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Discover the steps of the scientific method as you complete the lab
to answer the posing question.

What is the posing question: Does the type of paper you use for a paper
airplane change how far it -will fly?

Step 1: Gather your materials:

- Computer paper
- Constmction paper
- Lined paper

Step 2: Before constmcting your paper airplanes, make sure to cut all paper the
same size. Constmction paper is usually bigger, so you will need to trim it to the
same size so that the size of your paper does not interfere with the experiment.

Step 3: Choose a paper airplane design. Constmct your paper airplanes. You
should end up with 4 paper airplanes all the same design but made with
different paper.

Step 4: You need to write yom- hypothesis and identify your variables.

• Hypothesis: If I make a paper airplane with different types of paper (computer,

consti-uction, and lined), then the airplane made

of_ will fly the farthest.

• Explain the reasoning behind your hypothesis.

What is the Independent Variable?

What is the Dependent Variable?

Step 5: Now, it is time to test your airplanes in flight. You will test your airplanes

at least 10 times. The more you can test your airplanes, the better. Pick a spot

that will be your launching pad (the place where you stand when you throw your

airplanes!). Now, one at a time, throw your aii-planes in the same direction.

Step 6: Next, record your data in the table.

• Scores: The airplane that went the farthest will score 1 point, 2 points
for 2nd place and 3 points for 3rd place.

Step 7: Do this experiment 10 times.

Step 8: Using the data collected in your table, add up the score for each
airplane and record your findings at the bottom of each column.
Paper Airplane Experiment Data Table

Type of Paper Computer Construction Lined Paper

Paper Paper

1st test
1st -1 point
2na test
2nd - 2 points
i rd
3ra test

3rd - 3 points 4th test

5th test

6tn test

7th test

8In test

9In test

10m test

Sum of Points

Step 8: Analyze your data. The paper airplane with the least amount of points
won the most flights. The paper airplane with the most amount of points lost
the most flights. * It is important to remember: the plane with the LEAST

• Which paper airplane had the most points?

Which paper airplane had the least amount of points?

What type of paper airplane flew the farthest overall?

• Were there any other variables that you think could have played a part

in your results? Explain.

What could you do to improve your findings?

• Explain your conclusion in a paragraph using complete sentences. Was

your hypothesis correct or incorrect?

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