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<title>Cyber Safety Assignment</title>
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<big><b>Cybersecurity</b></big> is the protection to defend internet-connected devices and services from
malicious attacks by hackers, spammers, and cybercriminals. The practice is used by companies to protect against
phishing schemes, ransomware attacks, identity theft, data breaches, and financial losses. Cyber security is a
discipline that covers how to defend devices and services from electronic attacks by nefarious actors such as hackers,
spammers, and cybercriminals. While some components of cyber security are designed to strike first, most of today’s
professionals focus more on determining the best way to defend all assets, from computers and smartphones to
networks and databases, from attacks.
Additionally, Cyber Safety protects the computer/ network from cyber attack’s consequences as well. This is
exceptionally helpful when cyber-attacks are generated in such a way that the attack leaves a lasting impression on
the organization’s overall functionality.
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<h2>Importance of Cyber Safety</h2>
One of the prime reasons for implementing Cyber Safety is the protection of confidential data. Cyber Safety can
protect these data to a great extent. These data protection go a long way, especially in cases of government-related
data. Breach of such data of national importance can cause serious disturbance to the nation.
Additionally, a breach of personal data would result in personal losses such as reputation damage, etc. There are high
chances of an extortion threat. By giving in to the threat, there are chances of financial damages.
Data privacy is important in this digital world. For example, breach of personally identifiable information (PII),
intellectual property, and protected health information (PHI) would make people lose faith in the service and the
possibility of recovering lost customers or building faith again is a herculean task. This is usually applicable in the
sectors of hospitals and other healthcare institutions, financial service programs, and power plants.
However, the most fearsome aspect of the data breach through any cyberattack is the mishandling of data.
A data breach is a security violation, in which sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed,
stolen, altered or used by an individual unauthorized to do so. Other terms are unintentional information disclosure,
data leak, information leakage and data spill.<br><br>
Whenever there is any Cyber breach, there will be a need to upgrade your Cyber Safety system. This will incur
additional expenses. The expense is inclusive of new/up-gradation of Cyber Security Technology, Cyber Safety
insurance, public relations support, and more of similar nature. Notifying the affected parties of a particular breach
could even result in loss of customers.<br><br>
Cyber Safety breach results in the disruption of operation. When there is any cyber-attack, the operation of business
comes to a halt for various reasons. If the business operation is continued, the hacker would continue to get access
to the confidential information. <br><br>
On the other hand, when certain types of Cyber Safety breaches render the computer/ network inoperable, it would
sometimes take weeks to even months to recover the computer/ network. Furthermore, sometimes the access to
backup data would also be troublesome.
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<h2>Tips for Cyber Safety</h2>
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<li> Create a strong password for all platforms. Try to create unique passwords. Most importantly, the
passwords are not related at all. In this way, hackers will not succeed in their password guessing methodology.</li>
Always read the terms and conditions of any site. In this way, you will know whether your information will be
collected or not.</li>
Never type your financial information on any site, especially, if the site lacks padlock on the page. Always ensure that
the permissions required by the particular site are reasonable. <br>
For example, if your calculator app requests permission to access your gallery/ any of such nature, it is extremely
suspicious. In such cases, uninstall the app immediately.</li>
Always turn on two-factor authentication on your social media platforms. In that way, you will be alerted whenever
there is an attempt to access your account.</li>
Avoid using unsecure WiFi networks in public places:Unsecure networks leave you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle
Do not click on links in emails from unknown senders or unfamiliar websites:This is a common way that malware is
Always backup your data. By doing that you can protect your data in case of breach too.</li>
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<td><h2>Thank You</h2></td>


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