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Madhav Joshi, Louise Olsson,

War termination and women's political rights,

Social Science Research,
Volume 94,
ISSN 0049-089X,
Abstract: Does the manner in which a civil war is terminated affect women's
political rights developments? In this article, we develop an analytical framework
showing how the context of war termination type affects both the opportunity and
willingness of warring parties and their openness towards the influence of
international actors, thereby making it possible to translate social ruptures and
pressures from women's groups into post-war improvements in women's political
rights. Studying 205 civil war terminations in 69 countries since 1989, we find
support for our claim that a conflict terminated through the negotiation and
implementation of a comprehensive peace agreement significantly improved women's
political rights in the post-war period when compared to other types of conflict
termination. This finding holds after controlling for the women's rights provisions
negotiated in the agreement. Our results carry substantial policy relevance by
underlining the significance of women's inclusion in peace processes.
Keywords: War termination; Warring parties; Women's political rights; UNSCR 1325;
CPA implementation

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