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Student Name: SC C

is then deflected by a uniform magnetic field B (perpendicular to the ion's velocity) into
a circular path of radius R. When a doubly charged ion of mass m2is accelerated
through the same potential difference AVand deflected by the same magnetic field B
into a semicircle of radius 2R. What is the ratio of the masses of the ions, ml/ m2?
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2. A positive charged particle, with q —3.20 x 10-19C and m = 6.64 x 10-27kg, with a velocity
v = (2i + 3 j —k ) m/s enters a region where a uniform magnetic field B = (2i +4 j + k )T
and a uniform electric field E = (4 i -- j —2k )V/m both exist.
a. Calculate the acceleration of the moving charge in unit-vector notation.


b. Will this acceleration vector remain constant while the particle is in this region of
space? Explain.
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3. A rectangular coil consists of N = 100 closely wrapped turns and has dimensions a =
0.400 m and b = 0.300 m. The coil is hinged along the y axis, and its plane makes an
angle 6 = 30.00 with the x axis.
a. What is the magnitude of the torque exerted on the coil by a uniform magnetic
field B 0.800 T directed along the x axis when the current is I = 1.20 A in the
direction shown?

1.20 A

0.400 m


0.300 m

b. Draw the expected direction of rotation of the coil on the diagram.

4. One very long wire carries current 30.0 A to the left along the x axis. A second very long
wire carries current 50.0 A to the right along the line (y = 0.280 m, z = 0).
a. Where in the plane of the two wires is the total magnetic field equal to zero?
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b. What force per unit length does the first wire experience due to the second wire?
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5. A solenoid used for research consists of 180 turns of wire wound on a hollow tube 19.0
cm long. The current in the wire is 5.00 A. [3 marks]
a. What is the strength of the magnetic field within the tube?

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b. A "standing" square coil of 150 loops is placed inside the solenoid. (Standing
is 0.10 m
that the normal of the coil is parallel to the axis of the solenoid). The square coil
high, 0.10 m wide, with 5.00Q resistance. If the solenoid is turned off in
seconds, what is the induced current in the coil?


6. A bar of length 10 cm is pulled along metal rails at a

constant speed of 5.0 m/s in a region of space with a
constant magnetic field (into the page) of 0.10T. The
rails are connected to a 125 Q resistor.
a. What is the current flowing through the bar?
use the right-hand rule and Lenz's Law to confirm
that the direction is correct in the diagram. v/

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b. What force does the magnetic field exert against the motion?

c. What power do I have to exert to keep the bar moving at constant speed?

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