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OCTOBER 2023 Volume : 3 | Issue : 2

Rainwater Harvesting
Dear Readers,
Welcome all to this twenty-
sixth issue of Anulom
Newsletter. We hope that you
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your article on the subjects that
Rainwater harvesting is the and start conserving water for will be informative and
simple process or technology used further use. There are different interesting for the readers.
to conserve rainwater by methods used for conserving We are glad to inform you
collecting, storing, conveying, and water; this article explains the that our Google Reviews have
purifying of rainwater that runs off rainwater harvesting system. touched a mark of 2,333
from rooftops, parks, roads, open numbers with a 4.6 Rating.
grounds, etc. for later use. Here, How to Harvest the Rainwater? Thank you all and stay
let us have a look at the diagram Rainwater harvesting systems connected with Anulom
of rainwater harvesting system. All consists of the following services for many more years to
living things including plants, components: come.
animals and human beings need O Catchment – Used to collect – Editor
water to live and to carry out and store the captured
different cellular activities. rainwater. WISHING
O Conveyance system – It is ALL OUR READERS
Different uses of water? used to transport the harvested
We all use water for different water from the catchment to
kinds of day-to-day activities, such the recharge zone.
as cleaning, washing, bathing, O Flush – It is used to flush out
cooking, drinking and the first spell of rain.
other domestic and industrial O Filter – Used for filtering the
uses. Water is a precious, essential collected rainwater and
and the non-living components of removing pollutants.
the environment. Today, we all O Tanks and the recharge
are heading toward the scarcity of structures – Used to store the
water, and this is mainly because filtered water which is ready
of the lack of water conservation to use.
and pollution of water bodies. So,
let us not waste a drop of water
The process of rainwater
harvesting involves the collection

OCTOBER 2023 1
and the storage of rainwater with Advantages of Rainwater O When drought occurs,
the help of artificially designed Harvesting rainwater harvested in past
systems that run off naturally or The benefits of the rainwater months can be used. If rain is
man-made catchment areas like- harvesting system are listed below. scarce but also unpredictable,
the rooftop, compounds, rock O Less cost. the use of a rainwater
surface, hill slopes, artificially O Helps in reducing the water harvesting system can be
repaired impervious or semi- bill. critical to capturing the rain
pervious land surface. O Decreases the demand for when it does fall. Many
Several factors play a vital water. countries with arid
role in the amount of water O Reduces the need for imported environments, use rainwater
harvested. Some of these factors water. harvesting as a cheap and
are: O Promotes both water and reliable source of clean water.
O The quantum of runoff. energy conservation. To enhance irrigation in arid
O Features of the catchments. O Improves the quality and environments, ridges of soil
O Impact on the environment. quantity of groundwater. are constructed to trap and
O Availability of the technology. O Does not require a filtration prevent rainwater from
O The capacity of the storage system for landscape running downhills. Even in
tanks. irrigation. periods of low rainfall,
O Types of the roof, its slope, O This technology is relatively enough water is collected for
and its materials. simple, easy to install and crops to grow. Water collected
O The frequency, quantity, and operate. from roofs and tanks can be
the quality of the rainfall. O It reduces soil erosion, constructed to hold large
O The speed and ease with which stormwater runoff, flooding, quantities of rainwater. In
the rainwater penetrates and pollution of surface water addition, rainwater harvesting
through the subsoil to recharge with fertilizers, pesticides, decreases the demand for
the groundwater. metals, and other sediments. water from wells, enabling
O It is an excellent source of groundwater levels to be
Why do we Harvest Rainwater? water for landscape irrigation further sustained rather than
The rainwater harvesting with no chemicals, dissolved depleted.
system is one of the best methods salts and free from all
practised and followed to support minerals. What are the different methods
the conservation of water. Today, O The combination of urban of rainwater harvesting?
scarcity of good quality water has ‘green’ rooftops with rainwater Broadly there are two ways of
become a significant cause of catchments have been found to harvesting rainwater,
concern. However, rainwater, reduce building temperatures namely; surface runoff harvesting
which is pure and of good quality, by more than 1.3 degrees and rooftop rainwater harvesting.
can be used for irrigation, Celsius. Instead of using the roof for
washing, cleaning, bathing, catchment, the Rain Saucer, which
cooking and for other livestock looks like an upside-down

2 OCTOBER 2023
umbrella, collects rain straight from the sky. This
decreases the potential for contamination and makes
Rain Saucer a potential application for potable water.
Many countries in the World have adopted
Rainwater Harvesting for various uses. Kenya has
already been successfully harvesting rainwater for lr_§V hmoÊ`mgmR>r dm, dm, dm, dm
toilets, laundry, and irrigation. Frankfurt Airport has (dmMdm, dmT>dm, dmnam, dmQ>m)
the biggest rainwater harvesting system in Germany.
The system helps save approximately 1 million cubic
"Jw§VdUyH$ : H$bm Am{U emó' `m {df`mda EH$
meters of water per year. This system collects water ì`m»`mVm ì`m»`mZ XoV hmoVm. lr_§V hmoÊ`mMm amO_mJ© Ë`mZo
from the roofs of the new terminal which has an area gyÌ~Õ nÕVrZo nwT>rb Mma Ajam§Zr (qH$dm eãXm§Zr)
of 26,800 square meters. The water is collected in the
basement of the airport in six tanks with a storage
gm§{JVbm - dm, (dmMdm) dm, (dmT>dm) dm, (dmnam) dm
capacity of 100 cubic meters. The water is mainly used (dmQ>m). _bm Ë`mMo eãX ^mdbo. H$maU _mÂ`mhr Vm|S>mVyZ
for toilet flushing, watering plants, and cleaning the air nmMdm eãX {ZKmbm... dm!
conditioning system. Rainwater harvesting was adopted
at The Velodrome – The London Olympic Park – in
`m Mma "dm' _Ybm n{hbm "dm' åhUOo dmMdm. åhUOo
order to increase the sustainability of the facility. Areas n¡go dmMdm. dmMdboë`m n¡emVyZ AmnU Jw§VdUyH$ H$ê$
in Australia use harvested rainwater for cooking and eH$Vmo. dm°aoZ ~\o$ hm Am§Vaamï´>r` »`mVrMm Jw§VdUyH$
drinking. Recently cost-effective rainwater collection in
the already dug wells found to be highly effective in
g„mJmahr gm§JVmo - "First Save and Then Spend' -
bringing groundwater level up in India. `mMmM AW© n¡go IM© H$aÊ`mAmYr {H$Vr n¡go dmMdm`Mo ho
In the early 21st century, India began heavily R>adm, Am{U Z§VaM H$m` Vmo IM© H$am. n¡go dmM{dÊ`mMr {H«$`m
investing in rainwater harvesting infrastructure and
policy as an urgent response to water scarcity. In
ho lr_§V hmoÊ`mÀ`m _mJm©Mr n{hbr nm`ar åhUm`bm haH$V
2001, Tamil Nadu became the first Indian state to make Zmhr.
rainwater harvesting compulsory in every building to Xþgam "dm' åhUOo "dmT>dm'. n¡go dmMdë`mda XÿaÑï>rZo
avoid groundwater depletion. In Rajasthan, rainwater
harvesting has traditionally been practiced by the
Am{U Jw§VdUyH$sÀ`m gd© n`m©`m§Mm `mo½` {dMma H$ê$ZM n¡go
people of the Thar Desert. In Maharashtra, the cities dmT>dVm `oVmV.
like Mumbai and Pune also practice Rain water AmVm {Vgam "dm' åhUOo "dmnam'. n¡go AWm©VM IMm©gmR>r
Harvesting on a large scale. Bengaluru also contributes
to RHW to a large extent. Many other countries like
bmJUmaM. nU Vmo n¡gm dmnaVmZm S>moHo$hr dmnamdo bmJVo.
UK, USA, Uganda, Thailand, Bermuda, New Zealand, Hw$R>oVar CYinÅ>r H$ê$Z MmbUma Zmhr. You should get
Sri Lanka etc. have opted RWH and have been investing money's worth. JaOm Am{U M¡Z `m§Mm {dMma H$aVmZm
in the Research on a regular basis.
gXgX{ddoH$~wÕr, ì`dhma kmZ Am{U XÿaÑï>r `m gdmªMmM
Disadvantages of Rainwater Harvesting Cn`moJ H$am`bm hdm.
In addition to the great advantages, the rainwater eodQ>Mm "dm' åhUOo "dmQ>m'. dmQ>m `mMm AW© `mo½` XmZ
harvesting system has a few disadvantages like
unpredictable rainfall, unavailability of the proper H$am. g§ñH¥$V _Ü`o EH$ gw^m{fV Amho - eVofw Om`Vo eya…!
storage system, etc. ghòofwM n§{S>V…! dº$m Xeghòofw! XmVm ^d{V dmZdm!!
O Regular maintenance is required. BVHo$ XmË`mMo _hÎd Amho. _mÌ XmË`m§Mr dmZdm Amho. dmQ>m
O Requires some technical skills for installation.
O Limited and no rainfall can limit the supply of åhUOo Hw$UmMm dmQ>m {H$Vr Amho `mMmhr `mo½` {dMma H$am.
rainwater. `m Mmahr "dm' Mm {dMma H$aVm EH$ _hÎdmMm _wÔm bjmV
O If not installed correctly, it may attract mosquitoes `oVmo H$s lr_§Vr {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r ho _mJ© MmoImù`mZ§Va Vwåhmbm
and other waterborne diseases.
O One of the significant drawbacks of the rainwater n¡emMrM Zmhr Va _ZmMr lr_§Vrhr {_iob. H$maU eodQ>Mm "dm'
harvesting system is storage limits. hm XmZmg§~Y§ r Amho. Hw$R>ë`mhr H$mimV ì`º$sbm \$º$ n¡emMr
But these limitations can be overcomed through lr_§Vr g§nmXZ H$ê$Z MmbV Zmhr. nX, nV Am{U à{Vð>m, Ë`m
continuous Research and Developments.
To sum up, we may reinstate the importance of ì`º$sÀ`m _ZmÀ`m lr_§Vr_YyZhr ì`º$ ìhmdr. dmh Š`m ~mV
Rainwater Harvesting and strive hard to save water for h¡...!!!
our future generations. - S>m°. AaqdX Zdao
S>m`aoŠQ>a, AZwbmo_ Q>oŠZmobm°OrO àm. {b.
_mo~mBb : 9552384931

OCTOBER 2023 3
H$m`ÚmImbrb Xmdo àW_V: bKwdmX Ý`m`mb`mV MmbVmV.
© r nm`ar MT>Ê`mnydu... ^maVr` X§S> {dYmZ (B§{S>`Z nrZb H$moS>) `m H$m`ÚmZwgma
AmO {_Vrg Ý`m`XmZ H$aUmè`m§Mo åhUOoM AmOÀ`m ^mfoV ZmJ[aH$mMo Oo dV©Z "JwÝhm' `m gXamV _moS>Vo, Ë`m JwÝhoJmar dV©Zm~Ôb
Ý`m`mb`m§Mo AZoH$ àH$ma ApñVËdmV Ë`m ZmJ[aH$m{déÕ \$m¡OXmar Ý`m`mb`mV Xmdm XmIb Ho$bm OmVmo. {VWo
- A°Amho
S>. VA{dZme
. H$m`XoeraMm\o
$H$a Mo,
V§Q>çm§Mo ñdê$n H$m` Amho, Ë`mZwgma Vmo V§Q>m H$moUË`m Ý`m`mb`mV Ý`m`X§S>m{YH$mar (Á`w{S>{e`b _°{OñQ´>oQ>) Am{U gÌ Ý`m`mb`
Ý`m`Mm Vo R>aVo. _mb_Îmog§~§YrMo V§Q>o, n¡em§À`m XodmU-KodmUrdê$Z (goeÝg H$moQ>©) Ago Ý`m`mb`mMo XmoZ ñVa AmhoV. \$m¡OXmar IQ>bm
{Z_m©U Pmbobo dmX, H$amamMm ^§J Ho$ë`mZo Pmbobo dmX, dmagm ({H«${_Zb Ho$g) àW_ Ý`m`X§S>m{YH$mè`m§nwT>o MmbVmo. JwÝømÀ`m
h¸$mg§~§YrMo, _¥Ë`ynÌmdê$Z Pmbobo qH$dm O{_Zrg§~§YmVyZ Pmbobo ñdê$nmZwgma Vmo gÌ Ý`m`mb`mnwT>o dJ© Ho$bm OmVmo.
Ago gd© dmX {XdmUr Ý`m`mb`mV gmoS>dbo OmVmV. {XdmUr Ý`m`mb`mV {Oëhm Am{U gÌ hr XmoÝhr Ý`m`mb`o EH$M AgVmV. Ooìhm {VWo
{d{dY ñVa AmhoV. bKwdmX Ý`m`mb` (ñ_m°b H$m°OoO H$moQ>©), H${Zð> {XdmUr Xmdm MmbVmo, Voìhm Ë`mg {Oëhm Ý`m`mb` ({S>pñQ´>ŠQ> H$moQ>©)
ñVa (Á`w{Z`a {S>pìhOZ), d[að> ñVa (gr{Z`a {S>ìhrOZ), {Oëhm åhUVmV Am{U \$m¡OXmar IQ>bm MmbVmo Voìhm Ë`mg gÌ Ý`m`mb`
Ý`m`mb` ({S>pñQ´>ŠQ> H$moQ>©), {H$Vr aH$_oMm Xmdm Amho, Ë`mZwgma (goeÝg H$moQ>©) åhUVmV. åhUyZM Xmohm|Mo EH${ÌV Zmd {Oëhm d gÌ
H$moUË`m Ý`m`mb`mV Vmo MmbUma Vo R>aVo. `m{edm` ^mSo> {Z`§ÌU Ý`m`mb`o ({S>pñQ´>ŠQ> A±S> goeÝg H$moQ>©) Ago Amho.
- A°S>. A{dZme Mm\o$H$a
_mo~mBb : 9850935911

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Been using Anulom for last 3 years ... Works like a Very good experience working with Anulom. Is a
magic ... This year Afasana helped me with very well-known agency in the field. Specially thanks to
registration. Very patient even though my laptop ran Poornima Bhalerao.
into multiple issues. — JYOTI SAWANT
Excellent support from the team =ØMÜ about the
We used Distant registration service from Anulom. follow up and documents thank u so much =ØOÞ
Instructions were very precise and we got pretty much Poornima and Sarika were great in their work.Thank u
idea of the process in the beginning. In our case, :&þ they made my work easy.
tenants were from different place, we were in US, two — REACHDOLLY555
different persons handled our cases and the process was
smooth. We had connected Keerthana Rajendran, she Excellent services by Anulom, their process is
helped us with biometric verification, she was aware of simple and hassle free. Thanks to their team for timely
the steps and very cooperative. registration of Notice of Intimation. Thanks to Miss
— ROSHAN PILLAI Archana, Miss Shakuntala, and Miss Pornima for
providing hassle free services from registration
The process with Anulom is hassle-free. sitting at initiation to getting the registered document.
home, I have got my Notice of intimation created easily. — MURALI KRISHNA B
Miss Suchita Raul has helped me for the entire process

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4 OCTOBER 2023

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