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cally, ADHD symptoms arise in early

hood. According to the DSM-5, several

ptoms are required to be present before
ge of 12. Many parents report excessive
r activity during the toddler years, but
D symptoms can be hard to distinguish
the impulsivity, inattentiveness and active
vior that is typical for kids under the age of

A Program of CHADD

ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder


UTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER, or ASD, includes what used to be called Autistic Disorder, Asperger
syndrome, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified, all of which affect a person’s
social and emotional skills and nonverbal communication. ASD has many similarities to ADHD, but there
are also differences between the two.

Can a person be diagnosed with ADHD and ASD? Why do ADHD and ASD coexist so often and what
More than half of all individuals who have been di- are the similarities between them?
agnosed with ASD also have signs of ADHD. In fact, Both ADHD and ASD are neurodevelopmental dis-
ADHD is the most common coexisting condition in orders (brain development has been affected in some
children with ASD. On the flip side, up to a quarter way). That means both conditions/disorders affect the
of children with ADHD have low-level signs of ASD, central nervous system, which is responsible for move-
which might include having difficulty with social skills ment, language, memory, and social and focusing skills.
or being very sensitive to clothing textures, for example. A number of scientific studies have shown that the two
conditions often coexist, but researchers have not yet
figured out why they do.
With ADHD or ASD, brain development has been
affected in some way. Most importantly, that includes
the brain’s executive functioning, which is responsible
for decision making, impulse control, time manage-
ment, focus, and organization skills. For many children,
social skills are also affected. Both ADHD and ASD are
more common in boys.
Although adults can have both ADHD and ASD,
the combination is not as common as it is in children.
While ASD is considered a lifelong disorder, long-term
studies have shown that in one-third to two-thirds of
children with ADHD, symptoms last into adulthood.

What are the differences between ADHD and ASD?

Many children are first diagnosed with ADHD around
the time they start preschool or kindergarten because
their behavior contrasts with that of their classmates.
ADHD can cause children to be restless all the time, act
impulsively, and have a hard time paying attention. But
some children with ADHD have different signs—focus-
ing all their attention on one toy, for instance, and not
wanting to play with anything else. 1
For some children with ASD, the signs are noticeable or insensitive to light, noise, touch,
before they reach their second birthday. For others, signs of pain, smell, or taste or have a strong
ASD may not be clear until they are school-aged and their interest in them. They may have set
social behaviors are clearly different from their classmates’. food preferences based on color or
Children with ASD often avoid eye contact and don’t seem texture and may make gestures such
interested in playing or engaging with others. Their ability to as repeated hand flapping. Their
speak may develop slowly or not at all. They may be preoccu- intense focus means people
pied with sameness in textures of food or in making repetitive with ASD are often able to
movements, especially with their hands and fingers. remember detailed facts for
a long time and may be

ADHD- and ASD-specific behaviors

particularly good at math,

Often, children with ADHD have difficulty focusing on one science, art, and music.

activity or task. When they are engaged in their daily activi-

ties they may be easily distracted. It is challenging for children Treatment overview
with ADHD to complete one task before jumping to another, The best medical provider for someone who has been diag-
and they are often physically unable to sit still. But some chil- nosed with both ADHD and ASD is a doctor who has experi-
dren with ADHD may be so interested in a topic or activity ence treating both conditions.
that they fixate on it, or hyperfocus. Although focusing on Treatment for ADHD usually includes medication. On the
one thing can be positive, it may mean that children have other hand, because the medication options for ASD are still
difficulty moving their attention to other activities when they limited, children with ASD may respond better to non-med-
are asked to do so. ication alternatives. Those might include behavior therapy to
Children with ASD are most likely to be overfocused, help manage symptoms and skills training to help cope with
unable to shift their attention to the next task. They are often daily life. For a child with ASD, paying attention to diet is
inflexible when it comes to their routines, with low toler- essential, because sensory-based food restriction can result in
ance for change. That may mean taking the same route and nutritional gaps. For someone with ADHD, stimulant medi-
eating the same things every day. Many are highly sensitive cations can cause a loss of appetite.

While the symptoms of ADHD generally re- symptoms, including hyperactivity and
spond well to the most commonly prescribed impulsivity. The most commonly pre-
medications, ASD symptoms are less likely scribed medications are methylphenidate
to do so. Symptoms of ASD that often over- (Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, Quillivant),
lap with ADHD, such as hyperactivity, im- amphetamine (Adderall, Dexedrine, Vy-
pulsiveness, and inattention, may respond to vanse, Dyanavel), atomoxetine (Strattera),
the medications used to treat ADHD, if not and guanfacine (Intuniv, Tenex). However,
as well. Medications to treat ASD are now when they are used to treat patients with
being developed, and irritability, aggression, both ADHD and ASD, the stimulants—

ly respond to antipsychotic medications.

About ADHD
and self-injury that are related to ASD usual- methylphenidate and amphetamine—seem
less effective and cause more side effects,
Medication is frequently part of the including social withdrawal, depression,
treatment plan for children with ADHD and irritability, than when they are used to
Everybody can have difficulty sitting still, paying
because it helps reduceattention
some ofor the treat ADHD
major impulsive
controlling alone.
More than 75 percent of children

once in a while. For some people, however, the with ADHD continue to experience
problems are so pervasive and persistent that significant symptoms in adulthood.
they interfere with every aspect of their life: In early adulthood, ADHD may be
For more informationhome, academic, social and work.
associated with depression, mood
Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) The MTA Cooperative Group. or conduct disorders
(Dec 1999). and substance
A 14-Month
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder abuse.
Autism Network. (2005). A Randomized, Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial of Treatment Strategies for
(ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental
Crossover Trial of Methylphenidate in Pervasive disorderAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Archives of
affecting 11 percent of school-age children Adults with ADHD often cope with
Developmental Disorders With Hyperactivity. Archives of General Psychiatry, 56(12):1073-1086.
(Visser, et al., 2014.) Symptoms continue into difficulties at work and in their
General Psychiatry, 62(11):1266-1274.
adulthood in more than three-quarters of personal and family lives related
Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) to
cases (Brown, 2013.) ADHD is
Handen, B.L. et al. (2015). Atomoxetine, Parent Training,characterized by ADHD symptoms.
Autism Network. (2002). Randomized Clinical Trial of
and Their Combinationdevelopmentally
in Children Withinappropriate levels of Risperidone For Irritability in Autism. New England Journal of
Autism Spectrum
inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Medicine, 347(5):314-321.
ADHD. The current name reflects the importance
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Individuals with ADHD can be very successfulRommelse, Nandaofetthe al. inattention
(May 2018). aspect of the disorder as well
Psychiatry, 54(11), 905-915.
in life. However, without identification and as the other characteristics of the disorder such
between ADHD and ASD in childhood: some directions for
proper treatment, ADHD may have serious as hyperactivity and impulsivity.
practitioners. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, pp 1–3.
consequences, including school failure, family
stress and disruption, depression, problems with Symptoms
relationships, substance abuse, delinquency, Typically, ADHD symptoms arise in early
accidental injuries and job failure. Early childhood. According to the DSM-5, several
identification and treatment are extremely symptoms are required to be present before
important. the age of 12. Many parents report excessive
motor activity during the toddler years, but
Medical science first documented children ADHD symptoms can be hard to distinguish
exhibiting inattentiveness, impulsivity and from the impulsivity, inattentiveness and active
hyperactivity in 1902. Since that time, the behavior that is typical for kids under the age of
disorder has beenFor further
given information,
numerous names, please
including minimal brain
contact dysfunction,
National Resource Center on
hyperkinetic reaction
ADHD:of childhood,
A Programand
of CHADD National
attention-deficit disorder with or without Resource
hyperactivity. With
and Statistical
Suite 300
Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) classification
Lanham, MD 20706-4832
system, the disorder has been renamed
A Program of CHADD
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or

This fact sheet is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number NU38DD005376 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents are solely
the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC. Permission is granted to photocopy and freely distribute this factsheet for non- 1
commercial, educational purposes only, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety, including the CHADD and NRC names, logos and contact information.

© 2018 Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD). All Rights Reserved.

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