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Into the Wild Chapters 14-15

Objective: Determine why Krakauer includes his own misadventures in Alaska. Identify
significant similarities between Krakauer and McCandless. Analyze Krakauer’s purpose in
including certain elements of his story.

Part 1: Identify significant similarities and differences between Krakauer and McCandless:

Similar Different

Risk takers Krakauer realized taking risks won't solve

Enjoys adventure his problems
Issues with parents McCandless died vs Krakauer lived
McCandles belvie living in nature would
escape all his problems

Part 2: Select some of the similarities and differences above, and analyze how they
contribute to understanding Krakauer’s understanding of McCandless:

Krakauer deeply relates to McCandless’ because as a young man he too yearned for
adventure, thinking he was invincible. The two characters came from stable backgrounds,
yet their relationships with their parents were complex. Resulting in them leaving home
and finding refuge in nature, specifically Alaska. Where the pair differ is that Krakauer
had more safety precautions, whereas McCandless only relied on what he could provide
for himself. Krakauer states that “The fact that [he] survived [his] Alaska adventure and
McCandless did not survive his was largely a matter of chance.” (Page 155) During
Krakauer's research McCandless’ fate made him reflect on his own experiences, and he
came to appreciate that he made it out alive. As well as valuing his own life, Krakauer
gained a greater appreciation of the power in which nature holds over someone’s life.

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