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Lesson Plan Template

Subject: English
Lesson Topic: Jobs

Grade/English language proficiency level: 7th grade, A2-B1

Content Standard: working together, practicing speaking, writing, expanding on the
current vocabulary, thinking out of the box.
Creative competency, cognition competency, communication competency.

Learning Objective: create an environment where students feel like it’s fun to learn
and discuss about a relevant topic (jobs), encourage them to speak out and express
their opinion, learn new vocabulary (whichever they propose).
Instructional Materials Needed: PPT slides, projector, computer, internet, notebook
for creative ideas.
Plan of Instruction: 1) The lesson starts with a warmup. The teacher actively asks
students if they ever had any kind of job. What kind of job? What were your
responsibilities? Teacher pairs students. Talk about this with your friend. The
teacher gives them about 3 minutes to discuss and then share out loud to the class.

3-5 minutes

2) The following question occurs: what

kind of job you’d like to have? Students think individually and express their
opinions out loud to the class. This activity takes about 5 minutes. If there are lower-
level students, they tell only the profession, or we figure out together how this
profession sounds in English (from Lithuanian).
Students get to vote or come up with
some extra jobs.
3) The teacher then leads everyone to one creative question showing some unusual
professions on the board. For example, Youtuber, cinema critic, hitman, secret
shopper. Ask them to come up with other interesting professions. Ask them to be
creative and CREATE professions. WRITE on the board. The following question
occurs: which profession would you choose and why? Students think and write their
responses. Lower-level students might share in pairs (with friends or closest
classmates) and not to the whole class.
4) We all look through our list of professions and think of their responsibilities.
Again, the teacher writes on the board or on the interactive board. Other students
might re-write some new information.
5) Another activity leads us to video watching. The teacher chooses two videos
beforehand of interesting professions. Before showing the video, a list of random
words is given. Students try to guess which profession might be described. Everyone
watches the videos and checks if they are right. Videos might be two or one, or even
three if they are short and unusual.

6) The next task would be for the teacher to introduce mentioned vocabulary from
the videos. The teacher writes useful words, and everyone rewrites. If there are no
new words, we adapt to the ones who learnt something new. And the teacher
continues with giving higher level students a task with categories. Categories for the
jobs. Interesting, creative, useful jobs. Students get creative and in pairs or in small
groups list which job fits which category according to their opinion. They discuss in
pairs. The lower-level students listen while the higher-level students share out loud.

Assessment and Evaluation: The teacher asks everyone what they learnt today. A
word? A fact? An interesting job? Everyone shares. For the next lesson formal
evaluation: job descriptions are given to students, and they have to write which job
is it.
At the VERY END, the teacher asks everyone if they know the difference between a
JOB and a PROFESSION. What’s the difference? Give homework to find out!
Differentiation: Teacher throughout the lesson makes sure that the lower-level
students write the most important information and checks if it’s understandable. If
everything is clear, the teacher tries to incorporate those students at all stages and
not to give them tasks which could be too easy. The teacher also encourages them to
speak out but if it’s difficult then no pressure.

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