if Heng Ye was angry, he could destroyed the pill of
"medicine". Suddenly, he heard only a loud cry from Jade, and a white "color" figure had been
fighting with Heng Ye.

This time, Yuzhi counted more than 500 moves.

Don't say Qingfeng, that is, even Heng Ye and his door are shocked. If this young man wants
to compete for a seat in Wulin, the ranking in Wulin must be rewritten.

During the confusion, the two swords were separated, and ZF and Hengye leaped from the
air at the same time. Their hands counteracted each other, which seemed to be a contest of
internal forces.

Xia Sang and other people had no hope after the Qingfeng and Hengye clashed, but now they
immediately rekindled.

Yuzhi is holding Xuan Ji and calling and jumping.

QF looked at BZF the direction of the field, and his heart was shocked and suspicious. See BZF
palm force urges, that Hengye body unexpectedly slightly shake. Both sides were shocked.
What was the man's accomplishment even above Hengye?

Who does not know that Hengye's heart has long been angry and bitter, the other side's
internal forces come from, he has begun to be unable to support. Bai Zhengfeng's eyes
glanced over Xuan Ji, trying to put the competition to rest, but ran into Heng Ye's resentful
If Heng Ye fails, will he hand in the medicine? Bai Zhengfeng's heart was very bitter, an idea
quickly turned around, eyebrow fronts converged, and some internal forces were collected.
Heng Ye did not know why he was doing this, but he had a deep chance. Once he vomited his
internal forces, Bai Zhengfeng gritted his teeth, and a sweetness rushed to his throat. He only
laughed, "Dao elder has strong martial arts, and the younger generation is willing to worship
the wind. See that the younger generation is lucky under Dao elder's hands." For the sake of
hundreds of tricks, I also hope that the elder will not stint on giving "medicine".

How could Hengye not hear the meaning of his words, knowing that if he promised to give
"medicine", the man would let him falsely defeat him!


He clearly has the upper hand, hasn't he?

Xia Sang and Duan Yuhuan came from Palace Hang at last. On second thought, they knew the
difference between Xia Sang and Duan Yuhuan.

How can Heng Ye throw down this face? He has said, "Afterlife is awesome. If you do this, it
will be a pity that poor ways can be destroyed by poor ways. You can't fight hard any more.
Otherwise, you must die through the broken channels."

"Thank you, Dao Chang."

Heng Ye glanced at Bai Zhanfeng, Bai Zhanfeng frowned a little, huffed and puffed the inside
information, took all the internal forces back, Heng Ye's eyes in a flash of cold, suddenly
shouted, Bai Zhanfeng knew he had this calculation, just to get the pill, just struggle to accept
this palm.

In the body, the gentle "puff" and "puff" counts, the meridians are broken, Bai Zhanfeng
knows that he has suffered serious internal injury, he reacts very quickly, once touched by
the palm of Hengye Leaf, he has turned around and leaped away.

A strand of blood spilled over his mouth, and he smiled faintly, "Dao Changfu, the younger
generation has been taught."

Hengye laughed, and behind him a crowd of people cheered, looking at the public's eyes also
from the original doubt suddenly become high-spirited.

Xuan Ji and Yuzhi walked quickly to Bai Zhanfeng. Yuzhi said urgently, "Big Brother, how are
you doing?" Is the injury serious?
Bai Zhanfeng laughed and shook his head. Xuan Ji did not make a sound, but she was worried
in her eyebrows, and her heart trembled slightly.

That kind of light joy.

He can't be with her all his life.
If he lets go, it's not just LFL is the emperor, but that he knows that she loves the man.

Her face was covered under the veil, but when she handed over her bags to the man, her
eyebrows were full of lustre, and she was reluctant to part with it.

At that moment, he suddenly understood how he loved her and how she loved that person.
Last night, when he saw her uneasiness, he told her that he was going to ask for "medicine"
for her in his eldest brother's capacity.

In fact, he is selfish, in his heart, he treats her as his wife. He stepped forward, bowed slightly
and said, "Please give me medicine from the Taoist leader."

Although Shengji Pill has a very strange effect, it is not a "medicine" for prolonging longevity.
Bai Zhanfeng is also a "medicine" for the emperor. Although he has a deep resentment with
the famous Jianshan Villa, the emperor's intention can not be reversed, which provokes the
emperor. The consequences are hard to imagine, and now the lottery has been taken, but it
can not be done absolutely. But it's not so easy for him to put on the medicine.

Heng Ye raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "This pill is a treasure of my broken sword
gate. If I want to take this medicine from the elders in the gate on that day, I have to kneel
down and kowtow, Bai Gong Zi. Look -"

The meaning of this statement is clear, but if you want to take the medicine, Bai Zhengfeng
must kneel down and kowtow to him.

But this is also Hengye's cleverness. If Bai Zhengfeng agrees, he will. If he does not, even the
emperor can't criticize him. He saw that Bai Zhengfeng had great martial arts skills and was a
man of outstanding charm and speech. Although he served the emperor, this humiliation was
not necessarily acceptable, so he said so.

Hengye is a school of master. Who would have thought that this man's measurement was so
narrow? Duan Yuhuan and Xia Sang looked at each other, and Qingfengshen's "color" might
look at the white maple.
Jade Zhi could not help pointing at Heng Ye and scolding, "Old Way of Ox Nose, you just
promised to put"medicine". Now how can you go against it? In vain, you are still in charge! I
bah! "

"Poverty is a promise to give medicine." That's right. It also keeps its promise. It's just a
treasure in this door. It's also appropriate for the handover to be pious. What does the little
girl know! "

When Hengye's voice dropped, the children behind him immediately said, "How can you let
your mouth be yellow when you give medicine to your good intentions?" Some people were
so excited that they came out and shouted abuse.

Duan Yuhuan made an eye to Xia Sang. Xia Sang knew that he was going to mobilize troops
and hold his arm. Heng Ye said that he had promised to release "medicine" in front of him. If
he pressured Xia Sang by force at the moment, he would fall back on the emperor's bullying.

Xia Sang frowned and was thinking about countermeasures, but he heard Bai Zheng Feng
Lang's voice: "Please Tao Chang take out the medicine, and then knock it down here."

Xuan Ji was worried about Bai Zhengfeng's injury. At that time, he heard him speak and was
surprised. When she looked at it, she saw that the "color" of Bai Zhengfeng God remained
unchanged, standing up against the wind in white clothes, not humble or overbearing. He
shook his head to Jade just now, but she knew that he must be hurt a lot. He treated her so
much that she could not repay him. How could she see him humiliated for her again?

Hengye, however, suddenly changed his "color" and took out a brocade box from his bosom,
looking suspiciously at BZF.

When Bai Zhanfeng lifted his clothes, Yu Zhi bowed his head and could not bear to look again.
May 7 knew that Bai Zhanfeng had decided his mind and was afraid to speak. At that time, he
gritted his teeth and his eyes were wet.

QF and Duan Yuhuan also slightly overturned.

Qingfeng holds the sword handle tightly.... He has long seen that BZF gives way to Hengye,
clearly he won, but he knelt down to his opponent for a pill of medicine. This is the greatest
humiliation to the fighters. For Nian Xuan Ji, he is willing to do so. How can they only have

BZF rose slightly, and the man at the sword-breaking gate burst out laughing and shouted,
Despite the "medicine" in his hands, when he saw the man in front of him being humiliated,
Hengye felt only happy, but suddenly heard a gentle voice laughing: "Men kneel, only kneeling
to heaven and earth, parents, elder gentleman, which one of my eldest brothers is your old
way? You're just his defeated general. I don't think it's dirty to kneel on his knees. How can
he kneel on your knees?”

Heng Ye was angry, but he saw that it was the purple woman who had been wearing a veil.

The mountains are high and time-consuming. Long Feili and Longzijin did not even meet the
Ziwei and the Forbidden Army at the foot of the mountain, so they led several Ziwei who were
accompanying them directly to the mountain.

The two peaks are opposite, and the other side is the Broken Sword Gate. Clouds and mists
are in the middle, and the cliffs are vast.

Longzijin laughed and said, "Jiuge, you can't go straight here. You need to take the way --" He
spoke with a sudden burst, only to see that the dragon was staring at the mountain in front
of him with both eyes, as if something great had happened to the opposite Broken Sword


Then Longzijin saw it, Xuan Ji stood motionless on the ground, BZF clothes were displayed,
kneeling in front of Heng Ye.

The two peaks are far away. Although the opposite scenes are dimly visible, he can't hear the
words clearly. He doesn't know what exactly happened, but the "color" of the dragon's face
beside him is sinking.

Longzijin understood that Longfei wanted to leave, Bai Zhanfeng treated each other so, what
would Xuan Ji think?

At this moment, Long Fei deviated from his side.

Xuan Ji watched Bai Zhanfeng kneel on the ground with open eyes. She dared not look any
more and closed her eyes tightly.
Always remember Bai Zixu's words, this life's debt, this life repayment.
However, Bai Zhengfeng's love, how should she return it?
Suddenly there was a loud cry. She opened her eyes sharply. In the gap of her eyes, a disciple
of the Broken Sword Gate in front of her fell down slowly, and an arrow passed through his

The next scene, she did not know how to describe, frightened, Ling "chaotic", the scream rang
through the mountains, countless arrows from the surrounding dense bushes in the sky

When she was warm, it was Bai Zhanfeng who held her in his arms. He leaped into the air and
grabbed the gold box from Hengye's hand.
"The first ritual of kowtowing has been completed. I took the medicine."

"Kill Hengye Lao Dao!" Numerous figures in the forest flashed in the branches, and more
dense arrows burst into the air.

It seems that other factions have come to seek revenge!

Many disciples of Broken Sword Gate fell on the ground with arrows. Heng Yeqi waved his
sword to stop the arrows. He led his disciples back to the gate. When the gate was locked
back, they could only wait to die. A group of people had to rush forward against the arrow

On the other side, more than ten Ziwei were blocking Xuanji and Yuzhi. Duan Yuhuan and
Qingfeng Yun fenced sharp arrows. Lift your sleeve and brush off an arrow flying in the sky.
BZF is awesome. Hand Xuan Ji over to May 7, leap into the air, copy several arrows in your
hands, stare at them, and find the secret way in your heart is not good. He says, "This arrow
is made very well. The folk forging technique is absolutely superior, for fear that it is not an
ordinary rivers and lakes feud. The other side is unexpected. Xia Guan, My mother-in-law, you
protect the princess, take the road to leave here, do not rush down the mountain, hide in the
woods, Duan commander, you and QF try to kill down the mountain, gather soldiers up the
mountain, with fireworks for interrogation, we come out again.”

He whispered, but it seemed that there was a momentum of dignity. Everyone quickly agreed,
and even QF nodded. Ziwei immediately divided into two groups, each guarding in front of
the two masters, swinging his sword to break the road.


Hundreds of figures, armed with swords and swords, came to slaughter the people with the
sound of roaring, the arrows and rains stopped a little, and the forest was full of shadows.
Longzi Jinfa ran down the hill, and along the way, it was Longfei's bloodthirsty eyes that shook
in front of him. Nine elder brothers have rushed to rescue Nianfei and Yuzhi. The forbidden
army is stationed under the mountain. He must lead his troops to the mountain as soon as
possible to rescue them.

Young Master, you take Niang Niang to go first. I'm standing here. Deep in the woods, all the
clothes of 571 were bathed in blood. They had been injured a lot. A sword waved and their
eyes were red.

At this time, all the people were scattered, Ziwei died in battle. Xuan Ji was surrounded by Bai
Zhengfeng and Wuqi.

Bai Zhanfeng's analysis is good, saying that he came to kill Heng Ye, but in fact, few people
chased him to Broken Sword Gate. Time is too coincidental, to find the gloom of the sword
gate is only a cover!

Hundreds of people dressed up in short bundles of rivers and lakes approached the three.

Hundreds of years ago, General Wang was a martial artist. If Bai Zhengfeng had not been
injured before, he was badly injured. Don't say that this hundred people would be twice as
many. How could he put it in his eyes? In the midst of the fierce struggle and the surge of
blood and gas, Xuan Ji was again in his arms, with a few arrows on his body.

May 7 since small has been with BZF side, the two rarely separated, feeling like brothers and
feet, at this time the situation is critical, he has embraced the heart of death, BZF do not know
his mind? He took a deep look at him, held Xuan Ji's teeth, and then left with a superb feat,
but could not take that step.

Fifty-seven eyes were hot, swords were hurling and dancing, and several men were beaten
back. He said sharply, "Young Master, go quickly!"

Xuan Ji was already full of tears, pulling BZF skirt, mute: "Brother, you tell me, these people
are coming at me, right?"

"You don't have to hide it from me. Let's disperse and run away. We have the most pursuers
on our side! You've done enough for me! Hand me over! If only you and 57, with your light
merit, will be able to leave safely. Looking at the bloody wounds on Bai Zhanfeng and Wuqi,
Xuan Jixin cut his heart like a knife and choked his throat with his mouth open.
"Xuan Di." Bai Zhengguang looked like a rainbow, waved his hand, grabbed the front several
soldiers'blades, and threw out the enemy who attacked Xuan Ji and Wuqi. The sword in his
hand provoked "shooting" and killed several people, but at the same time he was wearing
several knives, all in white clothes, wet as a drop.

In the heart of May 7, the sword in his hand was inserted into the ground. He put his whole
body into his palms and put it on the back of the maple in the White War. He sent Bai and
Nian a couple of feet away and laughed, "Take her away, Master!" If there is regeneration,
May 7th will serve you again!”

A low roar, close to the body, Xuan Ji read Bai Zhanfeng's pain at the moment, he took her
forward to kill, she fell on his shoulder, staring at the direction of 57, blurred vision, 57 was
stabbed into the chest by several knives.

"No! May seven!" She screamed.

The little boy in the street of Emperor Du, a loyal servant of Baifu in Yanxia Town, his brother's
hands and feet.

"Nian Xuan, please treat my young master well."

It was his last voice in her ear, and she saw only a bloody red in her piercing eyes, as if to dye
the green forest red.

The tears were dry, and she could not help but laugh softly. LFL. Where were you then?


Suddenly, Xuan Ji was thrown down, and it was clear that the two men had reached the
deeper part of the forest, and that the pursuers had all been shaken off, leaving only a few
people in front of them.

The men sneered and approached.

Bai Zhanfeng smiled and whispered, "Xuan Di, I'll fight with them later. You can take the
opportunity to run. There are many trees and caves in this area. You hide in them until you
see the signal of Duan Jun."

sHe did not know how many people had been killed, how many injuries had been added,
how many arrows had not even been pulled out, and how red and wet he was. The second
time, she saw someone standing in front of her like this. However, this person should not be
like this. He had no responsibility for her.

With a tearful smile, Xuan Ji shook his head. "No, brother, I'll wait for you. If you can't
support it, I'll be here with you. I'm not going anywhere, I'm not going anywhere.”

Bai Zhanfeng suddenly shocked, she saw through his mind, he was indeed unable to
support, but also embraced the idea of ending with these people, in exchange for her safe
departure. Is she going to live and die with him?

Xuan Ji did not talk, but retreated to the back. A purple dress fluttered gently in the breeze
of the mountain stream, smiling at him.

Almost unable to stand firm body, in this eye, after holding the sword in hand, slowly stand
up, proudly looking forward to the enemy.

The cloudy mountain in the distance suddenly blows into a picture. The same clouds and
mists, look at the countless soldiers standing majestically, can not see the margin.

In front of the soldier is a high platform. A man's silver helmet is shining. He looks
handsome, but his eyebrows are magnificent. That is the momentum of talking and
laughing, and the smoke of ashes is flying away. Suddenly, his eyes lightly reached behind
the soldiers. The purple shadows were shining there. He did not say anything. He took his
eyes back. He just summoned soldiers to the stage as usual and taught them by himself.

The man did not see the purple "color" figure, but Bai Zhanfeng saw it. Behind the soldiers,
a woman in purple dress, with a pendant bun and a white beast in her arms, hid behind the
pillar and whispered in a low voice.

Said to be a small animal, that thing is actually not small, the body has half the size of a
woman, the woman still holds it tightly in her arms, it looks very simple, but a pair of eyes
are superb "dew", staring at the front stage of the flexible jumping figure.

"Ah Yue (Snow), have you seen it? That's the God of war. It's handsome, isn't it? If you
practice kungfu well, you will be as prestigious as he is.

Once upon a time, Zisu’s A Xue is also the God of war!"

"Actually, this sister doesn't want you to be the God of war, but if you have done something,
other bad wolves can't bully you anymore. The world is so big that you can roam around
and not be restrained. After a while, this sister will go to the West China Sea. She will be
separated from you for a period of time. She can't take you with her. If someone finds out,
you will be caught back in the world.”

The little beast fighting in the grandstand suddenly looked back at the woman and cried a
few times in a low voice. He looked grieving and hung his head.

The woman lost her laughter and bent down to kiss his skin and hair. She said, "Ah Xue need
not be afraid. If anyone dares to touch you, this sister will fight hard with him. You are such
a cheapskate. How can you be a god of war? this sister is going to meet someone in Xihai.
Well, that person, this sister likes it very much, just like A xue. Let's say, I can't break my
appointment. If I break my appointment, he will think that I only love my father and
emperor. He, in fact, you have seen, but at that time you were under fire, weak, and have
been sleeping soundly..... If it were not for him,this sister could not bring you back. this
sister could not beat the Wolf King. The man was very fierce, and in a few moments he
made the whole wolf race turn upside down............”

"He said he hated me pestering him and calling him a rat, but he helped me save you. He's
been following me all the time, isn't he? How else could we all be saved in time? Heard that
he has a very weak confidant, he has been treating her very well, do not know why, I always
have a hunch, I will go to an appointment, will not go to an appointment is... He..." She
paused suddenly, stared at one place, and laughed.

The beast looked deeply at her slightly open mouth, and gladly at the side face of the
handsome man on the stage. He was looking at her... and she gazed fascinatedly in the
Northwest direction...

The moment BZF, the smiling and sad eyes overlapped with the eyes of the woman in front
of him. He was surprised to see her leaning over him. He had clearly killed everyone!

The last sight is the three men who pull a bow and "shoot" arrows, whose arrows come out
without knowing when. The men seem to have no idea that the purple-coated woman will
give up her life to save him. This killing action has shown that the woman can only be
captured alive, not "chaotic" move, but that the arrows have been "shot", three people.

Bai Zhanfeng was shocked, but his spirit had almost dissipated. Xuan Ji was holding on to his
skirts, and he could not stop it.

"Zixu, no!" Pain hoarsed through the throat.

Xuan Ji smiled softly. "Brother, let's die together."
She said that she could not help looking northwest, which was the direction of the
Emperor's capital. She closed her eyes, but tears slowly flowed down her cheeks.

Yufu, now... Every time, that person is always in her absence. Below the abdomen aches,
cries again but laughs. She was shocked to see a snow-white figure in front of her and the
BZF. The man turned his head slightly and fixed at her eyes deeply.


How could it be you? I remember that night at Chu Xiudian, when mobile phone appeared, it
was you who appeared in front of my bed. However, in the antique shop, your hair was white,
but it turned black that night. Now why is it like this again?

Xuan Ji was shocked and shook her head with a bitter smile. "Did you XZZ?" Are I going to die?
Come and see me? Can you save him, save him..."

She pointed to BZF, emotional excitement "swing" under, only feel abdominal pain, voice still
in the mouth, eyes have closed fainting past.

"Take her away." The man who had been silent suddenly reached out and brushed the brow
of Bai Zhanfeng, and said lightly.

Almost fell into a coma, BZF only rely on a will to support, a pair of eyes have been slightly
closed, but at this time only feel a cold between the forehead, body is still injured, but the
mind is awake.

He looked ahead with a slight frown, and saw the three men fall to the ground, ignoring their
lives and deaths; the branches and leaves of the forest flocked, and the pursuers came again;
the man in white was better than snow, and a green silk was scattered on his shoulders, saying
that it was green silk, but black and white, and his face was gray and defeated.
Compared with the gloomy "color", his eyes are bright, but they are blue.

Who on earth is this man? Flip it gently, but imitate the spirit of "medicine". He could hear
Xuan Ji talking to him. How old were they?

"Not yet?" The blue-eyed man whispered.

BZF, a look at Xuan Ji's body, a sudden shock, she embraced in his arms, said: "Thank you for
saving, he will meet again every day to pay great grace, ask the son-in-law -"
“You needn't thank me! You don't need to know who I am. Take her away! Blue-eyed man
looked ahead and cold interrupted him.”
Bai Zhanfeng no longer talked, took Xuan Ji and immediately left with light merit.
Blue-eyed man suddenly turned back, stared at the disappearance of ZF, gently bent down,
but slowly filled the corner of his mouth with a bitter smile.

It's hard for her to remember his hair color. Perhaps, no matter how many reincarnations, her
nature will not change. It is the nature loved by Dragon King Longhao, Snow Wolf King Axue
and God of War.

It's also the nature that he wants to love, but is never qualified to love.
Samsara? How can there be reincarnation? If this life can not be completely lonely to die, she
will fly ash smoke, dissipated in this world.

Looking at her pain, how many times did he want to take her away at all costs, but he couldn't.
That's not what she wants!

She said that in the antique shop, his hair was white. Antique shop? What antique shop? Who
is XZZ? Will that be the future? He frowned slightly, but her unintentional words were his

The power of awakening was so great that he could hardly bear it. Everything in the world
had its own rules. He was the weirdest existence in the world and had his own mission. But
when he saw that her life was threatened and there was another chance, he came out.

Once he gets killed, he will lose his life. The depth of "color" just represents the length of his

In Chuxiu Hall, when he first woke up, he went to see her, and his hair was still black, but later
he killed two people for her, and opened one person with the same thing, and his hair became
the same color as it is now.
If all his hair turns white, that's when he disappears forever.

He had to kill people. Only in that way could he lead that person away. Perhaps, he shouldn't
say that person, because like him, part of the person had been awakened and was a demigod.
Because a person's elbow, so that the person can not be too involved in the life of perilla, if
the elbow control of his death, the whole God returned to him, the consequences will be
Apart from him, two other extremely dangerous gods are awakening.
These three gods, no matter which one, will destroy the Perilla of this life. But the two gods
of perilla, the most protective, have not yet remembered what happened before

Among them, the man who most cherishes Perilla is still reincarnating the fate of her previous
life and constantly hurting her. In fact, as long as he can see his mind awakening, thousands
of years ago, as the only God in the world with the ability to destroy the heaven and the earth,
"forced" the emperor of heaven to abdicate and let all the sleeping and reborn gods, who can
compete with him?

With a pinch of hair in front of his eyes, his blue eyes became lazy and indifferent.

Dozens of men rushed forward with fierce faces. He laughed proudly and jumped up. He
heard only a few screams of panic. Where did the white-coated man just exist in the foolish
deep forest?

Among the huge rocks, a snow-white beast looked coldly at the prey in front of it. Xuan Ji
slowly opened his eyes, which were cold and painful and itchy. Her abdominal pain was torn,
and she ignored it. She cried weakly, "Big Brother, Blue Eye -"

Suddenly, she was shocked and suddenly sat up. She saw Bai Zhengfeng lying down beside
her, covered with blood.

She looked around before she realized that she was in a cave, and some water droplets were
dripping on her body along the bell "milk" above her head. Outside, the sound of the water
came, as if it was raining.

She struggled across the white maple's body on the floor, only to see that his face was pale
and gray, a lip had no blood at all. She still held a small porcelain bottle tightly in her hand.
She looked down and saw that there were some white "color" in her mottled bloodstains.

Big brother is such a fool that he has suffered such serious injuries, but he has not forgotten
to save her first.

She was delighted to know that it was a life-saving Jinchuang medicine. She broke the bottle
from the man's hand and poured it on his wound one by one.

After all this, she trembled and took up his sword.... The arrows on him were to be taken out!

Xuan Ji's eyes were closing, but she dared not go to sleep. The situation of Bai Zhengfeng was
too unstable. She fell asleep. She stretched out her sleeves and wiped her tears. It rained
outside, and no fireworks were visible.

Her hands were full of blood. She dared not count the arrows on the ground. She had never
done this before. She cut off his flesh with a sword. She was afraid. He was a strong man, but
she made a muffled hum several times.

She knows how painful her poor movements are to him, but she has no other way! These
sharp things can't be left in his body. I don't know how long it's been since I came in. It's
getting dark. It's almost dusk now. She dare not go out rashly, but he's injured. She's really
scared. But now all we can do is wait!

They'll be all right! The number of forbidden troops is large. Once they climb the mountain,
they will be able to retreat the enemy. If they can't find her, they will search the mountain.

"Brother, we'll be all right! You have to support it." She looked at Bai Zhengfeng and
murmured, not knowing whether to comfort him or herself.

His lips were very white, his face was red, and his forehead was sweaty. She wiped him gently
with her sleeve. He unconsciously took her hand and whispered, "Rotary Brother, May 7..."

Xuanji, thinking of May 7, and suddenly closed her eyes, dare not think again, in that case,
how can May 7 survive? May 7 is her few friends! But he died for saving them.
May 7 is his brother, what should she take back to him? That's nature. She can't afford it.
She's not coming yet.
May 7 said, treat his young master well. Bai Zhanfeng almost died for her.

Trembling, she took something out of her bosom and stared at the little wooden comb in her
heart. She cried in a low voice.

"It's so cold..."

Xuan Ji was shocked. sHe took the comb back into her arms, slightly struggled to open the
hand he held, and with the other hand she went to his forehead to help him tighten up his
clothes. His forehead tentacles were hot and he had a fever. No wonder he was cold.

At that time, she couldn't take into account many things. she pulled her belt and unfastened
sher outer gown and draped it on him. It's no use. He still trembles and curls up in pain.
She was panicked and confused. Suddenly she remembered the flint they used, and reached
into his clothes to find it.

Yes! She was delighted and rubbed vigorously, but no half of the flames came out. The flint
had already been wet by his blood and water. Besides, there was nothing to burn in the cave.

She couldn't even do such a trifle. She cried and laughed, threw flint on the ground, and
thought about it. She gritted her teeth, took off her coat, went to the hole, handed it out,
drenched it with rain, and ran back to him, opened his clothes slightly, and helped him wipe
his body to cool down.

So a few back and forth, abdominal pain such as note, pick up the belt to wrap the abdomen
tightly, and BZF carefully embraced in the arms.

His body was still very hot, shivering slightly in her arms and burning small bubbles on her dry
lips, which she had tried.

"What shall we do?" She murmured, holding him tighter.

Of no avail. His voice was still low and shallow, blurred, but it hit her in the heart.
She used to think it was funny and bloody, but now she can only do it.
After a while, she put him down gently. She slowly faded all her clothes with tears.

Noisy, chaotic, anxious footsteps, mixed with frightening sounds, Xuan frowned slightly,
slowly opened her eyes and sat up.

Oh, what's that? Crying without tears, Xuan Ji just wants to laugh. The man who she had
waited for so long finally arrived. But how can she describe a wonderful scene in front of him?

Ukiyo painting, the most delicate expression in the world.

Outside the cave, there was a lot of noise, and many of the forbidden troops were outside
the cave.
Duan Yuhuan and several Ziwei stood outside. All Ziwei bowed their heads. Duan Yuhuan
frowned tightly. The god's "color" on his face was called "shocked extreme".
Yuzhi stood beside Xia Sang, staring at her and Bai Zhengfeng, pale and incredible. XS is slightly

Longzijin and Qingfeng stood on both sides of the man, eyebrows are haze? Anger? Shocked
or something else? She did not understand, nor did she want to understand.
Instead of looking at the man's expression, she looked down at herself and Bai Zhengfeng.
Bai Zhanfeng is still unconscious. She holds his outer robe on her body. In it, besides her close-
fitting pants, she has nothing to do with it. A large area of shoulder back is "naked" and

Finally, she wrapped the man's robe around her body and stood up with her teeth clenched.
Slowly look into the man's eyes.

Among all the people, only he and Longzijin were still dressed in white as snow, and others
were more or less hung in color.

Of course, no one was as badly injured as the sleeping men on the ground, because almost all
the pursuers came after them. He and his brother escorted her here.

She had seen the man's angry appearance, because she was not infuriated a few times, but
finally for the first time saw him rage to the extreme, and his heavy breath was even clear
and audible.

Well, those narrow and beautiful eyes of the Phoenix are red, fierce darkness and fire, flowing
like a phoenix in the fire, full of murder. He wanted to kill her and Bai Zhengfeng.
She could see clearly.

She smiled faintly and owed herself a blessing. "The emperor is lucky," she said.
His hands hanging on the side of his clothes, clasping and gurgling, he raised his palms
violently, Xuan Ji did not hide from them, and she greeted them with a gentle laugh.


Closing her eyes, but the palm has not fallen on her face for a long time. Xuan Ji opens her
eyes. Long Fei-li stares at her tightly. His dark eyes are cold, and the smile at the corner of his
mouth is cold to the extreme. Her half-empty hands tremble slightly.

"Why don't you hit?" Xuan Ji sneered and looked around at everyone. "He's seriously injured
and has a high fever. I just warm him up. Believe it or not, whatever you want!"

As soon as QF its eyebrows and eyes, it was so angry that it plucked out its sword and pointed
directly to BZF, said coldly, "Who are you cheating on?"

Longfei looked away from the light, swept heavily over BZF on the ground, grabbed Xuan's
neck and laughed angrily.'Warm up?' Nian Xuanji, don't forget your identity! Doesn't that
make you laugh? You are my concubine. How could you be so foolish as to warm a man? You
have forgotten your identity, but I have not forgotten that you would have married him!
Yes, the imperial concubine's status is no more than other, more than the world's women
should know the word taboo! He means that she knows that if she is innocent between Bai
Zhanfeng and Bai Zhanfeng, she will not warm him at all!

Xuan Ji was shivering with cold. He had never believed her. Bai Zhengfeng's wound, clearly he
saw it with his own eyes!
He can go back and see what he wants, but she can't save the life of a man who almost died
for her.

Her face was gouged out by thousands of knives. He didn't even have time to give her a word
of comfort, so he rushed back to see his beloved woman.

She still told herself not to worry about fairness and injustice. She was foolish. She gave him
her heart, and he threw it on the ground and trampled on it again and again.

Her eyes were a little wet. She frozen at him and asked him, "Long Fei Li, is it because every
time I can easily die for the people around you, you think I'm so low that you can treat me
like this once?"

She smiled and her eyes slightly inclined to QF, which shocked his whole body, and the sword
fell to the ground with a clatter.

The grey in her eyes seemed as if someone had pulled all the anger out of his in an instant,
leaned forward slightly, and slowly loosened his hand around her neck, so that a trace of panic
"chaos" came out of the full rage and resentment.

Released from suffocation, Xuan Ji blushed. She still smiled softly and looked at BZF before
her eyes. "Doesn't that mean I am a shrewd woman"? Even if Xinyi was kind to me, would I
go and save her?”

"Is my life really worthless? I'm a human being too, but I'm just a woman. I am willing to die
for xinyi, because I can’t bear seeing you with one arm! I saved your brother, your teachers
and younger brothers just because they were your closest relatives!"

"What have they done for me? What did Bai Zhanfeng do for me? All I know is that when May
7 dies, he's going to die, too! “ Saying not to shed tears to herself, butTears are still dripping
down from her eyes. Xuan Ji holds on to the robe wrapped around her body tightly. In their
eyes, she must be very confused.
It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter anymore.
“Sister-in-law, don't do that. I'm afraid." Yuzhi suddenly ran over and grabbed her arm. Her
eyes were red and she choked. "They don't believe it. Yuzhi wrote a letter! Don't do that, I
believe! I know you're suffering. Don't do that.”

When Longzijin looked at Xuan Ji, her face was pale and Yunzhi was chaotic, he suddenly
thought that compared with her, Ruyi was always neat and elegant, while the woman named
Nian Xuanji was always in a state of embarrassment and scars. Her nose is slightly astringent.

Suddenly Xia Sang went to Longfei and knelt down in front of him. He resolutely said,
"Emperor, the slave also believed that the old concubine would never do anything to upset
the emperor. This time, it was just a forced situation."

Apart from QF staring at the ground, Longzijin and Duan Yuhuan knelt slowly.

In fact, no one needs to say anything more. Long Fei is apathetic from the surface as before,
and his heart has been extremely painful and bitter.

She said, "its just I can bear seeing you with one arm." It pierced his heart like a sharp blade.
Even as she jumped off the cliff, he did not think about it carefully.

In his position, the enemy was bright and dark, and there were countless people willing to die
for him. Maybe, as she said, because every time she could live and die for him without
hesitation, he took it for granted.

However, just for saving his arm she dares to give up her life, was there any other women
dare to do that , apart from her?

In fact, to see her sleeping together with BZF clothes, at first, the feeling that hit his heart
directly, is not, whether she had sex with him or not, BZF was badly injured, how can he not

Such mad "chaotic" anger, and even want to hit her hard, but it is his demon, he is afraid... he
has changed his mind. Because he knows better than anyone how much he owes her this
time. When she needed him most, he was next to another woman, but there was a man
willing to die for her.

All the disguises were shattered, and he could no longer bear the tears and determination in
her eyebrows. He walked quickly to her, took off his robe and draped it over her, "Follow zhen
She looked at him as if she did not know him. She laughed and said, "Does the emperor trust
his concubines now? The concubines have one more piece of evidence, which may prove the
innocence of the concubines. Does the emperor want to see it?"

Her more indifferent tone, his heart tightened sharply, but she pressed his hand into the robe.
His heart sank, his palms were open and his hands were bright red.

Three people "shoot" the arrow, the blue-eyed man took two arrows for her.

"I got an arrow, I got all the arrows out for Bai Zhanfeng, but I was afraid to die. I only dared
to cut off the arrows. The arrows remained in my body and did not dare to pull them out. He
is now a half-dead man and can't move me. In my case, you probably don't think I am stronger
than him?"

She said coldly, and threw the things in her hand to the ground. "Give it back to you, give it
to your favorite woman! You and I have nothing to do with each other from now on!"


Lies on the ground alone is a comb, the wood stained bright red... is a large bloodstain.

No one knows the origin of this comb, but everyone knows what it means to the emperor,
because for the first time, the emperor spoke heavily of his wishes. In Baifu, the emperor was
stabbed by Nianfei and handed it to her carefully.

At this time, all the people lost their voice, and their minds tightly and quietly looked at the
emperors and concubines.

Long Fei-li never forgot that when he gave her a comb when she was seriously injured, she
had a smile on her lips. He never knew that such a smile could be gorgeous. He even thought
that if she had a previous life, she would be a flower.

She thought he had given the comb to XY. She was so sad about it that he only read the words
inscribed on the stone table in Songfeng Town's other courtyard once, but he did not miss a
word. She was taken away. He was sad but proud and secretly happy because she loved him

She did not hesitate to jump the cliff for a moment, when she stood upright, and how
determined was the "color" in her eyebrows. Unlike any previous quarrel, this time, he had a
feeling that she really did not care. Is she leaving him?
He bent down and picked up the comb, his hands trembling violently. It's more trembling than
just fighting or not. All the time, everything was under his control, but she exceeded his
expectations. There's a lot of stuff coming out of his mind, but it turns into an idea in a flash.

He can't let her leave him. She's his!

At first, it was a voice in the light, as he laughed at his courtiers in the court when the light
state, and soon, as many people at the same time squeezed into his brain, countless voices
were shouting.

He came up to her, grabbed her hand, put the comb in her palm, gritted his teeth and said,
"You can do whatever you want, but you can't lose this."

"LFL." Suddenly she gave him a faint call.

With a sound of joy, he grasped her hand.
"I'll just ask you if it's for me?"
Long Fei slightly sinks in the centrifuge, still nodding his head. He thinks about it and says,
"Only for you." He said, fixing his eyes on the "color" of her face.
"Really?" She smiled and asked.
"i have no jokes."
"Give me something, but you hold it so tightly that I thought you wanted to take it back and
give it to someone else."

Long Fei left for a while, although only one day apart, but he has been crazy about her, and
now he only wants to take her to the place where only he and her, glancing over the hands
they shake, and finally slowly let go, as long as she is willing to take the comb back...

Xuan Ji copied the comb in his hand, studied it carefully, and said lightly, "Do you know how
these blood came from?" It's the blood of Bai Zhengfeng. I was afraid at that time. I don't
blame you for coming back to her. I took out my comb and looked at it. I always thought that
you would come back. You would search the mountains. As long as you came, I don't need to
be afraid. Sure enough, when you come, I'm not afraid, because as soon as you come up, you
want to kill me."

“You didn't ask me if I was hurt or not, you just wanted to kill me.”

Put her hand flat, stretch it out slowly, and the comb falls to the ground quickly. "It's my thing.
How to deal with it is my business. I don't want it, so I lost it."

At this time, the people gazing at them all bowed their heads.
The comb must have been given to Nianfei by the emperor. Xuan Ji did so. No one dared to
imagine what would happen to Longfei.

Longfei picked up the comb silently, slowly put it back in his arms, strided forward to Xuan Ji,
and took her in his arms.

Xuan Ji, however, did not struggle. sHe whispered, "Well, just as I can't support it, you can use
my maid and the people in the FJ Palace to force me to do something I don't want to do, but
I will not be threatened by you again."

"If something happens to Bai Zhengfeng, my maid, and the people in my FJ palace, you
remember that it's like killing me with your own hands! I'll bury them, but my life is not worth

She thought she would struggle, but she did not, but some words would drive him crazy, his
chest fluctuated violently, dragon Fei squeezed Xuan's shoulder tightly, she frowned, took his
hand, and pressed it heavily under her belly...

She whispered, sweating on her forehead, but still laughed, "If you want me to hurt, it will
hurt more here!" It hurts!

With wet hands, he looked at her pale face. Long Fei was furious and gritted his teeth. he
knew she was in pain. He was even worse. She's retaliating on him in her own way! She
hugged his neck and slowly lowered her head.

She stayed silent for a long time. When her eyes closed, she looked at BZF on the ground with
affection. Long Fei was away, painful and angry, but she dared not delay any more. She coldly
ordered Xia Sang to take BZF away.

How dare people say anything more? Xia Sang responded quickly.

Yuzhi wiped her tears and went to BZF. sHe took BZF condition hard. Xia Sang looked at it
lightly and said softly, "Princess, slaves help you."
Jade nodded, and then a little startled, "Xia Sang, what do you call me?"

Xia Sang smiled and said nothing. Duan Yuhuan came over. They went out with Bai Zhanfeng.
QF looked at Xuan Ji in Longfei's chest and bowed their heads.
Jade makes a bitter laugh and has a strong feeling that some of them have changed.
Especially...... Sister-in-law, if according to her usual nature, she will not be so easy to go with
nine elder brothers. Now, though she did not resist, her heart was dead. Nine elder brothers
do you know? Although he was the smartest person she had ever met


Where is this?" Opening her eyes slightly, Xuan Ji looked at the jade Chi beside him.

Yuzhi quickly helped Xuan Ji to sit up and shouted in a low voice, "Thank God, sister-in-law,
you finally woke up. If you don't wake up again, Jiuge will become a tiger! Just now, he was
out in a bad temper! This is the other courtyard of Songfeng Town. Jiuge is worried about
your injury and wants you to keep for a day or two before you leave.”

Xuan Ji interrupted her. "Yuzhi, where's Big Brother?"

Yuzhi was shocked. She stood up slowly and turned her back.
"What happened to him?"
Yuzhi was shocked to hear Xuan Ji's words and turned to press Xuan Ji back.
"He's OK. You slept for two days. He's gone." Jade made her eyes red and whispered, "The
body of May 7 has been found. He said he would take May 7 home for burial."

Although it was inevitable to know that May 7 was difficult, Xuan Ji's heart was still sad and
she buried her head in her knee and sobbed in a low voice when she heard Yuzhi's personal

Yuzhi took her in her arms and began to cry in a low voice, choking, "Sister-in-law, Big Brother
Bai's wounds are still very serious, but he went back with the body of 57 in his arms like this...
I know he is in pain and sorrow, I..."

Xuan Ji closed his eyes again, smiled and said, "He may go back, but I always bring him
misfortune, just go back..."

Yuzhi was shocked and said, "What did you say, Sister-in-law?" Do you think he can't come
back after he's gone? He asked Yuzhi to tell you that he would come back after dealing with
the aftermath of May 7th.”

Xuan Jing was shocked. "Why did he come back?"

Yuzhi whispered, "Big Brother Bai is so smart. He seems to have expected that you would ask
him that way. He asked Yuzhi to tell you that if the two countries go to war, it is his
responsibility and commitment."
"Big Brother..." Xuan's eyes were scattered on the quilt and she was distracted.
Jade Zhi bit her lower lip lightly and smiled bitterly over her head. Hasn't she changed? Now
the idea is really crazy. On one side is her ninth brother and on the other is Big White.

She wanted her sister-in-law to be with Jiuge, but she wanted her sister-in-law to be with Big
Brother Bai... So she didn't have to suffer so much and Big Brother Bai was happy, but she
herself was happy with Big Brother Bai... She was not jealous of her sister-in-law, but
sometimes she quietly thought how good it would be if she were her sister-in-law, because
Big Brother Bai was deeply in love with her.

Wiping her tears, Jade said, "Sister-in-law, I'll get you the"medicine"soup."
"Thank you, girl."
Yuzhi walked a few steps and couldn't help turning back. sHe looked at Xuan Ji again and
again. "Why do you want to go back to the palace with Jiuge?"
Xuan Ji's voice came quietly."Do you think he'll let me go?"
Jade shook her head, almost instinctively.
"Yuzhi, when I wanted to leave him, I couldn't live without him. Now I go back with him, but
my heart is no longer in Emperor's capital. If I love him, I will not be free wherever I go. If I
don't love him anymore, what's the matter of where I am?"

Jade came out and was shocked. Why are people still in the garden? She remembered that
they were there before she went in. Later, she accompanied her sister-in-law in the room for
a long time, and even lie down in bed and bed to sleep, the sister-in-law woke up, why are
they still nine elder brothers?

"What happened to her? Is she awake? The doctor said it was time for her to wake up." Long
Fei behind her and whispered something to Duan Yuhuan. When he saw the jade coming out,
he immediately met her.

Yuzhi frowned and said, "Nine brothers, why don't you go in and see for yourself? Look at the
doctor's arrow for his sister-in-law. Stand right here and don't go in to sleep with her at night.
Long Fei slightly sinks his face.

Yuzhi was a little frightened. She spit out her tongue and said, "I'll go and get the medicine
for my sister-in-law."
"Stop." Long Fei reprimanded her.
Jade bites the lips, dare not make a second, inside the stomach defamation.

Xia Sang grinned bitterly. Why didn't the emperor want to go in? He has been with the
emperor for so long, and how many times has he seen such a restless face, but since the Nian
concubine entered the palace...
Everyone saw his face before Nianfei fainted, and the emperor felt painful. He was afraid to
see the indifference on Nianfei's face. He preferred not to see her, but could not give up. He
did not sleep in other rooms at night. He was born here for two nights.

Longzi Jin looked at Longfei and scolded Yuzhi in his heart. At that time, she went to provoke
him. He quickly wiped a silk smile on her face and said, "Yuzhi, what did Niang Niang say when
she woke up? You nine elder brothers are not in, afraid there is complaint?”

Jade was stunned. "No, she asked Big Brother Bai. She never mentioned Jiuge from beginning
to end. I asked her, and she just said a few words."

Apart from Longfei's changed face, several others were stunned even QF. Xia Sang gritted his
teeth and pulled Yuzhi aside, scolding, "Longyuzhi, are you a pig's head?"

Yuzhi laughed and shook Xiasang's arm. "Xiasang Xiasang, I still like you to call me like that."
Xia Sang glanced at the beautiful white hands and said lightly, "Do you like me to call you pig
"Call me Yuzhi." Yuzhi was anxious, stamped her feet and hummed, but she caught a glimpse
of the "color" in the eyes of Longzijin and Duan Yuhuanlian. She realized what, startled, and
slowly looked toward the dragon.
"What did she say?" Longfei stood up with his sleeve apart and said coldly.

How dare she tell Jiuge those words that her sister-in-law said? Baba looked at Xiasan, but
Xiasan spread his hand. He hated that iron could not make steel.

After Yuzhi slowly retreated to the pillar, she said Xuan Ji's words in one breath. Finally, she
attached her last words. "Sister-in-law said that besides seeing you, going back to the palace
was actually good, tasty and livable, and there were pockets every month... Ah, finally, I
finished, I ran and went to the end of the medicine."

People stared at each other, Longzijin and Xiasang looked at each other, all silly. Is it necessary
for this girl to be so honest?

With a bang, Longfei punched the door.
Duan Yuhuan said, "The princess is not unreasonable."
"Yes," laughed Longzijin. "At least Jiuge went in."

When Long Fei went in, Xuan Ji was ready to go out. She was already dressed neatly.
"Where are you going?" He pinched her shoulder and whispered, staying out for two nights.
He had a lot to say to her, some not to think about, others to think about for a long time.
Xia Sang said, "Emperor, coax the consort."

Coax? He was stunned to hear the word. For women in the palace, he had never done such a
thing, even though they had a great interest in him. Including satisfactory results.
He even asked Xia Sang how to coax her.
Xia Sang was also stunned on the spot, and God's "color" was unbelievable in his questioning.
When he thought about it, he felt angry.

Her face was still very pale. Although he pinched her shoulder, his heart suddenly hurt. It
seemed that she was in a hurry and slightly angry.

She's not as free as she looks, but she doesn't want to see him. What happened in the
Brokesword Gate, she no longer held the idea of being with him. Glancing at him, Xuan Ji
thought for a moment. sHe smiled and said, "I'm looking for you."

How could he not see the hesitation in her laugh? But she said she was looking for him, and
his furious anger suddenly dissipated. "Are you looking for me?"

"Well, if I want to go to Baifu, I have to tell you."

Was she so anxious to find him when her original joy was cleared up? Long Fei gave a sneer
and hugged Xuan Ji horizontally and threw her back.

Xuan Ji frowned, but the man sat up, locked her in his arms, and said, "You don't want to go
anywhere! Where I am, where you are!"

Xuan Ji caressed her head and wanted to speak, but the door opened with a squeak. Yuzhi's
head popped in. "Sister-in-law, medicine and porridge are coming... Ah, nine brothers are

She saw both of them on the bed, their faces red and bowls on their hands. She just didn't
know if they were going in or out. Longfeili had come quickly and took the tray from her hand.
Jade spits and bangs, and the door is closed.
Poor Yuzhi... Xuan looked funny and burst out laughing.

Longfei looked at her bright smile and a sudden burst of anger. He stood where he was and
looked at her closely.

Until she got up and came over to pick up the things in his hand, Longfei did not pull back his
consciousness until she gave a slight cough, and he just looked at her like that.
"Long Fei Li, can you let me eat enough before continue to angry? You're not going to starve
me, are you? Xuan Ji shrugged his shoulders.

Longfei frowned and put the plate on the table.

Xuan Ji slowly began to drink porridge. Suddenly she remembered something and laughed

Longfei looked at her and whispered, "What's the laugh?"

"Tuck," Xuan chuckled and continued to concentrate on porridge. "Don't tell you."
"You!" Longfei was startled to see that she ate with relish and was unable to curse angrily
when her words were frozen for a moment.

Xuan Ji drank a small bowl of porridge, sniffed the dark and thick "medicine" juice in front of
her nose, and said, "Now let's go on."

Long Fei flickered his eyes and pushed the bowl of "medicine" to her. "Just finish the
"No, don't drink until you've finished." Xuan Ji looked into the man's eyes and said with a
smile, "I'm going to Baifu."

"No!" Long Fei frowned suddenly and said with a sneer, "Didn't you say that there was nothing
between you and BZF?"

Xuan Ji smiled, "Funny! When I go to Baifu, do we have to have any ambiguities between us
to go? What kind of entanglement do we have? I spent a few nights in Baifu and half a day in
the cave with him. I had an early entanglement. May seventh is dead, I want to see Bai
Zhanfeng, I went to Baifu once and then follow you back to the palace."

"Nian Xuanji!"

His eyes were unruly. his eyebrows rose slightly when he heard BZF name, and his voice was
anxious and tense. Long Fei was very angry. he suddenly stood up and clasped her hands
tightly on the table.

"There's nobody around him? Want you to see him? I said, you are not allowed to go
anywhere! "

Compared with his anger, Xuan Ji was not excited at all. sHe just stood up and looked at him
quietly. "Why? You can go back to see Aunt Ruyi and I can't see him?"
The sound of the porcelain bowl falling to the ground was crisp and chilly, and the hands were
splashed with three or two warm points. Xuan could not move. Men were allowed to smash
everything in front of her and smiled softly.

Feng's eyes are full of dim, her laughter, let him want to destroy her, side to hold Xuan Ji,
Longfei from the voice mute and cold, "What I can do does not mean you can do it!"

"And I have to obey what you want me to do, right?" Xuan Ji smiled and suddenly put her
hand around Long Fei-li's neck. "For example, do you want me to serve you now?"

She deliberately angered him! Longfei eyes dim, took steps toward the bed, sat on the chair,
and confined her in her arms.

"Want to know what I just laughed at?" Xuan Ji did not struggle. sHe looked at the debris on
the ground and said, "Before I drank porridge, I was laughing because I thought that if I
mentioned the matter of going to Baifu again, you would be very angry. If you were angry,
you would throw something. I had not eaten anything yet. You broke me and I would be
hungry. Later, I did not want to drink this medicine, which would provoke you to be angry. let
you drop the bowl of "medicine"...”

He had already seen that she did not want to drink the medicine, but was easily provoked by
her anger, but she did so much just to not drink the medicine bowl? He could not guess her
heart even when he was calculating every day.


“May 7th is dead, I feel sad, and can only find some pleasure to relieve. I want to go to Baifu,
just want to worship May 7th. I don't plan to go alone. Of course, if you don't have time or
don't want to go, you can send any of your loved ones with me.”

"He's dead. Maybe it's nothing to you, but I really understand the meaning of the sentence
that I don't kill Boren." Xuan Ji laughed, but the tears fell.

"I will accompany you wherever you want to go..." She heard his voice scattering in her ears,
and then, on her face, was his warm lips, neither of them spoke, and she cried sadly and low
on him, and his lips moved with her tears.

What is it after crying? It's not like a child is wronged, and every time he has a bad temper
and she cries, he can come back happily.

Some things never come back, such as time, life, heart, and choice.
"Long Fei Li, do you remember that I told you that I always had a hunch that you would kill
me again? I think if one day you have to make another choice between me and her, you will
still choose her." Xuan Ji did not know why, but then it slipped out of her lips. She raised her
head from his arms and looked straight at the ground.

Maybe it was grievance, maybe it was a kind of presentiment. Her mind was blank, but she
said these words calmly and indifferently, with a silky smile on her lips. Laughing, the tears
fell fiercely, she quickly reached out to wipe, but the more wiped.

The lips were snatched up, and his breath was pressing on her lips. He picked out her tongue,
forced her to intertwine with him, and he tied his arms around her waist, so strong that she
was suffocated. He seemed to be "pressing" to prove something to her...

She endured it quietly, without responding or resisting... until his heavy breathing was buried
in her neck.Her jaw was pinched tightly by his big palm, and the blazing, stretched breath in
his eyes hit her face and lip.

"No! If once again, no matter who it is, I will never leave you again. From now on, we will
never be separated again.

If in the past, Xuan Ji thought, she would be very happy indeed. Anyway, she was like this. She
failed again and again and told herself that she could come back again. She didn't know who
to cheat or deceive herself. So when she finally woke up, she felt so painful that she wanted
to die.

“Hmm." She should listen indifferently and listen with pleasure. She would not believe it

But he seemed anxious and kissed her crazily, with a cool body and a harsh voice.

She closed her eyes, and the feeling really grew stronger and stronger. He was proving
something to her. But it's not like that. It's not really like that. Besides, it has nothing to do
with her.

She closed her eyes slightly tiredly and leaned over his shoulder and said, "My wound is still
painful. I don't know if it will crack. If you really want to do it, don't work so hard, and don't
get it in."

"When we were in the woods... you're in me... I hope there won't be any mistakes. After all,
after a few days, it's too late to take medicine or something."
Suddenly, there was a pain in her shoulder, and her bones were about to be crushed by him.
She looked up from his arms and looked at his beautiful face turning violent and cruel. "You
don't want children?"

"No, I don't want it. You're not allowed to do it!" Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. "How did our
children die? Have you forgotten? If I'm not mistaken, you just need her to give birth to your

Slowly leaning her head on his broad and strong shoulders, Xuan Ji whispered, "Now i really
don't want it, or you don't want it at all. I'm tired. If you don't want to do it now, I want to

Her words were not finished, and he had sealed her lips so tightly that he seemed to be willing
to die. Her tongue was sucked and bleeding by him, her body was quickly picked up by him,
and she was thrown on the quilt. His heavy body straddled over her and her jaw was pinched
by him. She suddenly dared not look at him. Carved expression, she thought, it would be like
a fierce ghost.

Her ear beads were bitten by him, and his voice was fierce, "Nian Xuanji, except for a
concubine and a child, Wen Ruyi is just Wen Ruyi! You want to leave me? I'll tell you now, you
can't imagine! Even if I collapse, there is a place in my grave for you, Nian Xuanji! You don't
want children? I want you to lie on my bed at night and have a happy life, so that you can
have children for me!”


Later, he did not do it.

After he said those words to her violently, she looked at him with tears on her face. Not a
crying person, after meeting him, shed more tears than her predecessors combined. she don't
know if it's because this body eyes are full of tears and runny nose.

She didn't understand, but Longfei was clear. After the words were spoken out, he calmed
down completely, and he understood his.... timidity.

The fear of not being able to dominate one's own destiny at the age of seven became clear
again fourteen years later. He would have said those words to her so harshly, just because he
was afraid.
She didn't care, especially the sadness in her eyebrows when she spoke about her children.
Still in the palace, she did not mention much about the children, and after leaving the palace,
she did not mention it. Not mentioning, does not mean that she forgot, does not mean that
she has put down, but because the pain is too deep.

When he saw her desperate smile again, he suddenly understood, perhaps, that it was not
suddenly understood at all, but that he could finally face up to his own inner nightmare. in
the end, he lost control of using such words to cruel her. Come and force her not to put him

When he saw the moment of fear hidden in his heart, he mind suddenly went half-white.
Two nights ago, he want to tell her his mind. TheFJ Palace people, even her maid, those lives
are useless... What he say to her is his last bet.
What if it doesn't work?

she don't quite understand what he meant. Maybe it was what she had hoped for. Maybe it
was just her guess. But Xuan Ji did not ask. She don't know why, maybe, just because she is
tired. Not for anything else. She didn't even want to know what he was thinking.

Even Longfei, who has always been good at planning others, does not know that he is
unwilling to use tenderness at the moment, but because he is afraid that if the last note in his
hand is of no use to her, he may be... mad.

Love or not, redemption or despair, after all intense, love and hate eventually burned to
ashes. Then, no one can see clearly who, because it is human, will be afraid of injury, because,
the one who can bear the wound was really limited.

Everyone is afraid. He and she are the same.The thicker the cocoon, the safer it is. She lay still
and listened to his breathing hanging heavily over her.

Suddenly, the sound of him turning over and getting out of bed came to her ears, followed by
the sound of turning over the box and inverting the cabinet.

She was slightly stunned, and the pain came from her stomach, but his hand was pressing on
it with gauze. The herbal fragrance of the ointment filled her nose. Her crow's mouth, the
wound was really cracked, and her consciousness was somewhat scattered, allowing him to
toss and turn on her body.

Later, as she was about to go to sleep, she heard him go out. she don't know how long it took
for her to wake up gently. In the slit of her half-opened eyes, a spoonful of bitter "medicine"
juice passed to her mouth."No, bitter."
She is not angry with anyone, nor has she never drunk bitter "medicine", but this "medicine"
is really bitter, just as she smelled, she wanted to vomit.

"This is Bai Zhengfeng's"medicine"prescription... will soon get better."

Head down, did not see his appearance, for a long time, but heard his faint voice. Has she
recovered soon... Compared with Bai Zhanfeng's wound, what's her wound, but he walked

In this way, the dry eyes were hot again, unconsciously holding his hand, and then she felt a
slight tremor in his hand.

"I drink medicine." She whispered.

"Well.” His voice grew lighter and lighter.
When she swallowed the "medicine" juice, it was his white but bright red hand that came into
her eyes. Ling "chaotic" and gorgeous contrast Yan "color".

She was slightly surprised, and opened her eyes a little more. At last, she saw clearly that
there were several new openings on his hands, and a thin layer of soot and dust.
His hand was cut.

She suddenly remembered that in Taoyuan village, when he first boiled water, his eyes and
eyebrows were bright, and his heart was a little tight. She asked lightly, "Who fried the
medicine for you so late?"

In front, shallow open windows framed the starry sky outside. How many more days? She
couldn't see, but she knew it was really late.

"XS." He answered without hesitation. Perhaps he did not hesitate, but she knew the answer.
Later, she fell asleep again, but he woke her up again.
The warm humidity fell on her. She was picked up from bed to bed and sat down on a low
couch, her clothes were all stripped from head to foot, naked.

He wiped her body and removed the transparent and dull light from the surface of the copper
basin. He gently twisted the towel and slid down the water and beat the sound of the basin.
It was quiet all around.

All is quiet at dead of night. Even if there are hidden guards around Ziwei, there are thousands
of forbidden troops farther away.
Close to her body, his clothes were slowly soaked by the water. She was placed back in bed,
and the sound of his bathing came. Her consciousness became a little clearer.

When he lay down on the bed with a fragrance, took her back to him, and gently stroked her
belly, she was completely awake.


She don't know how long it took, his hand dropped gently, and she slowly opened her eyes.
The glory of the night pearl is faintly reflected. She rose from his arms, propped herself up,
and looked at him asleep.

His eyes were dark blue. Did he not sleep well for some days? On the lips, there are shallow
stubble. This man is very beautiful and loves to clean and cherish his features. It's rare to see
him look sloppy.

Apparently it is such a warm embrace and sleep, do not know why, but like someone with a
heavy quilt covering the mouth and nose, dead press, her heart, more and more despair.

Outside the window, something suddenly flashed by. She was shocked, her chest ached, and
several mouths of sweetness poured into her throat. She frowned and swallowed the
sweetness quickly.

Is it an illusion? Just now out of the window is... Blue-eyed man! Although it was only a
moment, she saw him frowning at her.

He is always cold on both sides. Why is he looking at her with this kind of eyes now? Why is
he here?

She lay down in panic, a little distance away from Longfei, the temperature of his body, the
sound of his heartbeat, she would... unable to fall asleep.

His eyes moved slightly, and Longfei glanced out of the window. What was she looking at just
now? There's nothing out of the window! But her god, Lust, panicked and chaotic. For a long
time, a slight breath came. He turned over and whispered, "Little Seven."

No response, the figure is quiet, half-shivering. She finally fell asleep. Gently reach over and
take her back into his arms.

"Long Fei Li, I'm leaving."That light voice, and pale eyebrows.
All over the body, Longfei sat up violently, leaving only the cold air in his arms. What about
her? As soon as his eyebrows were locked, he snatched the door out.

At the door, several Ziwei stood respectfully. It's Ziwei who he put beside her that she can't

"What about Niang Niang?" He snatched a Ziwei's skirt in one hand, and he snapped.
The Ziwei was shocked and busily said, "On returning to the Lord, Niang Niang is in the
backyard. Except for the reports left by several of her subordinates, all the other brothers
follow around Niang Niang. Don't worry about the Lord."

Just as Longzijin and others came out, they saw Longfei's rapid figure leaving the backyard,
looked at each other, and hurried to follow the past.

The sun was shining on her with a soft layer of oranges.

When Longfei left for the backyard, he saw Xuan Ji standing quietly, in a white "color" dress,
as if not stained with dust. For some reason, she seldom wears clothes other than purple and
red. She especially loves purple, and he also loves to see her wear purple. Sometimes, many
things have no reason, just like he called his shadow guard Ziwei.

Suddenly, he felt that the white "color" was a bit dazzling. It was clear that she looked so
beautiful that she seemed not human. She was captured by Mu Ronglin. When he met her
again in the street of Yanxia Town, she was white. And then a lot of things happened.

She stood with her back to him, looking up slightly, staring at the sky and wondering what she
was thinking. He was looking at her, and the people behind him were quietly looking at them.

When she heard the noise, she slowly turned back. He shocked her. She smeared some rouge
on her face and blushed her cheeks slightly.

In her two days of sleeping, Shengji Pill's effect gradually evaporated. The scars on her face,
like snake molting, all fell off. The marks were still there, but also faded. Some flesh and skin
grew on her face. The flesh and skin were tender, and the flesh and flesh were slightly
powdered. Her skin was white. At this time, the whole face was white and wrong. Good-

However, although not as ugly as before, at this time, she wiped a little Rouge moisture, but
it seems very abrupt.Because there was a pallor between her eyebrows. Said to be pale, but
it seems to penetrate black and blue.That's a bad feeling.
The early morning wind is slightly cool.

He unknowingly twisted his eyebrows and went up, touching his hands on her shoulders. Then
he remembered that he came out in his middle coat, even without his outer robe. Where did
the clothes come for her?

Her eyes were on the ground, as if they were stunned. He followed her glance, only to know
that she was looking at his feet, in a hurry, he came out barefoot, even without shoes.

His face was slightly hot, and he went up and said, "Go in and sleep again. I will accompany
you to Baifu if I make some arrangements."

Xia Sang was pushed and looked at Longzijin and Duan Yuhuan with an oblique eyebrow.
Longzijin grinned bitterly and made an eye "lustre" to him.

Xia Sang understood that Xu Xi's message came last night, but nobody dared to disturb the
emperor. It's just that there are so many people, why does he have to talk about this difficult
job? He smiled innocently and glanced back at it immediately.

Duan Yuhuan and Longzijin looked at each other and Duan Yuhuan whispered, "Who will let
you work in the same place with General Xu?" What's the reason? Just because he and Xu Xi
are in the Home Office together?

Yuzhi was curious and whispered, "What's the matter?"

Mou Guang turned gently on Jade Chi's face. Xia Sang didn't speak and walked forward. It
really came out of season. But if you don't say it, you have to say it!

"Emperor, the slaves have something to report."

"I'll talk about it later." Longfei gathered his eyebrows and looked at the crowd. "You go down

Xuan Ji looked at Xia Sang and departed from Longfei. "Director Xia is a person who knows
how to behave. It's urgent to think about it."
Longfei glanced away and gently held Xuan in his arms, saying, "XS."


Xia Sang: "Emperor, Xu Xi and his party have arrived in the outskirts of Beijing soon. The
Queen Mother also sent urgent letters to Xu Xi several times, asking about the date when the
Emperor returned to the palace. Xu said that the wording of the letter had been doubtful. In
addition, the whole imperial city has been prepared, because two days later is the emperor's

On that day, it took one day for the dragon to return to capital. Now there are still two days
left. The time for the party to return to the capital is just right. But if the Dragon leave to take
Xuan Ji to Baifu, he would never be able to catch up with the birthday feast!

"I know that." Long Fei face unchanged and said, "Xia Sang, send a message to Xu Xi. He will
return to the palace two days later. He knows how to do it."

When the words came out, everyone was surprised and QF whispered, "Brother, I will go to
Baifu with you and Nianfei Madame."
"Well." Longfei leaves his chin.
"No." Xuan Ji interrupted him softly, "Emperor, go back to the palace."
"Don't you want me to follow you?" It was QF that made a sudden noise, and he looked at
Xiangxuan with shock and trepidation.
Longfei's eyes glistened and asked lightly, "Why did Nianfei not want you to accompany her?"
QF suddenly changed his face. He laughed bitterly and knelt before Longfei left.
"I really don't want you to go with me." Xuan Ji shook his head and said, "But most
importantly, I'm not going to Baifu anymore."

"Why?" Long Fei pulled Xuan Ji's body. "Don't you want to hang on in the past?"
"Does the emperor want to go?" Xuan Ji retorted.
"Yes, he saved you."
Xuan Ji seemed a little stunned and frozen Long Fei-bian. "He has taught me to die. Maybe he
doesn't want us to see him."
"XS, do as I tell you."
"Because it's not Xinyi, so it's not difficult?" Gently break away the man's hand, Xuan Ji walked
towards the yard door.

Suddenly all the voices froze, and even QF and YZ did not dare to speak. Because Longfei's
hand is stiff in the air.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. She thought about what she had said. She turned around and said,
"The Queen Mother's place is not good for her to suspect. Besides, I have never had any
birthday with you, so I'd better go back to the palace."

"Do you want to spend your birthday with me?"

No one expected that Longfei would leave the "color" of the God at this time. As Xuan Ji said
just now, everyone thought that he must be angry. But his mouth was shallow and he stared
at Xuan Ji with great surprise.


Because this is your first and last birthday. Xuan Ji smiled faintly, and sandalwood's "liquid"
body slightly surged up his throat. Of course, she didn't say that. This feeling, however, is...

"I went in first." Xuan Ji looked at Yuzhi and said with a smile, "Yuzhi, come into my room
Jade nodded cleverly.

"I'll go in with you." Long Fei was just about to take a step, but Xuan Ji shook her head and
stopped, "You must have a lot of things to deal with when you break the sword door. You
must be busy."

The battle of Broken Sword Gate was full of eccentricity, and the truth behind these things
must be interesting. As she said, he did have a lot of things to deal with, but the pallor
between her eyebrows became more and more dazzling, Longfei heart suddenly tightened
and walked quickly to Xuan Ji's side. "But what's wrong with your body?"

"That's all right. I just want to talk to Jade." The tone of voice is light, but very firm.

How could Longfeili not see the resistance in her eyes? She just said that she wanted to spend
his birthday with her, he just felt ecstatic and unwilling to go against her wishes. He also
thought that although she could restore her memory, she still needed to let Taiyuan Hospital
confirm whether the congestion in the skull had dissipated.

She turned around for a moment, her eyes were wrapped in thin sadness. He twisted his
eyebrows and blurted out, "Xiao Qi, after returning to the palace, I asked the courtesy
department to pursue Wuqi as a loyal and brave marquis."

Xuan Ji stopped and laughed softly. "Emperor, it's only May 7 dead. What's the use of a higher
bestowal? So he'll be happier? Death is death, and nothing is known, nor is it necessary."

She looked down at the ground, just as she had left the courtyard that day. Whether it was
the garden in front or the backyard, it was covered with flowers. "Emperor, if one day your
concubine dies, what name do you give her? Who doesn't want to go to the most noble
position in the life of a woman in the rear court who will be respected in the future? Can
concubines get a back seat?” The uneasiness that penetrated her heart became more and
more intense. Before she could hear her words clearly, she had already stepped into and out
of the courtyard.

Dead? His heart sank, the word just his happy mood all dissipate, as if it was stolen things,
now to whom! He will give her whatever she wants!

And the queen position, she did not know, he had planned to give it to her, he wanted her to
stand nearest to him, but not after her death!

The emperor did not speak, and the air was suddenly full of clumps and tightness. Jade
vomited and said, "Nine brothers, I'm going to find my sister-in-law."

"Well." Sharp eyes fell on QF that had been bowing its head. "It seems that I missed
something good. After I return to the palace, you and I will talk about it."

On the way back to the palace, a very strange thing happened, which made everyone's heart
tinged with an inexplicable shudder. The shudder lasted until the party arrived in the suburbs
of Beijing and secretly joined Xu Xi, and returned to the imperial city. The Queen Mother led
the Queen's Palace to meet the Baigong in two phases.


Before departure, Xuan Ji made a request to Longfeili. She wanted to have a carriage with

Everyone saw that Longfei had slightly changed his face at that time. He stared at Xuan Ji for
a long time, unexpectedly, but he agreed on the condition that the doctor gave Xuan Ji a sign
of illness.

The doctor only said that his wife's wound was not healed and she was weak and weak, which
was not harmful. Later, Long Fei-li let the people set off immediately.

The tremor came from Xuan Ji and Yu Zhi's carriage. During this period, no one saw Xuan Ji
get out of the carriage. No one knows why she did it, just to gamble with the emperor.

On the way to dinner, all the jade came out and silently took the food into the car. Apart from
getting food, Yuzhi almost never left the carriage. On the night before they arrived at the
Imperial City, Yuzhi, like before, she took some dry food and boarded the carriage.
Apart from QF on the trunk, everyone can see that the emperor's endurance is finally
exhausted. QF was silent, and across the curtain Xuanji's voice came shallowly, "I want to stay
by myself, A li, I will go back and accompany you, okay?"

Longfei did not enter. His eyebrows were locked, but a faint smile rose from the corners of
his mouth.

Pulling Xiasang aside, Longzijin grinned bitterly and said, "Have you ever seen Jiuge spoil a
woman like this for so many years?"
Xia Sang laughed, "Nian Fei Niang is a good woman." He paused, took a look at Longzijin and
whispered, "Because XY, Wang Ye feels wrong?"

"No." Longzijin shook his head. "I agree with XY, but I always feel something wrong. I don't
know whether it's Nianfei's too quiet or Jiuge's mood now. XS, don't you have this feeling?”

Duan Yuhuan frowned slightly and said, "Lord, are you afraid that Nianfei Madame will hurt
the Emperor?"

"Not whether or not, but whether or not, who can." Xia Sang said lightly, "Nobody can do it
before, but now..."

Emperor Capital, Emperor City.

The palace gates are red and golden. The vermilion flutters in the eyes, the doors open to the
full, only see white jade brick floor, distant palace eaves like hooks, tiles cluster glaze, golden
brilliance everywhere.

Fushou embroidery, a smile between the eyebrows, a person living in the middle, left and
right "color" gowns such as seven colorful clouds make up a beautiful beauty, the next
hundred official robes such as clouds and rows of serious eyes.

In addition, there are countless people around the Palace of the Prohibition Army.

"The Emperor arives!"

The guard of honor sounds bell and drum, and the embroidered five-clawed Golden Dragon
comes quickly. The dragon is like a cloud, arrogant in all directions of the world, stopping
slowly and lurking in the golden dragon.
Dozens of the forbidden army marched toward the curtain in rank and separated. Among
them, the young and handsome man smiled and waved his hand to stop the forbidden army
from coming forward to wait. He uncovered the curtain with his own hands and emerged
slowly with a bright yellow, handsome and luxurious man.

It was Emperor Longfei of Qingjia.

He was not in a hurry to go to the Queen Mother, the concubine and the Baiguan. He stood
shoulder-to-shoulder with elegant mood and grace. He looked faintly at the other side of the
Dragon carriage.

In front thousands of eyes, a girl came out quickly, only to see her dress, waistline jade
exquisite wear, eyes with a smile, charming Ruofu chrysanthemum. The emperor owed her a
blessing, and she gently lifted the curtain of Fengyi.

Everyone knows who is in it, but no one's eyes do not follow the past, including the first of
the rear court, the first of the court's civil and military.

Purple Luocui, plain makeup, Nian Xuanjie.

She was the emperor's favorite concubine. The appearance was not too beautiful, but when
the emperor walked quickly to her and gently embraced her and walked towards everyone,
everyone noticed that her appearance seemed to have changed.

Originally not a delicate "color", but now more pale and haggard, and the most surprising
thing is that her face seems to have a light trace, can not say what it is, but from her side of
the eyelid has been shallow winding to the corner of the mouth.

Even, a lot of people think of the idea: Did she... her face break?

Closely behind the emperor and the concubine, three men, Xu Xi, the head of the Interior
Office, Xia Sang, and the green-shirt QF, were walking towards the grand guard of honor and
the crowd.

As soon as the girl smiled, she looked at the man in brocade who came out of the third
carriage. They walked side by side and quickly followed him. A few steps forward, there are a
lot of people.

Longfei stood still with Xuanji, smiled faintly at the Queen Mother's ceremony, and the Queen
smiled and bowed her head. She said, "today is the birthday of the Emperor, but praying for
the community and mourning for his family. The Emperor worked hard."
"It is my duty to serve the society, and this son duty to serve the mother and the queen." Long
Fei said with a laugh. He spoke a word, and the eyes of the Phoenix looked lightly at each
other. He worshiped all officials, and all his concubines gave gifts. Long live the Forbidden
Army Palace.

Queen Mother? His mother was still imprisoned by the woman in front of him. Looking at the
smile on his lips, Xuan gave the most perfect interpretation. Xuan looked down and smiled
lightly. He could not tell joy and sorrow. Only then did he know the reason why he went to
Qiushan again.

But anyway, he did. He found Bai Zhanfeng.

Perhaps, some things are destined to be like fate, take a circle, she will eventually return to
this place.

There stood only the man beside her and the noble woman opposite him.
The emperor smiled lightly and said, "Let's all be flat."

In a crowd, when a person looks at you, you may be able to tell who he or she is.
But when a lot of people are measuring you, can you tell who you are and who you are?
However, some people, Xuan Ji is clear, on both sides of the Empress Dowager and all the
women in the back palace behind her, the palace people standing in the distant Eagle palace
full of joy, the age of the court officials, the annual tribute, the three princes standing in front
of the hundred officials, the seven princes, Na Tomorrow Lang and so on.
And, JX............................. One of them looked at her strangely


There are many reasons for being watched.

Among them, her face is definitely one of the reasons. Although, Long Feili once told her that
her face would gradually get better, is it a comforting word? Who knows?

What does appearance mean to women? She doesn't care. But now, it seems that she has
more things to care about! It's not surprising that others are watching.

But that look, perhaps it should be said, that man, she did not know. Here's the problem. She
doesn't know him!

He stood behind Longliyu, about thirty years old, plain looking, with dark eyes, which made
her very uncomfortable. He was not only looking at her, he was looking at another person in
the audience, but he was looking so fast that she didn't know who he was looking at. Judging
by the position he stands, his position is not low. Who the hell is he? In this way, it temporarily
suppressed the desire to look back.

Long Liyu looked at her, Xuan sighed and slightly turned over.

This slightly deflected eyes, and found that Longfeili was talking with the Queen Mother, of
course, the content of the conversation was ignored by her, but she saw that Longfeili was
glancing at WRY, that one was very light and fast.

This is in front of Tai Hou! Aren't he afraid of being discovered? Or is he... missing her?

She laughed bitterly, thinking more and more about herself. At this time, two other people
looked at her. They were..... Long Xiuwen and Naming.

Naming raised her eyebrows slightly, but it was Longxiu who smiled at her warmly. It seemed
that everything before had been completely relieved.

She didn't respond. It was all human beings. This eyebrow of knowledge, not shallow. Think
about it, can't help laughing lightly in misery.

It's a little inappropriate to laugh. I don't know if it was her big action or if the emperor and
the queen had something to do with her at this time. Everyone's eyes fell on her and then
looked at the queen.

She was startled and did not know what had happened. Long Fei-li had let go of her and went
to the queen. he smiled and held Yu Mixiu's hand, and Yu Mixiu lowered her head shyly.

She looked at the jade obliquely to ask for help, but saw that all the people such as Yuzhi had
changed their faces.What and what is this?

"Previously, the sisters were still speculating that the first one to conceived was Nian
concubine, but it was unexpected that the Queen's had good news first."

The voice is... Xuan Ji looks at Huafei, her eyebrows are slightly provoked, and she looks at
her with a smile, but there is no smile in her eyes.

Pregnant? What are you carrying? It's not a tumour. Xuan Ji shocked suddenly and the queen
was happy. She is pregnant with a child from LFL!

She had a painful chest and looked at Longfei, who looked at her with a slight frown.
Just now, the Queen Mother and Long Fei were talking about this! No wonder everyone is
watching her!

"this sister is dull. Please consult Sister Hua. What does that mean when my sister said,'I didn't
expect the Queen to have good news first'? Does it mean that my sister does not want the
Queen's..."A voice of surprise came from the concubines.

Her tone was very surprised, but her mouth was full of smiles. It was Huifei.

In the imperial concubine, who dares to provoke the concubine openly, except the concubine
of the general whose family background is similar to that of the concubine?

Wah Fei suddenly changed her face, a sneer, just to refute her a few words, but the queen
looked at her indifferently, Wah Fei gritted her teeth, but understand that this is the queen
warned her not to say any more, so as not to provoke the emperor.

"Sisters are not hurt by a joke." The Queen laughed and said, "Which sister's children are not
the same! It's all the blood of the emperor."

Which sister's children are not the same? Xuan Ji's position is just opposite to each other's
concubines. Others may not pay attention to it. Xuan Ji clearly sees that An Jin and Yao Guang
exchanged their eyes.

The Queen's words are really against her will! At that time, people in the Palace said that the
emperor's descendants were difficult to obtain. She also thought about the reasons, and even
whether he was "no good" by abdominal slander. Even her newbie in the back court knows
that the chance to conceive from that kind of man in front of her is no greater than winning
the lottery.

Apart from her "confused" pregnancy with his child, before and after his big marriage, no
concubine in the palace has ever heard of pregnancy! The emperor's palace talks about the
value of mother and son, and vice versa. Queen's son, what will be her future status? It's not
hard to imagine! The political situation in this dynasty and the situation in the palace may
have changed for a long time.

"The Queen's words are very agreeable." Longfei looked at Huahui's second concubine
indifferently, and they dared not say any more. He owed himself, "The emperor said that!"

"When did the Queen find out?" Long Fei raised his voice with a slight reproach. "people
should not be punished for not sending a letter to me." He said so, a pair of Phoenix eyes but
a deep laugh at the rich Mixiu, the empress imperial concubines who do not hate the queen
itchy, but the deep jealousy, dare not reveal in the face a little bit.

"Congratulations to the Emperor!"

With Nian minister as the leader, a group of courtiers and Long Liyu and others gave their
congratulations. Xuan Ji took a look at the Nian minister. Her father had a good look on his
face and was a model for senior actors.

"The emperor also said that punishment, sorrow, you are too late to be happy," the queen
laughed. "The queen is now a sad vomiting, let the doctor and daughter to see, this beautiful
child is virtuous, but also"confused"for a while, but this is always a great joy, according to the
sad family, this is the best birthday gift of your birth."

The voice was a murmur of congratulations. His child..... Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, the pain in
her chest became sharper and sharper. The Queen could not help but hear her gentle
inquiry,”Is it all right for Nianfei's sister? This face looks very pale.”


The Queen's face was full of concern.

Her concern, people's eyes returned to Xuan Ji again, the emperor's favorite concubine, the
queen's first concubine, had a dragon heir, behind the concubine was the age, behind the
queen was the depression, who did not wait for a good play?

Long Fei wrinkled his brows and seemed to be passing away. But the Queen Mother said, "JX,
JX. Why don't you go and help the concubine for a while?" Nianfei ah, this boat car Lawton,
don't cause any illness to be good.

The dragon did not stop.

"Queen Mother thank you for your cares." Xuan Ji owes a blessing to himself, bowed.
However, before the two women approached, the Queen came and supported Xuan Ji's

"The Queen don’t feel troubled." Xuan Ji quickly yielded, but her chest was in sharp pain. The
familiar sweetness gushed up her throat continuously, and she waited for her mouth to burst
out blood. Her body is not good. In a hurry, she pushed the queen away.
The Queen cried out, stumbled several steps, and fell to the ground.

This sound astonished everyone. The Queen Mother was furious and scolded, "Nianfei, how
daring you are! If there is anything wrong with this heir, I will not spare you. "

The queen covered her stomach, looked at the dragon and frowned and said, "Emperor." Long
Fei's face "color" changed greatly. Her heart was overjoyed. She slightly extended her hand.
Long Fei's face passed by her, and the pendulum brushed her gently. It was so fast that it
almost decided.

She is puzzled, a few drops of hot "liquid" splashed on her face and neck, she was surprised,
reached out a "touch" and cried out in silence, is... Blood!

Suddenly there was silence around her. She suddenly realized what was happening. Looking
forward, she saw that the Dragon had already embraced her. She looked at the emperor and
the concubine with a stare of a hundred thousand people.

She had never seen such beautiful eyes before she met the man, as she had never seen such
sad eyebrows at the moment.

He held Nianfei tightly and snapped, "Xia Sang, Dr. Xuan Tai, let the hospital chief and Dr. Cui
come to Chuxiu Hall immediately.” He did not finish his words, but Xia Sang and Qing Feng
were out of sight.

The palms fell, the nails scratched across the ground and broke. Until two big palace ladies
helped her up, she stared at Nianfei in a disgraceful way.

When she reached out and grabbed the man's dragon robe, Xuan Ji felt painful. She felt that
her heart was pinched and nailed through with sharp tools. Her eyes were half closed, but
she still tried her best to use her own airway: "I don't... I didn't mean to push her. I won't
hurt... your child."

The terrible feeling of great pain and despair poured out again from the bottom of Longfei's
heart. Last time, in the cave, I saw her hugging with Baizhanfeng naked. Last time, in Baifu,
she stabbed him in the chest with a sword. Again, she jumped down the cliff without
hesitation in front of him.

All the people, panic around "chaos" panic, Ling "chaos" and loud voice.... He ignored all but
her lips, the corners of her mouth a bloody red.
"I know, I know, you don't talk, it will be all right!" he wiped the blood gushing from her mouth

"A li, I... pain, pain!" Xuan Ji's consciousness began to blur, just murmuring along his instinct.

She was often injured, and there were hardly any good places on her body. That night, he
scrubbed her body and saw the ugly scars on her body, and he was frozen for a long time.

However, her nature is stubborn and obstinate, and seldom says a painful word in front of
him. If she says it hurts, it must be very painful!

Suddenly he remembered that in the cave, she stared at him sadly. Yes, he never asked her if
she was afraid, if she was hurt, where it hurts.

The idea pressed him so hard that he could not breathe. He picked her up horizontally and
went to Chuxiu Hall with his light efforts. Even if there is a complete shock behind the chaos.

Chuxiu Hall.
All the people, even the Queen Mother, were led by Duan Yuhuan and kept out of the hall.

Xuxi frowned tightly and stood aside. Yuzhi seized Longzijin's arm with tremor and cried,
"Shige, what should I do? Will sister-in-law die? Will she die?”

"Long Yuzhi!" Longzijin gritted his teeth and said, "If she dies, he will kill you too!" That quack
doctor can't diagnose it. You ride with her in a carriage. How can you not perceive her
condition? Why don't you tell us?

The hand slipped from Longzi's brocade arm, and Jade Chi slowly fell to the ground and
murmured, "Doctor said that my sister-in-law was okay, and I thought that... She said she
didn't want to stay with Jiuge for the time being... Yes, I was a fool, she had vomited blood
several times in the carriage, and my sister-in-law said that it was a depression syndrome.
Wasn't Ruyi sister-in-law like this before?" She said that it would be OK for Tai Hospital to
prescribe some "medicine" when she returned to the palace. I actually believed it.

She said, she was shocked all over, only to see Dragon Feili suddenly turn around and look at
her, this eye is cruel and cruel, in the eyes of the streaming light has faintly smeared a sense
of killing.

Yuzhi hid her face and sobbed, and a thought flashed through her mind: If sister-in-law could
not be cured this time, Jiuge would surely kill her! Killing her is also deserved, but what kind
of disease does her sister-in-law catch? Can it be cured?
Long Fei did not lay down Xuan Ji. He hugged her and sat on the bed.
He thought that he would hate her angrily, but only a bitterness crushed in his heart.

She did not go to worship and go back to the palace with him, not to spend his birthday with
him. The doctor did not diagnose it, but she already knew she was in a terrible condition.
So she went to apply Rouge powder to cover her pallor.

She didn't tell him, or even, she cheated him!

And he was so careless, indulging in her laughter. Should she punish him in this way? With
her to finish his birthday, and then die like this?


In her arms, she repeated the story of the Queen's children in a whisper. He knows that she
wants to tell him that she didn't mean to, because... that's his child.

She gasped weakly and her mouth was red as the most beautiful flower. But flowers will fail.
The more beautiful they are, the faster they will fail. Because, in an instant Fanghua. Because
everything that is too beautiful is mostly burned with life to offset it.

Maybe, like between them, she did everything she could to treat him. How many times do
you want to come back? Then, keep on making mistakes.

Then, this time, she went back to the palace with him. He thought that they could do it again.
He would treat her with the same price. However, it seems that this is no longer possible.

She fell into his arms for a moment, and he immediately judged that her illness had come
unusually. Although the doctor had not arrived, he did not know what had happened to her
body, but now everything, her eyebrows grey, he had a feeling, this time, she really can not

She has been strong, let him have an illusion, she... Has always been in; forget that strong
again, there is time to exhaust. He suddenly remembered her child.

On the day he and she learned about the child, his indifference and hesitation made him lose
the child. Although he knows clearly how much trouble it will cause to leave the child alive.
But it was him and her children.

The eye is the pain of knife piercing. Long Fei-li laughs faintly. He holds Xuan's shoulder tightly.
Every time he laughs, there is a sharp cut from his heart.
Kiss her earlobe gently. "Whose children do I want except yours, so you have to get better,
okay?" The dirty corners of her mouth were wiped by her fingers. He stared at her and smiled

Or, he had forgotten the taste of tears.

Or, the original desolate to the extreme, even tears will not be there.

Maybe it was his words. Maybe she had come to her senses. She didn't talk about the children
anymore. She closed his eyes and smiled softly.

"Long Fei Li, am I going to die, you feel a little guilty about me, so you want to deceive me like
this? Don't forget that you have no jokes, damn it, you broken pear." Xuan Ji smiled and closed
her eyes. This time, there were no tears.

Even the tears were gone. Did they all dry up?
Then laugh.

No one has stipulated that when you die, you must cry.

"I don't need your poor alms. You said you would give her a concubine and a child. If I'm right,
the child will be the next emperor of Xiliang in the future, because you don't love the queen,
you love her..." Xuan Ji laughs irrepressibly

Suddenly, regardless of her pain, Long Fei-li pressed Xuan Ji deeper into his arms. Sure
enough, she frowned with pain, then blushed her lips and smiled palely.

He never thought he would meet her, let alone fall in love with her.

He did not deceive her, which was the only thing he thought of now. Perhaps, long ago, this
idea came into being.

There is a balance in my heart, one side is her, the other side is XY. This balance, I don't know
when, has tilted. Maybe it was just a moment before she fell off the cliff, maybe even earlier.

However, he has been reluctant to admit that there is such a person in the world who can
control his heart. For her, the fourteen years of friendship can be regarded as smoke and

He is a king, not a real king of prosperity. It is not a good thing if a man can’t control his mood.
Before he met her, he thought he loved Xinyi; then he realized that he really did. But, if we
really want to find a most direct difference, then he has no desire for Xinyi, and has never
touched her.

He never desire, but he is a normal man. Sometimes he needs to be understood. He is the

emperor, and it is impossible not to spoil them.

She may not know that the queen is pregnant with his child because the one night she left
the palace, he lost control and was released into the body. Because, at that moment, he was
thinking of her.

Before that night, she went to learn tea with Ruyi, cooked tea and ran to Chuxiu Hall to find
him. He broke the tea bowl, brushed her goodwill, and the relationship between them was
cold. Unexpectedly, she borrowed Anjin's hand and sent him tea every day.

Fortunately, the day when the Queen was spoiled, he did not receive her tea. He knew she
was ill. Underneath him was Yu Mixiu, but he thought of her and missed her severely. Later,
instead of staying overnight at the Queen's Palace, he went to the FJ Palace in the middle of
the night to find her.

Of course, the queen's children come strange, is it the queen or the conscientious person who
makes Zixi lose its efficacy?

When she was under him, he wanted more, and she was tortured by him every time. He
wanted more than her body madly. He couldn't tell what those were. He loved to hear her
moaning and crying and calling his name. He wanted her to be the only one. No one else can
touch her. Neither of his two brothers, Bai Zhanfeng, can do it.

He know what Longzijin wanted. He never warned him for meeting her, he thought it was a
trust in Longzijin and Ruyi.

Later, he finally realized that he did not love Xinyi, and that his feelings for her were more of
a kind of intimate affection, a habit built up over fourteen years. Because, for only this woman
named Nian Xuanji, he can not tolerate any man to miss her.


That day, he would choose to leave her and come back, because he was worried about her
condition, and he was sure that whether her appearance could be restored or not, he loved
her. Appearance is just a useless bag of skin for him. He loves her nature.
When he was in the other courtyard of Songfeng Town, Yanxia County, he told her that,
except for the imperial concubines and children, Wen Ruyi was just Wen Ruyi. Because he
knows that it is his duty to give Xinyi his name.

But at the moment, he could no longer see her pain, whether it was her body or her heart.
He knows what she cares about. He knows her pain. Even who owes it! Responsibility, he will
find other ways to compensate. He just didn't want her to hurt any more! She thought he had
deceived her, and she no longer believed it!

Touching her hair, he kissed the sweat from her forehead and said softly, "Queen's child, I
won't take it."

"No?" Xuan Ji struggled to wrinkle her eyebrows. sHe was very suspicious of "puzzling" and
did not understand what he was talking about. sHe asked low, "Why not?"

"You don't have to care about this. You just know that I'll only want your children, don't talk,
the doctor will arrive soon." Her hand was still slightly curled up on his lap. He knew she was
in pain. He calmed down when he watched her paler and paler face. He would never let her
die like that. He would accompany her and she would accompany him.

For twenty-one years, he had the world, but he seemed to have nothing. After tasting the
happiness she brought him, he would not let her leave him.

"I only like you, you have to accompany me all the time." He touched her eyelids, but in a light
tone he declared.

Suddenly there was a low cry, "Sister Ruyi."

Jade voice. Long Feili did not look past, he only saw the her in his arms.

Xinyi.... As soon as she came in, she heard him say so. Xinyi hold her trembling hand tightly.
All but the emperor were looking at her. She knew.

It must be because Nianfei's condition is extremely bad that he said so. Otherwise, he would
not rush back to Emperor's Capital overnight. She later learned from Xu Xi that he was going
to ask for "medicine" for his concubine. It must be so!

"Ruyi is here too." Xuan Ji slowly opened her eyes and whispered, "Long Fei Li, send me back
to the FJ Palace, I am... not here anymore." It's not jealousy or gambling. Xuan Ji doesn't want
to be entangled with them at this time.

Longfei left with a sneer. "Xuxi, how daring you are!" Who let you in?"
"The old slave knows his crime!" Xu Xi knelt down and whispered.
"Take them down."

Xinyi heard the emperor's words. Long Feili has never said such a thing to any concubine. He
has promise to give her the crown and favor of the harem.

She looked at Nian Xuanjie with a glance of silence, and even she could not suppress Nian
Xuanjie. Xinyi panicked, can no longer maintain calm, on the contrary, more satisfied with the
first voice.

Nianfei looked at her. Her face was as white as a sheet of paper. JX cherry lips rose slightly...
How about the emperor spoiling her again? Her illness seems so serious that it can't be put
on hold!

"Say, take them down!" Seeing Xuan Ji frowning at JX, Longfei looked at Xu Xi in fury. When
Xu Xi was shocked, he got up immediately and walked quickly to JX.

"The slave has retired." She raised her head slowly to Xuan Ji and said softly, "Niang Niang is
well-fed." She pulled JX and stepped back.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly and hated Xinyi. At that moment, she knew that this gentle woman
still hated her after all. Her heart was uneasy, her mood fluctuated slightly, and her chest was
in great pain. She held on to Long Fei-li's clothes tightly.

"Zijin, Taiyi?" Longfei was frightened and dismayed. he looked at Longzijin, and Yuzhi
stumbled to the edge of the bed. She wanted to hold Xuanji's hand, but he look at her coldly.
She was frightened and fell on her knees, staring at Xuanji.

Xuan Ji held out her hand from Longfei's chest, took her hand, and pulled her clothes. "Treat
her well, she's your sister."

Over there, Longzi realized that Longfei was not leaving, but he opened the door and ran into
Xia Sang, who was coming in a hurry. He was still holding the sleeve of the courtyard principal.
He was in a hurry, so he caught people and rushed to the courtyard. Close behind were
Qingfeng and Doctor Cui.

"Emperor, please put down the girl so that the maidservant can diagnose the disease." Cui
Doctor's daughter said urgently. She was shocked to see Xuan Jiqi's "color", and knew that it
must be extremely difficult.
Xuan Ji struggled to laugh. "Aunt Cui, why don't you come?"
She gave a shallow voice. Doctor Cui's daughter had a mixed feeling. How could she think of
meeting her concubine again? It is said that the girl's fate is so bad.

Long Fei twisted his eyebrows tightly and laid Xuan Ji flat on his bed. He looked at the hospital
and murmured, "You and Doctor Cui are suffering from the disease together."

The hospital was aware that the emperor was so anxious that he could not avoid the suspicion
of the man and woman. If this time, the concubine was better, if she dies..... sHe was sweating
all over, and the hospital had dozens of lives to be buried with her.

He glanced at Dr. Cui, who immediately put her life-renewal film into Xuan Ji's mouth.

Except for the two patients who had been diagnosed by the concubine, the rest of them kept
their breath tight. Duan Yuhuan and Xia Houchu also came in and, like all the others, took a
quiet look at Longfei.

The bright yellow figure stands upright, but everyone knows that Long Fei-li's mood has
reached its extreme.

Suddenly, Doctor Cui shouted and looked at the hospital. The old courtyard is nodding slowly,
and its face is full of fear of "color".

Xuan Jue had fainted, breathing very weak, Longfei heart sinking, grabbed the front of the
upper court, angry: "What disease did Nianfei get?"

Cui Doctor's daughter knelt down with a bitter laugh. "Your Majesty, she's not sick!"


“What is that?"
Longfei has not yet opened his mouth, beside which Yuzhi and Longzijin share the same voice.
"It's maggot." Doctor Cui slowly slowed down the road.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that Nianfei was poisoned by maggot. These days,
everyone is together, and the guard is very tight. How could she be poisoned by maggot? The
maggot people choose her hands, and why?

Maggot, this kind of mysterious and evil thing is more terrible than ordinary poison. Toxicity
is easy to cure, but maggot is difficult to understand.

Longfei tightened his eyebrows, but slowly loosened the courtyard.

"Doctor Cui, is this called hemoptysis maggot?" Yuzhi was stunned. She was nervous. She
stooped down in front of Dr. Cui and repeated her voice.

If it had not been for this sword-like atmosphere, he would have suspended his heart and
sunbathed in the summer sunshine, and he would have laughed, vomited blood maggot, and
thanks to this girl's imagination.

Longzi brocade turned a white eye and pulled up the jade. "The King suspects that you are
not the blood of the Royal family. What"chaotic"seven or eight bloodletting maggots are
raised by you?"

"Shige!" Jade became angry, Xia Sang glanced at her, and she quickly whispered with interest.

"When a hundred insects are taken into the urn and opened over the years, one insect will
eat all the insects, which is called a maggot." Longfei sat back in bed, hugged Xuan Ji back in
his arms, and his eyes were deep.

"The emperor is well-informed and knowledgeable, which is the origin of the maggot," said
the head of the court.

"I only need to know what maggot it is and how to solve it." Longfei's eyes grew heavier and
heavier. The courtyard was trying to say something, but it taught him to interrupt coldly.

Everyone looked to the courtyard. Now that this maggot has been planted, whether it can be
solved is the key!

The courtyard is grinning bitterly, and its eyes are full of amazing "color." It happens that this
maggot is very similar to the destroying heart pill recorded in the big secret book. Once it
breaks out, the heart pain can not be lowered, and the blood is poured out like a note, so it
is called "heart maggot". Although the situation is bad, there are still days to go. If the most
important thing is the king of the heart maggot, the cause is extremely terrible and strange.
Once it happens, it will surely die.

Killing Heart Dan?

How could it be so coincidental that everyone was terrified that the poison that Longfei fed
to Murong's brothers and sisters on the same day was a destroying pill? Is it their revenge?

Just think about it, that's impossible! They have no chance at all. Besides, if they lay maggots,
why don't they threaten the dragon to come up with the "medicine" to destroy the heart?
"Solution method." Longfeili's voice suddenly sounded, the chill in the tone, and the people
who heard it all trembled slightly.

The courtyard is smiling bitterly at Dr. Cui's daughter. The courtyard is kneeling down in
decadence and God's "color" is defeated. "Slaves have been studying this maggot for a long
time. If other maggots are among the mothers, the slaves have the method of breaking
maggots. Only, this maggots are extremely poisonous, and there are no solutions in ancient
books and medical books."

As soon as the words of the courtyard were down, all the voices were condensed, mixed with
the sweet smell coming from Xuan Ji, and the room was suddenly covered with a haze and
silence. Only the crystal curtain, which was still gently shaking, was alone and happy.

There is no solution, which means Nian concubine meeting... and too much hospital! Longfeili
is afraid to kill all the people in Taiyuan Hospital.

Cui Doctor's daughter looked at Xuan Ji sadly and sadly. They were very close, but this time,
she could not save the woman.
The courtyard chief did not utter a word, but kowtowed desperately on the ground.

Apart from Xu Xi's dislike of Xuan Ji, other people grieved heavily. Yuzhi covered his mouth
and tears rustled out of his fingers.

"No, there must be a solution." Suddenly, the voice was quiet but steady.

No one thought that it was Longfeili who made a sound, and no one thought that Longfeili at
the moment was calm, with a pair of long and bright eyes shining brightly.

"Nine brothers?" Longzijin shivered slightly. His heart hurt Xuan Ji, but he was afraid that Long
Fei was "chaotic" because of Xuan Ji's affair, and his mind was out of reason.

Longfei nodded to him and looked at Doctor Cui. "Tell me, how long can she last until she gets
the medicine? The time must be accurate, not half the difference, understand?”

Cui Yilin, the goddess of Longfei's "color" refreshed her spirit. She carefully condensed Xuan
Ji for a moment and said, "Emperor, this maggot is called Heart Maggot. The greater the
excitement, the greater the pain and the hemoptysis. According to the slave-servant's
speculation, if Niang Niang is strong-willed, relaxed, less sad and less angry, she can last three
days, otherwise, she may not be able to spend tonight..."
Longfei nodded, and people saw him deeply frozen Xuan Ji, who seemed to be in deep
meditation. Just now, he said that there must be a solution to "medicine". No one is not
surprised. He does not understand what the man is thinking.

Longzi Jin's eyes were sharp. he watched Cui Doctor's and said gently, "Cui doctor, if you have
something to say."

How did Lord Lingrui know her name? Cui's doctor was stunned and her face was very hot.
Fortunately, all the people in the room were emperors and concubines who paid attention to
the bedside, so no one saw her embarrassment. She said, "In ancient books, there was no
solution to this kind of heartlessness. The slave-servant thought of one person, and maybe he
had some opinions about the poisoning of this concubine."

In the surprise of Longzijin, he wanted to ask who it was, but Longfei's voice faintly sounded,
"You mean the 7th prince?"

"Yes!" Doctor Cui was stunned. Longzijin was already surprised and said, "Dragon Xiuwen?"

Xia Sang and others were very surprised. Yuzhi frowned and asked, "Why is it Seven

Longfei said, "Xu Xi, the matter of the concubine, let the news spread in the palace as soon as
possible; Xia Sang, tell the seventh master about Nianfei, and call him to Chuxiu Hall tonight,
so that I can discuss something with him."

Xu Xi and Xia Sang immediately responded, and Longfei reached out and stroked Xuanji and
murmured, "Xiao Qi, this battle, I'll fight with you for three days. Give me three days!"

Xuan Ji suddenly opened his eyes.


Longfei was so happy that he caressed her hair. "Xiaoqi, did you hear that?" Three days, not
more than three days, maybe even shorter."
She silenced for a moment and said softly, "Three days is it... If I can persist, Long Fei Li, you
can promise me one thing."
"Well, you say."
"If I am lucky enough to survive this time, we will let go of each other."
Everyone heard what Xuan Ji was saying, but nobody seemed to understand what she was
Longzijin and others were surprised and Yuzhi even cried out in silence.

The courtyard kneeling on the ground was trembling slightly. It was not appropriate to hear
the imperial concubine's unrestrained address to the emperor, as well as the absurd and bold

Cui Doctor's seems to have a better understanding of the relationship between the two. Not
to mention the emperor's nervousness about Nianfei, just dare to ask the emperor for such a
request, they... just, is it not good to spoil like this? Nianfei she...

While measuring the emperor response, Xia Sang held his hand tightly unconsciously.

As before, Longfeili is quiet, perhaps more quiet than before.

He stood up, cut his hands behind him, and looked at Xuan Ji quietly for half a day. Suddenly
he smiled faintly and said, "so it’s the way it should be. You've been hiding in the carriage,
hiding your body, waiting for death, or this moment. What a dead man!"

Xuan Ji slightly turned over and did not squeak.

"Didn't you hear what I said? My heart intention, that comb that I only give to you. Have you
understand?" The voice of the emperor is still very weak. But like an iron claw, they all grasp

"Yes, or no?" Xuan Ji interrupted him gently.

Laughter, slowly growing. The emperor was laughing.

Yuzhi was staring at Xuan Ji and Long Fei-li, but she dared not see Long Fei-li again, his eyes
like splinttering hard egde gray diamond.

She have never seen such nine brothers. Before, Jiuge was not very angry, even if she did
something naughty again. Often only Shige Xiasang jumped their feet, even Xu Xi.

Nine elder brothers nature is actually very cold.

After returning to the Palace this time, she always felt something different about him. At that
time, she didn't know, but now she understand that his face is full of...... anger. But she has
never seen such expression such as now.
If he was sad and frightened when sister-in-law suddenly fainted, she really did not know how
to describe his expression now. Despair is more desperate than despair. What should it be

Why, Jiuge said that he only liked sister-in-law, why did sister-in-law say so? She didn't quite
understand what it meant to let go of each other.

Just don't eat together, don't talk... don't meet anymore?

Xuan Ji coughed slightly and a pair of willow eyebrows were pointed.

Surprised, Cui went to the bed and held Xuan Ji's shoulder. She said in a worried voice, "Niang
Niang, maggots are most afraid of emotional agitation. The quieter the better, you don't want
to say anything now..."

"Cui shut up," Longzijin said coldly, "Can you say nothing? The emperor is talking to Nianfei
Madame. Why are you inserting your lips here?”

Cui Doctor's bit her lip and her face turned red. She also gave Xuan a few needles and knelt
quietly to the ground.

"Ten brothers!" Longfei repulsed her, and Longzijin whispered, "Yes."

"Xiao Qi," Longfei said in a low voice, "Let's talk about it when you're well."
Xuan Ji smiled bitterly and laboured, "Would you send someone to the Eagle Palace to help
me get something?"

"Emperor, Niang, please say, slaves do it now!" Xia Sang stepped forward quickly and knelt
down on his knees.

Xuan Ji suddenly remembered that when she was in Bixia hall, the people around him were
indifferent to her.

This day, there is a sincere. But he and she...

"What is it?" Long Feili tightened her up.

"I haven't prepared anything for your birthday. There are still some silver tickets beside me,
which you gave me. I made some things myself..."
Before Xuan Ji had finished speaking, Long Feili suddenly put her down. People saw him
walking quickly to a simple sandalwood box with gold and silver paintings near the crystal

Although the emperor's dormitory, Longzijin and other people sometimes come in and out,
but never see the box, do not know when Longfeili was ordered to do.

"XS, key."
"Yes!" Xia Sang respectfully said that he immediately took out a key from his arms to Long

When people looked into the box, they saw several baby clothes neatly folded inside. The
color of the baby clothes was very old. It seemed to have fallen for years. Others did not know.
Xu Xi knew that it was made by Longfei who wore many clothes from his childhood.

At that time, he was raised beside the Queen Mother, and it was not easy for Rufei to give
clothes and gifts.

Next to those clothes, there was a rough little book.

Long Feili took out his little book and locked the box carefully. sHe could see that he cherished
the contents very much.

"Is that it?" He walked back to the bedside, lifted Xuan Ji up, carefully embraced her, and
asked her with a smile.

This is the voucher she used to "perfunctory" Longfei's birthday before she left the palace.
Xuan was stunned for a long time before she said, "Why is it here?"

"Well, here it is."

"Now, let me do all the above." His eyes were still on the box. Xuan Ji deliberately ignored his
increasingly impetuous mood and whispered, "If you don't agree, I can't last three days."

Longfei was holding the book tightly, and his eyes and eyebrows were all covered with a thin
laugh. At this time, every inch of his face was full of laughter.
Put Xuan Ji down, he stood up again and turned back.

His head was slightly drooping, and his eyes were still staring at the ground. No one could see
his expression at the moment.
For a long time, he suddenly turned back and said with a faint smile, "Nian Xuanji, what if I
grant you?"

Chuxiu Hall, Outdoor Courtyard.
Longfei left and stood back in the middle of the courtyard. Everyone followed him, but no one
came forward. At this time, nobody dared to say anything and nobody went out in time.

The hospital was being deported. Doctor Cui stayed and caressed Xuan Ji in the room.

Yuzhi's eyes were red and swollen. Just now, she was still in the room. When she heard Long
Fei's reply to Yun Xuanji and mentioned Bai Zhengfeng, she could not help crying.

This time, it's not for Bai Zhengfeng, but for her emperor brother.

"I promise you, once your poison is cleared up, I will never step on the FJ palace again in my
life, nor call you to sleep. Bai Zhengfeng will arrive in Didu in a few days. You may have
something to say to him, so don't die."

She clearly remembered the elongated grey in Longfeili's eyes when he spoke. For the sake
of his sister-in-law's little desire to survive, he said this before he left.

She never thought that Jiuge would say that.

She kept wondering how her sister-in-law would come back. Something that I didn't
understand before seemed to come across.

Nine elder brothers said that sentence, awakened her.

"You've been hiding in the carriage, hiding your body, waiting for death, or this moment. What
a dead man!"

How can people be so entangled? But that's just the way it is.

She did not go to Baifu to hang on. Her sister-in-law knew her illness was serious. She was
afraid that she would die. She loved nine brothers and never changed. So she came back and
wanted to spend time with him. However, she did not want to be with Jiuge anymore, so she
did not tell him the illness and aggravated it. In fact, she had the heart to die.

So now, she has made such a request to him.

Originally, sometimes the most amazing thing is not how to die, but how to live. But why do
we all come back and love each other, and why do we still do that?

Yuzhi thought, she seemed to understand, but she did not seem to understand at all.

Suddenly, Longfei was coughing, and his body trembled slightly. Jade shocked him. But he
saw ten brothers snatch it, frown and say, "Nine brothers."

Jade worried, and then went to the past, but saw dragon Fei Li gown mottled by blood.

She thought it was Xuan's blood, but in the glance it was Longfei's hand that gently brushed
the corners of his mouth.

"Nine brothers." Her heart ached, only to hear Longfei ask lightly: "Yuzhi, just a hundred
officials greet each other, standing behind your brother has been staring at the man you see,
do you know who he is?"

Yuzhi earthquake, the original nine elder brother also noticed!

"Nine elder brothers, who is that man?"

"Fang Chufan."

"Fang Chufan stares at Yu Zhi?" Longzijin wondered.

"Well." The dragon is not only from the head of the bow, Fang Chufan sees not only the jade,
but also...... Nian Xuanju.

Yuzhi recalled the man's dark eyes, only feeling extremely disgusted. He sneered, "This man
acts secretly. Tomorrow Lang is much better than him."

"You prefer Prince Naming a little more?" Long Feiwei sank "Yin" and looked at the jade. Jade
shook her head gloomily.

"Since it is not, if I promised you to Fang Chufan, would you like to?"
When Longzijin came to Chuxiu Hall, he saw Longfei standing in the courtyard, staring at the
distant palace wall lights.

"Jiuge, when will Long Xiuwen come over?" Longzijin frowned.

"Quick." Longfei's voice is quiet.

Longzijin is in a heavy mood. Now Longfei is worried about him. He has discussed with Xia
Sang in private, but no one knows what Longfei is doing today.

Xia Sang, Qing Feng, Duan Yuhuan and early Xia Hou, while everyone was there, Longzi
brocade said, "Jiu Ge, what do you really think? Why did you let Dragon Xiuwen come over

"Forget Worry County used to be a swampy land, with an extremely hostile environment and
the prevalence of witchcraft. Dr. Cui, who is very knowledgeable and knows all these facts,
suggested that I consult with the Seven Kings.

Longzijin nodded. At this time, Yuhuan hesitated slightly and said, "Emperor, please forgive
Weichen for his bravery. The queen's fetus, you..."

He wanted to stop talking. Although it was close to the political situation, it was also the
emperor's family. When he asked this question, everyone felt a sense of awe. The emperor
once said with Xuan Ji that he would not want the empress's children. But why is it that during
the day the hospital ordered too much raw material?

"Zixi flower is very rare. It has been introduced from foreign countries and is not found in
books, but now it teaches people to read it." In the early summer, Hou Shen "chanted" and
suddenly raised his eyebrows: "The emperor wants to relax his vigilance by appeasing people,
so that he can see who is behind the scenes?"

"The person behind the scenes may be the queen or the queen mother?" QF frowned and

"That's not easy to say." Xia Sang said, "It's the queen. She asks for her children. If other
people have a heart, they will be in trouble."

"Whether it's the queen or not, I think the queen, maybe the person behind her is very smart."
Longfei smiled lightly.

"Smart?" Longzi Jinwei is confused.

"When I came back today, the news that she was pregnant came out from Luxiu Hall the same
day. What does this mean?

"It's a coincidence." When the breeze is clear, the tone of voice becomes more doubtful.

Xu Xi shook his head and said, "The Emperor means that the Queen Mother knew she was
pregnant, but she just hid the news?"

"Well." Long Fei looked slightly at him and said, "It's hard for her to keep the child until I come
back. The first thing she has to face is the queen, who will not let the children of other
concubines stay, except for the Chinese concubines. The Queen chose to break the news only
now. It is more certain that the person behind the scenes is not the queen.

QF nodded vigorously and said, "Do you know who is behind the scenes, brother?"

As early as before leaving the palace, he had no expectations about his marriage. At that time,
when he heard the words of Long Fei-li, Yuzhi still trembled all over. She stood still, her head
hung down, and her throat could not squeeze out a single sound.

"Silly girl, your nine brothers are joking with you. What do you really do?"

Longzijin was shocked. He knew that Longfei was in great pain. Otherwise, the Queen Mother
told Longfei many times and asked him to give the jade to Fang Chufan. Longfei stayed put,
preferring to bump into the Queen Mother. Why?

Fang Chufan, who has a gloomy appearance " charming and perverse attitude, would rather
give the jade to Na Tomorrow Lang if he had to choose it.

Right now, is Longfeili talking and laughing with Jade? Or is it because of the influence of
Nianfei's affair that the mood is unstable for a moment?

"Please think twice, Emperor." It was Xia Sang who knelt behind Longfei's back with a sudden
noise, and his voice was mute.

Longfei left and said, "Xia Sang, did Nianfei tell the Seven Masters about it?"
"It's urgent. The slave has sent someone to do it. Later, the slave will go there in person!"
Longfei nodded and asked, "Xuxi?"

"Emperor, the old slave asked several waiters to spread the news. In a short time, the maggots
among the old concubines and wives must spread throughout the palace.
"Well." Longfei took a look at Yuzhi. "I just told you first, and then seized it later."

If someone else, everyone here knows that it must be thoughtful for Long Feili to put forward
this idea with Yu Zhi. But nobody knows why he did it!

Jade Zhi bit her lip and looked at the ground, suddenly bumping into Xia Sang's eyes.

She grinned bitterly: Xia Sang was right. She knew she could not do it. After all, it was herself
who suffered.

Xia Sang frowned tightly and stood up again, trying to walk towards Longfei.

At this time, a forbidden army stepped forward and reported, "Your Majesty, Prince, YKZ
outside the palace asks for an interview."

Longzijin sneered, "What is YKZ doing?"

"If I'm not mistaken... Long Fei-wei sank down to"Yin"and looked at Duan Yuhuan and
said,"Tell him the button and let him return it to the Queen Mother. The birthday party will
be rescheduled and the time will be announced."

"Humble duty obeys orders." Duan Yuhuan left quickly.

He said, "Xu Xi, you advise Tai Hospital to consult the pulse and tonify the soup. The queen
should take good care of her health. If something goes wrong with the fetus, I will punish her

Longfei was silent. Qingfeng knew that Xuan Ji's poison was the most worrying thing for him
now. Not to mention Long Fei-li, he was also very worried about Xuan Ji's situation. He was
drunk and mistaken. He felt guilty about Xuan Ji. Then he asked Xuan Ji again in Shidong. His
heart was still haunted by the incident between Xuan Ji and Bai Zheng, but at the same time
he was more and more sorry for her hesitation.

"Nine elder brothers, why do you say that maggots must have a solution? That courtyard is
saying that the solution is not in the book. Although Dragon Xiuwen has lived in the land for
a long time, he may not know this maggot." Long Zijin frowned and said, "Once today is over,
we have only two days left."

Longzijin said that other people also looked at Longfei with suspicion.
Long Feili suddenly laughed and slowly said, "Why did you think that maggot was among the
concubines instead of other poisonous"drugs"that were immediately fatal?

When Xia Sang shocked, he suddenly realized that no wonder the emperor's "color" was
slightly different after hearing the diagnosis and treatment of the hospital. He lost his voice
and said, "The target of the other party is not the old concubine, but the emperor!"

People were shocked. What Longfeili said was the problem. If you want to harm Nianfei, you
can kill her directly by poisoning her. Why take so many weeks?

There is only one purpose for the other party to do so, and to threaten the emperor with Nian
Xuanjie's life! No wonder Longfei asked Xuxi to tell the man that they already knew the danger
of Nianfei and that he could come out and offer the emperor the condition of exchanging
Nianfei's life.

Originally, Long Feili thought of this in the daytime!

"Abhorrent!" Longzijin pinched his fist and growled, "Who is it?"

"It's a little strange, how did Niang Niang fall victim to maggot?" Duan Yuhuan frowned. "Let's
eat and live together. It's clear that there's no chance of maggots coming down!"

Longfei sneered, "Maybe! Not all of you eat and live together. The Nianfei has eaten one
thing, none of you has touched it!!

"Is it Mu Ronglin's medicine?" The breeze shocked.

"Flower poison antidote" I tried to give her to eat.

The crowd was shocked that the emperor had tried to explain "medicine" for Nianfei himself.
Xu Xi's eyebrows twisted slightly and his eyes drooped.

Longfeili suddenly laughed softly and slightly sideways. Looking at his back, Longzijin
inexplicably gave birth to some sad acts.

"In her mind, he is a gentleman, maybe, he is indeed a gentleman, so he got the"medicine"and

immediately fed her to eat, compared with the heart of a small man.

Who doesn't know who Long Fei-li is talking about? Between the monarchs and ministers,
this speech is very happy, the dragon is not apathetic from the tone of self-mockery, people
dare not "insert" words for a while.
Is Hengye's drug poisonous?

"I'll kill him!" When QF was raging and the figure flashed, Xia Sang moved faster and blocked
him in front. He murmured, "Don't be impulsive, listen to the emperor's orders."

"Not Hengye!" Long Fei sank from the corner of his mouth and said, "Drugs were maggoted

"Including the rivers and lakes feud is also false!"

"What?" Apart from Duan Yuhuan's bitter smile, everyone else was shocked.

"There are many people attacking and killing the sword gate, but there are two big flaws.
Their purpose is only for women.”


Brother, why don't you let me kill Hengye? Two cracks?" QF rushed.

"Well," said Longfei, with a slight far-sighted gaze, "the first flaw, I believe Bai Zhanfeng also
told you that those arrows have problems.

"Good!" Like remembering something, Longzi Jinning said, "Bai Zhanfeng said at that time
that arrows were well made, and Minfang did not have such manufacturing technology."

"These arrows were examined by the emperor at his humble post. They were really made
very well, comparable to those in the army." Duan Yuhuan said, "When the forbidden army
went up the mountain, the other side immediately withdrew. The order was very strict, and
the few living mouths caught were all poisoned and killed themselves."

"Only those who have received rigorous training can do so, which is the second flaw. There
are still many clues to prove that these people are soldiers rather than reckless. Longfei smiled
coldly. "The planner is a meticulous man. If he can't catch people, he can't escape the disaster
of Shengji pill."

When people looked at each other, they realized that a battle that day involved all kinds of
them. The other side even poisoned Shengji pills.

Xuan Ji took "medicine" twice. For the first time, Longfeili forced Mu Ronglin to take out the
real medicine, but he still kept his mind and tried the medicine himself, so that Xuan Ji could
take the medicine. For the second time, Shengji pill was in a very chaotic situation at that
time, and only one medicine was given to Xuan Ji. Bai Zhanfeng fed the medicine directly to
Xuan Ji.

It is expected that "medicine" has turned into a poisonous "drug".

Who on earth is the other party? Will it be the queen or the person of the year? Or someone
else? In the end, what kind of exchange terms will be offered to the emperor?

For a moment, people were deeply suspicious and fell into a slight solitude.

What suddenly came to Longzijin's mind, frowning: "Strange to say, we have a secret, how
does the other party know that we are going to take Shengji pills?"

"That's a good question." Long Feili laughed. "On the day of Baifu's wedding, the Murong
family was easy to mix in. Don't forget that the news of Shengji Pill came from Mrs. Bai."

"The emperor's idea is that there may still be people hiding in the White House, to hear the
news that Mrs. Bai wants to bring out in May 7, and then to do the subsequent measures?"
Xiahouchu thought about it and asked, "Does the Emperor think it will be the Murong family?"

Xia Sangwei sank and said, "According to slaves, this time, unlike Murong, he mobilized
hundreds of soldiers. Murong did not seem to have the ability to do so. Besides, if you want
to exchange "medicine" with the emperor, why has there been no movement until the
empress returns to the emperor?

Several people talked in a low voice, and Longfei listened quietly. he didn't mind. Occasionally,
he looked at the study lightly. She fell asleep quietly in it.

Between them... he promised her that he would stop stepping on the FJ palace and calling
her to bed. She was still beside him. He had begun to think impetuously and crazily. Anyway,
he wanted to cure her first.

Long Xiuwen came soon.

Everyone in the study has been deported.

Xia Sang led Long Xiuwen in and quickly stepped out, closing the door for them.
Dragon Xiuwen smiled modestly, but when he wanted to see the ceremony, he lifted him up
and said, "Seven brothers know why I invited you?"
Dragon Xiu Wenwen smelled the words and smiled, and God's "color" began to become
slightly dignified. "Listening to the news from the palace, the old concubine was poisoned by

"That's right. I listened to Dr. Cui's daughter saying that magic was prevalent in Forget Worry
County many years ago, and I had to consult my seven elder brothers. Longfei sighed and
smiled bitterly.

Dragon Xiuwen waved his hand and said, "Serving the emperor is a minister's duty! The
emperor said so, which was a disgrace to his ministers. Speaking of maggots, Weichen only
knows a little about fur and hair. There are people who know this way in the county. But the
emperor goes to forget about the county. It takes two or three days to go back and forth as
soon as possible, fearing that the treatment of his mother has been missed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the dragon's eyes fell on him, looking at him

Long Xiuwen was a little shocked. Although they were brothers, their feelings were always
not strong. They did not change their voice and looked at Longfei indifferently.

Longfei left but suddenly took his shoulder and said, "This time, with the help of seven elder
brothers, please do your best."

Long Xiuwen bowed his head and said aloud, "It is known that the emperor's empress and
mother are very sentimental. Please rest assured that the emperor will do his best! Dare to
ask the emperor, what maggots in the consort? Has Tai Hospital been diagnosed yet?"

"Heart-destroying maggot." Longfei is off the slow lane.

Longxiu Wen was shocked when he heard it. He sighed and said, "How can it be a heart
maggot? If the other maggots are all right, the solution of the heart maggots is said to have
been lost for a long time, so only the maggots know how to solve it.

Long Fei did not speak for a long time. He frowned and saw that Long Fei tightly twisted his
eyebrows and his eyes were somewhat green.

Dragon Xiuwen lifted his clothes and knelt down on the ground. "The minister is incompetent,
please the emperor to bestow sin."

"What's wrong with the seven elder brothers? Get up quickly." Longfei lifted his arms and
pulled him up with a slight effort.
Dragon Xiuwen sank "Yin" and his eyes moved slightly. He whispered, "Weichen once asked
the emperor for marriage because of a woman. I remember that the imperial garden
happened to meet a similar-looking young concubine and maid, and mistook her for her.
Weichen and Niang Niang always belong to each other. Could you ask the emperor to let
Weichen meet with her for a visit?

Long Xiuwen did not seem to have thought that Xuan Ji was living in the Chuxiu Hall. When
Long Fei opened the crystal curtain, he shocked slightly.

Inside the Dragon curtain, a woman in purple fell asleep, her eyebrows were wrapped in thin
pain, but in his eyes they looked like pictures, as if they had passed through the dust-laden
memory for a long time.


Suddenly, she whispered, as if she could hear the sound, and unconsciously grabbed her
hand in midair. When they saw each other, he could not help but take a step forward.

Longfei sat down to the bed and raised his eyebrows lightly. He laughed and said, "Is that
friend of Seven Brothers so similar to Nianfei?"

Dragon Xiuwen seemed to realize that he was out of order. He knelt down and said, "The
minister is rude. Please forgive the emperor for his sins."

The distance during the day seemed to narrow down. Xuan Ji in her sleep was attracted by
the scent of ambergris and slightly arched toward the warm source nearby.

Although there are other people, Longfei can not help but tighten his heart. He liked her
dependence at the moment, took her into his arms and ordered Dragon Xiuwen to leave
her, "Seven brothers, I will not be far away."

Dragon Xiuwen still knelt on the ground and whispered, "The minister will retire."

Men in bright yellow brocade robes rubbed their fingers slightly on women's lips. When he
opened the crystal curtain and walked out, he couldn't help looking back, but he caught a
glimpse of Dragon Fei's chin resting gently on Xuanju's head. He was looking at her
thoughtfully, with an arc in his mouth.

His heart sank, and a feeling of teaching people to peep into his heart arose spontaneously.
On his face, however, there was no difference in color. With a slight smile, he walked away
When the sound of footsteps slowly disappeared from the outside of the hall, Longfei lifted
his lips and smiled. Seven Brothers, Dragon Xiuwen. He did not expect to get the "medicine"
from him at all. Tonight, just to meet this side, say a few words. Sure enough, just a few
sentences of dialogue is quite interesting!

There was a slight sign of waking up, and soon she fell asleep again. Her body is too weak
solidified the person in the bosom for a moment. Long Fei laid her back on the bed lightly.

Glancing at the curtain, said, "Come in." Ziwei's figure immediately appeared in front of

"emperor, Lady Ruyi has prepared a small banquet, inviting the Lord to come to the Jingjiao
cottage in the outskirts."

Longfei frowned slightly and said, "I can't go, say my thanks to Ruyi. pass on my words, now
the situation is very critical. She can't go to Jingshe (cottage) any more. I'll arrange a good
time to get together with her later."

"obeying the order."

Ziwei led the way, rubbed the crystal curtain, the beads flickered slightly.

Look back to the bed to the woman's face.

How many days can he stare at her so recklessly? He never thought he would give in. Well,
he finally lost his last bet.

In fact, it is not impossible for him to force her to stay beside him. As long as he kills a
person in the FJ palace like chicken and monkey, he can make her obey him. But he didn't
want to force her any more. There are too many suspicions between them.

No matter how difficult things are in the court, we can always find a way. As for her, he can
only wait now!

Glancing over the box near the crystal curtain, the little book was put back again. She made
him a birthday present.

On the night of Bixia Palace, he heard her maid Cuiya say that she had made a gift for him.
Later, she was seriously injured. He took her back to Chuxiu Palace, and sent someone eagerly
to get her gift back. that's a book full of things. She's always interesting. He likes those gifts
very much, but they can't be realized.

He laughed at himself and suddenly took her back into his arms. He put his finger against her
lip, which had lost its blood color, and kissed her slowly.

Taste it gently, then slowly increase.

Today is his birthday. He has to get some compensation from her, even if it's just a wishful

The burning breath, the soft but heavy plunder on the lips, Xuan Ji frowned and opened her
eyes. Originally, Dr. Cui thought of a way to give her some "medicine" soup to calm her mind
and sleep, so that she could rest more in sleep, so that her mood would not be subject to
fluctuations, but also to preserve her physical strength.

But today is his birthday. Who knows if she can survive for three days, and if he can get the
medicine? She let Doctor Cui down the dose.

He saw her wake up, seemingly a little startled, hands holding her face, lips leaving her, eyes
staring at her.

The atmosphere was awkward and Xuan Ji grinned bitterly.

"Happy Birthday." Finally, she made a noise.

The words suddenly disappeared on the man's rough lip.

He had great strength, but she did not refuse. They were desperate, but their lips and tongues
were as strong as they had not made the Agreement three days later, and then everyone
knew that the agreement would not change.

She will not take it back; he will not repent.

After a kiss, Longfei brushed the bed down, hugged Xuan Ji in his arms, and whispered in her
ear, "Sleep now."
In fact, he wanted to say that I was very glad to be with you on this birthday.

A tall, shadowy figure leaned against the slightly opened door of the room and looked inside.
The candlelight in the room is dim, the clothes of a place, men's and women's.
"Lord Wang."
Listening to the charming and panting sound, the laughter on Longxiu's lips is getting colder
and colder.

Women were sent by officials to cater to each other. The appearance, stature and taste are
excellent, but it's best to vent them.

He closed his eyes slightly and suddenly flashed across another woman's sleeping pale face
with a deep "color". After his release, he suddenly pulled out from the woman, threw his hand
up, and slammed the door open.


Outside the door, a woman in purple suddenly appeared in front of him. The woman did not
panic and dodge, snorting coldly and laughing low.

Dragon Xiuwen laughed, pushed out of bed and screamed at the woman. Her figure flashed
and she was in front of the woman in purple clothes.

He hugged the purple-dressed woman, whose mouth was bent and her arm raised slightly.
She heard only a few faint sounds in the air, and the woman on the bed was shot into several
knives. She stared and died.

"It's a pity to be such a beautiful woman." Long Xiuwen snicked and laughed. The purple lady
said in a delicate voice, "If it weren't for my poor health, I couldn't be with you for a while...
How could I let you do that?"

Dragon Xiuwen kissed her on the lips and said lightly, "That thing, first slow down."

"No, it's all about you. It can't be slowed down."

Long Fei-li, the concubine of Nianfei, once again abandoned the dynasty.

The next day, Chuxiu Hall.

On the other side, Longzijin could not sit still. He said urgently, "Nine elder brothers, today is
the second day. There is no way for Longxiuwen to do so, and there is no movement for the
people who have maggots."

"Well, it's time." Longfei kneaded his eyebrows and whispered.

At this time, the door of Chuxiu Hall was pushed open, and Xiasang came in with QF.
"Emperor, there are only two reports from slaves."
"Say it."
"Mrs. Nian sent a note to the Home Office, hoping to go to the palace to see her daughter."

Long Fei looked at the light slightly and said, "Well, if you ask the Interior Office to arrange it,
it's settled... Tomorrow, just say that Nianfei Madame is sick, the situation is very dangerous.
Madame Nianfei visits the palace."

Xia Sang nodded and said, "The Queen also ordered someone to come over, saying that the
Queen Mother was worried about the condition of Nianfei and wanted to come over and have
a look."

Longzijin sneered.'First, the maidens sent Posts one by one to come and visit. Now they are
finally at the queen. The maidens of the queen are very calm.

Longfei glanced at Xiasang. "When you go to the Queen's Palace in person, you say that the
Queen is pregnant. I miss her very much. Don't walk around at will to prevent the fetal breath
from moving. I will go to Luxiu Palace to see her in a few days."

"In addition, these two messages will be spread in the palace as soon as possible. Now you
can arrange for the people under your command to do it immediately."

Xia Sang saw the emperor God's "color" rectification, understand that this matter is extremely
urgent, a hasty ceremony, immediately go out to do.

Everyone was amazed at what they said. Longzi Jin frowned and said, "Nine Brothers, what
kind of gourd do you sell?

"Stop the dynasty, arrange the visit of Nian Madam and refuse to go to the Queen's Palace,
all in order to let the other party see how much the Emperor dotes on Nian Madame." In early
summer Hou came in, laughing at the way of "Yin" and "Yin", together with Duan Yuhuan.

"Nine elder brothers do this to tell the maggots that their concubines are in dangerous
condition. Nine elder brothers are nervous, so that the maggots don't hesitate any more and
put forward conditions to them as soon as possible?" The first champion Lang Xia Hou Chuyi
reminded Longzijin to think about it and understand Longfei's idea.

“Hmm." Longfei leaves his chin.

Duan Yuhuan grinned bitterly. "So it turned out, the Nianfei Madame really can't last much
longer. Tomorrow is the last day."
The crowd was silent for a moment, and even the early summer Hou who hesitated to guess
the emperor's mind stopped.

Qing Feng hated him and said, "I don't know if this man has made a secret offer to his brother
or what. If he comes in the open and does not hide his name and anonymity, teach him who
he is, I will kill him!"

Longzijin sneered, "Can he save Nianfei after killing him?" Now let's see what he wants to
offer in exchange. I'm afraid the other party is not good.

Xia Sangqia came in from the door and said with a smile, "Who is not a good stubble?"

Longzijin shrugged his shoulders and laughed and spread his hand.

Xu Xi, who disappeared overnight last night, also came in with Xiasang.

Longfei departed from the way: "How?" He asked, God's "color" is very dignified.

It was clear to all that Xu Xi, who had disappeared overnight, must have been assigned to do
something of utmost importance.

"Emperor, Ziwei, who was sent to Murong's brothers and sisters, has all died." Xuxi

Longzijin, Duan Yuhuan low curse, a blow from QF hit the wall, angrily said: "I can't imagine
that Murongpei and Muronglin are so capable! They shouldn't have been let go that day!"

Xu Xi was about to speak when his eyes were bent. Suddenly, an inner servant came quickly
and said in a hurry, "Emperor, Fangfan King is outside the temple. He said there is something
urgent to see."

"Publish him in." Longfei twists his eyebrows lightly and lightly.

People are wondering why Fang Chufan saw him at this time. Fang Chufan came in and gave
courtesy, but said, "Emperor, ministers have urgent matters to talk to the Emperor."

He said, glancing at all the people in the room, laughing coldly at Longzi's heart. It seemed
that the vassal king would have to consult with the emperor about something secret.
Just as he was about to lead the crowd back, Longfei left but smiled and said, "Fang Qing, this
is my heart and soul. You have something to say, but it's okay. You don't have to avoid

"This..." Fang Chufan frowned and grinned again. "Emperor, this time, Weichen came for the
old concubine."

"Oh?" Longfei was suspicious when he mentioned it, and then he said, "Please Fang Qing."

Fang Chufan heard the voice of the emperor trembling. He knew that he was in an unstable
mood, was in a very strong mood and laughed in his heart.

Everyone was shocked. Would Fang Chufan, the vassal king who made good friends with the
queen mother and always acted flatteringly?

Longfeili burst out laughing. "Is the King of Fan the antimaggot of the profound knowledge
fair or the one who happened to be the maggot of his young concubine?"


“How could the emperor say that?” Fang Chufan grinned bitterly.

Long Feili said with a laugh, "It's not a maggot from Fang Qing, who wants to come here to
detoxify his wife, but also does not ask for return."

Fang Chufan's face "color" changed and he immediately laughed. If it is maggot under Fang
Chufan! Only then did the public understand the meaning of Longfei's departure.

Long Feili forced Fang Chufan to admit that he was the maggot. If Fang Chufan did not
recognize it, he could not get anything from Longfei. Because he is a minister, but
"coincidentally" will be detoxification, loyalty to the emperor is this! How can we get the
reward again? Fang Chufan also knows this, otherwise how could he come to this Chuxiu Hall
as a "dew"?

In this way, Long Fei said those words to Jade only after he knew who had laid the maggot

Everyone's heart sank sharply. Fang Chufan proposed to LFL, but what did he ask for? Will it
be Yuzhi?
Xia Sang locked his eyebrows and stared at Fang Chufan coldly. He satirized, "The King of Fan
is well informed, and the news of his mother's death is just known to us. The King of Fan's
cabin has received the wind."

Yes! Yesterday, the concubine fainted, saying only that the maggot, but did not spread
dangerous news. The dangerous news was Xia Sanggang's fate to serve in the court. But just
a moment later, Fang Chufan knew that he must be active frequently in the court.

"Where's Mr. Xia speaking?" Fang Chufan said with a laugh, "The King lives in a remote village
and admires the prosperity and beauty of the emperor's palace. When he comes to the palace
as a guest, he is like the Lower Riba people who come to the city and are curious to wander
around. Only then can he hear some news."

Long Fei paced back to his chair and sat down, then said quietly, "Fang Qing put forward the
conditions for treatment."

"Emperor," Fang Chufan suddenly knelt down and said with a bitter smile, "How can a
minister bravely lay down his hand on his mother, knowing that it is a death? However,
Weichen had a painful desire to hide it. The Queen Mother had long been suspicious of the
Emperor, but she was afraid of..."

"Oh?" Longfei raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Mother and daughter have always been
affectionate with me. I also heard that Qing and Queen Dowager have made good friends.
Now Qing is saying these words in front of me. I don't know what the purpose is?"

Fang Chufan sighed and said, "Emperor, the minister received the great favor of the former
emperor, but suffered from ineffectiveness, and made good friends with the queen. However,
expedient measures, listening to the news, only fear that the queen would be unfavorable to
the queen. Now that we finally know the ambition of the queen mother, we can express our
ambition to the emperor. The Empress Dowager took Wen Jia to write "chaos" for fear that it
would not be long before.

"Now the situation with the Huns is unpredictable. Once the war broke out, the Emperor's
troops were empty. If the Queen Mother was in trouble, how would the Emperor deal with
it? Chu Fan had soldiers in his hands, helped the Emperor with his heart, and was terrified
that the Emperor did not believe him. Only then could he make such a decision-"

"Funny!" Longzijin sneered. "So the vassal King swore loyalty to my emperor's wife?"

"Once the Queen Mother is in trouble, the ministers will lead the troops to the King of Qin in
Beijing... Only because the ministers are very close to the emperor, the ministers know that
the emperor will be suspicious, and the emperor will not believe the ministers when the war
begins. Therefore, the ministers have to ask the emperor for the green dragon Badge through
the venom of their mother, and then they will have the right to lead the troops to the
emperor's capital." Fang Chufan finished, and humbly knocked three heads.

Everyone's face has changed.

“Fang Chufan, you are really crazy! How can my emperor pass the Canglongque token to you!
" Duan Yuhuan shouted angrily.

Nobody here knows what the "Canglongque" token means.

But whenever war is "chaotic", Canglongque is the last line of defense for the security of the
capital of Xiliang.

The wily hare has three holes to his burrow.

Canglong is an army created by an emperor in Xiliang a hundred years ago and hidden in the
emperor's mausoleum. When each generation of emperors succeeds to the throne, they will
also pass the order of Canglong to the next emperor.

This army is extremely mysterious, the number, the composition of personnel, except for the
founding of the emperor, the following generations of emperors do not know, but this also
better preserves its "hidden nature". In the event of disaster, the emperor asked the dragon
to exercise himself or give it to trusted generals and ministers, so that the army could be
mobilized to defend the capital of the emperor and protect the emperor.

When the war is in turmoil, the army only listens to those who have the Dragon Queen.

The law of Xiliang State stipulated that the vassal king could not lead troops into Beijing. But
if the vassal king held the canglongque, it meant that he had the right to lead troops to protect
the imperial capital. More importantly, he took the dispatch power of the imperial
mausoleum army.

What does it mean to surrender Canglongque? When in danger, it is equal to the emperor's
life and the whole Xiliang community.

Fang Chufan sighed slightly, just waiting to say, but Longfei frowned and laughed and stood
up to interrupt him. "I thought you was asking for my sister, but I didn't think you were loyal.
So let's do a little consideration and then inform the Qing, and you go back first."
"The minister is waiting for the good news from the emperor." Fang Chufan retreated from
the temple with his lips filling and bowing. He went out of the temple door and returned to
his worries. "The emperor, the body of the maid, the minister is really worried about it." I
hope the Emperor will announce it as soon as possible, so that the minister can bring
"medicine" to Niang Niang to take it.

Before the door of the temple was closed, QF was ready to chase him out, but Xu Xi was cold-
blocked in front of him.

"The Chufan is so abominable that he looks down upon the King!" Longzijin was furious and
clenched his fist tightly. "Canglongque, don't even think about such"chaotic"ministers and

"It's because he speaks so grandly! When everyone is blind or deaf!" Hou Xia grinned his teeth
and sneered.

"Well-spoken, in fact, he was showing off." Xia Sang took a look at Longfei, Dao.

Duan Yuhuan murmured, "Regardless of whether he shows off or demonstrates, we can't do

him yet?"

"That's not true. He figured it out." Long Fei, who has been silent, fades out his voice. "Even
if he cures Nianfei, we can't punish him. Do you know why?”


“He saw the right moment to start. If he was punished by crime, he would rebel. Xiliang and
Hun were about to start a war. Now he could not go to war in vain. Besides, there was a
Queen-Mother behind this man”Longfeili smiled gently and his pupils contracted slowly.
"Most importantly,"

Late at night.
During the day, nobody in Chuxiu Hall left.

People don't know what is the most important thing that Longfei is going to say. He never
said it. But everyone knows that for Longfeili, the most important thing is to choose.

Xuan Ji is on one side and the world on the other. If in another situation, the Dragon had to
change his nature for Xuan Ji, he would not hesitate to accept it. Now the situation is very
difficult. This is the Jiangshan and the people handed down by the ancestors and emperors of
the past dynasties. He is responsible.
Long Fei stood in the courtyard for a long time without knowing what he was thinking.
Suddenly, the light footsteps fell on everyone's ears.

side door, enter a person, come to wear a dark "color" cape.

Longzijin suddenly smiled quietly and took the lead out of the side door, and everyone left
with it.
When Xia Sang passed Xu Xi, he said softly, "Director Xu, you and I have been around the
emperor for many years, and I always respect you for dealing with people, but Xia Sang did
not agree with this practice. You and the mother of Xinyi were in love in the past, but the
emperor had to deal with enough things, now should not mix with anyone and things.
Xu Xi did not speak and walked out of the hall quickly.

Behind the footsteps, Long Feili also heard, twisting his eyebrows slightly.
"I heard from General Xu that you are confronted with very troublesome things. I know that
the matter of Nianfei Madame has worried you very much. Now again... you must take it
With gentle words, a pair of hands slowly tied around his waist.

Longfei turned around and whispered, "XY, you go back, you and I will talk about it another

Xuan Ji wakes up. The dosage of "medicine" diet is not much. I slept all day. Now it's the
second night. Will there be a third night? She didn't know, so she asked Doctor Cui to cut
down the "medicine" a little again. Tonight, she wanted to see him again. Get out of bed, no
strength, legs and feet tremble badly.

He is not in the room. She frowned slightly and went out without him in the study. She pushed
open the door of the study, held the door board, and walked slowly out.

In the courtyard, there were two people standing. The woman was holding the man from

Xuan Ji remembered the moon of Bixia Palace that night, and the water Pavilion in Yufu
Palace. In the moonlight, he embraced Xinyi lightly.

The man suddenly turned around and saw her, seemingly with a slight shock. Xinyi also frown.

The pain came up again. Xuan Ji caressed her chest, smiled and turned to walk in. Walking in
a hurry, not seeing so step on the skirt, "snap" a sound, she fell down. She was struggling to
get up on the ground, but her whole body had been taken up.
Looking at the man in front of her, she was silent, but there were all his images in her eyes.
She wiped her lips and felt a little uneasy. She turned to see Xinyi. She saw that the shadows
on the courtyard were mottled and no one was there.

She turned her head in bewilderment, and Longfeili still stared at her deeply.
His eyebrows frowned very high. Between the two eyebrows, they all look like Sichuan

Rarely did she see him like this. Her eyebrows frowned and her heart ached even more.
Longfeili was shocked and sat down with her in his arms. He reached out and pressed her up.

Xuan Ji suddenly thought that he didn't shout angrily at anyone to beat or scold anyone. At
this moment, "Yao" and Tai Hospital are useless, and all he can do is that. In fact, his gestures
are very clumsy. Tomorrow, he will look smart with his sword and pen.

The two people even Xinyi didn’t made no noise.

She leaned in his arms and he gently touched her. She reached out to touch his eyebrow.
The hand on her chest froze. She saw his beautiful face approaching her, his nose touching
her, and then his lips... She closed her eyes slowly.

"Sister-in-law, are you still asleep? Let's see who Yuzhi brought to us. Xuan Ji was shocked by
an exciting giggle and pushed the Dragon away.

Courtyard entrance, a pink dress of jade, and a white dress is... BZF? Behind them, they also
followed Longzijin and others.

"Big Brother." Xuan Ji was delighted that she was just about to get up. Long Fei-li had helped
her stand up.
Bai Zhanfeng walked quickly towards the two of them.
"How is she?" He did not look at Xuan Ji, but looked at Long Feili closely, with blame in his

Yuzhi jumped up and down. Long Feili put Xuan Ji in Yuzhi's arms and looked back at Bai
Zhanfeng. "She's not going to be okay, she's not going to be."

Xuan Ji looked at the two men who were equally hiding in front of her eyes. After a long time,
she looked sideways at Longfei and whispered, "Can you let me talk to Big Brother Bai alone
for a while?" Jade can stay..."

Longfei was silent for a moment and said, "Let's go with Yuzhi. I'll come back later."
When this was said, everyone was surprised. Yuzhi understood Xuan Ji's intention of letting
her stay and avoided suspicion.

Long Fei moved very fast. In a twinkling of an eye, he had taken Xia Sang and others out of
Chuxiu Hall. Yuzhi looked down at her shoes and wondered whether to go or stay.

She remembered the expression of Long Fei-li who had just spoken, and suddenly she had a
strange feeling. Nine elder brothers talked faintly while looking greedily at their sister-in-law.
It was like a child's beloved thing was robbed. She sent an urgent letter to Bai Zhanfeng to
see her sister-in-law. Did she make a mistake?

A small pavilion outside the hall.

Everyone was still shocked except Longfei. The Emperor gave up his dormitory to his favorite
woman and another man.

"Xia Sang, Xuan Fang Chufan is coming." Long Fei left Sudden Road.
"Nine brothers, have you decided?" Longzijin lost her voice.

"Well, before Fang Chufan left Chuxiu Hall, I decided." Longfei said indifferently, "I've been
thinking about it all the time. If there's no Canglongque, what should I do?"

The next day.
Several waiters behind the emperor walked very fast. In front of them, General Xu and King
Lingrui walked very fast. In front of them, the emperor went even faster.

Coming back early, Longfei went to Chuxiu Hall to catch up.

Entering the courtyard, a little maid of the palace was blushing and talking to Xia Sang. Then
she left gratefully.
"Emperor." XS ushered in.

"Well." Longfei glanced at the little maid's back and said, "She's back at the FJ Palace?"

Xia Sang nodded and LFL eyes’s frost, making his heart feel sorry...... When Xie Yao was
brought back last night, Nianfei had fallen asleep. The emperor fed her Xie Yao and told him
that he was waiting outside the palace today. If Nianfei woke up early before the emperor's
court and wanted to return to the Fengyu Palace, he would send someone to wait on her. The
matter of Longque must not be revealed to Nianfei.
Although the emperor personally agreed to Nianfei, if the emperor intends to force Nianfei
to stay with him, only to keep Nianfei in the Chuxiu Palace forever is not a breach of promise,
or to kill a slave in the FJ Palace. Can Nianfei really pay no attention to it?

Do not do so, because now the emperor has deep love for his wife.

He thought about it and quickly took something out of his sleeve and handed it to Long Feili.
He laughed and said, "This is what the maidservant of the concubine just took over. She said
it was what the concubine gave her to give to the emperor."

"She gave it to me?" Long Fei moved away from his eyes and caught it.

At this moment, the emperor's appearance, which half of the Lan Jing on the Golden Ruan
Hall just now?

The things were wrapped in silk and satin. Longfei frowned and looked at the crowd. He went
aside and opened the silk.

Longzijin stooped with a smile and walked over.

Just now, there was little joy in his eyebrows. He saw that Longfei had changed his face and
stared at his hands to get something.

It was a brocade sac embroidered with the word "You Zhi" on satin.

He still held a piece of paper tightly in his hand, which said: I found it that day, and now it is
returned to its original owner.

"By the way, isn't it Jiuge's character? Niang Niang has a good mind.” When Longzi's brocade
mouth was raised, he made a joke.

As soon as he spoke, he saw Longfei leave with a sneer and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Where did Longzi Jin know that the brocade bag was found by Xuan Ji, then sent her
maidservant to Chuxiu Hall to report to Longfei on that day.

The brocade bag is really a relic between Longfeili and Ruyi.

People were shocked that this was not the first time since the standoff with Nianfei. QF has
moved forward quickly, and together with Xuxi and Xiasang, they try to help the dragon.
Long Fei left but waved his hand and sneered, "I'm all right."

XQ, you mean to annoy me? Or is it true that you and I are never in arrears again? Why then
you let me touch you on your birthday night? I was going to kiss you last night. What are you
going to do if you don't hide?

In the direction of the man's palace, Feng's eyes were cold.

Longzi brocade and Longfei are deeply emotional from their childhood. They feel a pain when
they see the situation. Although they don't know the origin of the brocade, they know that
this is the cause of the disaster. They make an eye "luster" to Xia Sang. Xia Sang
crosseyebrows: Lord, Xu Xi is over there. Don't you always call me to do it?

But he was also very worried about the dragon, and immediately said, "Emperor, the slave
just put things in the box for you, right?"

"No need." Longfei is indifferent.

Duan Yuhuan quickly said, "Emperor, where is Fang Chufan, what shall we do?"

Everyone was relieved. Duan Yuhuan's question was timely.

"He's at the Royal City Inn, and I sneak in and bring back Canglongque." QF said quietly.

Long Fei laughed at himself and tightened his eyebrows slightly. "Yesterday, before Fang
Chufan came to Chuxiu Hall, wasn't Xu Xi reporting Ziwei's affairs with his brother and sister
Murong? Xu Xi, go on.
Is not Canglongque the first priority now? QF, everyone looked at each other.

Sandalwood curls up from the incense burner in the room.

On the bed, the naked woman sleeps in the man's muscular arms, slowly playing with the
things in her hands.
A lot of clothes were scattered on the low couch, such as white "color" gowns and purple
"color" yarns.

"I wandered, knowing that you are weak now, it is not appropriate..." The man stretched out
his hand slightly twisted the woman's "breast" sharp, dumb voice.

The woman was so happy that she snuggled up to his neck and said with a low smile, "Xiuwen,
I like it very much. Before, my brother said, "My face is destroyed, you will change your mind.
How can you be such a shallow person?"
"Lin Er, maybe your brother is right. Aren't you afraid I've changed my mind? In other words,
I have never loved you, but only used you.” Long Xiuwen smiled faintly as he curved his

The scar on the woman's face is fierce. It's Mu Ronglin!

She smiled and her voice was hoarse and dumb. "Then you're condescending to go to bed
with an ugly woman. What kind of woman do you want seven kings?"

"Because you still have the use value, you are feeding the heart maggot king for me. The
Murong family comes from Xianyantai. Every descendant is fed Xianyantai"medicine"from
the urine. Although it has no effect of defense against poisons, it has the function of keeping
fit and prolonging the life. The blood of your body is different from that of ordinary people. It
happens that the blood of prolonging life is catalyzing the rapid growth of the heart maggot
king. How can I kill you?” Dragon Xiuwen laughed more deeply and turned over to Mu
Ronglin, with his lips around her neck.

Mu Ronglin's heart was "swinging" and her voice was trembling. "Xiuwen, you are deceiving
me again. You love me! Besides, even if you kill me, I'm willing to do anything for you. My
brother said, "You know Shengji Pill can restore my appearance, but you gave it to Nian
Xuanji." My brother doesn't want to think about it. It's a maggot-producing pill!"

She reached out and put her hand around Dragon Xiuwen's neck. Dragon Xiuwen smiled
softly, pecked on her lips, and took what she had in her hand... a green "color" dragon-print


Long Fei-li lost completely this time." Mu Ronglin looked at him and stared at the token with
a cold smile. "The funniest thing is that he didn't know yet, and the Dragon Queen fell into
your hands."
Dragon Xiuwen narrowed his eyes and raised his lip slightly.

Chuxiu Hall.
"I lost." Longfei is indifferent.
"Let's take back Canglongque from Fang Chufan!" This time, Longzijin also attached to the
"If Canglongque is in Fang Chufan's hands." Long Fei slightly scratched mockery on his lips.
"Nine brothers, I don't understand what you say." Longzijin tightened his eyebrows and said
The rest exchanged their eyes, but did not understand the meaning of Longfei's departure.

"The Canglongque is no longer in Fang Chufan's hands, or should say, Fang Chufan has never
taken the Canglongque." Longfei glanced at the paper passage in her hand. There was a thin
texture on the ink. She wrote it in ink.

"How could that be?" Among them, even Xiasang and Xiahouchu, who had always been the
calmest, were surprised by their voices.

"Impossible," Longzi brows broadly: "We clearly witnessed that Fang Chufan took the
Canglongque ah."

"Did he mean to give the token to the Queen Mother?" Duan Yuhuan Road.
"If I did not guess wrong, Cangyunque is now in the hands of Longxiu Wen."

"Dragon Xiuwen?" Longzijin repeated in a soft voice, but was shocked all over. "How can this
be possible?"

"Emperor, on the day of returning to the palace, the mother fainted and the princess was
diagnosed in Taiyuan Hospital. You mentioned the marriage of the princess. Although the
slave did not know why you suspected Fang Chufan, all kinds of things later proved to be Fang
Chufan, although he did not ask for the princess at last." XS an exciting, "Do you say that Fang
Chufan is a man of seven kings?"

"In my opinion, Fang Chufan does not work for Seven Brothers!" Ning the paper note and
brocade bag in his hand, Longfei went to the stone chair in the courtyard and sat down,
glancing at Xu Xi.

Everyone's eyes turned to Xu Xi, knowing that Ziwei's demise and Yunque, who was beside
Murong's brothers and sisters, must be connected.

Xu Xi whispered, "After taking the medicine for the concubine of the next year, the emperor
sent Ziwei to follow Murong to be killed that night, which was expected by the emperor."
"The people who can move the Murong family are bound to be big. The emperor arranged all
the guards to be dead. That was a deadly task. Let the people behind Murong kill all Ziwei, so
as to dispel the guard of the other side."

"But who is the other party," Longfeili smiled softly. "I still don't know, so I made a hypothesis,
which came from Mu Ronglin. At the beginning of Taoyuan Street that day, I noticed that she
looked at me strangely, as if she saw someone's shadow from me."

"There are not many people like me in this world, for example, three brothers, seven brothers,
ten brothers, and several princes in other counties. Since it will not be ten younger brothers,
who is left? Of course, that person did not know that I was in Yanxia Town at that time, and
later Mu Ronglin should have tried to inform that person to confirm, so there was the battle
of Yufu that night.

"At that time, I was only suspicious, or I was wrong. This man was not actually a palace man?
But shortly afterwards, something happened to Broken Sword Gate. Imagine that the news
of Shengji Pill was brought out by Madame Bai. Since the Murong family can accommodate
Aunt Rong easily, why can't they accommodate others easily? Potential Baifu eavesdrops on
the news?”

"That is to say that they already know about Shengji pills and have arranged for the ambush
of the Broken Sword Gate, and the flaws and arrows of the killing of the Broken Sword Gate
and the soldiers disguised as grassy rivers and lakes show that this man has a great head and
must be a man in the middle of the court. What does it mean that a large number of people
can be arranged so quickly in just a day or two from May 7 to the time when you go to
Guijianmen to ask for "medicine"?

When Longzi Jin had a good idea, he lost his voice and said, "That man's horses and men are
nearby! Broken Sword Gate is located at the border between Yanxia County and Forget Worry
County. Dragon Xiuwen is the king of Forget Worry County.

"So it is!" Duan Yuhuan and Xia Houchu also whispered out.

"But these inferences are too arbitrary." Long Fei looked away and smiled lightly. "On the day
of returning to the palace, Bai Guanjian saw that I had done something deliberately, and I
took a good look Ruyi."

At that time, Dragon Xiuwen also subconsciously looked at her. It was an instinctive action,
perhaps he did not even notice it."
"The emperor is testing the seven kings." Xia Sang applauded and said, "Because Dragon
Xiuwen already knows the identity of Ruyi!"

"If it is the Queen Mother and the three elder brothers, they must have avoided Ruyi, but
they have not acted, so I put all doubts on the seven elder brothers."

"But then something very strange happened. Fang Chufan is watching Nianfei and Yuzhi. Long
Fei-li sneered. "Fang Chufan is not surprised to see Yuzhi, but why does he want to see
Nianfei?" It would be too bold to say what a curious woman looks like."

"At that time, I still couldn't figure out what Fang Chufan was related to in this matter." Long
Fei's eyes were slightly drooping. When people looked over, they saw him fixing his eyes on
the notes written by his concubine.

"Brother, what happened afterwards?" Asked QF tightly.

"Didn't Nian Xuanji faint later?" Longfei Li Ning voiced: "And was diagnosed as maggot
poisoning, forget worry county early prevailing witch maggot, then I knew that must be seven
elder brothers in Shengji pill maggot, he will not take the life of Nian Xuanji, he will use her to
threaten. As for Fang Chufan, from beginning to end, it's just a very clever way to block his



LongziJin frowned tightly and said, "Jiuge, you just said that Fang Chufan was not under
Longxiuwen's command, but it was this Fang Chufan that came out to circle. This is the end "

"Yuzhi's good at it." Long Fei raised his lips slightly and reached a conclusion.

"The princess's masterpiece... is it easy-to-tolerate?" XS interface, everyone was shocked,

who would think of this.

"The Fang Chufan that appears in front of us is basically the easy accommodation of
Longxiuwen's people?" QF shivered slightly.

"But why did Longxiuwen spend so much time on his work?" "If he doesn't want to expose his
identity, he can send someone out. Why pull up the Chufan?" Hou Xia said, glaring at the
"dew" at the beginning of the summer.
This is what everyone doubts about. Longzijin even gasps for breath and is very nervous to

"My seven elder brothers are very clever." Longfeili laughed softly, his eyes just fell on the
paper, and he suddenly said, "Zhuangyuan Lang's calligraphy is famous for its good, silver
hook, iron scratch and sharp pen. You see, Nianfei's words are ugly, aren't they?

Everyone's heart is being mentioned in his throat. The emperor said that, all of them were
stunned, but he saw that the dragon was red from the corner of his mouth, and the God was
extremely serious. It was not like a joke. At the beginning of Xiahouchu, who was illuminated,
she called out a woman in her heart. I didn't know what the fox-like master was going to say.
I had to look at her with a few eyes and laugh. "Niang Niang, these words... are not ugly."

After he finished, he stretched out his hand to wipe his forehead with a cold sweat and hit
the crowd with a "color": Is my answer OK?

Everyone seems to laugh, but Longzi Jinpi does not laugh: you really can open your eyes and
tell lies.

"Her handwriting is ugly and dumb, but it's hard to recognize, but it has nothing to do with
her. Her teacher did not teach well when she was a child. Her teacher told her that wolves
have no wings, Zijin, Qiyuan... Do you remember? Or you deceived her into it. Fortunately,
Xia Sang was careful, otherwise she would stay in it forever.” Longfeili smiled and put the
paper note on the table, folded it up and put it in his arms.

All the people looked at each other again. At last, Longzijin's nose was astringent, and he said
with a strong laugh: "My cousin remembers naturally that Jiuge wife is still sick. You see if this
is all right, my cousin will visit her in person to see what she needs --"

"It's so good." Long Fei nodded with satisfaction.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment. Before Longzi Jin's eye came to "color", Xia Sang
pushed the Qing Feng, which was astringent and painful. He looked across Xia Sang and
frowned. "Brother..."

Longfei left for a moment, then answered the question with a laugh and said, "My seven elder
brothers are smart. I should also thank him for not treating me as a fool. How could he not
know the flaw of my understanding in the battle of Broken Sword Gate? He expected that I
would suspect the people in the middle of the dynasty. Of course, even if I did, I would not be
able to find anything, but more than one thing is better than less.
“So he pushed Fang Chufan out.” Duan Yuhuan suddenly said, "Fang Chufan is indeed a very
good candidate, with military strength and loyalty to the Queen Mother."

"But if this Fang Chufan is false, what about the real Fang Chufan?" Xia Sang frowned slightly
and asked questions.

"This problem is not really difficult to solve." Longfei glistened from his eyes and said, "Really
Fang Chufan is still at the Imperial Palace, but temporarily confused. On the day of returning
to the palace, Fang Chufan, standing among the hundred officials, was false, and Fang Chufan,
who came to the Storage Hall, was also false.

"Fang's ancestral status is the lowest among the three vassal kings in the hereditary history.
He proposed to me that he should improve the lintel of Fang's family. Fang Chufan's excellent
face and fear of things, such as being subdued in the post hall, would never be able to speak
out when he woke up!"

"In the past few days, Longxiuwen has already finished what he wants to do, and the emperor
will never publicize the matter of Canglongque." Duan Yuhuan grinned bitterly and sighed,
"The mountains are high and the waters are long, but I didn't expect that the Seven Masters
should be such a powerful person."

Xia Sang said: "Only then did the slave understand that the emperor judged Fang Chufan's
hypocrisy according to his spleen's"nature". Originally, the false Fang Chufan's appearance
and figure were lifelike and perfect, and there were no flaws in it."

"And the motive for him to see his concubine that day!" Xiahouchu slowly said, "Unlike other
people, he is not paying attention to the appearance of his mother. He is concerned about
whether her maggot poisoned or not!"

"Not bad." Longfei leaves his chin.

"Emperor, there is one thing that the slaves have been puzzled about. Why did you propose
to marry the princess to Fang Chufan, since you already know all about it?" Xia Sang asked in
a low voice with a bitter laugh.

Longzijin laughed and scolded, "You slave is more concerned about Yuzhi than my ten elder
QF looked at Xiasang thoughtfully.
"The Emperor, please say so." Xia Sang gathered his sword eyebrows and knelt down in front
of Longfeili.
"What do you really do with Xiasang?" The first time Hou Xia laughed, he would pull him up.
Although the outline of the monarch and the minister is rigorous and the courtesy of the
master and the servant is rigorous, except Xu Xi, several people are similar in age, and the
emperor is also a life-long acquaintance, that is, the friendship of brothers and friends, rather
than the monarch and the minister, this etiquette is rarely emphasized on weekdays.

Longfei glanced at Xiasang for a long time and said, "Xiasang, Yuzhi called me nine brothers,
so I can not be ashamed of this title. Someday, war and civil strife will rise together, unless
the girl can find a lover entrusted to her life. I know Zijin also belongs to Naming. I have
considered it for a long time. Compared with Naming, it is more appropriate for Yuzhi to marry
into Fanwang Palace.

"Although Naming has a city hall, he is also an open-minded person, but the nature of jade
can not be controlled, and Naming will not give her sincere protection. Even if she's not my
sister, for a woman, it's better to marry someone she can control than to marry someone she
can't protect.


Moreover, the emperor of moonset would like the prince to be the crown prince. This Prince
is no better than Naming, the second prince. He was born with "sex" and was brave and fierce.
It is unknown how long the peace between Xiliang and moonset can be maintained.

No one in the courtyard likes Fang Chufan, but at the moment no one can refute Longfei's
words. Longfei stood up and bent down slightly to help Xiasang up. "This matter, take it after
the birthday feast."

He thought about it and asked Longzijin, "Where is BZF placed?"

"In another hotel in the Imperial City."

"Well, on the evening of the birthday party, announce him to the palace." He turned to the
silent Xuxi Road.

Xu Xi answered, and suddenly asked slowly, "Your Majesty, before you sent the old slaves to
find out the life and death of Ziwei who was following Murong's side, you already know
everything. Why did you give the Dragon Queen to the Seven Kings?"

Even if Xu Xi did not ask this question, the question was directly weighed on the hearts of all.
"The old slave dared to speculate that the emperor did not want the slaves and others to
prevent the emperor from handing over the Dragon Queen (the token)." Xu Xi laughed bitterly
and spoke slowly.
Long Fei turned back to the past for a long time before he leaned slightly over to pick up his
eyebrows and sneer and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Originally suffered from many enemies, the situation has been extremely disadvantageous.
Now Canglongque has fallen into the hands of Longxiu Wen. He skillfully shifted everything
to Fang Chufan, and it is not easy for Longfei to leave.

This man has the heart of the contrary! And it's deeper than anyone else's city hall, and the
means are terrible.

Xu Xi's words imply some sense of accountability, but in fact they are quite good! If everyone
knew beforehand that it was Longxiuwen who did it, even if it was about the life of the
concubine, they would not dissuade the emperor.
The answer is no!

Long Feili's proud reply is enough to show what Nianfei means to him. He had already decided
to go his own way. Now that's it, who can say anything? Who dares to say anything?

Xu Xi knelt down and said, "Emperor, the old slave has gone overboard, but the emperor can't
help but remember: beauty bring calamity!" (refering to Xuanji)

Long Fei's face sank and sneered, "What a loyal manager of Xu!"

"The emperor's nature is wise and wise. The old slave always remembers the words of the
former emperor. The emperor is a talented person in the flourishing age, but now he is the
victim of the concubine, not to mention the ambition of her father.

"What about her?" Long Fei was furious, his sleeve robe turned over and pointed straight at
Xu Xi with one hand. "It's not your turn to say whether she's good or bad!"

For many years, they had never had such a fierce dispute. People were shocked. Longzijin
rushed to the front and said, "Nine elder brothers, the most urgent thing is Canglongque, and
other things will be discussed later."

"That's what Lord Wang said!" Xia Sang went on to say, "The Seven Kings are extremely
difficult. Can we catch his faults somewhere and expose what he did?"

"Please make it clear to the emperor." Everyone looked at each other and spoke in unison.
Long Fei-li did not look at Xu Xi any more. He turned to Yu Feng and said, "In this matter, if
you want to find fault with him, it is not without it."

"On that day, I summoned Seven Brothers to talk about Nianfei's illness. He said that he could
not do anything about it, but there were people who knew wizards well in Forget Worry
County. It only took two or three days to travel back and forth. They were afraid of delaying
the illness. In fact, the time of each kind of wizard attack was different. They told people to
spread the news. They did not say that Nianfei's hearts were magic, but even worse on that
day. Without saying that Nianfei was in critical condition, how did he know that two or three
days were not enough? One is this.

"Secondly, I intentionally told him that the heart maggots were among the concubines, but
when he answered, he said the heart-destroying maggots directly. Although the difference is
one word, it is different. Just because the symptoms and effects of heart maggot attack are
very similar to those of heart-destroying pill, and one of them is heart-destroying pill. Seven
copies already knew that the concubine had heart-destroying pill, and they were impressed
by heart-destroying pill. If I said something wrong, he subconsciously corrected the mistake.

Only then did everyone realize that the purpose of the day was not to call on Dragon Xiuwen,
not for the sake of Dr. Cui's words, but to try!

"Emperor, now, then we have the evidence to convict the Seven Kings." Like everyone else,
Hou Xiahu was very happy at the beginning of the summer. He immediately bowed to his
body as soon as his face was full of color.

"No, not yet. Whoever the token falls into, the situation we are facing now remains
unchanged: the Hun, minister nian, queen mother, vassal king. Seven elder brothers would
not be obedient, if they met with the seven elder brothers in the army, as long as they were
together with the Huns at this time

After this mention, the public immediately silenced, and Longzijin sneered, "Dragon Xiuwen
is brilliant, choose a good time!"

"Emperor, if Xiliang and Hun were to wage war at that time, the Seven Kings would join the
army and mobilize the imperial mausoleum army, the consequences would be equally
unthinkable!" Duan Yuhuan clenched his big hand into a fist and said ruthlessly, "Dragon
Xiuwen, i will not let this villain go!"

"So I said I lost." Longfei is indifferent.

The crowd was shocked.
Long Fei left his eyes and said in a low voice, "This chess game, seven elder brothers have
already calculated everything. The only thing he didn't know was that I guessed him and knew
that I would lose."

"Don't panic, you don't need to think too much. At this time, our enemies are still the Huns,
the prime minister, the queen mother and the vassal king, and the seven kings, so we just
don't know. In addition to the number of people, there is still a day, between Yu and him, the
victory or defeat, in the coffin when you know.

No one understands the meaning of Longfei's words. Man calculates his fate. Should he obey
his fate as he sees fit? However, the situation is in front of us and it seems impossible to
reverse it.

His words were a great inspiration to the people, the kind of determination to go ahead
regardless of everything.

Suddenly, a waiter came in quickly and whispered something in Longfei's ear.

Longfeili suddenly laughed like a cat stealing buckwheat. People were surprised, but they
heard him say, "Zijin, Xiasang, Qingfeng, come the FJ palace with me."

When the crowd listened, they were confused.

"Nine elder brothers, You did agree to the concubine, not to step into the eagle Palace step?"
Longzijin grinned bitterly and said, "My cousins don't want you to be reconciled with Niang
Niang as before, but you don't have a joke --"

"Lord Wang's words are reasonable," Xiahouchu said with a laugh. "Emperor, if you want to
go to the Eagle Palace, can you consider changing the name of the maiden's dormitory first
and then go back?"

Duan Yuhuan caressed his palm and laughed. "Xiahou, good idea!"
Xia Sang laughed and said, "Yin" and "Yin", "The slaves will do it right away."

Longfei glanced at the beginning of Xia Hou and raised his lips lightly. "The proposal of the
first Yuanlang is good. It fits my heart."

QF looked at the crowd, stunned for a while.

"XS, it's not too late to do it again tomorrow. The name of four palaces and one palace
combined with the number of geomantic omen is handed down by ancestors. Rites can not
be abolished. Change matters need to be reported to the Ministry of Rites. When selecting
auspicious names and choosing auspicious ones, replacing the door plaque can be done. It is
also difficult to do it in a moment or three. Long Feili said with a laugh, "I forgot that my wife's
mother visited the Palace this year. I should go and walk in the past. Madame Nian is here.
You and Zijin are dropping out together. Don't neglect it.

I dare say that's what the waiter just reported. Xia Sang and Longzijin looked at each other.
They both recruited their old wives, and the emperor recruited their concubines.

They both laughed at the same time.

It turned out that yesterday, Longfei left to allow and arrange for Mrs. Nian to enter the

He said he forgot, but everyone knows that he never forgot it. What's more, it's about Nianfei.
It's true that "touch" is the paper he just gave Nianfei to forget the stubble for a while.

Now, as soon as the waiter mentioned it, the mood immediately improved.
It's just that——

"Nine brothers, this palace is still called FJ palace." Longzi brocaded and smiled.

"What's the matter? If I don't go in, I will."

Long Fei frowned slightly, as if he had said a strange question, and said, "Xia Sang, you tell the
imperial dining room to prepare a feast, and I will host a banquet in the Zhenzhen Pavilion for
Mrs. Nian."

People can't help laughing for a moment. This is really not a "foot" vulture palace. The
emperor put it aside outside the vulture palace for fear that the people inside would not come
out to welcome him. Then there was another banquet elsewhere, which did not violate the
agreement at all.

FJ Palace, outside the garden.

Longzijin and Xiasang clearly saw that Longfei was full of tricks, and they wanted to laugh but
did not dare to laugh.

When Mrs. Nian enters the palace, she will take her family with her. Year phase, year song
court, such as madam, even Nian Yaoguang, who lives next door to the palace, came over.
Outside, there were servants and maidservants, kneeling all over the place. Unfortunately,
Nian Xuanji, did not know what had happened and had not come out yet. Only the big girl,
DF, stood beside her smiling face.

Longfei went up and joined Mrs. Nian, glancing at the crowd, said lightly, "Let's all rise."
"Emperor Xie."

If Mrs. Yao Guang pressed Yao Guang's arm, Yao Guang understood and was about to go
forward, but saw that Longfeili suddenly frowned and stared at his feet.

A mass of things on the ground.

Even Xiasang and Longzijin were full of curiosity and looked forward to the mass of things
under Longfei's feet.

"What is this?" Longzijin was surprised and laughed.

Xia Sang laughed and said, "Lord, you should ask, who is this?"

Waggling beside Longfei's feet was a two-or three-year-old boy with embroidered caps and
gowns. He was dressed like a noble man's elder brother, with fat hands and feet, polished
and adorable appearance.

Longfeili frowned and stared at him. He also had a pair of black eyes and stared at Longfeili.
He was not afraid of life at all. He looked over his head and suddenly sat down on Longfeili's

The crowd was shocked.

"My little ancestor, what are you doing?"

the wife gave a low cry and the flower lost its lustre, she looked at Nian's wife and stamped
her foot. "Sister, I said I shouldn't bring him into the palace."

Nian's wife was also shocked. On the other side, Nian was terrified and said, "The Emperor
forgives him!" With a wrench on her face, she said angrily, "Yao Guang, don't hurry -"

A voice interrupted her suddenly. "Six sons, where are you dead little asshole? Look, I won't
kill you, I let you drink and spit me dirty, bully my DF, come over and let me give you a
beating... My God, why are you sitting there? Shoes have a lot of bacteria. They're dirty.
The crowd was startled. A slim figure came out of the courtyard quickly, went to the emperor
and picked up the little boy.

Women hold their children in a slightly unstable shape, slightly shaking body, people are still
watching, Long Fei has a black face to women and children in his arms.

Apart from Longzijin and Xiasang, many people, including Mrs. Nian, were still shocked. Xuan
Ji was too bold to say that the emperor's shoes were dirty.

Although the emperor's face was cloudy, he did not say anything. His eyes sank into Xuan Ji's

For example, if Mrs. Yao Guang pulled hard, Yao Guang lost the first chance and looked at
Xuan Ji with her teeth clenched.

Before coming out, Xuan Ji was badly bewildered by his child. sHe was trying to beat the little
fat child. Now her mind was hot and her heart was chagrined. sHe put the child to the nearest
arms of the man next to her, (the emperor >..<) and worshiped him quickly. "this concubine
has seen the emperor."

Xia Sang and Longzi Jin looked at each other, and Longzi Jin quickly look sideways. The tall
body couldn't suppress the tremor. Xia Sang covered his mouth. In his eyes, Longfei was
carrying the child's neck with two fingers, and his appearance was stiff.

With the emperor's big eyes staring at him, six sons suddenly cry out.

When Xuan Ji finished his worship, Zheng Shiran looked up, pointing at Longfei and pointing
at him in the midst of everyone's dismay and bewilderment,

"Oh, you made him cry."


Longfei is sitting in the chair. On the head, Xuan Ji is a concubine. Yao Guang is just a
concubine. Longfei should be sitting in Xuan Ji's position at the head of the right. For example,
mrs. Yaoguang wife pushes Yao Guang forward.

Xuan Ji was talking to Mrs. Nian and teasing the six sons in her bosom with great delight. But
she didn't care. Mrs. Nian was distressed by her and said in a low voice, "daughter."
Xuan Ji shook her head and smiled. Long Fei-li's voice had been heard. "Year, madam, please
take your seat."

He stood up and looked at Xia Sang. Xia Sang realized that Nian minister has arrived and came
to help Nian Madam.

Long Fei-li smiled and said, "Father Xiangye is not modest, today is a family dinner, according
to the rules of the family, you are the father of the old concubine, should sit with his wife as
the chief."

Xuanji was dismayed, but Long Fei-li had come and sat down with her at the head of Nian's

Nianxiang frowned slightly. On that day, he bet the wrong treasure. The emperor seemed to
be very fond of Xuan Ji. Early on, he heard Xuan Ji staying in the palace and then went to
Qiushan with the emperor. Today, it seems that the emperor spoiled Xuan Ji in his manners.
Even the gave up the head position. First, to show his favor, the emperor intended to sit with
Xuan Ji.

I don't know what happened on the autumn hill. It seems that she was badly injured. The
emperor didn't even take it seriously and loved her very much.

He glanced at Mrs. Ru and Yao Guang with a cold look in his eyes. If and Yao Guang
were shocked and dared not say anything, Mrs. Nian felt relieved. Although the monarch's
heart was unpredictable, Longfei seem to favor xuanji, Nian Songting (her adopted son) talked
and joked, but her eyes never left Xuan Ji.

Xuan Ji enjoyed playing with Six Sons in her arms. She did not seem to be obsessed with the
things around her. Five points were true, five points were false, and Long Fei was watching

He talked with the couple, sharp and clear, and even looked at her, she was a little afraid of
his eyes, like shadow.

Mrs. Xuan Ji did not seem to take up with the emperor. Her heart was both happy and
surprised. Even now the emperor felt that something new was giving way. She could not be
sure which day Xuan Ji provoked the emperor. That would be a disaster. Where did she know
all kinds of things between Xuan Ji and the emperor? She thought that the child had entered
the palace for many sages, but was very sad. She laughed and said, "Xuan Er, you like your
uncle's little son so much. When you have a child, you will spoil him."
Xuan Ji burst into a big laugh. "It's nice of my mother to know that I'm stuffy in the palace and
bring the six sons in for me to play."

"It's a pity that Niang Niang hasn't seen any movement for a long time. I heard that some
women are too weak to conceive easily. Unlike my Yao Guang, a priest has said that she has
the pulse of Chang Wangzi Ding." Mr. ru laughs at the way of "chanting" and "chanting", her
eyes are looking at the dragon.

Nian Xiangxin scolded in his heart: fool!

"Niang, why did you say that." Yao Guangjiao smiled shyly and looked at Xuanji again, saying,
"My sister is favored by the Emperor. I also expects her sister to have a dragon son for the
Emperor as soon as possible so that her sister can clean it up. My sister went to the Autumn
Hill with the Emperor earlier, but I don't know. Privately, all the palace sisters said that it must
be her sister who first conceived the Emperor's dragon son..."

She spoke with regret and paused when she spoke of "sister", but none of the people in the
room could hear the meaning of her words, which was clearly followed by the words of his
wife, who sneered at Xuan Ji, who could not conceive of dragon seeds near the terrace.

Originally, it was nothing to Xuan Ji, but she suddenly remembered the child who had been
indirectly killed by herself. At that time, she had no chance of choosing. Her heart was in a
melancholy state. She was tickling him with her hands and palms on the six son little
stomachs. She pressed him on his six little stomachs unconsciously, and the six sons felt
painful. he gave a cry and grabbed Xuan Ji's hand. He took a good bite.

The child did not know how to control his power. At this moment, he bit her until blood and
forgot to hide. Long Fei looked at her sadly and angrily. He grabbed six sons and threw them
into Xia Sang's hands. He pointed at Yao Guang and sneered, "is Nianfei ability to conceive
concerns you?"

Yao Guang and Mrs. Ru trembled in horror for a moment. Where did they think that there
would be branches, not to mention Xuan Ji's disfigurement, the emperor still loved her so

"I'm all right." Xuan Ji looked at Longfei and got angry. sHe quickly said, "I'm all right. Six sons?
Don't make him cry again."

Six sons are also the master of deceiving the good and fearing the evil. Just now, dragon Fei-
li grabbed him from Xuan Ji's arms and grinned his small mouth to brew tears. At this time,
Xuan Ji mentioned his name. Although he did not understand it, he burst out crying in
coordination with "wow", waving important Xuan Ji in both hands, leaving himself as the
culprit behind.

Xia Sang's face was black, but he had not coaxed the child. He just didn't know what to do.
Xuan Ji looked sad and came over to hold him, but the dragon hold her in his arms. He
murmured, "If you want to hold a child, you should hold your own."

Xuanji said, " do I have children?"

"You do!"

Only then did she hear a deep voice, dizzy, She looked at the man in a daze. Long Fei rise.
"Now that the queen is pregnant, the concubine have to keep up, Songting, my birthday feast,
you must attend, understand?”

He said to Longzi, who was grabbing a mouthful of rice from his seat. "Ten younger brothers,
entertain Nian Xiang and Nian Madam."

All the people saw the bright yellow figure flash, the emperor has embraced Nianfei
disappeared in front of their eyes.

“Let me down."
Turning to the shade of flowers in front of the Picking Treasure Pavilion, Xuan Ji whispered.

Longfei glanced at her, put her down, and her hand in his hand.

Suddenly, a handkerchief fell on her hand. Xuan Ji slightly changed her face, but Long Fei-li
seemed to ignore it and concentrate on his movements.

This pad was used for wrapping brocade sacks. She had just ordered the little maid to return
it to him in the early morning. Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, pressed the silk on himself and said,
"I'm going back."

He did not let her hand go, but began to touch where their skin intersected.

"The play you're going to do is still going on. The play I'm working with is over."
The pain in the clasped hand suddenly increased his strength, so that her skin slightly fell into
his big palm.
"You think everything just happened was fake?" He asked.
Xuanji frowned. "I can't guess your arrangement, but it took a lot of time to get back BZF. How
could you give the military power to Nian Songting?"

Longfei smiled faintly, not to say no.

"Long Fei Li, no matter what you do to Nianjia, I only ask you not to hurt my mother and six

"You can choose to tell your father."

"You know I won't." Xuan Ji whispered, "I'm going back."

Her hand was still in the man's palm, and the thin cocoon between his fingers rubbed against
her skin.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

Xuanji stop. "Was it all a play just now? You just need me to answer, in your opinion, is it all
or not?”

His breath was a bit heavy, and the hot breath sprayed on her face, which made him feel a
little aggressive. "Come on, you promised me."

Suddenly she remembered his eyes at the table, jumped in her heart and pushed him away.
"I'm going back."

It was because he understood his eyes that she was afraid. "Xiao Qi, it's no use telling Nian

Xuan Ji was shocked when she heard his words. sHe turned around and sneered. "I said I
would not tell him. You don't believe me?" The voice trembled slightly.

"What about you? Do you believe me?" He asked, staring at her. "Or, you could have
distinguished what I was doing from what I was doing.

He was "pushing" her, and he asked her to accept his love for her personally.

Xuan Ji gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to listen. I really want to go back."

He looks at her in a cold and burning tone."You said to return the brocade sack to its original
owner. You should not default with me any more. Why did you ask me to be good to Mrs.
Nian and the child just now? Didn't you say you didn't care?"
A pungent air surged into her mind, Xuanji frowned, reached out and caressed his eyes, and
felt helpless.

Her hand taught him to hold it up, and she had time to whisper. His straight nose had touched
her nose, and his nose tipped against her. "Don't move."

"If you want to draw a line with me, you shouldn't ask for anything."

"You -" Xuan was so angry that she stopped up and couldn't speak.

Long Fei did not pay attention, only indifferently continue his words. "I don't force you, but
according to what you said, there are already two disagreements between you and me. You
beg me, shouldn’t I ask you for something back?"

Claim back? Xuan Jiyi is very serious. Just angry or stunned, her lips have been caught by him
in heavy pressure... Outside the shade of flowers, there are occasional maids passing by,
hanging on the skirt side of the hand stiff, but she dare not push the man in front of him. she
wants it.

Until her lips were swollen and the tip of her tongue was bitten, she stared at him fiercely
again. "If it hadn't been for Jade to send them over, you would have had no objection to it
last night..."

He frowned slightly, stroked her lip and muttered, "It was only last night, not counting."

Xuan Qiqiang exploded. Has this man gone too far? He knew what was going on in her mind.
He promised her not to step on the eagle palace anymore and not to call her to bed anymore,
which was tantamount to making a promise to her that he would not force her any more.
Now he's "pushing" her in a different way, and he's flawless.

She rubbed her mouth hard, and he stared at her with a slow smile.

She was annoyed, but he was happy. Xuan Ji bit his lip and went back without a word.

Without chasing Xuan Ji, Long Fei waved slightly.

XS slowly emerged from behind the bushes. "You move quickly."

Looking at the master's slightly black face, Xia Sanggan said with a smile, "Emperor, didn't you
imply to let the slaves follow you just now in the Zhenzhen Pavilion? The emperor, please be
broad-minded. The slaves did not see all the things they should and shouldn't see."
Longfei frowned. "What else should you see?"

"How dare you and Niang Niang do what slaves shouldn't see here?" Xia Sang's face was

Longfei gave a cold hum, the God "color" was right, Xia Sang was awesome, and quickly bent
over and approached.

After listening to Long Feili's instructions, he was still shocked. It took him a long time to
whisper, "The slaves understand."

Long Fei left his bow and said lightly, "Tell Zijin to do it carefully."

Cangshui Xuan.
It's already three shifts, and the lights are still dim in the Xuan.

She was supposed to be a dragon and phoenix, but she was reduced to gossiping with the
concubines in the back of the palace every day. She often smiled and greeted them carefully.
Xuan Ji was favored by the emperor, but she was lonely every night.

"Xuan Ji, you wait, Yao Guang will never lose you!" Hating in mind, Yao Guang got up and
went to the dressing table, took out the jewelry box brought from her home, and found out
the small man with Xuan Ji's character from the secret space. sHe stabbed it with a needle.


Be careful, but still stick to your finger. Yao Guang uttered a sigh and busily reached out and
covered her voice with her mouth.

Daub the blood on the finger on the little man's face, Yao Guang's satisfied grinned a few
times, her expression becomes more fierce, and bite open the clotted wound, the whole little
man dyed red.

The candles jumped and a spark came out. Reflecting Yao Guang's beautiful and charming
face, with a bit of cruelty: When the emperor spoils me, Xuan Ji, my sister will surely give you
a good ride!
Suddenly, there was a sweet smell in the air. It was estimated that some flowers and plants
were blooming outside the window. She was a little dazzled, but felt a burst of tiredness. She
put the little man back in the box and walked back to the bed.

Outside the window, the sun was shining brightly, and through the cracks of the window,
some light was sprinkled on the ground. Yao Guang wakes up in the quiet bird singing outside
the window.

"Emperor?" Yao Guang was surprised to find someone beside her. He heard the soft snoring
sound of a man asleep behind her. sHe held the man's strong arm tightly on her body, leaned
back gently and filled the gap between them.

Suddenly she felt something strange. She turned around quickly.

Looking at the sleeping man, she suddenly got a cold sweat, screamed, sat up, pushed the
man again, and cried out in a hurry: "Brother, hurry up! Why are you here?”

It was not the emperor who slept beside her, but Nian Songting!

The man was pushed several times, but still drowsy. Yao Guang wanted to shout but dared
not, so she had to cover up the Nian Song Court with quilt first.

In hesitation, the door was pushed open, and the palace people poured in.

"Niang Niang, the maidservant can hear you scream, but what's the matter?" Asked the
maidservant, she would come forward to change her clothes for Yao Guang.

"Stop!" Yao Guang shouted in horror, and her face turned white for a moment. She bit her lip
and pretended to be calm. "i wants to sleep a little longer. You go down first."

"Yesterday, in the Zhenzhen Pavilion, Nian Yun's good intentions were conceived by Nian Fei,
but the tone of my voice was heavy. I have been thinking about coming over to see Nian Yun.
Can't Nian Yun blame the early arrival of me?" With the laughter, Longfei paced into Cangshui
Xuan. He glanced at the closed Bed Tent and smiled.

Xia Sang, who followed him, was also full of laughter. QF and several waiters seemed to stand
at will, but they blocked all the outlets of Cangshui Xuan.

Xia Sang laughed lightly and said to himself, "This play is not without the role of a young man.
Then he exclaimed,"You are not ready to change your clothes for your mother as soon as
"No!" Yao Guang cried out in horror of gains and losses.

A group of maidservants hurried forward, curtain line, with several maidservants screaming,
Nian Songting "dew" out of shape. Yao Guang shivered and tumbled down, kneeling to the

"Your Majesty, please trust your concubines. I don't know he is here.”.

"Why is General Nian here? Is it not the concubine who rushes into the palace late at night
and meets privately?” Longfei's face "color" suddenly changed, the cold light in Feng's eyes
flashed, and Yao Guang glanced at Yao Guang. Yao Guang felt as if he had entered an ice
cellar. The cold was frozen to the bottom of her heart and her body was shaking like a sieve.

Some waiters had already come to wake up the Nian Song Court on the couch and kneel to
the ground.

Longfei sneered at him from the corner of his mouth: "Nian Songting, you are really against

"How could that be? How could that be?” Nian Songting's pupils were constricted and he lost
his voice and called, "Emperor, Minister -"

Suddenly touched the emperor's killing eyebrows. When he gritted his teeth, he would
immediately raise his arms and fight, but felt powerless. He was terrified.

Suddenly there was a muffled voice, and the sharp pain spread all over his body. He cracked
his eyes and looked down, only to see a sharp blade passing through his heart. Blood,
dripping, fell on the white brick.

Bright red flowed down the handle of the sword to the man's hand, but the beautiful hand
did not tremble at all. The emperor bent down slightly and smiled in Nian Songting's ear.
"General Nian, I let Nian Yaoguang enter the palace just for the moment, you are really... not
disappointing me."

The empress was pregnant and the concubines fell into reality. The emperor pitied the
concubines and handed over military power to the family to show his favor. All of them were
false! Yesterday in Zhenzhen Pavilion, Longzi Jin Dao congratulated them. They drank
together until they were drunk. Longzi Jin only let Nian Xian return first and then drink with
him. Nian Songting's face was suddenly gray and his eyes were scattered. He laughed bitterly
and murmured, "I understand, I understand..."
Longfei pulled out his sword and kicked the body of Nian Songting. He smiled and said,
"Unfortunately, it's too late."

Yao Guang was so frightened that he crawled toward the dragon.

Longfei gave a sneer: "XS!"

Xia Sang's figure flashed in front of Yao Guang.

Longfei no longer looks at the women on the ground and flicks his sleeves out.

Golden Ruan Hall.

Long Fei's face "color" is like frost wrapped, but his mouth is covered with a smile like nothing:
"A pair of good sons and daughters who teach each the Nians! I want the Nian family given a
heavy responsibility, the Nians, you give me such a return!

When he glanced at Xiasang, Xiasang understood and read out the Holy decree: “Nian
Yonghua had no way to discipline and cause his children to be filthy and "chaotic". The crime
of Nian Songting had been incurred. Nian Yao Guangbai, the princess of the crime, was given
three feet, and Nian Huishu, a virtuous woman of the Fengyu Palace, was very heartfelt. sHe
was indeed the example of the empress and concubine, and was exempted from the crime of
deceiving the emperor by the Nian family of Yonghua. Third, Duan Yuhuan took charge of the
military power of Nian Songting temporarily. Thank you!”

Minister Nian fell to the ground, the back trembled slightly.

Hundreds of officials were either trembling or cold-eyed, but no matter whether they were
in the same year or other parties, they were not surprised: only yesterday did news come out
in the palace, and the emperor wanted to hand over military power to his family, but one
night, the tripod situation had broken! Without the support of the forces behind the Nian
Song Court, Nian Xiang is a toothless tiger. Even if there is still room, it has no power to return
to court.

The world is full of Tao. The young emperor is warm, kind and filial. All of them are false!


Looking at the back of the last courtier also disappeared outside the temple door, Xia Sang
laughed and said, "Congratulations to the emperor, I wish I could get it!"
Long Fei smiled faintly and opened his hands to play.

"If Nian Fei Niang was not guarded by the emperor, not to mention how many times Nian
Xiang died, what would have happened today would have been doom..."

He looked at Longfei and dared not say any more.... Longfei thought of Xuan Ji and felt a slight
movement in his heart. Suddenly he want to see her again and share his joy with her.

Xuanji, the three day of tolerance, today's beginning, stop! Then he said to Xia Sang, "I now
return to ChuXiu Dian and Xuan Nianfei used to serve ink."

XS ordered to go out, just want to laugh, LFL voice from behind: "Don't be rash, see if her
lunch break is announced again."

Xia Sang had to turn around and step out of the hall to laugh.

Knowing the importance of Longfei, Xia Sang went there in person. When we went to the
Eagle Palace, Xuan Ji's maid DF said that Xuan Ji had gone to Cangshui Xuan.

Xia Sang frowned slightly, and Nian Yaoguang was given to hang. Now there are still several
hours before Nian Yaoguang serves his sentence. Nian Fei Niang used to be a concubine, but
it was only when Modo gave birth to twigs.

On the Jin Ruan Temple, Longzi Jin and others did not stay much. When they returned to
Chuxiu Hall, Longzi Jin and Xia Hou Junior Graduates did not miss it. Even Yujingqing, the right-
wing minister, and Linsi, the Qing Dynasty of Dali Temple, were there. Most unexpectedly,
the Queen also came.

Longfei sat beside the queen and talked with everyone very happily.

Xia Sang greeted the queen. The empress was friendly and thought Xuan Ji would be better if
she hadn't come back at the moment.

Longfei took a glance at him, and he realized that he was about to report to Longfei, but the
door of the temple was suddenly pushed open.

It was Xuan Ji who came in quickly.

Xia Sang's silent cry was not good. The concubine's temples were slightly "chaotic" and her
"color" seemed extremely urgent. Without reporting, she came in. The forbidden army knew
that she was the emperor's favorite concubine and did not obstruct her.
Xuan Ji didn't realize that there were many people in the room. sHe looked at Longfei pressed
his hand on Yu Mixiu's stomach for a while before he saw the ceremony.

Yu Jingqing and Lin Si were looking at each other for a moment, and they both saw in each
other's eyes that they disapproved of this.

When they met Xuan Ji, Xuan Ji smiled and waved her hand, saying nothing but to be polite,
bit her lip and looked at the dragon.

Longfei frowned slightly and said, "Why don't you come in without reporting a sound? Are
you not following the rules of etiquette?”

Xuan Ji bowed her head and said, "What the emperor said was that his concubines had
violated the rules recklessly."

"Emperor, you can't blame my sister for her first recovery from her serious illness." Yu Mixiu
smiled and stood up from Longfei's chest. sHe came over and grabbed Xuan Ji's hand
affectionately to sit down with her.

"Sister Xie Queen." Xuan Ji thanked you, but declined. sHe just looked straight at Longfeili.
"Emperor, concubines have a few words to say to you, you see..."

Yuxiang secretly pays, like father and daughter. This family, whether the concubines really
do not understand or do not understand, is so domineering! Linsi beside him was already
smiling slightly and coughing.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, wiped her lips and looked at the dragon.

"Didn't you see that I was discussing with all the adults? Come back later." The deeper Longfei
left his eyebrow, the more impatient his tone was.

"How long will you finish?" Xuan Ji shook hands and asked in a low voice.

Lin Si was grinning coldly and said, "The matter that Nianfei Madame wants to discuss with
the emperor must be more important than the political affairs of this dynasty, and Weichen
will retire."

"Teacher, please stay." Long Fei left voice and looked at Xia Sang beside him. "Send Nianfei
Madame back to her dormitory first."

"Go back first, I'll be there later."His eyes flitted across her face.
Xuan Ji knew that she was in an awkward situation at the moment, but Yao Guang had a few
hours to go. She gritted her teeth and went to Longfei to bend her knees.

Lin Sizheng said, "Yu Xiang, don't you go with Lin Mou?"

Yu Jingqing squinted at Xuan Ji, but he could not deny it. His heart was very angry. The Queen
was still here.

Yu Mixiu laughed and said, "Okay, my sister has some personal words to say to the emperor,
this palace will be with Yu Xiangxiu, adults Lin and you have to withdraw first."

Longfei stood up and went to Yu and Lin. They laughed and said, "In this way, I will consult
Mr. Xiangye and the teacher another day."

Although Yu Jingqing and Lin Si Zheng hated Xuan Ji in their hearts, they could not brush the
emperor's face. They all bowed slightly and said, "The ministers dare not, and obey the
emperor's will."

Longfei returned and took the Queen's hand. "Be careful on the way. I'll see you in Luxiu Hall

"Emperor Xie." The Queen said softly, she bowed her head and saluted her head. When she
looked up, Xuan Ji only felt that her eyes were brilliant and beautiful. Her appearance was
more beautiful than Hua and hui's two concubines. That is, Ann Jin and Yao Guang were even
more beautiful than her appearance. At this moment, when she looked forward, she is
overflowed with brilliance and beauty.

Long Fei holding her hand long time before he ordered, "Xia Sang, send the Queen's Madame
back to her dormitory and wait on her carefully."

Xuan Ji looked into his eyes, and her heart was slightly astringent.

He only told her yesterday that the play was true or false. What about now? If it's true, she
really... Can't believe it.

Is he going to Luxiu Hall tonight?

She shouldn't have thought about it. It's none of her business.

It was a long time before she found her voice. "I've been to Cangshui Xuan. The Forbidden
Army keeps the door. I can't get in."

"Did you come for Yaoguang?" Longfei frowned invisibly.


"You want me to spare her?" Long Fei-li smiled slightly. "Nian jia, now in the wind and waves,
how many people are waiting for you to make mistakes, do you understand?"

Xuan Ji was trying to speak when the door behind her suddenly opened and a voice came in.
"If you were a maid, my maid would never try to offend Yu Xiang and Lin Daren to beg for

"Have you ever thought about it for the emperor? Yu Jia, Wen Jia, Nian jia had a lot of contacts
in the middle of the dynasty, but the emperor had to take this opportunity to pull down
Nianxiang at one stroke for fear or impossibility. He did not do so. One of the reasons was
that he was afraid of having something to do with Niangniang.”

"Nian Niang is not compatible because of Nian Niang's family. Nian Niang's family are
declining with each passing day. If Nian Niang's family falls down, then Niang Niang place in
the palace..."

When the voice stopped here, a group of people came in, but it was Longzijin and others who
sent the queen away. Yu Jingqing and Lin Sizheng also returned, along with XY and JX.

Xuan Ji was staring at Long Fei-li. After all the people came in, Long Fei-li's eyes were no longer
on her. He was looking at XY.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, and the words just arrived were cut off.

Longzijin took a look at her.

She lowered her head slightly and wanted to talk to Longfei, who passed by. His voice came
in his ear. "Why is this face so white?" He's asking for Xinyi.

Yes, just now she listened to what Xinyi say, but her breath was very weak. She looked up at
saw Longfei's concern. That bitter taste slowly fills her heart.
Xinyi did not say anything.
"XY?" Longfei twisted his eyebrows slightly.

"Emperor, maybe you should blame the slaves for their mouths, but there are still some words
that the slaves have to say," JX eyebrows fell low and suddenly knelt down. "Yes, the slaves
lied about XY on that day, but her bad health was not false. When we returned from the
Chuxiu Hall the night before yesterday, XY fell ill again and stayed in bed until the slaves came
over. Said that she only forbade slaves and maidservants, said that the emperor now has
many things, afraid of disturbing the emperor.”

"If it hadn't been for the JX arrival of queen mother today to ask the emperor a letter, when
would the birthday party be held..."

“All right, JX, stop talking! “ Ruyi interrupted her, looked at Longfei, looked at XuanJi, bowed
to a blessing, whispered: "Niang Niang, if there is a collision, but also invite Niang not guilty,
the maidservant is only urgent... not intentionally offended."

JX sneers, "I said earlier that you are sincere for others, for the people's palace, teach tea,
hand in hand, others did offensive things in the Palace of Jinluo, but also their own gas
sickness, you go before and after the doctor to see a doctor, the results? You're sick now. Did
anyone ask you? Others..."

"Xing Jixiang!" Ruyi seemed to be slightly angry, whispering, "I told you to stop talking! Before
the emperor, you forgot what happened to you."

JX words, whoever listens, are thrown to the ground.

Every sentence is: she compared with Ruyi, she is just a woman who does not know the
general situation, and she plays with kindness, forgetting the gratitude of Ruyi.

Xuanji pinched her hand tightly and could not speak what she wanted to say to Longfei Li. No
one spoke because Longfei Li was also watching Xinyi tightly and his concern was reflected in
his eyebrows.

Pale face. Well, Ruyi is ill.

how can she not understand his embarrassment?

She did not come to plead for Yaoguang.

It's a rare trip to the palace. Yesterday, Mrs. Nian and Mrs. Ru did not return to their homes
with the same age. Mrs. ru stayed in Cangshui Xuan Yard last night, while Mrs. Nian stayed in
the Eagle Palace.
She had no relationship with her parents since childhood, but Mrs. Nian treated her sincerely.
She had a warm talk with Mrs. Nian for half a night, and hardly slept until dawn.

Soon after she had fallen asleep, Ru Lai cried and cried. As the lady said, it was you who killed
your sister. If you hadn't occupied the emperor, how could your sister have done that foolish
thing with Songting?

Being scolded is evil. She did not avoid it. Later, she was asked by the central government to
appeal to the emperor, and she did not ignore it.

Just as from the beginning, she would not tell Nianxiang what he wanted to find his
descendants, she would not give him any trouble now. Although, in her opinion, Yao Guang
may not die of crime.

However, when Mrs. Nian knelt, she could not ignore it.

Perhaps this is the eternal embarrassment between wives and concubines. There is a gap
between Nian Madam and Ru Madam. But Yao Guang was executed. For example, Nian
Madam died and begged for Nian Madam. Nian Madam is a kind person. In Nian Madam's
opinion, she should also save her sister.
Perhaps she should have falsely pleaded, but in the end she refused directly.

If the wife slapped her severely. Even Mrs. Nian looked at her disapprovingly, kneeling down
and begging her, saying that at least let Yao Guang and Mrs. Ru see each other for the last

No one can enter Cangshui Xuan without the instructions of the emperor.
The body is Xuan Ji's body, and Mrs. Nian is Xuan Ji's biological mother. She doesn't want to
give him any trouble, but Mrs. Nian kneels on her knees. Yao Guang and Mrs. Ru's last time,
she can't help asking.

I really can't.

A room of disapproving eyes, she grinned bitterly, opened her mouth, wanted to speak,
Suddenly Ruyi fell forward, Longfei reached out and embraced her.


She heard Longfei rebuke: "The body is like this, why not take good care of it in the hospital?
The empress dowager's will, JX come to pass on, you come to do what?”
Ruyi shrill voice said: "You let me wait for you, this wait, I do not know how long to wait, take
advantage of the message to the Queen Mother's and came with JX, otherwise, I do not have
an excuse..."

Just now JX said, if so, she was sick after returning from Chuxiu Hall the night before last.
What happened that night, she still remembered.

Ruyi has Come to see him, but She came out of the study and hindered them. Then Ruyi. Went
as she wish, but Now RY is ill. He must be very upset and distressed.

Xuan Ji smiled and deliberately ignored the posture of the two people in front of him. sHe
gritted her teeth and said, "Long Fei Li-"

"Xia Sang, go to the doctor's Cui." Longfei's cold voice covered her. He sank a little "Yin" and
said, "Just say that Xinyi old illness recurred and she fainted in Chuxiu Hall."

Xia Sang knows that the purpose of Chuxiu Dian's biography is that the diagnosis is too
obvious, so it can't be taken for granted. He nodded his head out and looked down at Xuan
Ji. She looked pale and sighed slightly in his heart. Even if it was inappropriate to beg for Yao
Guang's affection for Nian, Nianfei Niangniang had recovered from a serious illness after all.

Didn't he even give her a chance to talk? Xuan Ji, with only one word in her heart, said that
this is the last time that I said...

Long Fei-li, however, embraced XY horizontally and walked quickly into the crystal curtain.
His voice was indifferent.

"Go back, I won't answer your request."

Xuan Ji clenched her teeth, but her body could not stop trembling slightly.

She was about to go forward, but a figure was blocking her. "Niang Niang, old slave send Niang

"Nian imperial concubine, if XY is ill, she only wants to see the emperor. Is that not possible?"
With JX red lips, though she spoke softly, her beautiful eyes opened sharply and her tone was
Staring at the crystal curtain sliding down sharply, Xuan Ji suddenly raised his palm and threw
it on JX face. sHe was very surprised and lost his voice. "You hit me?!"

People were surprised, and even the XS just stepped out of the threshold, the dragon in the
crystal curtain stopped abruptly.

She thought it was crisp and there was no sound.

The palm just slid down gently against the auspicious and trembling face.

Xuan Ji raised her eyebrows slightly and said softly, "Hit you, what do I do for you?" Was it a
waste of energy? I was lying in the bed yesterday. "JX, no matter what she did, she will has
the final say, but please don't forget that I am still your master. Don't talk to me in such a
surprised tone. If I want to teach you a lesson, nobody here can stop me! Unless he abandons
me, I'm still his woman." She said, stretching her hand straight to Longfeili.

"And you, Mr. Xu, don't bother, I'll go myself." Xuan looked at Xu Xi and gave him a cold smile.

"Ruyi, take good care of your illness."

When words fall, Xuan Ji resolutely turns around and dares to let the tears in her eyes fall.

No one dared to speak out. For the first time, people were also shocked by the eyes of people
outside Longfei.

Her water-like eyes are ablaze with bright fires.

"Stop!" Behind it, the voice of Long Fei-li came down. "You say, asking to pardon Nian

Longfei's eyes are deep, but it's as fiery as Xuan Ji's. At this time, everyone has that strong
feeling. If Xuan Ji opens his mouth, Longfei will leave and promise!

Maybe it's for Xuan Ji's eyes, maybe it's for Xuan Ji's sentence, I'm his woman. One foot had
already stepped out of the door, smelled the words, and Xuan Ji smiled. "Before I came, I had
not thought so, and now it is the same."

Perhaps, I and you have been wrong all along, or, in fact, we are not wrong, wrong is this
place, Taoyuan Village life is simple, but here, there are always a few separate hearts.
“Xia Sang, thank you, just now only you did not look at me like that.. " The voice has been
trembling, Xuan Ji did not say any more, and she turned to leave the Chuxiu Hall.

"I'll send you back."

Behind it was the sound of QF trembling slightly. However, she has no intention to distinguish.

After all, I still haven't got it.

After a quick walk, Xuan Ji put her hand over her face and laughed bitterly.

Mrs. Nian said that if she did not ask the emperor, she would not be able to kneel long in her
dormitory. She went to ask, but... what should she do?

"Nine sisters-in-law." A clear voice came from behind. Xuan Ji was stunned. When she looked
back, he was.... Longzijin?

"Why are you here?"

Longzijin smiled softly. "Ben Wang came here for two things. First, what you said just now,
Ben Wang refused to accept it. He didn't look at you like that. Besides Xia Sang, there is also
my Longzi.”

Xuanji was stunned for a long time before she lost her laughter and bent down slightly. "That
Xuajin is sorry to you."

Longzi brows broadly and has a "color" on her face.Xuan Ji smiled back and got to know each
other."What about the second thing?"

"The second thing, Ben Wang wants to ask, is that the nine sisters-in-law actually went to
Chuxiu Hall --"

Xuan Ji spread his hand and laughed low. "Yao Guang's mother and my mother want to see
Yao Guang for the last time. No one can go in without your brother's instructions."
Longzijin sighed and whispered, "You left for this."


“As far as I know, Nian yao guang doesn't like you, and so does her mother. Why do you want
to do it for her?"Long Zijin stopped talking and stared at Xuan Ji deeply.
"I'm not so kind. I can't beat my mother."

"You have saved your good intentions, otherwise, you just need to pretend to disguise and
say to Mrs. Nian that you can get things done without the advice of the emperor." Longzijin
interrupted her, with a distant gaze and a light way: "Wen Ruyi was also a kind person before."

"Before? She's now...”

"Now... who knows?" Longzijin laughed at himself and said aloud, "Nine sisters-in-law, cousin,
take you to Qiushui Xuan!"

"Qiushui Xuan?" Xuan Jiwei is confused.

"Aren't you taking two ladies in?"
"Do you have a message?"
"How can I get in without instructions?"
"Jiuge's Oral Instruction... False Oral Instruction!"
Xuan Ji's face was covered with black lines. "How can this work?"
"Just be a cousin to make amends, Zijin has been uneasy about that offence in the forest."
"This is deceiving the king!"
"Otherwise, I'll fake it."
"Well, let's share the risk. Maybe the penalty will be lighter?"
"Nine sisters-in-law... let's go." Longzijin smiled and suddenly frowned slightly. "Cui Nei-suit,
you come out."

Xuan Ji was startled, and saw the rustle of trees on the side, and Dr. Cui came out with a red
face and a hot ear. "Slaves are just passing by." She whined.
"You pass by and hide, and listen to the conversation between Ben Wang and Niang Niang?"
Longzijin brows and smiles.

Cui doctor's daughter was so anxious that she explained in a hurry, "Xuan Nu-maid, General
Manager of Xia Dynasty, came to Chuxiu Hall disease. The maid really happened to pass by
here. Who knows -"

Xuan Ji laughed and said, "I don't know when Xuan Ji and Ten Ye are talking about some
rebellious words. Aunt Cui is not right or left, so she has to hide."

"Not exactly." Cui Doctor's went out with a sigh of relief. The three looked at each other and
Longzi's brocade glanced lightly and said, "I said Cui doctor, why do you meet someone every
time you walk to discuss secret affairs?" Last time, Ben Wang talked with Ruyi Aunt and meet
you. Cui doctor, don't you know that if you listen to what you shouldn't hear, there will be a
danger to life"?

"I -" Cui Doctor's beautiful face suddenly white, want to argue a few words, unfortunately,
she is upright, the more urgent, but the more stuttering and unable to speak, had to look at
Xuan Ji for help.

Xuan Ji chuckled and said, "Okay! Don't frighten Aunt Cui any more.”

Chuxiu Hall over there about "touch" is also in a hurry, aunt go quickly. Just what Xuan Ji and
Shiye said just now..."

"The maidservant heard nothing." Cui Doctor's hurriedly said, bending down to bless both of
them and fleeing.

Long Zijin laughed and Xuan Ji laughed. "It's really strange. Aunt Cui is calm. How can you see
the plague every time you see it?"

"Plague?" Longzijin was stunned for a long time and laughed and scolded, "When I say Jiusuo,
can't you change it into a nice one?"

"Is that right? No, how did you know Aunt Cui's name?” Xuan Ji is slightly strange.

Longzi's brocade face is full of secrets.

Xuan Ji sniffed lightly, "I'm sure nobody will miss Aunt Cui alone."

Longzijin laughed. "My cousin said that Cui Nei's clothes were missing my cousin. Do you
believe it?"

He smiled and looked slightly sideways at Dr. Cui's daughter, but saw her standing not far
away, staring at him. He saw her glancing over, startled, stamped her feet, and fled

Longzi Jin was shocked. "What's the matter with this Cui Nei dress?"

Xuan Ji looked in his eyes and bent over with laughter.

By the time of Deqiushui Xuan, Mrs. Nian and Mrs. Ru had been anxiously waiting outside.
Several rows of guards were stationed outside the Xuan.

Longzijin went forward and talked to the leading guard in a low voice.

Mrs. Nian consoled her like a lady in a soft voice. Mrs Ru sobbed and looked at Xuan Ji with
resentment. Xuan Ji only regarded it as invisible and idly looked aside.

Suddenly, several palace maids came out of the Xuan and looked like a servant maid. Xuan Ji
suddenly felt a slight shock. The palace maid who was nearest to her just now was familiar
with the light carmine fragrance on her body.

Originally, there were many women in the palace, and there was nothing special about the
flavor of carmine powder, but the fragrance on the palace girl was very special. She smelled
like mint. Did she smell it recently?

She quietly measured the past, and the lady suddenly turned around and looked at her. She
was shocked. The lady smiled and slightly blessed herself and left.

She was still frowning and thinking, but Longzijin's voice came over, "Come in."
"Niang, you go in, Xuan Ji is waiting for you here." Xuan Ji helped Mrs. Nian to the door of
Mrs. Nian nodded her head and clapped her hand, then went in with Mrs. Ru.

Xuan Ji and Longzijin stood by and waited, chatting in a low voice. Xuan Ji knows that Longzi
Jin's heart is full Xinyi, and interestingly inquires about Dr. Cui's daughter. Longzi Jin laughs
happily, but intentionally teases Xuan Ji, but refuses to say anything.

They were talking, and Mrs. Nian suddenly came out. She looked at Xuan Ji and said with a
bitter smile:

"Xuan'er, your sister didn't expect you would ask the emperor for her to meet their mother
and son. She said she wanted to see you. She had a few words to say to you."


“Niang, I'm not going yet." Xuan Ji said softly that one more thing is better than one less thing.
"When something like this happens in Nian's family, the family is half-defeated... daughter,
please be your mother, go and see her, and return her wish." When Xuan Ji's hair was caressed
by Mrs. Nian, her expression was full of sorrow.

The door of the room was closed tightly. The voice of crying still leaked out from inside. Xuan
Ji's heart grew sad, and for a long time, she pushed the door in.

Yaoguang heard the sound, and her eyes swept over. Xuan Ji couldn't tell what was in her
eyes, panic, hatred, everything. At least she didn't have the gratitude that Madame Nian said.
Of course, she didn't want Yaoguang's gratitude either.

My heart is a little sad, the palace is a personal place, Yaoguang hateful, and how pitiful.
"Niang, you go out first. I want to have a word with Xuan Ji."

In the past, Yao Guang always called her sister, but now she calls her sister by name, which is
less false and more comfortable.

When mrs. ru passed by, she gave her a hard white look. Xuan Ji ignored it and walked quickly
to Yaoguang.

Yao Guang's eyes were red and bloody, and her eyes were white. sHe looked at her
approaching. Suddenly she said quietly, "Xuan Ji, do you know what I said to my mother?"

"I don't know. Do you want to tell me?" Xuan Ji is indifferent.

"Well, I tell you, I told my mother that Nian Yaoguang can't see you, but I want her to see for
herself how you can die!" Yaoguang cold road.

"Well, if she could see, if I had to die again." Xuan Zheng, self-mockery.

"Nian Xuanji, if you are a poisonous"woman", curse my mother, you can rest assured that my
mother will not die earlier than you, I finally understand, you wait and see, the emperor killed
you is only a matter of time." Yao Guang said, touching her cheek with both hands and
murmuring, "Our family is his stumbling block, and he will not let you go. Don't be so proud,
don't be so proud."

Yao Guang's voice is hoarse and sharp, like a sharp blade scratched on the tile, making people
have a kind of "hair" creepy shudder. Although Xuan Ji is not afraid, her heart is bleak, and
she can't bear to look any more. "Yao Guang, I'm gone."
"Xuan Ji, did he mention me when you were with the emperor?" Yao Guang ran up to her and
grabbed her arm. "Tell me!"

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, Yao Guang's focus was indisputable, but it seemed a little crazy.

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, mad or not. At least when she was executed, she was not so afraid.

Yao Guang's claws fell into her skin. Xuan Ji struggled for a while and could not break away.
sHe said, "Yao Guang, when the emperor is with you, will he mention other women?"

"Of course not. How could he do that? Where does a man mention another woman in front
of a woman?“ Yao Guang burst out laughing. "Xuan Ji, you are stupid! How could he treat you
so well if you were so foolish? Is it because you satisfied what he wanted on the bed?”

Xuan Ji's face was slightly hot and she did not know what to say for a moment. She had a
sudden pain in her neck, but Yao Guang suddenly pinched her neck.

“Why did he spoil me only once? Although I am a commoner, but I am smarter than you,
where am I inferior to you?”

Xuan Ji was pinched breathlessly by her. Remembering the defensive skills she had learned,
she reached out and cut her neck. But Yao Guang had lost her senses and her strength was
astonishing. Her hand had not touched Yao Guang, and her hand had fallen powerlessly.

"I'll kill you now! They asked me to wait, I did not wait, I did not wait, I want you to accompany
me to bury.”

The air seemed to be pumping out of the abdominal cavity, Xuan Ji's face turned red, her
consciousness began to dissipate, and her heart grinned bitterly: I was going to die in the
hands of this madman.

Suddenly a strong wind swept through, only to hear Yaoguang scream, the strength of the
confinement on her neck suddenly dissipated, she breathed the air, one hand has touched
her back, gently patted, to help her follow the breath.

She was sad and happy, and looked at it. The man in front of her was handsome and harsh.
Who was not that man?

"Why are you here?" She was shocked and asked.

"You're running here, can't I come? Your courage is getting stronger and stronger, and you
dare to do anything that falsely preaches the imperial edict. Do you know what the crime is?"
Longfei is out of the cold road.

On this matter, Xuan Ji, aware of her own shortcomings, turned aside and whispered, "It's my
own thing --"

Long Feili sneered and interrupted her. "You and Zijin can't escape either."

"Ten brothers, he..."

Before she finished, Longfei left but frowned slightly. "What do you call Zijin?"

Xuan Ji was stunned and immediately realized what it was called, which seemed to indirectly
intimate with him and her.

Long Fei-li's tone of voice has slowed down a lot. He took her by the hand and went out.

Xuan Ji then saw Duan Yuhuan, Xia Sang and several other forbidden troops, not struggling,
think about it, and quickly looked back at Yao Guang, only to see Yao Guang curled up on the
ground, staring at them in panic and jealousy.

"Poor enemies will kill you!" Long Fei left the silent channel, took Xuan Ji up and strode away.

Behind it, Nian Yaoguang suddenly stood up and looked like she was awake in an instant. She
said sharply, "Emperor, Nian Yaoguang only asked you one thing before he died. Don't you
like Nian Xuanji? When she is precious, if you spare a word, I will curse her in the night. she
will die in a short life and suffer all kinds of torture. A good end!"


Nian Yaoguang, let's talk about it. Longfei is indifferent.

"You did stay. You were afraid that I would curse Nian Xuanji. Do you really love her so much?
What's good about her?" Yao Guang muttered and laughed sadly.

Long Fei looked at her without looking at her, and smiled coldly with his shoulder. "If Madame
Nian had just come in and asked me, did you think I would have stayed?"

Yao Guang captured a glimmer of life. "Are you left behind because of my aunt's words, not
Xuan Ji?"
Longfei frowned a little impatient.'Why don't you understand? She is Nian Xuanji's mother.”

Yao Guang's eyes grew more and more red, murmuring, "Originally... or because Xuan Ji, I
would not let her go if I made a ghost!"

"Ghost?" Longfei sneered, "You're a human being and you can't help it. What else can you do
when you die? I was next to Nian Xuanji. Do you think you could hurt her?”

"You want to keep her?" Yao Guang suddenly smiled softly. "You never said so much to me,
but now you are willing to talk to me, but still because of her. No, it's all fake. You want to
eradicate Nianjia. One day you'll kill her after you use her. You'll kill her!"

"Why am I not Xuan Ji? Why do you want to deduct this "filthy" crime from me? If you want
to eradicate Nianjia, why don't you choose Xuan Ji as scapegoat?” Yao Guang suddenly asked
word by word, her consciousness was between blurred and awake, her eyes were wide open
and stared at Long Feili, so that her eyes were inclined to hang up, the whole face to see the

"Because she is my woman, you are not." All endurance has been exhausted. Long Fei leaves
his voice cold and flicks his sleeve. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Nian's request, he would never
have stayed here to say more to Nian Yaoguang.

"Am I not your woman? That night, you loved me in every way, you..”

Longfei slightly moved away from her body and avoided her touch. The Phoenix eyes were
provoked by evil things. "That night, it wasn't me."

"What did you say?" Yao Guang was frightened and slipped to the ground.

"What did you say?"

This time, it was the person standing outside the door who asked. Long Fei frowned slightly.
Xuan Ji stood at the door and looked at him in a panic. She frowned tightly and had nothing
to depend on, as if she did not know what he had just said. She was accompanied by Mrs.
Nian and Mrs. Ru, both of whom were full of panic. Xia Sang stood beside them, thinking that
if Mrs. Nian was in a hurry and urged her to come in, Mrs. Nian did what she wanted. He had
ordered Xia Sang to shine on Nianfei and Nian's wife outside the Xuan. If Nian's wife had any
requests, she would not touch her mind.

I'm waiting for you outside." When passing Xuan Ji, Long Fei left his voice.
Mrs Ru bites her teeth, glances at Xuan Ji bitterly, walks quickly to Yao Guang's side, embraces
her and cries bitterly.

Yao Guang, on the contrary, did not cry. Mrs. Ren Ru embraced her and stared at Xuan Ji. Her
eyes were filled with bitterness, just like Mrs. Ru's. Suddenly, she pushed aside Mrs. Ru and
pointed to Xuan Ji's secluded way: "Sister, come here, Sister, let me say the last word to you."

Xuan Jue looked down and Mrs. Nian said with a bitter smile, "Come on, son."

On the other side of Xiasang, a pair of sharp and cautious eyes stared at Yao Guang, in case
she was unfavorable to Xuan Jue.

Xuan Ji was still shocked by Long Fei's words. sHe looked at Mrs. Kan Nian and finally walked

Yao Guang slowly reached up to her neck. Xuan Ji only felt the suffocation like a poisonous
snake wrapped around her body. There was a chill in her ear, but Yao Guang whispered in her
ear, "Sister, do you know what I just asked the emperor?"

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly, not to say no.

Yao Guang also smiled in her ear. "Do you know why I left him alone to ask? Because I asked
him who his favorite woman was, and he didn't necessarily say you were."

"Why do you tell me that?" Xuan Ji felt a shock in her heart, but her face was faint.

"Why?" Yao Guang sneered, "Because I need to hear it before I can rest my heart. You think
it's you, and I thought it was you, but he told me a name, not you! It's a person you didn't
expect! Also, I curse you that one day you will die ten times as cruel as I am, with a crack in
your car, a cut in your waist and a dead body in five cents."

"Nianyangniang, the time has come, Niangniang please go on the road."

Suddenly, Xuan Ji turned around and saw several eunuchs marching in order. The leader was
holding a tray in both hands. She was staring at the white on the tray. She had no idea whether
it was for what Yao Guang had just said or for what he had done.

May 7, followed by Yao Guang, for better or worse, in this world, she once again witnessed
someone dying in front of her. The feeling of emptiness and fear burst out suddenly and
spread out in her mind. She was at a loss, but one arm held her in domineeringly. "Don't look
at it."

She clutched the sleeve of the man beside her tightly and let him lead her out of the room.
Her soul seemed to be still in that room, such as Madame's sad cry, and Yaoguang's voice of
resentment and fear screamed down on his back. He walked with a fast pace, followed closely
by the guard inside.

Finally, when he came to a place in the sunshine, he stood firm and hugged her, whispering
in her ear, "Don't be afraid, you have me."

Seemingly aware of her fear, he said over and over...

Night, Eagle Palace.

Xuan Ji sat at the table with her cheek on her back. Her head was still in a crash. Suddenly,
one hand lightly pressed her shoulder.

She looked back and called Mrs. Nian.
Mrs. Nian smiled kindly and said, "It's not too early for the sky to shine."
Xuan Ji was slightly shocked and understood that his wife meant something.

Mrs. Nian grabbed Xuan Ji's white jade vase and opened it. She dipped some ointment in her
fingertips and gently smeared it on her face. She said, "Don't say that he is a king of a country,
just ordinary people. How many men are so careful?"

Xuan Ji laughed and shouted "hiss" in a low voice.

"If Ji uses the hard force, this face is a little swollen, but, Yao Guang's new death, you do not
blame her, she is also poor."

"Niang, you are a kind person."

"Niang is also selfish to the heart, Niang once thought, fortunately Yao Guang died rather than
you." Mrs. Nian's voice trembled slightly. "They all said it was the emperor's plan, either Yao
Guang or..."
She said she looked around here, and DF and Cuiya quickly bowed their heads. Xuan Ji took
Mrs. Nian's hand. "Niang, there are all loyal girls in the room. You can talk but you can't hurt

Mrs. Nian sighed slightly. "Ruji said, let me not be proud. The Emperor's favor for you is false
now. Even the Master said that the Emperor did not move you, and even loved you more. But
because he still had some influence in the court, the Emperor was trying to appease people's
hearts, and the people all over the world were kindhearted. Jun, but in time...

"What did Niang say?" Xuan Ji asked with a low smile.

"Niang's posture is so beautiful that she can marry your father because she used to have a
rich family. When your father was a little official, he always needed two dozen silver dots in
the official circle. When she was not in the cabinet, she often had VIP contacts at home. Later,
she followed your father. Although she did not know about the court, all kinds of people in
her life still lived with her. I have seen a lot of them. Maybe mother is wrong, but she feels
that the emperor treats you sincerely.

"When you returned to Ningxia, the mother was not sure, but now a woman in Yaoguang's
bedroom saw that the emperor was very kind to you, especially when Yaoguang was serving
his sentence, you child was ignorant and probably not aware. You were frightened at that
time and your body was trembling. When the emperor took you out, God was nervous,
Madam." Follow behind and see clearly." Mrs. Nian smiled and said, "People who don't know
think that the emperor is holding a beautiful woman of absolute beauty, who knows that it
was an ugly girl for her."

Xuan was stunned. The DF and Cuiya who stood beside him hid their mouths and laughed.\

When you went in to see Yaoguang, Niang and Ruji were outside. When the emperor brought
them over, he scolded the ten masters beside Hou, saying that your sister-in-law had come
to Hu, how could you let go? Xuan Er, Niang was stunned to hear his words for a long time.
The royal rules were very strict. When you were his sister-in-law, the emperor regarded you
as his brother's sister-in-law. This is no longer a general favorite.

"Even if he is pretentious, he doesn't have to do that to show his love to you, so she doesn't
agree with your father, such as Ji and others. Your face was hit by Ruji. He slowed down and
brought you the ointment.

Xuan was slightly distracted. He remembered that the outer dragon of Cangshui Xuan was
holding her shoulder viciously before she left, and that vicious tone, "Since you can't go to
the Eagle Palace, you'll come to the Chuxiu Palace tonight. Do you understand that you have
to come There tonight?"

Remembering the expression on his face, though bitter, she could not help laughing.

"What did you do in the past?"

The matter of Chuxiu Hall, Yao Guang's death, her heart was cold, at that time, it was just to
ask him.

"Let's talk about what we want."

When he said this, he returned to his usual indifferent tone, but God's "color" was strong
enough not to be rejected by her.

"Aren't you going to Luxiu Hall for the night?" She thought about it and asked him back.

He suddenly frowned and laughed. The man's face changed very quickly. "Did I ever say that
I spent the night in Luxiu Hall?"

"You answered the Queen yourself."

"Nian Xuanji, what I said was to see the queen. After seeing the queen, I went back to the
Xiudian Hall."

What did you talk about in the past? Suddenly she remembered Yao Guang's words, his
favorite woman, an unexpected woman... unexpected, is it right? Yao Guang can not know
Xinyi, so Yao Guang should not lie.

She fell in love with maggot. When she was in Chuxiu Hall, he told her that he only liked her

Which is true or false?

Long Feili.... She clearly did not want to think about him any more. Why did Mrs. Nian's words
hit her heart one by one? Does she keep her heart on him like this?

"Xuan'er, go ahead." Nian's wife said softly, "Niang doesn't know what's wrong with you and
the emperor. The situation of Nian's family. Niang has the worst plan. She only hopes to rely
on the emperor's favor. You can still..."
"Niang," Xuan Ji reached out and hugged Mrs. Nian, "I don't care about Nian's family, but you
and Liuzi... I won't let you have any problems."

"If he really loves me, he won't hurt you." Xuan Ji closed his eyes and suddenly stood up and
called out, "Cuiya, hold the lamp, I'm going to Chuxiu Hall."

DF and Cuiya looked at each other and said with one voice, "Already ready ready!"

Xuan Ji laughed, but since she wanted to say it, she made everything clear. The hypocrisy in
Yao Guang's dialect is what she wants to talk about.

All of them are clear tonight.


Niang Niang, let's go back. Cui Ya led the way with the palace Dou, suddenly pulling Xuan Ji.

Xuan Ji said, "What's wrong?"

"Your dress..." Cuiya shook her head.

"What's wrong with my dress?" Xuan Ji laughed and said, "This dress is simple and very good."

"That's too simple." Cuiya grieved and said, "Before Sister DF dresses up for you, you run out.
How do you go to bed like this?"

Xuan was stunned for a while and said with a laugh, "I'm not going to sleep. Besides, if I really
go to sleep, my clothes will be taken off. Why do I wear such beautiful clothes?"

Cuiya stared, blushed, stamped her foot and said, "Niang Niang, you -"

The master and the servant had a fight. Cuiya dropped the palace lamp into the bushes and
busily went in to collect it. Suddenly, a sudden "puff" sounded as if a gust of wind had passed
by, extinguishing the candles in the lampshade.

Cuiya remembered that there was a fire folder in her purse. She took it out quickly. Xuan Ji
came over and squatted down. She looked at Cuiya left and right with interest.
Suddenly a faint light came from ahead, and the sound of footsteps outside the bushes
approached slowly.

"Walk faster." One of them urged the other, "Xia Chief Executive told me in a thousand words
that if the nian concubine went out, she would be in trouble."

Xuan Ji was a little curious. Listening to the voice was two waiters. Was it troublesome to go
out? Did these two men come to pass on what purpose on behalf of Xia Sang?

"Didn't the Empress go to the Queen's Madame? How do you tell General Xia to let Nianfei
Madame pass Chuxiu Hall tonight?

"Brother, I don't know anything else, except that just now the Queen' came to Chuxiu Hall to
look for the Emperor, and then..." The waiter lowered his voice. "They are well, you can't see.
When I closed the door for the Emperor, I could see clearly that the clothes were scattered
all over the place."

The two men whispered and laughed, and the waiter who had asked earlier said, "Didn't the
concubine have something to do with the emperor that year?"

"Who knows," sneered another waiter, "that Nian's family is not going to work now, and that
Niang Niang is a disfigured woman. How do you say the emperor likes it? She didn't know
how to find the emperor. You said that the empress was pregnant with her heir again. Why
didn't the emperor love her more? What is Nianfei?”

"Yes, let's go quickly. We'll be able to drink more wine when we get back.”

"Not exactly! I'll tell you what happened. Don't let me tell you later. According to General
Xia's instructions, the Emperor will deal with it as soon as he says it is urgent.”

"Brother, you can rest assured."

After two waiters went far, Cuiya helped Xuan Ji to stand up.

"Niang Niang." Cuiya's voice was trembling. The hands of the master and servant were cold.

Xuan Ji said lightly, "You're really right. Let's go back."

"Niang Niang, Emperor He..." Cuiya held the palace lamp and murmured, "How can he treat
you so?"
"He treated me very well." Xuan Ji laughed lightly and told him, "You can make a quick journey
and catch up with the two waiters in front of you, so that they can return to their lives after
they have announced their orders."

Cui Ya wiped her tears at the corners of her eyes. "Those two people are really nothing. I dare
to say that to Niang Niang. If the Pope knows, he will not spare them."

Xuan Jiyou said, "All the slaves are looking at the master's face. Why don't you understand,
little girl?"

Cuiya didn't understand. She heard Xuan's voice mute. She seemed to choke a little. She dared
not say more. She said, "Madame, slaves are going to find them now, so that they can't step
into our vulture palace. It will not pollute our land."

"Well, go ahead, I'll come back later."

Watching Cuiya go away, Xuan Ji stood in the night for a long time, until the sour and
astringent in her mouth and nose swallowed back, then slowly went back.

sHe also said that she must come tonight before he left a few hours later.

She said she didn't know if she would go.

He said that he would wait for her in Chuxiu Hall until dawn when she did not come.

He didn't say anything else, but she felt the same.

At the moment, she was at a loss to know where to start and where to end.

Finally, everyone went away.

A figure slowly emerged from the bushes. The light from the distant eaves of the palace
reflects this man's luxurious clothes and elegant temperament, which is the Seven
Kings'Yelong Xiuwen.

He threw away the pebble in his hand and smiled at the corners of his mouth. Two of them
were used to extinguish the palace lamp of the little maid just after it was knocked off.

It was an important night. The trip to Cangshui Xuan at noon was not wrong. I heard the news
that Longfei was leaving for Xuanji to Chuxiu Hall and did a few things - all very interesting
Including early everyone step into the Cangshui Xuan, teach Yao Guang a sentence, teach her
to ask Longfeili alone, and then tell Xuan Ji, who is Longfeili's favorite woman.

The heart is always full of worries. Xuan Ji, you will be suspicious.
And let a little maid of the palace hand over something from Yao Guang to a person. That
thing, if used skillfully, will have an unexpected effect.

Slightly unexpectedly, Xuan Ji was finally ready to go to Chuxiu Hall to find the dragon. He
thought she would not go.

But it doesn't matter. Thank you.... Longzijin, his ten younger brother reminded him of the
false imperial edict. The two housekeepers who had been ordered by Xiasan to preach were
very vivid.

Nine brothers, starting from Broken sword Gate, everything will start slowly. Seven brothers
want not only your rivers and mountains, but also your women.


On this day, as in the previous days, the emperor went to court and, having heard the
temperament of his courtiers briefly, declared that he would go down and left the palace
without a sound.

The courtiers were all surprised. Wen Rukai looked at the back of the emperor and smiled

Huayin Palace.

"Oh, that's all?" The Queen Mother took the tea cup handed over by the jade button and
frowned slightly. "Don't be a good play again. The emperor did it neatly and neatly. In the
past, the sad family underestimated him."

Long Liyu sniffed, "It's impossible for the Queen Mother to turn the situation around just
because she wants to!" Uncle, as you can see, what happened to Longfei?

Wen Rukai's eyebrow was deep and frozen for a long time before he lowered his voice and
said, "It's not like a play. If I hadn't seen it wrong, the emperor was ill. Although he tried his
best to bear it, he looked very bad. His illness was not shallow this time!"

The Queen Mother stood up and said quietly, "Rukai, are you sure?"
Wen Rukai was shocked. "Why did Niang Niang have this question?"

The Empress Dowager sneered, "The Emperor has been in good health for many years and
has not suffered from serious illness. It is not good for us that the Empress is pregnant. If the
Emperor is seriously ill, it will not be so!"

"Niang Niang means..." Wen Rukai and Long Liyu exchanged an eye of "color", and somewhat
understood the meaning of the Empress Dowager. They were both surprised and delighted.

If the emperor dies and takes the young master to command the world, isn't it a hundred
times more secure than conspiring directly against him?

"Things are not delayed," laughed the queen. "Send people to watch Tai Hospital. If he is
serious, in order not to let others know, Tai Hospital must make a secret visit and rewrite the
medical records."

Chuxiu Hall.
Outside the crystal curtain, all faces are dignified.
Suddenly, a woman opened the crystal curtain and walked out quickly.
"JYJ, how about the emperor?"

The crowd immediately surrounded and it was Duan Yuhuan who called Miss Le Jingying that
was the Miss Le Jia of Yamen, Governor of Emperor Du.

Yue Jingying shook her head and whispered, "The situation is very bad."

"Is it not"medicine"? QF ask fast.

Longzi brocade frown wrinkled, "JYJ, if you need any medicine, you just say."

Yue Jingying grinned bitterly. "This is the Palace Court. What medicine is there?" But it's no
use for me to use "medicine" again. The emperor's body can't absorb it at all. He vomits when
he drinks "medicine", so the disease will only get worse and worse. Especially, he still sticks
to the government every day.

She said and frowned again. "The emperor is cold outside and feeling inside. He could have
recovered from several doses of soup, but now it's getting worse and worse. Sometimes
hemoptysis is the most difficult problem."
On the other side, Xia Sang grinned bitterly, surrounded by Xu Xi. Xia Hou's elementary school
people looked at each other, and their Gods'color became gray. The emperor's illness was so
fierce that everyone of them knew how it came about.

On the night Yaoguang was executed, when he returned from the Queen's Palace, the
Emperor spent the whole night outside the Chuxiu Palace, but the Nianfei did not come.

The next day, he became ill. He became more calm and indifferent, ignoring his illness and
dealing with the dynasty as usual, but fainted in bed that evening, with blood stained on a
large pillow mat.

Similar to hemoptysis, Xuan Ji is a symptom induced by maggot poison. If maggot poison

disappears, the symptoms disappear. Longfei Li is the most serious.

He did not let the doctor pass on to the court, but insisted on going to the court. He knew
very well that if he was taught that he was seriously ill, the court would be "chaotic". People
wanted to invite doctors with excellent medical skills to the palace to treat him secretly. Duan
Yuhuan thought of Yue Jingying, but she was very good at her medical skills. From Taoyuan
County, Duan Yuhuan had many contacts with Yue Jingying, and became an excellent friend.
She was also very loyal to Yue Jia's fine and pure background, so she was invited to the palace
to see the emperor.

"In my opinion, the emperor's heart disease is the most complex and simple treatment of
heart disease." With a sigh, Yue Jingying slowed down.

Heart disease, everyone laughs bitterly, everyone knows where the heart "medicine" is, but
Longfei has issued a death order, no one is allowed to disturb Nianfei.

Xia Sang thought, was it after Nianfei's death that the emperor died that night? The
experience between them, any one will be tired, if you can freely entanglement, it is not
necessarily a good thing. Just, did both of them really let go?

"I'm going to find Nian Xuanji!" QF suddenly sounded out.

But before he came out of the door, the cold voice came from behind, "Dare you!"

Long Fei did not know when to stand behind the crystal curtain and stare coldly at QF.

"Brother, even if you kill me, I will go." QF laughs bitterly, and the foot will leave as soon as it
Long Fei-li sneered, "I will not kill you, but you do not have to follow me in the future, you
have no jokes!"

QF shocks, stiff and rigid body shape.

"You are the same."

Longfei put it aside and walked back slowly.

Originally, everyone had the same thoughts as Qingfeng, that is, to be executed by Longfei
would like to invite Nianfei to come, but Longfei to leave this sentence, everyone is afraid.

The tall figure ahead, slightly hobbled, Longzi brocade eyes a hot, back to go.

At this time, outside the palace and inside the waiter: "Ruyi arrived."

Longzijin went to open the door and came XY in. Her face was full of worries. "How is the

She looked at the crowd and said nothing. She guessed what it was because Xuan Ji? She
grinned bitterly, and her heart was astringent and painful. She whispered, "The Queen
Mother is not happy to ask, but tonight's birthday party is on schedule?"

"Nine elder brothers, you do not know, how can this birthday feast again --" Longzijin a long
sigh, but was suddenly cut off by the voice of Longfei.

"When you return to her, the birthday party will not be rescheduled. The Queen Mother has
seen the origin of it and can't help going."


Xia Sang took a look at Longzijin. Suddenly they thought that it was not bad for the birthday
feast to go up, because one of them would go too.

But things are often unexpected. At the birthday party, everyone arrived. Even BZF arrived.
But Nianfei did not come

The banquet was arranged outside the hall, and the stars were shining all over the sky.
On the theme, Longfei sat in the middle, the queen dowager and the queen sat on both sides,
Xu Xi Xiasang waited beside Longfei, Longzi Jinyao made an eye to Xiasang, Xiasang had no
choice but to laugh, Longzijin asked him, he did not know that Nianfei did not come.

Although the monarchs and ministers are happy with each other, Longfei has drunk a lot of
wine and can't drink any more. Xia Sang can see clearly. After the emperor came up, Feng
looked down at the princess and concubine's wife, and a sneer came to his lips.

"Don't drink, emperor." Xu Xi advised in a low voice.

The Queen Mother opened her eyes and said with a smile, "The Emperor's drinking power
has always been excellent. Today is another day of joy. It's okay to drink a few more glasses."

"What the mother said is absolutely true! Emperor, this cup, Weichen respects you!” Long Li
laughed and raised his wine.

When Dragon Xiuwen smiled, he also raised his glass of wine in his hand and said, "Emperor,
you can't stop drinking the cup of the three elder brothers."

Longzijin sneered in his heart for fear that, as Longfei said, these people had seen that Longfei
was seriously ill. This wine hurt his body and just fulfilled their intentions. He stood up and
said with regret, "Two brothers seldom come to Beijing once in a while. They are kind to Jiuge,
but they have forgotten all about me as brothers."

Long Fei smiled at the situation and said, "Well, in that cup, the two brothers should drink
with the ten brothers. Don't let him say that the nine brothers deceived him."

Long Liyu was slightly indifferent, while Long Xiuwen smiled lightly, raised his glass and drank
it all at once.

In a moment, the monarch and Minister laughed and the crowd drank several cups.

After three rounds of wine, Longfei said with a smile, "Taking advantage of this festive day, I
also have a good news to announce to all the Qings."

He went down to Longzi Jin's side and came to a young man in white clothes with a clear and
handsome face. The officials were surprised that the white-clothes man was unknown to all.
Although his appearance was outstanding and his demeanor was extraordinary, he thought
it was unofficial and noble. How could he arrange a good seat in the neighboring ten kings?
At this time, the emperor came down personally. He seemed more curious to introduce him
to the public. He saw Longfei standing still, smiling and saying loudly, "Dear Aiqing, this white
Prince is the descendant of the general who helped my ancestor emperor Xiliang rule the
whole world hundreds of years ago. Now I have handed over 300,000 troops to Baiqing. Feng
Baiqing was the national marshal of the army and horses, and his officers and men in Songting
in the previous year were also paid by General Bai.

Apart from the slight frozen silk smile at the corners of Longxiuwen's mouth, all the people
below the Queen Mother were stunned.

Is this gentle young man the descendant of the general who deterred Xiliang a hundred years
ago? It was shocking, but even more unexpected was the emperor's handover of military
power to the man. So no matter whether the descendants of the General King died as early
as a hundred years ago, even if the man was really the Queen of the General, how dare the
Emperor hand over the military power to the Royal and Bai family? Originally, the various
factions of the Shangshang Dynasty had already drafted that military power would be handed
over to Wen, Nian and one of the three Rongjia families.

The Queen Mother quickly exchanged her eyes with Wen Rukai. She could see clearly behind
her auspicious intention. The Queen Mother held her hand and frowned her eyebrows tightly.

"Thank the Emperor for his great grace, Bai Zhengfeng will do his best to repay the Emperor's
grace and safeguard the country's security." Bai Zhanfeng came out, raised his clothes and
knelt before Longfei. His voice was also clear and firm.

Although Xuan Ji and Xuan Ji had different ideas about each other, the secrets of Baifuli and
the cooperation of Murong's were captured in Milin. At this moment, 300,000 generals and
officers have handed over their duties, which is not only power, but also faith and sincerity

Long Fei looked slightly into the eyes, looked far away, smiled faintly, and said softly, "Her
affairs have nothing to do with military power, and have nothing to do with home and
country. Can I entrust the welfare of Xiliang people to you?"

BZF black eyes bright as fire, said: "This aspiration is the same. She once said that in front of
the people, personal grievances should be like "Mao".

dragon Fei slightly shocked.... A woman, he did not think she had this idea, and then laughed,
he and she..... But no longer possible. She's even absent tonight!

He went back to the main seat of the platform, picked up a glass of wine and drank it up.
Residual wine slowly down the neck, under the seat, Longzijin and others took the lead in
kneeling, and then everyone bent down to kneel, the mountain Hu long-lived Shengming. In
such a night, the stars are drunk and the moon is "fantastic", the lights are red and the wine
is bright, and the voice of the people is boiling. Everything in front of us seems to be a picture
without mounting. But the heart is like being poured out by fire. Is it the power of wine or the
hearts of the people invincible? Who knows?

In the past, he asked Xu Xi, "What about Nianfei?"

This sound, let the people in the hall wake up half, almost all of them noticed when they sat
down: Nianfei did not come.

Xu Xi answered in a precise voice, "The Nianfei Madame said Nianhuang Madame had made
a big mistake. Now, when the emperor celebrated her birthday, she had no courage to go to
dinner and left behind in the vulture palace to think behind closed doors to confess her sister's


Long Fei left the room and was silent for a while before he said lightly, "She knows exactly
what to do."

Listening to the emperor's indifferent tone, many people in the courtiers looked. The
emperor's favor of Nianfei was fake indeed. The scenery of Nianfei's family in the past was
scarce, but there were still some forces in the middle of the dynasty. Except for the gentle
and melancholy factions, there were many ridicules in the courtyard, but other officials did
not say anything to protect themselves wisely.

The emperor's day of spoiling Nianfei is over.

The Queen glanced at Ann Jin under her seat and raised her lips slightly. This Yan Yan was also
loved by the emperor. Later, the emperor had a young concubine. For some time, Jin Yan
seemed more quiet and cautious. It was somewhat elusive. At this time, her eyebrows slowly
filled with laughter, and the Queen gently sipped vegetarian wine... Ann Jin. It's just the same.

Subsequently, courtiers and concubines sent congratulations, jewelry, jade, antique

treasures, all available, people see the LFL, although it is very agreeable, but his expression, ,
not necessarily happy.

Then the Queen smiled and said, "If the Emperor does not dislike it, let his concubines play a
song. How about drinking wine for you?"
The queen is known for her talent, and all of her paintings and calligraphy are excellent. As
soon as she says this, all the people shout together. Longfei smiles and says, "That's what I'm
looking forward to."

The queen laughed and said, "On weekdays, we go to the mourning palace to have tea, and
we all ask the queen to play a tune. This girl only says that she is a shallow artist. She refuses
to"dew"her hand, but she is still a big emperor today."

"Yes! Your Majesty, you see that we have compassion for our sisters with the Queen's sister,
but she is partial to you." Huafei's voice.

The Queen laughed and scolded, "You're poor."

She looked at Huifei and laughed, "Sisters are so skilled in playing the piano that you and her
sister are absolutely alive. My sister is willing to worship her weakness. But at the moment,
there is no silk string. It is unavoidable that there is less joy and she will not give up on the
emperor. It is you who should punish her for daring to try."

"Queen Moqian, I said that this Miner and Huier's piano skills will not be as good as you."
Long Fei left his eyes narrowly and said, "How dare you come out and play?"

Huifei and Huafei were in a hurry and said only that the emperor was partial to the queen's

At this time, a minister suggested that Huihua's two ladies play a song too, so that everyone
could have a good ear.

Empress Dowager and Longfei both laughed, so good.

As everyone knows, the performance called "boosting the reality" is bound to be lively. Huafei
and Huifei laughed and looked at the queen, but they were very nervous. They did not know
what the queen's skills were. If they lost, they would lose face.

The queen laughed, and the maid helped her to walk down the stage. In the middle of the
court, the palace had already set up a brocade case and set up the Yaoqin.

The sound of the piano is curling, sometimes as light as a fine water hitting a jade cone,
sometimes as high as the waves, handing over skillfully, magnificent composition, the Queen's
song has not stopped, has applauded.
Long Fei came down personally and helped the queen up. He praised her and said, "Skillful,

The Queen's face was so red that people were full of admiration and joy when they saw the
dragon. They all thought that the empress had a dragon's heir and that the emperor was more
and more spoiled when she treated the empress.

Lin Si, sitting next to him, said with a low smile, "Congratulations to Mr. Xiangye."

Yuxiang twisted his whiskers and laughed, but also looked at each other indifferently. They
had been fighting each other for many years. At this time, they had a temporary division of
victory and defeat. Year after year with a smile, face "color" but slowly sink down.

The queen looked at the concubine, and there was the queen's jewel in front of her. The
concubine did not dare to neglect it. She was about to get up, but she heard Longxiuwen
laughing and saying, "Today's festival, ladies and adults sent congratulations to the emperor.
I said, Lord Fang, how can you hide your gift?"

As he said, people on the court remembered that Chufan had not given a gift yet.

Long Fei smiled lightly. "Fang Qing is far away, and I'm very happy. It's more precious than
any congratulations."

He knows that Fang Chufan will not refuse to give birthday gifts, but just go with the tide.
Fang Chufan is no longer the original easy-to-tolerate person. Long Xiuwen is a cautious
person. This false Fang Chufan will not be used many times. It will be troublesome for people
to see the origin. He also has some friendship with the real Fang Chufan. What's interesting
about Longxiuwen is that it reminds Fang Chufan what?

Longzijin and other people are holding the same idea as Longfei, and they all look at Fang
Chufan with brilliant eyes.

Fang Chufan hurried out and knelt down and said humbly, "Emperor, the minister prepared
a small gift, which was originally intended to be a banquet for the emperor. Now -"

As he spoke, suddenly a sound of piano came from the pavilion in front of him. The pavilion
was far away from the people. They could only see the shadows in it, but could not distinguish
the faces.

Jade Zhi was holding her cheek and sipping fruits with annoyance. At the birthday party
tonight, Jiuge wanted to announce her husband and son-in-law. At that moment, she shocked
slightly and threw a cup. She looked at Bai Zhengfeng and Na Tomorrow Lang. Sure enough,
there is a sudden "dew" on both faces.

This song...

The sound of the piano is moving and graceful, and getting closer and closer, only a few
people come out of the pavilion, walking between, driving colorful clothes and decorations,
extremely beautiful.

When the visitors approached, they knew that there were five women, dressed in different
"color" neon clothes. Four people caressed Yaoqin in front, and one step later.

They all covered their faces with gauze, and when they reached the stage, four women in
front suddenly lined up on both sides, and finally the woman slowly stepped forward. She was
wearing purple clothes, and her face was shaking with purple yarn, and she sang softly.

She sang softly, but her eyes were fixed on the emperor.

That song sounds a bit difficult to distinguish, but the melodious melodious melodious, such
as soft talk, and women's voice lingering, immediately let people have a certain "fascinating"
feeling. Just, who are these people? The people were wondering, but they saw that the
emperor has left his seat, his eyebrows were calm, and he walked quickly towards the purple


Nobody noticed that Fang Chufan looked at Longxiuwen with hesitation.

Yuzhi breathed slightly, and the woman's veil had fallen off in the hands of her nine brothers.

Eagle Palace.
Xuan Ji leaned on the soft couch beside the window and looked out at the stars on the blue

Suddenly, a clear laugh drifted by, and she knew that it was a couple of little maids who had
come to the birthday party to watch the festival that came back and were sitting in the
corridor laughing in the cool. She smiled and closed the window a little. She looked back at
DF and Cuiya. The two girls were sitting at the table, buried in making a scarlet.
Let them go back to their room to rest, they only Tao Niang here quiet a little, they want to
do some female red back. Mrs. Nian has gone back. She knows that they have a good intention
to accompany her here, but they have not touched their good intentions. Cuiya preached to
her about embroidery. She hurried to do these too thoughtful things. She was too careful and
handy to do them.

She closed her eyes slightly and heard more clearly the little noise of the women in the palace
under the corridor outside. Several girls squeaked about the emperor's love for the queen's
wife and the music she played.

There was a whisper in my ear and Xuan Ji was shocked. The DF inside the house was standing
up with a whisper. She said angrily, "Look, these dead girls, I won't go out and tear their
mouths. What kind of mouthwash I'm chewing here?"

"They don't mean it, they just watch the fun. What do you care about with them? Sit down
and continue your work."

The butterfly wind stamped his feet and hated him. "Master, you can talk easily."

Cuiya said, "Let's continue to do it, sister DF. I'm ready to embroider this satin face. I can make
a new pillow for our mother."

"You and your master are virtuous, and I ignore you." The DF pinches the green girl's cheek
and sits down in a drum.

Xuan Jue went down on the couch and embraced the DF. DF was stunned and could not break
out. sHe threw back and laughed.

Xuan Ji smiled softly and went back to bed to sleep. The little maid's voice went into her ears

A man whispered, "If it weren't for the time set by DF, we wouldn't have to hurry back. The
excitement hasn't been finished yet."

"Yes, that girl in purple is singing a beautiful song, but unfortunately she didn't look like it."
Another little maid of the palace was annoyed and said, "It's almost like that. The emperor
has uncovered her veil."
If the little maid had no brain, Xuan Ji was slightly distracted. Suddenly a little maid laughed
and said, "We are back. Little Gemini and Xiao Luzi haven't come back yet. They must have
seen it."

She said, and the others immediately clapped and laughed, "Yes! Yes! Ask them."
"Well, look at the door... as soon as they say they're there."

Little Gemini, why did you come back so early?

"Yes, now that it's past the time when DF said yes, it's better to come back later."

Xuan Ji was funny. The DF was black and stood up. sHe gritted his teeth and said, "These spiky
monkeys are really the opposite! Niang Niang, don't scratch me, I must teach them a lesson!"

"That little girl is right. It's right to come back later. It's in line with the principles of

"Niang Niang!"
The servant and the master were joking and half-joking, but the door was pushed open. Little
Gemini, Xiao Luzi and several other little maids came in.

The DF raged and put his hand on his waist. "All of you are to be punished --"

Before she had finished, Gemini interrupted her anxiously. "DF, great things are not good!"

"What?" Inside the house, three of the original servants were stunned.

Xiao Lu Zi then rewarded Xiao Gemini with a chestnut and a strange look on his face. "Niang
Niang, don't listen to him. According to the slaves, this is a very good thing!"

Xuan Ji and DF looked at each other and DF scolded, "This is mindless, can you two make
things clear?"

"The slave said!" Little Gemini raised his hand, but was interrupted by a voice, "Sister-in-law,
something has happened!"

The crowd was startled, and a man burst in at the door. It was Yuzhi Princess.

Xuan Ji was totally confused at that time. He held up Yuzhi, who was gasping for breath, and
said, "What you want to tell me is not the same thing as what they want to say, is it?"
Jade Zhi stayed, eyebrow "hair" warped, cleaver pulled over the small Gemini, said:
"Estimate" touch "is the same pile. You little slave, Princess Ben just saw you sneaking behind
to watch us drink."

Little Gemini cried, "Princess, how can a slave be sneaky?"

Xuan Ji laughed and scolded, "Yuzhi, how do you say that about the people in my room?"

Yuzhi flat mouth, and hey hey laugh, said: "Well, you are just peeping."
A group of people laughed at Yuzhi. Xuan Ji was helpless and said, "Yuzhi, can you say the key

"In fact, it has something to do with Yuzhi. I thought I was going to die tonight. Nine elder
brothers would say something about my husband's, but I didn't know it. Sister-in-law, why do
you say that?

Xuan Ji grinned bitterly. "How can I guess what your brother Jiu thought?"

Yuzhi stall, "The birthday feast is over ahead of schedule, Jiuge has not said it is over." She
paused and looked at Xuan Ji with a twinkling glance. Then she said, "Because Jiuge suddenly
left the scene. Fang Chufan's bastard sent a famous song girl to Jiuge. You don't know, that
song girl can sing the song you sang in yanyu building. The most disgusting thing is that she
looks like you in seventy or eighty points.

"Then... my nine brothers took the singer back to the Storage Hall on the spot."

Chuxiu Hall.

When Dragon Fei-li took something out of the box and turned back, the woman in front of
him was red and glossy. Her skin was like snow, her body was exquisite and charming, and
her whole body was full of attractive charm.

"Emperor, let Wanyi serve you in bed." The woman smiled shyly and walked barefoot toward
the dragon.

Longfei glanced at the yarn clothes scattered on the ground and said coldly, "Put on your

Wanyi was shocked and dared not say any more. She took up her clothes on the ground in
embarrassment, thrilled and put them back on her body. She also looked at Longfei quietly
and smiled with her. "Emperor, where did Wanyi do badly?"
She is a gift from Lord Fang to the emperor. She was originally a lady singing in Qinglou Qing
Dynasty. She only hoped that one day her son of a wealthy family would redeem herself for
her. She was taken off as a prostitute. She was bought by Adult Fang and sent to the palace
to serve the emperor. At the beginning, this is not dare to think.

The emperor is above ten thousand people, plus young and handsome, extraordinary
temperament, she has long been devoted to. Just then he sang a tune according to the lyrics
given by Adult Fang. Unexpectedly, the emperor listened and went down to take off her veil.
When he saw her face, he was even shaken slightly. Later, he took her back to his dormitory.

He is a dragon and Phoenix among people. Although she is shy, she is reluctant and knows
what kind of glory and wealth she will have in the future.

Longfei was silent and stared at what he was looking at. Wanyi wanted to know what he was
looking at, but he was too curious to make a second attempt. He just stood by the rules.

For a long time, he stretched his finger towards the direction of the bed and said lightly, "Over

Wanyi was so happy that she walked quickly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

But the emperor chilled his voice. "Who will let you sit there!"

Where she knows, she will come in and rest as soon as she likes, and Longfeili will only put
her on the low couch in front of the bed, where the breath of that person remains. He does
not want anyone to be infected.

Wanyi was shocked to understand that the emperor wanted her to sit on the couch. She did
not expect the emperor to be so cold. It was clear that he had first seen her eyes deeply loved,
which is like now!

The emperor came over and sat down on the couch, handed her the things in his hand, and
said in a low voice, "Hair curling for me."

Wanyi looked at the comb in her hand and was stunned for a long time. How could the most
noble man in the world use such a rough wooden comb? She was full of doubts, but dared
not violate them. Her hands trembled slightly on his golden crown.

He is more beautiful than a woman. She did not hesitate to brush his hair carefully. Suddenly,
he took her wrist in one hand.
Surprised and delighted, she leaned back to his spine, turned his wrist, took back the comb
from her hand, stood up and said coldly, "Get out!"

"Emperor?" Wanyi was shocked, kneeling down to the ground and said, "The emperor
forgives my sin. Did Wanyi hurt you?" Wanyi will be more careful, please the emperor-"

"No." Longfei froze from his eyebrows. "It's just not. You're too meek. She's not like you at
all. What do I want you to do? Don't let me say that for the third time, go!"

When the door was pushed open, the woman was panicked and ran out with tears on her
face. Xu Xi, who was outside the palace, was shocked by Xia Sang and Qing Feng. The three
men quickly stepped into the inner room and saw Longfei fall unconscious on the low couch.
Xu Xi said nothing and went out immediately. Xia Sang knew that he was going to find
Jingying. For the convenience of diagnosis and treatment, Jingying temporarily lived in the
palace. He stayed in Xuxi's courtyard.

Xia Sang's eyes were sharp. He stooped and picked up the comb that had fallen on the ground
and put it back into the arms of Long Fei-li.

That night, the emperor stood outside the palace for a night, and it rained in the middle of
the night. He did not allow anyone to get close to him, nor did he avoid it. He just stared coldly
in the direction of the eagle palace.

He wanted to find Nianfei for the Emperor, but the Emperor stopped her and said, "I said I
would wait here for her one night and give her time to think about it."

Originally wet body and cold, but the common wind and cold into the body, the emperor's
body and body foundation is good, but now the condition is getting worse and worse, can not
be delayed!

Eagle Palace, outside the courtyard.

Xuan Ji took a glance at Ann Jin, who was greeted by a group of maids in the early morning.
He could not laugh or cry. At last, he said, "Jin Yan, Xuan Jin went in first. The room is too
small to invite you to sit in."

Ann Jin sneered. She waited until today. Now she can finally come and make fun of each other
to relieve the resentment of that day. How can she let it go easily? She said with a laugh:
"Since this place is shallow and narrow, the old concubine will sit over there with Ann Jin. It
used to mean when the emperor would come to find her, for fear of delay, now we have all
of them." Time for chat and tea."
Xuan Ji's and others listened, angry and eager to banish Anjin immediately, but Xuan Ji did
not signal, people are not good to make a second, after all, now Niang Niang is not as favored
as before, just afraid of causing trouble to her.

Xuan Ji didn't know what Ann Jin was thinking. sHe didn't want to tangle with her. sHe was
planning to evict visitors directly. Suddenly, several little maids behind her gave a low cry and
said, "Look, Niang Niang!"

Xuan Jingwei looked in the direction of one of the little Palace ladies, only to see Longzijin, Xia
Sang's face rushed "color" came over, and they approached. Longzijin frowned at Ann Jin and
said, "Please lend your money to Yan Niang."

Ann Jin's heart was awesome, but he smiled on his face and said, "Ten Masters, please."

She led the palace people to the side, and Longzijin and Xiasang did not talk. They raised their
clothes and knelt down in front of Xuan Ji. they whispered, "My cousin/slave invited my wife
to go to Chuxiu Hall."


She went to Chuxiu Hall this time.

In the Eagle Palace, Longzijin and Xiasang did not tell her what it was, nor did she ask, but she
did not hesitate to come with them.

Both of them were good men, and she could not refuse them.

On the way, they told her that he was seriously ill. Very serious illness.

She couldn't tell what she was feeling, her mind was blank, her heart was in an irrepressible
dull pain, and she began to tremble and fear.

At Chuxiu Hall, all his relatives stood at the door.

Everyone was shocked to see her coming, but they all looked at her eagerly.

Ruyi's face was heavily stained with tears, her eyes were red, and her eyes were puffy and
swollen. Looking at her, she slipped over and closed her eyes as she wished.

Xuan Ji did not think about it any more. sHe hurried across the crowd and pushed the door
The man's voice had come softly. The husky light reminded her of the night in Taoyuan Town,
where he was wandering between life and death.


A little, let her footsteps in place, she stared at the tips of her shoes, did not know how to
advance or retreat.

His voice resounded again."Xinyi, I asked Xia Sang to tell you to let you go back. Didn't i say
that?" With that mute voice, it was the sound of coughing. Xuan Ji's heart began to feel pain
again. sHe shouldn't be such a weak figure. sHe should always be so confident and energetic.

"Well, since you are here, may I have a word with you now?"

Xuan Ji covers her mouth and wants to cry, but she can't help laughing. sHe is a man who can
never refuse even to ask each other.

Her LFL.

"It's the opposite of me. I can't finish the agreement of that year. I promised a person that I
would like her only for the rest of my life, as long as she had a child.

"I and her..." he suddenly laughed at, "always miss, perhaps as she said, in Taoyuan village,
we always have a little sincere and happy. Xinyi, the most wrong thing in my life is that I did
not recognize the friendship between you and me and made that agreement with you, which
hurt your today.”

"Before you met her, you saved me. I thought it was the best thing for you. Ten younger
brothers really love you, but I am not. Xinyi, if one day you marry other men and you have
children, I will treat them as my own children. Your children and her children, I will consider
them as candidates for the emperor, and choose the best.

"If this sickness can survive, I and she can..." He said here, Gracefully paused, coughed a few
times, and then lightly said: "Don't hurt her, if you hurt her, even if its you, I will never spare,
never, you understand?"

"That's what you want to talk to me. That's what you think in your heart?"
The sad voice rose in her ears. Xuan Ji listened with tears on her face. At this moment, her
heart jumped and looked back. She did not know when XY would come in. She stood still,
trembling all over. She laughed at the corners of her mouth, but the tears kept sliding down
her eyes, and her eyes were bleak to the extreme.


When that simple reply came, the laughter grew on XY lips, and the mute voice asked,
"Emperor, you are not afraid that she will harm me if you fear that I will harm her."

"She can't." He interrupted her, answering in such a crisp way.

How can we be so sincere?

"Well, I see. I finally understand." With a happy laugh, Xuan looked at her in dismay, but saw
that she had bitten her lower lip to pieces, put her hand over her eyes slowly, and suddenly
turned back and ran out.

"Xuxi, is that you?"

His words brought Xuan Ji back to his mind. Yes, he could not see her here. So he thought she
was Xu Xi, because Xu Xi was very kind to his wishes.

"You let Zijin fold JYJ for me and I'll go out and see it later. Today's early days have not passed,
the court is afraid that the word has not been properly propagated.” He grinned coldly, his
voice seemed to recover a little angry, but the heavier cough came quickly.

As expected, his heart, she has understood, no longer suspicious gap. As for the Queen and
Gogie, ask him one after another! Now, she is sad, but also slightly angry, are sick like this,
how can we deal with other things, the urgent matter is to keep good health!

She wiped her eyes and tears, pulled the crystal curtain aside, and walked towards him. The
glittering beads clatter and clatter behind their backs.

Before she reached the bed, she heard his cold reprimand, "Who let you in? You don't look
like her anymore. Get out of here!"

Did he think of her as the singer? Xuan Ji was funny and happy. He looked up at the bed and
saw Long Fei close his eyes slightly. He just glanced at her casually. Before he saw her, he
regarded her as someone else.
She bites her lip, sits down on the bed with one butt, wrinkles Longfei's eyebrows, sits up,
opens her eyes and grabs her wrist violently.

Xuan Ji let him hold it and said, "It's very painful. And I'm not going to roll out until you get

Long Fei left but seemed unconscious, clasping the palm of her wrist tightened and
suffocated, staring at her for a long time, then silent for a while, and then said, "What are you
going to do?"

"I came when I loved it."

"You go."


Xuan Ji's eyes fell gently on the man's palm, saying that the person who let her go still held
her hand tightly.


Xuanji wiped his lips and smiled. sHe patted the dragon's face with her other hand and pulled
his clothes.

"There are black eye sockets, bags, and dregs, which need to be removed, and the clothes
can't be worn."

His other hand pressed her "chaotic" claws against him, and she stared at his snow-white
single coat, his collar, a thin blood stain, and some splashed "medicine" end. Looking at the
jade pelvis under the bed, I noticed just when I came in that the pelvis were all black "color"
of "medicine" soup, and recalled that Xia Sang said that he had vomited the "medicine".

His appearance is still beautiful, but his eye sockets are slightly sunken, his lips dry, rolled up
a layer of white "color" skin, between the eyebrows is a gray "color", her nose is astringent,
her hands are grasped by him, tears and nose are straight, but can not wipe.

Longfei kept silent and stared at her. His eyebrows were wrinkled tightly. She snuggled gently
into his arms, rubbed her eyes against his clothes, and rubbed her tears and nose against his
"Your clothes are dirty anyway. Don't waste them." Her muddy voice came from her bosom,
and the thin coolness fell on his chest through her clothes. He shook slightly, let go of her
hand, hesitated a little, and stroked her back.

When Xuan Ji dug into his arms, he said, "I'll go out and you'll wait."

Her hand was seized by him again, and she looked at him in a slight amazement. She found
that his eyes became unfriendly and looked at her coldly.

He remained silent and looked at her coldly.

Are you afraid she'll leave? She knew that he would not say... His hands were hot and hot,
and she began to feel distressed again. She said softly, "I'll go out and get the medicine for
you to drink. Didn't I just say that before you get better, I'm not going to roll out, treat you
well, and when you are strong, I'll kick myself out."

"Now I have the strength to drive you away."

He threw a sentence and Xuan was stunned for a long time before she laughed and said, "Are
you going to kick me out now?"

Longfei is indifferent. He turns his head sideways and twists his eyebrows slightly. He seems
to be thinking about something.

Looking at the beautiful arc of his side profile, Xuan Ji could not laugh or cry. What on earth
was he thinking?

She wanted to go out and pass on the medicine. After earning, his hand tightened a little,
causing her pain.

She was a little angry and said, "Long Fei Li, I'll go out and get the medicine."

He suddenly turned around and said, "Did they go to Zijin to find you?"

"Well." Xuan Ji responded, and before he nodded his head, he suddenly pushed her away and
said coldly, "You go."

Is it that sick people are so unreasonable? Xuan Ji sighed, but did not know what he cared
about. She stood up, looked at him, helped him tuck in his clothes, and went outside the door.
When she got to the place where the crystal curtain was, there was a sound behind her. She
was surprised, but she saw that Longfei fell under the bed. His face became paler and paler,
but his eyes were staring at her fiercely.

She ran back in a hurry, trying to help him up, but he flashed his hand like electricity and
gently brushed her finger. She felt numbness and then could not move.

"Don't you want to go?" He said lightly, putting his hand on the ground, slowly lifting himself
up and leaning against the bed railings. Soon, he frowned and breathed slightly.

Xuan Ji suddenly understood that this man, she laughed, but her eyes were sore.

He thought that she was only because they went to her and she came. He just let her go, but
then he got out of bed to stop her. However, he lost his strength and fell down.
Finally, he sealed her "cave" way.

Would he want her to accompany him like this even if he was in a mess? She couldn't move,
so she had to look back at him. Gazing into his eyes, she whispered, "Long Fei Li, are you still
strong? If you still have strength, hug me, will you?"

He had closed his eyes slightly to refresh himself, opened his eyes sharply when he heard the
words, and his dark eyes raised a fog of mystery.

Xuan Ji thought that if she could move now, she would surely hold him. She thought so and
told him so.

Then, a sudden flower appeared before her eyes, and his arm leaned over to take her into her
arms and hold her tightly.

She whispered in his ear, "Help me unlock the cave, I won't go."

His breathing voice became a little heavier, but his fingers slipped across her chest and waist.
She was loose, stretched her arms around his waist, buried her head in his arms, and
murmured, "Ah Li, shall we all be together in the future?"

She said and cried out in pain, but his arms suddenly pulled her into pain, and the air in his
chest seemed to be squeezed out by him. She smelled a faint rust of blood. He had no strength
to get out of bed just now. She knew that he was angry and overdrawn.
With her head slightly back, she lifted her sleeve and wiped it off the corner of his mouth. He
took her hand and said coldly, "Why didn't you come that night?"

"Do you dare to talk about me?" She was also slightly angry, biting him hard on the lip, "You
and the Queen... go to bed with the Queen, but let Xiasan send someone to tell me you want
to deal with the urgent affairs of the border!"

Longfei left Yilin and squeezed Xuan Ji's shoulders tightly. "Xiaoqi, what do you say? Speak
slowly and make things clear.

Xuan Ji raised his hand and poked it into his chest. He hated him and said, "I wanted to settle
with you when you were well. Now it's your own proposal. What's clear? What did you do
that you don't know yet?" I'm running to you, but you're rolling with other women, poking
you, I'm making you fierce!


Xuan Ji looked at the dragon on the bed and felt depressed.

He listened to the evening's events, only to throw a fake imperial edict to her, and fell into
deep thought. Fortunately, Xia Sang had passed on the medicine, otherwise he thought of
him and would not let her go.. She shook the hands of the two under the quilt and thought
again that the patient was unreasonable, and his palm held her a little tightly.

He knew that she had just heard what he said to her. It seemed that he was not going to talk
to her about what he wanted to do. It seemed very difficult for this man to hear a few good
words from his mouth. Only when she was ill did he say a few words. Then she turned over
her memory... No more.

If the victim was not depressed, and could listen to his words, would they take less detours,
but, at that time, they really could not, and were not sure of his mind, hurt, afraid. If there
were no later details, she really did not know, for this person, she could not let go anyway.

She smiled at herself and looked up at his face. Well, it was really beautiful.

"You are beautiful." She praised it.

She had no head and no brain. She seemed to pull his mind back and let go of her hand. He
looked at her with a slight twist of his eyebrows.
Looking at his willingness to listen to her at last, she went to pat his face again. "Tuck,
compared with the men of Song Seung-hsien, Li Junji and Huang Xiaoming, it's not inferior at

"Who are they?"

Xuan was stunned, and his tone began to be bad again.

"It's a famous beauty." After thinking about it, she hastened to add, "It's far-sighted and not

"Impossible. If I were famous, I would not have known that there were no such people in the
twelve countries."

Xuan Ji swallowed her saliva and looked at him with an unhappy face and a genuine look. "You
don't know it's your ignorance," she said. "This is what my teacher told me. In short, it's a

Long Feili reached out and held up her face in a dangerous tone. "Is that your teacher again?"
You seem to be hiding a lot of things."


"Who is Lin Sheng?"

"That's the man who looks like Big Brother Bai." She slipped out of her mouth, finished, and
lowered her head modestly.

"So you like BZF because of Lin Sheng?"

His tone... became more dangerous. Xuan Ji was upset. He looked up and thought for a long
time before he said, "Lin Sheng is a former friend. He is beautiful, cool and talented. That's
what everyone likes. Big Brother Bai is also a friend, a relative like Big Brother. Do you

I haven't heard from him for a long time. Xuan Zheng looked at him, but saw his eyes lightly,
looking at her carefully.

Boredom as she was, she snuggled into his arms and hung her face into his clothes.
Suddenly his voice came from the top of her hair. "Seven, if you say so, I will believe it." Don't
lie to me. If one day I find you lie to me, I'm afraid I'll kill you."

Or was it the faint voice, but she shivered all over. I don't know why, because he didn't say
"haw" to her in an equal tone, or was it the kind of absolute determination in his tone that
could not be betrayed at all?

"If I really cheat you, you can kill me." She stretched her arms around his waist and hugged

“Hmm." He seemed satisfied and stretched out his hand to scratch her hair. She could hear
him say, "Give you time, think about some less lame excuses, and then count with you slowly,
such as your little box..."

What's an excuse not to be so lame? Xuan Ji was a little crazy, but looked up and saw the
sudden shallow opening of the corner of the man's mouth, stunned.

"Why don't you say it now?" She was slightly curious.

"There's something more important." Putting her hand on the quilt, he played softly and
coughed slightly, "For example, who falsely preached the decree?"

"Who is that?" The hand that caressed his back rested on his back. She was surprised and

"That man must have been to Cangshui Xuan and heard what I said to you."

"Who will it be?" At that time, except for us, I remember that many people outside Xuanwai
were watching the bustle, and they were scattering around again.

"That's the man." Longfei said lightly, "Little Seven, if you think about it again, did anything
strange happen that day?"

"Strange things?"

"Well, maybe he's still behind."

"Do you know who he is?" Xuan Ji realized that Long Fei-li had seen Duan Ni, grabbed his
nervous heart, grabbed the man's clothes and asked, "Queen Mother? Your concubine? Or is
it the maggot? By the way, who laid the maggot? Why did it work out later?
"Think about it, I'll tell you again, think about it carefully."

Xuan Ji shook her head and hands in distress. "I can't think of it."

Longfei left "Hmm" and said, "Don't think about it, you know you can't count on your head."

Xuan shrugged, "What do you want you to do if I'm so smart?"

As soon as she finished, she saw his bright eyebrows.

She did not know what Longfei was thinking at the moment.

She finally returned to him, lost and recovered what it was like, how ecstasy, Longfeili finally
understood, but he did not intend to share, even with her. If everything happens in the world,
there really is a ruler in the dark. He is afraid, a proud, and stirred up the God in charge of
fate, so that they can rebirth twists and turns.

From the beginning of hearing her say, "We'll all be together, okay?", he pressed the tremor
and excitement in his heart deeply. However, at this moment, he heard her little witty
remarks, his mood, or slightly reflected the pupil. Then, he leaned over and kissed her, and
did something that seemed to have not been done for a long time.


There was a faint taste of "medicine" in his mouth. Xuan Ji giggled to avoid him. When they
were playing, Xuan Ji suddenly pushed away the dragon and said, "I remember! Why do you
tell Yao Guang that the person you like is XY?”

Remembering this, Xuan Ji got angry and pinched her fist on his chest. sHe also remembered
that he had not recovered from a serious illness. sHe bit his arm instead. Longfei frowned and
let her bite him. He said, "I didn't say that."

"But Yao Guang knows that the person you like is XY." Xuan Ji sneered, looked at the deep
shallow toothprints, and took another place to bite.

Long Fei thought about it, immediately understood the key, and sneered, "It's really a good
idea for flowers."

"Good intentions?"

"Nian Yaoguang would say that, he was taught by others."

"Did someone teach it?" Xuan Ji was shocked. "But few people know you like her."

Longfeili suddenly stopped talking and glanced at her with a warning in her eyes.

"Why do you look at me like that? It's frightening."

"What's like Ruyi?"

"That's it." Xuan Ji suffocated and understood what he meant. His joy seemed to blow up.
"Well, that's what she said."

"Then why did she know you liked it?"

When she finished, Le Taotao looked at his mouth and whipped and laughed, "Make you
laugh." Happy in heart, she kissed him on the mouth.

Longfei sighed and held her in her arms.

Xuan Ji smiled and pointed to the bed.'Shall I come up?'


He watched as she took off her embroidered shoes and carefully placed them with his boots.
Suddenly he realized why he did not want other women to touch the bed.

"Why did that man do that?" She climbed up, curled up in his arms, watched his hair scatter,
half kneeling up, and used her hand as a comb to help him along. She picked up a strand of
her hair and looked at it again. She laughed and said, "Your hair is so good, it's not like my

Longfei was stretched, not stretched, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, reached into
his arms and took out the comb. Xuan Ji looked at it, grinned, grabbed it, and carefully helped
him comb his hair.

Neither of them spoke. He closed his eyes quietly and supported her waist.

Her strength is not very controllable. Sometimes it hurts his scalp, but The arc opened at the
corner of his mouth keeps unchanged and does not diminish.
She fiddled for a moment, nodded satisfactorily, stuffed the comb into her pocket tied to her
waist and snuggled in his arms again. "You go on, I hear. I love to listen to you. It's like 250,800.

"What is 250,800?" He frowned.

"It means being handsome. That's what people will say in the future. It means praising you.
Hey, do you want to tell me who that bastard is?”

Longfei kept silent and stretched out her hand to pull off her small purse.

"Isn't this something you don't want?" He put the comb back in his arms.

"I want it again now." Xuan Ji was ashamed. He accused her of holding sheep.

"I don't want to give it."

Xuan Ji bit her lip and tugged it into her arms.

Long Fei left but pressed her hand.

"You gave it to me then, it's mine."

"If you throw it away, I will pick it up. "

"You're mine, too, so it's mine."

Xuan Jiu shook off his hand and went to his arms to get a comb. This time, he did not stop it.

"Look, I can't say that." She looked at him for a moment and saw that he seemed to be a little
shocked and flushed.

Xuan Ji didn't think much about it. sHe put the comb back in her pocket, turned it over to the
bedside, looked at him vigilantly and put it in his arms.

The triumphant laughter still clings to the corners of her mouth and the waist hurts, but he
suddenly pulls her into his arms. His movements are a little urgent and not gentle. The haste
and rudeness hurt her, but she smiles gently and lets his lips press on her lips.

When her mouth was also contaminated with the bitter taste of "medicine" in his mouth, he
let her go and held her in his arms.
"I didn't mean to tell you that sometimes you're smart, sometimes you're dumb, you don't
hide it, you write your joys and sorrows on one face. But you'd better know that man."

"Sometimes I'm so stupid... You're 250,800 more."

"Well, thank you."

"Who is it?"
"My seven elder brothers."
Xuan was stunned for a while before she was surprised and said, "How could it be him?"

"Simply, in this world, Dragon Xiuwen is also interested."

"I still thought he was a friend, because his city was so deep." Xuan Ji's heart suddenly grew
a kind of inexplicable fear when he slightly hated Long Xiuwen. "But he didn't want me to be
hello. What's the relationship between this and the struggle for power?"

Longfei coughed a few times and said, "He knows what you mean to me."
Xuan Ji moved in his heart and hoped that he would say a few friendly words to himself, and
asked knowingly, "What does it mean?"

Longfei's departure seems to be inconsistent with her idea. He only said, "Xiaoqi, think
carefully about what else happened that day. In a few days, I will go to the emperor's
mausoleum. It will take several days for you to stay in the palace. I need to be prepared early."

"Emperor's Mausoleum?" Xuan Ji's attention was immediately placed in the latter half of his
words, and his eyes shone.'Is there a place where the coffins of emperors of past dynasties
are buried?'


"I'll go with you."

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