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VPC: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

EC2:Amazon Elastic compute Cloud , which is a service that essentially offers

virtual machines on AWS

Cloud computing: is the on-demand delivery of IT resources over the internet with
pay-as-you-go pricing.
La mise à disposition à la demande de ressources informatiques via Internet, avec
une tarification basée sur l'utilisation réelle.

The Six Benefits of Cloud Computing: Pay as you go,Benefit from massive economies
of scale,
Stop guessing capacity,Increase speed and agility,Stop spending money running and
maintaining data centers,Go global in minutes.

AZ:availability zone ,An AZ consists of one or more data centers with redundant
power, networking, and connectivity.

a region is a cluster of AZs.

when deciding which AWS region to use, compliance, latency, price, and service

compliance: about conformity

latency: Latency is all about how close your IT resources are to your user base.

service availablty: serveces which alow aws are different from region to other
that's why it should to choise the confortable zone based on the whitch service
we'll use

the Global Edge Network : an other technologie in aws that consists of Edge
Locations and regional Edge caches, thus reducing Latency.

Awq application program interface or Api : a way for virtual manageing infra cloud

the ways to interact with the aws api :

- the aws management console,One way to manage cloud resources is through the web-
based console
- he aws command line interface,Consider the scenario where you run tens of servers
on AWS for your application’s frontend. you can schedule an AWS Command Line
Interface (CLI) script with an API call to pull this data for you.
- the aws software development kits,used to performed api calls by executing code
with programming languages

-------An IAM user represents a person or service that interacts with AWS.

-------An IAM group is a collection of users. All users in the group inherit
the permissions assigned to the group. This makes it easy to give permissions
to multiple users at once.

-------The root user can perform all actions on all resources inside an AWS account
by default.
This is in contrast to creating new IAM users, new groups, or new roles. New IAM
can perform no actions inside your AWS account by default until you explicitly
grant them
permission.The way you grant permissions in IAM is by using IAM policies.

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