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Ha Packaging Machinery * Flowpackaging made simple... OPERATORS MANUAL PEM 30 SUPER PRM Packaging Machinery Corporation 1271 Ringwell Drive Newmarket, Ontario BY 7A Tel, (905) 836-6709 Fax (905) 836-7763 Dear Valued Customer, First of all let me thank you for your recent purchase of one of our products and welcome you to PFM’s world of ‘wrapping machines, Your machine has the benefit of over 40 years of experience in packaging and has been built to the highest standards to ‘grant you the maximum level of satisfaction and productivity ‘The purpose of this manual, as well as the parts manual, included with your new PEM 30 Super is to provide all the information you need to suocessfully operate and maintain this product. ‘The information hereafter is designed to be a quick and casy method for the operator to minimize downtime on the ‘production line so please read it thoroughily before you operate the machine. Being as we hope of great help to you. this ‘manual i not intended to act as the sole guideline to perform every kind of operation andor substitution of pats, Given the limitations shown in the attached Warranty Sheot, we recommend you get in contact with our ‘Technical Department before pesforming such operations, One of our qualified technicians will be more than happy to assist you. ‘Once again, we are honoured to have you as our customer and we are looking forward to servicing you again in the fiutue. Sincerely, Flisebetia Fioravanti PEM Packaging Machinery Corporation President PFM 30-S INDEX 1. WARNING SYMBOLS USED THROUGHOUT THIS DOCUMENTATION... 2. PEM 30 SUPER ELECERICAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL. 21. INTRODUCTION. 27 22. WARNINGS sro. erate econ 27 23. FUNCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL COMPONENTS ... 23. : « 23 hem I Main Power Switch. 28 232 Hem? JogiRun Switch 28 233, Hem 3 Stop Bution. ennai sevens BB 234 Item 4 Start Button.. eae 28 235. Hom $ Heaters OniOff Switc oe 7 7 ee 28 23.6. Item 6 Optional... nett oe nn dB 237. tem 7 Machine Speed Knob sects OB 238 Hem 8 Finwheel Temperature Control. 28 239. tem 9 Crimper Temperature Control o.unsoo : 28 23.10, Hem 10 Door Lato sornsnnnonsnnnrnnn 3. WELM SIZING. sansnnonnnnnnnnmsninns 4, 4.4. CENTERING THEREEL OF MATERIAL 42. SETTING THEBRAKE. 43, THREADING THE FILM..... : 44, SETTING THE ADJUSTABLE FORMER wooo : 43 44 Height. 44.2. Math. 443. FrontiBack ss : : S. LOADING THE WRAPPING MATERIAL INTO THE FINSEAL wo... 5.1, SETTING THEFINSEAL. 52. ADJUSTMENT OF FINSEAL WHEEL MESH. 53. SETTING THEBAG LENGTH... SL. Engage Crimper Drive ee Hes, 542. Adjust Dwell Mechanism Se 53.3. Timing the Crimpers to the Product ee 58 ‘TORQUE LIMITER AND RESET. 7. INSTALLING CRIMPI IR DRIVE CHAIN CRUMPER SET-UP. SLACKEN KNIFE MOVE CRIMPERS APART. SBT SPRING PRESSURE, SET GAPBETWEEN CRIMPERS, .. ‘VERTICAL MOVEMENT OF CRIMPER HEAD ASSEMBLY... SET THE ANVIL... SET THEKNIFE. 7 vo ‘SET THE PHASE OF THE CRIMPERS ed 8 SED THE SIDELAY OF THE CRIMPERS 00 MANUAL FOR OPTIGNAL PRINT CORRECTION SYS: INTRODUCTION SET-UP PROCEDURES... PRINT ON/OFF FILM WEB PATH. PHOTO BYE nen BAGLENGTH. CRIMPER TIMING ‘TIMING THE GRAPHICS .. TUNING DURING OPERATION. WHAT TO CHECK WHEN HAVING TROUBLE LUBRICATION GUIDE FOR FFM 30 SUPER GREASE FITTING LOCATION. ROLLER CHAINS TOBE OILED MAINDRIVE ASSEMBLY. ‘GENERAL LUBRICATION POINTS ROUTINE MAINTENANCE re ssnscsnsenonn ‘COMPARITIVE TABLE FOR O11. AND GREASE. CLEANING PROCEDURE FOR PEM.30 SUPE] TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE FOR PEM 30 SUPER. ‘TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE FOR PFM 30 SUPER. *THE DESCRIPTIONS, DRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL DATA FOUND IN THIS BOOK HAVE A MERELY INDICATIVE VALUE AND ARE NOT BINDING. *“PFM RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES AT ANY TIME WITHOUT FOREWARNING. INSTALL ALL GUARD AND SAFETY DEVICES. RUN THE MACHINE IN PRODUCTION FOR ABOUT AN HOUR AND CHECK TENSION OF ALL FASTENERS. WARRANTY A. PEM Packaging Meciry Coporton ("PEM") wanes dt te machine ccescres and parts sal be fie Soa dfets in materia and ‘workmanship, Btn cacy of defects ia tamara a workmanship (with the exception of deftets in mera or workmensip asi wales ony ( eet ‘component, o inde case of wy claim arising ou fo onuested withthe breech of any vite represetation or vaten Waren given by PM to ‘Georgina! pachance or of machine, accessor, eqipment or part with reap: to usage speciicatins of wry sich compre any sich des cr fay sch bea rms ae r become apparent ie macioe aocowoy, equ part and PMG rust be noted of same in ating within 12 fnowhs o¢ 200 cpeaiag hows watsheve comes fst Sem the date of erga shipment by PRM or ks authorized dsibvor ofthe machine, oon, quent ore fo th nga parchaser of same In cases of defects in materials or workmansip asi relates to electrical components (electrical components include without imitation heating clement, wiring etl svitshes), such dfocs mist become apparent in te machine, accessory, eqlprent or part within 6 months or 1000 cperating hous, whichever comes fis, fom the date of orginal shipment by PFM or its authorized dstibutr ofthe machine, socesoryor part to a buyer 1D. The extent of PFW silty unr this waaay aso defen mst or wefamnchip limited tothe repair of sch des ore the pale ‘ceeplavcment (vith a sini am fee Boe the dec in gust) of ery accessor, euipment, cr part whi is esi. In tho event PEM is Doli of beach of witen repeat or wren Wwarsnty ih respect fo usage specifications, in accede mith the rms St ot heen, PIM wil ak al casneble ets to ety the each by roping o replacing te machine, equipment, accessory opt, the cae may be, {ehh spare eplacemeat wl be othe gle option of PF toting sane lam coformence wie tho wsage spesifeation. Jn any event the exten. tf PFM'S Tait under this warrenty a (0 any css fo reach of wt epresentton or vten waranty sto usage speientions smite ‘othe exgial purchase aie of tho machine, equpmnt, accessory oc pat a asus. PRM shal, aso cach defect, bereieved ofall obantions and abilty unr this waranty i 1 the machine shat ive been operat with any acceso, opment or pat nt spectiolly approved by PEM and not manustured ty PEM oe {o PPM design sal povfcationscoles PPM i fused rasenabe evidence thet sch isalation was no cn of ted: 2. the machine sell not hve ben orto auntie in eocordance with FFM insinetons fumishe a part of te pursase of the machine ‘les PPM is unis eaznable evidence thal sch operation ce mainenizce yas not cause of ie defo 3. thetnachin shall none been ops under noc nds uso ule PEM is irishe resonable evidence dt such operation was no comme of oder, 4. he tschine shall have bon repaid, sks ar modi without PEM: approval, of the maine sal have Bon ype suas ts inyolvanent in an acide or brskdown, unless PPM ie fished rasonable evidence at uch reper, alien, madificatin, operon asin br treabiown was ot x case of de def; povided, however, at this Lmatation kor ait res to rena ces ad breakdowns shall not teappiadl to route reps or minor ated cr inne reowne which nanaally occu inte cpeation of aching, suc pir ate ade ‘te uiuble mati nd aceon to stand practice dene; ‘5. the deletive machine, soeescry, equipo put sot rtumed to PAM fon at bay's expense within the applicable pei of time ‘Sila in Parugapis Band C above: provided, weve, PFM sll etm ais expense te epi, replaced, or eomeetd machine, aces, ‘Suipmnt or pa and PEM sl lso be respaoable fr the cost of the deatently of te machine to conect te de, remove the dtesive axsioy, gqipieat opts da cored wecency or ow pat, and easembl the machine; oF 6. FAR not provides wih resonable proof thatthe dete is embeavd wih PPM wastanty heeundet 1, _THIS WARRANTY AND THE OBLIGATIONS OF PM HEREUNDER ARE IN IEU OF AND BUYER OFTHE MACHINERY HEREBY WAIVES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, GUARANTIES, CONDITIONS OR ABILITIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY OBLIGATION OF PF4 WITH RESPECT TO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES) ‘SND WHETHER OR NOT OCCASIONED BY PM's NEGLIGENCE AND SHALL NOT BE EXTENDED, ALTERED OR VARIED EXCEPT BY A WRITTEN INSTRUMENT SIONED BY FFM. AND BUYER OF THE MACHINERY: PROVIDED, THAT IN THE EVENT THE [PROVISION RELIEVING PFM FROM LIABILITY FOR TIS NEGLIGENCE SHOULD FOR ANY REASON BY HELD INEFFECTIVE THE [REMAINDER OF THE PARAGRAPHS SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. ‘Machine Type: _PRM-30-SUPER Date Ce PPM Warrenty 71902 ey 4. Warning symbols used throughout this documentation leccel enclosures Byte Lg Doe DT Cs teh Paces en ea alae Keop hands clear of ratiers, eee ee etd ey en Disconnect puveer botore | servicing or cleaning. Main power should be disconnected before opening any of these panels. Only qualified personel should work inside pe DE Becs Hazardous ele oy Prceeunrceudl Cet) Tasting, Discomiect main power before servicing machin, high velisge looted aces ocr pra eed tis Crimper ja wil crush ed ct, Do rot un with guard removed Disconnect main power before servicing achin, high voltage ete Meters Pte rs feeders eatery benvlcing. CCrinper head gears, Do net un with guard removed MC SERIAL, VOLTS contact cite rons eee | rca leet eres ee ‘Do trun chine with gua moved PFM PACKAGING MACHINERY. CORP. 1271 RINGWELL DRIVE NEWMARKET, ONTAY L3Y 71, | CANADA FH. (905) 856-5708 FAX. (908) 856-7763 # PFM—30) = Awps [15 Al # [049804] = PHASE [1 (220V. Hz 60] FFM electrical tment prior to hook up 16 2. FM 30 SUPER Electrical Instruction Manual 2.1. INTRODUCTION “The PEM.30 SUPER is equipped wit an eevccal enclose with vatiouscontls and operator interne devices, This cabinet is constcted ‘with ea avilaie components. The purpose ofthis section isto fanliarze our customers with he operation end service ofthe elctical components. Tstallation "The PFM 30 SUPER is shipped witha ten-fot lead cod wit no cord end “The end weer mut fish a suitable cord cap in accordance with local egulatons "Tho machine requires 208 o 240 wot AC Single phase Single-phase power rated st 12 amps 2.2. WARNINGS ‘A card enor sitet disconnect shook! be installed to allow for disconnection of electrical power for serves. Any panel or door onthe PEM 30 SUPER marked with a waraing label at outlined in section | has eecseal connections enclosed and presen a shock azar, Located the sie ofthe conto pel isthe rai pomeronoff site to disconnect the power suply to the wrapper vuuea [J “= NOTE: For full undated deal vows see he elecfical schematic sacton inthe back oF okey _ the parts manual a 2.3. FUNCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL COMPONENTS 23.1. Item 1 On/Off Selector “Ti switc silusinsed to nate power om. nthe off positon you se oaly renoving power fom the PLC, Motion Coal, snd Relays. Thi snot he tain pov sth fo discarnect the power saply to the apes, tus no ‘naltcnanon sould be done thi pot. On ital power up you must bays ‘a ps here sop bio to ross he machine pie to pushing the geen ‘st ben apron. 2.3.2. Item 2. Jog\Run Switch & oo ‘The jg un swith i used to allow the wrapper to be operat withthe say iaadea| ate {pot ope, Hasna jeg te To he mich yi Eoheosaeicn Meee ssaarean get tscatas || BR Prmsosurpcr GO {secon operon The epee tap ove feat the fin sal estan or oer the dishmge conveyer fs cpen othe eng inter nthe crimes head is disease, ‘Thin jo light iain to indicate RUN mode, Piguet 2.3.3. Item 3 Stop Button ‘The sop button is pushed to lop the wrapper motion when te waapper is i einanes operon. The sop ight il unas whe the sap batons psa 2.3.4. lem 4 Start Button "Tho sar bution ewe to tart the Wrapporia rus med, Ite ogra svi jog mde the wrapper wll only fhe tat busta din 2.3.5. Item 5 Heaters On\Off Switch b,c powsr ol he orp etl Tit seh eet etn Sm esa shock ne servicing the wap 2.3.6, Item 6 Optional “Thies wed to fe various optional nics othe machine Se opsons sections for fer details 23.7. Item 7 Machine Speed Knob “Thomachine pos lnch ie vaod to chinge Wranper speed. Tara clocks ru ister Torn eouner locket runs. This kl conols the sain KEIC anor ive bone 2.3.8. Item 8 Finwheel Temperature Contro! “Thiscomtl ie seo ele oper emptue of the sea wis 2.3.9. Item 9 Crimper Temperature Control “This consol is sed to regulate the operating Temperature ofthe crnpers, 2.3.10. Item 10 Door Latch d Use slot cremdver to gin aos to he inrior of the coal abst. Observe say preauions, Coumter loki to open 2.3.11. Item 11 Rate Meter ‘This counts the mamber of procs produced per minul 28 3. FILM SIZING. “The calealated web widta fr the PEM 30 SUPER is determined as iustated in Figure 2. The width of wrapping material must be sized llow suicient material to completely surround the product plus allowance forthe fn sel. The formulas as follows: ‘24th of preduct} height of prodat} 1.5 inches forte fin eat Actual production condions any allow for reduced film width Products with extreme variance LE: Muffins or baked goods, may Req sitional im to accommodate sizes FELM WIDTH = 2(H) + 2(W) + 1.5” [38mm] BAG LENGTH = L + (Hx 1.5) +1” [25mm] Figure 2 a 4, LOADING WRAPPING MATERIAL ONTO PFM 30 SUPER “The PPM 20 SUPER ie fted witha removable film spindle and strap brake fr film txsén, To Joa fim, lit ef reel che away fom de wrapper, being caret nt t» drop the tension welt agains the wrapper frame, Use a6 nim allen key to remove one of te fin core Anus. Insert ne shaft though the rol of fim and pace the film hub (See Figure 3. # 1,2) = ager rs 44. CENTERING THE gu Ascuaky : REEL OF Se MATERIAL Place the roll of material and spindle onto the four ‘earings located onthe tp ofthe eel Iokdr support "The film epile has 680 grooves cut which shoald leeate the spindle on the frame of the wrapper. The fm should be wound with it seating surface an the inside of the roll. When the film is wound propcty the material shoul be fe from the ott ofthe soll fs chown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. To change the i fed, turn the reel and ell over by reversing the ends of te film spindle, a "To centre the film on the wrapper, take = rmensurement fom the edge of the fi rol t the ‘outside of the roller upport frame. Adjust the roll sideways by moving tho fin core hubs t place the roll of material onthe wrapper ent ln Figure 3 4.2, SETTING THE BRAKE Set the strap rae a showin Figure 3, To move the brake assembly foosen the kn (Figure 4 #4), As the reel diminishes in sie it my be ‘necessary to adjust the brake fo keep more elt surface in contat with he rel to maintain adequate enscn onthe web The belt used forthe ‘rae ha a rubber coated side ei frie cesta side, The rubber side wil give more tension Un the fabric side. 4.3, THREADING THE FILM Feed the fila over te roles ae show in Figure 3, Machines equippa with prin cctestion will be Ueda as chown on page 9.5 (Figute mm. Figure 6 Figure 4 “a “The roller assembly is adjustable in {afte positions, The film shoud {eave te last roller and approach the forming plas's perpendicular to the {need and ditely above the ends of ‘the forming pate as shown in Figure 5. As the wrapper operates it may be necsany fo slighly ltr this angle to achieve « aneoth flow of fm to the plates, The roller asembly is ‘mounted on a sot with tee sting positions. Looser kab (Figure 6, #1) fo move the assembly to a new slot ‘Tho assembly should cit in the fighet slot for Mm wide ever 15 ind, in he fowest so for li 6 inch ‘wide or less, normal position sin the cxntresot 4.4, SETTING THE ADJUSTABLE FORMER ‘The PPM 30 SUPER is eqipped with a adjustable forming box to form the wrapping material to suit various size products, Te former is cipred wit devices to llow fr adjustment in three cretion, height, width a frontack, Seo Figure. 4.4.1. Height “The eight of the former is st by losening the lao (igus 8 #1). former ADJUSTMENT SLOTS: slould be set wit the lower back ew ofthe forming plate slightly, 1/8 inch, shove the fop ofthe product to be wrapped. See Figue 5. “Ais product height ‘nd HI ie product eg plus 1/8 inch 4.4.2, Width ‘The wid of the former is adjusted by tuning the knob (Figure 5, #2). The Samet should be set withthe space betwocn tie foming plate ¥ incl $0 2 inches wider tan the produc. Products which are nanow ie: 2 inches wide ‘wl ave the Former set ¥ nsh wider than the product. Products which are very wide LE. 6-8 inches wil have the space between the foming plats se 1 to 2 inches wider. Other widihs above 6° may require optional accessories, ‘When he machine isin operation, the peckage may be tightened by closing the Figure 6 mer of loosened by opening the foes. 4.4.3, Front/Back “The former canbe moved forward (lowards the infeed) or back (owards the crinpe) by loosening bot (Figur 5, #3). The FRONTIBACK is ‘he leat ential ofthe former austen Products which are | inch wide will run with the former as fer forward as posible tothe infeed. ‘As the predact length inoxeats the former must be st farter back to ward he erimper. A product 8 icles Fong will run with the Foner farbaci as possible. ‘The given parameters ae intended as guide to stating the machine and Famiiszing te operator wih the sting onthe juste farmer “Tho avialeetings determined in a production environment are super to dese guidelines, ‘All ofthe former settings havea seae incorporated into the structure. When the mackie is propely set up and Funetining to tho castors! ‘sistaction the settings should be recorded ona foun such es Figure. Figue7 12 nga Dre OS Y PPM PACKAGING MACHINERY CORP. [MACHINE SETIINGS CUSTOMER: MODEL No: DATE: PREPARED BY: PREHEAT TEMPERATURE:______. SINSEAL TEMPERATURE: TOP CRIMPRR: BOTTOM CRIMPER: FORMER PRODUCT pS] DWELL| sPeeD | FEM, | preci HIGH | WIDE | LONG Red slack Red block IRed Islocx iRed lsleck [Red Rise Red! Bleck iRed alec Red flack iRed block ©]e/2[° 7 /48[e[e[e Red Block 2 NorEs: esses sseseSEeSeseeeesses Ses ees 5. LOADING THE WRAPPING MATERIAL INTO THE FINSEAL Sel the forme: tothe utube listed in the origin machine settings ist or follow steps ited in Loading the wrapping retrial 1 lead the Glm into the fin seal scembly, Tread web through rollers ae listed in section 4.3 “dyeading the fs" Pll the web through the space between the tvo fering CSc teeam plc, being sue to kecp the edge of th mation Se LESSSMMMMMNEE outside of the plates, Pull handle (Figure 8, #4) towards, the ‘rimper to open the fist set of fin seal Weds. Inset the celgs of the fi between the wheels and release the halle With the machine i. JOG mode inch the machine forward. The web will b= pled by the frst set of fin seal whess, and fe fed to the secord et of wheels. As the im is being fe into the wrapper it shoud wind “smoothly over all ofthe rolls and nto the former as lusrte i Figure 5 eT Check to se if the cges are bing sealed evenly by igpesting the fin sel. [Pune side of the flim is Tonger or shorter adjust tae materiel rol sdowaya to cent the film. 5.1. SETTING THE FINSEAL Adjust the tempecture of te Sa wheels to the film manufactorer Specification, As de tenperatire of the fin seal heli biigd it may bo necessary to adjust the gap betneen te wheel Remove the stenless steel plate fiom over the fn sel wheal CAUTION: operating temperatres are hot enough t case severe burns. The following adjusimonts must be done with the machine at operating temperature. Inspection ofthe fin seal must be done with guards removed. Please refer cadusiments to qualfied personnel. Figures 6.3. SETTING THE BAG LENGTH “The bag length of @ PEM 30 SUPER. canbe edlustd to socommodte various sizes of product. To st the bag length onthe fans (keypad) press “SET POINT” then push “ENTER” then key inthe desired length n milimetes and pash "ENTER agin. Adjust the dei aocording { the bag length. To determine the proper bag length fo wap 2 given producti is necesary to produce expty bags aud pefoem the {Ellowing steps, All setngs and adjustments ae performed withthe wrapper at operating temper, 5.3.1. Engage Crimper Drive “Wi the acne topped, ighen einer lous kok igure 8) his wil engage temper the eve ofthe wrapper Run wappe, ‘elfen othe fn whee oprodce afew bags and ebsee the einer asitottes in contact with he ln. 5.3.2. Adjust Dwell Mechanism “To ease reper del ofthe tmp as it contact te nate loose ek bolt (Pigue8, #7) ad tum te del wdstnen anh Figuce 8, 46) nll the etnpets hse on he i a dono cae i bck or sap ae cinpr. NOTE: this edjsiment should be performed vith the wrapper inmotion, Care must be then 1 avo personal injury while operating the machine. If the ceimper appears to sep oe pl the film tara dae dell austment toads the“ direction as indicated on the Inbel at dhe kad, I the ‘cmper i emsing them to buckle, am the dol ajstment knob to the desi. After adunting the vel tothe proper positon itis mmprtant to tighten the lock bol (Figure 8, #7) 7 Figure 11 5.3.3. Timing the Crimpers to the Product Figured ‘With the proper bug length and dell st, the next step t operating tee PEM 30 SUPER Js 1 fine the product to the crimper, Disengage the ctimmper dive by loosening exmper knob (Figure $, #1). laze too or four products onthe infeed chain, Inch the wrapper, using the jog fiction, wo bsg the preducis and fm ‘up tothe eximper area. Gras the timing ob Gigue 8, #3) and swing she ‘crimper info the open postion, Inch the ‘wrapper asd aad place the crimper, rmantelly baween te first and second product in the line Tighten the 60 locking knobs (Figure 8, #2 and #3) and zn the wrapper with product. See Figure 0. "Test ran he machine and observe the package sizo and shape. Adjust te Dag Tength, del, ad crinper ining fo produce proper packages. Record all of the setings in chat Figure on page 4 4 Srom the clos aceon th ob forthe del, ant the keypad setpoint rnd out {or bag length. Toru te product at 2 later dite se the baglengt vel, forming box snd rollers asebly (0 the recordad numbers. 6. TORQUE LIMITER and RESET Figwe 12 All PEM rotary jw machines ue equipped witha torque-irating device on the ctimper thea asseoby. (Figure 13, #2) This device will, disengage the orimpers fiom: the main wrapper drive in the event an objec is enh erween Mt csimper= Ths torque Slop the wrapper inthe event oft jam (igure 13, #). “To reset the wrapper afar jam, tun the reset bolt potting ‘hrough the safety guard on the back side of the criuper assembly, (Figure 13, #3) counter clockwise «© move the rimpen away fom the damaged product. Remove the prot and fil fom between he cimpers. Tum he ese bol clacvite unl the cimperre-enznges, and wil tum no farther, Whea the crimper engages, there is usally a metallic “etude sound ‘The topper will now restarts operate normally. Do not disengage te erizmper tung lock knobs to move the eximpers foway fiom the jammed product By leaving the timing cengagedit isnt necessary fo ime the crimpers again NOTE: Figure 13 is shown with the safety guards removed for clariy, Do not operate the machine with guards removed. “To adjust the release tension of the torque liner, osen the sescrew (Pigure 12, #1 ed turn wit ade pin inserted in the oles. Clekse increases breakaway torque, counterclockwise decreasss brenkawayforgue tighten losing clamp, Do not over tighten te ioequ limiter or the driv cn may skip in the event of jam. Figure 13 ot INSTALLING THE CRIMPER DRIVE CHAINS ‘The dive chains forthe crimpers must be installed withthe dwell crak in «horizontal poston pointed tovvards the infeed conveyor (39 o'clock) ofthe wrapper, with the erimpers inthe closed postion. See wigue 13. “To loosen the upper chive cha loosen he lock nut (Figure 13, #4) counterclockwise to loner the ier sprocket. To tension the drive chain, reverse dhe proce | To toosen th lower dive chain manuilly ove the spring tensioner (Figure 13, #8) ten side off the itor sprocket (Figure 13, #9). To tension the dive chain, reverse the procedare, STANDARD SEAL AUCKMENT TRANSVERSE SEAL ALIGNMENT Figure 13 8. CRIMPER SET-UP Inoder to make mn effective end salon ench package, the cimpors must bo edusted to the proper temperate posse and gap. The cut of ‘aves, located in the cmp, rust be adjusted afer ie exper se up, ‘The PIM 30 SUPER is equipped witha conventional seal patio, the ribs on the crtmper fae run parallel to product low, The machine may be exaipped with optional trnsverse sel pate theribs onthe crimper fie nn perpendicular to product Now, See Figure 13 for deals, CAUTION/ WARNING ‘To aid in demonstration all of the following operations are performed with the safety guands PTE removed andthe main power disconect. Figures are shown with guards removed, ernie Cerorn Spe pe ae de eee eer Pees oe Fon to i albu keer fel ce ‘To.djus the crimper and inives proceet at follows; oT 8.1. SLACKEN KNIFE Loosen the stsrews (Figure 14, #9) Which ben directly on th ite to secure iin pion Take out the ie and remove apiece of sims stock 8.2, ADJUSTING THE CRIMPERS “Loowan the Lose nu, (Figure 14, #2). Back the tandoft bol, (Figure 14, #1) out 1-2 ful ums. Te top exper supported by twe bearings, cone on etter side ofthe crmper sha, which are supported by two standoff bls, By moving these bolls the op eriper is moved sway fora the botom erper for adjstnent. "Wonca Cane | Figwe [4 Figure 13 8.3. SET SPRING PRESSURE Loosen lock nuts, (Figure 14 #78) and wm to apring compression bol, (igure 14, #6) unl the spring (Fiore 14, #5) i compressed to an overall length of 2.25" to 2.30" The spring will apy pressure to the top crinpe to exsure a good sea. Re et the lock nuts 8.4. SET GAP BETWEEN CRIMPERS. ‘ply power to the wrpper aa nate he cpr i at peraing temperate i C52 Catmion'r WoR«nG WiTH GUARDS REMOVED. EROS Soc the crimper temperate as rei inset te fil, Ta he craps over by rand using the handwheel (Figure 13, #3). Observe the end ofthe eximpers on te ‘operators side ofthe machin as they como togeter, es stand ofT bot (Figure 14, +) to bring the en of the srzper ino very light contact. Adjust te standoff bot on. the other end of tho exper to bring the cine in very ight contact weross the entire crimpar fae. Tight the Jock wuts on both tana bolts (Figure 4, #1) and tem the ‘impor by band. Observe the contact between the top and botiem crimper. Set property tho cripers will pas hy eachother with minimal or no conlact. There should be no banging or jamaing as te Crimpers poss. Ie ever gap isto large the wrapping material will not be sealed. To test te seal quality, fda short, piece of the proper wrapping mateil in bl, with the otal side i, and erifip tbe material by turing the erimper mamtally with the film ‘between th ermpers. The sea! shouldbe unin sors the crimp Tac. Adjust the stant? bolts as required to creat deste weal ray renin prs 2 NOTE the lock nuts (Figure 14, #2) must be secured or the stand off bolts will move. 8.5. VERTICAL MOVEMENT OF CRIMPER HEAD ASSEMBLY ‘The catie crimper head should be adjusted co that the jaws mesh st sppronimatly one half of the product height, a= shown in (Figure 15). i [Loosen a bolt in eoch of two slots for both mount plates, (Grp. 200-666, ig 30, orimper fame and guard assembly, se pats manna) nd adjust up or down ting the slap bot and Jam nat Pig. # 9,10 main frame and ‘Bd aserbly, see parts moma) Resightea te jam ats an moun bolts. j om 2 (a 8.6. SET THE ANVIL. 8 “The PEM 30 SUPER fited with fat anil in the lower cximper to oppose the BT nite in the upper csimper for cutting, Set the anvil level with the lowest part of ROPER the ribs on the soa face. Lighen the setorews unl heal does ot move eae NOTE! Some machines do net have adjustment asevs cn the lower eimpe, push he sev otheboton ofthe ail slo and sure locking screws. “The cutting knife is located in the upper crimes. To set the lf rotate the EO REAN vinersby hand withthe handvhee! (Figure 8, #3 page $5) nil tho erimpers ERAN ace in position as shown in Figure 13, Add or subtract skim stock wail dhe knit cuts across tho entire package. The life should not bang a ams on the anvil ‘Test the operation of the knife with the sane procedure used to test the crzapers gap sein Be sure to test the ene engi of the kale ‘Tighenall stscrews. Note! wher seting the knife check operaion frequently as over lghiening adusters, sescrews may move te kf from desired ‘postion, The inife and aro need tobe replaced periodically worn out or damaged. 8.8. SET THE PHASE OF THE CRIMPERS zs WET) ‘The top crimper deve sprocket is fit witha phase angle adjust allow the erimpers to mesh proper, (Figure 13, #5). inpect the end profile of the crimpere wan i the postion shown in Figne 13. Ifthe lower crmper leads ot fags the upper eximper with respect to the Kf slo, loosen th four Bolts (gue 13, #6) and adjust tbe lower erinper positon to the proper angle, Regen the lock bolts securely. This adjustment eritiel on "abines equipped with optional Iransverse seal. The seal ibs should mes, moot eross he caiecrmper fe. 8.9. SET THE SIDE LAY OF THE CRIMPERS. “The erimpers are supported in four bail bearings and retained by two seiscresss in each bearing. Inspect the relationship of the crimpor faces when in the position shown in Figure 13. The drive chain sprockets Flgure 13 should be inline with respect t0 the ‘hain path. The ribs on the seal faces, conventional seal pattern, should mesh smoothly, To align the seal faces and drive sprockets Taosen the setsereus in the Bearinss, (Pigure 13, 7) and move the afected crimper nto proper alignment. Figure 13 a 9. MANUAL FOR OPTIONAL PRINT CORRECTION SYSTEM ‘The PM 30 SUPER can have an optional print corection ayten to allow the machine o operate with printed fim The correction sytem is necessary fo keep th graphics onthe film in proper relationship with thecrimpers as th machine operates. ‘Thesystem consists of he Following pats; > MxRotary tion controler with key pad => colour mati senor > jaw position seosor ‘This menual is intended to guide competent operator though the set-up and adjustment of this option. The ‘peator show be familar withthe basic operation ef the PEM 30 SUPER prior to operation of this unit. 9.4. INTRODUCTION SET-UP PROCEDURES ‘The FFM 30 SUPER isa comtinuous mxtion wrapper. As the mechine operate, the fil ie civen though the wrapper by 2 or 3 prs of fin sal wheels which create the seal on te back of the pack. Tho ends ofthe pack ae cimped by the rotating seal bar oF erimper. In order to keep Clim graphies in time with the crimper the rte of film feed mast be set such that as one crmper revolution ‘oon the exact Tenth of the fim pitch, eye mark to eye mak, must be fed through. Sce Figure 16. The fi speed carot be perfectly matched to he crimpet| rotation da to various toleranoes in dives, fil pitch et. All of te tolerances ‘vill ad ap 0 ereate ma enor emsing the prephies to move continously in Felton to dhe ja ‘The PRINT CORRECTION OPTION is designed to ajst and cont for these ‘The correction system functions by deleting an eyespot on the graphics (sce Figur) and einpe position by mens of pointy senor located on the crimper {ngut shat, Tho infomation coleced by these devices is fe 0 the motion ‘controller which will jist the syoa of the fin whe! drive mator as required. A sing retum sch on the panel advances and stands the eut position to allow offing the rapes othe desired position, “To adjust and operate the print correction wit propery the Following procedures snust be followed 9.2. PRINT ON/OFF ‘To tun the print egiseation system press the stp baton then press the “CODE SELECT" key on the keypad ser interfave device efering “14” then ENTER? followed by “4” then “ENTER”, Now enter the ba length or the Aistanco n millimere from the centre of oa eye tuk the rent. "Tofu the pi reparation system of pros the stop button then press the “CODE SELECT" key on to keypad user interficedevie entering 14” then “ENTER followed by 2" then “ENTER” eveMani parce Fou {55 S343 ims Tats) asa i (Sam) Saeco "fa (ey aae e708 Foe (as) 825-7765 Figure 16 9.3. FILM Intl he tll of printed mater! inthe wrapper flfowing the unwind pattem. for printed fim (Figure 17). Insure te fn runs of the approach refers snd ‘over the former smoothly. The fin seal wheels must be properly adjusted to ‘make stright package wit no sipping or extra folding. 9.4. PHOTO EYE All cetings are fly utomsti and mieoprocessor controlled. (Figure 18) ‘Are LED, whieh indicates the ovtput sists, and a green LED, which provides operating, an eorindieations ae preset. During the ‘nial set up, the reading forms, composed by colour emission, arkight pulse and threshold automatically et. The operator has o simply Drees two buttons for the rogitation of the BACKGROUND and MARK to be detected. The aequied data eslored in a noo-volalle memory, therefore tis not neccesary to repeat the opersion until anew sensor setng isrequied. “The miroprocessor inside the sensor conitols end syachcanises the exiting, receiving and output circus, offeaw excellent responte time, detection revision end immunity to opie ierference and ambient Tight. Achust sensitivity avordingy. 9.5. BAGLENGTH Set the bg tengsh by pressing ae stop ition then press “SET POINT” key and ‘ype inthe bag length snd pres “ENTER”, Sel the dvel to the proper amount by turing the dwell knob, Tarn the knob counter lock wis for small bags and clock wise for larger bags 9.6. CRIMPER TIMING Place pratt on the infeed conveyor as for poral operation, Lac the machine to bring produet to erimper postion snd set the exper in relation © the product. DO NOT sot the eximper in relation to the graphics on the package at {his time, Ran the machine to produce 2 few bags wit product inside. The machine shoul pradacea noaual package with the exception ofthe sraphics on the Him not being propel aligned with the crimes. PFM—30—SUPER WEB PATH Figue 1s 9.7. TIMING THE GRAPHICS. “The print comocton system mut now be activated an the offet adjusted to ensure proper erphics placement. Tu the print restration ystems on by pushing in tae stop depressing the "CODE. SELECT key on dhe keypad vser interface device entering “14” + “ENTER” followed by *4"-+"ENTER®, Run the machine to produce erty bags while observing the relticesbip ofthe graphics othe emer, Within the frst one cr ovo oyeles ofthe machine de fl wil rapid advanes or retard othe position that is deel within the contol “To adjust the graphics rationsip tothe impr, mave he advancelretard witch on the panel foe to achieve the desired rest. 9.8. TUNING DURING OPERATION “The graphics are now in the proper poston end the machine ie ray to operate, Place prodets onthe infead and star the wrapper operation, Follow the prosedares and cservations listed above fr fine-tuning 9.9. WHAT TO CHECK WHEN HAVING TROUBLE = 1) Be sue fil is owing emoothly ard consistently through the fin seal roles. = 2} Checkcoperation and adjustment of ll component of the conection system 3) Check for proper bag length, 9 40. LUBRICATION GUIDE FOR PFM 30 SUPER “The PEM 20 SUPER is primarly constricted with tubriceted components. The following section is a guide to Tubrietion pois om the ‘wrapper. Please refer the exploded parts manual fr specific locations of each device. Inspect and Iubrcute el ofthe following components on a b-manthly bassin normal operation If cokitions are extremely harsh or damp amare frequentation may be required, ‘All flange bearings and grease fitings are ubicas with aNo, 2 consistency liam base sree. A Lith BP-2 type grease shouldbe used for ‘elubrication, Cetaln applications wil require ood grade lubricants. Plesserefer to local supplier: for iformation, “The PEM 30 SUPER uses ole dive chin as eure. Lubricate the chain, as isted with SAB SD ol anda brah or dep can, IF food grade brent re required refer to Toca source of soppy 10.1. GREASE FITTING LOCATIONS {ee pacts mamual exploded views for locations) Infbed Section, lange beatings, Main ¥reme Case ‘Main Drive lange Bearings ‘Duell Drive, Drive Tabs ‘Top Crimp support bearings. Finscal eccentics 40,2. ROLLER CHAINS TO BE OILED 1. Ined Assembly Drive Cin, (USE FOOD GRADE OWL, FOR INFEED CHAIN Fin eal Assombly Drive chain [Main Drive chin to crimper (Caitmper Frama, Crimp ive chai Discharge Conveyor Drive chai, 40.3. MAIN DRIVE ASSEMBLY “The vo reducers det 28 and 26 awe packed with Shell Tesla Compound IP grease for ietime serves. 410.4. GENERAL LUBRICATION POINTS, (Cont ide sats ae sore in adjustable former thin ayer of mineral ol Apply a generous coating of grease wo the cam follower on te min crimper drive Assembly dwg, 200-935, deal 24. 40.5. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE, ‘Bi-monthly inspection and lbyicdion will ensure may years of touble fie eperation, When inspecting the acne all small problems sould be advessod aud sepaied in accord with normal operating procedures. Inspect each of the following when performing Inbvication. wot au eugas operation of a salty switches ‘operation and condition ef guns snd doors peation ff eal portion of ern at aie portion and anction of torque ine Iepect nd adj tension of lve china Tnpect and repr ony ssng oc dannagd lights on ts infeed chan, cbeck fr prope light chain tension. 40.6. Comparative table for oils and grease moocee | rer | noes | res | ree | res | rece Ses | tunes | sructze } senieron | Tan” | Sone | co mor | wenn | oxers casio | crew | mou ma | reovrrsee | snaunrs ve | cums | ones esoa. | enronsnese | sence cemorous Nets |Steootron) Seon . cosmos] wowane | smencus wocaones | Sete wsso | enone | senows axcouse | teessoxe | uttoon | nae | p— [ewrnounoes] anesncns wabnanon | “nsose” | citonocse worn | vomwoema | vosinsee veousemes| nosoreat | enaokins ats ton | Sadat mea wasn sre | romnon re | aweorse rvanscas | Teusson = 103 11, CLEANING PROCEDURE FOR PFM 30 SUPER "The fllowing procedure as tobe carfll followed everytime thee isthe nesd Ie cena the packaging machine tis cia to guarentce the longevity ofthe machine and to avoid the proliferation of rst tht the cleaning crew isa el ime vac ha he vwagperis» wine down only adel, ‘Do not use direct water to clean the machine, especially under pressure. ‘Before you set cleaning dhe machine take sure the main power cod hasbeen disoounected. [Dzeenly a damp cet fo clean the machine. Te infeed ofthe wrapper and che discharge belt may be weshed witha soutien of water snd detergent Hever, the detergent must not conan: ‘© Caio Soda in quantities of more than 5% © lydeoclori Aci in quanties of more than 8% © Sulphuric Acid in quate of more han 3% 3. “lthase pereentges are exceeded Somme components ofthe machine wil be permanetly damaged. 4. For fhe cleaning of the fn wheels and che sealing ead (Jaws) simply clean the sealing surfaces wiizing tho brass brash supplied Should the packaging material tend to sick to the sealing succes afer the cleaning small quanhty of Syiguard self-chesive ‘detaching agent shouldbe epnayed ont the surfces, 5, For tho cleating ofl the other pats of the machine use ony a dy cloth 6. Presarised ais ean be used to clean the machine Pay aventon on where de atfow i rented to avoid damage to electca, letonie ‘and peutic componsms. 17. Resmave the sie rail, product ails and raisers Som tho wrapper infeed Clan these separately to prevent any prod build vp. Baal! devuical and poeuraatic component to prevent damaging Le. Peotoees, mechanical and pneumatic componcts,remete str stop. e-op stations, electrical panel, oc. Be cael not splash water onthe lor around the machine. 9. Use special cate when cleaning the fn whee! & Ge jaw area Wo avoid ary water spilling ilo these extremely sensitive ares (heater, thermcouples et) 10, ‘To lean the photocell ence use a sot dry cloth ony. Do not use any solvents or oti iui, 11, Use dy loth to soak up any excoss water after cleaning. 12) Whon the machine is totally dry, renwve all he cover, reconnect the main power coc, tur of heat to the fin wheels & te jas and allow the machine to dry nim for 540 10 maioutes (no packaging material and ao products). This will fsitate any excess water to ‘evaporate, 13, When cleening the room where the packaging machine isin, bag the wrapper to prevent ay water frm geting to xe machine 1A Oace all pars removed ltosn the machine for eeparte Washing are dry, reinstall thom beck un the wrapper & the conveyo m4 42. TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE FOR PFM 30 SUPER sxMrrom MACHINE DORS NOT RUN MACHINS RUNS IN JOG ONLY NO HEAT ON FIN SEAL ‘TEMP CONTROL READS “FFF" oR"UUU" {EMP CONTROL READS “DDD* ‘OR *UUU" FIN SFALTOHOT TEMP CONTROL FLUCTUATES WHEN MACHINE RUNS NOWEAT ON CRIMPER ‘TEMP CONTROL READS DDD" oR“vuU" NOTE! POSSIBLE CAUSE NO SUPPLY VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPPED MECHANICAL OBSTRUCTION ‘STOP BUTTON HELD IN SAFETY INTERLOCK OPEN ‘MOTOR BOARD FAILURE MOTOR FAILURE, SAFETY INTERLOCK OFEN [BROKEN HEATER (OPEN THERMOCOUPLE ‘OUT OFRANGE SETPOINT TOOHIGH SOLID STATE RELAY IS DAMAGED SLIP RINGS AREDIRTY BROKEN HEATER (OPEN THERMOCOUPLE SOLUTION (CHECK SUPPLY TO MACHINE ‘RESET CIRCUIT BREAKER INSPECT MACEINE AND CLEAR ‘OBSTRUCTIONS [RELEASE BUTTON TRY “JOG” MODE, REPLACE [REPAIR OR REPLACE (CHECK FINSEAL GUARD SWITCH, CHECK DISCHARGE GUARD (CHECK TORQUE LIMITER REPLACE CLEAN SLIPRINGS INSPECT/REPAIR SENSOR WIRING REPLACE THERMOCOUPLE. INSPECT SOLID STATE RELAY REPLACE IP NECESSARY ‘THERMOCOUPLE POLARITY IS REVERSED LOWER REPLACE, (CLEAN WITH FINE SANDPAPER ATER DISCONNECTING POWER. REPLACE CLEAN SLIP RINGS, INSPECUREPAIR SENSOR WIRING [REPLACE THERMOCOUPLE, FOR MORE DETAIL ON TROUBLE SHOOTING TEMPERATURE CONTROLS SFE INFORMATION SUPPLIED IN ‘THE ELECTRICAL SECTION ON THE ELECTROMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS, ma symrrom = _ROSSIBLE CAUSHE FIN SEAL DOES NOT SEAL FILMS INSIDEOUT ‘TEMPERATURE IS TOOLOW FIN SEAL WHEELS OUT OF ADJUSTMENT SOLUTION (GECK UNWIND PATTERN (CHANGE SET POINT ON ‘TEMPERATURE CONIROL RESET WHEELS SEE OPERATORS MANUAL, MACHINE SFEED TOO HIGH LOWER SPEED FINSBALISBURNT ‘TEMP TOO HIGH LOWER (CRIMPER DOES NOT SEAL FILMS INSIDE OUT (CHECK UNWIND PATTERN ‘TEMPERATURES TOOLOW (CHANGE SET POINT ON "TEMPERATURE CONTROL, CRIMPERS ARE OUT OF ADJUSTMENT. [RESET SEE OPERATORS MANUAL. MACHINE SPEBD TOO HIGH LOWER SPEED ENDSEAL IS BURNT ‘TEMP TOO HIGH, LOWER (CRIMPERS SNAP AT FILM WELL OUT OF ADIUSTMENT (CHECK SETTING AND CHAIN “TORQUE LIMITER DISENGAGED ‘TIMING SEE MANUAL. RESET FFILM BUNCHES IN FRONT OF CRIMFER_ WELL OUT OF ADIUSTIMENT (CHECK SETTING SEE MANUAL IMIS CUT OR SLIT SHARP BURRS CLAN WITH FILE GRIMPERS TOO TIGHT ADIUST CRIMPBRS ARE OUT OF ADI. (CHECK SBTTING SEE MANUAL FILMDOES NOT CUT [BLUNT KNIFE REPLACE OR REGRIND KNIFE OUT OF ADJUSTMENT [RESET SEE MANUAL ‘TORQUBLIMITER DISENGAGES NERDS ADJUSTMENT ‘TTGHTENIT UP DRIVECHAIN ON CRIMPERJUMPS ON SPROCKET TEETH ‘TORQUE LIMITER TOO TIGHT GHAIN'TOO LOOSE “TIGHTEN CHAIN FILM COMES OUT OP WHEELS. SIDELAY OF FILM | MEASURE AND ADIUST FORMER INCORRECTLY SET [RESET:-SEE MANUAL ON FORMER FIN SEAL WIREL T00TIGHT/LOOSE RESET SEE MANUAL. FILM TOO SMALL/PRODUCT TOO BIO (CHANGE FILM SIZE BOR INFEED PITCH TOO LONG SHORT PRODUCT (CONSULT SERVICE PERSONNEL UNWIND ROLLERS OUTOFLINE SET ROLLERS SQUARE [FORMER NOT IN CENTRE ADIUST TO CENTRE OF MACHINE, na Ha Packaging Machinery * Flowpackaging made simple... PARTS MANUAL PEM 36 SUPER ria PFM PACKAGING CORPORATION 1271 Ringwell Drive Newmarket, Ontario B Tel, (905) 836-6709 ® Fax (905) 836-7763 PFM - 30-S PARTS MANUAL MACHINE SERIAL # OF9805 = Mack Pak Expect Packaging Excellence SITNW. 122nd Steel # Cklahoma Ciiy, OK 79114 (405) 751-4867 » fox 405) 751-9466 SUMMARY MAIN FRAME AND GUARD ASSEMBLY 45 CRIMPER FRAME AND GUARD ASSEMBLY 67 UPPER CRIMPER ASSEMBLY. 89 LOWER CRIMPER ASSEMBLY 10-11 CRIMPER DRIVE AND DWELL ASSEMBLY 12-14 FULL FINWHEEL ASSEMBLY. 15 UPPER FINWHEEL ASSEMBLY 16-17 LOWER FINWHEEL ASSEMBLY 18-19 FOLD OVER WHEEL ASSEMBLY 20-21 SERVO MAIN DRIVE 22-23 INFEED ASSEMBLY. 24-26 DISCHARGE CONVEYOR 27-28 UNWIND ROLLERS 29-30 FILM REEL HOLDER & BRAKE ASSEMBLY 31-32 PFM-30-SUPER LAYOUT VIEW 33 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST & SCHEMATICS 34 ‘THE FOLLOWING DRAWINGS ARE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF PFM PACKAGING MACHINERY. CORPORATION, ALL RIGHTS PERTAINING TO THIS MANUAL ARE RESERVED, NO OTHER USE, APART FROM CONSULTATION FINALIZED TO PURCHASING OF SPARE PARTS THROUGH PFM PACKAGING MACHINERY CORPORATION IS ALLOWED IF NOT ARTER WRITTEN CONSENT FROM PM PACKAGING MACHINBRY CORPORATION. IT 1S THE MACHINE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND DRAWINGS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL AND TO AVOID ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THEM, WARRANTY ‘A. PEM Packaging Machinery Corporation, ("PEM") warrants thatthe machine, accescrics and pars cal be ie ftom def fn ‘ates and worsens, B.__ Incase of dofctsn mates or workmanship (with the exception of defects in material or workmanship a els only co leoial components), rine cate of any lnm ars oof or connect withthe beach of any writin representations waite ‘yamuny given by PEM oth oigzal purchaser or ofsrachine, accessor, equipment or past with respect to tse spectistions of Ey sich somponent, any nick defels ny sack teach mest rier become apparent inthe hina, accessor, quipmeat oF part 2 PPM. mst bo nlilied of sume in wating within 12 moths or 2,000 operating hours, whichever come fst fom the dato of ‘rigia shipment by FFM or its uthrtadcistbutor of the machine, eeessr,exulpment or part to tke original purchaser as, Cn cates of deft in mails or workmanship as I slates to cls components (letra! components ince without Timtation heating elements, wising abd snitchos), such defects must become apparat inthe nach, aceesor, quipme o ptt itn 6 mouths 1000 opersting nous, whishover comes fis, ftom te cet of orginal shipment by PFD or ts authred isuioutor of the machine, accessory oc pat to a buyer. D._ The extent of FFM liblity unter this waranty ast defects in material or workmanship is inte othe eparof such defots ‘orto the repair replacement (wth similar item fre from the dott in guestion) of any accessory, equipment, or pat whichis Aefectve. Ia the event FFM is noted of «teach ofa witen representation or weiten waranty with espeot to usage speciation, fn accordance wi the tens ee ot erin, PFM will make all reasonable efforts io rely dhe beach by repiing or replacing the ‘aching, equipment, accessory or para ie esse tay bo ish repair or replacement il bea he su opto of PEM) to cing sane into conformance wit tie usage specitistion, In any event, he extent of FM's lnbily under tis warranty a to any ois for Grensh of «etn reprerettion or wien wc t to Usage spelfstons fs Kau o tho ogi puebar pice ofthe ‘machine, equipeset, ceesory orp at sae. EFPM shall us to cach defect, believed ofall obligations an ability under this warranty i |. the machine shall have been operated with any accessory, equipment or part not specially approved by PFO and aot mawufectred by PPM or to PEM design and eposifctins unless PFM is fmished reasonable evidence Cat euch inlision ras nova eave of he ett, 2. the machine shall sot have been opeated or maintained in soconanse with FFM instructions fumishe as pat of the phase ofthe machine unless PPM is farsi reasonable evidence tht such operation os raiatenanca Wes ta cause of the dic, 3. the mnchin shall aot have been operted wader normal indwty use uslss PEM is fused reasosabl evidence tht such ‘operation wes nota cause ofthe delet, 4. tee mohne shall have been seated alter of modified without PFM's approval or if the machine shall have been operates subsequet 1 its involvement ina aveient oe breakdows, unless FIM is funisbed reasonable evidence that suc rep, lation, ‘odifeation,opmtion, scidet or beakiown Was ot a cause ofthe daft provides, however, tat tis litation inote as it retest repais aocieats and tallow shall nt be applicable to rutin repity er minor accents or tinoybeakowas which Doty ootur tn the operation of snashins if sus par ate made oh suse mite ed aarti to stncansprasice and cagineeiag; 5. the defective machine, accesory, equipment, or parts not return Wo PAM factory a buyer's expense within tho applicable rod of timo ected in Paagsphs B and C above provided, however, PEM cll return att expece the raped sce, ot Eretet machine, avery, equpment or prc snd PM sal fs be reponsible Rr tho cot ofthe disassembly of the rari to comet the defect, remove the deetive aecessry, equipment or pat, install de corrected accssory or new pat, an renaanble the machine 0° 6. PIMC is aot provided with easnable poo! thatthe defer Is embraced within PFMts waxanty hereunder F.THIS WARRANTY AND THE OBLIGATIONS OF PFM HEREUNDER ARE IN LIEU OF AND BUYER OF THE MACHINERY HEREBY WAIVES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, GUARANTIES, CONDITIONS OR UIABILITIBS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARISING BY LAW O& OTHERWISE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITALION, ANY OBLIGATION OF FFM WITH RFSPECT TO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES) AND WHETHBR OR NOT OCCASIONED BY PPM's NEOLIGENCE AND SHALL NOT BE EXTENDED, ALTERED Of VARIED EXCEFT BY A WRITTEN INSTRUMENT SIGNED BY PFA ‘AND BUYER OF THE MACHINIRY: PROVIDED, THAT IN THE EVENT THS PROVISION RELIBVING PIM FROM LIABILITY FOR TIS NEGLIGENCE SHOULD FOR’ ANY REASON BY HELD INEFFECTIVE THE REMAINDER OF THE PARAGRAPHS SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. Machine Type: PPM-30-SUPER Sint Number: TOT Dae: TTR PRM Warranty 03/1902 MAIN FRAME AND LOWER GUARD 201-996 200-570 200-569, BESGEPTION rat a SH HGS MGFLAT WASHER Ss. CASTOR. FRONT GUARD, “MAIN FRAME, TINWHEEL ASSEMBLY SPACER, BSOsCS0013C 11-8108 ‘91000 "300-367 ‘DRIP PAN. —TMioNUT I MIOTHREADED ROD DOOR FAR SIDE. PFM-30 CRIMPER FRAME & GUARD ASSEMBLY PH Packaging Machinery Corp eee CRIMPER FRAME | AND GUARD Lo hi aa ASSEMBLY —_ ‘PFM-30 Fee PARTE DESCRIPTION : pa ee : = oe i j ae a : aS a 3 102-635, ‘M4 THREADED ROD. z : ae Ee : $ oan er bp A a ; | area: Lt — ue Lt oe ee : 2, i0i-39h PROXIMITY SWITCH, oa 4 a tees bo ia aos BEARING ASPT Doe GON | z eae Be 16 (200-693 IDLER SPROCKET STUD. Savard erence i a ee : if ee ae 5 + a ee “ e ae RE : z a we }—t 2 (ee SR TE a] = ae ae + eS i Sead ONESTOR (ao i 35 Tors NYLON WASHER MS (aa z ——-— ae : rere ; ae Soa i aa Ga : — SE EAE : | Se eA te ie are ; | 4 ae ae ees SE ra OTIC Se ae 96001. M6 FLAT WASHER ~ 200-909, ‘CRIMPER DWELL GUARD. “Mc FLAT WASHER TINGE FOR GUARD. dao9_ Sxouryoen aurea eee | ATISINSSSY HSdINIYD UAddN Of-Nad ATWIASSY., UPPER CRIMPER ASSEMBLY PEMSO iG. PARTE ‘DESCRIPTION 1 38026 Waxa0 OH BOLT 2 VioINROBIS 35x05 WASHER 3 91203, Mi2 ACORNNUT. 7 31201 M2 NUT 3 “Vioinos30, i 5x20 WASHER 6 200-697 TOPPLATE 7 200-690, UPPER SPRING GUIDE z 102-006 SPRING 3 200-689 LOWER SPRING GUIDE. ic ‘96006 Méx30 BOLT i ‘SioNcoIsOA GEAR SET TRANS. DIA=130 2 102-367 "TAKE-UP BEARING NSK-1205 3 Toi-aee POST ia 251108001 BRUSH HOLDER is 2130000004, BRUSH ie BRISCSOOSIA TRACK SPRING 7 102-138. Maxi0SET SCREW, 1s Bao y102508 THEATER 100350. is 2502201001 THERMOCOUPLE Qx100) 20 95004 x10 at 161-906 CLAMP a "35001 Ws WASHER 3 ‘pias ssi KNIFE 250x1535-1LAT BOTTOM 2a SPoscs2094 ‘UPPER CRIMPER (150mm Dia 3 02-146. ‘Méx10 SET SCREW 26 01-708 MAGNETIC CATCH a, Donia MANUAL DRIVE NUT 28 102-460. BEARING 2 30015 KEY 8x7320 30, 94003 Maxe SILCS

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