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Version I.2. 2023.


The Official Handbook of the American Fives Football League contains all current
rules governing the playing of five-a-side or five-man football that are in effect
for the 2023 A5FL season.

Any intra-League dispute or call for interpretation in connection with these rules
will be decided by the League Marshal, whose ruling will be final.
All rules contained in this book apply uniformly to all registered clubs or teams
of the A5FL.

Where the word “illegal” appears in this rule book, it is an institutional term of
art pertaining strictly to actions that violate A5FL playing rules. It is not meant to
connote illegality under any public law or the rules or regulations of any other

The word “flagrant,” when used here to describe an action by a player, is meant
to indicate that the degree of a violation of the rules—usually a personal foul or
unnecessary roughness—is extremely objectionable, conspicuous, unnecessary,
avoidable, or gratuitous. “Flagrant” in these rules does not necessarily imply
malice on the part of the fouling player or an intention to injure an opponent.

The word “yard” or “Yards” refer to measurements in game, however true yard
measurements are not used. Fields are measured out in the metric system, but
to stay true to traditional American Football terminology, the terms used in
traditional football matches in the United States of America is kept for
consistency of the sport. However in the actual measurements of the field as
well as the matches played, yards are rounded up to metres when measuring.

Many sections of this rulebook has been copied from the Official Playing Rules of
the National Football League, 2021 edition, in order to keep the game of five
man football as consistent and close to traditional football as is possible.


1. The Field………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

2. Game Timing……………………………………………………………………………………page 5

3. Team Uniforms & Player Equipment……………………………………………… 6

4. Clubs & Teams………………………………………………………………………………….page 9

5. The Ball………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

6. Officials………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

7. General Playing Rules: Section I…………………………………………………… 16

8. General Playing Rules: Section II…………………………………………………….page 23

9. Defensive Playing Rules………………………………………………………………….page 28

10. General Player Conduct & Safety……………………………………………………page 31

11. Overtime……………………………………………………………………………………… 36

12. Annexure A: Official Field Specifications…………………………………………page 37

13. Annexure B: Penalty Summary……………………………………………………….page 38

1. The Field

1.1. The playing field will be 30 meters wide by 80 meters long, which includes
each end zone of 10 meters long. The active field of play is the area in
between the two end zones which shall measure 30 meters wide by 60
meters long.
1.2. The playing field will be framed by a solid white border 60 (sixty)
centimetres wide along the end lines and sidelines.
1.3. A solid yellow line a minimum of 8 meters back and parallel from the solid
border sidelines and 5 meters wide, positioned at each end of the half-
way mark (25 meter line) and away from the field of play will mark the
team area or bench area. All players, coaches, managing staff, team
personnel must stay behind this yellow line at all times during the game,
unless a player is being substituted and need to enter the field of play.
Crossing this line during a match by any member of the team not playing
on the field or being substituted, may result in a turn-over possession or a
loss of 5 yards and a down.
1.4. All lines are to be 10 centimetres wide, with the exception of the goal line
and yellow lines, which are to be 20 centimetres wide. [Tolerance of line
widths is plus one centimetre.]
1.5. All line work is to be laid out to dimensions shown on the plan with a
tolerance of plus one centimetre. All lines must be straight.
1.6. All boundary lines, goal lines, and marked metre lines are to be
continuous lines.
1.7. The four intersections of goal lines and sidelines must be marked at inside
corners of the end zone and the goal line by pylons. Pylons must be
placed at inside edges of white lines and should not touch the surface of
the actual playing field itself.
1.8. All lines are to be marked with a material that is not injurious to eyes or
1.9. No benches or rigid fixtures should be nearer than 10 metres from the
sidelines. If space permits, they may be further back.
1.10. At intervals of 5 metres, “yard” lines parallel to the goal lines shall be
marked in the field of play. These lines are to up to and stop against the
solid border line.
1.10.1 Each of these lines shall be intersected at right angles by short lines
12.5 metres long, inbound toward the centre of the field from each
side to indicate inbound lines.

1.11. The location of the inbounds lines is 12.5 metres. The inbounds lines
should be 10 centimetres wide by 60 centimetres long.

Optional Rule:
Teams or Clubs are allowed to mark, decorate of brand the field of play or end-
zones. However, if any end zone markings, decorations, or club identification
branding at the half-way line is used, that said marks or decorations must not in
any way cause confusion as to delineation of goal lines, sidelines, and end lines.
Such markings or decorations must be approved by the Commissioner 48 hours
before a match is scheduled for kick-off.


2. Game Timing

2.1. The length of the game is 40 minutes, divided into four periods of 10
minutes each. In the event the score is tied at the end of four periods, the
game is extended by an overtime period.
2.2. There will be intervals of at least two minutes and 30 seconds between
the first and second periods (first half) and between the third and fourth
periods (second half). During these intermissions all playing rules
continue in force, and no representative of either team shall enter the
field unless he is an incoming substitute, or a team attendant or trainer,
entering to see to the welfare of a player. The Head Coach may enter the
field to check on the welfare of a player who is injured, but no assistant
coach may enter the field.
2.3. The Referee times the two-minute intermissions and shall signal visibly
(and sound the whistle if necessary) after two minutes. The Referee shall
sound the whistle immediately thereafter for play to start and for the play
clock operator to start the 20-second clock.
2.4. Between the second and third periods, there shall be an intermission of 5
minutes. During this intermission, play is suspended, and teams may
leave the field. Referee will time halftime.
2.5. The game clock operator shall start and stop the clock upon the signal of
any official in accordance with the rules. The Side Judge shall supervise
the timing of the game, and in case the clock operator becomes
inoperative, or if it is not being operated correctly, the Side Judge shall
take over official timing on the field.

2.6. Each team will receive three 30 second timeouts. When a timeout is used,
the game clock will stop and play will be allowed to continue for 30
seconds without it being allocated to the official game clock.
2.6.1. Only one single timeout may be used in a single quarter. To
avoid teams unfairly stacking timeouts at the end of the match.
2.6.2. The game clock will continue to run immediately as usual after
the timeout clock of 30 seconds has run down.
2.7. The A5FL operates on a 20 second play clock. The play clock begins the
immediately after the previous play.
Penalty: For not commencing play within the 20 second play clock a loss of 5
yards against the transgressing team. Delay of Play.

3. Team Uniforms & Player Equipment

3.1. All players must wear the equipment and uniform apparel listed below,
which must be of a suitably protective nature and must be deemed safe
for sporting activities, the items must be provided by a professional sport
equipment manufacturer.
3.2. Helmet & Face Protectors: Helmet with all points of the chin strap (white
or black only) fastened and facemask attached;
a.) Facemasks must not be more than 1.59 centimetres in diameter and
must be made of rounded material; transparent materials are
b.) Clear (transparent) plastic eye shields are optional. Tinted eye shields
are prohibited, unless medically necessary with supporting proof of
such medical needs.
c.) All helmets must carry a small A5FL shield logo on the rear of the
helmet centre (above the bumper) or lower-left exterior, and the South
African flag on the rear lower-right exterior. Both labels will be
supplied in quantity by the League office.
d.) All helmets must carry a helmet warning label, that is visible to the
player and the match officials at all times.
3.3. Shoulder Pads, Thigh Pads, and Knee Pads and Mouth guards: Shoulder
pads, thigh pads, knee pads and mouth guards must be worn at all times
during a match. All pads must be covered by the outer uniform.
a.) Shoulder pads must be approved for general sporting activities. It
must be deemed safe for sporting use. Rugby shoulder pads is allowed
but must be covered by the outer uniform (the jersey.)

b.) Thigh Pads must be covered by the outer uniform (pants) and can be in
any form that is approved for sporting activity. Girdles or Rugby
Protective Undershorts are permitted.
c.) Knee pads should not exceed 8mm in thickness and must also be
covered by the outer uniform (pants or socks.) Hard shell knee pads
are prohibited.
d.) All players must wear an appropriate mouth guard during matches.
3.4. Jerseys & Pants: Pursuant to the official colours established for each A5FL
club or team in the League Register, playing squads are permitted to wear
only those colours or a combination of those colours for helmets, jerseys,
pants, and game socks.
3.4.1. Each player on a given team must wear the same colours on his
uniform as all other players on his team in the same game.
3.4.2. Home clubs or team shall wear their official colour jersey for a
match if the visiting club or team’s colours are too similar and
there is no distinct difference they must wear a white jersey.
3.4.3. Home colour jerseys must be designed to display either the
Primary or Secondary colours of the team/club on the majority
of the jersey or an equal amount of both colours. The tertiary
colour may be used as an accent on jersey designs but may not
be the dominant colour.
a.) Jerseys must cover all pads and other protective
equipment worn on the torso and upper arms, and must
be appropriately tailored to remain tucked into the
uniform pants throughout the game.
b.) Tear-away jerseys and mesh jerseys with large fishnet
material) are prohibited.
c.) All jerseys must have a V-neck collar and a small A5FL
Shield logo must be embroidered (not printed) at the
middle of the yoke on the front collar.
d.) Numerals on the back and front of jerseys as specified
under A5FL rules for player positions. Such numerals
must be a minimum of 20 centimetres high and 10
centimetres wide, their colour must be in contrast with
the colour of the jersey. Smaller numerals should be worn
on the tops of the shoulders or upper arms of the jersey.
e.) All jerseys must have hemmed mid sleeves.
f.) Jersey collars must have a deep V-neck cut.

3.4.4 Pants must be worn over the entire knee area; pants shortened
or rolled up are prohibited. Pants must be worn with a belt
made of thread or fabric if the pants have loose thigh and hip
pads built into the pants. If a girdle is worn underneath then no
belt is required. Pants must be made of durable but stretchable
fabric such as polyester or spandex, or a blend of both. Built in
hip, thigh and knee padding is optional.
a.) Pants must be in either the Primary or secondary colours
of the club or team, while the tertiary colour may be used
as an accent colour.
3.5. Socks & Shoes: Long socks and appropriate non-slip sporting shoes must
be worn at all times during a match.
3.5.1. Game socks must cover the entire area from the shoe to below
the knees, and must meet the pants below the knee. Players are
permitted to wear as many layers of game socks and/or leg
coverings and strapping tape on the lower leg as they prefer as
long as it is presented in a tidy manner.
3.5.2. Game socks must be one solid colour in the primary colours of
the club or team as per the League Registry. Primary colour
3.5.3. All players on the same team must wear the exact same colour
socks at all time.
3.5.4. Shoes must be standard non-slip, football, soccer or rugby
cleats (or commonly referred to as “togs”)
3.5.5. Rounded rubber/plastic studs are allowed on the soles of the
cleats or togs. Metal studs are prohibited.
3.5.6. Flat soles are prohibited to protect players from slipping and
3.6. Sponsors and Co-Branding: Up to a maximum of two team sponsors will
be allowed. Sponsors are allowed to have their company logo or
corporate branding be printed on a club or team’s uniform in one of two
branding areas. If a club or team only has one sponsor, they may elect to
brand on both branding spots provided that the nature of the
sponsorship is proportionate.
a.) Branding Position 1: On the front of the jersey, above the numerals on
the chest area, across the Jersey or on the back of the jersey, above the
b.) Branding Position 2: On the back of the helmet on the bumper.

8|Page Branding of a sponsorship or corporate logo may not cover league or
team logos, nor may it cover, hinder or block player numerals in a way
that the referee and side judges cannot clearly recognise a player by
3.7. Consistent with the equipment and uniform rules, players must otherwise
present a professional and appropriate appearance while before the
public on game-day. Among the types of activity that are prohibited are
use of tobacco products (smokeless included) while in the bench area and

4. Clubs & Teams

4.1. All clubs or teams must be registered officially with the American Fives
Football League and entered into the League Registry in order to compete
in an A5FL sanctioned match, tournament or league.
4.2. All club and team names are subject to approval by the A5FL and the
league reserves the right to change a club or team’s name if it does not
comply with the league’s brand and perceived appearance.
4.2.1. Club and team names must be consistent with portraying a
traditional European stylised name and image that enhances the
league’s aims of being a respected Football league in the world.
4.3. All club and team logos are subject to approval by the A5FL. The League
reserves the right to request a change or change the logo design if the
original submission does not comply with the leagues brand and
perceived appearance (see 4.2.1.)
4.4. The difference between a Club and a Team shall be noted as follows;
a.) A club will be run like a profitable organisation and will be allowed to
have multiple teams with the same club colours, logo and branding.
Clubs will also be allowed to have age group teams consisting of u/14,
u/16 and u/18. Clubs will receive two votes at the A5FL Annual General
Meeting. Clubs are allowed to have the word “club” included in their
full registered name.
b.) Teams are defined in this instance as an organisation that only
operates one team, on a social basis. Teams are not allowed to have
more than one team or age group teams within its structures. Only
one, separate, individual team registered for competition purposes.
Registered teams do not get votes or official representation at annual
League meetings. Teams must omit the word “club” from their name.

4.5. A club or team must have a minimum of five players to be able to register
officially on the League Registry.
4.6. Clubs or teams are not allowed to exceed the roster size of 10 players per
4.6.1. Clubs with multiple teams, are not allowed to exceed 10 players per
team within the club structure. If a primary team has reached the
maximum player count a secondary must be created and so forth.
4.7. A club or team must have an appointed coach. Player coaches will be
allowed for the 2023 season, but will be revised at the season conclusion.
4.8. All clubs and teams must have a designated club/team manager that will
take responsibility for the club’s day to day operations. A club or team
cannot operate without a designated manager.
4.8.1. People within the club/team will be allowed to have multiple roles
within the club or team structure. A person can be the manager as
well as the coach and player, if that is the structure of the club or
team at present.
4.8.2. The designated manager will be required to attend any and all
League meetings. Failure to attend will result in a docking of 2 league
points in the current season.
4.9. All clubs and teams must provide referees for the league to train and have
available for matches. Because the league is an amateur organisation it
relies on its clubs and teams to comply with its rules and requests.
4.9.1. Clubs must submit a minimum of two referees to the league.
4.9.2. Individual teams must submit a minimum of one referee to the
4.9.3. The A5FL will provide referees with official training and examinations
before the league commences.
4.9.4. Referees are not allowed to be registered players with any club or
team. However coaches or managers may put their names forward
on the submission list.
4.10. Clubs and teams representing the A5FL are expected to conduct
themselves in a professional manner that will not put the sport or the
league in disrepute. This includes at public matches as well as on social
media and the media in general. All players, staff and personnel of a club
or team are an extension and official representatives of the club or team
and by default the A5FL itself. Should a club or team tarnish the image,
brand and name of the A5FL and the vision that we stand for, the League
will exercise its right to suspend, disband or ban any member of a club or
a team or the club/team itself may be subjected to the same result.

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4.11. All participating and registered clubs and teams must be available for a
uniform and equipment inspection of all players 30 days before league
4.12. Clubs and teams are self-responsible to obtain the appropriate playing
field and ensure the field is prepared for every match scheduled one day
in advance. The league will inspect the field of play 24hours in advance.
4.12.1. Should a club/team not be compliant they must request in written
form to their scheduled opposition that the match be moved to the
opposition’s playing field, if the request has been made five calendar
days or more in advance, the opposition must accept the request. If
the request was made in less than five calendar days, the opposition
may decline the request, given that they have reasonable objection
to decline.
4.12.2. If a match is unable to continue due to the host club/team not
being field ready to host a league match, 4 points will be docked
from the host club or team for non-compliance and an automatic
loss will be recorded against them in addition to the 4 points docked.
The opposition will automatically receive a win and the points
allocated with it.
4.12.3. If a club/team fails to comply to have field ready more than twice in
a regular season, the said club or team will be disqualified for the
remainder of the season and all matches scheduled against them,
will be automatic win records to scheduled opponents with full
points allocated as compensation to oppositions clubs/teams.
4.12.4. One hour and thirty minutes prior to kick-off: Respective coaches
designate a maximum of two captains per team. One offensive
captain and one defensive captain.
4.12.5. Only one captain is permitted to indicate the team’s penalty option.
4.12.6. A captain who is leaving can inform the Referee which player will
act as captain in his place when he is substituted for.
4.12.7. When a captain leaves the game, the incoming substitute is
permitted to inform the Referee which player the respective coach
has designated as captain.

Team Roster & Composition

4.13. Team rosters may not exceed 10 regular players, and 1 specialist player.
4.14. A minimum team roster of 5 players is required to be allowed
participation in the regular league season.

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4.15. Players may only cover a maximum of two (2) positions per season in a
a.) Of which one must be an offensive position and one must be a
defensive position.
b.) No player may cover two positions in the same discipline (offense or
defense) unless;
c.) The third position is an Emergency Quarterback position.
4.16. Teams are allowed to nominate a single player that already covers two
positions as an “Emergency Quarterback”
a.) The Emergency Quarterback (EQB) is only allowed to take up the
Quarterback role if the regular Quarterback is injured and/or unable to
4.17. All teams are allowed an Eleventh Player if their roster is already at a
compliment of 10, this player may only cover one (1) position – only an
offensive OR a defensive position. This should generally be a specialist
position and only called upon for a specific role on the field.
4.18. One player on the team must be nominated as the Kicker and the Kick-
Returner during kick-off or Safety Kick. This will not constitute a position
on its own unless this designation is given to the 11th Player or Specialist
4.19. There shall be no limit to the amount of coaches, coordinators, assistants
and trainers a team can have.

5. The Ball

5.1. The ball shall be made up of an inflated (12½ to 13½ pounds) urethane
bladder enclosed in a pebble grained, leather case without corrugations
of any kind.
5.2. It shall have the form of a lengthened spheroid in the direction of a polar
diameter and the size and weight shall be: long axis; 11 to 11¼ inches;
long circumference, 28 to 28½ inches; short circumference, 21 to 21¼
inches; weight, 14 to 15 ounces.
5.3. The Referee shall be the sole judge as to whether all balls offered for play
comply with these specifications.
5.4. A pump is to be furnished by the home club, and the balls shall remain
under the supervision of the Referee until the start of the game.
5.5. The league will approve and announce the official ball to be used during
match plays 120 days before official Kick-off of the league’s season.

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6. Officials
6.1. The game shall be played under the supervision of three officials: the
Referee, and two Side Judges.
6.2. Clubs and teams must supply designated officials for the current season
based on their designation (see 4.9.1. and 4.9.2.)
6.3. It is the sole responsibility of the A5FL to appoint match officials for
sanctioned matches.
6.3.1. It is the A5FL’s responsibility to ensure all match officials are
furnished with the correct officiating attire.
6.4. All officials must be available for refereeing duty during the designated
regular season.
6.5. The match officials’ jurisdiction starts 90 minutes before the scheduled
kick-off and ends when the referee ends the match with a final whistle to
declare the scores and end of match.
6.6. All officials shall wear a black and white striped collared shirt, long black
pants, an Officials’ cap and black non slip shoes.
6.7. The Referee is to have general oversight and control of the game.
6.8. The Referee is the final authority for the score. If there is a disagreement
between members of the crew regarding the number of down, any
decision, or the application, enforcement, or interpretation of a rule, the
Referee’s decision will be final.
6.9. The Referee’s decisions upon all matters not specifically placed under the
jurisdiction of other officials by rule are final.
6.10. The Referee’s responsibilities:
6.10.1. Wears a white cap, known as the crew chief and leader of the
officiating crew.
6.10.2. Oversees everything related to the officials and maintains the
pace of the game.
6.10.3. Verbally and visually communicates all fouls.
6.10.4. Counts the offensive players on the field.
6.10.5. Determines first downs or if a measurement is necessary.
6.10.6. Final authority on disputed rulings.
6.10.7. Before the snap, watches for false starts by the QB and the
Running Backs.
6.10.8. Watches the Center, Right Guard, Right Tackle, Tight End and
monitors their actions and those of the defenders engaged with
6.10.9. Before the snap, watches for false starts by the QB and the
Running Backs.
6.10.10. Turns attention solely to quarterback as the defense
becomes a threat.

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6.10.11. Primarily responsible for all action around and to the
6.10.12. Rules on Roughing the Passer, Offensive Holding,
Pass/Fumble and Intentional Grounding.
6.10.13. Reviews players’ equipment.
6.10.14. Maintains control of the game by directly engaging and
advising the players throughout the game.
6.10.15. Counts the number of offensive players on the field.
6.10.16. Marks off penalty yardage and ensures its accuracy.
6.10.17. Digs in piles after fumbles to determine which Player/Team
has possession.
6.10.18. Wears the letter R on the back of his shirt.
6.11. The Side Judge’s responsibilities:
6.11.1. Wears a black cap.
6.11.2. Serves as the primary timekeepers, and must ensure that
both officials’ time keeping watches are synchronized. It is their
responsibility to communicate match timing with the referee.
6.11.3. Watches receivers on their side of the field for illegal use of
hands and blocking fouls, and for penalties on defensive back
covering him.
6.11.4. Watches sidelines to determine if runners are in or out of
6.11.5. Counts defensive players on field.
6.11.6. Signals referee when time expires at end of each quarter.
6.11.7. Watches the blocks by receivers on their side of the field,
looking for illegal blocks or holding by the receivers.
6.11.8. If play goes to nearest side of field, helps determine if runner
goes out of bounds.
6.11.9. Focuses on the receivers to their side of the field to make sure the
player is able to run his route without defensive interference.
6.11.10. If play goes to the SJ’s area, helps to rule on whether a pass is
complete or incomplete.
6.11.11. Rules if receiver is in or out of bounds at time of catch.
6.11.12. Rules on Offensive and Defensive Pass Interference,
Defensive Holding and Illegal Contact of receivers.
6.11.13. Oversees the Line of Scrimmage.
6.11.14. Determines length to first down and general measurement
of First Down.
6.11.15. Watches for offside and encroachment.
6.11.16. Rules on sideline plays on nearest half of field.
6.11.17. Informs referee of the current down.
6.11.18. Watches for false starts, offside or encroachment at line.

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6.11.19. Watches blockers and defenders on nearest side of field for
any penalties.
6.11.20. Monitors sideline on plays run to nearest half of field.
6.11.21. Determines when and if runner is out of bounds.
6.11.22. Marks runner’s forward progress.
6.11.23. Wears the letters SJ on the back of their shirt.

Referee shirt

Side Judge shirt

NOTE: Jersey Identification shall be relaxed for Season I (2023) and can either be
on the jersey or embroidered on the referee’s cap.

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7. General Playing Rules: Section I
Note: Section I covers the rules of play and sequence of events before and
including the snap.


7.1. The game is played by two teams of 5 players each.

7.1.1. A match can start if a team has 3 players present for the match.
However, if a team can not commit more than 3 players for a
match they will be disqualified from the match.
7.1.2. A team may never have more than 5 players at a single time on
the field for longer than 3 seconds.
7.1.3. Penalty: For more than 5 players on the field for a single or both
teams before (from the current snapping spot) or during (from
the last snapped spot) play a loss of 5 yards against the
transgressing team. Too many players on the field.
7.2. All players must wear numerals on their jerseys in accordance with Rule 3.
Such numerals must be by playing position, as follows:
a.) Quarterbacks: 1-19;
b.) Defensive backs: 1-49; 80-89
c.) Running backs, Fullbacks, Tight Ends, Halfbacks, and Wide Receivers: 1-49
and 80-89;
d.) Offensive linemen: 50-79;
e.) Defensive linemen: 50-79 and 90-99;
f.) Linebackers: 1-59 and 90-99.
7.3. Any number of substitutes may enter the field of play or the end zone
after play has stopped, indicated by the referee’s whistle, at a down or a
penalty, to a maximum of five in accordance with the players per team
rule (see 7.1.2.)
7.4. A substitute becomes a player when he:
a.) Participates in at least one play (including a play negated by penalty prior
to the snap or during the play); or
b.) Is on the field of play or the end zone when a snap, fair-catch kick, or free
kick is made, or when a snap, fair-catch kick, or free kick is imminent.
c.) A player becomes a substitute when he is withdrawn from the game and
does not participate in the next play. A play negated by penalty prior to
the snap or during the play counts as a missed play.
7.5. There is no limit to the amount of times players may be substituted,
withdrawn or re-substituted within the duration of a match. A rolling-
substitution mechanic takes precedence.

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7.6. A player becomes retired from a match or needs to retire when he is
forced to leave the field due to injury or deteriorating health and cannot
without risk to his physical well-being continue play.
a.) A retired player may be replaced by a substitute on a permanent
basis to ensure the team’s player count remains at 5, if there is
available substitutes.
b.) In this instance a “retired player” or “retiring a player” refers to a
temporary state where a player is unable to continue play, and not
to be confused by the same term used to indicate an end of career.

Kick-off & Safety kick

7.7. A free kick is a kick-off or safety kick that puts the ball in play to start a
free kick down. It must be made from any point on the kicking team’s
restraining line and between the inbounds lines.
7.7.1. A kick-off puts the ball in play at the start of each half, after a
touch down conversion try for points. A dropkick or placekick
may be used for a kick-off. A tee may be used for a kick-off.
7.7.2. A safety kick puts the ball in play after a safety. A dropkick,
placekick, or punt may be used for a safety kick. A tee cannot be
used for a safety kick.
7.8. The kicking team begins play at the halfway line on the 30-yard line and
the return team at their own 25-yard line – both teams 5 yards apart.
7.8.1. The kicker will take the kick from his team’s own 5-yard line, on
the position marked with an X inside the inbound lines.
7.8.2. Only the designated kick-returner may be positioned behind the
half-way line, anywhere between their own 5-yard and 20-yard
7.8.3. All players may commence play once the ball has been caught
or touches the ground.
7.9. A free kick down ends when the kick-returner has been downed (or has
scored a touchdown.)
7.9.1. First down follows directly after the kick returner has been
7.9.2. Conversion for extra points follows directly if a touchdown has
been scored, and a new free kick for kick-off follows.

Live Ball & Dead Ball

7.10. After the ball has been declared ready for play, it becomes a live ball when
it is legally snapped or legally kicked (a free kick or fair catch kick).

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7.10.1. The ball remains dead if it is snapped or kicked before it is
made ready for play.
7.11. The ball is declared dead when the official blows their whistle and/or
declares the ball dead. A dead ball officially ends a Down:
7.11.1. When a runner is contacted by an opponent and touches the
ground with any part of his body other than his hands or feet.
The ball is dead the instant the runner touches the ground. A
runner touching the ground with his hands or feet while in the
grasp of an opponent may continue to advance;

Note: If, after contact by an opponent, any part of a runner’s leg above the ankle
or any part of his arm above the wrist touches the ground, the runner is down.

7.11.2. When a runner is held or otherwise restrained so that his

forward progress ends;
7.11.3. When a quarterback immediately drops to his knee (or
simulates dropping to his knee) behind the line of scrimmage;

Note: If a quarterback does not immediately drop to a knee, and contact from a
rushing defender is unavoidable, it is not a foul unless the defender commits
some other act that would constitute unnecessary roughness.

7.11.4. When a runner declares himself down by:

a.) Falling to the ground or kneeling, and clearly making no
immediate effort to advance, or
b.) Sliding. When a runner slides feet or head first, the ball is
dead the instant he touches the ground with anything
other than his hands or his feet;
7.11.5. When a runner is out of bounds;
7.11.6. When an opponent takes a ball that is in the possession of a
runner who is on the ground;

Note: An opponent may take or grab the ball (hand to hand) in possession of a
runner who is on his feet or is airborne.

7.11.7. When a forward pass (legal or illegal) is incomplete;

7.11.8. When a loose ball comes to rest anywhere in the field, and
no player attempts to recover it; the official covering the play
should pause momentarily before signalling that the ball is
dead. Any legal (or illegal) kick is awarded to the receivers, and
any other ball is awarded to the team last in possession. When

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awarded to a team behind a goal line, the ball is placed on the
one-yard line;
7.11.9. When any legal or illegal kick is caught or recovered by the
kicking team, that is kicked from behind the line and is also
recovered behind the line;
7.11.10. When a touchdown, touchback, safety, or Try has been
7.11.11. When any receiver catches or recovers the ball after a fair
catch signal (valid or invalid) has been made, provided the ball
has not been touched by an opponent, before or after it strikes
the ground;
7.11.12. When an official sounds the whistle erroneously while the
ball is still in play, the ball becomes dead immediately;
a.) If the ball is in player possession, the team in possession
may elect to put the ball in play where it has been
declared dead or to replay the down.
b.) If the ball is a loose ball resulting from a fumble,
backward pass, or illegal forward pass, the team last in
possession may elect to put the ball in play at the spot
where possession was lost or to replay the down.
c.) If the ball is a loose ball resulting from a legal forward
pass or a free kick, the ball is returned to the previous
spot, and the down is replayed.
d.) If there is a foul by either team during any of the above,
and the team in possession at the time of the erroneous
whistle elects not to replay the down, penalty
enforcement is the same as for fouls during a run,
forward pass, kick, fumble, and backward pass. If the
team in possession elects to replay the down, all
penalties will be disregarded, except for personal fouls
and unsportsmanlike conduct fouls, which will be
administered prior to the replaying of the down. If the
down is replayed, the game clock will be reset to the time
remaining when the snap occurred, and the clock will
start on the snap.
7.11.13. When a fumble is recovered or caught by a teammate of the
fumbling player, and the fumble occurs on a play that is subject
to the “fourth-down” fumble provisions (See 8-7-5 and 8-7-6);
7.11.14. When the ball is out of bounds;
7.11.15. If a loose ball in play strikes a video board, guide wire, sky
cam, or any other object, the ball will be dead immediately, and
the down will be replayed at the previous spot; or

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7.11.16. When a runner’s helmet comes completely off.

Note: The game clock will not stop when this occurs, and the play clock will be
reset to 20 seconds. Penalty enforcement following the play is as ordinary for
fouls during runs or kicks.

Scrimmage & the Snap


7.12. A new series of four scrimmage downs is awarded to Team-A when the
following conditions exist:
a.) During a given series, the ball is declared dead in possession of Team-
A while at or beyond the gain line. The gain line is set at 10-yards from
the line of scrimmage in a forward direction.
b.) Enforcement of a foul by Team-B results in the placement of the ball at
or beyond the gain line, or if the enforcement of a foul awards an
automatic first down to Team-A.
c.) If there is a change of possession during the down, and Team-A has
possession at the end of the down.
d.) The kicking team legally recovers a free kick.
7.13. A new series of four scrimmage downs is awarded to Team-B when the
following conditions exist:
a.) Team A fails to advance the ball to the gain line during a series of
downs; or
b.) There is a change of possession during the down, and Team-B has
possession at the end of the down, or has been awarded possession at
the end of the down; or
c.) When the ball is declared dead in possession of the receiving team
after a free kick.
7.14. Every Down and play will begin with a snap on the line of scrimmage
parallel with the area the ball carrier was downed inside the inbound lines
– also known as the Snap track or the track.
7.15. A minimum of three players for the snapping team must be positioned on
the line of scrimmage.
7.16. The Neutral zone is set at 1-yard between the ball on the line of
scrimmage and the defensive team’s side of the field. No player is allowed
to enter the neutral zone before the ball has been hiked at the snap.
7.17. After the neutral zone has been established the ball is declared ready for
play, an offensive player may not make a false start, a defensive player
may not encroach (initiate contact with a member of the offensive team)

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or commit a neutral zone infraction, and no player of either team may be
offside when the ball is put in play.
7.18. It is a Neutral Zone Infraction when:
a.) A defender moves beyond the neutral zone prior to the snap and is
parallel to or beyond an offensive lineman, with an unimpeded path to
the quarterback or kicker, even though no contact is made by a
blocker; officials are to blow their whistles immediately;
b.) A defender enters the neutral zone prior to the snap, causing the
offensive player(s) in close proximity (including a quarterback who is
under center) to react (move) immediately to protect himself
(themselves) against impending contact; officials are to blow their
whistles immediately. If there is no immediate reaction by the
offensive player(s) in close proximity, and the defensive player returns
to a legal position prior to the snap without contacting an opponent,
there is no foul. A flexed or split receiver is considered to be in close
proximity if he is lined up on the side of the ball on which the violation
occurs; other offensive players are considered to be in close proximity
if they are within two-and-one-half positions of the defender who
enters the neutral zone. If the defender is directly over the center, a
quarterback under center, the center, and the guards and tackles on
either side of the center are considered to be within close proximity; if
the defender is in a gap, the two offensive players on either side of the
gap are considered to be within close proximity (including a
quarterback under center, if applicable);
c.) A player, after he has received a warning, enters the neutral zone. It is
a foul, even if he returns to a legal position prior to the snap without
contacting an opponent or causing a reaction (movement) by an
offensive player in close proximity.
7.19. It is a False Start if the ball has been placed ready for play, and, prior to
the snap, an offensive player who has assumed a set position charges or
moves in such a way as to simulate the start of a play, or if an offensive
player who is in motion makes a sudden movement toward the line of
scrimmage. Any quick abrupt movement by a single offensive player, or by
several offensive players in unison, which simulates the start of the snap,
is a false start.
Penalty: For a False Start: Loss of five yards from the line of scrimmage. The foul
is enforced prior to the snap.
7.20. It is Encroachment if a defensive player enters the neutral zone and
contacts an offensive player or the ball prior to the snap, or if he
interferes with the ball during the snap. The play is dead immediately.
Penalty: For Encroachment: Loss of five yards from the line of scrimmage. The
foul is enforced prior to the snap.

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7.21. A player is offside when any part of his body is in or beyond the neutral
zone or beyond a restraining line when the ball is put in play.
Penalty: For offside: Loss of five yards.

The Snap: Putting the ball in play

7.22. The offensive team must put the ball in play with a snap at the spot where
the previous down ended (unless the enforcement of a penalty moves the
ball to another spot) inside the inbound lines or the snap track.
7.23. All snaps must be taken inside the inbound lines or snap track, parallel to
the spot where the previous down ended.
7.24. The ball is next put in play (snap) at the inbounds spot by the team
entitled to possession when:
(a.) a loose ball is out of bounds between the goal lines,
Exception: The ball is next put in play at the previous spot if a forward pass is
(b.) A runner is out of bounds between the goal lines,
(c.) The ball is dead in a side zone,
(d.) The ball is placed in the side zone as the result of a penalty
(e.) A fair catch is made or awarded in a side zone.
7.25. The snap may only be made by the center who is on the line of scrimmage
and must conform to the following provisions:
(a.) The snap must start with the ball on the ground, with its long axis
at right angles to the line.
(b.) It is necessary that the snap be between the snapper’s legs, it must
be one quick and continuous motion of the hand or hands of the
snapper. The ball must leave or be taken from his hands during
this motion.
(c.) The snapper may not snap the ball after it is ready for play until all
of the officials have had a reasonable time to assume their normal
positions. If this occurs, the ball remains dead, and no penalty is
assessed unless it is a repeated act after a warning (delay of
Penalty: For illegally snapping the ball: Loss of five yards from the line of
7.26. A snap is a backward pass (a hike or hiking the ball), by the center, on the
line of scrimmage and through his legs. The snap must be received by a
player who is not on the line at the snap, unless the ball first strikes the
ground. If the ball first strikes the ground, or is muffed by an eligible
backfield receiver, or quarterback under center, it can be recovered and
advanced by any player.

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7.27. Play commences the moment the ball travels through the legs of the
center for the hike, and has left his hand(s) entirely.
Penalty: For snapping the ball to a player that is on the line of scrimmage: Loss
of five yards from the line of scrimmage. The whistle shall be blown
immediately. Illegal Snapping.

8. General Playing Rules: Section II

Note: Section II covers all the general rules of play and sequence of events after
the snap.

Passing, Rushing & Fumbling


8.1. All players are eligible to receive a forward pass.

8.2. The offensive team may make one forward pass from behind the line of
scrimmage during each down. If the ball, whether in player possession or
loose, crosses the line of scrimmage, a forward pass is not permissible,
regardless of whether the ball returns behind the line of scrimmage
before the pass is thrown.
8.3. It is a forward pass:
a.) When a player is in control of the ball and is attempting to pass it
forward, any intentional forward movement of his hand starts a
forward pass.
b.) If ball initially moves forward to a point nearer the opponent’s goal line
after leaving the passer’s hand/s.
c.) If, after intentional forward movement of his hand, contact by an
opponent materially affects the passer, causing the ball to go
backward, it is a forward pass, regardless of where the ball strikes the
ground, a player, an official, or anything else.
8.4. A player who makes a catch may advance the ball. A forward pass is
complete (by the offense) or intercepted (by the defense) in the field of
play, at the sideline, or in the end zone if a player, who is inbounds:
a.) Secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball
touching the ground; and
b.) Touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his
body other than his hands.
8.5. Any forward pass (legal or illegal) is incomplete and the ball is dead
immediately if the pass strikes the ground or goes out of bounds. An

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incomplete pass is a loss of down, and the ball returns to the previous
8.6. Each team are allowed an unlimited amount of backward and lateral
passes and no restrictions or objections are placed on these passes.
8.7. A runner may throw a backward pass at any time. Players of either team
may advance after catching a backward pass, or recovering a backward
pass after it touches the ground.
8.8. It is pass interference by either team when any act by a player more than
one yard beyond the line of scrimmage significantly hinders a player’s
opportunity to catch the ball.
a.) Pass interference can only occur when a forward pass is thrown from
behind the line of scrimmage, regardless of whether the pass is legal
or illegal, or whether it crosses the line.
b.) Defensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is
thrown until the ball is touched.
c.) Offensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is
snapped until the ball is touched.
8.9. Acts that are considered to be pass interference include, but are not
limited to:
a.) Contact by a player who is not playing the ball that restricts the
opponent’s opportunity to make the catch;
b.) Playing through the back of an opponent in an attempt to make a play
on the ball;
c.) Grabbing an opponent’s arm(s) in such a manner that restricts his
opportunity to catch a pass;
d.) Extending an arm across the body of an opponent, thus restricting his
ability to catch a pass, and regardless of whether the player
committing such act is playing the ball;
e.) Cutting off the path of an opponent by making contact with him,
without playing the ball;
f.) Hooking an opponent in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner
that it causes the opponent’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving; or
g.) Initiating contact with an opponent by shoving or pushing off, thus
creating separation.
Penalty: For pass interference by the defense: First down for the offensive team
at the spot of the foul. If the interference is behind the defensive goal line, it is
first down for the offensive team on the defence’s five-yard line.

Penalty: For pass interference by the offense: Loss of five yards from the
previous spot.

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8.10. All players are allowed to run and advance the ball at any point during the
game with the one exception;
a.) The first receiver at the snap, shall be a Quarterback, may not run
or advance with the ball unless the ball has been handed off or
passed to another player first by him, post snap.
b.) The first receiver is allowed to move backward or to the side in a
lateral direction to avoid defenders should the need arise.
c.) An allowance of two (2) steps forward will be allowed for natural
adjustment before a forward pass.
Penalty: For illegal movement, first receiver: Five yards and loss of down from
spot of foul.
8.11. If a player runs out of bounds with the ball in hand, the ball is dead and
the ball is next put in play at the inbounds spot for a start of a new down
either by the team last in possession or by the opposition team (in the
case that the previous down was a fourth down)
8.12. On a rushing play, the ball may not be handed forward to a running
player. Handing off the ball must always occur with the ball traveling
backwards away from the opponent’s end zone.
Penalty: For handing ball forward: Five yards and loss of down from spot of foul.


8.13. A fumble is any act, other than a pass or kick, which results in a loss of
player possession.
a.) If a player intentionally fumbles the ball it will rather be deemed a
forward pass instead of a fumble.
8.14. Any player of either team may recover or catch a fumble and advance,
either before or after the ball strikes the ground.
a.) A legal recovery of the ball requires a player to cover the ball
completely with their body until the referee decides the recovery is
successful. (Generally 3 seconds of coverage is deemed successful)
8.15. It is not a fumble if the player immediately regains control of the ball.
8.16. When a fumble goes out of bounds between the goal lines, the following
shall apply:
a.) If a fumble goes backward and out of bounds, the ball is next put in
play at the inbounds spot by the team that was last in possession;
b.) If a fumble goes forward and out of bounds, the ball is next put in play
at the spot of the fumble by the team that was last in possession;
c.) If a ball is fumbled in a team’s own end zone and goes forward into the
field of play and out of bounds, it will result in a safety, if that team

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provided the impetus that put the ball into the end zone other than
momentum of the ball. If the impetus was provided by the opponent,
the play will result in a touchback; or
d.) Notwithstanding any of the above, when there has not been a change
of possession during the down, and the spot of the ball is not at or
beyond the line to gain after fourth down, the ball is awarded to Team
B at the spot that the ball is declared dead.
8.17. When a fumble goes out of bounds in the end zone, the following shall
a.) ) If a ball is fumbled in the field of play, and goes forward into the
opponent’s end zone and over the end line or sideline, a touchback is
awarded to the defensive team; or
b.) If a ball is fumbled in a team’s own end zone or in the field of play and
goes out of bounds in the end zone, it is a safety, if that team provided
the impetus that sent the ball into the end zone other than with the
ball’s own momentum. If the impetus was provided by the opponent, it
is a touchback.


8.18. The team that scores the greater number of points during the entire game
is the winner.
8.19. Mercy rule: If a team has a score deficit of 45 points or greater at any
point in the game, the match will be ended immediately.
8.20. Points are scored as follows:
8.20.1. Touchdown: 6 points
8.20.2. Safety: 2 points
8.20.3. Try after touchdown: 1 point (from 5 yard line) or 2 points
(from 10 yard line) or 3 points (from 20 yard line)
8.21. A touchdown is scored when:
a.) the ball is on, above, or behind the plane of the opponents’ goal line
and is in possession of a runner who has advanced from the field of
play into the end zone
b.) a ball in possession of an airborne runner is on, above, or behind the
plane of the goal line, and some part of the ball passed over or inside
the pylon
c.) a ball in player possession touches the pylon, provided that, after
contact by an opponent, no part of the player’s body, except his hands
or feet, struck the ground before the ball touched the pylon
d.) any player who is legally inbounds catches or recovers a loose that is
on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line

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e.) the Referee awards a touchdown to a team that has been denied one
by a palpably unfair act
8.22. After a touchdown, a Try is an opportunity for either team to score one,
two or three additional points during one scrimmage down.
8.22.1. The Try begins when the Referee sounds the whistle for play
to start. The team that scored the touchdown shall put the ball
in play:
a.) Five yards from the defensive team’s goal line for a Try by
pass only, for 1 point.
b.) Ten yards from the defensive team’s goal line for a Try by
pass only, for 2 points.
c.) Twenty yards from the defensive team’s goal line for a Try by
pass only, for 3 points.
8.22.2. During a Try, the following shall apply:
a.) If a Try results in a touchdown by either team, the selected
points are awarded to the scoring team.
b.) If the Try results in what would ordinarily be a safety against
either team, one point is awarded to the opponent.
c.) If any play results in a touchback, the Try is unsuccessful,
and there shall be no replay.
d.) The Try ends when:
1.) Either team scores;
2.) The ball is dead by rule; or
3.) A fumble by either team is recovered by a teammate
of the fumbling player.
8.22.3. If a foul results in a retry, Team A will have the option to
enforce the penalty from the spot where it attempted the try
(previous spot) or from the yard line for the other try options,
the location of which is determined by any previously enforced
penalty, if applicable.
8.23. A safety is if the offense commits a foul in its own end zone or when an
impetus by a team sends the ball behind its own goal line, and the ball is
dead in the end zone in its possession or the ball is out of bounds behind
the goal line.
8.24. A Touchback is if the ball is dead on or behind a team’s own goal line and
the opposing team gave the ball the momentum, or impetus, to travel
over or across the goal line but did not have possession of the ball when it
became dead.
8.24.1. After a touchback, the team that has been awarded the
touchback next snaps the ball at its 10-yard line from any point
on or between the inbound lines, unless the touchback results

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from a free kick, in which case the ball shall be placed at the 25-
yard line.

Note: A touchback, while not a score, is included in this section because, like
scoring plays, it is a case of a ball that is dead on or behind a goal line.

9. Defensive Playing Rules

Tackling & Blocking


9.1. The defense is permitted to tackle the ball carrier within the field of play
to end a down.
9.2. A tackle can take place anywhere in the field of play (it is important to
note that the end zones is not part of the field of play and tackling in the
end zone is strictly prohibited).
9.3. The actions of players involved in the tackle must ensure a fair contest
and allow play to continue immediately after.
9.4. A legal tackle is when:
9.4.1. The player making the tackle must attempt to wrap his arms
around a ball carrier on the hit.
9.4.2. Once the arms are wrapped, the tackler or tacklers may attempt
to bring the ball carrier down so that any part of his hips, knees
or shoulders touches the ground.
9.4.3. Shoulder charging is strictly prohibited.
Penalty: For a tackle with no attempted wrap or a shoulder charge is a loss of
15-yards and an automatic first down. Unless the opposition end zone is closer
than 15-yards from the place of infraction, then a first down will be awarded on
the five yard line from the opposition’s end zone.
9.5. When a ball carrier is tackled the tackler has a responsibility to ensure the
safety of the ball carrier. These responsibilities are:
a.) Ensure the ball carrier is not lifted into the air and dumped on the
ground during the tackle. The tackler must apply grounded force to
down the ball carrier.
b.) Immediately release the ball carrier once he is on the ground.
c.) Immediately move away from the ball carrier and the ball.
d.) No player, from either team, is allowed to jump, dive or fall on or over
the tackled ball carrier lying on the ground.

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e.) The tackler must ensure that his head and helmet is on the side of the
ball carrier’s body when he is attempting a front-on tackle to ensure
his own safety and the ball carrier’s safety.
9.6. No tackle, attempted tackle or any form of attempted downing of a player
may coincide with the use of or leading with one’s helmet.

Blocking - Offense

9.7. An offensive player is permitted to block an opponent by contacting him

with his shoulders, hands, and/or outer surface of the forearm.
9.8. A blocker may use his arms, shoulders or open hands, to contact an
opponent on his body between the shoulders and hips.
Penalty: For illegal use of hands, arms, or body by the offense: Loss of 10 yards.
9.9. A block is only permitted from the front or side of a player’s body.
Blocking in the back or from behind is prohibited
Penalty: Illegal blocking from the back for a loss of five yards.
9.10. The blocker is permitted to work for and maintain his blocking position
and contact against an opponent, for a one time block per play. Once
contact has been broken by either player, the blocker must immediately
get out of the way and end his attempt to block.
Penalty: Excessive blocking for a loss of 10 yards.
9.11. An offensive player is permitted to use his hands or arms to restrict an
d.) If he is a runner. A runner may ward off opponents with his hands
and arms. He may also lay his hand on a teammate or push him
into an opponent, but he may not grasp or hold on to a teammate.
e.) During a loose ball that has touched the ground. An offensive
player may use his hands/arms legally to block or otherwise push
or pull an opponent out of the way in a personal attempt to recover
the ball.
9.12. A player is not allowed to use his hands or arms to materially restrict or
alter the defender’s path or angle of pursuit. It is a foul regardless of
whether the blocker’s hands are inside or outside the frame of the
defender’s body. Material restrictions include but are not limited to:
a.) Grabbing or tackling an opponent;
b.) Hooking, jerking, twisting, or turning him; or
c.) Pulling him to the ground.
9.13. No offensive player may assist the ball carrier or runner by:
9.13.1. Pull a runner in any direction at any time;
9.13.2. Using interlocking interference, by grasping a teammate or
by using his hands or arms to encircle the body of a teammate
in an effort to block an opponent; or

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9.13.3. Pushing or throwing his body against a teammate to aid him
in an attempt to obstruct an opponent or to recover a loose
Penalty: For assisting the runner, interlocking interference, or illegal use of
hands, arms, or body by the offense: Loss of 10 yards.

Blocking – Defense

9.14. A defensive player may use his hands, arms, or body to push (open hands
only), pull, or ward off offensive players:
a.) When he is defending himself against an obstructing opponent while
attempting to reach the runner;
b.) When an opponent is obviously attempting to block him;
c.) In a personal attempt to reach a loose ball that has touched the
ground during a backward pass, fumble, or kick;
d.) During a forward pass that has crossed the neutral zone and has been
touched by any player;
e.) Within the first 5 yards beyond the line of scrimmage on the defensive
side of the field.
9.15. A defensive player is not permitted to tackle or hold any other player that
is not in possession of the ball. Except in an instance, behind the line of
scrimmage where a player is pretending to have possession of the ball.
Penalty: For defensive holding: Loss of five yards and an automatic first down.
9.16. It is a foul if a defensive player thrusts his hands or arms forward above
the frame of an opponent to forcibly contact him on the neck, face, or
Penalty: For Illegal Use of Hands by the Defense: Loss of five yards and an
automatic first down.

Clipping & Tripping

9.17. There shall be no clipping against any player from either team.
Penalty: For clipping by either team: Loss of 10 yards. If the foul is by the
defense, it is also an automatic first down.

Note: Clipping is blocking an opponent from behind below the waist, provided
the opponent is not a runner. It is not clipping if an opponent turns his back as
the block is delivered or about to be delivered.

9.18. All players are prohibited from tripping an opponent, including the ball

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Penalty: For tripping by either team: Loss of 10 yards. If the foul is by the
defense, it is also an automatic first down.

10. General Player Conduct & Safety

10.1. There shall be no unnecessary roughness. This shall include, but will not
be limited to:
(a) Using the foot or any part of the leg to strike an opponent
with a whipping motion (leg whip);
(b) Forcibly contacting a runner when he is out of bounds;

Note: Defensive players must make an effort to avoid contact. Players on

defense are responsible for knowing when a runner has crossed the boundary
line, except in doubtful cases where he might step on a boundary line and
continue parallel with it.

(c) A player of the receiving team who has gone out of bounds
and blocks a kicking team player out of bounds during the
(d) Running, diving into, or throwing the body against or on a
runner whose forward progress has been stopped, who has
slid, or who has declared himself down by going to the
ground untouched and has made no attempt to advance
(e) Running, diving into, or throwing the body against or on any
player on the ground either before or after the ball is dead;
(f) Throwing the runner to the ground after the ball is dead;
(g) Unnecessarily running, diving into, cutting, or throwing the
body against or on a player who (1) is out of the play or (2)
should not have reasonably anticipated such contact by an
opponent, before or after the ball is dead;
(h) A kicker/punter, who is standing still or fading backward after
the ball has been kicked, is out of the play and must not be
unnecessarily contacted by the receiving team through the
end of the down or until he assumes a distinctly defensive
position. However, a kicker/punter is a defenceless player
through the conclusion of the down or
(i) Using any part of a player’s helmet or facemask to butt,
spear, or ram an opponent (Note: This provision does not
prohibit incidental contact by the mask or the helmet in the
course of a conventional tackle or block on an opponent).

31 | P a g e
Penalty: For unnecessary roughness: Loss of 10 yards. The player may be
disqualified from the match if the action is judged by the official(s) to be flagrant.
In such a case the league will decide the appropriate recourse and possible
ejection for the entire season may be dealt. If the foul is by the defense, it is also
an automatic first down.
10.2. All players are prohibited from:
a.) Striking an opponent with his fists;
b.) Kicking or kneeing an opponent;
c.) Striking, swinging at, or clubbing the head, neck, or face of an
opponent with the wrist(s), arm(s), elbow(s), or hand(s)
Penalty: For fighting a loss of 15 yards. If any of the fouls is judged by the
official(s) to be flagrant, the offender may be disqualified and will be ejected
from the league for the remainder of the season as long as the entire action is
observed by the official(s). If the foul is by the defense, it is also an automatic
first down.
10.3. It is a foul if a player lowers his head to initiate and make contact with his
helmet against an opponent.
Penalty: Loss of 10 yards. If the foul is by the defense, it is also an automatic first
down. The player may be disqualified. Ramming.
10.4. Because the act of passing often puts the quarterback (or any other player
attempting a pass) in a position where he is particularly vulnerable to
injury, special rules against roughing the passer apply. The Referee has
principal responsibility for enforcing these rules. Any physical acts against
a player who is in a passing posture (i.e. before, during, or after a pass)
which, in the Referee’s judgment, are unwarranted by the circumstances
of the play will be called as fouls. The Referee will be guided by the
following principles:
a.) Roughing will be called if, in the Referee’s judgment, a pass rusher
clearly should have known that the ball had already left the passer’s
hand before contact was made; pass rushers are responsible for being
aware of the position of the ball in passing situations; the Referee will
use the release of the ball from the passer’s hand as his guideline that
the passer is now fully protected; once a pass has been released by a
passer, a rushing defender may not make direct contact with the
passer; incidental or inadvertent contact by a player who is easing up
or being blocked into the passer will not be considered significant.
b.) A rushing defender is prohibited from committing such intimidating
and punishing acts as “stuffing” a passer into the ground or
unnecessarily wrestling or driving him down after the passer has
thrown the ball. When tackling a passer who is in a defenceless
posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass), a defensive player
must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down or land on top of

32 | P a g e
him with all or most of the defender’s weight. Instead, the defensive
player must strive to fall to the side of the quarterback’s body, or to
brace his fall with his arms to avoid landing on the quarterback with all
or most of his body weight.
c.) In covering the passer position, Referees will be particularly alert to
fouls in which defenders impermissibly use the helmet and/or
facemask to hit the passer, or use hands, arms, or other parts of the
body to hit the passer forcibly in the head or neck area (see also the
other unnecessary roughness rules covering these subjects). A
defensive player must not use his helmet against a passer who is in a
defenceless posture—for example, (1) forcibly hitting the passer’s head
or neck area with the helmet or facemask, even if the initial contact of
the defender’s helmet or facemask is lower than the passer’s neck, and
regardless of whether the defensive player also uses his arms to tackle
the passer by wrapping him; or (2) lowering the head and making
forcible contact with any part of the helmet against any part of the
passer’s body. This rule does not prohibit incidental contact by the
mask or the helmet in the course of a conventional tackle on a passer.
d.) A rushing defender is prohibited from forcibly hitting in the knee area
or below a passer who has one or both feet on the ground, even if the
initial contact is above the knee. It is not a foul if the defender is
blocked (or fouled) into the passer and has no opportunity to avoid
e.) A passer who is standing still or fading backward after the ball has left
his hand is obviously out of the play and must not be unnecessarily
contacted by an opponent through the end of the down or until the
passer becomes a blocker, or a runner, or, in the event of a change of
possession during the down, until he assumes a distinctly defensive
position. However, at any time after the change of possession, it is a
foul if:
(1) An opponent forcibly hits the quarterback’s head or neck area
with his helmet, facemask, forearm, or shoulder.
(2) If an opponent lowers his head and makes forcible contact with
any part of his helmet against any part of the passer’s body. This
provision does not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or
the helmet in the course of a conventional block.
f.) The Referee must blow the play dead as soon as the passer is clearly in
the grasp and control of any tackler behind the line, and the passer’s
safety is in jeopardy.
Penalty: For Roughing the Passer: Loss of 10 yards and an automatic first down;
disqualification, if flagrant.

33 | P a g e
10.5. No player shall grasp and control, twist, turn, push, or pull the facemask
or helmet opening of an opponent in any direction.
Penalty: For twisting, turning, pushing, pulling, or controlling the mask or helmet
opening: Loss of 10 yards. The player may be disqualified if the action is flagrant.
If the foul is by the defense, it is also an automatic first down.
10.6. No player shall grab the inside collar of the back or the side of the
shoulder pads or jersey, or grab the jersey at the name plate or above,
and pull the runner toward the ground.
Penalty: For a Horse-Collar Tackle: Loss of 10 yards and an automatic first down.
10.7. A player may not use a helmet that is no longer worn by anyone as a
weapon to strike, swing at, or throw at an opponent.
Penalty: For illegal use of a helmet as a weapon: Loss of 15 yards and automatic
disqualification. If the foul is by the defense, it is also an automatic first down.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

10.8. There shall be no unsportsmanlike conduct. This applies to any act which
is contrary to the generally understood principles of sportsmanship. Such
acts specifically include, among others:
a.) Throwing a punch, or a forearm, or kicking at an opponent, even
though no contact is made.
b.) Using abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures to
opponents, teammates, officials, or representatives of the League.
c.) Using baiting or taunting acts or words that may engender ill will
between teams.
d.) Any violent gesture, or an act that is sexually suggestive or
e.) Unnecessary physical contact with a game official. Under no
circumstance is a player allowed to shove, push, or strike an official
in an offensive, disrespectful, or unsportsmanlike manner. The
player shall be disqualified from the game, and any such action
must be reported to the League Marshal.
f.) Prolonged or excessive celebrations or demonstrations by an
individual player or multiple players.
g.) Using any object as a prop, or possessing any foreign or extraneous
object(s) that are not part of the uniform on the field or the side-
line during the game, other than the football after a scoring play or
change of possession. If any foreign object(s) are deemed a safety
hazard by the game officials, in addition to a yardage penalty, the
player will be subject to ejection from the game, whether he uses
the object or not.

34 | P a g e
h.) Removal of his helmet by a player in the field of play or the end
zone during a celebration or demonstration, or during a
confrontation with a game official or any other player.
i.) Using acts or words by the defensive team that are designed to
disconcert an offensive team at the snap. An official must blow his
whistle immediately to stop play.
j.) Concealing the ball underneath the uniform or using any article of
equipment to simulate a ball.
k.) Using entering substitutes, legally returning players, substitutes on
side-lines, or withdrawn players to confuse opponents, including
lingering by players leaving the field after being replaced by a
l.) Two successive delay-of-game penalties during the same down
when time is in.
m.) Jumping or standing on a teammate or opponent to block or
attempt to block an opponent’s kick or apparent kick.
n.) Placing a hand or hands on a teammate or opponent to gain
additional height to block or attempt to block an opponent’s kick or
apparent kick, or in an attempt to jump through a gap to block an
opponent’s kick or apparent kick.
o.) Picking up a teammate to block or attempt to block an opponent’s
kick or apparent kick.
p.) Pulling an opponent off a pile of players in an aggressive or forcible
Penalty: For unsportsmanlike conduct: loss of 15 yards from (a) the succeeding
spot if the ball is dead; or (b) the previous spot if the ball was in play. If the
infraction is flagrant, the player is also disqualified. If the foul is by the defense,
it is also an automatic first down.
10.9. In addition to any penalty referenced elsewhere in the Official Playing
Rules, a player will be automatically disqualified if that player is penalized
twice in the same game for committing one of the unsportsmanlike
conduct fouls listed below, or a combination of the fouls listed below:
a.) Throwing a punch, or a forearm, or kicking at an opponent, even though
no contact is made.
b.) Using abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures to
opponents, teammates, officials, or representatives of the League.
c.) Using baiting or taunting acts or words that may engender ill will between
Note: The player will be automatically disqualified regardless of whether the
penalty is accepted or declined by the opponent. The fouls do not have to be
judged by the official to be flagrant for the automatic disqualification to occur,
and any foul that occurs during the pregame warm-up period will carry over into

35 | P a g e
the game. Nothing in this section supersedes the Game Official’s discretion to
judge a foul to be flagrant and disqualify the player based on one occurrence.

11. Overtime
11.1. If the score is tied at the end of the regulation playing time of all A5FL
games, a sudden-death overtime shall be in effect, pursuant to the
11.1.1. At the end of regulation playing time, the Referee shall
immediately toss a coin at the centre of the field to determine
who will start the overtime down with possession of the ball.
(the visiting captain will be given the courtesy to call the toss)
11.1.2. Overtime will start with a snap on the coin toss winner’s 20-
yard line.
11.1.3. An intermission of 3-minutes will begin for teams to prepare
for the overtime immediately after the coin toss.
11.2. Following an intermission of no more than three minutes after the end of
the regular game, the extra period shall commence.
a.) Both teams only receive one down per possession to score a
touchdown. Unless the team that receives the opening snap scores a
touchdown on its initial possession, in which case it is the winner.
b.) If a down is unsuccessful possession changes, and a back and forth
exchange of possession on 1st downs occur until someone scores a
c.) Whoever scores a touchdown first during the overtime period is the
winner and a Try is not permitted.
11.3. If after the 10 minutes of overtime, neither team has scored, the match
will be declared a tie.
11.3.1. Except in the league final, where a second 10 minute
overtime period will be permitted.
11.3.2. If in the league final, after the second overtime period there
still is no winner, then both team will officially be declared joint
league winners.

36 | P a g e
2023 - SEASON I
30 meters



80 meters
10m 30m 5m
Annexure B


Penalty Description Penalty Yardage

When a defensive player crosses the line of

Encroachment scrimmage and makes contact with an opponent 5 yards. Replay the
before the ball is snapped. Down

When a lineman on the offensive team moves prior

to the snap of the ball, or when any offensive
False Start 5 yards. Replay the
player makes a quick, abrupt movement prior to
the snap of the ball. Down.

When any part of a player’s body is beyond the

Offside 5 yards. Replay the
line of scrimmage when the ball is put into play.

Illegally snapping the ball before the ball has been

Illegal Snap 5 yards. Loss of Down
placed on the ground by the referee, snapping
before officials are in position or hiking the ball
forward, or snapping the ball to a player that is on
the line of scrimmage.
When an offensive player uses his hands, arms, or
Holding (Offensive) other parts of his body to prevent a defensive 10 yards. Loss of
player from tackling the ball carrier. Down

When a defensive player tackles or holds an 5 yards. Automatic

Holding (Defensive)
offensive player other than the ball carrier. First Down.

A judgment call made by an official who sees a

Automatic First
defensive player make contact with the intended
Pass Interference Down at the
receiver before the ball arrives, thus restricting his
spot of the foul.
opportunity to catch the forward pass.

Illegal Movement When the first receiver (QB) runs forward post snap
5 yards. Loss of
with the ball or try and personally advance the ball
a Down.
without handing of or passing off the ball first to
another player or overstepping their two step

Illegal Handling For handing the ball forward or in a forward

5 yards. Loss of
motion during rushing or running plays.
a Down.
Helmet to Helmet When one player uses his helmet to hit into 15 yards. Replay the
Collision another player’s helmet that has been either Down.
deliberate or incidental.

When one player tackles another by grabbing

15 yards. Automatic
Horse Collar Tackle inside their shoulder pads (or jersey) from behind
First Down.
and yanking them down.

When a player grabs the face mask of another 15 yards. Automatic

Face Mask
player while attempting to block or tackle. First Down if by
Defense. Immediate
turnover if by
When a player acts contrary to the general
Unsportsmanlike 15 yards. Automatic
understood principles of sportsmanship. See full
Conduct First Down if by
list below.
Defense. Immediate
turnover if by
When a defensive player makes direct contact
15 yards. Automatic
Roughing the Passer with the quarterback after the quarterback has
First Down.
released the ball.

An illegal, deliberate foul considered risky to the

Personal Foul 15 yards. Replay the
health of another player.

An action which delays the game; for example, if

Delay of Game 5 yards. Replay the
the offense allows the play clock to run out

For more than 5 players on the field for a single or

Too many Players on 5 yards. Replay the
both teams before (from the current snapping
the field spot) or during (from the last snapped spot) play Down.

If the ball was in a player’s hand, and he was able

Fumble Loss of a Down.
to grip the ball (even momentarily) before losing
the ball.

For a tackle with no attempted wrap of the

Illegal Tackling 15 yards. Automatic
defenders arms around the ball carrier or a
shoulder charge. First Down.

Illegal Use of Hands It is a foul if a defensive player thrusts his hands or 5 yards. Automatic
arms forward above the frame of an opponent to First Down.
forcibly contact him on the neck, face, or head.

Tripping or Clipping No tripping or clipping is allowed by either team. 10 yards. Automatic

Please see 9.17 and 9.18. First Down if by
Ramming When a player deliberately lowers his head while 10 yards. Automatic
running with the intention to make contact against First Down if by
other players with his helmet. defense. Player
disqualified from the
Fighting Zero tolerance against fighting on the field, during, 15 yard. Automatic
or after the match. The A5FL is a social league with First Down if by the
community and fun at its core. Defense. Immediate
turnover if by the
Offense. Ejection for
the remainder of the
season for the guilty

A player is automatically ejected from a match based on a single occurrence if they are penalized

Throwing a punch, use of forearm against an opponent in any fashion or kicking at an

opponent (even if no contact is made)

A player is automatically ejected from a match if they are penalized twice in the same game for:

Using abusive, threatening or insulting language or gestures.

Using baiting or taunting acts or words.
Any violent, sexually suggestive or offensive act.
Excessive celebration.
Using any object as a prop or possessing a foreign object on the field or the sideline during
the game.
Removal of helmet by a player on the field or the end zone during a celebration or
confrontation with an official or other player.

The player will be automatically ejected regardless of whether the penalty is accepted or
declined by the opponent. The fouls do not have to be judged by the official to be deliberate to
occur, and any foul that occurs during the pregame warm-up period will carry over into the

The penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct is a loss of 15 yards. If the foul is by the defense, it is
also an automatic first down. If the foul is by the offense, it is an immediate turnover.

If a game official judges any sportsmanship or personal foul to be deliberate, he/she may
disqualify a player based on one occurrence.

Disqualification is for 1 entire match. Ejection is for the entire or remainder of the season.

Should a player find themselves ejected from the league, they can re-apply at a disciplinary
hearing to be granted re-entry into the league. However, the league will judge harshly on re-entry.

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