Anulom Newsletter - February 2023

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FEBRUARY 2023 Volume : 2 | Issue : 6

What are QR codes and

are they safe to use?
QR stands for “Quick Response.”
While they may look simple, QR codes are capable of Dear Readers,
storing lots of data. But no matter how much they contain, We are very thankful to
when scanned, the QR code should allow the user to access you for accepting our
information instantly – hence why it’s called a Quick Newsletter. We are sure you
Response code. must be finding the
information in the
What are QR codes? be read in one direction – top Newsletters interesting and
A QR code is a type to bottom. That means they useful.
of barcode that can be read can only store a small amount You may also send us
easily by a digital device and of information, usually in an Articles for this Newsletter
which stores information as a alphanumeric format. But a QR or suggest us a few topics
series of pixels in a square- code is read in two directions – on which you would like to
shaped grid. QR codes are top to bottom and right to left. have more information.
frequently used to track This allows it to house We are also thankful for
information about products in significantly more data. your valuable and
a supply chain and – because The data stored in a QR encouraging feedback for
many smartphones have built- code can include website our services. We are sure
in QR readers – they are often URLs, phone numbers, or up to you will stay connected
used in marketing and 4,000 characters of text. QR with us and also
advertising campaigns. More codes can also be used to: recommend Anulom
recently, they have played a O Link directly to download services to your relatives
key role in helping to trace an app on the Apple App and friends.
coronavirus exposure and slow Store or Google Play. Regards.
the spread of the virus. O Authenticate online – Editor
The first QR code system accounts and verify login
was invented in 1994 by the details.
Japanese company Denso O Access Wi-Fi by storing gravestones, allowing
Wave, a Toyota subsidiary. encryption details such as people to scan the code to
They needed a more accurate SSID, password, and read more about that
way to track vehicles and parts encryption type. deceased person’s life (if
during the manufacturing O Send and receive payment they have an obituary or
process. To achieve this, they information. news story relating to them
developed a type of barcode O And much more – a online).
that could encode kanji, kana, company in the UK called The development team
and alphanumeric characters. QR Memories even creates behind the QR code wanted to
Standard barcodes can only QR codes for use on make the code easy to scan so

Are QR codes safe?
Attackers can embed malicious URLs
containing custom malware into a QR code which
could then exfiltrate data from a mobile device
when scanned. It is also possible to embed a
malicious URL into a QR code that directs to
a phishing site, where unsuspecting users could
disclose personal or financial information.
Because humans cannot read QR codes, it is
easy for attackers to alter a QR code to point to
an alternative resource without being detected.
While many people are aware that QR codes can
open a URL, they can be less aware of the other
that operatives did not waste time getting it at actions that QR codes can initiate on a user’s
the right angle. They also wanted it to have a device. Aside from opening a website, these
distinctive design to make it easy to identify. This actions can include adding contacts or composing
led them to choose the iconic square shape that emails. This element of surprise can make QR
is still used today. code security threats especially problematic.
In 2002, the first mobile phones containing Mobile devices, in general, tend to be less
built-in QR readers were marketed in Japan. The secure than computers or laptops. Since QR codes
use of smartphones led to an increase in the are used on mobile devices, this increases the
number of companies using QR codes. potential risks.
In 2020, Denso Wave continued to improve
on their original design. Their new QR codes Do QR codes collect personal information and
include traceability, brand protection, and anti- data?
forgery measures. There are many new uses for QR code-generating software does not collect
the QR code, from transferring payments to personally identifiable information.The data it
determining objects’ positions within augmented does collect includes location, the number of
reality. times the code has been scanned and at what
times, plus the operating system of the device
How to scan QR codes? which scanned the code (i.e., iPhone or Android).
Most smartphones have built-in QR scanners,
which are sometimes built in the camera. A QR Can someone hack a QR code?
scanner is simply a way to scan QR codes.Some The QR codes themselves can’t be hacked –
tablets, such as the Apple iPad, have QR readers the security risks associated with QR codes derive
built into their cameras.Some older devices may from the destination of QR codes rather than the
require a particular app to read QR codes – these codes themselves.Hackers can create malicious
apps are readily available on the Apple App Store QR codes which direct the users to fake websites
and Google Play. that capture their personal data such as login
Scanning a QR code using your device is very credentials or even track their geolocation on
simple. First open the QR reader application or their phone. This is why mobile users should
the camera on your smartphone, point it at the only scan codes that come from a trusted
QR code, the data will be instantly shown on sender.
screen. (To be continued…)

~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mMr KS>U... - A°S>. A{dZme Mm\o$H$a

A°S>ìhmoHo$Q²>g A°ŠQ> ^maVmÀ`m Á`m g§nyU© ^mJmgmR>r bmJy B§{S>`m `m nXmdarb ì`º$s ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mÀ`m nX{gÕ
Amho, Ë`m ^mJmgmR>r EH$ ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Agmdo Am{U Ë`mg "~ma gXñ` AgVrb. `m{edm`, àË`oH$ amÁ` H$m¡pÝgbZo Ë`m§À`m
H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`m' Ago åhQ>bo OmB©b, Aer VaVyX `m gXñ`mVyZ {ZdS>bobm EH$ gXñ`hr ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mMm
H$m`ÚmÀ`m H$b_ 4(1) _Ü`o Amho. gXñ` Agob. ho gd© gXñ` Amnë`mM gXñ`mVyZ EH$ MoAa_Z
A°Q>Zu OZab Am°\$ B§{S>`m Am{U gm°{b{gQ>a OZab Am°\$ d EH$ ìhmB©g MoAa_Z {ZdS>Vrb. `m H$m¡pÝgbÀ`m ~¡R>H$m

{X„rV qH$dm AÝ`Ì H$moR>ohr KoVm `oVrb. _mÌ, {X„r~mhoa ~¡R>H$
¿`m`Mr Agob Va Ë`mMo H$maU boIr ñdê$nmV Zm|Xbo Jobo nm{hOo.
~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`m hr EH$ "~m°S>r' H$m°nm}aoQ> ñ\w$a{UH$m...
(H§$nZrgmaIr) Amho, Ago H$m`ÚmV åhQ>bo Amho. Ë`mbm Ë`mÀ`m
We are all unique and beautiful... !!!
ApñVËdmMo gmVË`, AI§S>Ëd Amho, ñdV:Mo gm_mBH$ "grb'
({e¸$m) Agob. ñWmda-O§J_ _mb_Îmm {_idÊ`mMm, YmaU Ia§M Amho. AmnU jUmojUr ^oQ>Umè`m àË`oH$
H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma Agob. H$moUmerhr H$ama H$ê$ eHo$b. H$m¡pÝgb _mUgmMr Hw$Umer Var VwbZm H$aVmo Am{U _ZmVë`m
Amnë`m ZmdmZo Xþgè`m H$moUm{déÕ H$moQ>m©V Xmdm bmdy eHo$b qH$dm _ZmV Ë`mMr ZH$iVnUo qH$_V H$aVmo, Or
Xþgao H$moUr H$m¡pÝgbda Xmdm bmdy eHo$b. VwbZmË_H$hr AgVo. amoO ^oQ>Umè`m Ë`mM Ë`mM
`m H$m`ÚmÀ`m H$b_ 7 _Ü`o ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mMr _mUgm§~Ôbhr Amnë`mbm gmaIo H$mhr dmQ>V AgVo,
H$m`} H$m`, ho gm§{JVbo Amho : dmQ>V amhVo. H$Yr Iyn ~ao dmQ>Vo, H$Yr amJ `oVmo, Va
1) d{H$bm§Mo ì`mdgm{`H$ dV©Z H$go Agmdo, dmJÊ`mMr arV H$Yr H$mhrM dmQ>V Zmhr. AmnU gVV
(E{Q>Ho$Q²g) H$m` AgmdrV, `m {df`rMo _mnX§S> R>adUo, judgemental AgVmo.
2) ~ma H$m¡pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`mMr {eñV^§J g{_Vr Am{U àË`oH$ OdiÀ`m _mUgm§V ZmVodmB©H$, ^md§So>, {_Ì,
amÁ` ~ma H$m¡pÝgbMr {eñV^§J g{_Vr `m§Mr H$m`©nÕVr AmoiIrMo, AZmoiIr Ago AZoH$ àH$ma hmoV
R>adUo, AgVmV Am{U _ZmMr AdñWm gmaIr Xmobm`_mZ
3) d{H$bm§Mo A{YH$ma, h¸$ Am{U {hV `m§Mo ajU H$aUo. hmoV amhVo. VwbZm H$am`Mo Oa Amnë`m _ZmZo
AmUIr H$m`} nwT>rb boImV nmhÿ. Wm§~dboM - Vo Iyn AdKS> Amho - nU R>adm`bm
(H«$_e:) H$m` haH$V Amho - Va _ZmMr ñdmV§Í` dmT> OmB©b
Am{U Ë`mgmR>r `m gw{dMmamVrb nwT>Mm ^mJ
Important Days & Dates in February _hÎdmMm Amho.
Date Events
We are all unique and beautiful...!!!
1st February Indian Coast Guard Day
2nd February World Wetlands Day àË`oH$ ì`º$s Xþgè`m ì`º$sgmaIr ZgVo, ho EH$Xm
4th February World Cancer Day _Zmbm nQ>{dbo Am{U na_oœamÀ`m hm {H$_`oMo _ZmV
6th February International Day of Zero Tolerance for H$m¡VwH$ R>odbo Va {H$Vr ~ao hmoB©b, ho EH$Xm H$ibo
Female Genital Mutilation
6th February to
H$s _Zmbm _moH$io-_moH$io dmQ>ob Am{U Z§VaMm ^mJ
12th February International Development Week Va A{YH$ gw§Xa Amho, åhUOo Vr ì`º$s gw§Xa Amho
8th February Safer Internet Day Ago dmQ>Uo. qH$~hþZm, ì`º$sM H$m` nU àË`oH$
10th February National Deworming Day dó, Jmoï>, KQ>Zm gw§Xa - beautiful g_OUo hm
10th February World Pulses Day
11th February World Day of the Sick
_ZmMm _moR>onUm Iyn Iyn dmT>dVm R>odVm `oB©b. gË`§,
11th February International Day of {ed_, gw§Xa_ `mVrb gw§Xa_ ho VËd g¥ï>rVrb Iyn
Women and Girls in Science _hÎdmMo VËd Amho Ago dmQ>Vo.
12th February Darwin Day
12th February Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
gw§Xa åhUOo àË`oH$ Jmoï> {Xgm`bmM gw§Xa nmhUo
12th February National Productivity Day Ago Zmhr. gm¢X`m©Mr H$ënZm Am{U {ZH$f àË`oH$
13th February World Radio Day Jmoï>rgmR>r {Za{Zamir AmhoM. Am§V[aH$ gm¢X`© hmhr
13th February Sarojini Naidu Birth Anniversary gm¢X`m©Mm EH$ {ZH$f {dgaVm `oV Zmhr. Agmo.
14th February Saint Valentine’s Day
20th February Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day
nwÝhm _yi g§H$ënZoH$So> `oD$`m. We are all
20th February World Day of Social Justice unique and beautiful...!!! Amnë`mgmaIo doJio
21st February International Mother Language Day Am{U gw§Xa OJmV Xþgao Hw$UrM Zmhr.
22nd February World Thinking Day
- S>m°. AaqdX Zdao
24th February Central Excise Day
27th February World NGO Day
S>m`aoŠQ>a, AZwbmo_ Q>oŠZmobm°OrO àm. {b.
28th February National Science Day _mo~mBb : 9552384931
28th February Rare Disease Day

I’m very satisfied with the professional help
provided by Aprosa S. in completing my rental
agreement online and remotely.

Anulom provides fantastic service to owners

and tenants with their registration needs. With
both parties residing in different places, Anulom
does excellent job in helping with the paper/legal
work. I have had great experience over last few
years. I would like to call out one of their instructions. It was a very smooth process with
representatives - Bhagyashree for the help and the installation of biometric device and doing the
cooperation she provided to get our lease registrations.Thanks Keerthana and Anulom for
agreement registered. She was always there to your services !!
answer any queries we had. — PARESH BAGKAR
Excellent Work by Anulom Team specially
Absolutely hassle-free process and quick thanks to Miss Pornima Bhalerao ma’am had taken
Turnaround. Very useful for IT professionals like a follow up to me regarding steps to follow &
me. Stunning, WoW and delightful experience. I’m documents to submit for NOI process, it’s totally
happy with the process and ease of working with online process no need to visit anywhere. Once
the team. The big game changer in this era I would again thanks to Entire Anulom Team.
call. Thank you Anulom for making our life easy. — VINODKUMAR GUPTA
Appreciated the efforts put by all of you. Thanks!

Excellent service. Monali was very prompt in

call back. Answer all my queries. Very Courteous
and helpful. Also, who came over for the online
registration was on time and very fast.Good to
have staff like Monali and Ashutosh.

Keerthana Rajendran helped me with the doing

the registration process remotely. She was very
quick and accurate with her work and also

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a Partner of Anulom? Feedback, suggestions
There is a great business opportunity and FAQs about
waiting for you. this Newsletter to :
Just call us on 9595380945 /
WhatsApp : 9087727428, for a live Free Demo.

This Newsletter is being published on the 10th of every month for private circulation only and is not for sale. It is published by the
owner, printer and publisher M/s. Anulom Technologies Pvt. Ltd; and Editor Yashodhan Jatar, 6, Mayur Apartments, 997/20, Navi
Peth, Pune 411 030, and is sent through email to the customers and well-wishers of Anulom Technologies Pvt. Ltd; Pune.
Designed by Amogh Arts, Pune, for and on behalf of Anulom Technologies Pvt. Ltd;
The editor does not necessarily agree with the opinions published in the Articles in this magazine. Follow us on:


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