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MARCH 2023 Volume : 2 | Issue : 7

All about Barcode system

A barcode system is a network of hardware and software,
consisting primarily of mobile computers, printers, handheld
scanners, infrastructure, and supporting software. Barcode
systems are used to automate data collection where hand
recording is neither timely nor cost effective. Despite often being
provided by the same company, Barcoding systems are not radio- Dear Readers,
frequency identification (RFID) systems. Many companies use We are very thankful to
both technologies as part of larger resource management systems. you for accepting our
Newsletter. We are sure you
History must be finding the
In 1948, Bernard Silver was a information in the
graduate student at Drexel
Newsletters interesting and
Institute of Technology in
Philadelphia. A local food chain
store owner had made an inquiry You may also send us
to the Drexel Institute asking Articles for this Newsletter
about research into a method of or suggest us a few topics
automatically reading product the Universal Grocery Products on which you would like to
information during checkout. Identification Code or UGPIC was have more information.
Silver joined together with fellow written by a company called We are also thankful for
graduate student Norman Joseph Logicon Inc. The first company to your valuable and
Woodland to work on a solution. produce bar code equipment for
encouraging feedback for
Woodland’s first idea was to use retail trade use (using UGPIC)
was the American company
our services. We are sure
ultraviolet light sensitive ink. The
team built a working prototype Monarch Marking in 1970, and you will stay connected
but decided that the system was for industrial use, the British with us and also
too unstable and expensive. They company Plessey recommend Anulom
went back to the drawing board. Telecommunications was also first services to your relatives
On October 20, 1949, Woodland in 1970. UGPIC evolved into the and friends.
and Silver filed their patent U.P.C. symbol set or Universal Regards.
application for the “Classifying Product Code, which is still used – Editor
Apparatus and Method”, in the United States. George J.
describing their invention as Laurer is considered the inventor hardware that is manufactured
“article classification… through of U.P.C. or Uniform Product today for use in Barcode Systems.
the medium of identifying Code, which was invented in The best known brand of
patterns”. 1973. In June 1974, the first handheld scanners and mobile
The first commercially U.P.C. scanner was installed at a computers is Symbol, which is
successful barcode reading system Marsh’s supermarket in Troy, now a division of Motorola. Other
was patented in November 1969 Ohio. The first product to have a manufacturers include Intermec,
by John F. Keidel for the General barcode included was a packet of HHP (Hand Held Products),
Atronics Corp. Wrigley’s Gum. Microscan Systems, Unitech,
It was soon realized that there Metrologic, PSC and PANMOBIL.
would have to be some sort of Hardware
industry standard set. In 1970, There is a wide range of

MARCH 2023 1
Software language such as C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic.NET,
While there is a range of hardware on the market, and many others. Often developing a custom interface
software is more difficult to find from the hardware using software such as RFgen or developing new,
manufacturers. Some ERP, MRP, and other inventory personalized software is the most effective method
management software have built in support for since it allows the individual to have a solution that is
barcode reading and some even allow the software to fitted to their exact needs.
run directly on a mobile computer. Besides full
management software, there are more than a few Typical system
software development kits on the market that allow A typical barcode system consists of some
the developer to easily produce custom mobile infrastructure, either wired or wireless that connects
interfaces and that handle the connect to the some number of mobile computers, handheld
database. One such software is RFgen another is scanners, and printers to one or many databases that
PeopleVox. Then there is always the option of store and analyse the data collected by the system. At
developing a custom software solution, using a some level there must be some software to manage

A barcode is a visual representation of data that is Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID)
scanned and interpreted for information. Each barcode involves a tag affixed to a product which identifies and
contains a certain code which works as a tracking tracks the product via radio waves. These tags can carry up
technology for products; and is represented in a sequence of to 2,000 bytes of data. This technology has three parts: a
lines or other shapes. Initially this technology was scanning antenna, a transceiver with a decoder to interpret
symbolized by the width and spaces between parallel lines the data and a transponder (RFID tag) pre-set with
that were one dimensional. This then evolved into other information. The scanning antenna sends out a radio-
geometrical shapes such as rectangles and hexagons that frequency signal providing a means of communication with
were two dimensional. This barcode technology can be the RFID tag. When the RFID tag passes through the
scanned by barcode readers along with newer technology frequency field of the scanning antenna; it detects the
on devices such as smartphones and desktop printers. activation signal and can transfer the information data in
holds to be picked up by the scanning antenna.
O Much smaller and lighter than RFID tags and O Can read RFID tags from a greater distance than
therefore easier to use. barcodes.§ RFID tags don’t need to be positioned in
O Less expensive than RFID tags; as barcodes are a line of sight with the scanner.
directly printed onto plastic or paper materials and O RFID tags can be read at a faster rate than barcodes; as
therefore the only cost involved is the ink; a tiny overall approximately 40 RFID tags can be read at the same
cost. time.
O Barcodes work with the same accuracy on various O RFID tags can work within much greater distances;
materials in which they are placed. information can be read from a tag at up to 300 ft.
O Barcodes are a universal technology in that they are the O RFID tags are read/write devices.
norm for retail products; stores that own a barcode O RFID contain high levels of security; data can be
reader can process barcodes from anywhere in the encrypted, password protected or set to include a ‘kill’
world. feature to remove data permanently.
O In many cases; barcode accuracy has been said to be O RFID tags carry large data capabilities such as product
the same or even better than RFID tags. maintenance, shipping histories and expiry dates;
O Today barcodes are found on almost every item and which can all be programmed to the tag.
there are no privacy issues involved with its use. O Once these are set up; it can be run with minimal human
O Barcode scanners need a direct line of sight to the participation.
barcode to be able to read. O RFID tags are more reusable and rugged as they are
O In order to read the barcode, the barcode scanner needs protected by a plastic cover.
to be quite close; around no more than 15ft. O RFID involves assembling and inserting a computerized
O Barcodes have no read/write capabilities; they do not chip; which works out to be more expensive.
contain any added information such as expiry date O RFID readers struggle picking up information when
etc. They only contain the manufacturer and product. passing through metal or liquid.
They are very labour intensive; as they must be O Reader collision can occur where two signals from
scanned individually. different readers overlap and the tag is unable to
O Barcodes have less security than RFID; as they can be respond to both.
more easily reproduced or forged. O Tag collision can occur when numerous tags in the
O Barcodes are more easily damaged; as the line of sight same area respond at the same time.
is needed to scan, the printed bar code has to be O RFID still has two separate chips (read only and
exposed on the outside of the product. If a barcode is readable/writable), which cannot be read by the same
ripped or damaged there is no way to scan the product. machine.

From this comparison we can see that both forms of automated data collection have their advantages and
disadvantages; and one may be preferable to suit your specific needs; however, one can’t be said to be more
superior than the other.

2 MARCH 2023
the system. The software may be as simple as code different types: Linear barcodes and two-
that manages the connection between the hardware dimensional matrix barcodes.
and the database or as complex as an ERP, MRP, or
some other inventory management software. What is the benefit of barcode?
Barcodes encode product information into bars
How does a barcode system work? and alphanumeric characters, making it much faster
A series of black and white lines make up a and easier to ring up items at a store or track
barcode, each representing a number. Once a product inventory in a warehouse. Besides ease and speed, bar
arrives at a store, the barcode is scanned into the codes’ major business benefits include accuracy,
system and a price for that particular product is inventory control and cost savings.
matched to its code.
Which barcode is used in India?
What is barcode and its types? Types of Barcodes
Barcodes use lines of different widths to represent EAN -13 – International Article Number which is
a 12 or 13 digit number. That is why the possible now called the European Article Number is a 13-digit
combinations it can represent can be up to 10^13 number used for barcodes in Europe, India, and other
different combinations. Barcodes are available in two nations.

{eñV^§J H$madmB©da Anrb H$aVm `oV.o ..

- A°S>. A{dZme Mm\o$H$a ñ\w$a{UH$m...
àË`oH$ ñQ>oQ> ~ma You must take personal
H$m¡pÝgbMr EH$ {eñV^§J responsibility....
g{_Vr AgVo Am{U You must take personal responsibility. You
cannot change the circumstances, the seasons
d{H$bm§{déÕ Amboë`m VH«$matMr or the wind, but you can change yourself. That
XIb KoD$Z d{H$bm§Zm {ejm is something you have the charge of.
H$aÊ`mMm H$m¡pÝgbbm A{YH$ma _bm hm {dMma IynM _hÎdmMm dmQ>Vmo. n[apñWVrda,
AgVmo, ho AmnU nm{hbo. ~ma F$Vy§da, dmè`mda Vw_Mm Vm~m Zmhr. nU ñdV:da Vm~m nm{hOoM.
H$m¡pÝgbMr {eñV^§J g{_Vr qH$dm amÁ`mMm A°S>ìhmoHo$Q> OZab `m§Zr H$mhrhr KS>mo. Ë`mdoir Vwåhr H$m` H$é eH$Vm? Va Vw_Mr ñdV:Mr
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Vmo ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mH$So> XmX _mJy eH$Vmo. åhUOo Ë`m KoD$`m.
{ZU©`m{déÕ Anrb H$ê$ eH$Vmo, amÁ` ~ma H$m¡pÝgbMm {ZU©` EImXm {_Ì qH$dm AmoiIrMr ì`º$s Vw_À`mH$So> _XV
A{YH¥$VnUo H$ië`mnmgyZ gmR> {Xdgm§À`m AmV Anrb H$amdo. _mJm`bm Ambr Va Ë`mMr 100% JaO Vwåhr ^mJdy eH$Uma
`m Anrbmda ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mÀ`m {eñV^§J g{_VrnwT>o Zmhr. nU Vw_À`m Hw$dVrà_mUo H$mhrVar JaO ^mJdy eH$mb.
gwZmdUr hmoB©b. hr g{_Vr, amÁ` ~ma H$m¡pÝgbÀ`m g{_VrMm {ZU©` dm gH$mamË_H$ {dMmam§Mr BWo JaO Amho. EImÚm Ym{_©H$ H$m`m©gmR>r
{ejm ~Xby eH$Vo. _mÌ, Ë`mnydu Ë`m d{H$bmbm Ë`mMr ~mOy _m§S>Ê`mMr Vwåhr _moR>çm aH$_oMr XoUJr H$Xm{MV XoD$ eH$Uma Zmhr. nU H$mhr
nyU© g§Yr {Xbr Jobr nm{hOo. WmoS>r a¸$_ Va Z¸$sM XoD$ eH$mb. Amnë`m KameoOmar
~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mÀ`m {eñV^§J g{_VrMm {ZU©`gwÕm AMmZH$ EImXm AnKmV Pmbm, Va KamVyZ nmÊ`mMr ~mQ>br
nQ>bm Zmhr, Va Vmo dH$sb gwàr_ H$moQ>m©V Anrb H$ê$ eH$Vmo. Z¸$sM KoD$Z OmD$ eH$mb.
A°S>ìhmoHo$Q²g A°²ŠQ>À`m H$b_ 38 _Ü`o hr VaVyX Amho. Á`m g§ñWoMo Vwåhr H$m_ H$aVm, Ë`m§Mm H$mhr H$m`©H«$_ R>abm
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nwZ{d©Mma (arìøy) H$ê$ eH$Vo, Aer VaVyX gXa H$m`ÚmÀ`m H$b_ eH$Vm. Xhm-~mam {_Ìm§Mr Hw$_H$ Agob Va gJù`m§Zm Mhm-nmZ
44 _Ü`o Ho$br Amho. g{_Vr ñdV:À`mM nwT>mH$mamZo qH$dm AÝ` H$ê$ eH$Vm. EdT>oM Zìho Va amoOÀ`m-amoO Amnë`mM KamVrb
H$moUË`m H$maUmZo ñdV:À`m {ZU©`mMm nwZ{d©Mma H$é eH$Vo. ñdV:Mm EImXr O~m~Xmar; CXm. Ka PmS>Ê`mMr O~m~Xmar KoD$ eH$Vm.
n{hbm {ZU©` Omar Ho$ë`mÀ`m {XdgmnmgyZ gmR> {Xdgm§V Agm Aer AZoH$ CXmhaUo XoVm `oVrb.
nwZ{d©Mma Ho$bm nm{hOo. Ooìhm Vw_À`m bjmV `oB©b H$s ñdV:Mr O~m~Xmar {d{eï>
amÁ` ~ma H$m¡pÝgbÀ`m {eñV^§J g{_VrZo nwZ{d©Mmam§Vr KoVbobm n[apñWVrV Q>mim`Mr Zmhr... Va Vr nma nmS>m`Mr.
{ZU©`, {Xbobm AmXoe ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mZo Ë`mda {e¸$m_moV©~ - S>m°. AaqdX Zdao
Ho$ë`m{edm` A_bmV `oD$ eH$V Zmhr. H$moUË`mhr ~ma H$m¡pÝgbbm S>m`aoŠQ>a, AZwbmo_ Q>oŠZmobm°OrO àm. {b.
EH$mnojm OmñV ({H$Vrhr) g{_Ë`m ñWmnZ H$aVm `oD$ eH$VmV. BVHo$M
_mo~mBb : 9552384931
H$m`, nU H$b_ ZD$Zwgma {eñV^§J g{_Ë`mhr EH$mnojm OmñV ñWmnZ
H$aVm `oVmV.

MARCH 2023 3
Important Days & Dates in March
Date Events
01-Mar Zero Discrimination Day
01-Mar World Civil Defence Day
01-Mar Self InjuryAwareness Day
03-Mar World Wildlife Day
03-Mar World Hearing Day
04-Mar National Safety Day
FEEDBACK FROM 04-Mar Employee Appreciation Day
04-Mar Ramakrishna Jayanti
OUR SATISFIED CUSTOMERS… 08-Mar International Women's Day
08-Mar No Smoking Day (Second Wednesday of March)
Rendered Good service by Ms. Madhuri 10-Mar CISF Raising Day
Paygude & Mr. Hitesh Kumawat. 12-Mar Mauritius Day
— RAJU INGALE 14-Mar Pi Day
14-Mar International Day of Action for Rivers
Very efficient. Most convenient for NRIs 15-Mar World Consumer Rights Day
who don't want to hassle old parents or friends 16-Mar National Vaccination Day
back home with POA to rent out property in 18-Mar Ordnance Factories Day (India)
India. Today I rented our flat in Pune out, 20-Mar International Day of Happiness
sitting Germany. Anulom's Ms. Aprosa took care 20-Mar World Sparrow Day
of everything. I only had to sit in front of a 21-Mar World Forestry Day
webcam and press my thumb on a fingerprint 21-Mar World Down Syndrome Day
reader. Fantastic service. Great convenience. 21-Mar World Poetry Day
— HRISHI KUL 22-Mar World Water Day
23-Mar World Meteorological Day
24-Mar World Tuberculosis (TB) Day
Anulom Team has been doing a great job
25-Mar International Day of the Unborn Child
with the services they are providing in getting
25-Mar International Day of Solidarity with Detained
the NOI filed for your mortgage. Special thanks and Missing Staff Members
to Ms. Sakuntala Seth for helping me out with 26-Mar Purple Day of Epilepsy
all my queries and making the entire process 27-Mar World Theatre Day
smooth and fast.

Services of the agency is excellent.

Miss Suchita Raul worked an extra mile to
remove the hurdle in my case.

Anulom does excellent job in helping with

the paper/legal work. I would like to appreciate
one of their representatives - Miss. Suchita for
the help and the cooperation she provided to
get my NOI registered. She was always there to
answer any queries.Thank you once again.

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This Newsletter is being published on the 10th of every month for private circulation only and is not for sale. It is published by the
owner, printer and publisher M/s. Anulom Technologies Pvt. Ltd; and Editor Yashodhan Jatar, 6, Mayur Apartments, 997/20, Navi
Peth, Pune 411 030, and is sent through email to the customers and well-wishers of Anulom Technologies Pvt. Ltd; Pune.
Designed by Amogh Arts, Pune, for and on behalf of Anulom Technologies Pvt. Ltd;
The editor does not necessarily agree with the opinions published in the Articles in this magazine. Follow us on:

4 MARCH 2023

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