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What are some other challenges that I faced?

Even though, I was able to make quite a few slides based of the information I had grabbed
from my jam boards, that I completed with my sports psychology mentor. Once again, I ran
into a problem where I didn’t know what to talk about. But, thanks to my career's teacher
Mrs. Redfern and my sports psychology mentor I was able to break down some more key
information to provide to my audience. Such as stress management, the four C’s, pre-game
scout, mental, and physical preparation.

What’s the importance of the information I’ve gathered for young goalies?
From there I was able to go more in depth into the importance of having a physical and
mental pre-game preparation. What particular warm-up stuff to you do to prepare yourself
as a goalie? Do you do your pre-game preparation in a certain order? What mental cues do
you have that help you stay mental in check on and off the ice? But with that all being said
do you have the confidence to perform at the level you have been tasked with? Overall, it’s
crucial that a young goalie develops these mental and physical skills early on, to prepare
themselves for later in their careers. When the level of hockey starts to get harder.
Here’s an example of a four C’s chart:

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