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02/12/2017 (2) Riddle Me This? What Creates This Phase to Neutral/Ground Voltage Wave Form?

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Mike McGraw 21 4 6

Riddle Me This? What Creates This Phase

to Neutral/Ground Voltage Wave Form?
Publicado em 9 de novembro de 2017

The challenge I face daily in examining VFD harmonic structures is not seeing the
"same old stuff". This wave form is "not" the same old stuff...

Candidly, most harmonic evaluations are a function of the VFD's current harmonic
interaction with the upstream impedance, but one very important segment of the circuit
is rarely checked within the circuit... THE GROUND!

The waveform shown above is Common Mode noise created by the inverter output. The
inverter output is not a pure sine wave, The phase to phase and phase to ground voltage
waveform is a PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) waveform, with high dielectric stress to
ground due to the significant dv/dt associated with the voltage pulses. Below is a
wavetrace of the inverter output voltage form at load... at a switching speed of 2 kHz 1/5
02/12/2017 (2) Riddle Me This? What Creates This Phase to Neutral/Ground Voltage Wave Form? | LinkedIn
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Mike McGraw 21 4 6

Lets look at the Line Side Phase to Neutral/Ground waveform again, in a bit more
detail. 2/5
02/12/2017 (2) Riddle Me This? What Creates This Phase to Neutral/Ground Voltage Wave Form? | LinkedIn

A significant 3rd order harmonic of 9.8% is being measured,2 but there is also a high Experimente
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magnitude harmonic just around 2 kHz, which was the switching speed of the inverter.
The 2 kHz McGrawto Neutral voltage distortion is showing up as soon as 21
you give4 the 6

VFD a run command, even if you are at zero speed. Why? Good question. Parasitic
capacitance induced directly through the frame of the drive itself. So, the next question
would be why do I see this on some drives and not other. Another very good question. A
question that has nothing to do with the brand of drive, but more importantly the
condition of the circuit into which the drive has been installed. But understand, this is
showing up at zero speed, not at full load, so the upstream system impedance and
topology should not come into play.

Earlier in the article, I mentioned that most harmonic studies and circuit evaluations do
not include "THE GROUND", in this particular case we had two equal rated drives, two
different circuit, same manufacturer of the drives, same motor and pump
configurations... but only one of the drives exhibited this waveform. A quick test of the
ground grid on the offending drive circuit showed a ground resistance of almost 20
ohms to ground, while the mirror drive which was not exhibiting this Phase to
Neutral/Ground waveform or harmonic has a ground resistance of only 0.5 ohms. So,
you can see the issue. There is more to the story than just this... but a full review of this
particular application would take a full technical white paper.

The customer who asked me to come out and take the measurements was convinced the
offending drive was creating a line side harmonic that was interfering with his control
systems and sensor modules, including pressure transducers and PLC control systems. It
only happened when the drive was "on", and came on as soon as they gave the drive a
run command... regardless of speed. That was the key, regardless of speed. When the
drive was turned on, the pressure transducers and control circuits exhibited unstable
measurements and unpredictable results. There are two potential solutions, which are
still under review:

1) Tear up and Tear Out the existing ground grid within this section of the circuit, and
reimpliment a ground grid study with a newly deployed ground grid matrix... not a
inexpensive option, considering they would have to literally rip up all the existing
concrete to put in the new grid.

2) Installation of a VFD Output Common Mode Choke/Output Sine Wave Filter to turn
the output of the VFD from a PWM waveform to a Sine-Wave Voltage Waveform and
absorb the common mode component of the VFD inverter. This will be the least
expensive option, and should reduce the 2 kHz induced voltage noise to a level so as not
to interfere with their system control circuits. In this case we are looking at a Sinewave
filter with an integrated Common Mode Choke, not two different devices.

When the final remedy is choosen and deployed, I'm sure I will get the chance to go out
and re-examine the harmonics again... and an update will be make available. But keep
in mind, current harmonics from the rectifier and it's associated voltage distortion is not
the only criteria to a harmonic analysis. A full review should include a ground
resistance study, a Phase to Neutral current and voltage wave trace and spectrum review,
and a ground current evaluation. This becomes even more important with the present
trend for the deployment of Active Front End drives and Parallel Active Filters, since 3/5
02/12/2017 (2) Riddle Me This? What Creates This Phase to Neutral/Ground Voltage Wave Form? | LinkedIn
both Active Harmonic Mitigation strategies involve the use of IGBT switching devices,
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which have been deployed for decades within modern drive inverter topologies, and
Mike McGraw
create high switching frequencies. In addition, if any component of a drive
21 involves
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switching speeds above 3 kHz then all evaluations must be made through the 100th
harmonic as a minimum to insure accuracy. Switching speeds above 3 kHz, would place
the harmonic spectrum measurements above the 50th harmonic and above the range of
most Power Quality Meters capability. IEEE519-2014 allows for the evaluation above
the 50th harmonic when significant harmonic contributions above this harmonic
may exist.

For more information on this, please free to contact me at:

Michael A McGraw, Cell: (713) 208-8534 of E-Mail:

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Moni Islam 3 sem

Shipboard Power Systems Expert

Thanks for sharing. Could you share your experience for shipboard similar VFD issues where the
power system is usually ungrounded.
Gostei Responder 2 respostas

Michael Moodie, PE (MN) 3 sem

Professional Engineer at Trinity Engineering, Inc.

Ungrounded? Dumb idea. Haven't we learned anything from past mistakes?

Gostei Responder

Mike McGraw 3 sem

President / Owner at NSOEM, Inc.

Moni Islam is correct that some systems on the vessels are running on a delta
circuit, with no reference to a 0V ground reference. But, these same systems do have
ground fault protection via a voltage divider card or other such reference device
within the protective systems. Or, they use a ground fault detection system, without
…visualizar mais
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Nicholas Suto 3 sem

Application Sales Engineer at WEG Electric

Good read Mike.

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Mike McGraw 3 sem

President / Owner at NSOEM, Inc.

Thanks Nick... great to hear from you!

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Mike McGraw
President / Owner at NSOEM, Inc. 4/5
02/12/2017 (2) Riddle Me This? What Creates This Phase to Neutral/Ground Voltage Wave Form? | LinkedIn
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Mike McGraw 21 4 6
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