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Formative Assessment

1. Submucosal glands in the GIT are found in:

a. Esophagus and stomach.
b. Jejunum & ileum.
c. Esophagus and duodenum.
d. Stomach & duodenum.

2. Crypts of Leiberkühn are:

a. Finger-like projections of intestinal mucosa.
b. Simple tubular glands between bases of intestinal villi.
c. Lymph vessels for fat absorption.
d. Circular folds of intestinal mucosa and submucosa.

3. Tenia Coli of the colon are:

a. The interrupted outer longitudinal layer of muscle.
b. The outer serosal covering.
c. The continuous inner circular layer of muscle.
d. Accumulation of adipose tissue.

4. A mother accompanied her 5-year-old boy to the clinic. The boy

complains of abdominal pain and repeated attacks of diarrhea after
consuming wheat. The mother also notices that he shows delayed growth.
Investigations revealed he suffers from Celiac disease which is attributed
a. Over activity of parietal cells secreting excess HCL.
b. Tumor that is producing excess gastrin.
c. Loss of immune defense due to absence of Payer’s patches.
d. Autoimmune disease-causing damage of intestinal villi.

5. A medical student examined a microscopic slide of a patient who has
excised a malignant tumor from part of the alimentary tract. The
musculosa showed striated muscles. The tumor most likely involved:
a. Small intestine.
b. Stomach.
c. Esophagus.
d. Large intestine.

6. Choose the correct histological feature regarding the pyloric glands:

a. Pits are shallow and narrow.
b. Peptic cells are located mainly at the base of the glands.
c. Minimal C.T. is located between the glands.
d. Occupy half of the mucosal thickness.

7. A pregnant female complains of constipation and prolapsed mass from

the anus during defecation. This case was diagnosed as hemorrhoids
which represent congested:
a. Venous plexus in the submucosa of the anal canal.
b. Arterial plexus of the anal canal.
c. Submucosal rectal arterial plexus.
d. Mucosal rectal venous plexus.

8. Lingual papillae with serous glands in their lamina propria are:

a. Filiform & fungiform.
b. Filiform & circumvallate.
c. Foliate & circumvallate.
d. Fungiform & Foliate.

9. The lips are characterized histologically by presence of:

a. Hairless very thin skin at its red margin
b. Orbicularis oris smooth muscle.
c. Serous labial glands in the C.T. of the oral mucosa.
d. The vermillion border is poor in sensory innervation.

10. The following histological change is evident at the pyloro-duodenal
a. Stratified squamous epithelium changes to simple columnar.
b. Musculosa is formed of 3 layers.
c. Appearance of Brunner’s glands at the duodenal side.
d. Peptic cells are frequently encountered.

Model Answer

1 c
2 b
3 a
4 d
5 c
6 d
7 a
8 c
9 a
10 c

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