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Reaping day

I was awoken early by the sound of birds chirping out side my window. It took me a few
minuets to adjust to reality till it dawned on me today is reaping day. I get out of bed and
head straight to my wardrobe to put on my reaping dress. The dress was a sage green colour
and went down to just above my knee. I head down stairs to see my mum, dad and brother
all sat at the table all looking very depressed. I ask my mum if she could put my hair in to
two dutch braids so my hairs out the way of my face while I’m eating breakfast. After
breakfast we headed to Johanna’s house who lived just across the street. We meet up with
the masons every year the reaping it was like a tradition. This year however was different it
was Johanna’s first year as she has just turned 12 years old. Luckily my brothers only 10
years old so hes got two years yet.
We knocked on the masons door and Johanna answered it. She was wearing a small blue
dress that clearly her mum picked out for her. “Mum the Haywood’s are here”, she called
out to her mum who now has also appeared at the door. “Come on dad, were going to be
late”, she called out for her dad. “Coming one second”, he shouted back slowly walking
towards the door. We all started towards the area where the reaping happens, I was
explaining how the reaping works to Johanna who’s like a baby sister to me. Once we
arrived me and Johanna said goodbye to our families and joined the line to be registered by
the peacekeepers.
Reaping day is a whole process. You would have to line up in the centre of the district by the
justice building get your finger pricked and then you have to stand with all the boys and girls
your age. Then the mayor would do a whole speech about Panem and the rebellion and how
we as district lost the war and that’s why we have to do the annual hunger games. Then the
district 7 escort who is Luna Oto would pick one female tribute and one male tribute from
the glass ball.
I hate reaping day. Well, everyone hates reaping day but I hate it the most. I hate the fact
that you have your fate decided if your name get pulled out of a massive glass ball and that
the capitol get their yearly entertainment of children dying. I was used to the whole process
of reaping day where as it is now her fourth year but sadly it was Johanna’s first year so she
was new to the whole process but I guided her through it. We split up to our age categories
15-year-olds are in the middle but the 12-year-olds are at the back because it’s their first
year. I slowly made my way there and stood between to of my class mates Sarah Karri and
Sophie Aveline and waited for the reaping to start.
The reaping area was quiet, you could here a pin drop as future tributes await to see their
fate. Then suddenly the mayor speaks the speech he does every year. Then Luna steps up to
the mic and starts speaking in her very posh accent “Hello, hello district 7. Happy hunger
games and may the odds for ever in your favour”. The crowd still silent. Its so awkward. The
silence makes my skin cruel. “Let’s do males first… the male tribute for district 7 is …” She
wanders over to the glass ball with lots of male names in it. Luna then dives her hand deep
into the ball a retrieve one slip of paper then walks back to the mic. “… is Flint Waldwick”.
Flint Waldwick where do I start no one in the district likes him. He thinks he’s better than
everyone. He is 18 years old. He’s around 5 foot 11 with dark brunette hair and brown eyes.
I personally feel bad for anyone who has him as a tribute partner because he is going to be a
real pain in the arse. He quickly made his way up to the stage and stands behind the male
glass ball waving and kissing the air like hes just won an award. “Any volunteers to replace
flint Waldwick” Luna asked but there was silence. District 7 wasn’t one for volunteers but no
one wanted to volunteer for Flint but then again even if they really liked you no one would
“Okay then on to the female tribute… the female tribute for district 7 is…”. Again, she walks
over to another glass ball on the other side of the stage to where Flint is but this time it had
female names in it. She puts her hand, digs around the ball, and pulls one out and walks
back to the mic. “… is Alexia Haywood!”

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