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to obliterate b. to completely destroy something

to plague e. to cause worry, pain or difficulty to someone or
something over a period of time
Libel a false spoken statement about someone which damages
their reputation, or the making of such a statement
in the wake of if something happens in the wake of something else, it
happens after and often because of it
guise the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive
grit bravery and determination despite difficulty
ponderous slow and awkward because of being very heavy or large
about-turn a complete change of opinion or behavior
to impair to spoil something or make it weaker so that it is less effective
starvation famine
published brought out
to enact to put something into action, especially to change
something into law
disenfranchise to deprive of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity
to curb to control or limit something that is not desirable
Unfettered not limited by rules or any controlling influence
vested interests people or
organizations who have a financial or personal interest in a business, company
or existing system.
Slander a false spoken statement about someone which damages
their reputation, or the making of such a statement
Welfare a system of taxation which allows the government of a
country to provide social services, such as healthcare, unemployment pay, etc
to people who need them
to ghettoize to treat a particular group in society as if they are
different from the other parts of society and as if their activities and interests
are not important to other people
to supersede to replace something, especially something older or
more old-fashioned
menace threaten
To persuade- to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it
or by talking to that person and making them believe it
To curb-to control or limit something that is not diserable
Dissaray-the state of being confused and having no organization or of being untidy
Riot-an occasion when a large number of people behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled
way in public, often as a protest
Unease-a feeling of being worried about something
To deter-to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic
about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad
results if they do it
Zeitgeist-the general set of ideas, beliefs, feelings, etc. that is typical of a particular period in
Derelict-Derelict buildings or places are not cared for and are in bad condition
Beachhead-an area of land near the sea or a river that an attacking army has taken control of
and from where it can move forward into enemy country
To foreshadow-to act as a warning or sign of a future event
To reclaim-to take back something that was yours
To ghettoize-to treat a particular group in society as if they are different from the other parts
of society and as if their activities and interests are not important to other people
To reckon with-worth taking seriously because of being powerful, important, or good
Vested interests-people or organizations who have a financial or personal interest in a
business, company, or existing system
To embed-to fix something firmly into a substance
Spoiling attack-to try to hurt or defeat using violence
To enact-to put something into action, especially to make something law
To endure-to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful
To boast-to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own
To allot-to give something, especially a share of something available, for a particular purpose
Wake / in the wake of-If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after
and often because of it

Wreckage-a badly damaged object or the separated parts of a badly damaged object
Sentry-a soldier who guards a place, usually by standing at its entrance
Ordeal-a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience
Nadir-the worst moment, or the moment of least hope and least achievement
To cloak-to cover or hide something
To obliterate-to completely destroy something
To disenfranchise / disfranchisement / disenfranchised-to deprive of a legal right , or of some
privilege or immunity
To impair- to spoil something or make it weaker so that it is less effective
Grit-bravery and determination despite difficulty
To throng- to be or go somewhere in very large numbers
Guise- the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive
About-turn / about-face-complete change of opinion or behavior
Ponderous-slow and awkward because of being very heavy or large
Peer of the Realm-a member of the House of Lords who is not a life peer
To be shorn of something-to have something taken away from you
To hive something off-to separate one part of a company, usually by selling it
To defame / defamation-to damage the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing
bad things about them that are not true
Libel- a piece of writing that contains bad and false things about a person
To prosecute / prosecutor-to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a law court,
or (of a lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that
Media outlets-a newspaper, television station, website, etc. that makes information or other
services available to the public
To plague- to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time
Unfettered-not limited by rules or anny controlling influence
Slander-a false spoken statement about someone which damages their reputation, or the
making of such a statement
To tarnish-to make or (especially of metal) become less bright or a different colour/to make
people think that someone or something is less good
To oust / ex. ousted / deposed government-to force someone to leave a position of power, job,
place, or competition
Self-censorship-control of what you say or do in order to avoid annoying or offending others,
but without being told officially that such control is necessary
Assailant-a person who attacks another person
Strain-a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something, sometimes
causing damage
To brief / briefing-to give someone detailed instructions or information
Crossfire-bullets fired towards you from different directions
Settlers-a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in order to live
there and use the land
To smuggle-to take things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally
Crackdown-a situation in which someone starts to deal with bad or illegal behaviour in a
more severe way
To indict-If a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime
Ongoing-continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment
Hubris-a way of talking or behaving that is too proud
Unabashed-without any worry about possible criticism or embarrassment
Capstone-a stone at the top of a wall or building/someone's greatest achievement or the
greatest part of something
To hinder-to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of
To thrive-to grow, develop, or be successful
To impede-to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to
do something
To imbue-to fill something or someone with a quality or feeling
To endow-to give a large amount of money to pay for creating a college, hospital, etc. or to
provide an income for it
Restraint-calm and controlled behaviour/something that limits the freedom of someone or
something, or that prevents something from growing or increasing
Published-brought out
Welfare- a system that allows the government of a country to provide social services such as
healthcare, unemployment benefit, etc. to people who need them, paid for by taxes
To supersede- to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned/in bad
Tokenism-ipocrizie politică
Sedition-language or behavior that is intended to persuade people to oppose their government
Capstone address-

Unit 9

to persuade - to constantly say "please, please, please" until he/ she gives up / induce (someone) to
do something through reasoning or argument

to dissuade - persuade someone not to do a thing

to curb – a limit on something that is not wanted

disarray - the state of being confused and having no organization or of being untidy

riot - a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting

unease- worry or anxiety

to deter / (nuclear) deterrent- discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or

Zeitgeist- the spirit of a certain time

Unit 10

Derelict-describes places that are not cared for and are in bad condition

Beachhead- an area of land near the sea that an attacking army has taken control of

to foreshadow- a warning, prediction or sign of a future event

to reclaim-to take back something that was yours

to ghettoize-to isolate a part of population considered unimportant

to reckon with-to deal with a difficult or powerful person or thing

vested interests-a personal interest in something that you could get an advantage from

to embed-to be sent undercover

Unit 11

spoiling attack-a limited objective attack launched to disrupt enemy plans or operations

to enact- make (a bill or other proposal) law / put into practice (an idea or suggestion)

to endure- suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently / remain in existence; last

to boast- to praise oneself extravagantly in speech

to allot- to assign as a share or portion

allotment: They have used up this year’s allotment of funds.

wake / in the wake of-

wreckage- a badly damaged object or the separated parts of a badly damaged object / what is left of
something that has been spoiled or that has failed

sentry- a soldier stationed to keep guard or to control access to a place

ordeal- an ancient test of guilt or innocence / a very unpleasant and prolonged experience
nadir- the time at which something is most powerful or successful

Unit 12

to cloak- to hide / to disguise

to obliterate- to destroy utterly / to wipe out

to disenfranchise / disfranchisement / disenfranchised - deprive of a right or privilege

to impair- to weaken / to damage

grit- bravery

to throng- flock or be present in great numbers

guise- the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive: The men who
arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.

about-turn / about-face- a complete change of opinion or policy / a turn made so as to face the
opposite direction / a military command

ponderous- very big, moves with difficulty

Peer of the Realm- a member of the class of peers who has the right to sit in the House of Lords

Unit 13

to be shorn of something- intreg

to hive something off- a desprinde ceva dintr-un intreg

to defame / defamation- a defaima

libel- calomnie in scris

to prosecute / prosecutor- a acuza

media outlets-trusturi media

to plague- a afecta grav ceva

unfettered- nelimitat

to slander / slander- calomnie

to tarnish- a pata reputatia

on the dole = on welfare state = on social security = ajutor de somaj/social
social security number =cnp, dar nu include date personale ca la noi XXX-XX-XXXX
benchmark = to compare smth to smth to a standard
outstanding = exceptional, nemaipomenit – in fct de context
outstanding issue=problema, situatie problematica ce necesita rezolvare
to have a stake in smth = a avea o miza in cv
to stake a claim = sa afirmi o certitudine, o apartenenta la ceva, a revendica un status-quo pt ca ai o
miza in cv, punct de vedere in care ai tu o miza
to claim = a revendica
to go to the stake for smth = a face ceva pt un anume lucru in care crezi, sa te duci luand acel
demers personal, a iti asuma repercusiunile opiniei tale
stem = tulpina de floare
a porni din, a avea originea din ceva = to stem out of smth
to cloak = to hide smth
throng = flock, grup mare de oameni
to throng = a merge intr-un grup f mare (refugees)
guise = a type of political disguise, nu iti dai seama daca e liberal, democrat etc
to obliterate = to destroy something
to impair = a deposeda de ceva – not handicapped, ci impaired
grit = brave
ponderous = f greoi
peer of the realm – they are not elected, they have received the title fromthe queen, they are neither
lord temporal and lord sprirtual
peer = confrate
to disenfranchise / disfranchisement / disenfranchised = to deprive of a legal right
about-turn / about-face = a complete change of opinion, when someone underwent an about-turn
(intoarcere completa) or an about-face – major changes

(nuclear) deterrent — something which deters people from doing something

adviser (also advisor) n- someone whose job is to give advice about a subject
allotment: They have used up this year's allotment of funds.
allowance n — 1) money that is given regularly, especially to pay for a particular thing; 2) an amount of
something that you are allowed; 3) in the US — pocket money for children; 4) family allowance is in the
UK (old fashioned) child benefit; 5) personal allowance UK — an amount of money you can earn before
you start to be taxed; 6) tax allowance — the amount of income on which you do not have to pay tax
antidisestablishmentarianism — opposition to the beliefthat there should not be an official relationship
between a country's government and its national church.
approach n — a way of considering something
audacious — showing a willingness to take risks or offend people
banner n- 1) an idea, a principle or belief that is strongly supported by someone (Ex: They won the
elections under the banner of lower taxes.); 2) a long piece of cloth, often stretched between two poles,
with a sign written on it, usually carried by people taking part in a march; 3) an advertisement that
appears across the top of a web page.
breadline income — the level of income someone has when they are extremely poor
breadwinner — the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs
bill of rights – a law
caucus n-1) small group of people in a political party or organization who have a lot of influence or
similar interests; 2) in the US: meeting held to decide which candidate a political group will
support.3.meeting of a party representatives during elections
callous - ruthless
chair — n — (title) the official position of a person in charge of a meeting or organization, or a position in
an official group, or the person in charge ofor having an important position in a college or university
civil action — an official complaint made by a person or company in a law court against someone who is
said to have done something to harm them, and which is dealt with by a judge to mint (coins) vb — to
produce coins for the government
civil adj — 1) not military or religious, or relating to the ordinary people of a country; 2) polite or formal
coinage — (the invention of) a new word or phrase in a language
commissioner n — an important official who has responsibility in a government department or another
confrontational adj — violent or aggressive
convenient adj- l) suitable for your purpose and needs and causing at least difficulty; 2) near or easy to get
to or use
coroner n -an official who examines the reasons for a person's death, especially if it was violent or
county n — a political division of the UK or Ireland, forming the largest unit of local govermnment, or
the largest political division of a state in the US county-council n — an elected group of people which
forms the government of a county county court n — a local law court in England and in some parts of the
US which deals with cases that do not involve serious crime
customs duties — a tax paid to the government, especially on things that you bring into a country: There
is a high duty on alcohol.
Concord –settlement
Carefree - blithe
deed n- l) an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one; 2) a legal document which is an
official record of an agreement or official proof of ownership of land or of a building
deed poll n — in Britain, a type of legal document, especially one that allows someone to officially
changing their name
department to entice — to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant.
deregulation — Couldn't the deregulation of broadcasting lead to a lowering of standards?
derelict adj - describes buildings or places that are not cared for and are in a bad condition
disarray - the state of being confused and lacking in organization or being untidy
downside n — the disadvantage of a situation
draft n — l) a piece oftext, a formal suggestion or a drawing in its original state, often containing the main
ideas and intentions, but not the entire developed form; 2) a draft plan, bill, proposal; 3) the draft / in the
UK conscription — a system ofordering people by law to join the armed forces; 4) a written order for
money to be paid by a bank, especially to another bank (I arranged for some money to be sent from
London to Madrid by a banker's draft.); 5) US for draught - cold air; 6) or draught — of drinks such as
beer — stored in and served from large containers, especially barrels
draftsperson n -- (or draughtswoman in Australian English) -- a person who writes legal documents
emphasis n — l) the particular importance or attention that you give to something; 2) the extra force that
you give to a word or a part of a word when you say it
emphatic adj — done or said in a strong way and without a doubt: The minister has issued an emphatic
rejection of the accusation.
endeavor — an attempt to do something outskirts — plural noun — the areas that form the edge of a town
or city
ethos n — the set ofbeliefs, ideas, etc about social behavior and relationships of a person or group: ex.
National ethos, working-class ethos, etc.
Flag Day — l ) 14th of June, a holiday in the US marking the day in 1777 when the US first officially
used its flag; 2) UK (Australian English — Button Day) a day when money is collected in public places
for charity.
flag n — l ) a piece of cloth, usually rectangular and fixed to a pole at one edge, that has a pattetm which
shows it represents a country or a group, or has a paflicular meaning; 2) a type of iris; 3) a type of stone
FOE --- abbreviation — Friends of the Earth
foe -- an enemy
frame of mind — the way someone thinks or feels about something at a particular time
frame of reference - a set of ideas or facts accepted by a person which explains their behaviour, opinions
or decisions: How can Christians and atheists ever come to understand each other when their frames of
reference are so different?
framework n — 1) a supporting structure around which something can be built; 2) a system of rules, ideas
or beliefs that is used to plan or to decide something
general staff— a group of army officers who work for and give advice to a commanding officer general
strike — a strike in which most people in a country refuse to work until they are given higher pay or
something else that they want
go to the floor — to fall to very low levels
grocer — a person who works or owns a shop selling food or small items for the house
guilty – culpable
hubbub –noise and confusion
in / into force - (of laws, rules or systems) existing and being used
income n — money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
income support — in the UK, money that is paid by the government to people who have no income or a
very low income (in the US — on welfare)
incumbency — n — the period during which someone held a particular position to be incumbent on /
upon sb = to be necessary for someone: It is incumbent upon the president to safeguard national interest.
Incumbency – term in a office
incumbent — adj — officially having the named position: The incumbent president faces problems which
began many years before he took office.
incumbent — n — the person who has or had a particular official position: The present incumbent is due
to retire next month.
index-linked adj — UK — describes an investment or government payment that changes by the same
amount as the general level of prices
inhabitant — n — a person or animal that lives in a particular place
instead adv — in place of someone or something else matter n — a situation or subject which is being
dealt with or considered
interpreter n — someone whose job is to change what someone else is saying into another language
to impeach – to make a format statement saying that a public official is gulity of a serious offense in
conncection to their job
joint belonging to or shared between two or more people joint resolution — a decision which is approved
Keep the flag flying (mainly in the UK) — to act or speak for the country or group which a flag

last-ditch — (also last-grasp) an effort or attempt which is made at the end of a series of failures to solve a
problem, and is not expected to succeed. Example: In a last-ditch attempt to save his party from electoral
defeat, he resigned from leadership.
levy n — an amount of money, such as tax, that you have to pay to a government or organization
manifold adj — formal - many and of several different types
mileage n — l) the distance that a vehicle has travelled or the distance that it can travel using a particular
amount of fuel; 2) mileage allowance — the amount of money you spend or you are paid or that you must
pay for each mile you travel; 3) informal — the advantage that you can obtain from a situation (Ex: There
is no mileage in complaining to the Director — she'll just ignore you.) — for example political mileage
4) traveling expenses for high rank officials.
niche n — l) a job or position which is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like; 2) an area
or position which is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type; 3) a hollow in a wall, especially
one made to put a statue in so that it can be seen
office n — 1) work room or part of a company (We've got offices in London and Madrid.); 2)a position of
authority and responsability in a government or other organization; 3) a department of the national
government in Britain, or an official government organization: the Home Office, the Foreign Office, the
Office of Fair Trading, etc
ombudsman — n — someone who works for a government or a large organization and deals with the
complaints made against it
ombdusperson – Institutia Ombudsmanului
outmoded - old fashioned, no longer modern, useful or necessary
outset n — beginning, advent, dawn, start, commencement, emergence, initiation, inception, flare-up (of
rioting) incentive n something which encourages a person to do something (tax incentive): Bonus
payments provide an incentive for people to work harder. to incentivise (US) or to incentivize (UK) — to
make someone want to do something
outstanding ad] — l) excellent, clearly very much better than what is usual; 2) not yet paid, finished or
done, not finished 92
pace -- the speed at which someone or something moves, or with which something happens or changes
inception n — beginning, advent, dawn, start, commencement, emergence, initiation, outset, flare-up (of
parish n — an area cared for by one priest and which has its own church or (in England) the smallest unit
of local government.
political engagé n — formal — especial of a writer, musician, artist, etc. Interested in and taking part in
precinct n — a division of a city or a town, especially an area protected by a particular unit of the police
or a division used for voting purposes
prerequisite n — formal — something which must exist or happen before something else can exist or
Primaries n - in the USA, an election in which people who belong to a political party choose who will
represent that party in an election for political office.
provision n — 1) when something is provided; 2) make provisions for sth — to make arrangements to
deal with something, often financial arrangements
pain - anguish
rank n — l) a position in an organization, such as the army, showing the importance of the person having
it; 2) a particular position, higher or lower than others
ranks n — the membership ofa group or organization (The party leadership seems to be losing support in
the ranks.)
recorder of deeds n — grefier (Romanian)
referenda — formal — a vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their
opinion about or decide an important political question; also referendum / referendums or plebiscite
relief n — food, money or services which provide help for people in need
riot — l) a noisy, violent and uncontrolled public gathering; 2) a very amusing or entertaining occasion or
respected – looked up to
scope n — the range of a subject covered by a book, program, discussion, class, etc. (We would like to
broaden the scope of the enquiry and look more to general matters.)
scorn — a very great lack of respect for someone or something that you think is stupid or worthless
seat n — an official position as a politician or member of a group of people who control something
sedition — n — language or behavior that is intended to persuade other people to oppose their
soapbox — n — a rough wooden box or any raised temporary platform for people to stand on while
making informal public speeches
soapbox oratory = a skillful and effective public discourse, intended to attract the public opinion in a
simple and direct way
solecism n — 1) behavior that is a social mistake or not polite; 2) a grammatical mistake core n — the
basic and most important part of something: The basic lack of government funding is at the core of the
spillover — 1) the effects of an activity which have spread beyond what was originally intended; 2) an
amount of liquid which has become too much for the object that contains it and flows or spreads out
staff n-1) the group of people that work for an organization; 2) a long, strong stick held in the hand which
is used as a support when walking, as a weapon or as a symbol of authority; 3) flagpole / flagstaff
Staff— plural noun — the leaders of the United States armed forces, who give military advice to the
stake n — a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business
stance n — 1) a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion; 2) a
particular way of standing
Star-Spangled Banner — the national anthem (= song) of the US stripe n — a strip (a flat, narrow piece)
on the surface of something which is a different colour from the surrounding surface.
strife — n — violent and angry disagreement
summit — n — 1) the highest point of a mountain; 2) the highest, most successful or most important'
point in something: I certainly haven't reached the summit of my career; 3) an important formal meeting
between leaders of governments from two or more countries
summitry — n — high rank diplomacy meeting
superintendent (of schools) — a person who is in charge ofwork done in a particular department, office,
etc, or who is responsible for keeping a building or place in a good condition
system Of checks and balances — rules intended to prevent one person or group from having too much
power within an organization.
Signaled for –beckoned
Swerves – turns
the outskirts — plural noun — the areas that form the edge of a town or a city
tie n — l) US also necktie = a long, thin piece of material that is worn under a shirt collar, especially by
men, and tied in a knot at the front; 2) any piece of string, plastic, metal, etc. which is used to hold
together something
ties n — the friendly feelings that people have for other people, or special connections with places (He
urged governments worldwide to break diplomatic ties with the new regime.)
to " reck— I ) to destroy or badly damage something; 2) to spoil something completely
to allot vb — to give (especially a share of something available) for a particular purpose
to amend — vb — to change the words of a text, typically a law or a legal document. Ex: Until the
constitution is amended, the power to appoint will remain with the president.
to benchmark --- to measure the quality of something by comparing it to something else of an accepted
standard: His reports pointed out that we do not have reliability in the sense of schools being
benchmarked against the best.
to break (broke, broken) v - to fail to keep a law, rule or promise
to call for order — to ask people in a meeting to stop talking so that the meeting can continue
to call for something — to demand that something happens: Members have called for his resignation.
to call it a day — to stop the work you are doing
to call it quits - to stop doing something, or to agree with someone that a debt has been paid and that no
one owes anything more.
to call v- to ask someone to come to you to call into question — to cause doubts about something
to carry sth out (phrasal verb) — to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do
or that you have been told to do.
to coin (to mint) money v- to produce a coin for the government
to convene - vb -- to arrange (a group of people for) a meeting, or for a meeting
to curb — to control or limit something that is not desirable
to deregulate vb — to remove national or local government controls or rules from a business or other
activity: The government plans to deregulate the banking industry.
to deter — to prevent or discourage someone from doing something by making it difficult for them to do
it or by threatening bad results if they do it
to dissuade — to persuade someone not to do something
to draw (drew, drawn) up (phrasal verb) — 1) to prepare something, usually something official, in writing
2) to move a chair near to someone or something
to emerge VI) — 1) to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something; 2) to come to
the end of a difficult period of experience emergence n — the process of appearing
to enable vb — to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible
to enforce v — to make people obey the law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted
to engage in something (phrasal verb) — formal — to take part in something engagement n — 1) the act
of beginning to fight someone or a period of time in a war; 2) having formally agreed to marry
to enhance vb — to improve the quality, amount or strength of something
to flag (verb) to put a mark on something so it can be found easily among other similar things; 2)
specialized — to mark computer information with one or two possible values so that you can process it
later; 3) to become tired or less interested
To flag sth /sb down — to cause a vehicle to stop by waving at its driver
to forge v- 1) to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive; 2) to make or produce, especially
with some difficulty; 3) to suddenly and quickly move forward. Ex: Just 100 metres from the finishing
line Jackson forged ahead.
to frame v- 1) to fix a border around a picture; 2) to form an edge to something in an attractive way; 3) to
express something choosing your words carefully; 4) to make a person seem guilty of a crime when they
are not by producing facts or information which are not true
to have the floor — to have the right to speak
to impeach v — to make a formal statement saying that a public official is guilty of a serious offence in
connection to their job, especially in the US.
to interfere with v — to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not
to last v- 1) to continue to exist; 2) to continue being good or suitable
to levy (levied, levied) v- to assess income and receive tax
to loom — l) to appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object; 2) if an unwanted or
unpleasant event looms, it seems likely to happen soon and causes worry to loom large — if something
looms large, it becomes very important and often causes worry
to make allowances for... — l) to prepare for the possibility of... 2) to make allowances for someone or
their characteristics is to take their characteristics into consideration and not judge them too severely.
to make amends = to do something good to show that you are sorry about something you have done
to meet convenor -- n -- a high-ranking British trade union official who works a particular factory in
to oversee (overseeing, oversaw, overseen) — vb — to watch or organize a job or an activity to make
certain that it is being done correctly
to provide v — (of a law or decision) to state that something must happen if particular conditions exist.
Example: Section 17 provides that all decision must be circulated in writing.
to safeguard vb — to protect something from harm
to set down v- (phrasal verb) l) to write or print something, especially to record it in a formal document;
2) if a vehicle sets down a passenger, it stops so that the passenger can get out; 3) to land an aircraft
to set out v- (phrasal verb) l) to start a journey; 2) to start an activity with a particular aim; 3) to give the
details of something or to explain it, especially in writing, in a clear, organized way; 4) to arrange
something, usually a number of things, in an attractive and organized way.
to share v- 1) to have or use something at the same time as someone else; 2) to divide food, money,
goods, etc and give part of it to someone else; 3) if two or more people or things share an activity, they
each do some of it; 4) if two or more people or things share a feeling, quality or experience, they both or
all have the same feeling, quality or experience; 5) to tell someone else about your thoughts, feelings,
ideas, etc.
to spur — to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster to win / gain your spurs — to
achieve something which proves that you are skilled in a particular type of activity and to therefore win
the appreciation and respect of other people: He won his political spurs fighting hospital closures during
his time as local councilor in Bristol.
to stake vb — to hold up and support something by attaching it to stakes go to the stake for something —
to defend an action, opinion or belief despite the risks that are involved to stake a claim — if you stake a
claim to something , you state that you have a right to it and that it should belong to you to have a stake in
— if you have a stake in something which is important to you, you have a personal interest or
involvement in it.
to stem — l) to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasing; 2) to stop the flow of a liquid
such as blood; 3) to originate or develop as the result of something
to strisv (strove or strived, striven or strived) vb — to try very hard to do something or to make something
happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties
to supersede vb — to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned
suffrage – the right to vote
to tackle — to try to deal with something or someone
to take the floor — to start speaking
to tie sth in with sth — to plan an event or activity so that it combines with or happens at the same time as
another, or to be planned this way. to tie the knot — to get married to tie somebody up in knots — to
confuse someone
to tie v — l) to fasten together two ends of a piece of string or other long, thin material, or to (cause to)
hold together with a long, thin piece of string, material, etc.; 2) if you are tied to a job, place or person,
you are forced to stay with them; 3) to relate to or connect to; 4) to finish at the same time or the same
number of points in a competition as someone or something else.
to undergo (undergoing, underwent, undergone) — to experience something which is unpleasant or which
involves a change
to unfold — 1) if a situation or a story unfolds, it develops or becomes clearer to the other people; 2)
formal — to tell someone about SOmething, especially a plan, and explain it in detail; 3) to open or
spread out Something that has been folded
to uphold — vb — to defend or maintain a principle or law, or to state that a decision which has already
been made, especially a legal one, is correct
token n — 1) a thing that you give or an action that you take which expresses your feelings or intentions,
although it might have little practical effect; 2) used to describe actions which although small or limited in
their practical effect, have a symbolic importance; 3) US gift certificate — gift token or voucher - a piece
of paper with a particular amount of money printed on it which can be executed in a shop for goods of
that value; 4) a round metal or plastic disc which is used instead of money in some machines
token n — I) a thing that you give or an action that you take Which expresses your feelings or intentions,
although it might have little practical effect; 2) used to describe actions which although small or limited in
their practical effect, have a synbolic importance; 3) US gift certificate — gift token or voucher - a piece
of paper with a particular amount of money printed on it which can be executed in a shop for goods of
that value; 4) a round metal or plastic disc which is used instead of money in some machines token strike
n - greva de avertisment
tokenism n — actions which are the result of pretending to give advantage to those groups in society who
are often treated unfairly, in order to give the appearance of fairness
tokenism n — actions which are the result ofpretending to give advantage to those groups in society who
are often treated unfairly, in order to give the appearance of fairness – ipocrizie politica
token strike- greva de avertisment
trade union- organization that represents the people who work in a particular industry, protects their
rights, and discusses their pay and working conditions with employees
thrifty – careful
trivial - unimportant
unease — uneasiness – anxiety
unforseen — unexpected
vein — 1) a particular quality or characteristic; 2) style or temporary mood
wage — enough money to buy the things that are necessary in order to live, such as food and clothes
wage freeze — when a company or government fixes the amount paid to workers and will not allow any
wage n — a fixed amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who
does work that needs physical skill or strength, rather than a job needing a college education living
wager — the amount of money that you risk in the hope of winning more, by trying to guess something
uncertain, or the agreement that you make to take the risk; a bet.
warfare- the activity of fighting a war, often including weapons and methods that are used
welfare n — 1) physical and mental health and happiness, especially of a person; 2) help given, especially
by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough
money: This national fund pays for welfare benefits, such as unemployment and sickness pay.
welfare state — a system of taxation which allows the government of a country to provide social services,
such as healthcare, unemployment pay, etc to people who need them
wreckage n — 1) a badly damaged object or the separated parts of a badly damaged object; 2) what is left
of something that has been spoiled or that has failed
Zeitgeist n — the general set of ideas, beliefs, feelings, etc which is typical of a particular period in
Zealot – a person who has strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them too
callous- insensitive
carefree- blithe
careless- reckless
carries on- transacts
clever- shrewd
craves- desire
cry out- yelp
cruel - brutal
dangerous- treacherous
depend- trust
emphasis- importance
ESP= English for Specific Purposes
eulogy- praise
expounded upon- explained in detail
fort- tower
fowl- birds
guilty- culpable
hubbub- noise and confusion
impatient- alarmed
irritable- grouchy
jeopardy- danger
limits- boundaries
loathed- hated
look quickly trough- skim
made fun- derided
muster up- gather
outline of the plot- a synopsis
pain- anguish
pensive- thoughtful
respected- looked up to
retard- stunt
rude- surly
run into- meet unexpectedly
seized- confiscated
signaled for- beckoned
stubborn- obstinate
surprised- astounded
swerves- turns sharply
tepid- slightly warm
thrifty- careful
trivial- unimportant
unware of- ignorant of
very wet- drenched
Mileage distance in miles
travel expenses of the high rank officials

system of checks and balances -divided power between different branches, or parts,
of the government

Caucus -political meeting

Ombudsperson - public advocate

to impeach to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct



a preliminary election to appoint delegates to a party conference



High level meeting

to appoint
assign a job or role to (someone).

Bill of Rights

a formal declaration of the legal and civil rights of the citizens


opposition to the disestablishment of the Church

white collar workers

a person who performs professional, managerial, or administrative work

white collar crime

securities fraud, embezzlement, corporate fraud, and money laundering

13 - Quiz

Speaker(of the house)

the presiding officer in a legislative assembly, (House of Commons)

Upper House



16 - Quiz


the invention of a new word or phrase

to convene
come or bring together for a meeting or activity

a vote


right to vote
the process of voting

token strike

a short warning strike

political hypocrisy

provision(ESP term)

provision in a legal document

incentive(ESP term)
reward given to an employee

24 - Quiz

the act of removing restrictions

Rule of Law

norm that supports the equality of all citizens

customes duties
a tax imposed on imports and exports of goods.

to embed
attach a journalist to a military unit during a conflict

amendment(ESP term)

a formal or official change made to a legal document


a person's posture
a point of view
civil servants

a professional who works for the government at the local or federal level

31 - Quiz

trade union

association of workers
labor union

employer's organizations

an organization that supports companies and employers


crime against the state

soapboax oratory
an impassioned, impromptu speech



spillover effects (of economic growth)

an event in a country that has a ripple effect on the economy of others

in this vein

in this context
to win/gain your spurs
gain one's first distinction or honours


necessary condition


a good start


unpleasant begging


the values that distinguish one person, society from others

character in Greek
1. ESP word: mileage

Meaning: travel expenses for dignitaries, political figures

Political mileage: political experience

2. ESP word: caucus

Meaning: (a meeting of) a small group of people in a political party or organization who have a
lot of influence, or who have similar interests
Synonyms: convention, gathering, meeting, session

3. ESP word: summit / summitry

Meaning: high level meeting

Synonyms: summit conference

4. ESP word: System of checks and balances

Meaning: separation of control among several government organizations, such as a judiciary, a

legislature, and an executive division

5. ESP word: impeach

Meaning: to make a formal statement saying that a public official is guilty of a serious offence
in connection with their job, especially in the US
Impeachment: indictment
Synonyms: accuse, criminate, charge, indict, blame
6. ESP word: Ombudsperson

Meaning: someone who works for a government or large organization and deals with the complaints
made against it

Synonyms: authority, peacemaker, evaluator, court, critic

7. ESP word: Provision

Meaning: the act of providing something

Synonyms: supplying, providing, arrangement

8. ESP word: to incentivize/ incentive

Meaning: to make someone want to do something / something that encourages a person to do

something: money, etc.
Synonyms: encourage, motivate, boost

9. ESP word: deregulation

Meaning: the action of removing national or local government controls or rules from a business
or other activity
Synonyms: free competition, noninterference
10. ESP word: county-seat

Meaning: the most important city or town in a county, mostly where the local government is

11. ESP word: rule of law

Meaning: a set of laws that people in a society must obey

12. ESP word: to enforce

Meaning: to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted
Synonyms: to implement, to impose, to apply

13. ESP word: tokenism

Meaning: actions that are the result of pretending to give advantage to those groups in society who are
often treated unfairly, in order to give the appearance of fairness

Synonyms: duplicity, empty talk, hollow words, hypocrisy

14. ESP word: token strike

Meaning: a situation in which a group of workers refuses to work, but only for a short period

15. ESP word: ballot

Meaning: a system or occasion of secret voting

Synonyms: ellection, polling

16. ESP word: to convene

Meaning: to bring together a group of people for a meeting, or to meet for a meeting

Synonyms: assemble, convoke, gather, summon

17. ESP word: coinage

Meaning: a set of coins of different values used in a country's money system

To coin (a phrase)

Meaning: something you say before using an expression that has been very popular or used too much
18. ESP word: incumbency

Meaning: the period during which someone has a particular official position

Meaning: officially having the named position

Synonyms: occupancy, reign, administration

19. ESP word: Bill of Rights

Meaning: a statement of the basic laws to protect the rights of a country's citizens to have justice and

20. ESP word: to appoint

Meaning: to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility

Synonyms: assign, designate, nominate

21. ESP word: to carry something out

Meaning: to perform or complete a job or activity

Synonyms: to fulfill, to finish, to conclude

22. ESP word: to forge

Meaning: to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive

Synonyms: falsify, duplicate, fabricate, fake, copy

23. ESP word: primaries

Meaning: in the US, an election in which people choose who will represent a particular party in an
election for political office (direct elections)

24. ESP word: antidisestablishmentarianism

Meaning: opposition to the belief that there should not be an official relationship between a country's
government and its national Church

25. ESP word: customs duties

Meaning: a tax paid on goods that are imported

26. ESP word: to seize

Meaning: to take something quickly and keep or hold it

27. ESP word: to embed

Meaning: to fix something firmly into a substance

28. ESP word: to amend / amendment

Meaning: a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed

Meaning 2: to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document

29. ESP word: stance

Meaning: a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion

30. ESP word: wreckage

Meaning: a badly damaged object or the separated parts of a badly damaged object

31. ESP word: civil servant

Meaning: a person who works in the Civil Service: local, state, or esp. the federal government
32. ESP word: trade union

Meaning: an organization that represents the people who work in a particular industry, protects their
rights, and discusses their pay and working conditions with employers

33. ESP word: employers’ organization

Meaning: an organization that supports companies and employers and protects their rights

34. ESP word: sedition

Meaning: language or behaviour that is intended to persuade other people to oppose their government

35. ESP word: soapbox oratory

Meaning: a person who makes a speech on, or as if on, a soapbox

(Soapbox means a rough wooden box or any raised, temporary surface for people to stand on while
making informal public speeches)

36. ESP word: strife

Meaning: violent or angry disagreement

37. ESP word: spillover effect

Meaning: spillover effect refers to the impact that seemingly unrelated events in one nation can have on
the economies of other nations

EXAMPLE: an earthquake, stock market crisis, or another macro event

38. ESP word: in this vein

Meaning: someone does something in the same distinctive manner or style as you

39. ESP word: to spur

Meaning: to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster

40. ESP word: prerequisite

Meaning: something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen

41. ESP word: the outset

Meaning: the start or beginning

42. ESP word: onset

Meaning: the moment at which something unpleasant begins

43. ESP word: stem from something

Meaning: to start or develop as the result of something

EXAMPLE: Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.

44. ESP word: stake

Meaning: a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business

45. ESP word: outstanding

Meaning: clearly very much better than what is usual

46. ESP word: benchmark

Meaning: to measure the quality of something by comparing it with something else of an accepted

47. ESP word: income support

Meaning: in the UK, money that is paid by the government to people who have no income or a very low
48. ESP word: on the dole

Meaning: receiving money that a government (especially the British government) gives to people who
do not have jobs or who are very poor

49. ESP word: on welfare

Meaning: help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially
because they do not have enough money

50. ESP word: on social security

Meaning: a system of payments made by the government to people who are ill, poor, or who have no

rares_antonio pe insta
MILEAGE(pt esp)=cheltuieli de calatorie pt un demnitar

Income(pt un inalt official al statului)=salary+allowance(cheltuieli administrative)+milage

Wages=plata saptamanala, de obicei pt munca fizica

Caucus=UK=sedinta de partid inainte de alegeri

=US=home affairs

Ombudsman=avocatul poporului

Anti-dis-establish-ment-arian-ism=opusul ideii de separare a politicii de biserica

Primaries=alegeri directe(sinonim cu caucus in US)

False friends=cuvinte care nu au sensul obisnuit

Ex=to forge=a falsifica



To appoint=A desemna

White collar workers=intelectualii

Blue collar workers=muncitori

White collar crime=crime intelectuale=spalare de bani, deturnare de fonduri, plagiere

blue collar crimes = petty crimes

flag = banner=the Star Spangled Banner(drapelul US)

Speaker of the House of Senate=seful senatului

House of Representatives=the Lower House

the Upper House=Senat(denumire datorata lungimii mandatului)

draft – bill(propunere legislativa – law

Bill of Rights=cartea drepturilor omului

louse / lice=purice/purici




a system of checks and balances=sistemul se separare a puterilor in stat

claim=a pretinde

guard=salvgarda=a pazi mai presus de sine

confine=a inchide= a izola


to be on verge of extinction=in prag de disparitie

to occur = to happen

to foretell=a prevedea

evasion=a Evita

concealed=to hide = to cover=a ascunde

prolific=very productive




to carry out=a indeplini o sarcina


incumbent=(adj)in functie(presedintele)
=(adv)incumbent upon the president to safeguard national interest

incumbency=(subt)=mandatul unui presedinte=term in office / mandate

to convene=a reuni


=actiunea de a crea cuvinte

token strike=greva de avertisment

tokenism=ipocrizie politica

ballot=suffrage=procesul de votare

=votul propriu-zis

Guise=o deghizare neaparenta

=under the guise of liberalism=aparenta

to bellow=raget puternic

to pursue – pursuit
to menace=to threaten

monk = friar

friary = monastery

nunnery = convent

starvation = inanitie


to mend=to repell=s respinge



fight = argue=quarrel=bicker

obsolete = outdated = outmoded = oldfashined = ancient = old

bequeathe=mostenire lasata

inheritance=mostenire primita


rule of law=stat de drept

to regulate=a reglementa

to deregulate=a elimina o ordonanta de urgenta

law enforcement agencies=agenti de ordine poblica=politie, armata, jandarmerie etc.

to enforce=A pune in aplicare

to incentivise / incentive=a stimula/stimulant


countyseat=resedinta de judet

county = parish=unitate territorial-administrativa


precinct=loc in care se executa votul

the onset=un inceput a ceva negative

outset=un inceput a ceva pozitiv

to spur=a initia, a incuraja, a stimula

to win/gain your spurs=a-ti castiga existent

in this vein=in acest sens

prerequire=cerinte inainte de a incepe o activitate

heed=a fi atent la

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