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NOTE: The choice of ZN in the shaded zone is in-
fluenced by:
Lubrication regime
Failure críterla
Smoothness of operation required
3.0 Pitchline velocity
Gear material cleanliness
. Material ductility and fracture toughriess
Residual stress
to..;¡ 2.0
_g ZN = 2.466 N-0.056

---. .
o ZN = 1.4488 N-0.023
. {>' """ .....
- ---- --- .
IA11111 1 11111111
en 1.1 -

... • 11 111
1.0 �
C/'J 0.9
o.a Nitrided
0.7 Z = 1 .249 N-0.0138
IIINl r i u uu ·1 11I
0.6 1

0.5 1010
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Number of load cycles, N

Figure 17 - Pitting resistance stress cycle factor; ZN


5.0 l lll 11 11 NOTE: The choice of YN in the shaded area is influenced

YN = 9.4518 N-0-148 by:

400 H 3
- ....
¿,/ 111
1 1 111111
1 1 111111
Pitchline velocity
Gear material cleanliness

-26b1'.i�"l"I m,". . ... ..

1 YN = 6.1514 N-0.1192 - Residual stress
3.0 Case carb ,,., 111111 1 111
Material ductility and fracture toughness
1 1 111111 .
....... ...., � 1, YN = 4.9404 N-o. roas
.� � 1111111

1Jº L1 --
1 1 1 111111 1
� 11,,,

2.0 1 .. 1- ..... � ""� _ YN = 3.517 N-o.oa17

. . . .....".
o11:1 � !lo,. �
.... 'llliii; � .
1 1 1
"""_, .
13 111 � :..:
...;; ...,,
YN = 1.3558N-0.0178


. 1/)
....Q) 1.0
YN = 2.3194N-0.0538 -
1 --- -- - - ��
0.9 0.9
o.a o.a

0] YN = 1.6831 N-0.0323 0.7
I 1 111111 1 1111
0.6 0.6
11 1 111
0.5 1Q9 1010
102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Number of load cycles, N

Figure 18 - Bending strength stress cycle factor, YN

© AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved 37

>pyright Amorican Gear Manuraclurers Association
Sold lo;BAADEX, 01697791
ovided by IHS under license wilh AGMA
, ,,:,,-,rnr4, ,,.,,¡,....., nr n,.h.,,..,y¡,.,.,., n,,.,,..,;tl,.� .,,;o,,.,,, 1;,.,.,.,.,. r,�� 1UC"

18 Reliability factor, KR blank notexceeding 250ºF. When operating temper-

atures result in gear blank temperatures below 32º F,
The reliability factors account for the effect of the special care must be given, see 3.6.1.
normal statistical distribution of failures found in 19.2 High temperature operation
materials testing. The allowable stress numbers
given in tables 3 through 6 are based upon a When óperatínq at oil or gear blank temperature
statístlcal probability of one failure in 100 at 107 above 250ºF, KT is given a value greater than 1.0 to
cycles. Table 11 contains reliability factors which allow for the effect of temperature on oil film and
may be used to modify these allowable stresses to material propertlés.
chanqe that probability. These numbers are based Consideration must be given to the loss of hardness
upon data developéd for bendínq and pitting failure and strength of sorne materials dueto the tempering
by the U.S. Navy. Other values may be used if effect of temperatures over 300ºF.
specific data is available,
When strength ra!ing is based on yield strength, s�,
.· the values of Ky from 16.4 should be used instead of
. 20 Size factor, K5

. Table 11 - ReliabHity factors, KR

20.1 Size factor
Requirements of application KR1)
The size factor reflects non-uniformity of material
Fewer man one failure in 1 O 000 1.50 properties. lt depends primarily on:
Fewer than one failure in .1000 1.25
- Tooth size
Fewer than one failure in 100 1.00
- Diameter of parts
Fewer than one failure in 1 O o.a52l
Fewer than one failure in 2 0.702) 3) Ratio of tooth size to diameter of part
NOTES - Face width
1l Tooth breakage is sometimes considered a greater
hatard than pitting. In such cases a greater value of KR
- Area of stress pattern
is selected for bending. - Ratio of case depth to tooth size
2l At this value plastic flow might occur rather than pit-
ting. - Hardenability and heat treattnent of materials
3l From test data extrapolation.
Standard size factors for gear teeth have not yet
been established for cases where there is a detri-
mental size effect. In such cases, sorne size factor
greater than unity should be used.
19 Temperature factor, KT 20.2 Values for size factor
. The size factor may be taken as unity for most gears,
19.1 Moderate and low temperature operation
· provided a proper choice of steel is made for the size
The temperature factor is generally taken as unity of the part and its heat treatment and hardening
when gears operate with temperatures of oil or gear process.

38 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

,pyright American Gear Manufacturers Association
Jvided by IHS undcr license with AGMA Sold 10:BAAOEX, 01897791

Method for determination ol dynamic factor with AGMA 2000-A88
[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA 2001-004, Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods tor lnvolute
Spur and Helical Gear Teeth.]

A.1 Purpose Due to the approximate nature _ of the empirical

curves and the lack ot rneasured tolerance values at
The standard method far the determination of the design stage of the job, the dynamic factor curve
dynamic factor is given in clause 8, with the use of should be selected based on experience with the
ANSI/AGMA2015-1-A01. This· annex provides an manufacíurlnq metnods and operating consider-
alternative method using the older standard AGMA ations of the design.
2000-A88. A specific geometry, procedure and
operatinq conditions should result in a comparable Choice of curves Qv = 5 through Qv = 11 and."very
dynamic factor using this annex or clause �- . accurate gearing" should be based on transmission
error.. When transmission error is not avallable, it is
. . .
A.2 Approximate dynamic factor, Kv reasonable to refer to - the pitch · accuracy, and to
sorne extent profile accuracy, as a representative
Figure A.1 shows dynamic factors which can be val u e to determine - the dynamic factor. "Qv'' is
used in the absencé of specific knowledge of the related to the transrnlsslon accuracy grade number.
dynamic loads. The curves of figure A.1 and the Due to the approxírnañon mentioned above, slight
equations given are based on empiricaí data, and do variation from the selected "Qv'' value is not
not account far resonance. considered significant to the gearset rating.




� 1.5
'f- 1.4
o>- . Qv = 10

Qv= 11

1.0 O
2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000
Pitch line velocity, Vt, ft/min
Figure A.1 - Dynamic factor, Kv

© AGMA 2004 -- Ali rights reserved 39

,pyrighl American Gear Manufaclurers Association
ovided by IHS under license wilh AGMA Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791
) reoroduction nr natwrirkinn nPrm11tP.rl wllhn11t lir1>nc:,:, frnm IH� '>ni?/?/1'::i 10•A'-•'l? ��AT

A.2.1 Very accurate gearing The profile accuracy for the gearing must be
consistent with the pitch accuracy.
Where gearing is manufactured using process
controls which provide · tooth accuracies which Curves rnay be extrapolated beyond the end points
correspond to "very accurate gearing", or where the shown in figure A.1 basedon experience and careful
design and manufacturing techniques ensure a low consideration of the factors influencing dynamic
transmission error which is equivaléntto this accura- load. For purposes of calculation, equation A.4 de-
cy, values of Kv between 1 .02 and 1.11 may be used, fines the end points of the curves in figure A.1 .
depenoínq on the specifier's experience with similar
appllcations and the degree of accuracy actually
achleved, Kv -
·_ (A+ fv';)B

To use these val u es, the gearing must be maintained

in accurate al1gnment and adequately lubricatedso
that íts accuracy is maintained under the operating A= 50 + 56(1.0 - B) for 5 s; Ov s; 11 (A.2)
conditions. 0 667
B = 0.25(12 - Ov) · (A.3)
A.2.2 Curves labeled Qv = 5 through Qv = 11 The maximum recommended pitch line velocity fer a
The empirical curves of figure A.1 are genérated by given grade Ov is determined:
the following equations for integer val u es ot Ov, such 2
that 5 < Ov < 11. Ov is related to the transmission Vt max = [A + (Qv - 3)] (A.4)
accuracy grade number. where
Ov can be estimated as the appropriate quality Vt max is maximum pitch line velocity at operating
number for the expected pitch and profile variations pitch diameter (end point of Kv curves on
in accordance with AGMA 2000-A88. figure A.1 ), ft/min.

40 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

,pyright American Gear Manufacturers Association
Jvided �y ,1.HS under licE:�se wilh ���A Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791

Annex B
Rim thickness factor, Ka
t ) [The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04, Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for lnvolute
Spur and Helica/ Gear Teeth.]

B.1 Purpose with good fracture toughness will also help. Another
concern is press fitting the gear onto a shaft as this
This annex provides a method for considering the ef-
will induce stresses in the gear rim. The amount of
fects of gear blank rim thickness on the load carrying
effect of ali of these items is beyond the scope of this
capacity of the gear tooth. lt is based on Drago's1
analysis of gear tooth bending fatigue strength.
B.2 Rim thickness factor, K8
This analysis shows that bending stresses in gear
teeth are adversely affected when the rim thickness Where the rim thickness is not sufficient to provide
below the tooth root, tR, is relatively thin as comparad full support far the tooth root, the location of bending
to the tooth height, ht. Draqo's analysis consisted of fatigue failure may be through the gear rim, rather
photo elastic models where the resulting curves than at the tooth fillet. In such cases, the use of a
were extrapolated from a limited number of test sam- stress modifying factor, K8, is recommended.
ples at backup ratios of 0.5 and 2.0 or greater. The
This factor, entitled rim thickness factor, K8, adjusts
study also included finite element analysis and data
the calculated bending stress number far thin
points from other research. A backup ratio of 2.0 in-
rimmed gears. lt is a function of the backup ratio, m8,
dicated no effect on bending stress, but, an effect be-
or the ratio of the rim thickness below the tooth root,
gan to occur somewhere between 1.0 and 2.0. The
IR, as compared to the tooth whole depth.
curve in this annex is based on this a:nalysis. But in
view ofthe limited data, it is presented as two straight (B.1)
lines with a knee at 1.2. The knee was established
based on experience of manufacturers who have where
successfully operated gears at rated loads with this IR is rim thickness below the tooth root, in;
backup ratio.
ht is whole depth, in.
The rim thickness factor, K8, is not sufficiently con- Figure B.1 provides recommended values of K8 far
servative far components with notches, hoop backup ratios above 0.5. The effects ofwebs or stiff-
stresses or keyways. This is based on data far exter- eners can be an improvement but are not accounted
na! gears with smooth bares and no notches or key- far. The effect of tapered rims has not been investi-
ways. gated. Ratios less than 0.5 require special analysis
and is beyond the scope ofthis standard. When pre-
The concern with notches (such as splines) or key-
vious experience justifies, lower val u es of K8 may be
ways in the bore of a gear is an increase in stress
concentraüon which may lead to a fracture through
the gear rim. Using large radii in the corners of the The rim thickness factor, K8, is applied in addition to
keyway (or spline) will help reduce the stress con- the O. 70 reverse loading factor where it is applicable
centration and using a ductile (not brittle) material (see 16.2).

1) Drago, R.J., An lmprovement in the Conventional Analysis of Gear Tooth Bending Fatigue Strength. AGMA
P229.24, October 1982.

© AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved 41

opyright American Gear Manufac\Urers Association
rovlded by IHS under license wilh AGMA Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791

2.4 For m8 < 1.2

2.2 (2·242)
KB = 1 .6 In
. m8
t:< 1 .8
.$l 1 .6
·� 1.4 For ms � 1.2
� 1.2 Ks = 1.0
0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Backup ratio, m8

Figure B.1 - Rim thlckness factor, Ke

42 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

>yright American Gear Manulaclurers Association
vided by IHS under license wilh AGMA Sold 10:BARDEX, 01897791
rAnrnrl11rlinn nr ni:>hNnrlrin,.. no,mittori u,itl-i"'"' li""'""'"' l,nm IUC!

Application analysis
[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04, Fundamental Rating Factors and Ca/culation Methods for lrivolute
Spur and Helical Gear ieeth.] ·

C�1 Purpose greater the uncertainties or consequences of these

considerations, the higher the factor of safety shoutd
This annex discusses the use of factors of safety,
be. As the extent of thesefactors become known
overload factors, servíce . factors and other
with more certaínty, the vatue of the factor of safety
considerations for geared systems.
can be more accurately deterrnlned. For exarnple, a
C.2 Background product such asan automobile transmission which is .
subjected to full size, full load prototype testing and
Many influence factora are used to determine the
· rigorous quality control of dimensions, materials and
calculated load capacity of gears to account for
processes during manufacture, could have a more
various designs, manufacturing methods and uses
precíse safety factor than a hoist made in small
ot gears. Many of these factors have been
quantities to normal commercial practices ..
empirically devetoped from accumutated experi-
ence, Therefore, itis critica! that they be used in the As design practices become more comprehensive,
manner 0riginally intended. The influence factors · sorne inftuence factors have been removed frorn the
are normallyused as modifiers to either a calculated unknown area of "safety factor" and íntroduced as
stress from part configuration and applied load orto predictable portions of the design method. The
an allowable stress number based on material reliability factor, Kn, is an example.
properties. The gear designer can then compare the NOTE: Factor of safety has also been used historically
modified catculated stress to the modified allowable to account for uncertainties in "applied loading" or un-
stress number for a specific design. In any design it known overloads. In geardesign, however, servicefac-
is critica! to make allowances for unknown variables tors or overload factors have been used for this
in materials, machining tolerances, · loading. etc.
Various terms (factor of safety, service factor, and C.4 Overload factor
overtoad factor) are used in the gear industry to An overload factor makes allowance for any exter-
describe this important concept. nally applied loads in excess of the nominal trans-
The designer, manufacturer, buyer, and u ser must ali mitted load. Overload factors are established only
have a ctear understanding of the meaning and after considerable field experience is gained. In
implications of these terms when comparing gear determining the overload factor, consideration
should be given to the fact that systems develop
capacity using different standards. The following
deflnñlons are given to explain the differences momentary peak torques appreciably greater than
between these terms as applied to gearing: those determined by the nominal rannqs of the prime
mover or driven equipment. Also, there are many
C.3 Factor of safety possible sources of other overloads that shoutd be
The term "factor of safety" has historically been used considered, such as system vibrations, acceleration
in mechanical design to describe a general derating torques, overspeeds, varlations in system operation,
factor to limit the design stress in proportion to the split-path load sharing among multiple prime mov-
material strength. A factor of safety accounts for ers, and changes in process applied load conditions.
uncertainties in: C.5 Service factor
- Design analysis A service factor is traditionally apptied as a multiplier
- Material characteristics of the nominal application load to determine catalog
selections of pra-deslqned gear units. In AGMA
- Manufacturing quality gear rating the service factor has beeri used to
Factor of safety also must consider human safety include the combined effects of required life cycles,
risk and the economic consequences of failure. The material reliability, and overload factors in an empiri-

© AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved 43

;opyright American Gear Manufacturers Assocleucn
'rovlded by lHS under license with AGMA Sold lo:BARDEX, 01B97791

cally determined single influence factor. The speciflc the system may not be able to transmit the rated
mathematical contribution of each ofthese items has power without excessive wear and failure.
not been satlstactorlly established. In addition, the C.6.3 Non-gear components
term "service factor" has been used when including
human safety ar economic risk, which has devel- Every component ot a gear unit must allow far the
oped confusion between the terms factor of safety, proper transmission of power, considering both
overload factor, and service factor. interna! and externa! loading. These components,
such as housing supports, shafting, bearings, and
To avoid confusion, it is recommended that the fasteners (bolts, nuts, etc.) must be designed and
overload factor be used as defined - far externa! manufactured to maintain the gears in proper
variability in applied loading. A factor of safety position as well as transmit the required power.
should be applied where there is human risk,
C.6:4 Gear quality
economic risk, ar remaining uncertainües due to
design, material, or manufacturing quality variation. The term "quality" can have a number of meanings.
. In reference to gear manufacture, lt is generally used
When an overload factor is used, consideration must to classify the tolerances applied to the gear tooth
be given to the effect of long service life on allowable geometry. Unless the appropriate gear quality level
stress levels, is used to calculate the power rating of a gear system
and that quality level is, in fact, duplicated ar
A service factor should be applied only to a gear
exceeded in manufacturing, the unit produced may
assembíy and then only in the absence of more
not have the desired life.
specíñc application load data. In addition, a service
factor is only valid with the calculation method used C.6.5 Variation in manufacture
at the time it was developed, lt should not be used 1 n addition to gear geometry, the metallurgical quality
with other gear calculation methods, unless there is of all stressed parts and the geometrical accuracy of
sufficient knowledge and experience to make a all other components of the drive must exceed the
satisfactory converslon between methods. values assumed in the design calculations and test
C.6 Other considerations
These items in particular, and others in general, are
Other important considerations in the design analy- addressed in sorne standards. Other standards do
sis of gear drive systems which are related to factor not mentían these tapies or, if mentioned, do not
of safety, overload factor, and service factor selec- cover them thoroughly. lt is important to know that
tion are: factors contained within sorne AGMA standards,
such as a service factors, should not be abstracted
C,6.1 Test and experience
and applied to other standard methods of calculating
The proper selection of overload factors and factors gear capacity. Mixing factors from different stan-
of safety far any power transmission systern often dards can result in an inadequate design.
are not given enough attention. Without complete C.7 Summary
testing and field experience on each specific design,
the application of gears has many unknowns. In gear design and rating there is a need far the use
Therefore, conservative selection of all gear capac- of factor of safety, service factor, and overload factor.
ity calculation influence factors is recommended These terms must be clearly defined when they are
unless operating experience of an identical design is used. As the uncertainties in deslgn, materials,
known. manufacturing, and loading become known:
- the factor of safety can be reduced toward
C.6.2 Thermal rating unity;
The thermal power rating of a gear system is defined - overload factors will represent actual loading
as the power that the unit will transmit continuously orbe replaced by a load spectrum analysis, such
without exceeding established temperature limits. as Miner's Rule;
This important consideration is necessary to main- - service factors may be replaced with factor of
tain proper lubrication. Excessive temperatures are safety, overload factor, stress cycle factor and reli-
detrimental to the lubrication of gear teeth, such that ability factor properly used.

44 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

lpyright American Gear Manufacturers Associalion
ovided by IHS under license with AGMA Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791

. lt must be clearly stated that the gear design or

analysis must properly account for these uncertain-
ties, based on experience. This is the primary
responsibility of the gear engineer.

© AGMA 2004 -- Ali rights reserved 45

)pyright American Gcar Manufacturers Association
ovided by IHS under license with AGMA Sold lo:BARDEX, 01897791
> reoroduclion or nRtwnrkir\l'\ nt1rmit11>rl with,..111 1;,-.,.,...�,..1rnm 11-iC: ?01?/?/1"110•,11::•'11-, r-UT

Discussion of the analytical face or longitudinal load distribution factor
[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04, Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for tnvolute
Spur and Helical Gear Teeth.] ·

0.1 Purpose groups, ali of which are normal to the rnanufacturing

process but still cause face misaliqnments of the
This annex provides the background information for
mating gear teeth. The groups are listed in clause 15
the development of an accurate assessment of the
of ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04.
load distribution across the tace width of spur or heli-
cal gears. 0.5 Guide to the analysis

0.2 Definition 1 na complete analysis the expected values for ali ba-
sic rnanufacturing. variations of the gearing, hous-
The face load distribution factor is defined as the ra-
ings, and bearings can be estirnated and used asan
tio of the peak load to the average load applied
initial gap across the face width of the gears, see fig-
across the face width of a gear. The calculation of an
ure D.1. In rnany instances anadjustrnent feature is
accurate analytical load distribution across the face
provided in the gear assembly such that these varia-
width of a spur or helical gear is a very complex and tions causínq misalignrnent can be neqated, Sorne-
tedlous process with rnany influencing factors. The
times the gearing is reground after initial pattern
calculation lends itself to computer prograrns that
checks to correct for the assern bly variations. Sorne-
are dedicated to the task. A correct analytical deter-.
times the bores of bearings or housing are scraped
mination of load distribution across the face width
and sornetirnes an eccentric cartridge can provide
would yield variations in stress across the width of
an effective rneans of obtaining initial alignrnent of
the gear that could be measured with properlyap-
the rnating gears. At this stage the gears are as-
plied strain gauges. This stress distribution although surned to be initially parallel with no gap if adjust-
analytically and physically correct would not be iden- rnents are planned to be rnade or the expected gap is
tical to that predicted by the empirical rating tech-
cornbined with the other factors to be deterrnined.
niques currently utilized in ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04.

D.3 Empirical versus analytical method

The current rating practica of ANSI/AGMA L GAP

2001-004 is as much ernpirical as it is analytical.

Rating parameters were developed based on exten-
sive testing of gears in service and in test applica-
tions. The techniques utilized in the empirical
Figure D.1 - Gap due to manufacturing or
approach for load distribution of ANSI/AGMA installation errors
2001-004 are consistent with this ernpirical ap-
proach to rating gears. A rigorous analytical ap- Now the elastic deflections, dueto loading, rnust be
proach, as will be described later in this annex, can in dealt with. Two irnportant notes on deflections are
extreme cases yield results that drarnatically derate that they will be different for each load condition ap-
the capacity of gears as currently rated by ANSI/ plied to the gears and that the gears can have leads
AGMA 2001-D04. As the basic rating standard that are intentionally modified to correct for elastic
�volves to a more correct analytical and physical as- deflections. ldeally this rnodification would create a
sessrnent, the analytical technique to be described lead that is the rnirror irnage of the deflected gear,
will be compatible with this type of overall analysis. see figure D.2. Normally the worst loading case is
analyzed which will give the greatest rnisrnatch be-
b.4 lnfluencing parameters
tween rnating gear elernents. The torsional and
There are many parameters that influence the actual bending deflections can be calculated by normal
load distribution across the face width of a gear. The strength of material techniques for each rotor. These
influencing parameters can be categorized into four deflections or gaps can be combined by superposi-

46 © AGMA 2004 -- Ali rights reserved

>pyright American Gear Manufacturers Association
ovided by IHS under license wilh AGMA Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791

tion techniques with the initial misalignment qaps if type of contact check.
they haven't been corrected by final adjustment.
A majar problem occurs in the calculation of the
\ J
Centrifuga! and thermal distortion should be deter-
mined similarly and also cornbined to give the final
deflections. The load distribution curve is needed to
calculate the actual deflections but this curve cannot
total distortion or gap between the mating gear be calculated accurately until the deflection is
flanks. lf the gear teeth were infinitely stiff contact known, The best soíution to this problem is to make
would occur at the intersection ot the high point of the an estimate of the load distribution and use this to
mating members causing an exceedingly high local- calculate the actual deflection and iterate on this
ized load. However, as load is applied, cantilever technique until the assumed load distribution curve
bending deflection of the gear tooth as well as Hert- and the actual agree within sorne reasonable toler-
zian deflection occurs and this localized contact is ance. The final vafues are plotted and Km is calcu-
spread across sorne. percentage of the active face · lated. This technique is presented in references [1]
width: The amount that the contact spreads arid the and [2]. Tooth stiffness values in the range of
load variation across the face depends on the ap- 1.5 x 106 to 3.0 x 1 o6 lbs/in2 are typically used far de-
plied load, the tooth stiffness and the initial mis- termining the actual load distribution by this tech-
match. Severely mlsaüqned gears would show .an nique. This iterative type of solution is well suited to
extremely localízed contact in a no load soft blue computer analysis.

1 Dudley Darle W. - Practica! Gear Design

2 MAAG Gear Handbook, January 1990.

· © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved 47

:>pyrighl American Gear Manulacturers Associalion
-ovided by tHS under license with AGMA Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791
") rAnrnrlrir.tinn nr nP.twnrkinn nPrmilfl)rf wilhn1,1 ¡¡,,..,,nc:,A lrnm l�ct on10/'J/1'l 1O-At:•.,., r..uT


Bending deflection

Torsional deflection

Bending and torsion

Total deformation

Longitudinal modification

Figure D.2 - Elastic deformation of the pinion [31

3 MAAG Gear Handbook, January 1990, reproduction of figure 3.07

48 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

>pyright American Gear Manufaclurers Associatlon
ovided by IHS under license wilh AGMA Sold lo:BARDEX, 01897791
- ------' -··-- -- --• - '.

Annex E
Gear material fatigue life
This annex is for information only and should not be construed to be a part ot ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04, Fundamental rating
factors and calculation methods for involute spur and helical gear teeth.

E.1 Purpose andAIS/9310SpurGears, ASME, J. Mech Design,

Paper 80-C2/DET -58, San Francisco, August
This annex provides additional and abstracted
1980 (figure 11).
information concerning the assessment of fatigue
life for spur or helical gears using various materials,
material quality, heat treatments and criteria for "O

defining life. $
CAUTION: This intormation is tor reterence only - do E
not extract any data from the figures without first con-
sulting the appropriate reterence literature from which
it was taken.

«i :.«>


E.2 Variation of fatigue life o 20 . .

In addition to ernplrícal data, gear literature contains 55 A�[��

test data on the effects on the fatigue life of gears �e .. t�e
and gear steels dueto a various number of items .. A �u J•;
m .
collected sample of this data indicates the variability � i. . �-�CtúRE
in values that can be used for capacity calculation of i .2

,s 1 · . 2 . ·4 ¡¡,:a 1(1 . 21) :· «r :.611·,

.· ..·
100 zoo.. •to6
life factors.
Gear system lite revolutions
E.3 Variation with materials Figure 11 - Surface pitting fatigue lives of
CVM modified VASCO X-2 spur gears heat
This clause gives three references and selected fig- treated to different specifications. (note AISI
ures from each, which illustrate variations in fatigue 9310)
life due to different steel alloys. E.3.3 Faure, L., Vasseur, J. L., and LeFleche, C.
E.3.1 Vukovich, D., Pierman, R., and Matovina, M. Comparison of the Pitting Resistance of Severa/
Laboratory Eva/uation ot. New Low Alloy Gear Steels Used in Case Carburized Gears, Trans.
Stee/s. Reprinted with permission from SAE Paper MPT'91 JSME lnter. Conf., pp 849-854, Hiroshima,
No. 770416 ©1977, SAE, lnc. (figure 9). November 1991 (figures 5, 6 and 7).

CE;¡ .
,... .l_lO
� 100
e ea

-� �
1 111"- fl)' 101
Fatigue Lite, Cycles
Figure 9 - Median S-N curves for carburized
low alloy steel gears Cycles
E.3.2 Townsend, D. P., Endurance and Fai/ure Figure 5 - Endurance curve to superficial
Characteristics of Modified Vasco X-2, CBS 600 pressure obtained with 20MC5 steel

© AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved 49

:opyright American Gear Manufacturers Association
'rovlded by IHS under license wilh AGMA So!d to:BARDEX, 01897791
1- •---,,a,._,. __ -•--••••-••••----•-'"--', .. ,1...- •. • 1•----- <--- ILJC"

E;3.4 Table 1 gives a list of alternate international

--- MtCJ!Ol'11t1HG Ar,t,iPIAlll<:f gear steels from: Duszak, D. Alternate Overseas
Gear Steels, ASME Gear Research lnstitute Trans-
missions Vol. VI. No 1 May 1989.
--- TOlAI,. $-PAL-1,JHO O"i CIHl

01'( Sl�D'AL tUTH
2100i----¡-_;...�++-�,&--+-.......,-t--,---r-----l E.4 Material quality variations


¡90,,.,..__--;----+:'"'i:-�:-""t-::"r-lP,....,-+--+------l This clause gives two references and a figure from
each, which illustrates microstructure variations in
� 1100,---r---�--i----.--"tl�-+:-"t--,::----l
fatigue life.
w� lS001-+--+-+---�_;;:-=�=l===¡;¡¡,.¡
E.4.1 Parrish G. The lnfluence of Microstructure on
the Properties of Case-Carburized Components,
Heat Treatment of Metals 1976.3 pp 73- 79 (figure
¡n1 7).

Figure 6 - Endurance curve to superficial

pressure obtained with XC18 steel

fOl.,-L .- .. �U1lf• ........_-ic,--......--1.
ª ---
,·, �,.,.... r-...., .... 0(
Otri Otll


� r ;-.: ·. - 2000
. ui
/:< . . '_. <�

. .


flllt. CYCUI

101 10• 10• · 10•. 10

Cycles E.4.2 _Kern, R. F. Controlling Carburizing for Top
Figure 7 - Endurance curve to superficial Quality Gears, Gear Technology, pp 16-21 March/
pressure obtained with 16NC6 steel April 19_93 (figure 6).
Table 1 - Alternate Overseas Gear Steels
9310H - - - 832H133l
4118H, PS54H, PS64 - - 5Cr415H3l 527H173l
5CM415H2) 805H174l
4620H -. - - 665H201l
4820H 18CD45l, 8CD45l 5CrNi6 5l - 708H205l 815H175l
20MC55l, 20MC65l, 20MnCr5 5)
8620H,PS15H,PS64 16MC53l 16MnCr53l SCM415H4l 637H173l
SCM418H4l 805H201)
20MoCr4 4l SNCM220HJ1)
4140H 40NCD37l 41CrMo46l SCM440H6l 708H376l
(refer to ongrnal paper far notes on matenals m this table)

50 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

lpyright American Gear Manlilacturers Associatton
ovided by IHS under license with AGMA Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791

How Balnite Affects Pitting Life permission from SAE Paper No. 780773 ©1978,
\ .
JO() SAE, lnc. (figure 2).

230 .
O 3 . 4
1 :s. 6- 7
, 2. , 8
Percent upper transformation products
Figure 6 - Bainlte, also called quenching

pearlite, is sort, and deleterious to pitting llfe.

E.5 Variation with materlal heat treatment Cycles
This clause gives four references and selected fig- Figure 2 - Weibull probability paper
ures from each, which illustrate variatioils in fatigue E.5.3 Kern, R. F. and Suess, M. E., Stee/Selection,
life due to heat treatments. a. guide for improving performance and profits,
chapter 1 O, Selection of Steel for Carburized Gears,
E.5.1 Sheehan, J. P., and Howes, M.A H., TheEf-
pp 181-205, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1979
fect of Case Carbon Content and Heat Treatment
(figure 10.13).
on the Pitting Fatigue of 8620 stee: Reprinted with
· perrriission from SAE Paper No. 720268 ©1972,
SAE, lnc. (figure 6). ] 110


·' .

� .·. ·
l :.
-¡¡j IID
E '
O- . \J1
------11u 100
e 100.
E' • '
E .
.-. 11', �
:E �o ':",-,-.,__-'-"-J;J..--'--+.J.;:_,L-,,;L-.;..L...1.LL;-L.;._,/.....LLJ
. _.�--�-�� ·_ .. · .. ·-: .- �: .. _·- H�O · 10· 10· ·· · · io•< · ·. · ro· ío' •
·· .... ·.
.: .
Cycles to failure
· Figure 10.13 - Bending fatigue properties of
4820 steel. Sample A recelved standard heat
Number of Cycles treatment, while B was refrigerated at -100°F
Figure 6 - Log S-log N plot of fatigue data for E.5.4 Cohen, R. E., Haagensen, J. P., Matlock, D.
SAE 8620H steel carburlaed to 0.72 and 0.95% K., and Krauss, G., Assessment of Bending Fatigue
carbon Limits for Carburized Steel. · Reprinted with permis-
E.5.2 Rice, S. L., Pitting Resistance of Sorne High sion from SAE PaperNo. 910140©1991, SAE, lnc.
Temperature Carburized Cases. Reprinted with (figure 6).

© AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved 51

opyright American Gear Manufacturers Associalion
rovided by IHS under license with AGMA Sold lo:BARDEX, 01097791
".__...,.,...,,..¡•,.,. "• .. ,.. •••• ,.. .. ,._,. ,.._, ,, 1·,..,..,..,..,.. ••-- ILJC"


• IAS CAAII. OIAEéT OUENOf o •. ;/'7��wt5.1
• 5411 CAR&. SIHIR.EAEHiAT so :, ... 1.
• PUSM4•·éAFíá. DláECTllíEMQi >

2004.0 • PI.ASMA CAR!i. SiHU MH�l

taoo.o .E
et! .!:
:a: �
�- 1.IOO.O ·· a3
E (!)
� -�ºº·º, '

1n 2!1 · .. ·. ,.· . -� ; : \.: ::f;<

E Tanqentíal load, Wtff (N/M) .
E . ·.
� 1200.0. Figure 5 - Load life relationship for (VAR} AISI
:a: .. >· 931 O steel spur gears speed 10,000 rpm,
lubricant naphtenic mineral oil

E.6.2 Nagamura, K., Terauchi, Y., and Martowibo-

wo, S. Y., Reliability Estimation of Bending FatiguEJ
· """'-.....,.�..,,_,.._i..i, 1,wu,1__.....,1.1, y,.J
tO .· S04 ·. .- ;'10• . .
Strength of Super Carburizing Steel Spur Gears,
10• tO'
Trans. MPT'91 JSME lnter. Conf., pp 795-799,
Fatigue Lite, N, cycles
Hiroshima, November1991 (figure 6).

Figure 6 - Bending fatigue curves for SAE et!

8719 steel. The higher pair of curves �1300
corresponds to transgranular crack initiation
and the lower pair corresponds to i1100
intergranular crack initiation �

E.6 Failure definition variation

Number of cycles N
This clause gives three references, where selected
Figure 6 - S-N curve of MAC14
figures illustrate variations in fatigue life due to
different definitions or analysis of failure.

E.6.3. Faure, L., Vasseur, J. L., and LeFleche, C.

Comparison of the Pitting Resistance of Severa/
E.6.1 Townsend, D. P., Coy, J. J., and Zaretsky, E. Steels used in Case Carburized Gears, American
V., Experimental and Analytical Load-Lite Relation Gear Manufacturers Association, AGMA, Technical
for A/SI 931 O Steel Spur Gears, Transactions of the Paper 92 FTM6, October 1992 (figures 6, 7, 8 and
ASME, Vol. 100, pp 54-59, January 1978 (figure 5). 9).

52 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

lpyright American Gear ManufaclUrers Association
ovided by IHS under license with AGMA Sold !o:BARDEX, 01897791

/', The following four figures presents up-dated analy-

t j sis of data presented in clause E3.3. This, also, il- llfD f • 1Gl$ IW,1$

lustrates variations in calculations which could

result from the different presentation of data.

(/) 1,3 20.



to' ti' · · 107' . 1o'. 10•

'".fr.n 1
x,, .. Cycles
.. ➔
1.lllot'"" �
.'7: �m'� t:1�1 rtf�I-"�...., H�tlli";· ,;,,\�.,11:'H
MH ·/f'iio
, ,..._' . :f',
r"v !Htttf
i;:,f, Figure 9 - 18NCD6 Test results
, 1111·ci+,--1-,� �·�--+-- ��
·�, ��
,z. s � � �
· L+
· .''+ ' ' ,*'
f •H
·, • 1 • , : E.7 Other considerations and summary

Cycles The illustrated variations in fatigue life are only a

Figure 6 - 16NC6 m=10 Test results sample of the data available. Those presented are
used to showmany of the considerations which may
vary on each application. Other items such shot
peening can also affect fatigue life.

'1A t ..
E.7.1 Hatano, A,, and Namiki, K., Applicatión of
Hard Shot Peening to Automotive Transmission
Gears. Reprinted with permission from SAE Paper
f t'P I U No. 920760 ©1992, SAE, lnc. (figure 14).

5ll00 ...

A.. .
� 1000
Cycles tí . A . .
.: ··•·.. o
Figure 7 - 16NC6 m=12 Test results g> 900 .. · t,. . • .�.

2 800
o o:A.$ cuburized ..
e 700 A:�nven{ i itnalcast íHd eliot �
'E o:�N ·¡¡radt cait t.hel. 1hot ·
� <>:,..k grade pre�1>t11iH ióned cÍ.ri id re
60010• 101 10 • 10'
rrtl Ti'! •••· Number of cycles
Figure 14 - Comparison of fatigue properties
for gears shot peened by conventional and
newly developed media
E.7.2 Summary

This annex illustrates that variations in fatigue life

are influenced by a great many factors. Therefore,
Cycles only · an experienced engineer should apply knowl-
Figure 8 - 17CrNiMo6 Test results edge of S-N curves to gear calculations.

© AGMA 2004 -- Ali rights reserved 53

opyright American Gear Manufacfurers Association
rovided by IHS under license with AGMA Sold lo:BAADEX, 01897791
- •---..1••-••-- -- --••••--'•'-- - ---•u-.J. ',L •. • 1'----- <--- ti 1,-,

Annex F
Controlling section size considerations for through hardened gearing
[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04, Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for lnvolute
Spur and Helica/ Gear Teeth.] ·

F.1 Purpose from the quenching property ofthe equivalent round

bar having a diameter equal to the controlling section
This annex presenta approximate maximum control-
size. The rnaximum controlling section size for a
Hng section size considerations for through hard-
steel is based principally on hardenability, specified
ened (quench and tempered) gearing. Also
hardness, depth of desired hardness, quench rate
presented are factors which affect maximum control-
and tempering temperature.
ling size, illustrations as to how máximum controlling
section size is determined for gearing, and recom- F.3 lllustrations
mended maximum controlling section sizes for sorne
Figure F.1 illustrates controlling sections for
low alloy steels.
quenched gear configurations whose teeth are ma-
F.2 Definition chined after heat treatment.

The controlling section of a part is defined as that NOTE: Evaluation ofthe controlling sectiÓn sizeforthe
section which has the greatest effect on the rate of selection of an appropriate type of steel and specified
hardness need not include consideration of standard
cooling during quenching at the location (section) rough stock machining allowances. Other special
where the specified · mechanical properties (hard- stock allowances such as those used to minimiza dis-
ness) are required. The alloy for the part is chosen tortion during heat treatment must be considerad.
Teeth Teeth

8.0 inch

l .. 6.0 inch "I

Controlling section: B.O inch diameter Controlling section: 2.0 inch face width


8.0 35.50

4.0 inch inch

.__-_-_-_-_-__- _, ;*"
1 -
1 .-
2-0 n-
i h__
c ., I l 2.0 inch
Controlling section: 2.0 inch wall thickness (if the
bore diameter is less than 20% of the length of the Controlling section: 2.0 inch rim thickness
bore, then the outside diameter)
Figure F.1 - lllustrations of controlling section size

54 © AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved

lpyright American Gear Manufacturers Assoc«alion
ovided by IHS under license wilh AGMA Sold lo:BAADEX, 01697791

F.4 Recommendations ness of Quenched Round Bars from Jominy Test Re-
sults" published in Practica/Data for Metallurgists by
Figure F.2 provides approximate recommended
Timken Steel Co., and published tempering re-
inaximum controlling section sizes for oil quenched
sponse/hardenabüity data.
and tempered gearing (Grossman quench severity
valué H = 0.5) of low alloy steels based on specified Maximum controlling section sizes for rounds great-
hardness range, normal stock allowance before erthan a.o inch 0,0. generally require in-house heat
hardening, minimum tempering témperature of treat experiments of larger sections followed by sec-
900ºF, and obtaining minimum.hardness atthé roots tioning and transverse hardness testirig.
of teeth.
Normalized and tempered gearing may require a
F.5 General comments
higher hardenability if the design does not permit liq-
Maximum controlling section sizes versus specified uid quenching. Hardnesses obtainable by normalize
hardness for sectíon sizes to 8.0 inch diameter and temperare lower than those obtaíned by querich
rounds can also be approximated by use of the and temper. Normalized and tempered/hartíness
''Chart Predicting Approximate Cross Section Hard- testing experiments are required.

363t:J: 3.2

321 3.4
"' �
"- --.........
44HRC at J32

E "-- r----......
--- ---
g 302 E
Jg 285
\ i----..

.§ E
.e 2sg·-
E � 40HRC at J12
::J e
E ·;;:: (4140H) Jominy, J d istance, inch
::;Es255m 3.8


229 4.0
o 4 8 12 16 20 24

Maximum recommended controlling section size, inch .

Figure F.2 - Controlling section size for two 0.40% carbon alloy steels*

*Maximum controlling section sizes higher than those above can be recommended when substantiated by test data (heat
treat practice).
t900ºF minimum temper may be required to meet these hardness specifications.
:f:Higher specified hardnesses (e.g., 375-415 HB, 388-421 HB arid 401-444 HB) are used for special gearing, but costs
should be evaluated due to reduced rnachlnabillty.

© AGMA 2004 -- AII rights reserved 55

opyright American Gear Manufacturers Association
'OVided !.Hs under .lic�nse Wllh �G�A , .... - • •·- Sold to:BARDEX, 01897791


The following documenta are either referenced in the text of ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04, Fundamental Rating
Factors and Ca/culation Methods tor lnvolute Spur and Helica/ Gear Teeth, or indicated for additional

1. ISO/TR 10495, Celculetion ot Service Lite 14. lcnimaru, K., Nakajimi, A. and Hirano, F., Effect ·
under Variable Load. ot Asperity lnteraction on Pitting in Rollers and
Gears, ASME Papér 80-C2/DET-36, August,
2. American National Standards lnstitute - ANSI
Y12.3-1968, Letter Symbols tor Quantities Used in
Mechanics ot Solids. 15. ASTM A 148-83, Specitications tor Steel Cast-
3. American Gear Manufacturers Association - ings tor High Strength Stuctural Purposes.
ANSI/AGMA 101 0-E95,Appearance ot Gear Teeth
16. ASTM A291-82, Specitication tor Carbon and
- Terminology ot Wear and Failure.
Alloy Steel Forgings for Pinions and Geers tor .
4. American Gear Manufacturers Association - Reduction Gears.
AGMA 933-803, Basic Gear Geometry
17. ASTM A356-83, Specitications tor Steel Cast-
5. Drago, R. J., AGMA P229.24, An lmprovement ings, Garban and Low Alloy, Heavy-:-Walled, for
in the Conventional Analysis ot Gear Tooth Bending Steam Turbines.
Fatigue Strength, October 1982.
1.8. Massey, C., Reeves C. and Shipley, E.E., The
6. Kron, H. O., Gear Teeth Sub-Surface Stress
lntluence ot Lubrication on the Onset of Surface
Analysis, lnternational Symposium on Gearing,
Pitting in Machinab/e Hardness Gear Teeth, AGMA
Paris, France, June 23, 1977.
Paper 91 FTM 17.
7. Winter, · H., and Weiss, T., Sorne Factors
lntluencing the Pitting, Micro-Pitting (Frosted 19. Dolan T.J. and Broghamer E.L., A Photoe/astic
Areas) and Slow Speed Wear ot Surface Hardened Study otthe Stresses in Gear Tooth Fillets, Univer-
Gears, ASME Paper No. 80-C2/Det-89. sity of lllinois, Engineering Experiment Station,
Bulletin No. 335, 1942.
8. Dudley, Darle. W., Handbook ot Practica/ Gear
Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984. 20. Kern, R.F., and Suess, M.E., Stee/ Selection a
Guíde for ímprovíng Performance and Protits, John
9. Dudley, Darle. W., Characteristics ot Regimes Wiley and Sons, New York, 1979.
ot Gear Lubrication, lnternational Symposium on
Gearing and Power Transmissions, Tokyo, 1981. AGMA 2000-A88, GeerCtesslticetion and lnspec-
1 O. Dudley, Darle. W., Elastohydrodynamic Behav- tion Handbook - Tolerances and Measuring Meth-
ior Observed in Gear Tooth Action, lnstitution of ods tor Unassembled Spur ánd He/íca/ Gears
Mechanical Engineers, Leeds, England, Séptem- (lncluding Metric Equivalents).
ber 1965. AGMA 427.01, lntormation Sheet - Systems Con-
11. Bowen, C. W., The Practica/ Signiticance ot síderations tor Crítica/ Service Gear Orives.
Designing to Gear Pitting Fatigue Lite Gritería,
AGMA 925-A03, Effect ot Lubrication on Gear
ASME Paper 77-DET-122, September 1977.
Surface Distress
12. Peterson, M. 8.andWiner, W. O., WearControl
Handbook, ASME, New York, 1980. AGMA 927-A01, Load Dístributíon Factors - Ana-
lytical Methods tor Cylindrical Gears
13. lshibashi, A. and Tanaka, S., Effects ot Hunting
Gear Ratio Upon Surface Durability ot Gear Teeth, ANSI/AGMA 6011-103, Specitication tor High
ASME Paper 80-C2/DET -35, August, 1980. Speed Helical Gear Units

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cvded by IHS under license wlth AGMA Sold lo:BAADEX, 01897791
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ovlded I_HS under _lic:�se with �Gt:1A Sold to:BARDEX. 01697791

pyright American Gear Manulaclurers Assodation

1vided by IHS under license with AGMA Sold tocBARDEX. 01897791

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