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Commemorating the 127th Death Anniversary of National Hero,

Dr. Jose P. Rizal in Oroquieta City

“Rizal: Foundation fought to preserve.

of the Past, Living Selected students from Misamis

Occidental National High School
Today” presented theatrical renditions of his
On the solemn occasion of the 127th death works, connecting the present generation
anniversary of our national hero, Dr. Jose P. with the profound messages embedded in
Rizal, Oroquieta City gathered at the City his writings.
Plaza to pay homage to the revered figure The event concluded with an offering of
who sparked the flames of Philippine flowers at the monument erected in
independence. The event commenced with a honor of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, a moment of
flag ceremony, symbolizing unity and collective reverence and
patriotism among the attendees. acknowledgment of his sacrifices for the
Various civic groups and institutions joined country. The ceremony was attended by
hands to organize a series of enlightening local government officials, educators, and
talks, shedding light on Rizal's life and citizens alike, creating a sense of unity
enduring influence on the nation's identity. and shared responsibility towards
Emotions ran deep as speakers reflected on upholding the values Rizal stood for.
his unwavering commitment to freedom and As the crowd dispersed, the City Plaza
intellectual enlightenment. echoed with a renewed sense of pride,
The ambiance at City Plaza was filled with gratitude, and commitment to carry
cultural performances, showcasing the rich forward the legacy of our national hero
heritage and traditions that Rizal for generations to come.
January 8, 2024

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