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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2020) 27:12566–12578


The determinants for a circular economy in Europe

Margarita Robaina 1 & José Villar 2 & Elisabeth T. Pereira 1

Received: 11 June 2019 / Accepted: 23 January 2020 / Published online: 30 January 2020
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

The circular economy contrasts with the traditional linear economy since it presents a sustainable way both to produce goods and
services and to contribute to the development of economies. This paper aims to contribute to a better knowledge of the efficiency
of resources productivity, a common indicator to compare how circular economies are, through the estimation of the main
determinants for the circular economy in Europe. A systematic analysis and comparison of the performance of all the
European Union countries was performed to get further insight into their root causes and to help designing future policies
towards a more circular European Union economy. With this purpose, a set of determinant factors for a circular economy in
Europe were analysed, under the period between 2000 and 2016. A cluster analysis was applied and complemented with three
econometric estimation methods: panel unit root tests, panel cointegration tests and vector autoregression model. The main
findings allowed to cluster European countries into three different groups according to the growth rate of their resources
productivity and to explain them according to the selected exploratory factors. Special efforts were made to explain the highest
productivity growth group, as a way to find relevant drivers towards sustainable productivity growths.

Keywords Circular economy . Resources productivity . Europe . Panel data . Cluster analysis . Sustainable growth

Introduction of the value of the material and energy used, which means that
the value of recycled materials and recovered energy is only
The economic model of the current world is based on 5% of the value of virgin materials1 (McKinsey Center for
extracting, using and throwing away. At present, we use too Business and Environment, and Ellen MacArthur
large quantities of cheap and easily accessible materials and Foundation 2015). An additional source of distressing comes
energy, and we could be reaching our planet physical limits in from the fact that Europe is the only region in the world that
what concerns emissions to or extractions from the environ- imports more natural resources and pollution than exports
ment, and how much this environment can be changed by (Tukker et al. 2016), meaning that Europe and other devel-
direct human modification (Steffen et al. 2015). In European oped countries are very reliant on foreign emissions and re-
countries, this situation is particularly worrying. Indeed, ac- sources. Indeed, the European Union depends on energy and
cording to EEA (2016), each citizen used an average of natural resource imports, and an increasing proportion of what
13.1 tonnes of materials in 2014 and about 60% of them were it consumes is produced elsewhere in the world, indirectly
neither recycled nor reused. Europe is losing as much as 95% increasing other countries’ emissions.
In contrast with the traditional linear economy, the circular
economy (CE) concept (EC 2014b) appeared as a sustainable
Responsible editor: Eyup Dogan
way of producing goods and services and developing econo-
* Margarita Robaina
mies (see Kalmykova et al. (2018) and Kirchherr et al. (2017) for a CE concept overview). According to McKinsey Center
for Business and Environment, and Ellen MacArthur
1 Foundation (2015), a CE aims to keep the products, compo-
GOVCOPP - Research Unit in Governance, Competitiveness and
Public Policy, and DEGEIT - Department of Economics, nents and materials at their greatest usefulness and value at all
Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism, University of times, and is based on three basic principles (Ellen Macarthur
Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
2 1
Centre for Power and Energy Systems, INESC TEC, Campus da Virgin raw material: that has not been previously used or consumed or
FEUP, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal subjected to processing other than for its original production.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578 12567

Foundation 2015): 1) preserving and valuing natural capital consumption (DMC). The RP accounts for the wellness of
by controlling finite stocks and balancing flows of renewable the economy in relation to the amount of resources used.
resources; 2) optimising resources productivity through the In a transition from a linear to a circular economy, under-
circulation of products, components and materials, both in standing which factors explain the different performances of
technical and biological cycles; and 3) enhancing the effec- countries in terms of their RP may help to identify the main
tiveness of the system by reducing harm to human welfare, determinants of a good or of a bad performance in the usage of
regarding for instance, food, mobility, shelter, education, resources. Focusing on those countries with higher growth
health and entertainment, and managing externalities related rates (as this paper does with EU countries) can help other
to land use, air, water and noise pollution, release of sub- countries to improve their lower performances.
stances and climate change. However, the literature concerning this topic is rather
The transformation towards a CE in developed and devel- scarce, and studies frequently focus on specific regions and
oping countries could increase job generation and economic disaggregate resource usage by type of material. For instance
progress. However, for an effective transformation, invest- Weisz et al. (2006) disaggregates the DMC for the EU-15
ments (both public and private) should be catalysed and sup- countries into 12 types of materials in order to analyse the
ported by targeted public expenditures, policy reforms and determinants of cross-country variations in the levels of ma-
regulatory changes. The Circular Economy and Resource terial use. The DMC cross-country variability is then com-
Efficiency Agency of the UK published, in 2015, an analysis pared with the variability of several indicators such as the
of the potential of a CE in the European Union (EU) labour economy structure (as the percentage share of the tertiary sec-
market (WRAP 2015) and showed that it could create up to 3 tor in the overall GDP), the population density, the economic
million extra jobs (in repair, waste, recycling activities) and development (per capita GDP) and the final energy consump-
reduce unemployment by 520,000 in all EU member states by tion. The authors conclude that the structure of the economy is
2030. At the same time, it could counter some of the causes of an important determinant of the use of several materials such
global warming, the irrational consumption of resources and as biomass, industrial minerals, ores and fossil fuels, while the
many of the factors that lead to the deterioration of ecosys- influence of national income is not so relevant. In fact, if a
tems. As explained in Deloitte (2016), while the current linear country has a structure of activities more material intensive, its
economy causes emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), most- RP will be higher than in the case of a structure based on
ly through the consumption of fossil fuels, the CE reduces the services’ activities. The authors point out examples of econo-
extraction and production of raw materials, the processes and mies with extreme specialisations in material-intensive sectors
manufacture steps, the need of energy, and therefore the final such as Finland and Sweden in forestry and mining (iron
GHG emissions. The same report states that the CE could lead ores), Ireland and Denmark in livestock production, or
to a global reduction of approximately 550 Mt CO2 eq (as Greece in mining (lignite and bauxite). The authors give the
much as a 33%), or a 3/5th of the current target to reach the example of the sector of minerals for construction, for which
reduction of 50% to keep global warming below 2 °C the economic development is a more relevant determinant of
by 2050 (IPCC 2014). In this sense, the European the DMC than the economic structure, since building is need-
Commission proposed a “Circular Economy Package” ed for industrialisation and economic growth. However, the
by the end of 2015, and many business leaders are effect varies through the EU-15 countries, partly due to differ-
considering complying with it as a way to increasing ences in population densities. The study points out that high
growth and profitability. Some of the European documents population density results in below average necessity of cer-
with strategic guidelines for green growth and CE transforma- tain materials (for instance for construction and transports in-
tion are EC 2010, 2011, 2014a. frastructure), but also in low per capita domestic resource
Measuring how much the economy of countries or sectors availability. On the other hand, very low population densities
is complying with the principles of the CE, sometimes called lead to high per capita DMC and to high per capita resource
the degree of circularity, is a very complex task. Some coun- availability, which attracts materially intensive industries
tries, including Belgium, Germany and Netherlands, are al- (such as animal products, timber products, ore mining) and
ready carrying out experimental work on new indicators to to a high per capita household consumption of abundant re-
specifically measure the transition to a CE (EEA 2016). The sources (e.g. wood).
more circular the economy, the fewer natural resources are Awasthi et al. (2018) analyses the CE concept for the 28
used, and the less environmental pressure is generated. European member states, not from the perspective of materials
Therefore, a way to monitor economies’ performances on consumption but from the electronic devices waste (e-waste)
the efficient usage of resources towards a more CE is through of each country, with economic, environmental, governance,
the resource productivity (RP) indicator (EEA 2016), which health and technological efficiency standards analysis. The
relates the gross domestic product (GDP) either to the raw authors estimate a simple linear regression, the e-waste (clas-
material consumption (RMC) or to the domestic material sified in collected and reused/recycled typologies) being the
12568 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578

dependent variable and the GDP in purchasing power stan- different on resource efficiency, productivity and consumption
dards the independent one. The relationship between two patterns. For instance, Japan shows a clear dematerialisation
typologies of e-waste with the population (as the inde- where technology is a central factor, while China is in a
pendent variable) is also evaluated. Results show a growing path of material consumption with economic
strong influence of the GDP on the e-waste, but also, growth and population being important drivers. A similar
that this kind of waste is very dependent on human methodology is applied in West et al. (2014) for Eastern
behaviours. Indeed, EC (2010) shows that lifestyle fac- Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) countries.
tors, such as continual increases in income, residential They conclude that the population has moderate environmen-
floor area and technology development in consumer tal impact on materials consumption and that the growing
electronics, are determinant factors of the resources poverty of the EECCA region (due to the contraction period
and energy consumption. In this case, the authors ana- of the post-Soviet era) was the strongest driver, turning DMC
lyse Sweden at country level and Stockholm and lower, and making these countries more efficient at generating
Gothenburg at urban level. Their analysis focuses not GDP per tonne of material used.
only on the resource and energy evolution and their Ranta et al. (2018) and Preston (2012) conclude that the suc-
drivers but also on the analysis of the policies that have cess of the CE initiatives depends on several economic and
been adopted and their efficiency and on the proposal societal stakeholders. In this context Ranta et al. (2018) identify
of effective ways to reduce material consumption. They general and region-specific CE drivers and barriers in China, the
point out that subsidies for energy-efficient renovations US, and Europe, using the institutional theory. They show that
and for non-fossil and fuel-efficient vehicles, environ- the normative and cultural-cognitive pillars are very relevant
mental taxes and, in cities, changes of the infrastructure drivers of the CE initiatives. On the other side, the regulative
and urban structure are effective instruments for pillar alone is not capable of supporting sufficient change in the
reducing material consumption. Concerning nonfuel institutional environment. Similarly, Fei et al. (2016) points out
resources, sharing economy, renovation instead of that the CE initiatives often need societal support as legislative
purchasing of new products (as electronics) and and financial subsidies, and Dubey et al. (2016) refer to the
promotion of smaller residences are also pointed out relevance of institutional support, norms and cultural aspects.
as effective policies. This paper proposes an estimation of the main determinants
Resource consumption and their determinants through for a CE in Europe. The European Union state members are
IPAT (I = P × A × T) analysis is proposed in EC (2010) and analysed for the period between 2000 and 2016 using a cluster
used in EC (2014a), Dong et al. (2017) and West et al. analysis with three complementary econometric estimation
(2014). In this analysis, I = P × A × T, where P is the popula- methods: panel unit root tests, panel co-integration tests and
tion, A is the affluence calculated as GDP/population, T is the vector autoregression models. The main contributions are the
technological coefficient computed as material intensity comparison among the performance of all EU countries using
(DMC/GDP) and I is the DMC. The authors evaluate the the RP as EC indicator and the systematic analysis of these
contribution of each possible driver (P, A and T) to the growth performances to get further insight into their root causes, to
of I% (Robert A. Herendeen 1998). For instance, West and help designing future policies towards a more circular EU
Schandl (2013) applies the IPAT methodology on countries in economy. There is a clear gap in the literature, as there are
Latin America and the Caribbean countries as a whole and no econometric studies that combine all the explanatory vari-
finds that technological change did not moderate consumption ables considered in this paper as determinants of circular econ-
of materials, and that both population growth and per capita omy, although these variables have already been used in other
income contribute to increase material use. The authors com- studies. Moreover, the present work is innovative in making a
pare countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with other cluster analysis with different RP growth rates that helps
world regions and conclude that these countries will challenge explaining the main different RP evolution paths and reaching
higher environmental pressures than expected, firstly, because meaningful conclusions.
they will need to expand the extractive industries to face the After this introduction on the relevance of the circular
increasing demand in other world regions, and secondly, due economy concept and related literature, The “Preliminary
to their inherent domestic industrial transformations and ur- analysis” section performs a preliminary comparative analysis
banisation. For some regions in China, Japan, and South of the EU countries (in terms of GDP, DMC and RP) and a
Korea (Dong et al. 2017), the authors implement a material cluster analysis and the “Data and methodology” section de-
flow account (MFA) indicator to analyse both the RP and the scribes the data and variables used and the methodology ap-
efficiency, based on other indicators such as DMC, domestic plied to target the main objectives of the present study. The
extract and physical trade balance. Using the MFA indicator, “Analysis and discussion of results” section analyses and dis-
the authors draw an Environmental Kuznets Curve and an cusses the obtained results, and the “Conclusions” section
IPAT analysis. Conclusions point out that these countries are concludes.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578 12569

Fig. 1 GDP, domestic material 14 000 000 2,5

consumption and RP in the EU-
28 countries
12 000 000

Domestic Material Consumption (thousand tonnes)


GDP (constant prices 2005 - million euros) and

Resources Producvity (euro per kilogram)

10 000 000

8 000 000

6 000 000
Domesc Material Consumpon (DMC)
4 000 000 Gross Domesc Product (GDP)
Resources Producvity (RP)
2 000 000

0 0,0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Preliminary analysis average improving speed but is outperformed by faster coun-

tries, or Croatia, that shows a similar behaviour, but starts from
Figure 1 shows, for the period 2000–2016, the evolution of the a much worse RP position. However, there is also a large set of
GDP, DMC and the resulting RP index for the aggregated 28 countries with very slow positive evolutions, being Belgium
EU countries.2 Years 2017 and 2018 were not used since at the or Romania among the slowest ones.
time this analysis was made, there were no enough data for all Figure 5 represents the evolution of the normalised produc-
the variables for these 2 years. As can be seen, there is a visible tivity of EU countries (computed for each year t as the RP of
fall of the GDP and the DMC at 2008, which can likely be year t, xt, divided by x2000) to help to identify different grow-
associated with the economic crisis. However it is very inter- ing speeds. For simplicity, it has been assumed that three
esting to note 1) how the GDP recovers soon its increasing groups are enough to represent the main different behaviours.
trend (by 2009 or 2010), while DMC keeps falling, probably Standard k-means clustering (Trevino 2016) has been applied
due to the need of increasing efficiency during crisis times, to identify the representatives or centroids of each group, la-
and 2) how this behaviour contributes to a more than 40% belled as low, medium and high, and to determine to which
increase of the total European RP between 2008 and 2016. cluster each country belongs to. Then, linear regressions have
The evolution of the RP indicator for the EU countries been fitted to each representative evolution (whose results are
(according to the notation in Table 1) is represented in in Fig. 5) with respective slopes of 0.04, 0.08 and 0.12. This
Fig. 2. Figures 3 and 4 compare the performance of EU coun- can be interpreted, for example for cluster low, that in average
tries with respect to this indicator for the years 2000 and 2016. the productivity index xt for any year t can be obtained as the
As can be seen, there is a great disparity between the RP of the initial productivity index x2000 times the slope and times the
European countries, with Netherlands, Luxembourg and the number of years, that is, x2000 × 0.04 × t. This shows that in-
UK being among the most efficient, with a significant distance dependently of their initial value at year 2000, in average the
to most of the others ones. In addition, even if the RP of all growing speeds of the faster countries (0.12), can be as much
countries is increasing, there are however very different as three times those of the slowest ones (0.04), and slightly
speeds. Countries like Italy, Spain or Slovakia had a RP less than the double of the group in the middle.
growth of more than 200% in the analysed period (2000– Mixing information of Figs. 2 and 5 can lead to interesting
2016), with Italy reaching or even surpassing the most effi- observations, made explicit in Fig. 6. Indeed, Fig. 6 shows, for
cient ones at the end of the period. Indeed, Figs. 3 and 4 show example, a first group of countries (such as Ireland or Spain),
some countries with very significant improvements between that in year 2000 had a low RP but with high-speed growth.
the beginning and the end of the 2000–2016 period, such as These countries are mainly those in the high growth cluster of
Italy, Spain, Ireland, Cyprus and Slovakia. On the other hand, Fig. 4 (with exception of Italy, whose growth path accelerated
other countries loose positions. For example, Sweden, has an after 2011). A second group of countries can be characterised
by a high RP in 2000, and therefore, more efficient at that
2 time, and possibly with little room for improvements, that
All the data used in this paper, the clustering and regression results, and the
figures are available in Excel format and can be requested by sending an email show a low productivity growth rate (clusters low and medi-
to the corresponding author, um), as for example UK or Netherlands. A third group of
12570 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578

Table 1 European countries and

their two-letter country code Belgium BE Greece EL Lithuania LT Portugal PT
Bulgaria BG Spain ES Luxembourg LU Romania RO
Czech Republic CZ France FR Hungary HU Slovenia SI
Denmark DK Croatia HR Malta MT Slovakia SK
Germany DE Italy IT Netherlands NL Finland FI
Estonia EE Cyprus CY Austria AT Sweden SE
Ireland IE Latvia LV Poland PL United Kingdom UK

countries corresponds to those with low RP in 2000 and with a & Ratio between gross inland renewable energy consump-
low performance during the study period, as for example, tion to the gross inland total energy consumption (REN).
Portugal or Greece. This ratio allows to assess the impact, on the circularity of
its economy, of the share of renewable energy in the ener-
gy mix of a country. In this sense, Ellen Macarthur
Data and methodology Foundation (2015) indicates the renewable energy as the
main energy source for a circular economy to reduce fossil
After the preliminary analysis to classify EU countries accord- energy dependence and enhance the adaptability of the
ing to their RP growth rate, this section presents the possible economic system towards oil negative effects.
explanatory variables to explain the RP of these countries and & Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) in percent-
the methodology applied. age of the country GDP, including the expenditure on
research and development by business enterprises, higher
Data education institutions, and government and private non-
profit organisations. This explanatory variable may help to
The present study uses annual data for the period from 2000 to assess if the investment in R&D of a country has some
2016 and for the following 26 European countries: Belgium, positive effect on the productivity of the resources used.
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, For example, Ildırar et al. (2016) states that R&D and
Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy, France, Cyprus, Latvia, innovation play an important role for the economic devel-
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Netherlands, Austria, opment and RP improvement, affecting the countries’ eco-
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, nomic transformation and sustainable growth.
Sweden and UK. Malta and Croatia were excluded due to & Recycling rate in percentage (RECY) is the tonnage
the high rate of missing data. As already mentioned, the length recycled from municipal waste divided by the total munic-
of the period was limited to the data availability. All data were ipal produced waste. Recycling includes material
collected from the Eurostat database. recycling and composting and anaerobic digestion.
The dependent variable of this study is the RP of each Municipal waste consists largely of waste generated by
country (in €/kg), computed as the ratio of GDP over DMC. households but also includes wastes from small businesses
This variable reflects the GDP generated per unit of resources and public institutions, also collected by the municipality.
used by an economy. DMC indicates the total amount of ma- The idea is to see if a country with a higher level of
terials with economic value and actually consumed by resi- recycling also has a higher productivity of resources, and
dent units. RP is considered a proxy of the circularity of the therefore, a more circular economy. Recycling is consid-
economy, that is, the higher the RP, the more goods and ser- ered by several studies as a crucial variable for attaining a
vices the economy is producing with fewer resources (for reduced natural resource consumption, a high RP and
example, extracting fewer virgin materials, consuming less therefore a more circular economy (Elia et al. 2017).
energy or recycling more). Moreover, Li et al. (2010) says that, at the national level,
The following explanatory variables were considered: circular economy represents a new pattern of economic
operation and aims to create a recycling oriented society.
& Environmental tax revenues in percentage of GDP (ET), & Population density (POP), as the number of inhabitants
which includes taxes on energy, transport, pollution and per square kilometre, is to test if a more concentrated pop-
resources. This variable allows testing if a higher level of ulation leads to a lower consumption of materials and to a
environmental taxes could lead to a more CE. For lower attraction of materially intensive industries.
example, EC (2014c) remarks that a shifting of the tax Weisz et al. (2006) indicates, for example, that an
burden from capital and labour to pollution can improve increase of the population density leads to a lower
productivity and competiveness. need of resources.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578 12571

Fig. 2 RP of the EU countries 4,5

3,5 UK

GDP/DMC - Euro per kilogram


2,0 BE

1,5 DK ES CY
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

& Gross value added by services sectors, in percentage of where subscripts i and t refer to country and time respectively,
total GDP (SERV) and gross value added by industry sec- β1, β2, β3, β4, β5, β6,and β7 are the slope parameters to be
tors, in percentage of total GDP (IND). These two last estimated, and Ɛ is the error term.
variables are to assess if the structure of the economy
(more services-based or industry-based) affects the RP. Methodology
Indeed, different levels of RP between countries could
not mean that one is less efficient than the other, but on The methodology selected is common in the literature when
the contrary, that one has more activities intensive on ma- panel data are concerned and is based on performing several
terials or in energy than the other. Economic structure is an tests to determine the most appropriate model. In this case, (i)
important determinant of the use of several materials such panel unit root tests and (ii) panel cointegration tests were used
as biomass, industrial minerals, ores and fossil fuels. first, which allowed to select (iii) vector autorregression model
In fact, if a country has a structure of activities more as the most appropriate model.
material intensive, its RP will be higher than in the
case of a structure based on services’ activities Panel unit root tests
(Weisz et al. 2006).
Recent literature suggests that panel-based unit root tests have
Considering the above variables, the model proposed is the higher power than unit root tests based on individual time
following linear regression: series. Consider the following autoregressive AR(1) process
for panel data (Mahadevan and Asafu-Adjaye 2007):
RP ¼ αit þ β1 ET þ β 2 REN þ β3 GERD þ β4 RECY
yit ¼ ρi yit−1 þ Δi X it þ μit ð2Þ
þ β5 POP þ β 6 SERV þ β7 IND þ εit ð1Þ

2,5 4,5
2,0 3,5
Euros per Kilogram

Euros per kilogram

1,5 2,5
1,0 1,5
0,5 0,5













Fig. 3 RP in the EU countries in 2000 Fig. 4 RP in the EU countries in 2016

12572 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578

SI SK FI SE UK low medium high IE ES
3,0 SK IT

Normlized GDP/DMC (base year 2000)

medium LV
2,0 NL
low AT
1,5 HR FI


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Fig. 5 Normalised productivity of the EU countries (base year 2000). BE, DK, DE, EL, FR, HR, MT, AT, PT, RO, FI, SE, UK. Source: own
High growth countries: BG, CZ, IE, ES, IT, LV, HU, SK. Medium elaboration with data from Eurostat
growth countries: EE, CY, LT, LU, NL, PL, SI. Low growth countries:

where i = 1,2, …, N, represents countries observed over We performed four panel unit root tests: Levin, Lin and
periods and t = 1,2,…, T. Xit is exogenous variables in Chu (LLC) (Levin et al. 2002); Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS)
the model, including any fixed effects or individual (Im et al. 2003); the Fisher type tests using Augmented
trends and ρi is the autoregressive coefficient. If ρi < 1, Dickey-Fuller (ADF); and the Phillips-Perron (PP) tests
yit is said to be weakly trend-stationary. Conversely, if (Maddala and Shaowen 1999), (Choi 2001).
ρi = 1, then yit contains a unit root. μit is the stationary In order to test, under the null hypothesis, that all individual
error terms. series of the panel contain a unit root, Levin et al. (2002)

Fig. 6 RP growth (2000–2016)

and levels in 2000 in EU countries
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578 12573

proposed a panel-based ADF test that restricts parameters by Panel cointegration tests
keeping them identical across sectional regions, as represented
by the following equation: Once assured the non-stationarity, the cointegration hypothe-
sis of the series must be tested, which is usually done with the
Δyit ¼ ci þ ρi yit−1 þ ∑ c j þ ρi yit− j þ εit ð3Þ methodology proposed in Engle and Granger (1987). This
j−1 methodology examines the residuals of a regression and con-
tends that there is cointegration if ut ~ I(0). The first contribu-
where t = 1, 2,…, T is the time periods, and i = 1,2,…,
tion for this approach has been presented, among others, by
N is the members of the panel. The LLC adopts the null
Pedroni (1999, 2001, 2004) and Kao and Chiang (2000), giv-
hypothesis of ρi = ρ = 0 for all i, against the alternative
en the following equation:
hypothesis ρ 1 = ρ 2 = … = ρ < 0 for all i, with the test
based on the statistics t ρ ¼ b ρ=s:e:ðb
ρÞ. However, one yit ¼ αi þ δit þ β1i ⋅x1i;t þ β 2i ⋅x2i;t þ ::: þ βki ⋅xki;t þ εit
drawback is that ρ is restricted by being kept identical
across regions under both the null and alternative hy-
potheses. Alternatively, one can allow ρ varying freely where t = 1, 2, ..., T and k = 1, 2, ..., K. Parameter α designates
across cross-sections. The IPS, Fisher-ADF and Fisher- the individual characteristics and parameter δ is the trend. It is
PP tests are of this form. further assumed that variables y and x are integrated of order
Im et al. (2003) begins by specifying a separate ADF re- one, that is, I(1). Thus, under the null hypothesis that there is
gression for each cross section: cointegration, the residuals will also be I(1).
0 VAR estimation
Δyit ¼ αyit−1 þ ∑β ij Δyit−1 þ X it δ þ εit ð4Þ
The vector autoregression (VAR) approach requires a struc-
In this test the null hypothesis is written as H0 : αi = 0, tural modelling, since it considers every endogenous variable
while the alternative hypothesis is given by: in the system as a function of the lagged values of all of the
 endogenous variables in the system (Lütkepohl 2005). The
αi ¼ 0 for i ¼ 1; 2; …; N 1 mathematical representation of a VAR is:
H1 :
αi < 0 for i ¼ N þ 1; N þ 2; …; N
yt ¼ A1 yt−1 þ … þ Ap yt−p þ Bxt þ ϵt ð8Þ
(where the i may be reordered as necessary) which may be
interpreted as a non-zero fraction of the individual processes is where yt is a vector of size k of endogenous variables, xt is a
stationary. vector of size d of exogenous variables, A1, …, Ap and B are
An alternative approach to panel unit root tests uses matrices of coefficients to be estimated, and ϵt is a vector of
Fisher (1932) results from deriving tests that combine innovations that may be contemporaneously correlated but are
the p values from individual unit root tests. This idea uncorrelated with their own lagged values and uncorrelated
has been proposed by Maddala and Shaowen (1999) and with all of the right-hand side variables.
by Choi (2001). If πi is defined as the p value from any
individual unit root test for cross-section i, then under
the null of unit root for all N cross-sections, the follow- Analysis and discussion of results
ing asymptotic result holds:
The panel unit root tests mentioned in the “Preliminary anal-
−2 ∑ logðπi Þ→x22N ð5Þ ysis” section were applied to all the variables, and the results
i¼1 are collected in Table 2. As can be seen, most variables are
non-stationary, suggesting the possibility of long-term rela-
In addition, Choi (2001) proved that:
tionships among them. However, in the first differences unit
1 N root tests, all variables are stationary.
Z ¼ pffiffiffiffi ∑ Φ−1 ðπ i Þ→N ð0; 1Þ ð6Þ
N i¼1 The results of the cointegration test showed that variables
are not cointegrated. Therefore, according to these two test, as
where Φ−1 is the inverse of the standard normal cumulative usually described in the literature (see for example Galadima
distribution function. and Aminu (2019), Sims (1980), or Farzanegan and
Both the asymptotic x2 and standard normal statistics Markwardt (2009)), the most appropriate model is the previ-
using ADF and PP individual unit root tests were used. ously described VAR model.
The null and alternative hypotheses are the same as for Table 3 presents the results obtained through the estimation
the as IPS. of the VAR model with RP as dependent variable, for the
12574 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578

complete panel and for the three clusters low, medium and countries, there is a larger proportion of tertiary sector,
high represented in Fig. 5. The Eviews software with automat- and raising industry could have a higher impact. These
ic lag length selection based on Schwarz information criterion results are in accordance with Weisz et al. (2006), where
(Farzanegan and Markwardt 2009) was used for the estima- the sectors’ economic structure revealed to be a very im-
tions. It can be observed that all the explanatory variables are portant factor in RP. Nevertheless, the opposite sign be-
significant for the general panel as well as for the three clusters tween the global panel and the clusters, the estimated co-
of countries, and all models show good performance (R2 and efficients very close to zero, and the fact that this variable
R2 adjust high and similar for all models). However, the sign it is only significant at 10% show that the impact of this
of some variables is different across the four groups. variable may not be very conclusive.
Correlation among variables was also tested. Although & In all the models, POP shows a positive signal on RP, with
GERD and RECY (and to a less extent SERV and IND) greater magnitude in the high and medium growth
showed larger correlations, they were acceptable to estimate countries. This is coherent with literature results, where
the VAR coefficients. Other variable such as REN and SERV for example Weisz et al. (2006) also points out that high
that could be expected more correlated had actually very low population density results in below average need of
correlations. In addition, some extra estimations were per- resources.
formed removing one of these variables at a time to confirm & Recycling (RECY) has the expected signal in the high and
that there were no very significant differences in others coef- medium growth countries, that is, the greater the
ficient estimations. recycling, the greater the productivity of resources.
From Table 3, several conclusions can be drawn: However, for those countries with lower growth, recycling
does not have a positive impact on efficiency. This could
& A negative sign of ET in all models shows that an increase be due to the fact that low growth countries are both those
in environmental taxes has a negative effect on RP. This that already performed well, and have reached their effi-
may have to do with the negative impact that taxes have ciency frontier so that additional recycling has more costs
on GDP. Decreasing GDP also decreases the resources than benefits, or those that are performing worse due to
used, but not in the same proportion, causing a decrease inefficient processes that do not contribute to improve
of RP. This efficiency loss has to do with the deadweight efficiency, included the recycling process.
loss related with the implementation of taxes (Karl and & Renewable energy (REN) has the expected positive signal
Fair 1999). This impact is greater in the countries with only for the high growth countries, similarly as for
more RP growth rate, possibly because these countries recycling. It seems, therefore, that similar conclusions
may have more elastic demand and supply curves (which can be drawn.
increases the deadweight loss), and less possibility to com- & Services (SERV) present a positive signal for all models,
pensate taxes increases with an efficiency increase which as expected, because tertiary economies tend to be more
is already growing at high rate. For these countries, in- efficient in the use of resources. This coefficient is higher
creasing efficiency is probably costlier than paying addi- in medium and high growth countries. However, the cir-
tional taxes. A rise in ET would therefore not result in an cularity of a country with high RP due to a service-based
improvement in RP but rather a fall, due to the increased economy should be interpreted cautiously. Indeed, this
costs that would translate into GDP declines. country could be consuming manufactured goods pro-
& The negative sign of GERD for the panel and cluster high duced in other countries, keeping or not intellectual prop-
models shows that investments in research and develop- erty and innovation, but delocalising the productive pro-
ment have a negative impact on RP of the panel and for cess to other countries.
those countries with highest growth rate. This seemingly
contradictory signal may be related to the fact that these
investments in R&D may be for areas not necessarily im-
proving productivity, especially for faster growth coun- Conclusions
tries. For low and medium growth countries, the signal is
positive, meaning that GERD has a positive impact on RP. This paper has analysed a set of determinant factors for a
& The signal expected for IND should be negative, since the circular economy in Europe, considering most European
larger the percentage of industry in the structure of the Union state members for the period between 2000 and 2016.
economy, the greater the use of resources for the same As in other similar works, the RP was selected as a proxy of
production level (lower RP). Although a positive signal the countries’ economy circularity. Since the RP increases in
is verified for the general model, for the clusters estima- average for most of the considered countries, a cluster analysis
tion, the signal is as expected, with greater impact in low was initially performed to group countries into three catego-
and medium growth clusters, perhaps because in these ries with different RP growth rates (that have been called low,
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578 12575

Table 2 Panel unit root tests results, period 2000–2016

Level First difference


RP 1.97 6.79 8.88 6.80 − 15.86*** − 12.90*** 245.09*** 309.71***

ET − 0.78 0.01 58.33 58.51 − 11.18*** − 9.78*** 189.47*** 226.21*** 179.77***
GERD − 1.15 3.17 40.16 41.04 − 8.52*** − 8.55*** 170.07*** 222.34***
IND − 5.16*** − 2.20** 74.23** 319.11*** − 13.74*** − 10.55*** 199.32*** 95.41***
POP 6.24 5.96 49.86 41.46 − 2.207** − 2.73*** 91.97*** 275.24***
RECY − 2.65*** 2.30 58.77 50.32 − 12.59*** − 12.55*** 237.88*** 275.67***
REN 3.04 7.88 9.06 4.46 − 13.73*** − 12.24*** 229.80*** 247.78***
SERV − 4.37*** − 1.30* 67.47* 67.53* − 16.17*** − 12.31*** 231.15***

***p < 0.01

**p < 0.05
*p < 0.1

medium and high growth groups). The analysis of the avail- growth rate groups, being all of the relevant determinants
able data (panel unit root and panel co-integration tests) sug- of the circularity of the considered countries. All VAR
gested to use VAR modelling to determine the impact of the models have coefficients of determination (adjusted R2)
selected explanatory variables (basically corresponding to en- larger than 98% indicating that most of the variability of
vironmental taxes or ET, share of renewable energy consump- RP is explained by the explanatory variables selected, be-
tion or REN, expenditure on R&D or GERD, recycling rate or ing an appropriate choice.
RECY, population density or POP, services sector share or & Some of the explanatory factors, such as ET, IND, POP
SERV, and industry sector share or IND). and SERV have a similar impact on all groups, although
From the results obtained with the VAR modelling ap- with different intensities. For these variables, conclusions
proach, several interesting conclusions can be drawn: are similar for all groups, and can be summarised by the
fact that ET and IND decrease RP, while POP and SERV
& The explanatory variables selected are all of them signif- increase RP. Taxes are generally associated with the so-
icant for the general panel and for the three different RP called deadweight loss that affects in the same direction of

Table 3 VAR model results,

period 2000–2016 Complete panel Cluster Low Cluster Medium Cluster High

RP (− 1) 0.953210** 0.735449* 0.885054 1.095847

RP (− 2) 0.082085** 0.280890* 0.090087 − 0.084126
ET − 0.005192* − 0.007316** − 0.016073** − 0.038464**
GERD − 0.007735* 0.023910** 0.040179** − 0.029349**
IND 0.000284* − 0,001553*** − 0.003380*** − 0.000838***
POP 1.47E-05* 0.000192*** 0.000183*** 0.000667***
RECY 0.000336* − 0.000806*** 0.001371*** 0.002522***
REN − 0.000704* − 0.001166*** − 0.001892*** 0.000186***
SERV 0.000534* 0.000932*** 0.00167*** 0.001271***
R2 0.986780 0.984433 0.991295 0.982669
R2 adjust 0.986502 0.983705 0.990570 0.981420
Sum sq. resids 5.059323 1.935142 1.456016 1.426579
F statistic 3554.880 1351.762 1366.569 786.7041
Akaike AIC − 1.460883 − 1.594899 − 1.289376 − 1.423911
Schwarz SC − 1.369357 − 1.435251 − 1.061893 − 1.214849

***p < 0.01

**p < 0.05
*p < 0.1
12576 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:12566–12578

all countries (although affecting more high growth coun- positive impact on initially low efficient economies, with
tries). More service-based countries show larger efficien- larger margin for improvements.
cies since resources usage is lower (although, as remarked & The above initiatives and policy recommendations should
in the previous section, this should be interpreted with be promoted by a CE framework, but considering regional
caution). Finally, larger population densities also increase specificities with different RP growth rates (as cluster re-
efficiency as is generally accepted (although its impact is sults revealed), which is agreement with, for example
larger for high growth countries). Ranta et al. (2018) and Preston (2012).
& Other factors, such as GERD, RECY and REN have dif- & Using a VAR model instead of a more standard regression,
ferent impacts (positive or negative) on the RP, depending where lags of the dependent variable are used as explana-
on the speed of growth of the countries considered. tory variables, tends to improve the significance of the
RECY and REN have negative impact for low estimation model but makes the interpretation harder.
growth countries and positive for high growth coun- Indeed, an important part of the variability of the depen-
tries. On the contrary, GERD has a positive impact dent variable is being explained by its own lags, as the
on low growth countries, but negative on high resulting coefficients show, suggesting the possibility of
growth ones, as if R&D investment had a clearer exploring other alternative models, and other additional
and faster return on initially low efficient economies, explanatory variables.
with larger margin for improvements. & All countries have been classified into three different
growth rate efficiency groups, which indeed help to sim-
Other remarks, concerns and recommendations related to plify the analysis and facilitate the interpretation of the
this analysis are: results. However, some countries show more erratic and
oscillatory behaviours, and a more detailed analysis of
& According to the RP analysis, most efficient countries are these behaviours could also reveal significant conclusions,
very often those that show the lowest RP efficiency hidden under the selected approach.
growth rates. For example, France, Germany or UK are
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search unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy (UID/
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CPO/04058/2019), funded by national funds through FCT - Fundação
cause they are already at their efficiency frontier with little para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and by national funds through FCT -
room for improvement. Other less economically healthy Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the project UID/EEA/
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