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1. Bruh who just airdropped me this?

2. I hope this reaches the right audience
3. Unpopular opinion: _____
4. POV: _____
5. This is a sign to...
6. Warning to [target audience]
7. _____ that should be illegal
8. Stop scrolling...
9. My toxic trait is thinking i could _____
10. Here's something i wish i knew sooner
11. Tiktok made me buy it
12. You're gonna like this _____
13. Before you scroll _____
14. Did you know _____
15. For my male audience
16. My step sister _____
17. I spent 12 years designing this
18. Get your girlfriend a _____
19. Stop scrolling if you have _____
20. 3 things everyone with _____ needs
21. If you struggle with _____ watch this
22. Best ____ alternative
23. I tried every ____ out there and here are the results…
23. ____ fans I need your help
24. He's prolly sad right now.. Send him a ____
25. She's prolly sad right now.. Send her a ____
26. I can't believe this ____ is only $__
27. This is day 100 of ____
28. If you haven’t tried this!
29. Stop scrolling if you have ____ problem
30. Want ____? Then check this out
31. Don't buy that, buy this instead
32. 3 reasons why I love ____
33. Top 3 Reasons you need to buy ____
34. Stop scrolling if you have ____
35. 3 things everyone with ____ needs!
36. If you struggle with ____ watch this!
37. Best ____ alternative
38. No seriously you need this ____
39. My mom is pissed I dropped out to created this ____
40. If you struggle with ____ watch this
41. [target audience] I need your opinion
42. I can’t believe I lived without ____
43. Y’all I need your help...
44. Watch this if you hate your parents
45. How to never be ____ again
Extremely unpopular opinion _
46. I dropped out and became a multimillionaire by creating this ____
47. My biggest regret is ____
48. This will keep you from getting bored in class
49. You need this if ____
50. How to confuse everyone at (school/work)
51. If you ____ listen up
52. Summers only a few weeks away..
53. This is an absolute gay changer
54. Why is nobody talking about these (____)?"
55. My wife’s boyfriend just got me (____)“
56. I wish I knew about this sooner because I’m obsessed
57. You won’t believe this
58. X reasons why ____
59. Something you didn’t know
60. Simple Important tip
61. 10 (insert tool tips) I wish I knew earlier
62. Top 5 (sites/creators) I use to do ____
63. How I got ____ in 24 hours
64. Nobody is talking about ____(insert niche)
65. This is why your ____ isn’t working
66. Here are X tiny tips that can help you do ____
67. ____ I can't get enough of
68. ____ I wish I knew earlier
69. Could these be the greatest ____ ever
70. How you can do ____ in 60 seconds
71. Here’s exactly how to ____
72.If you have ____ then you might want to watch this
73. 3 things I wish I knew
74. Why does nobody talk about ____
75. You need ____ in your life
76. My go-to ____ for ____.
77. Don't buy that, buy this instead.
78. I tried every ____ so you don't have to and here are the results.
79. __ people stop scrolling.
80. This is for ____ people, so if you're not go away.
81. 3 tips to get rid of ____.
82. 5 tips to get ____.
83. I promise you've never ____.
84. This risk-free ____ is something you need if you want to ____.
85. Stop scrolling if you want ____
86 Wait! Don't go anywhere, I wanna show you something.
87. Are you ____ looking to get rid of ____ / looking to get ____.
88. This video is only for ____ people, so keep scrolling if that's not you.
89. ____ product is officially my go-to for ____.
90. Things TikTok made me buy.
91. If you're like me and do ____, then this one is for you.
92. What I order vs. what I got.
93. Best ____ products I've tried that actually work.
94. I just got my ____ product and I'm so excited.
95. Things I Wish I Knew About Sooner Part ____.
96. I keep seeing these ____ from ____ all over my feed so I had to try.
97. I actually can't believe this does ____.
98. I actually can't believe this only costs $__.
99. I just found ____ that does ____.
100. I just found X that does not ____.
101. I just got my package from ____.
102. X Product is the only one I use for X and I'm gonna show you why.
103. Some days I don't ____ and that's why I use ____.
104. Come do ____ with me (show the product in use).
105. This is why you need ____.
106. I got the best gift for my ____.
107. Doing ____ is like ____
108. Guys, this works so well and looks so beautiful (end results, then problem + pain).
109. Product on website vs. in real life.
110. Instead of doing/using ____ do ____.
111. Nobody is talking about this for (Niche/solution)
112. This is why (solution)
113. You guys keep asking for (Niche/solution)
114. Something you didn’t know to (Niche/Solution)
115. You won’t believe this thing (Niche/solution)
116. The best kept secret for (Niche/Solution)
117. POV: (Call our pain points)
118. I can’t get over this for (Solution)
119. I bought this for my (GF/BF) and now (pain point) is no more!
120. How to get (solution) in 24 hours
121. if you’re not doing this, you’re missing out
123. The easiest tip you can follow for (Pain point/niche)
124. 5 things you’re not doing for (Niche/pain points)
125. Tiktok made me buy this (product)
126. 3 Tips to help you (Pain point)
127. How this tiny tip for (niche/solution) can change your life
128. The best (niche/solution) I’ve ever done
129. You’re going to need this for (pain points) after watching this
131. [target audience] I need your help!
132. Would you _____ this? (buy, use, wear, eat, etc)
133. The Perfect _____ Doesn’t Exist”
134. Top TikTok Shopping Finds
135. If you haven’t tried _____ this!”
136. Getting My Daily ______ Hits Different With…”
137. Late Night Snacks Hits Different With This _____...
138. 3 Reasons Why I Love _____
139. When you LOVE feeling _____ but don’t have the time to ______ everyday
140. Don't buy that, buy this instead!
141. I tried every _____ out there and here are the results...
142. This _____ is a literal game changer (show and explain why)
143. TW: ______ or Trigger Warning: ______
144. What I ordered VS What I got 😳
145. I promise you’ve never seen this
146. I cannot believe TikTok made me buy this smh
147. I actually can’t believe this can _____

148. How to confuse everyone:

149. _____ people stop scrolling
150. This is a game-changer
151. My girlfriend got me this bc _____

152. How is this even possible...
153. This is so satisfying omg
154. My toxic trait is thinking i could _____
155. Confusing new tiktokers [and do something confusing]
156. Wait for it...
157. Living with my girlfriend be like...
158. My girlfriend said_____, so i bought her this, the good news is shes_____, but the bad
news is shes_____
159. Maturing is realizing _____
160. I feel a bit guilty….
161. This is a sign to…
162. I finally got [the product] and omg...
163. After years of studying [target market], ive decided to bring my invention to life…
[product name]... perfect for [target market]
164. Imagine if _____
165. Why is nobody talking about _____?
166. They laughed at me when _____, but _____
167. If i hadnt caught this on camera you wouldnt have believed me
168. Is your _____ ashamed you cant _____?
169. Ladies, my wife’s birthday is coming up soon and my girlfriend said this is romantic for a
gift, do you guys agree?
170. Drove 6 hours to surprise her at college just to see her [doing something related to
171. i hope this reaches the right audience
172. The masculine urge to...
173. The feminine urge to...
174. Dropped out of high school to pursue my dream of [product thing]
175. Cinderella removed one shoe and found the love of her life, u removed all ur clothes
and he still left… [then cta for your product IF IT COULD GET THEM A GUY]
176. I bet my friend i couldnt do ____, help me beat him, or else he’ll tell my girl about the
mexico trip
177. Late Night Snacks Hits Different With This ____...
178. Want ____? Then stop scrolling
179. Want ____? Then check this out
180. I Bought This For My ____ For ____ holiday/occasion
181. Some days I feel like ____ & that’s why I use/take ____
182. 5 Tips to get rid of ____
183. 5 Reasons why I use..____
184. If you don’t use ____ for ____ then I don’t know what you’re doing!
185. Stop scrolling if you suffer from ____
186. Stop scrolling if you want ____
187. Want to feel ____ but don’t want to break the bank?
188. How I ____ while on a budget
189. My top shopping find I now can’t live without
190. What ____ industry don’t want you to know about ____”
191. This is the Secret To Getting ____
192. The Lazy Way To Get (x Result)
193. The quickest way to solve (x Problem)
194. Little known ways too (x get result/solve problem)
195. My Personal Battle With (x problem)
196. This is why your (x solution) isn’t working
197. If you want (x Results) avoid this, and try this!”
198. Okay, I'm sharing my secret on how I (use x product/solution)
199. ____ Reason why you should be using (product)
200. Wish I knew this earlier.
201. [target market] stop scrolling..
202. I finally got [the product] and omg..
203. Just got my delivery from ____
204. Stop scrolling if you want ____
205. If you're like me & do ____, then this ones for you
206. Stop scrolling if you’re suffering from ____
207. Want ____? Then check this out!
208. The perfect ____ does not exist
209. Best ____ alternative
210. 3 reasons why I got a ____
211. This is a gay changer

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