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American Language Center Beg.

Intensive Listening For New Interchange, Book 2, Unit 6, Page 38

Natalie: Welcome to this week’s program, “Who Has It Harder?”, where we’ll
take a look at ______ ______ ______ ______ of men, women, boys, and girls in
families. First, thanks to everyone who responded to our survey. Rob?

Rob: Thanks, Natalie. Later on in the program, we’ll be taking ______ ______
______ and talking to Dr. Harris, a family psychologist, who will answer your
questions. And now for the results of the survey. Natalie?

Natalie: Well, in response to the first question – “Who is the messiest in the
house?” – the answer was boys! Eighty-five percent of you said that your sons
or brothers ______ ______ ______ ______ the house. They don’t ______
______ their things, don’t ______ ______ their clothes, and leave their clothes
lying around.

Rob: Interesting. And what about the second question, Natalie? “Who does most
of the work in the kitchen?”

Natalie: Well, 84 percent of you answered “women.” Many of you also

explained that the boys and men ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ . The
girls and women tend to cook, do the dishes, and ______ ______. Both boys and
girls ______ ______ ______ ______ .

Rob: And what about general chores inside and outside the house, Natalie?

Natalie: Well, according to our results, women usually clean up inside the
house, while men usually ______ ______ ______ ______. Both men and
women contribute here, it seems.

Rob: That’s good that everyone ______ ______ . So what else do the men do?

Natalie: Ah, well, that’s our next question, “Who worries most about
expenses?” Our survey results indicate that men worry most about ______
______ . One young man wrote to us saying, “My dad always tells my sister and
me to ______ ______ ______ ______ if we’re not in a room, not to spend so
much time on the computer, to ______ ______ ______ ______, well, everything
really. I guess he’s really worried about money.” So, Rob, it appears dads worry
the most about money.

Rob: Yes, very interesting. Well, now I’d like to introduce Dr. Harris . . .

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