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Evaluation of the nutritional potential of peduncles, stems

and leaves of C. chinense Jacq., cultivated on black and

red soils of Yucatán state
Rodríguez-Buenfil, IM,1 Ruiz-Gutierrez, MC,1 and Chel-Guerrero, LD.1*
1Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco. CIATEJ Subsede Sureste

(Research Center, México) *

Introduction During its
Capsicum cultivation and
chinense Jacq., industrialization, The peduncles, So these by-
is the main a large number of stems and leaves products could
by-products are Evaluate the nutritional potential
commercially have phenolic have a potential of peduncles, stems and leaves
exploited generated compounds nutritional but
of Capsicum chinense Jacq.,
horticultural Approximately 4.8 (natural dietary there aren’t
species in antioxidants whit scientific studies cultivated in black and red soils,
million plants
southeastern health benefits) that support it of Yucatán state
and 108 million
Mexico peduncles, are


C. chinense

Peduncles & Stems (44 ºC for 48 h)

Yucatán Península Plant cultivated Plant cultivated Peduncles Stems Leaves Leaves (44 ºC for 240 h)
in black soil in red soil Humidity ≤ 5 %
Results *Tannins: Jelly test; Coumarins: Fluorescence test, Flavonoids: Coolborn & Bolatito test;
Triterpenoids: Salkowsky test; Saponins: Foam test; Anthraquinones and Alkaloids: TLC.
Soil compounds* Results of the proximal analysis of byproducts
Sample type C F Tr S and fruit of C. chinense J., var Jaguar, grown in There was a significant effect of the interaction on
Peduncles Black ++ ++ + - black and red soils of the state of Yucatán each proximal analysis, due to the type of by-product
100 and soil type
Stems Black ++ +++ ++ - 90
Leaves Black ++ + +++ +
Fruit Black ++ - +++ +

Peduncles Red ++ ++ + - 40 *
Stems Red ++ +++ ++ -
20 * *
Leaves Red ++ + +++ +
Fruit Red ++ - +++ + P(BS) S(BS) L(BS) F(BS) P(RS) S(RS) L(RS) F(RS)
Byproducts of C. chinense J.
*Tannins, anthraquinones and alkaloids, were not
detected in the samples. C=Coumarins; F= Humidity Protein Lipids
Flavonoids; Tr=Triterpenoids; S=Saponins. Cualitative F= Fruit;
parameter: - Not detected, + Little, ++ Moderate, +++ Fiber Ashes Carbohydrates L= Leaves;
Abundant. Performed in duplicate. P = Peduncles, L= Leaves; S = Stems; F= Fruit (ripe fruit were analyzed to compare with by- P= Peduncles;
products); (BS)= Black soil; (RS) = Red soil. Performed in duplicate. S= Stems
*= Indicates the by-product where the highest amount of the nutrient in reference was determined.
The peduncles, leaves and stems of Capsicum chinense J., cultivated in
black and red soils in the state of Yucatán have nutritional potential; There are The work was funded by CONACyT, IDRC
Canadá and CIESAS, Project CEAR 2018-4
available and inexpensive sources that may be incorporated into the diet. and by CONACyT Project 257588

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