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Taught By : M. Arif
Date : 03 -12-2022 , Saturday Time 35 mints

Subject : Mathematics Class : 7th

Period : 6th Unit # 1 & Topic : Sets

Objectives : Student’s will be able to list and describe the elements of set

Skills focused on : Identify sets and elements

Recourse : Text book , Board , chalk , duster

Brain Storming ( 5 mints )

 Recap per- knowledge

 How we denoted the sets?
 If we have 5 pencils and 4 pens can we make two different sets?
 Introduction of topic
 Sets
 Sharing Objectives

 Students will be explained in detail the concept of Sets that is set is made up of
elements and can be defined by listing and describing elements. Different Signs will
be introduced to the students
 Reinforcement of the concept will be done by doing some examples with students
Activity : Board work + discussion

Success Criteria : Remember to define a sets as a collection of objects.

Evaluation: Students will be evaluated during the class by asking question.

C.W : Text book page # 5 Ex 1.1 , Q1 and Q2

H.W : Remaining parts of Q1 and Q2

Subject Teacher _______________ Head Master _____________

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