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School of Education 22-23 Student Name: Robin O’Shaughnessy

Year: BA3
Unit of Learning
Class Name: 5th years Theme/Scenario: Realism, Modernity and Impressionism
Year group: 5th years
No of Pupils: 11 Statements of Learning:
Total No of lessons in UoL: 5 (Visual Studies) SOL 4. The student creates and presents artistic works and appreciates the process and skills involved
5 (Visual Art)
Key Skills:
1. Information Process – Learning and understanding the Context, Artist + Artworks, Analysis,
AEDP’s, Media + Areas of Practice and Innovation + Invention.
2. Critical and Creative Thinking – Forming their own personal opinions on art and their own
perceptions, learning new knowledge.
Entering Characteristics/Inclusive practices

3 Spanish exchange students and 1 Ukrainian Student. They have a good understanding of English but can find it hard to explain their ideas and opinions in
detail as there is a language barrier. Will speak Spanish to each other, especially if they don’t understand something to try to get a better understanding.

1. Check in on students regularly to make sure they understand what’s being asked of them (they won’t ask what’s going on because of the language
2. If they are trying to look for a word to explain what they are trying to say, help them, teach them some new vocabulary while teaching as this can help
with many other subjects and overall, learning the English language.
3. If they are confused, communicate one on one with the students and explain the task as many times as you need to. (Make sure they fully
4. Encourage the students not to use Spanish/Russian in the class as they are in this school to learn English.

2 students with additional needs (no SNA). Are very capable but will need to explain some terms and words to them as they might not understand certain
words. Simplified notes for these students so they can have a better understanding when they are looking back on the lesson and writing essays.

2 Students very rarely come to class, do not like to take notes and find it difficult to focus and concentrate in Visual Studies. The school is aware of their
attendance and tries to encourage as much as possible, they are happy to see these students in school.
1. Check in on students regularly to make sure they understand what’s being asked of them.
2. Make simpler notes for these students, also create simpler mind map templates so they only need to add key words.
3. Try to encourage in a friendly, kind tone. These students will create an emotional barrier if they are taught in a strict way, they need kind words and
positive feedback ALWAYS.
4. Try to encourage participation in discussions but don't overdo it, students will get very distressed if they are continuously put on the spot.
Behaviour Management & Classroom Strategies

Classroom Strategies

1. Encourage students with good affirmation when work and behavior is of good standard.
2. Communicate clearly with students to confirm they know what is asked of them and that they all understand.
3. Make it clear to the class that if they are unsure in any way they can ask for advice and guidance, there are no stupid questions.
4. Make sure the students know the Art Room Rules, that they are visible for the students to learn from and that you can reference them
when you need to.
5. Show the students that you have respect for their work so they will learn to respect it too.

Standard Behaviour in the Classroom (School Policy)

● Attending class regularly in full uniform

● Arriving to class and class on time
● Having all necessary books and equipment
● Doing the best you can in homework, classwork and exams
● Taking responsibility for your work and actions
● Keeping the rules
● Helping to create a safe, positive environment
● Respecting all those who work in the school
● Respecting yourself, other students and everyone’s right to learn
● Participating in school activities

My Art Room Rules: SAR RULES

These rules will be on a large poster on the door of the classroom so students will always know the expected behaviou in
the art classroom.

1. NO RUNNING in the classroom.
2. Never throw anything.
3. Use art room supplies CORRECTLY.
4. KEEP SCISSORS DOWN BY YOUR SIDE when walking with them.

1. ONLY use POSITIVE language when talking about other people's artwork.
2. NEVER say anything mean about each other's artwork - always be nice.

1. Listen to the teacher when she's talking or giving directions.
2. NEVER draw on someone else's artwork or hurt someone else's artwork.
3. Take care of the art supplies.
4. Stop working and clean up when it's clean up time.

Aim of Unit of Learning

Through discussion and critical thinking, the students will explore the style and movement of Realism and Impressionism and
discover the artists behind these movements inspired by the use of Art Elements and Design Principles they use in their work such
as Colour, Line, Texture, Shape and Form.
Learning outcomes for the unit of learning

3.1Analysis Discuss examples from Visual Studies

1.1 Look Analyse an artwork

3.1 Analysis Recognise the artistic thinking and elements in their own work and that of others.
2.2 Contextual enquiries Apply the art elements and design principles in creating and evaluating their work.

Lesson No/total in UoL: 1/5 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions Success criteria
Duration: 1 hour
Date: 24th March Theme: Visual Studies “Gustave 1. The students must know
At the end of this lesson the students
Stage: Realism Courbet.”
should… what was happening in the
world in the early 19th
Support Studies: Gustave Courbet.
To know century and who Gustave
1. Context: The Industrial
Revolution, machinery and 1. To know what was happening in Courbet was and his
newly created social the world in the early 19th background.
classes. century and who Gustave
2. Artist + Artworks: Realism Courbet was and his 2. The students must know
and Romanticism. background. one painting by Gustave
3. Analysis: Painted scenes Courbet, “A Burial at
2. To know one painting by
from his own farming
background and his work Gustave Courbet, “A Burial at Ornans 1849,”and the
reflected his view on Ornans 1849,”and the symbolism and meaning
socialism, thick symbolism and meaning behind behind it.
superimposed layers of it.
paint applied directly with 3. To know what painting 3. The students should know
a palette knife what painting techniques
techniques Gustave Courbet
4. AEDP: “A Burial at Ornans
1849,” composition – uses in his painting, “A Burial at Gustave Courbet uses in
foreground, background Ornans 1849,” (eg. visible his painting, “A Burial at
etc, Colour- muted colour brushstrokes). Ornans 1849,” (eg. visible
palette, Form, Line, Shape, 4. To know what AEDP’s Gustave brushstrokes).
Contrast and Balance. Courbet used in his painting “A
5. Media + Areas of Practice: 4. The students should know
Burial at Ornans 1849.”
Oil on canvas.
6. Innovation + Invention:
what AEDP’s Gustave
1.Thick application of flecks To understand Courbet used in his
and slabs of paint, inspired painting “A Burial at
Ornans 1849.”
artists such as Paul 1. To understand how Gustave
Cezanne. 5. The students should
Courbet used AEDP’s in his
2. Painting Outdoors.
3. Large Scale Paintings. painting, “A Burial at Ornans understand how Gustave
1849,”for example Line- bold Courbet used AEDP’s in his
Literacy: PowerPoint presentation lines to define the forms of the painting, “A Burial at
on Gustave Courbet which will figures and the landscapes. Ornans 1849,”for example
include all the 6 visual studies 2. To understand the symbolism in Line- bold lines to define
headings. his painting eg. muted colours the forms of the figures
and barren trees symbolise the and the landscapes.
Oracy: somber mood of the painting.
1. Asking questions about the 3. To understand how Gustave
AEDP’s, symbolism and 6. The students should
painting techniques
Courbet’s work and innovations
influenced other artists such as understand the symbolism
Courbet uses, group
discussions, how did he use Édouard Manet. in his painting eg. muted
the art element and why? colours and barren trees
2. Fun facts on Gustave symbolise the somber
To be able to
Courbet, to help the mood of the painting.
students remember him as 1. To be able to fill in the printed
an artist. hand out of the presentation.
7. The students should
2. Create an A5 drawing of the understand how Gustave
Process: Industrial Revolution to stick Courbet’s work and
1. Writing - The student must into their notes so the students
fill out the blanks in the
innovations influenced
know the time period the artist other artists such as
printed out presentation
that will be handed out to
is living in. Édouard Manet.
them. They will complete 3. Use their handed-out notes and
this during the lesson and printed out presentation to 8. The student should be able
will stick this into their complete a 3-4 A4 page essay to fill in the printed hand
notebooks – easier to read for homework on the title,
and more interesting to
out of the presentation.
“Identify a typical Realist
learn from when looking
painting by an artist and discuss
back at notes. 9. The students must create
the subject matter, painting
an A5 drawing of the
2. Drawing- The students will techniques and Art Elements Industrial Revolution to
complete an A5 drawing of and design principle.” This must stick into their notes so the
the Industrial Revolution to
include the discussion of students know the time
stick into their notes so the
students know the time context, innovation and period the artist is living in.
period the artist is living in. movement.
10. Using their handed-out
Homework: 4. To be able to create a line notes they should
drawing of Gustave Courbet’s complete a 3-4 A4 page
Essay – “Identify a typical Realist painting, “A Burial at Ornans essay for homework on
painting by an artist and discuss 1849,” using colouring pencils. the title, “Identify a typical
the subject matter, painting Realist painting by an artist
The students must annotate this
techniques and Art Elements and
drawing for homework. and discuss the subject
design principles” – include
discussion of context, innovation matter, painting
and movement. (3-4 A4 pages 5. To be able to take a section from techniques and Art
long, must have an essay title on the painting, “A Burial at Ornans Elements and design
at the top of their page). 1849,” and creating a detailed principle.” This must
drawing using colouring pencil, include the discussion of
Drawing – using colouring context, innovation and
then annotating the drawing for
pencils to do an outline drawing
homework. movement.
of Gustave Courbet’s painting, “A
Burial at Ornans 1849”. Then
taking a section from the 11. The students must be able
painting and creating a detailed to understand what is
drawing using colouring pencil,
being asked of them for
then annotating the drawing
(This will help the students homework and be able to
remember the painting, so they complete it by the
know how to draw it in an exam deadline, Friday the 31st
of March.
Hand Outs:

1. Print out of notes for

students under the 6 Visual
Studies headings eg.
Context - 2 versions for the
higher achieves and the
students who work a little
2. A printed hand out of the
presentation however
there are added blanks so
they must fill in the hand
out as we go.

Visual Aid:
1. A completed A5 drawing of
the Industrial Revolution to
stick into their notes so the
students know the time
period the artist is living in.
2. Finished examples of a line
drawing of Gustave
Courbet’s painting, “A
Burial at Ornans,” then
annotating the drawing.
3. Finished example of a
section from that painting
but drawn in detail using
colouring pencils.

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions

This class was very successful as I found the students were very engaged in the lesson. I handed out version 1 of the
notes to the students that are capable to use more formal language and handed out the second version to the students
who might work a little slower. The students who I handed out the second version to seemed very pleased that I had
thought of them and seemed to get motivated to write this essay. Many students asked questions and at the end of the
lesson I put the assignment, all notes and presentation on teams so every student, including the students who weren't
in, can catch up.
Lesson No/total in UoL: 2/5 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions Success criteria
Duration: 1 hour
Date: 21st of April Theme: Visual Studies “Édouard 1. The students should know
At the end of this lesson the students
Stage: Realism and Manet.”
should… what was happening in
Paris in the 1850’s and
Support Studies: Édouard Manet.
To know who Édouard Manet was
1. To know what was happening in and his background.
“Olympia, 1863”
Paris in the 1850’s and who
Édouard Manet was and his 2. The students should know
1. Context: Paris in the 1850’s
had been transformed background. one painting by Édouard
from chaotic and full of 2. To know one painting by Manet,“Olympia,
crime to a new urban Édouard Manet,“Olympia, 1863,”and the symbolism
landscape, new bridges.
1863,”and the symbolism and and meaning behind it.
and new architecture.
2. Artist + Artworks: Realism meaning behind it.
3. To know what painting 3. The students should know
and Impressionism.
3. Analysis: Preferred techniques Édouard Manet uses what painting techniques
painting directly from Édouard Manet uses in his
in his painting, “Olympia,
reality rather from his painting, “Olympia, 1863,”
imagination, SYMBOLISM. 1863,”To know what AEDP’s
4. AEDP: Édouard Manet Édouard Manet used in his
“Olympia, 1863,” – Line 4. The students should know
painting “Olympia, 1863.”
(strong, bold), Colour, what AEDP’s Édouard
Form, Balance, Contrast. Manet used in his painting
5. Media + Areas of Practice: To understand
“Olympia, 1863.”
Oil on canvas. 1. To understand how Édouard
6. Innovation + Invention: Manet used AEDP’s in his
Manet was inspired by 17th 5. The students should
century Dutch and Spanish painting,“Olympia, 1863,”for
understand how Édouard
paintings= modernized example Constrast.
Manet used AEDP’s in his
these great traditions in 2. To understand the symbolism in
these paintings to create painting,“Olympia,
his painting eg. Olympia's pose
modern art for Paris. and direct gaze challenge 1863,”for example
traditional notions of femininity
Literacy: PowerPoint presentation and the male gaze in art. 6. The students should
on Édouard Manet which will
include all the 6 visual studies understand the symbolism
headings. 3. To understand how Édouard in his painting eg.
Manet was influenced by artists Olympia's pose and direct
Oracy: such as Thomas Couture. gaze challenge traditional
1. Asking questions about the notions of femininity and
AEDP’s, symbolism and the male gaze in art.
painting techniques Manet To be able to
uses, group discussions,
1. To be able to fill in the printed
how did he use the art
element and why? hand out of the presentation. 7. The students must
2. Fun facts on Édouard understand how Édouard
Manet, to help the 2. Create an A5 drawing to stick Manet was influenced by
students remember him as into their note of new urban other artists such as
an artist.
landscapes, new bridges and Thomas Couture.
new architecture in Paris in the
1. Writing - The student must 1850’s to continue with our
fill out the blanks in the timeline drawings - so the 8. The students should
printed out presentation students know the time period understand how Édouard
that will be handed out to the artist is living in. Manet work and
them. They will complete
this during the lesson and innovations influenced
will stick this into their 3. To be able to create a line other artists such as
notebooks – easier to read drawing of Édouard Manet's Thomas Couture.
and more interesting to painting ,“Olympia, 1863,”using
learn from when looking colouring pencils. The students 9. The students should be
back at notes.
must annotate this drawing for able to fill in the printed
2. Drawing- The students will
complete an A5 drawing of homework. hand out of the
Paris in the 1850’s (new presentation.
urban landscape, new 4. To be able to take a section from
bridges and new the painting,,“Olympia, 1863,”
architecture) - stick into and create a detailed drawing 10. A completed A5 drawing to
their notes so the students using a coloring pencil, then stick into their note of new
know the time period the
annotating the drawing for urban landscapes, new
artist is living in.
homework. bridges and new
Homework: architecture in Paris in the
1850’s to continue with
Drawing – using colouring pencils our timeline drawings - so
to do an outline drawing of the students know the
Édouard Manet’s “Olympia, 1863.” time period the artist is
Then taking a section from the
living in.
painting and creating a detailed
drawing using colouring pencil,
then annotating the drawing (This 11.The students must be able
will help the students remember to understand what is
the painting, so they know how to being asked of them for
draw it in an exam. homework and be able to
complete it by the
Hand Outs:
deadline, Wednesday the
26th of April.
1. Print out of notes on
Context, Movement
/Artists and Artworks,
Analysis and also notes on
the painting “Olympia,
1863” for students that
include everything that we
covered in this class eg.
Context - 2 versions for the
higher achievers and the
students who work a little

2. A printed hand out of the

presentation however
there are added blanks so
they must fill in the hand
out as we go.

3. A printed hand out that

includes images that can
help the students when
completing their drawings
of Paris in the 1850’s.

Visual Aid:

1. A completed A5 drawing of
Paris in the 1850’s to stick
into their notes so the
students know the time
period the artist is living in.
2. Finished examples of a line
drawing of Édouard Manet
“Olympia, 1863,” then
annotating the drawing.
1. Finished example of a
section from that painting
but drawn in detail using
colouring pencils.

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions

This class went very well and I feel the students were very engaged in this lesson. I found that their knowledge on the
Art Elements and Design Principles continues to grow and the students are becoming very confident answering
questions. The students are enjoying the structure I have created for these Visual Studies lessons and I am very happy
that the students are liking this way of learning. The students respected the subject matter of the painting “Olympia,
1863,” and were very mature when talking about the controversy behind this painting. I was very proud of them and
feel we are making great progress in their understanding of Realism and Impressionism.

Lesson No/total in UoL: 3/5 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions Success criteria
Duration: 1 hour
Date: 28th of April Theme: Visual Studies “Édouard 1. The students must know
To know
Stage: Impressionism Manet.”
1. To know another painting by another painting by
Édouard Manet, “Le Déjeuner sur Édouard Manet, “Le
Support Studies: Édouard Manet.
l'herbe, 1863,”and the Déjeuner sur l'herbe,
symbolism and meaning behind 1863,”and the symbolism
“Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1863,”
it. and meaning behind it.
1. Context: Paris had been 2. To know what painting
transformed from chaotic techniques Édouard Manet uses
and full of crime to a new in his painting, “Le Déjeuner sur 2. The students should know
urban landscape, new what painting techniques
l'herbe, 1863,” (eg. Loose brush
bridges and new
strokes). Édouard Manet uses in his
2. Artist + Artworks: Realism 3. To know what AEDP’s Édouard painting, “Le Déjeuner sur
and Impressionism. Manet used in his painting “Le l'herbe, 1863,” (eg. Loose
3. Analysis: Preferred Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1863.” brush strokes ).
painting directly from
reality rather from his
To understand 3. The students should know
imagination., SYMBOLISM.
4. AEDP: Édouard Manet “Le 1. To understand how Édouard what AEDP’s Édouard
Déjeuner sur l'herbe, Manet used AEDP’s in his Manet used in his painting
1863,” – Line (strong, painting, “Le Déjeuner sur “Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe,
bold), Colour, Form, l'herbe, 1863” for example Form. 1863.”
Texture, Balance Contrast.
2. To understand the symbolism in
5. Media + Areas of Practice:
his painting eg. The nudity of To understand
Oil on canvas.
6. Innovation + Invention: the woman is a significant 1. The students must
Manet was inspired by 17th symbol that challenges understand how Édouard
century Dutch and Spanish traditional norms and Manet used AEDP’s in his
paintings= modernized expectations of modesty in art. painting, “Le Déjeuner sur
these great traditions in l'herbe, 1863” for example
these paintings to create
modern art for Paris. To be able to Composition.
1. The students must be able to
Process: complete a Mind Map template 2. The students must
1. Mind Map Template - The on Edouard Manet as a good understand the symbolism
students will fill out a Mind study tool. in his painting eg. The
Map template that will be nudity of the woman is a
handed out that will 2. To be able to fill out a Mind Map
include notes and blanks in
significant symbol that
which the students must
template that will be handed challenges traditional
fill out using the extra out that will include notes and norms and expectations of
notes that will be handed blanks in which the students modesty in art.
out. must fill out using the notes that
have been handed out.
2. The students must create a To be able to
line drawing of Édouard 1. The students must be able
3. To be able to create a line
Manet “Le Déjeuner sur
drawing of Édouard Manet's to complete a Mind Map
l'herbe, 1863,”then
annotating the drawing. painting, “Le Déjeuner sur template on Edouard
3. The students must take a l'herbe, 1863” using colouring Manet as a good study
section from that painting pencils. The students must tool.
but draw it in detail using annotate this drawing.
colouring pencils.
2. The students must be able
4. To be able to take a section from to create a line drawing of
Literacy: PowerPoint presentation
the painting “Le Déjeuner sur Édouard Manet's painting,
on Édouard Manet which will
include all the 6 visual studies l'herbe, 1863”, and create a “Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe,
headings. detailed drawing using a 1863” using colouring
coloring pencil, then annotating pencils. The students must
Oracy: Asking questions about the the drawing. annotate this drawing.
AEDP’s, symbolism and painting
techniques Manet uses, group 3. The students must be able
discussions, how did he use the to take a section from the
art element and why?
painting, “Le Déjeuner sur
l'herbe, 1863” and create a
detailed drawing using a
Essay – “Identify a typical Realism
coloring pencil, then
painting by an artist and discuss annotating the drawing
the subject matter, painting
techniques and Art Elements and
design principles” – include
discussion of context, innovation
and movement. (3-4 A4 pages
long, must have an essay title on
at the top of their page).

Drawing – using colouring pencils

to do an outline drawing of
Édouard Manet’s “Le Déjeuner sur
l'herbe, 1863,”
Then taking a section from the
painting and creating a detailed
drawing using colouring pencil,
then annotating the drawing (This
will help the students remember
the painting, so they know how to
draw it in an exam

Hand outs:

1. Print out of notes on

Media + Areas of Practice
and notes on the painting
“Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe,
1863,” for students that
include everything that we
covered in this class- 2
versions for the higher
achievers and the students
who work a little slower.
2. Mind Map template on
Edouard Manet.

Visual Aid:

1. Finished examples of a line

drawing of Édouard Manet
“Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe,
1863,”then annotating the
2. Finished example of a
section from that painting
but drawn in detail using
colouring pencils.

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions

This class went very well and I have noticed that each week the students are enjoying Visual Studies more and more!
They have become much more confident when talking about symbolism in a painting and have very strong opinions,
they seem to break down the painting in much more detail than before and seem to find our discussions very
interesting. The students also worked well in the student activity of filling out the mind map, they like having it as a
study tool and I think they can very much benefit from this handout.
Lesson No/total in UoL: 4/5 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions Success criteria
Duration: 1 hour
Date: Theme: Visual Studies “Claude To know 1. The students must know
Stage: Monet.”
1. To know what was happening in what was happening in the
the world in the late 19th world in the late 19th
Support Studies: “Claude Monet.”
century and who Claude Monet century and who Claude
was and his background. Monet was and his
“Bridge over a Pond of Water
2. To know one painting by Claude background.
Lilies, 1899”
Monet, “Bridge over a Pond of
1. Context: Rise of Water Lilies, 1899”and the 2. The students must know
Impressionism and symbolism and meaning behind one painting by Claude
Technological it. Monet, “Bridge over a
advancements in art. 3. To know what painting Pond of Water Lilies,
2. Artist + Artworks: techniques Claude Monet uses 1899” and the symbolism
in his painting, “Bridge over a and meaning behind it.
3. Analysis: En plein air, he
painted outdoors directly Pond of Water Lilies, 1899.”
from nature. This allowed 4. To know what AEDP’s Claude 3. The students must know
him to capture the Monet used in his painting what painting techniques
changing light and “Bridge over a Pond of Water Claude Monet uses in his
atmosphere in his Lilies, 1899.” painting,“Bridge over a
paintings, loose brush
Pond of Water Lilies,
strokes and vibrant
colours. To understand 1899.”
4. AEDP: Colour, Line, 1. To understand how Claude
Texture, Proportion and Monet used AEDP’s in his 4. The students must know
Balance. painting “Bridge over a Pond of what AEDP’s Claude
5. Media + Areas of Practice: Monet used in his painting
Oil on Canvas.
Water Lilies, 1899” for example
Colour. “Bridge over a Pond of
6. Innovation + Invention:
The Impressionist 2. To understand the symbolism in Water Lilies, 1899.”
Movement and new his painting eg. Nature's Beauty
techniques for painting and Tranquility: 5. The students must
outdoors, or en plein air, understand how Claude
which involved capturing To be able to Monet used AEDP’s in his
the changing light and painting “Bridge over a
1. To be able to fill in the printed
weather of the natural
hand out of the presentation. Pond of Water Lilies,
1899” for example Colour.
2. Create an A5 drawing to stick
Process: into their note of Technological 6. The students must
advancements in art in the late understand the symbolism
1. Writing - The student must 19th century to continue with in his painting eg. Nature's
fill out the blanks in the
our timeline drawings - so the Beauty and Tranquility:
printed out presentation
that will be handed out to students know the time period
them. They will complete the artist is living in. 7. The students must be able
this during the lesson and to fill in the printed hand
will stick this into their 3. To be able to create a line out of the presentation.
notebooks – easier to read
drawing of Claude Monet,
and more interesting to
learn from when looking “Bridge over a Pond of Water 8. A completed A5 drawing to
back at notes. Lilies, 1899” using colouring stick into their note of
2. Drawing- The students will pencils. The students must Technological
complete an A5 drawing of annotate this drawing for advancements in art in the
Technological homework. late 19th century to
advancements in art to
stick into their notes so the continue with our timeline
students know the time 4. To be able to take a section from drawings - so the students
period the artist is living in. the painting, “Bridge over a know the time period the
Pond of Water Lilies, 1899” and artist is living in.
Literacy: PowerPoint presentation create a detailed drawing using
on Édouard Manet which will a coloring pencil, then 9. The students must be able
include all the 6 visual studies annotating the drawing for
headings. to create a line drawing of
homework. Claude Monet, “Bridge
Oracy: over a Pond of Water
1. Asking questions about the Lilies, 1899” using
AEDP’s, symbolism and colouring pencils. The
painting techniques Manet students must annotate
uses, group discussions, this drawing for
how did he use the art
element and why?
2. Fun facts on Claude
Monet, to help the 10.The students must be able
students remember him as to take a section from the
an artist. painting, “Bridge over a
Pond of Water Lilies,
Homework: 1899”and create a detailed
drawing using a coloring
Drawing – using colouring pencils pencil, then annotating the
to do an outline drawing of Claude
drawing for homework.
Monet’s painting,“Bridge over a
Pond of Water Lilies, 1899”
Then taking a section from the
painting and creating a detailed
drawing using colouring pencil,
then annotating the drawing (This
will help the students remember
the painting, so they know how to
draw it in an exam

Hand Outs:

1. Print out of notes for

students that include
everything that we
covered in this class eg.
Context - 2 versions for the
higher achievers and the
students who work a little
2. A printed hand out of the
presentation however
there are added blanks so
they must fill in the hand
out as we go.

Visual Aid:

1. A completed A5 drawing of
advancements in art to
stick into their notes so the
students know the time
period the artist is living in.
2. Finished examples of a line
drawing of Édouard
Manet’s, “Bridge over a
Pond of Water Lilies,
1899” then annotating the
3. Finished example of a
section from that painting
but drawn in detail using
colouring pencils.

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions

The students seem to be very engaged in this lesson, like most of the visual studies lessons. They seem to be very
grateful for all the notes I provide for them and continue to ask questions. I have found that the layout of these lessons
have worked very well with these students and that the student with additional needs has also started to ask
questions himself. It is lovely to see these students come out of their shells and question art. They completed both
tasks very well and the class went well for time.
Lesson No/total in UoL: 5/5 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions Success criteria
Duration: 1 hour
Date: Theme: Visual Studies “Claude
To know 1. The students must know
Stage: Monet.”
1. To know another painting by another painting by Claude
Support Studies: “Claude Monet.”
Claude Monet, “Women with a Monet, “Women with a
Parasol- Madame Monet and Parasol- Madame Monet
“Women with a Parasol- Madame her Son, 1875,” and the and her Son, 1875,” and
Monet and her Son, 1875.” symbolism and meaning behind the symbolism and
it. meaning behind it.
1. Context: Rise of 2. To know what painting
Impressionism and techniques Édouard Manet uses 2. The students must know
Technological in his painting, “Women with a what painting techniques
advancements in art.
Parasol- Madame Monet and Édouard Manet uses in his
2. Artist + Artworks:
Impressionism her Son, 1875,”(eg. Loose brush painting, “Women with a
3. Analysis: En plein air, he strokes). Parasol- Madame Monet
painted outdoors directly 4. To know what AEDP’s Édouard and her Son, 1875,”(eg.
from nature. This allowed Manet used in his painting Loose brush strokes).
him to capture the
“Women with a Parasol-
changing light and
atmosphere in his Madame Monet and her Son, 3. The students must know
paintings, loose brush 1875.” what AEDP’s Édouard
strokes and vibrant Manet used in his painting
colours. To understand “Women with a Parasol-
4. AEDP: Colour, Line, 1. To understand how Édouard Madame Monet and her
Texture, Proportion and
Manet used AEDP’s in his Son, 1875.”
5. Media + Areas of Practice: painting, “Women with a
Oil on Canvas. Parasol- Madame Monet and
6. Innovation + Invention: her Son, 1875,” for example 4. The students must
The Impressionist Colour. understand how Édouard
Movement and new 2. To understand the symbolism in Manet used AEDP’s in his
techniques for painting this painting eg. The parasol painting, “Women with a
outdoors, or en plein air, symbolised both protection from Parasol- Madame Monet
which involved capturing the sun and a sense of elegance
the changing light and and her Son, 1875,” for
and refinement.
weather of the natural example Colour.
To be able to
1. The students must be able to 5. The students must
complete a Mind Map template understand the symbolism
on Claude Monet as a good in this painting eg. The
1. Mind Map Template - The
study tool. parasol symbolised both
students will fill out a Mind
protection from the sun and
Map template on Claude
a sense of elegance and
Monet that will be handed 2. To be able to fill out a Mind Map refinement.
out that will include notes template that will be handed
and blanks in which the
out that will include notes and
students must fill out using
the extra notes that will be blanks in which the students 6. The students should be
handed out. must fill out using the notes that able to complete a Mind
4. The students must create a have been handed out. Map template on Claude
line drawing of Claude Monet as a good study
Monet’s “Women with a
3. To be able to create a line tool.
Parasol- Madame Monet
and her Son, 1875,”then drawing of Claude Monet’s
annotating the drawing. painting, “Women with a Parasol- 7. The students should be
5. The students must take a Madame Monet and her Son, able to fill out a Mind Map
section from that painting 1875,”using colouring pencils. template that will be
but draw it in detail using The students must annotate this handed out that will
colouring pencils. drawing. include notes and blanks in
which the students must
5. To be able to take a section from fill out using the notes that
the painting “Women with a have been handed out.
Parasol- Madame Monet and her
Essay – “Identify a typical
Son, 1875,” and create a detailed
Impressionist painting by an artist
who took inspiration from the drawing using a coloring pencil, 8. The students should be
outdoors. Discuss the subject then annotating the drawing. able to create a line
matter, painting techniques and
drawing of Claude Monet’s
Art Elements and design
principles” – include discussion of painting, “Women with a
context, symbolism and Parasol- Madame Monet
movement. (3-4 A4 pages long, and her Son, 1875,”using
must have an essay title on at the colouring pencils. The
top of their page). students must annotate
this drawing.
Drawing – using colouring pencils
to do an outline drawing of Claude
9. The students should be
Monet’s painting, “Women with a
Parasol- Madame Monet and her able to take a section from
Son, 1875.” the painting “Women with
Then taking a section from the a Parasol- Madame Monet
painting and creating a detailed and her Son, 1875,” and
drawing using colouring pencil, create a detailed drawing
then annotating the drawing (This using a coloring pencil,
will help the students remember
then annotating the
the painting, so they know how to
draw it in an exam drawing.

Hand outs:

1. Print out of notes on

Media + Areas of Practice
and notes on the painting
“Women with a Parasol-
Madame Monet and her
Son, 1875.” for students
that include everything
that we covered in this
class- 2 versions for the
higher achievers and the
students who work a little
3. Mind Map template on
Edouard Manet.

Visual Aid:
1. Completed Mind map
template on Claude
2. Finished examples of a line
drawing of Claude Monet’s
painting, “Women with a
Parasol- Madame Monet
and her Son, 1875.”then
annotating the drawing.
3. Finished example of a
section from that painting
but drawn in detail using
colouring pencils.

Post class critical reflection What went well and why and even better if…. E.g.: In relation to learning intentions

I finished this Uol by doing a recap over Claude Monet and getting the students to complete a mind map template so
they can use it as a study tool. The students have continued to surprise me throughout these lessons and always seem
to be engaged. It has been so lovely to teach these students as I have found their vocabulary has grown and they seem
so confident in answering questions. They have even asked if I can continue to post notes on teams for them as they
like their layout. I will continue to do this until the end of the academic year. Overall, it's been a pleasure teach these
students and I have enjoyed seeing the students question and appreciate art.

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