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Pinned by Evolved Teachings


2 years ago

This video is rather short, but I can assure you it is one of the best you can find out there. Let me

know what are your thoughts about it



5 replies


1 year ago

"Spirituality is the realization of the essence of one's own being, who we really are."- Shiva Negi



11 replies

1 year ago

I’m in a awakening! Bliss is there! I have no words to describe it !



5 replies


1 year ago

I had no idea how much spiritual i am. I understand now that the biggest misconception I had was
that spirituality and religion are ALWAYS going hand in hand. Thank you for that!




2 years ago

This is exactly what I was expecting! I've been into spirituality since I was a child (around 7-8 years
old). I was interested in the idea behind psychology, hypnotherapy, and the different levels of
consciousness. That's just how it started though; as I questioned the existence of God, and didn't
feel like I belonged in churches. I was (still am) more into deep reflection within myself, than to
"worship" something I had questions about.

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10 replies


3 weeks ago

With spirituality, there is no fear.. such a freeing experience



2 years ago

this is a fantastic video! thank you for putting it so clearly and by giving examples


1 reply


2 years ago

This video really read my mind. Hits everything that I thought at some point in my path



1 reply


1 year ago

My friend let me borrow her book, "The power of now". Such a good read.



1 year ago

Thank you for this video, I was very confused if being spiritual was just witch craft or religion, I had
no idea of what it actually meant. This video has answered so many questions I had. It also showed
me that I'm already spiritual in the way. I question the meta physical ALOT




1 year ago

Is spirituality having gratitude and appreciation too ? I'm always grateful every morning to the

universe ️



1 reply

1 year ago

This just how I understand spiritualty. I don't feel bound by, rules, pre-destinations, pre-conceived
set of instructions, playing games of any sort, etc. You are right, we are few and far between.


2 replies


7 months ago

I loved this about spirituality being practical too! Including it in your daily life!



2 years ago

I just love your videos. Everything is so easy to understand and fun to watch! I learn something new

every time! Thank you


1 reply


1 year ago

There’s an inner brilliance in me who is my friend and philosopher and guides me at every step in my

life. I call him Krishna. He’s the embodiment of all good qualities. ️How I wish
everyone feels that way! Name him/her/it whatever you like!



1 year ago

Wow. You did an amazing job explaining it. It added tremendous value to me!



9 months ago

Spirituality is the self actualization and realization of one's highest self. The very essence and nature
of bliss, self fulfillment and inner peace despite the underlying worries of this earth.


9 months ago (edited)

Great video! I can really connect to what you're saying about spirituality as a whole. It's not about
beliefs, not about authority, not about some vague concepts we can't prove. It's rather about
attuning to the energies within, to one's true will (or self in lack of better words) raising awareness
and then using that awareness to better connect with life outside the limited boundaries of the self.
And not only to connect to one's true self, to others and the world but to feel curious about the
things happening beyond our narrow horizon! The great spiritual teacher "Krishnamurti" talked
about this decades ago. He's dead now but he talked a lot about personal inquiry. To leave authority.
And to find personal confirmation about anything "spiritual" at all. To connect with personal
experience, doing personal investigations and using free-thinking with an original approach. Great
video. It's nice to know there are others out there with the same view on the topic - there is no
"fixed" definition of spirituality for sure! Something I would love to see in another video - something
I'm working on myself: To see the negative aspects of spirituality. What can happen to some
individuals that have misinterpreted spiritual teachings or just don't seem to make sense of them at
all. I would suggest sometimes spiritual seeking can make one actually disconnect with the world,
others and oneself contrary to what usually is intended. This happened to me in the beginning of my
search. I ended up in psychiatric hospitals and had a bad time over-all. In time I learned though. The
insight was that too much focus upon spirituality can make one lose oneself in a sense. The solution
was to become a little bit more "worldly" to become more "grounded", more "scientifically minded".
And then be spiritual in the end anyway. That was what happened to me. Great video! If you feel like
it check out my PDF-documents "My New Spiritual System Part I - III" on my homesite where I
describe the balance I talk about concerning my individual path in spirituality. Enjoy!

Read more



1 year ago

Spirituality is about embodying love ️


1 reply


8 months ago

That was the best explanation I’ve heard since my awakening in 2010, Great job man. Just



3 replies


1 year ago
I liked the video very much. very informative and well explained. It has all what i was looking for..
excellent channel, subscribed it! So lucky i have found it!! Keep it up your good work!!


1 reply


1 year ago

In my last video I am trying to put together more things and I think spirituality is also part of it to feel
the world.



1 year ago




1 year ago

Yes, we are all made up of Divine Energy.. consciousness which change from one form to another..By
means of different vibrations.. which are formlesss but one can manifest.. through Meditation only..!


1 reply


11 months ago

To attain true spirituality one must realize the source of life. The first peace, which is the most
important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their
oneness with God and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the
Great Spirit and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. Love you fellow human
that will yield heaven within you. Live for God. Worship him with all thy heart..

Read more


1 reply


1 year ago

Great video, to be honest, short and precise. Thanks!



3 months ago

To me, spirituality is the finding out of who we really are.




1 year ago

All my life I always disliked the word spiritual for its assosciation with religion. As an atheist, I always
asked myself deep question about myself, existence, the universe. I strive to look beyond the ego
and the superficial appearence of things. After watching this, I come to realize I am in fact a spiritual

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4 months ago

exceptionally well done! this is a great tool to help young people! and adults!



9 months ago
That questions "what is ego" and (for myself) "does ego have a meaning, or are these meanings just

theories", actually brought me here



1 year ago

Such a brilliant video.. Deserves million subscribers :)


1 reply


1 year ago

I my whole life was practicing religion instead of spirituality. I was confusing the two tbh. But thanks
for this viedo I understand what spirituality is and now I can fully grasp spirituality in my own life


2 years ago

I totally agree w this ️



5 months ago

What about feelings... It's the feelings of high vibration... Happiness.. Grateful.. and Looooovvveeee..
I never asked or even knew about spirituality.. I was chosen and to experience the blissfulness of the
experience is indescribable.. It's literally a feeling. The endless brain chatter stops then you literally
walk right out the old you and your this new person instantly. I literally asked myself if I died.
Unbelievable. I just want everybody to know!! I am in Love everything.. everything is me

Read more



11 months ago

A very great video but the Questions I keep asking is Who brought us here, Why are we here, Did we
know we were going to come into this world at a particular time, The presence of Something Great is

among us everyday but we can't see it.



7 months ago

The term spiritual … something we cannot see or touch. Words like love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
goodness, kindness, faith, mildness and self control are spiritual sensations. The other side of
spiritual sensations are fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, stress, etc. These sensations are part of our
being. These spiritual sensations are by design, by a designer (God, Nature, Instinct, etc). By our
focusing on these inner spiritual sensations, both good and bad, we are able to adjust our lives,
conduct and actions in a way to maximize the good feelings and minimize the negative. By ignoring
these sensations or trying to suppress them is defying nature and working against ourselves. This
leads to further unpleasant spiritual sensations and more extreme actions that lead to greater
uneasiness. At ease is the opposite of dis ease. A person at ease is a spiritually balanced individual,
one who embraces all internal sensations using them as a compass to guide one through life,
balancing them in the tumultuous energy fields that surround them. Our actions create energy and
send off spiritual vibrations to those around us. What signals do I send off by my actions in this
world? Every individual is unique in their personal experiences and spiritual sensations. Meaning
there is no “one-way” …. “one-path” … “one-formula” … “one-religion” the only “one-thing” is the
individual and their work on themselves alone. Measured only by their inner spiritual sensations to
guide them to their “true-path”. The true path is genuine love for every person on this planet,
balanced against our internal spiritual compass to guide us on the path to living a genuine spiritual
life. The genuine spiritual person is not confined to any nation, religion, ethnic or social group. The
genuine spiritual person is in control of themselves and their inner spiritual condition and these
people are found in all walks of life. Are you a spiritual person? We are only capable of working on
ourselves. As individuals we can strive to connect and feel the world around us. Particularly sensing
and feeling our fellow man. We are all spiritually molded by our environment, we have no choice on
how we grow-up. The environment makes us connect with our fellowman, those “like me” which is
all created by our environment. It’s why certain religious views, clothing styles, music preferences all
vary by geographical locations. The influence to “fit-in” is our ego … wanting to connect with others
for our own benefit. I suggest that the genuine spiritual quest is to rise above our egos and recognize
that a spiritual connection must be measured by how we connect with those who are not “like me”.
If you’re nice to your friend what extraordinary thing have you accomplished? If we can learn to feel
and connect with those who are different from us. Those who’s views are foreign to our own, those
who cling to views we’ve outgrown or progressed beyond, or perhaps maybe we are the ones that
have yet to make the growth? The only area we can make progress is on ourselves by rising above
our egos and sensing the love for our fellow man that is the ultimate spiritual attainment.

Read more


1 year ago

What can we definitely say about the word, “spirituality?” · Spirituality does not have a single
definition, even though religious communities think they have an exclusive right to define the word.
· Dictionary definitions tend to exclude secular usages of the word. · In common practice,
spirituality means many different things to different people. · There are various YouTube videos
that explain the diverse ways in which secular people view and practice spirituality. The biggest and
most obvious problem is that people attempt to impose their views of spirituality upon others rather
than allow people to decide for themselves what it means to them. This video is guilty of doing this.
What MIGHT spirituality mean to religious individuals, exclusive of secular individuals? ·
Intransigent devotion to blind-faith claims to absolute truth and knowledge, i.e., the supernatural
claims and the dogmatic creeds of cults and religions. · Intransigent hostility to reality, facts that
threaten their faith-based claims to knowledge. · Devotion to indoctrinating others to embrace
the same blind faith claims to knowledge. · Devotion to pretending to have an intimate personal
relationship with entities of a supernatural realm. Pursuits, outcomes, and/or experiences that
MIGHT be regarded as spiritual by both secular individuals and/or religious individuals. ·
Philosophical and metaphysical meditations pertaining to the mysteries of living in an existential
natural world. · Expanding our perspectives beyond our natural inclinations. · The active
pursuit of happiness, peace, and a better life for ourselves and others. · The active exercise of
freedom of conscience in pursuit of better answers to life’s challenges. · Our proactive efforts to
avoid or escape enslaving situations, dogmas, abusive relationships, drug addiction, and alcoholism.
· The active pursuit of mutually rewarding relationships. · The active pursuit of self-inquiry,
identifying and mastering our biases, ethics, values, and attitudes. (I don’t believe in a “soul”, but it
does not prevent me from using the expression, “soul searching.”) · Experiencing the euphoria
that accompanies achievement or fulfillment in the pursuit of one’s life goals, i.e., winning a gold
medal, winning the lottery, painting a masterpiece. · Overcoming anxiety, fear, and the lack of
self-esteem or self-confidence in the face of challenges and adversity. · Experiencing emotional
satisfaction or euphoria that accompanies helping others solve their problems, i.e., saving
someone’s life, feeding the malnourished, housing the homeless. · The emotional euphoria that
accompanies observing or experiencing good outcomes, i.e., the happy end of a movie, observing
someone else beating the odds and/or overcoming adversity, getting blown away by the
performance of a musical masterpiece.

Read more



5 months ago

this was the most helpful video i’ve watched


6 months ago

Very useful information, thanks



8 months ago

Spirituality is to love and be loved without conditions.



2 years ago

Great video could you make a video of how different spirituality & psychology?



1 year ago

To be here and the future is one thing that can be changed, which I've been doing. To be here and
the past is one thing that cannot be changed, I suppose it could but I choose not to intervene, I
remain as a witness.


2 years ago

This Video is the best one so far on SPIRITUALITY



10 months ago

“Freeing yourself from the monkey mind”



1 year ago

Spirituality in my view cannot be explained by words but can only be experienced. What this man is
saying is only a shell of phenomenon. I would say water is the physical manifestation of the spirit.



1 year ago

Only god I trust is my inner intuition. The skill of listening and trusting yourself results in happiness.
Problem is that in this insane world it is pretty easy to loose your inner voice. I once did, never again.


9 months ago

I’m past the stuck part we’re you won’t believe any thing else but what you are told I’m very close to
closing my ego completely I completely changed all out side appearance to see who would dip bc
they don’t need to be around I’m able to convince my self I like things like my job and school and
Task it’s all about the way you think about it and if you keep thinking it’s good and everything about
what your doing is perfect it eventually will be

Read more


1 reply


1 year ago

Spirituality is pertaining to the soul and is an inward journey


1 reply


1 year ago

Some great points presented here


1 year ago

Spirituality is humanity so simple.



8 months ago

Great Teaching.....religion leader must learn from this.



2 years ago

Thanks for giving me a better understanding



8 months ago

I’ve always known that spirituality was different from religion but can’t one embrace a personal
relationship with a higher power and still be considered spiritual?



1 year ago

From your breakdown " spiritually " Is the beginning of Open-minded on everything and Every1!


2 years ago

Wonderful video :)


1 reply


2 years ago

I like to say, religion looks outward, spirituality looks inward. It’s all mental though. Thanks for this
great description. I have videos I’m making on my own channel. Gawkers welcome. Not trying to
monetize it so it’s just there for seekers.



2 replies


1 year ago



1 year ago

I don’t relate to people anymore I wish I’d meet more people that are going through this. Anyone
have any ideas how to meet people that resonate with these concepts? I feel like I’m an alien



1 year ago
I’m spiritual ….can someone teach me more about spirituality

I’m open to learn


2 replies


2 years ago

It also about the love energy which cha.ges your subatomic structure and teaches that everything is
all one. This enhanced your intellectual skill.



3 weeks ago

But if I’m questioning everything then I’m worrying so I can’t find peace with my inner self


1 reply

2 weeks ago

Yes, it's a short video but very good



2 years ago

Islam ensures spirituality, those explanations are felt by some muslims,myself included. And not only
does it speak of spirituality,it covers each aspect of life,including science,politics, economy and


2 replies


2 years ago

I've started doing meditation since 14 just because I wanted to know everything about this world but
now I feel confused everything in this world is complicated. Strange things are happening with me.
I'm unable to know what's the truth and what's fake. I'm just trapped I think. I'm going to die?


2 replies


1 year ago

Recommended spiritual reading from the Orthodox Church: The Optina Elders Series (nine volumes)
Little Russian Philokalia (six volumes) The Law of God, By Seraphim Slobodskoi My Elder Joseph the
Hesychast, By Elder Ephraim Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, By Michael Pomazansky Man of God:
Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Romanian Patericon: Saints of the Romanian Orthodox
Church Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, By Fr. Seraphim Rose The Acquisition of the Holy
Spirit in Ancient Russia, By Kontzevich The Spiritual Life: And How to Be Attuned to It, By St.
Theophan the Recluse The Northern Thebaid: Monastic Saints of the Russian North, By Fr. Seraphim
Rose Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos (three volumes), By Archimandrite Cherubim

Read more



11 months ago



1 year ago

Amazing....... subscribed ur channel


1 year ago

Right on track



9 months ago

It’s Philosophy that one lives by



1 month ago

What makes us agree that this is indeed a correct way of understanding spirituality though? What
sources must we consult? "Spirituality is about training your mind to the events happening in your
life?" What is a Spirit? Doesn't the term Spiritual come from spirit?


1 reply


2 years ago

i feel like i’ve heard this male voice before. it sounds like a stock voice actor. i skimmed through your
channel and there’s a lot of content about philosophy, it’s cool! i think there’s a team involved in
making these videos, animator, writer, narrator at least.


3 replies


2 years ago

Going thru it but what's stranger then others £ have no emotions joy or will whilst having thru this .

Itsva beautirull thing but can't experience it fully not having emotions ️



1 year ago

'Spirituality' as an undefined term leaves it without use in vocabulary. We already have terms for the
concepts that we lazily label as 'spirituality'; what's the point in using a term that means something
different to each individual? (Like 'god')


1 month ago

its simple really- be one with self



6 months ago

What's going to make you happy in life is to live it. Too many rules and nonsense from religion to
whatever it is you call spirituality. I've practiced the so-called spirituality for more than 20 years and
noticed that people who practice that tend to be the more fearful, bitter and unhappy people in the
world. I began to feel happy when I stopped practicing that blah blah.



1 year ago

I really don't appreciate all of the assumptions. "None of your friends or family have ever questioned
these things" is kind of a strange thing to add into this.


3 replies


2 years ago

Although i think this definition is alright, i have 2 problems with the video. 99,9% of people are
definetly not total materialists and also, the word "religion" does not mean organized religion nor
dogmatic blind faith.



2 years ago
Who is the universe? Why not just call him God? God created the universe, people who get into
spirituality, experience demons, this is something that’s not a joke, spirituality is Satan in disguise.
You don’t need to do some mediation to help you get rid of fear, anxiety, ect . Jesus Christ can do all
that in one day! Stop being fooled by things that sounds goods. You can literally watch YouTube
testimonies about certain people who did spirituality and experience the strongholds that comes
with it. For anyone who’s interested in spirituality please consider this as a warning!

Read more


6 replies


1 year ago

True story



2 years ago (edited)

Spirituality? I am not sure where delusion ends and spirituality begins. We are told the author (John)
of the Book of Revelations was in the spirit when he had his "vision": I see Quakers quake, and
Shakers shake and I see Pentecostals speak in tongues and I find all of it unsettling. If this is
spirituality (and it appears to be) I will pass. That said I understand the utility of religion well enough.

Read more


1 reply


1 year ago

This video first says there are many definitions. Then the argument of the video is that spirituality
equals philosophy. Seems wishy-washy. Why not then just call it “philosophy.” Controversy gone.



1 year ago

So right bruh I found myself in the 4D left 3D in 2020 getting prepared for 5D higher dimension



8 months ago

I am sorry, but this explanation seems monumentally ignorant to me. You start the video rather well,
mentioning that there is no clear definition of the words, and that many people essentially disagree
on it. The rest of the video however continues to describe a definition of spirituality, as if it can be
defined like this. I am afraid that you're wrong. This is all just your opinion. The synonyms you
mentioned aren't synonyms. You effectively described skepticism along with some other things, but
failed to address exactly what you implied at the start: that spirituality seems impossible to define,
because everyone defines it differently, and we all just kind of 'feel' what it means. People who are
watching this video and think it makes sense: please, don't stay in this echo chamber. It sounds
great, but you'll find none of this is agreed upon.

Read more



1 year ago

I wanna get into this so bad but I’m scared of God idk if i believe or not. Any tips?



1 year ago

Going trough my spiritual journey and it's quite lonely....



11 months ago

Accepting the truth Bo’s just that, nothing spiritual about that!



2 years ago

I believe religion is a result of someone's spiritual journey


1 reply


1 year ago

V nice.



1 year ago

Spirituality is relationship with your divine.


2 years ago

Thanks king



2 years ago

If you want to learn true spiritual wisdom go meet Guru Granth Sahib ji



9 months ago

Hello I enjoyed this video . But, my primary criticism is that it seems to reduce spirituality to
psychology .



11 months ago

Blind fate? Is that a thing I'm unaware of now?



2 years ago

What Software Do You Use For Videos



3 weeks ago

Everything makes sense but it’s contradictory at the same time



3 months ago




1 year ago

i showed my pastor this video and asked if we could learn about this maybe and well im kicked out
of church now... sure made sure i donated money tho


11 months ago

Where I am at in my insurance spiritual journey is that the cusp of coins Edge of the void and the
abyss looking beyond the void to astral Beyond and less but at any point I turn around and I see
reality profound so I don't know halfway through my spiritual journey I guess it's hard to take a
guess oh halfway there



1 year ago

What is the divine?



2 years ago




11 months ago

Every definition I read and the one I listened too, can all be defined without that meaningless word!



1 year ago

I hope everyone get the chance to wake up, im no pro but if anyone need help just reply.

1 reply


1 year ago

When around my father I just want to give up at life and just die, he has never worked a day in his
life, he a crack head/drug head, he very unhealthy, he never supported me, he blames his problems
on everyone else, he has full common sense but refuses to use the brain god gave him, he calls
everyone the devil who’s doing better then him, he says in order to be successful you have to give
your soul to satan, hes a leach, he’s 50 and still lives with his mother but his father was a very
successful man (he was a boss and owned business) my father has more then a hundred lazy bones
in his body, I’m 20 Nd black of color what I inherited from him walking into man hood was bad
hygiene, bad health, I never peaked, missing teeth, doubt that I will be somebody and confusion on
how to be a man / my mom is a hardworking mother and father and what I inherited from my mom
was to never give up no matter how bad my situation is and a hardworking work ethic on the job and
positive mindset off the job

Read more



1 year ago

One of the reasons people misrepresent God / are confused about God is the horrible translation
errors in our bibles made by clerks of "a certain denomination". They had no clue about God's
intend, so made it fit their conviction. Luckely the original line is clearly visible. 1: God created us
after His own image and likeness. Gen 1:27. 2: Man fell. That is what you see in this world: lust,
greed, selfishness, strange philosophies, sicknesses, corruption, terrorism, death, etc, etc. Genesis 3.
3: God, the spirit of life, manifests fully in Christ, pays the debt for mankinds fall so we can be
indwelled again by His Spirit and be transformed back to origin. John 14-17. Pure grace, love, power
of God for His creation. Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons His first friend, i
and many others experience up to this day! Some examples of these idiotic translation errors. Saved,
from the Greek Sozo actually means: made complete, brought back to origin. Eternal life from the
Greek Zoë means: life of God, divine life. "You will see Jesus coming on the clouds" actually reads:
"You will perceive Jesus from a heavenly perspective"... who He is, what He did, who you are IN Him.
"Everyone not found in the book of life will be thrown in the lake of fire" actually reads: "Everything
not found in the book of life....". Every lie we believed about God and ourselves will vanish through
Jesus's truth. Wrath from the Greek Orge means PASSION. So there is no wrath of God upon
mankind. God IS love! Wrath from the Greek Thumos also means PASSION. There goes the "bowls of
wrath" poured out by God over humanity... it's "bowls of boisterous PASSION" through Chris that are
poured outt!!! Etc, etc, etc, look it up in the Kittel Theological Dictionary or in any Greek/Hebrew
Strong's app. It's there. So now we have ignorant preachers parotting the lie that we have to be
saved from God's wrath by Jesus (who is God....) and "have to repent or go to hell". Utter nonsense.
In stead it is: God restores us through Christ by His own atoning blood sacrifice and indwelling Holy
Spirit, from mankind's fall, to His own image and likeness (Christlikeness) because of... passion. For
God so loved the world.... God cannot be tempted to do evil.... There is no turning or shifting with
Him.... If you don't love you don't know God, for God is love.... The goal of all instruction is... love
The Father Himself loves you.... Jesus healing all..... love Jesus raising the dead..... love Jesus casting
out demons.... love Jesus controlling nature..... love If wrath would be in God, it would be the tenth
fruit of the Spirit.... and it is not! Etc, etc , etc.

Read more



1 year ago

Summation: spirituality- connection with ...fill in the blank



2 years ago




4 months ago



2 months ago (edited)

Although no church seems to realize this Spiritual/Spiritually in the Bible has to do with the
MEANING or heart of truth and actually can be a synonym for allegory revealed. For instance the
Book of Revelations 11:8 "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which
spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified” This SO defines the term
becaue OF COURSE Jesus was NOT literall crucified in either Sodom OR is an example of
the heart of the matter! The ALLEGORY those things always were speaking of ...this is key in
understanding the ENTIRE Bible at it's heart is Allegorical Poetical Parable .....the Literal (the Letter)
is a trap for lying minds to presume their literal understanding on .....Spiritually/allegorically THAT is
"death" 'The Letter(the literal/carnal) Killeth, But The Spirit Giveth Life' (2 Cor 3:6) then in Romans
8:6 " For to be carnally *includes literal attempts at doctrine) minded is death; but to be spiritually
minded is life and peace. [7] Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to
the law of God, neither indeed can be...."

Read more



1 year ago

️Im number 1k likes how cool hh



1 month ago (edited)

Is it change of consciousness that can be captured by smartphone or just
checking other people experience GOD lights under trees greatest blissful feeling just checking
others ok



11 months ago

Judaism disagrees with most of that, and their ideas were tried and tested with the scientific method
by early Kabbalists, 6 thousands of years ago, confirmed and developed a lot further since then.



11 months ago

So spirituality is more on the agnostic side, they question everything and accept the bare facts.



6 months ago

How do you start



8 months ago

I still don’t understand…

1 reply


4 months ago

the devil is a liar.



1 year ago

We are carbon learn how carbon can create live



11 months ago

You don’t know the secrets of the universe nor can you prove or even define a diety



1 year ago

Wow! People you need to start reading again. Whose voice do you hear? Many questions answered
by Dr. Shmuel Asher, author, Rabbi a collection of lost knowledge, why do you believe what you
believe? Land OF Meat and Honey, Soul Revolution, The Greater Exodus, The Essene Law, what's
coming and are you ready? All found on amazon.



1 year ago
you really do not understand spirituality some of your concepts, belief is correct but the core of
what spirituality is you missed big time



3 weeks ago

Corrupt people who make money with your faith. Spirituality comes from the word spirit obviously
has an asian origin like from Buddhism, Zen (Shaolin), Taoism, Hindu. In christianity however they
believe in the "Soul". Obviously there's no spirituality because it's religion. No such thing as soul
either. In science we prefer the word enlightenment. I can only make a good example. The Ark of
Truth in Stargate SG1, the ancient greater knowledge about the universe. This is what I mean by that
enlightenment. You do not seek spirituality, you seek the enlightenment. The truth is what you
want. Somewhere deep down. Have to overcome your ego first and dare to question what your
elders have told you. Your elders are wrong. They're not intelligent. I'm here to tell you not to make
the mistakes your elders did.

Read more



7 months ago

I don't agree with this. Spirituality I'd consciousness. The more conscious you become you connect
to the universe God the great Devine source energy. You ascend go into different realms. Spiritual
ppl go within religious ppl go to the Bible. All great spiritual teachers are God based



1 year ago

Pretty much being a good atheist


1 year ago

111 in the comments


3 replies


1 year ago

Spirituality is a way of life connecting within detaching from ego and this materialistic world and
closer towards your true inner self the higher self doing things for self improvement like meditation,
working out , yoga , diet , nature , etc raising your vibration and frequency along with your
consciousness and awareness using the mind and emotions not letting them use you

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1 year ago

@ausss2x This is the best definition of spirituality. Thank you



1 year ago

@happilydivorced3235 thank you chosenone

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