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Dear Sadique Salim Bhaiya,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to propose a comprehensive social media
management package for your business, focusing on Facebook and LinkedIn platforms.

Facebook Management:

1. Content Creation: I will create engaging posts tailored to your brand’s voice and
audience. This includes text posts, images, videos, and links to relevant content.
2. Posting Schedule: I will maintain a consistent posting schedule, with new content
shared multiple times per week at optimal times for engagement.
3. Community Engagement: I will monitor and respond to comments and messages,
fostering a sense of community and potential clients in Bangladesh.
4. Analytics: I will provide regular reports on post-reach, engagement, follower growth,
and other key metrics.

Key Points: The frequency of posting content on Facebook may vary depending on the
nature of the business and the engagement of the audience. However, posting to Facebook
once per day is optimal, with a maximum of two posts per day. Pages with under 10,000 fans
experienced a 50% drop in engagement per post if we posted more than once per day. At a
minimum, we should post to your Facebook Pages 3 times per week. Please note that the
quality and consistency of the posts are key to social media success which I committed to do

LinkedIn Management:

1. Professional Content: I will create and share content that showcases your business’s
expertise and industry knowledge.
2. Posting Schedule: I will share new content at least once per week, timed to reach your
audience when they are most active.
3. Networking: I will connect with relevant professionals and businesses, expanding your
network and visibility.
4. Analytics: I will track metrics such as profile views, post impressions, and follower

Key Points: Posting two to five times per week, up to 20 times per month, is optimal. It’s
not recommended to publish to the platform more than once per weekday. This is
because LinkedIn’s algorithm is designed to provide users with a broad range of content
from multiple creators in their newsfeeds. So, posting more than once per weekday might
not increase your visibility.
My goal is to increase your brand’s visibility, engage with your audience, and ultimately drive
more business. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Best regards,

Farhana Hasnin


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