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AQ PDwaws the spercion f diltaen Sypen_ cl de fy ae machines fay akoacting. & “conkyalt — Lod PE sham wotos ~The ageed af a 0C suet NX eS Neg Brom Shs equechon, “ean see hak She. asumadine —U) By, _varsgsing Hux _CPisx _coahack eetnod) 2, Rae A vaxiable wesislance “is connected —___in_sexiea_iatth he shunt field _todg_ By _incseaming a Shés_yessstoamce , rhe shud eld — cuserem bk weduce Me Held flax weduced, Hence speed cy PC shusct a Welox incresses . Ty thin wethod we com only _____inemenne. the speed a a Ns : By — oe - 7 Ra Sema a _ — = : a UD Ramodiume serisitomce cootgol method i An this metho € connect a vorrable sexistun Re Ceonts cther resistance) _is_moortel in seriex — with Ceunat une, . evs Cyne Boot RO oo Ds Gy deen core Ane No Re rece Menge Shin ied “bs hed Ade gebackeg avec oh PC 2Rumde penton am y : : ~ - Seating ch BC shawn med a : whe startg. chomen} Js qyven sy “Ra Chor _a ac - shum\_molss) Non to reduce she storing cutmrenhg _ We com decreare Vas _imerecne Re. —_—« Joe cam Nowy vothage V from co anota- generators SX. Win ostrattimeint in_callea and Leonard oemnangemot:, Rs contyatling ke eld he Jdard= Lemond gemerctior Use cam Nosuy Voltage. g mas a Nok ibe tenumi - - - “Im Pre second method ore cam inerease. __sesistomce hy adding extenmal sexistamce Lil fl t ee Camm akune (ph series. covting chy DC seeders motor: = i ae x epqne ol DC sesttes mehor hy —___iished Men motborg 1) DC sesies — motes The Meld wag. cence Ww seven uth She coun odune wg. fs o Asay Grsent So uss frsough “dhe EE bo ert hee @= held tlh & T= domaune cvvent cu GIy Je=k 2] Dee So Rah Jonttog how e 03> ured tox dsaving She Yee Joeds hid dem ands igh coding chaque. ‘ ; Deed sont ch OC series gnatoa += ) Ryeeh contac cf DC seuer motos in aoune ' ce DC shut rete. a No ep sient , o ' We we Heddon conted & oounatune 22> cham: ' , ) ib ‘ ' ' Conbad rect wdhod tea comrolling dhe seeed of Pc serie netar. 7 QB) Deans cerhical dealing ass agplied to DC rahe clechic beeaking oh Sol The electric breaking ch a DC rela 1 = Ame sype Soa od Q)_Bicoshaltc os Syproxnic_\bsa, ing += Tn cone ch 9C Shunk wotes, coumobuyye. bs — de comected trom the supply % o wkeosbol a comected, acvos it . Ine “Field ud. bd left Grros tthe usppy. Wow coumaturc & driver, by She iwnedio & ence working shows arling sO a generator. | wl mou Teed Me clooconk to Me, afeotlot Root wil dinsipitabel gh The sale of 97. Breching effect isaa conthralled by vardiy the eadshunce. For BC series motos, ae wolos us jin conneded Ayow\ Ne, supply. Leld connection, oe seroat Sa sheeslal' a connected im 2o0en . the fie le COME CHA Arc rvenaaed Jo moke, sce Iho —— athe _cromein\ Svough fell ug. ual Hour Ga the same Sivection oa Yelove. Yun Ware wachin © W Pagaing os xeieoe braldr — Tn Ans melhod, assmatune conection, eo 7 Tevensed 2 hence moles, tombs Jo sue iM ayatie declaw. Dae 36 dhe. senerwo ch coumalyre lewwinals , applied votbage V& back emt &y slots, ating, we dhe same. direction, BsHence the tata dsymaduse ceoseoremk exceedds. To Mints Brie asymabure cusocemk oc veoiabe. Desistos_ is acsos Me coumatune . Wo & Siatlan fox bath senien 2. shrunk wound rneloa., WW) Regenerative breaking ae JUKE susoning wer yated cankrhons Ihe mortor ts to be. brated Ly. Augging vsill aoumechoe current Motel ic soh thal extemal sesistance fou —~— be cavected wn sesies wily he Coumadune ? Glew —— Carcutete initial breaking donque & ths value ochre = me speek Hos fallen to 28o sem. Neglect sacteration 2d _ oe Ne 7S© sem= TSOA35 = 1894 vod/o ene = Son Coven) - RN -0-3 = ne - S36 = 6x63" ave Yes 300. Na| a Cxpiain standing, dynamics ch ic mobs # We Trow shot he induction nck selb-sodey en then Se sis pky & gen to the motos oe fom. to sckote thou ony extermal help -doheb Ne duction motor stor Phere ix _o temdancy Cy Suge Ccumnemt fleas an there is no zesishor This_haghs Cuannenct dosage the _ucuit panmaned permanently 4 To overcome this problem __— \orieus meinds ane inroiuesl. Stme_cf Shem. me = . 1) Stax. Ido Sede 2, Nubv- trambermen slonten. = S- Reaches stanton 7 jane 4s Shbunole seach stanton — 5, Pont winding sortien 6, RC velloge contsdlel sooden The induction wotes dive ane nesmaliy | designed to mui\_on dekin comection ot | dening, Se Seating Ihe_suvply Le. given 'sam* ston” commenter be casse Jhen he sheaden Comet seluces 72 dimes san Me Sella _ oe a she. a so 2keody Ache , We chore jhe Xver shone yo Ser ae = = _ a -‘Tnolher A starving nelrods eb intucli —ywolors See eae nee we knot Shot the Sosque io dis ect! Aolkage «By auto ¢ SW are en abn. i Ao During _Sesding Me sahio ch” ts Gm Some sek OK auch @ Wah Seok Me “slosding comment does ach eaceal We _ Solely (iynid Onée steady side o cows dha Se auto = tsqnstommer & “Ais coanected from the SUED. b Bedsced bo ue +0 very , i _Rrothex wate) 2a Sooty 1 is xitsieed La, ene 7 SMunolie seachos_dbuvess , Th ty welhod igh Beackonce “wn introduced Into Ae civcuil So Vek Ne _srosting tesape iv clad to rete. Yow the, 1 yeoctonce 2 vedaced stmocthly dieing shasving & py dke_stoaking, Cunsenk genesdmes S* Me Logue aso _veses sieplesy “Ta this method the _incke stood othout any Jerk. & Ne accMercdion rh amocth, thal? chy ita called sofk stot abo. VA SEN ge. sexier ynotea, ax an ccomalwrg reriglone, CAs. . Prom its sagredis ation care al Myo sem 1 She _eoymatune velkage is RSV ot Moh ch Geld )_ Coserety shen susan a motor ._ Determine _* »Sre_speed ok wchich Fall gun ive {row ng | Lovaas ch Yoh alko Jekesumine Ne value oh _Teristance to be included va series with the, ) motor, 30 Shak Ane motos suzy ot G80 opm. 1 Velerumine Bre AgDaye, he santos cramer gy OR . Ge Nye 280-0" - oi ee i= ee oie Ringle- phase fully conse, seciter, a = Ven Sint Yo, Ng B VDiecantineus mode Meine arerotion to dacrbed by Ke Ath owing. Vaz © taka + La dis, 2Ypsintol. o> X< eae VeneGe iar0-@) for BSOL SX onli nous mode Lqpation.. Sclution fox eg @ fa SGo components cne jue to ac sence C4) Sn cor 4) & other “due to back emf commoners thos” in dua cu CSe.) Coch a Ress VR Oe es) Shen, : — £ «ke - La C@O= Yn SinGot -8) = 5 aes a Fa doy EOE EP cohene, 2 >= AROS - - eS ee “A ok Ot=X, toro ieW= Ne ent) Gs Ke ee = Fo - =e Sinn) —¢ x Kye ee Sa he QB Pint 4 & sebbsittute in © a olesX) = Yo LSin@t-#) = - Caine) & -é Ci ee yy CAP) Ra iaCtl= 0 : = 7 Yo in -f) — 4 Ve Von Bin (= de —— g con be evaluated own he ene att — Tepe tor discontinous conduckion, — ——— Vor 4 {s FNpp Sneak eo + are (re dey). - = inte si cat $6 oA as a ~Bke qo KP) & continots._ conduckon, a =. “Vin Simcoe (dake a Ca K oe eae COyn = Noy Cre — Ra F ce “We duve_cr & in quatsant TC Aes wx soteaing) SW aoe pegenonabive tppatkCng) . there opennthdnn cam be explained Os head From GL Om= aa Con Cot) — Ra x TS - Roy xz9d Gm iw be), fom wg Ta this comes | yenRen Ao deliver _powes. * Motos to Conuyme — 12, SUS giving Soscomd mOITFINY + JoKem Com Os L vevemel, “C is’ also sevened . Since Ta & “un 1 Some diveck’ A wachkine is working as genencda: Ao produce. bsaling Aorqye, Vo Q Dowd pi uo pulse _comoten feeds a load dq — penistonce 8-H SEried_wr is cm ntinile inductance. Lea back amf of (Sov. The caonweden is supplied cv conperctern romsSammen ef ust co voltage df ech = Ayo Ne nevtsall tothe line “Tt = 36", dederumine _ Werosrerd in look : \b) 8 DC volkage ia severwed .Welervmine the tn Sr she curscemt has jo ‘se yaintained ot 50-88 AL I) VeFermme a _if Me swam sfoamern hos \eokage wmiuctamce of 2. Supply freq, = Sole. sae Determine Overload. SW) Var = 3 Yy Gan N ne AWS TeV "aM im Dae WIE —\be ROSSA Soo - Boy HIV x WP) Lys BEr8E, Ge “ise Qn Vain = Gy Be = Var ¥ N80 — Vaix = WG = 3g Vs, Cad % Carns eee RIKUOS we RENN WG Aa Vge= Vai = tyke = 0: Se CK Take, = Xe= AtL= O- 628 Ba (ker Xs) = OaKy lSo OF \77-93¢ = 9° SNy Cosh AVS 0 = SSNS, — D Nrwo pulse ,phare cealsolled _, badge comeder — ageraiing fram co 220V, Selle ynaina eed cr load ~ Comprising a sesistonce AL 2a, infinite wdicloree Kia dc*souce Gf voltage aco, the ‘comrdation wauctamce a tml, for = 20, delermine aug. 3 vane ch load crmmremd 8 averdap og he 7 oli + Roo V Za Ra = Vou — &y : se i = Valor = Vig 10x me Qk - am ef Rat Xe) Voix Eg t Vow = O19 Y, Cart = ~SIV . eyo Ty, 2 =99420 6 - loj- BUSeA 7 — B+9? 32 Yar sats VE = Sy 5ex3 —2oe a = =loS- 32V Nas = Yau Lice Re Gatetuy). N\o5.32= 26-5 +Cobyu)) i Qa3 3-8 ally corhalled ilge sectition a \ trom 4 3=¢_ balance supply “leo¥ & Sota. he Look eomsst Qo paak Ma Lage smocttug ipductance Corin - cs cote smacthing, dD __Velerumme aug. Value of Yood vattage qusaent Ss powese diss vation Fon ee 18 — Naw. Nga = 2/303 Cape — Vaio? = \:35x YOOX Qutb = 1397 ¥ Nein = a ae - 138 U8 = 13.02 0C “pap Discuss A ent dynes - , Rr cheppers? es mainly kur aAyyss cReppera Se = fos Ns Antes ta — Sa on. Cae basis ck operating regen the chopper aa: Ropparc- — — a sake. Ww" qnadyomk Ns _ TA cannot neat hat 3h a Nod eungenk X& Saad voltage — > BET alsa WE), Lead crsment is clued aaa el Ao lead. Tk ® a slep-Moun chopper - hos B- ex Tee Be hove ae in BS quadsant — _ O vkpus Nakge je A Ane cha ype tail pe Que)” — & Sood seo wall De WE). Power is_ : Lapamefensed From load to some. Win 6, abo 0. Sep op copper. Choos OC chopper'= LE com operate, ai bal Ihe apadnwntls . : ~— Qyadsan i Lapradyamt % Vausany — quodsah J yb — Geb “SR co, dlep=doun Nopp 7 clus dine ——Sprarbovam 2k acks oy shee up chop pon. Clow-& ip_ob\ained Combining Cho ppor = W& Bin —_panalleh *y " % et . a Chass. Dd hopper — : a TL cam epenate in 2 AN qnod yom. Sy Aha chopper Ne disection ol lead Cinewcnh deer ast ——gek reversed but anedie | deo Lop voltage may Peveaed . Tower com ether tramfoucd tom. — lead to sauce & Tom scimee. fa load. ak __ Cheas, - € CRoppeny = - Th 4_umwcroak choppen Tk com opourte in. — ok 4 quodrards . four diodes & Uy choppers ane dey. to make claw C= choppon . The. NECOBOIUY —cendition_i aod tood wool be induce =

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