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Name: Elaine Sanchez

ID: A00108047

Case study

Unit 8
Martha Gomez


dynamic, Friendly personality.

A strong interest in health and fitness.

Leading and coordinating, and motivating staff.

Wants to motivate and promote a healthier lifestyle for people.


She does not contribute to marketing plans and strategies.

Sylvia Cominelli




wants to keep studying and motivate people to have a fitness lifestyle.


does not have a lot of experience with fitness coaching and did not bring new ideas.

Sean wilder


Has a lot of experience.



Did not bring many ideas to improve.

Does not believe in spending for advertising.

Does not want to be too friendly with the staff.

Paulo Goncalves


Confident and experienced

Very flexible and creative


Does not have a lot of interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Too self-centered.

In my opinion the candidate that should get the job is Martha Gomez

I believe the at the best candidate would be Martha Gomez; she is really experienced at her area and has
introduced fitness programs to help people suffering from diseases and illness. I believe Martha wants
people to achieve a better lifestyle and introduce healthiness into the fitness program which would be

Unit 7


1. Do people like a lot of personal space?

while personal space preferences can vary from person to person, it is generally understood that many
individuals appreciate having a certain amount of personal space.

2. Do they usually stand close or far away from another person when they talk with other colleagues?

The distance at which people stand when talking to colleagues can vary depending on cultural norms,
personal relationships, and the specific context. In a professional setting, it is common for individuals
to maintain a moderate distance when engaging in conversations with colleagues. This distance
typically allows for a comfortable interaction while still respecting personal boundaries.

3. Do staff use first or family names when addressing each other?

he use of first or family names when addressing colleagues can vary depending on the workplace culture,
regional customs, and individual preferences. Different organizations and industries may have different
norms and expectations regarding the use of names.

In many professional settings, especially in Western cultures, it is common to use first names when
addressing colleagues, so in my opinion it really depends on the culture.

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