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Information Economics and Policy

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Preventing commercial piracy when consumers are loss

Francisco Martínez-Sánchez
Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Universidad de Murcia,
Murcia 30100, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: I analyze how the loss aversion of consumers affects the strategies of the government
Received 13 February 2019 and the incumbent for preventing commercial piracy. To that end, I develop a sequential
Revised 15 September 2020
duopoly model of vertical product differentiation with price competition in which con-
Accepted 18 September 2020
sumers have a reference-dependent utility. Regardless of the quality of the illegal copy,
Available online xxx
conventional models that do not take into account the loss aversion of consumers overes-
JEL classification: timate the government’s effort to deter piracy but underestimate the incumbent’s effort.
D23 Contrary to conventional wisdom, I find that blocking the entry of a pirate by the govern-
D43 ment can provide more welfare than accommodating it. However, the government will not
D90 block it because socially it is better to encourage the incumbent to establish a price low
K42 enough to deter the pirate from entering.
O38 © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

reference-dependent utility
loss aversion
commercial piracy

1. Introduction duced profits because it became widespread throughout

the world, as can be seen in Table 1. For example, the
The arrival of personal computers in homes around the Global Software Survey (2003) reports that in 1994 97%
world in the last quarter of the twentieth century opened of the software installed in China was not licensed, i.e.
up the possibility of copying digital goods without the con- was pirated. Even in developed countries such as France
sent of their owners. This action, known as piracy, re- and Germany, pirated software accounted for half of all
installed software. Given how widespread piracy has be-
come, firms and governments have carried out strategies
R to curb and reduce it. As a result the piracy rate world-
Thanks for comments and suggestions are due to the two referees,
the participants at the XXXIII and XXXIV Jornadas de Economía Industrial, wide has been reduced from 49% in 1994 to 37% in 2017,
XXII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada and at a seminar at the University according to the latest Global Software Survey (2018) con-
of Murcia. I acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio ducted by the Business Software Alliance. Despite the
de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and Spanish Agencia Estatal de In-
progress made, piracy rates remain high, as can be seen
vestigación, under projects ECO2016-76178-P and PID2019-107192GB-I00,
which are co-financed by FEDER funds. Any remaining errors are mine
in Table 1. Recent papers have analyzed differences in
E-mail address: fms@um.es

0167-6245/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: F. Martínez-Sánchez, Preventing Commercial Piracy when Consumers are Loss Averse, Informa-
tion Economics and Policy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infoecopol.2020.100896
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F. Martínez-Sánchez Information Economics and Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 driving sales (Chiu and Leng, 2016), and that the more
Piracy Rate (%)
aware consumers are for paying lower prices, subject to
Piracy Rate (%) 1994 2017 Dif. Pp. Dif. (%) some quality constraints, the more favorable they are to
China 97 66 -31 -32,0 piracy (Ang et al., 2001) and (Wang et al., 2005). Illegal
France 53 32 -21 -39,6 copies evoke positive emotions such as the pleasure of
Germany 48 20 -28 -58,3 buying a product at a cheaper price (Marticotte and Ar-
Spain 77 42 -35 -45,5 cand, 2017), but the availability of a cheaper illegal copy
UK 42 21 -21 -50,0
causes consumer dissatisfaction with the original brand
USA 31 15 -16 -51,6
Africa 77 56 -21 -27,3 (Juggessur and Cohen, 2009). Consumers are therefore very
Asia 68 57 -11 -16,2 likely to be loss aversion when they decide to buy the orig-
Eastern Europe 85 57 -28 -32,9 inal or the copy of a product.
Latin America 78 52 -26 -33,3
In this paper, I analyze commercial piracy of dig-
Western Europe 52 26 -26 -50,0
Total World 49 37 -12 -24,5 ital goods, which occurs when some firms reproduce
and illegally sell copies of original products without
Source: BSA (2003, 2018)
the authorization of the owner.4 To that end, I de-
velop a sequential duopoly model of vertical product
differentiation with price competition.5 This model
piracy rates between countries.1 Martínez-Sánchez and
is similar to those presented in Banerjee (2003);
Romeu (2018) find that in more developed countries there
Martínez-Sánchez (2010) and López-Cuñat and Martínez-
are fewer incentives to pirate products. They also find
Sánchez (2015). Banerjee (2003) analyzes the role of
that countries with smaller, more efficient bureaucracies
government in combating piracy. Among other results,
are likely to protect intellectual property more effectively.
he finds that blocking the entry of a pirate so that
These results are backed up by Athey and Stern (2015),
the incumbent can set monopoly prices is an equi-
who suggest that the quality of the institutional environ-
librium. This result contrasts with that obtained by
ment is more closely linked with piracy than income per
Martínez-Sánchez (2010) and López-Cuñat and Martínez-
Sánchez (2015). Martínez-Sánchez (2010) shows that the
On the other hand, behavioral economics has shown
government will not help the incumbent to become a
that humans behave non-rationally.2 In particular, we are
pure monopolist even if it installs an antipiracy system. It
averse to losses (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979; Tversky
will let the pirate enter as either a follower or a leader,
and Kahneman, 1991). This means that the pain of a
or encourage the incumbent to set a low enough price
loss is greater than the pleasure of a gain of equal size.
to successfully deter the pirate from entering the market,
Neumann and Böckenholt (2014) have empirically demon-
depending on its technology for monitoring the pirate.
strated that loss aversion manifests when consumers de-
In a common framework, but with different assumptions,
cide to buy a product. Models developed recently in the
López-Cuñat and Martínez-Sánchez (2015) confirm that
field of industrial economics incorporate these discover-
deterred or accommodated piracy can occur in equilib-
ies about the non-rational behavior of people.3 They con-
rium, but pure monopoly cannot occur in any anti-piracy
sider that consumers obtain utility not only when con-
suming a product but also when comparing it with the
Commercial piracy has been and continues to be widely
reference product. Therefore, if a consumer buys a more
analyzed. Among the relevant publications,6 Lu and Pod-
expensive (or lower quality) product, she experiences this
dar (2012) study the case when the incumbent makes
as a loss in the price (quality) dimension. Previous litera-
a costly investment to deter a commercial pirate in a
ture has considered that consumers compare original prod-
given regime of intellectual property rights (IPR) protec-
ucts. However, this paper considers that consumers com-
tion. They find that when the consumers’ tastes are suf-
pare the original and the copy of a product. As far as I
ficiently diverse and the IPR protection is weak, it is
know, there are no papers that study piracy when con-
profitable for the incumbent to accommodate the pirate.
sumers are averse to losses. This paper sets out to fill that
In all other cases it is profitable to deter the pirate.
gap and analyze the effect of loss aversion among con-
Häckner and Muren (2015) consider two types of con-
sumers on strategies to prevent piracy. It also seek to con-
sumption externalities: i) consumers do not like the quan-
firm whether making the model a little more realistic in-
tity of items (copies or originals) sold of a product; and
validates the conclusions of the traditional models that an-
ii) consumers do not like copies more than the originals.
alyze piracy, and whether it provides new findings.
They show that there seem to be welfare gains from coun-
From the marketing literature, we know that lower
terfeiting, but the government would typically want to
price of illegal copies appears to be the main factor

1 4
For surveys of the theoretical literature about piracy see There are papers that analyze the case in which copies are made
Belleflamme and Peitz (2012) and Peitz and Waelbroeck (2006), and exclusively by end consumers. For example, Bae and Choi (2006);
for the empirical literature see Dejean (2009) and Waldfogel (2012). Chang et al. (2008); Darmon and Le (2016); Huang et al. (2018); Martínez-
2 Sánchez (2011, 2012) and Rasch and Wenzel (2013).
For a nice introduction to behavioral economics, I recommend
Kahneman (2011) and Thaler (2015). For the vertical product differentiation model, see Mussa and
3 Rosen (1978) and Ronnen (1991).
See Heidhues and Köszegi (2018) for a review of the literature and
Grubb (2015) for a review of the literature on the effect of consumer loss See Slive and Bernhardt (1998); Kiema (2008) and Martínez-
aversion on pricing. Sánchez (2013).

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keep counterfeiting at a low level, at least when exter- ficiency gains relative to second-best contracts without
nalities are strong and enforcement costs low. Recently, loss aversion. Hahn et al. (2018) also study price discrim-
Madio (2018) presents a model for analyzing the compe- ination but they consider that consumers have reference-
tition between a subscription-based content provider and dependent preferences for the quality and price of the
many pirate providers. He shows that the incumbent and product. They show that offering menus with a small
the government always find it optimal to tolerate some de- number of bundles is consistent with profit-maximizing
gree of piracy. Finally, Klein (2020) presents a model that firms that face loss averse consumers. Finally, Courty and
incorporates endogenous product quality and the interac- Nasiry (2018) apply loss aversion within a class of products
tion between public and private enforcement efforts. He of the same quality but not across quality classes. They
shows that when public intellectual property enforcement show that uniform pricing can be optimal across quality
is low, the authentic product firm optimally accommodates classes up to a quality threshold.
counterfeit entry by choosing low private enforcement and Here I analyze how the loss aversion of consumers af-
relatively high product quality. However, under high pub- fects the strategies of the government and the incumbent
lic enforcement the firm deters entry through high private for preventing commercial piracy. To that end, I develop
enforcement. Although piracy hurts incumbents, these pa- a sequential duopoly model of vertical product differen-
pers find that piracy has a positive effect on consumers be- tiation with price competition in which consumers are
cause it forces owners to set a lower price. Therefore, toler- loss averse. I consider that consumers have a reference-
ating piracy can be socially desirable. In the present paper, dependent utility for the hedonic price of the product,
I check whether these conclusions hold when consumers where a hedonic price is defined as the price/quality ra-
are loss averse. tio of a product. Loss aversion thus depends on the price
This research is related to recent literature that analyzes and quality of a product, but the degree of loss aversion
how the loss aversion of consumers affects price com- is the same for both characteristics. This last contention is
petition. Using the approach introduced by Köszegi and empirically supported by Neumann and Böckenholt (2014),
Rabin (2006); Heidhues and Köszegi (2008) modify the who find no general differences in loss aversion between
model introduced by Salop (1979) to consider that con- price and quality. I find that, regardless of the quality of
sumers are loss averse in relation to a reference point the illegal copy, conventional models that do not take into
given by their recent expectations about the purchase. account the loss aversion of consumers overestimate the
They find that consumers’ loss aversion in terms of money government’s effort to deter piracy but underestimate the
increases the intensity of competition, reducing or elimi- incumbent’s effort. Contrary to conventional wisdom, I find
nating price variation. Karle and Peitz (2014) modify the that action by the government to block the entry of a
model developed by Heidhues and Köszegi (2008) to con- pirate can provide more welfare than accommodating it.
sider that firms commit to deterministic prices before con- However, the government will not block it because socially
sumers form their reference points. They find that loss it is better to encourage the incumbent to establish a price
aversion in price is procompetitive, while loss aversion in low enough to deter the pirate from entering.
taste is anticompetitive. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
These papers consider that the reference point arises Section 2 describes the model formally. Section 3 presents
endogenously, but I assume that it is determined exoge- the equilibrium. Section 4 draws comparative statics. Fi-
nously, as in Zhou (2011) and Amaldoss and He (2018). In nally, Section 5 concludes.
a duopoly à la Hotelling (1929); Zhou (2011) finds that the
firm whose product takes more consumers as a point of 2. The model
reference has an incentive to randomize its price. He also
shows that loss aversion in price is procompetitive, while An incumbent produces an original product with qual-
loss aversion in taste is anticompetitive. On the other hand, ity qi and sells at monetary price pi , while a pirate ille-
Amaldoss and He (2018) include reference-dependent util- gally copies the original product and sells the copy at price
ity in the spokes model developed by Chen and Rior- pp . The quality of the copy is represented by qp . I assume
dan (2007). They find that loss aversion in price increases qp < qi . There is a continuum of consumers indexed by
competition among low-value goods, whereas loss aversion θ ∈ [0, 1], where θ is assumed to follow a uniform distri-
in taste softens competition among high-value goods only bution and represents consumers’ tastes for the quality of
if consumer sensitivity to the difference in taste is high a product. Each consumer is assumed to buy either a sin-
enough. gle unit of the product or none at all. I consider the utility
Previous papers consider models in which firms are of consumers to be reference-dependent. This means that
horizontally differentiated. However, in the model that I they experience a psychological disutility when buying a
present in this paper firms are differentiated vertically be- non-reference product whose hedonic price is higher than
cause I assume that the quality of the copy is inferior to the hedonic price of reference product,7 where a hedonic
that of the original product. Recent papers have developed price is defined as the price/quality ratio of a product (p/q).
monopoly models with vertically differentiated products I assume that a proportion φ of consumers take the origi-
and loss averse consumers. In this framework, Carbajal and nal product as the reference product, while the rest of con-
Ely (2016) study optimal price discrimination when con-
sumers have reference-dependent preferences for the qual- 7
If the hedonic price of the non-reference product is lower than that
ity of the product. They find that, depending on the ref- of the reference product, consumers experience a psychological gain. As
erence plan, optimal price discrimination may exhibit ef- in Zhou (2011), I normalize the psychological gain utility to zero.

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sumers take the illegal copy as the reference product. If the than that chosen by the pirate because qi > qp . This con-
reference product of a consumer θ is the original product, tradicts the idea that pi /qi < pp /qp . Therefore, in equilib-
his/her utility is: rium, pi /qi > pp /qp . This result means that those consumers

⎨θ qi − pi   if he buys the original product
U (θ ) = θ q p − p p − λ max 0, q pp − qpii
if he buys the illegal copy (1)

0 if he does not buy,

but if the reference product is the pirated product or ille-

gal copy, his/her utility is:
⎨θ qi − pi − λ max 0, qpii − pp
if he buys the original product
U (θ ) = θ q − p if he buys the illegal copy (2)
⎩ p p
0 if he does not buy,

where λ is the degree of loss aversion of a consumer,

whose reference product is the original will not experi-
which represents the consumer’s sensitivity to the differ-
ence a psychological disutility from buying the illegal copy.
ence in hedonic price with the reference product. I assume
Thus, if the reference product of all consumers is the orig-
that the degree of aversion to loss is the same for all con-
inal (φ = 1), no consumer experiences this psychological
sumers and that 0 < λ ≤ 8. This last assumption is not re-
disutility and the model coincides with the one previously
strictive because, as Neumann and Böckenholt (2014) find,
presented in Martínez-Sánchez (2010). From here on I only
”people tend to react almost twice as strongly to losses
consider the case in which pi /qi > pp /qp .
than gains”. Specially, they estimate that the loss aversion
Let β ≡ λ(1 − φ ) be the degree of loss aversion in the
coefficient is 1.7.
market, where 1 − φ is the proportion of consumers who
To obtain the demand function of each firm, I first de-
take the illegal copy as the reference product. These con-
fine indifferent consumers. Among those consumers whose
sumers suffer a psychological disutility when buying the
reference product is the original, let θi = pi /qi be the
original product because pi /qi > pp /qp . Thus, a higher pro-
consumer who is indifferent between buying the original
portion of these consumers implies a greater loss aversion
product and not buying at all; let θp be the consumer who
in the market. Moreover, the degree of loss aversion in the
is indifferent between buying the pirated product and not
market positively depends on the degree of loss aversion of
buying at all; and, let θ be the consumer who is indiffer-
one consumer. Finally, note that 0 ≤ β ≤ 8 since 0 < λ ≤ 8
ent between buying the original and the pirated product,
and φ ∈ [0, 1].
Demand for the original and the pirated product is de-

fined as follows:
+ qλp
pp pp pi pi pp
− if ≤ ,    
θp = qp qp qi qi qp
pp pi pp Di ( pi , p p ) = φ 1 − θ + (1 − φ ) 1 − θ
if ≥ ,     (3)
D p ( pi , p p ) = φ θ − θp + (1 − φ ) θ − θ p
qp qi qp

pi −p p
+ λ pi

if pi

θ = qi −q p
pi −p p
qi −q p qi qp qi
As in Martínez-Sánchez (2010), I assume that con-
qi −q p
if qi
≥ qp
. sumers do not face the risk of prosecution for the use of
copies because they do not illegally make and sell copies
Furthermore, among those consumers whose reference
of the original product.8 The government is responsible for
product is the pirated product, let θ p = p p /q p be the con-
monitoring and penalizing the pirate who illegally repro-
sumer who is indifferent between buying the pirated prod-
duces and sells copies of the original product. Let α be the
uct and not buying at all; let θi be the consumer who is
monitoring rate and G the penalty. Thus, α is the probabil-
indifferent between buying the original product and not
ity of detecting the pirate. I assume G ∈ 0, G , where G is
buying at all; and, let θ be the consumer who is indiffer-
the maximum legal penalty. Let C(α ) be the cost of mon-
ent between buying the original and the pirated products,
itoring piracy. I assume C (0 ) = 0, C  (α ) > 0. If the pirate’s
illegal operations are detected, he must pay  the penalty G
if pi

, and he loses his income. Let α G + α p p D p pi , p p − C (α ) be
θi = the net expected revenue of the government. I assume that
+ qλi
pi pi pp pi pp
qi qi
− qp
if qi
≥ qp
, a firm remains in the market if and only if it is making a
 pi −p p pi pp positive profit. So the expected profits of the incumbent
qi −q p
if qi
≤ qp
θ= and the pirate, taking into account that detection takes
pi −p p
+ λ pi

if pi

qi −q p qi −q p qi qp qi qp place after sale, are:

πi ( pi , p p ) = pi Di ( pi , p p ) and π p ( pi , p p )
If pi /qi < pp /qp , then θ p > θi > θ and θp > max θi , θ .
This means that demand for the pirated product is zero = ( 1 − α ) p p D p ( pi , p p ) − α G
and demand for the incumbent coincides with demand for
a monopolist. Thus, the hedonic price chosen by the in- 8
According to the penal codes of most countries, this assumption is
cumbent is the price of a monopolist, which is greater true (for example, see articles 270 to 272 of the Spanish penal code).

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⎧ 2
As in Banerjee (2003) and Martínez-Sánchez (2010), I ⎪
⎪ 4g qip((qii +βp))
q q −q
if 0 ≤ g ≤
q p (qi −q p )(qi +β )
consider that the cost incurred by the incumbent in devel- ⎨ A2

oping an original product is a sunk cost and the marginal pne
i =
qi Aq p −(q p +β ) q p (q p −4g)
q p (qi −q p )(qi +β )

⎪ 2q p ( qi + β )
if ≤g≤
production costs of both the incumbent and the pirate are ⎩ qp
A2 4
zero. I also assume that the incumbent, the pirate and the +∞ if 4
< g
government are risk neutral. (6)
The complete information game is as follows. The gov-
Therefore, the pirate’s optimal decision is to enter and
ernment chooses α and G to maximize social welfare,
p ( pi ) if pi > pi ; and not to enter if pi ≤ pi . Ac-
price pBR ne ne
which is the sum of the profits of the incumbent and the
cording to the pirate’s optimal decision, the incumbent ex-
pirate, the consumer surplus, and the net expected revenue
pects the profit of a monopolist if pi ≤ pne , and the profit
of the government. Then the incumbent prices first and be- i
of a duopolist if pi > pne . Thus, the incumbent’s continua-
comes the leader on prices. Next, the pirate prices the pi- i
tion profit is described in equation (7).
rated product and becomes a follower. Finally, consumers
decide to buy the original product, the illegal copy or nei- pi 1 − qpii if 0 ≤ pi ≤ pne
ther after they have observed firms’ prices. π ( pi ) =
c   i
p ( pi )
pi Di pi , pBR if pne
< pi
In the next section, I seek to find the subgame perfect
equilibrium (SPE) of the game by backward induction. Locally maximizing the incumbent’s profit in
equation (7), I obtain that the incumbent becomes a
monopolist which prices at a monopoly price of pm i
3. Equilibrium pi < pne
and a duopoly price of pdi when pi > pne
, where

3.1. Firms’ strategies qi d qi ( qi − q p ) d q p ( qi − q p )

i = ;p = ; pp = . (8)
2 i A 2A
Let A ≡ 2qi − q p + β . Given that qi > qp > 0 and β > 0, So that the incumbent’s profit and the pirate’s income,
it results that A > 0. The pirate becomes a follower whose pp Dp , are:
best-response function is: ⎧
⎨πi = 4
⎪ qi
if pi < pne
⎧ pi q p 2qi (qi −q p ) pne

⎨ 2qi if 0 ≤ pi ≤ πi = πine = pne 1− i

if pi = pne (9)
p q +β −q q −q
⎪ i
⎩π d = qi (qi −q p )
qi i
q p i ( i q ()q p +iβ( )i p )
2qi (qi −q p )
pBR ( pi ) = if ≤ pi ≤ Aqi
2 ( qi +β ) if pi > pne
⎩ qp

i 2A i
if 2 ( qi +β )
≤ pi
2 0 if pi ≤ pne
(4) Ip = q p (qi −q p )(qi +β )
Idp = 4A2
if pi > pne

The pirate prices as a monopolist if the price of the in- Taking into account that pne depends on g and com-
cumbent is high, as a duopolist if the price of the incum- paring the local maximums of the incumbent’s profit in
bent is low and, for intermediate price of the incumbent, equation (9), it is obtained that the incumbent becomes a
establishes the price that makes the incumbent ’s demand monopolist which prices at a monopoly price of pm when
equal to zero. Substituting (4) in the pirate’s profit gives the entry of the pirate is blocked by high government
the pirate’s maximum profit π pc (xi ) = (1 − α )γ ( pi ) − α G, effort (g ≥ gm ). When the government effort to prevent
⎧ q ( q +β ) 2qi (qi −q p )

p i
p2 if 0 ≤ pi ≤
⎨ 4q2i (qi −q p ) i A
q p (qi (qi −q p )−pi (qi +β ) )( pi −qi )(qi +β ) 2qi (qi −q p )
γ ( pi ) = if ≤ pi ≤ 2(qAq+i β ) (5)

⎪ q2i (q p +β )
2 A i
⎩ qp if Aqi
≤ pi
4 2 ( qi +β )

The pirate decides to enter the market when π pc ( pi ) >

0, i.e. when γ ( pi ) > g = α G/(1 − α ), where g is increas- piracy is very low (g < gne ), the pirate decides to enter as
ing in α and G, and indicates the government’s effort to a follower in prices, so the incumbent and he behave as
prevent piracy. So, if the government decides to establish duopolists. However, for intermediate levels of government
a greater penalty or increase the probability of detecting effort (gne ≤ g < gm ), the incumbent sets a low enough
the pirate, the variable g increases. Notice that γ (pi ) > g is price ( pne
) to prevent the entry of the pirate. These results
equivalent to pi > pne , where pne is the no-entry or limit are summarized in the following proposition.
i i
price, which is 9
Proposition 1. In any SPE, the optimal strategies of the in-
cumbent and the pirate are as follows:

(a) If g < gne , the incumbent will price at pdi and the pirate
will enter and price at pdp , where

is +∞ when qp /4 < g. q p ( qi + β ) qi + β − (q p + β )A
For convenience of analysis I assume that pne
This means that the pirate is deterred from entering at any price when
gne = . (11)
the government’s effort is very high. 8(qi − q p )A

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(b) If g ≥ gne , the pirate will not enter and the incumbent will Taking into account that φ is the proportion of con-
price at pnei
if gne ≤ g < gm , and at pm i
= 2i if gm ≤ g, sumers who take the original product as the reference
where product and 1 − φ the proportion who take the illegal copy
 as the reference product, I define the total
q q +β q −2q −β
− p ( i )( i 2 p ) if
3q p + β
≥ qi  consumer sur- 
gm = 4 ( q p +β ) 2
(12) plus as C S = φCS + (1 − φ )C S. Let B ≡ qi 4q2i − q2p + qi q p .
q p ( qi +β ) 3q p + β
16(qi −q p )
if 2
≤ qi . The value of the consumer surpluses in each outcome are:

qi 4β (2qi + β ) + 4q2i + q p (qi − q p )
d =
d B + λ ( qi ( 1 − 2φ ) ( 4qi + λ ( 1 − 2φ ) ) + q p ( 6qi − 2q p + λ ( 3 − 4φ ) ) )
CS = 2
B + β λ(qi + q p (3 − 4φ ) ) + 2 2qi − q2p + 3qi q p
CSd =
qi − pne
i qi
CSne = ; CSm = (14)
2qi 8

As in Martínez-Sánchez (2010), I find that when g ≥ gm Given that a higher monitoring rate (α ) entails a higher
the entry of the pirate is blocked by the high expenditure cost but a higher penalty does not entail a higher cost,
of the government on preventing it, so the incumbent be- the government will choose the maximum penalty, which
comes a monopolist which can set a monopoly price. I call is G. Moreover, welfare in each outcome is decreasing in
this outcome pure monopoly. However, when gne ≤ g < gm α because (i) CSk , πik , Ikp , k ∈ {d, m} are independent of α ;
the entry of the pirate is discouraged because the incum-  2
(ii) CSne + πine = q2i − pne
/2qi is decreasing in α be-
bent shares the cost of deterring commercial piracy with
the government. This outcome is called restricted monopoly cause CSne + πine is decreasing in pne
, pne
is increasing in
because the incumbent sets a limit price to deter the entry g and g = α G/(1 − α ) is increasing in α ; and (iii) the cost
of the pirate. of monitoring piracy is increasing in α , C (α ) > 0. So in or-
der to maximize welfare in each outcome the government
3.2. Government’s optimal policy will choose the maximum penalty, G, and the minimum
monitoring rates that
 leadto different outcomes,
The government chooses the optimal policy that max- αd = 0, αne = gne / gne + G and αm = gm / gm + G , where
imizes social welfare, taking into account the optimal α d < α ne < α m . Moreover, given that welfare is decreas-
strategies of the incumbent and the pirate. Social welfare ing in g because g is increasing in α , the values of g that
is the sum of the profits of the incumbent and the pirate, lead to different outcomes are gd = 0, gne and gm , where
the consumer surplus, and the net expected revenue of the gd < gne < gm . The maximum welfare in each outcome is
government:10 as follows:

   W d = CSd + πid + Idp , Wne

ne ne
= CSne + πi,ne
− C (αne ),
CSd + πid + pdp Ddp pdi , pdp − C (α ) if 0 ≤ g < gne ,
W = CSne + πine − C (α ) if gne ≤ g < gm , W m = CSm + πim − C (αm ). (15)
CSm + πim − C (α ) if gm ≤ g
where πi,ne
ne and CSne are the incumbent’s profit and the
consumer surplus assessed at g = gne , respectively. Let
where CSk is the consumer surplus when the entry of the  k = CSk + π k + Ik be the gross social welfare in outcome
W i p
pirate is accommodated (k = d, the case of duopoly), de- k ∈ {d, ne, m}. The value of the gross welfare in each out-
terred (k = ne) or blocked (k = m). The consumer surpluses come is:
of those consumers whose reference product is the original
 ) and those whose reference product is the illegal copy
(CS  d = qi (3qi (4qi −3q p )+q p )+β (4(2qi −q p )(qi +q p )+λ (qi +3q p −4φ q p ))

(CS) are defined as follows: W 8A2


W = 8 ;
m 3qi
 θ  √
1 qi 3qi −2q p +β + (q p +β )A
CS (θ q p − p p )dθ +(θ qi − pi )dθ 
W =
ne 4A
θp θ
 θ  1    (16)
p p
CS = (θ q p − p p )dθ + θ qi − pi − λ i − p dθ
θp θ qi qp Figure 1 shows graphically that discouraging the entry
of the pirate because the incumbent sets a low enough
price (restricted monopoly) provides the greatest gross
welfare. Moreover, given that C (α ) > 0 and α ne < α m ,
The pirate’s profit has been included in welfare function because he
is an agent who generates revenue and helps to prevent the incumbent
it emerges that C(α ne ) < C(α m ). Thus, I deduce that dis-
from exercising market power, although it may not include the pirate on couraging the pirate from entering (restricted monopoly)
ethical and moral grounds. is socially better than the government blocking it (pure

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Fig. 1. Comparison of gross welfare (qi = 1).

monopoly).11 Therefore, the outcome that maximizes so- the quality of the copy is not high enough and the degree
cial welfare is the restricted monopoly or that in which the of loss aversion of consumers is high enough. In particu-
entry of the pirate is accommodated (duopoly), depend- lar, for not high enough levels of quality of the copy, a
ing on the cost of monitoring the pirate in the restricted pure monopoly provides higher welfare if the proportion
monopoly. In particular, if that cost is high enough social of consumers who take the illegal copy as the reference
welfare is maximized by letting the pirate enter as a fol- product (1 − φ ) and the loss aversion of consumers (λ) are
lower. Otherwise, it is maximized by encouraging the in- high enough. And for low levels of quality of the copy, a
cumbent to set a limit price that deters the pirate from pure monopoly provides higher welfare for almost all val-
entering. Recall that, in the restricted monopoly, the pirate ues of φ and λ, except for very low values of λ and very
is discouraged by the joint effort of the government and high values of φ . However, the findings of the previous lit-
the incumbent. This result is described in Proposition 2. erature hold for high enough levels of quality of the copy.

Proposition 2. In any SPE in which qi = 1, the optimal strat-

4. Comparative Statics
egy of the government is:

(a) g = 0, if C (αne ) > W  ne − W

 d. 4.1. The effect of loss aversion

(b) g = gne , if C (αne ) < Wne − W
ne  d.
The illegal copy is cheaper, so those consumers whose
A novel and unexpected result deduced from Figure 1 is reference product is the illegal copy but who buy the origi-
that a pure monopoly can provide more welfare than a nal product suffer psychological damage by buying the ex-
duopoly. That is, contrary to conventional wisdom, a set- pensive product. Thus, loss aversion in the hedonic price
ting of lower competition can generate higher welfare. Ac- dimension negatively affects these consumers. In response
cording to the model presented here, this happens when to a larger λ, the incumbent lowers the price of the orig-
inal product and the pirate reacts by decreasing the price
In order not to distort the incumbent’s incentives to develop new
of the illegal copy but to a lesser extent. The result is that
products, I assume that the incumbent’s revenue is high enough to sup- the incumbent maintains demand for its product and de-
port the cost of developing the original product. mand for the illegal copy increases. Therefore, greater loss

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aversion in hedonic price means less profit for both the in- tion (6), which results in the following equation:14
cumbent and the pirate. These results are summarized in 
Proposition 3.  q2 qi + β − ( q p + β ) ( 2qi − q p + β )
i,ne =
Proposition 3. At the equilibrium when the pirate is accom- 2 ( 2qi − q p + β )
modated, greater loss aversion on the part of consumers (a
From Figure 2, I find that regardless of the quality of
higher λ) means lower prices for both products, lower profits
the illegal copy, greater aversion to losses in the market
for both the incumbent and the pirate, and more demand for
means less effort on the part of the government, along
the illegal copy. The demand for the original product is con-
with the owner, to dissuade the pirate from entering, i.e. to
achieve a restrictive monopoly. Thus, a greater β (greater λ
or smaller φ ) means a smaller gne .
Proof. See Appendix.  As mentioned above, the pirate’s income negatively de-
pends on the loss aversion in the market. Thus, the in-
Proposition 3 shows that loss aversion in the hedo- cumbent’s effort to avoid piracy could be less when loss
nic price is procompetitive because it increases the incen- aversion in the market increases, which means that it can
tives of firms to reduce their prices. This result is in line set a higher no-entry or limit price. However, loss aver-
with those obtained by Zhou (2011) and Amaldoss and sion in the market also affects the limit price pne
He (2017), though they consider prices and not hedonic the government’s effort. Equation (6) shows that there is
prices.12 a positive relationship between government effort and the
When the proportion of consumers whose reference limit price. This means that if the government’s effort
product is the original increases, there are proportionally to prevent piracy increases, the incumbent will try less
fewer consumers who experience a psychological disutil- and will set a higher limit price. Given that greater loss
ity when buying the original product, which is more ex- aversion in the market means less effort by the govern-
pensive. In this case, the incumbent reacts by increasing ment, the incumbent should do more to prevent commer-
prices and the pirate does likewise but to a lesser extent. cial piracy. There are thus two contradictory effects of loss
As a result, the incumbent maintains demand for its prod- aversion in the market on the limit price. To see which ef-
uct and demand for that of the pirate decreases. There- fect prevails, consider Figure 3, which shows that greater
fore, a greater proportion of consumers whose reference loss aversion means a lower limit price, so the incumbent
product is the original means more profit for both the in- should do more to prevent piracy. This result is explained
cumbent and the pirate. These results are summarized in by the indirect effect of loss aversion in the market on
Proposition 4. the limit price through the government’s effort to prevent
commercial piracy.
Proposition 4. At the equilibrium when the pirate is ac- According to these results, conventional models that do
commodated, a greater proportion of consumers who take not take into account loss aversion in the market over-
the original product as their reference product (a higher φ ) estimate the government’s effort to deter piracy but un-
means higher prices for both products, higher profits for both derestimate that of the incumbent. That is, when con-
the incumbent and the pirate, and lower demand for the ille- sumers experience a psychological disutility when buy-
gal copy. The demand for the original product is constant. ing an expensive non-reference product, the government
must reduce the monitoring rate and the incumbent must
Proof. See Appendix.  set a lower limit price to prevent commercial piracy.
Proposition 5 summarizes these results:

From propositions 3 and 4, I deduce that greater loss Proposition 5. In a restricted monopoly, when qi = 1, gne
aversion in the market (higher λ or lower φ ) means lower and pne
decrease in β .
income for the pirate.13 Therefore, it should be easier for
the government and the incumbent to deter the pirate 4.2. The effect of illegal copy quality
when the loss aversion in the market increases. Next, I
check whether the model confirms this hypothesis. To that Figure 2 shows that there is an inverted U-shaped re-
end, I analyze the effect of greater loss aversion in the mar- lationship between government efforts to deter piracy and
ket (β ) on the strategies of the government and the in- the quality of illegal copies. This means that government
cumbent for preventing commercial piracy. In particular, I efforts to deter piracy are greater for intermediate levels of
analyze the effect on gne and on pne i,ne
, where pne
is the quality and lower for extreme levels, so deterring piracy is
no-entry or limit price set at gne . To obtain pne i,ne
, I plug easier for extreme levels of illegal copy quality. This result
gne , equation (11), into the no-entry price function, equa- is summarized in Proposition 6.

Proposition 6. There is a value q∗p such that gne increases in

qp if q p ≤ q∗p and decreases otherwise.
Zhou (2011) and Amaldoss and He (2017) develop a model of hori-
zontal product differentiation and also consider loss aversion in products.
They find that loss aversion in products is anticompetitive.
To obtain this expression the following is necessary: gne <
q p (qi −q p )(qi +β )
Remember that the degree of loss aversion in the market is repre- . The proof of this is provided in Lemma 1 in the Ap-
(2qi −q p +β )2
sented by β ≡ λ(1 − φ ). pendix.

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Fig. 2. The monitoring effort for deterring piracy, gne (qi = 1).

Fig. 3. The price of the original product in a restricted monopoly, pne

(qi = 1).

This is because there is an inverted U-shaped relation- 5. Conclusions

ship between the pirate’s income and the quality of the
∂ Id In this paper, I analyze how the loss aversion of con-
illegal copy, given that ∂ qp is positive for low levels of
sumers affects the strategies of the government and the
qp (or higher product differentiation between the origi-
incumbent for preventing commercial piracy. To that end,
nal product and the copy), but negative for high levels (or
I develop a sequential duopoly model of vertical product
lower product differentiation). In particular, the following
differentiation with price competition in which consumers
are loss averse, i.e. they have a reference-dependent util-
∂ Ip ( qi + β ) ( qi ( 2qi + β ) − q p ( 3qi + 2β ) ) ity. In particular, I consider that they have a reference-
= 0⇔
∂ qp 4A3 dependent utility for the hedonic price of a product.
qi ( 2qi + β ) I find that regardless of the quality of the illegal copy,
qp  greater loss aversion means less effort from the govern-
3qi + 2β
ment to achieve the outcome in which the incumbent sets
The intuition is as follows. When the quality of the il- a low enough price to deter the pirate from entering, but
legal copy is low, demand for the pirated product is low, greater effort from the incumbent to achieve it. Therefore,
so the pirate’s income is low; but when the quality of the according these results, conventional models that do not
copy is high the original and the copy are similar, so the take into account the loss aversion of consumers overes-
price competition between the incumbent and the pirate is timate the government’s effort to deter piracy but under-
tougher and the pirate’s income falls. Therefore, deterring estimate that of the incumbent. This means that the in-
commercial piracy is easier at extreme levels of quality of cumbent should set a lower price of the original product
the illegal copy. and the government should allocate less resources to pur-
Figure 3 shows that pne i,ne
is decreasing in qp . This sue commercial pirates. For example, the government can
is because the competition between the incumbent and reduce the size of units looking for commercial pirates, less
the pirate becomes tougher as the quality of the ille- frequently improve the work teams of previous units...
gal copy increases. The incumbent therefore decreases the Contrary to previous literature, I find that the govern-
limit price to deter the pirate from entering the market. ment blocking the entry of the pirate can provide more
Proposition 7 summarizes this result. welfare than accommodating it. This result is novel and
unexpected because it means that a pure monopoly can
Proposition 7. In a restricted monopoly, when qi = 1, pne
i,ne provide more welfare than a duopoly. That is, contrary to
decrease in qp .

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conventional wisdom, a setting with lower competition can

generate higher welfare. This happens when the quality
of copy is not high enough and the loss aversion is high
enough. Otherwise, the findings in the previous literature
hold. However, the government will not block the entry of
the pirate because socially it is better to encourage the in-
cumbent to establish a price low enough to deter it from
entering, as in Martínez-Sánchez (2010). Thus, I find that,
depending on the cost of monitoring piracy, the govern-
ment will allow the sale of illegal copies or will encourage
the incumbent to set a low enough price to deter the pi-
Fig. 4. Lemma 1.
rate from entering. In particular, it encourages the incum-
bent to deter the entry of the pirate when the monitoring
cost is low enough; otherwise, it lets the pirate enter as a ∂ pdi (1−φ )qi (qi −q p ) ∂ pd (1−φ )q p (qi −q p )
∂λ = − < 0; ∂λp = − < 0;
follower. These results hold provided that the incumbent’s A2 2A2
revenue is high enough to support the cost of developing ∂ Ddp ( qi −q p )(1−φ ) ∂πid (1−φ )qi (qi −q p )
∂λ = 2A2
> 0; ∂λ = − 2A2
< 0;
an original product. Otherwise, the government will let the ∂ Idp q p (qi −q p )(1−φ )(q p +β )
incumbent become a monopolist so as not to upset its in- ∂λ = − 4A3
< 0. 
centives to develop a new product.
∂ pd λqi (qi −q p ) ∂ pd
Hitherto the literature on piracy has found that the en- Proof of Proposition 4. ∂φi = A2
> 0; ∂φp =
try of a pirate into the market has a positive effect on con- λq p (qi −q p )
> 0;
sumers, as it reduces the incumbent’s market power, and
∂ Ddp λ(qi −q p ) ∂π d λq (q −q p )
∂φ = − 2A2 < 0; ∂φi = i 2Ai 2 > 0;
a negative effect on the incumbent, as it reduces its profit.
This positive effect explains why the government tolerates ∂ Idp λq p (qi −q p )(q p +β )
piracy. In this paper I identify a negative effect on con- ∂φ = 4A3
> 0. 
sumers, since the availability of a copy enables consumers
q p (qi −q p )(qi +β )
to make comparisons, which reduces their utility because Lemma 1. When qi = 1, gne < .
(2qi −q p +β )2
they are loss averse. This negative effect explains why, con-
trary to conventional wisdom, a setting with less competi- Proof of Lemma 1. Assume that qi = 1. In Figure 4, gne
tion can generate higher welfare. This result depends on q p (qi −q p )(qi +β )
is represented in red and is represented in
there being consumers whose reference product (the il- (2qi −q p +β )2
legal copy) is sufficiently different from the product that blue. As can be seen, the blue area is above the red one.
q p (qi −q p )(qi +β )
they buy (the original). Thus, a natural extension of this Thus, gne < .
model is to analyze whether consumers can have a product (2qi −q p +β )2

of reference that is considerably different from the prod-
uct that they are going to buy. To determine this it will be
CRediT authorship contribution statement
necessary to analyze the mechanisms that make a product
a reference.
Francisco Martínez-Sánchez: Conceptualization,
An important feature in some industries of digital goods
Methodology, Software, Data curation, Writing - origi-
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nal draft, Visualization, Investigation, Validation.
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