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Grade Level No.

of Students Tuition Fee Total Tuition Fee

Toddler 7 7,788.00 54,516.00
Nursery 30 7,788.00 233,640.00
Kinder 31 7,788.00 241,428.00
1 26 7,788.00 202,488.00
2 25 7,788.00 194,700.00
3 25 7,788.00 194,700.00
4 32 7,788.00 249,216.00
5 38 7,788.00 295,944.00
6 29 7,788.00 225,852.00
Total 243 1,892,484.00
University of

Reg fee Total Reg Fee GUI Fee Total GUI Fee TP fee
600.00 4,200.00 90.00 630.00 360.00
600.00 18,000.00 90.00 2,700.00 360.00
600.00 18,600.00 90.00 2,790.00 360.00
600.00 15,600.00 120.00 3,120.00 360.00
600.00 15,000.00 120.00 3,000.00 360.00
600.00 15,000.00 120.00 3,000.00 360.00
600.00 19,200.00 120.00 3,840.00 360.00
600.00 22,800.00 120.00 4,560.00 360.00
600.00 17,400.00 120.00 3,480.00 360.00
145,800.00 27,120.00
University of Northeastern Philippines
Accounting Information System

Other Fees
Total TP Fee Misc Fee Total Misc Fee AVP fee Total AVP Fee
2,520.00 864.00 6,048.00 180.00 1,260.00
10,800.00 864.00 25,920.00 180.00 5,400.00
11,160.00 864.00 26,784.00 180.00 5,580.00
9,360.00 936.00 24,336.00 180.00 4,680.00
9,000.00 936.00 23,400.00 180.00 4,500.00
9,000.00 936.00 23,400.00 180.00 4,500.00
11,520.00 936.00 29,952.00 180.00 5,760.00
13,680.00 936.00 35,568.00 180.00 6,840.00
10,440.00 936.00 27,144.00 180.00 5,220.00
87,480.00 222,552.00 43,740.00
Lab fee
Lib fee Total Lib Fee Pub fee Total Pub Fee
240.00 1,680.00 - - -
240.00 7,200.00 - - -
240.00 7,440.00 - - -
240.00 6,240.00 72.00 1,872.00 780.00
240.00 6,000.00 72.00 1,800.00 780.00
240.00 6,000.00 72.00 1,800.00 780.00
240.00 7,680.00 72.00 2,304.00 780.00
240.00 9,120.00 72.00 2,736.00 780.00
240.00 6,960.00 72.00 2,088.00 780.00
58,320.00 12,600.00

Total Lab Fee Total Assessment Grand Total
- 10,122.00 70,854.00
- 10,122.00 303,660.00
- 10,122.00 313,782.00
20,280.00 11,076.00 287,976.00
19,500.00 11,076.00 276,900.00
19,500.00 11,076.00 276,900.00
24,960.00 11,076.00 354,432.00
29,640.00 11,076.00 420,888.00
22,620.00 11,076.00 321,204.00
136,500.00 2,626,596.00

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