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The STEPPS model applied to Nespresso.

Social Currency (People care about how they look to others):

 Nespresso is seen as a premium coffee brand, so having a Nespresso machine and
using their cups can make you seem like you have a higher social status.

Triggers (Cues that prompt people to think about a product):

 Nespresso triggers its target audience by frequently releasing new coffee capsules.
 With their limited-edition cups, they create a desire for the target audience to buy
 They often collaborate with celebrities like George Clooney and David Beckham,
making you want to buy Nespresso.

Emotion (When we care, we share):

 Nespresso emphasizes the taste experience with their coffee, associating themselves
with the pleasure, relaxation, and strong flavors of their coffee. These emotions can
drive people to share their love for Nespresso.
 When entering a Nespresso boutique, you are welcomed by the employees, making
you feel appreciated. They provide a luxurious experience, helping you and offering
you some coffee. This warm and welcoming experience can be shared.

Public (The more public something is, the more people will imitate it):
 Nespresso has created a public presence with easy-to-visit boutiques and Nespresso
machines at various retailers.
 They are also highly visible on TV with their commercials and billboards featuring
celebrities who are noticeable to everyone.

Practical Value (Useful things get shared):

 Nespresso provides practical value by offering a coffee machine to make high-quality
coffee at home. They were also the first to come up with coffee cups, providing a
single cup of coffee within a few seconds. This convenience can be shared through
word-of-mouth recommendations or via their commercials.

Stories (A story that people want to tell which carries your idea along):

Engaging in irregularities is severely sanctioned in correspondence with article 64 of the Examination

rules. We hereby declare that we have not engaged in any such irregularities.
 Nespresso focuses on a fair and sustainable supply chain, emphasizing fair
compensation for farmers. This narrative resonates with people's values, so they are
likely to share it.

Engaging in irregularities is severely sanctioned in correspondence with article 64 of the Examination

rules. We hereby declare that we have not engaged in any such irregularities.

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