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Exercise Book For the IELTS Writing Test Name: Test Date: A OY Vi] KASH] PARMA EMA RO KD, eo i) KY SEAM Day 4, Day 6, Day 8 92RD, ee i? SABENA Day 2 ee i° aa . i° Peters ais rn s ; Pee i° RX Day 5 a ce ¢ ROK B eae i? SERFXRHA fem sentences) 37-6 Hh Day7 Pl 67-03 i? 120 ARaIE Day 8 ae i? RESET Day1 ff bk SAREE S RABIN Academic writing “FAS Heys MAR AY F i) FSR, LR RTS IF IAS RAE A HE ZTE (1) Mobile phones are so important to our lives. Everyone should use mobile phones! (2) Some parents aren't good role models for their children: ‘WA good role models EH 4M, HAF HX BACH HR” [ BBC $I) ] Professional athletes are not always good role models for children. 2. GHP a) F AYE ECL IPA (1) Lots of rivers anid lakes have been polluted by industrial waste, BERA industrial waste MRE AFL “LMRR, WE “Lue [BBC HID | It is one of the places in the UK where high-level industrial waste is stored. (2) Many consumers buy stuff based on fashion rather than comfort. 5K ( toh Co (7A AD HIM Day 1, HAE Paw: HASAE, CREAM AHR-VSEK EH) tsguru@ sina. com, Pat RAE RAI cere Dayl HUSK SS MABSISR 1. (1) AAI LTR, AEA academic writing RFS, VUMALA MAS, ATLL BA: Mobile phones are important tools for keeping us connected with our family and friends. (2) FRESE EA VS IER, WE aren't EHH AK are not {13 54] It is a good thing to have the ability to choose from a wide variety. (4H RREAE EY is BFR Ws MERRERS EER) [@J 11 UD] These are not the only reasons why people should learn a foreign language. (4% A te #7 fe 485% aren't) [ 4 10 IJ] An infant will not understand why he or'she is punished. (4% #5 Bia “HE” Fm won't) WA AS, ARLHREFAS HE, shouldn't LA XAFS K should not, wouldn’t [23% R would not, don’t £5 s do not + HEH, 4 iE X Hy they'tl wb A “AAA” 2S Bthey will, TW can't £% AS ff HM) sb AS MK cannot (i cannot * fF] 535 2 #) [ S54A B19) Britain’s mainstream politicians cannot scare voters. 2. (1) lots of EM GAS , FERRITE AY Jer ESE rivers and lakes (T&A ia), FEE lots of BURANSE ACEH many BEALE. PAE ANS He, MES PES ALE A A “KER” CB (2) buy stuff 7EHE3E I Ree “SEAR DR”, 7E IELTS Ft ie A A GH, (TEARS Pe EA 7S HE CTL (® stuf PEAR IE RIAL, sZt ee AM buy things, BAB] ARM SE ASH [SH#A BID] People who have good computer skills tend to buy more things online. Day2 f@ Wb BMA HAE that, who BLA which SLA ANGE, ULF TOYA aE abet wR eM IL WF. 1. They are more independent, is an important factor in academic study. 2. People should be encouraged to buy cars are cleaner and quieter. 3. Young people study abroad can gain a wide range of new skis. REM TAMA that Af what PERE TABLA FR, IE ae, MIAN DE, Some people believe itvis better for children to begin leaming a foreign language at primary school 2. Parents can help children learn is important in life. 3. They think. adults should have the freedom to choose they see on television AGED TARPS FTES 4° CEP A A), HE RIA eg, @ On the other hand, | believe that governments should try to protect minority lan- guages. @) A language is more than a tool for communication. @) It is an important Part of the culture and heritage of the people who speak it. 4) Governments can help to save minority groups" culture and heritage by protecting languages that are not widely spoken. HA (i) i minority language 24 KAD RARER, DEA; (ii) heritage 24, “XR” RR, MM ZL HA MIB cultural heritage RRR INR. Day 2 NHR Sh EBMARISR 1 ~ PAA, RAGE, that, who # which £3| F EBM WARE TE TA “KR” H, CR, EHARHRKHERERSHE, MES AA ACMZMEBAHBEFEAN, HU, EFHERS YP, BRERA BANE AT HN HE Fe 5H (1) 4 Oe wT i ey yt, FH that 5] Fi AA, fH) der; schools that ... / cities that ... / buildings that ... / a job that ... 4; (2) Si Hit a Oy Aan at, FL who 3] FGA), (ABH: people who ... / parents who ... / children who ... / students who ... 4 ; (3) SMBH ESE AH, which R31 SRE hor which Ji4i E238. which is an important factor in academic study S&H} which 9/5 921% Seal, ASP ERT AEA), TER. XP which BHAT RTE MIR (HEATH BOL), TEAR ET ERASE SCHEER EH that BRA which MBAT VL, AU SCAR AY ETH Be, HS MRED Ft i MRR AA tha 9] SP AT VLR AS OAS, BAT 2 HES EAT, that are cleaner and quieter JEEiH M3), Het ATTAIN % iA cars, . who ARLES, who study abroad BEIM), HT ERT AY young people Pat's Note: . a wide range of HERE “SASH”, CHEMRARSURATTAS WH AU. RBMARISR A: 45S RN H, that # wha HEMET, that EAEMHER ADAMS, BLWRA that, MA RBMTHRS UHFER, REBRATBER, MULERE HE-RSERBMAE A that SR, ARSE XZ, Hi think, believe # argue FHAFHLA that 4], HS what SRE, CAREAPERAL BRAND, OREM what, 4b S18 AA] BHR ER 1, that 2. what 3. that 4. what FUT SSE DER RRNA] LAER RATE P), & BHT Hh that 3] FASE a] QER— PAN LPAI a SPE CE AB 8 A AES A], PE FACE EM, TEAS RSH A IED IEA “BA” ) @ CRT HARE RH YA), Bh who SLA REI WAT @ ERT REE RN ee], AP that 3] PAYER SASS TAGES BA ER PE — AS, I AE, EMI. Consumers can online shopping because it provides them with more choices. (benefit from / benefit) 2. Some children social skills. (lack / lack of) 3. Working long hours may stress and poor health. (result from / result in) 4. Global warming causes sea levels to . (raise / tise) 5. Tourism contributes to growth. (economy / economics / economic / economical) 6. People can find easily“and quickly on the Internet. (information / informations ) FAB PAR ART SH, suggestion advice equipment tool potential skill plan behaviour information message traffic congestion traffic jam Fp ERI 11 Ze PEC He RAY TA AR AT “RE”, WRI FHA 7 URW, ALR IELTS 5 fee FF, YE SP ES He Ct AR ATK SURE 1, EHR PARCARER, WORE A HMEES, WEI (verb-ing) BA; 2, WBE : WAHRANCAMERSVETSANSEN—M, KER ELON RA HR, URMBRRDOWR (be + TAS), WRIA HA M-ed (RARE K RRR ARAL Pat FRA —A GBIF, 1124 basic errors Z 4 Hl FF A Wy te XE REE, “RBS” METKRBRRH AEM). A, HERA: D spend tA E41 AL spent (FE spended X ); @ send HAA fits HAMA sent (FZ sended X ); 3,, RBM : S—DRM they (AHURA AAR, EAA them, 4-H AH AY REN, EKA HS WAWA (verb-ing); 4, RBAREOE - SHLVEARS, SHVAMNHAEAM I (—RLVRMdy NVA), Fie ANS aL ALI, URL A He Bt TAL IRA ty ee ay oot HY a fT 5, Sia EAMERSOPABER TAY, ED IC A PAE: pay attention to, suffer from, reason for 4 contribute to #, 2£ Zi2{E: 7 think # that 2 [| —e RE BH LILS about; achieve (32), create (fi):), enjoy, replace (K#) ROME AW BERD Ha, LCN Arle Hy RBZ NA; 6, HSWE ; Wid 3k 4 NE BI TF fe RRA SBE; that / because / while / such as. iff SBMEXWAF TRU, HFRRKAM, FEAPAMESARSPES MR HKAT, TERMS HRS 7, APSRORE REGRAMEA CHECRHERE AHH, MRR RA A (ik, BU, RAMEY, WEABAT (1) HULA FF ROHR (EF RAR), FRA ASO rE MEHR, 1. Allow employees to work from home can help employers to reduce coste. 2. Electric cars can use energy more efficient: than traditional care, » . Some comparies have plans to replace for their human workers with robota. = . They think about that smoking should be banned in public places. w . Because many parents do not epend enough time with their children. 2 . The results of space research has increased our knowledge about our own planet. There are many websites that helps children with maths: = . Many private companies do not understand ite|responsbilties for protecting the environment. 9. Parents should encourage thei children exercieing regularly 10. They believe that, large cities can provide a higher standard of living. (AF FI HE ARO A SEAT, TARE AS oF) RAR (2) TPR AN TAF ASR CAIN ak — BR), SAB fa TE 1. Punish priconere may make their behaviours woree. 2. The number of cars are increasing in large cities. 3. Some people argued that the government ehould give financial cupport to artists. 4. The main reason of this view is that men and women should have equal opportunities. a . People who waks regular are healthier. 6. Many children are look after by their grandparents because, their parents have busy careers. 7. Some people thirk about that schools should encourage studente to use public ‘transport. 8. Good z008 encourage its visitors respecting wild animals, 9. These programmes can increase job opportunities for young people and help them to achieve for their potentialo. 10. Governments should taking measures to improve health education. MESS) TES HE SP TAA TE TEA 1. Advertising encourages people (to buy./ buying) products that they do not really need. 2 (Have / Having) a clear career path (4b fy 2 RE Ir Tal) can help to increase job satisfaction. 3. Tourists contribute tothe local economy by (spend / spending) money on food, transport, accommodation and entertainment 4, Globalisation may (weakening / weaken / weakened) national culture and traditions. (weaken; shir), #183) 5. These skills can help young people when they (enter / entered) the job market. 6. Historic buildings that (attract / attracts) many tourists should be protected and improved. (attract: ™%4|) 7. The benefits of environmental protection (is / are) sometimes difficult to measure. 8. This system can help to make public transport more (efficiently / efficient) 9. Children should be encouraged not to pay too much attention (to / on) toy advertising. agi Day3 KAS SE BRARMSAISR 1. i49% benefit from “ bemefit Jer TAl BLA PRES HE HH) EB UAE [ S5#A GID) This financial support will benefit low-income families. 2. EHF lack, lack “4ahinl 5 MARE of, TH lack 4 inlet eT ADLATAT of, 3. HEF result in, result in Sé “ S$", Tif result from Sle “ Fit PM, RAF ° [ 1 13 61D] Burning coal results in higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions. [S34 A GID) Many health problems can result from smoking. EAA: work long hours £3h2h #X EH — A BAM, HKG AI, VE IELTS 5 thf ORC ER SRE MRA. [ Guardian 518] People who work long hours are more likely (LT#E2------) to Jead unhealthy lifestyles. 4, BEE rise. tise AS ahi, HA TT. raise Wl Je 2! DARL, TERETE — TM AA IELYF. [BBC 8) 1] The cost of UK car insurance will rise soon, CHER MH, RAHA EAM, Ei rise) [ BBC Hf] 2) The government promised to raise people's standard of living. (FRM, RERGK BH, El raise) eyes 5. i&## economic. economy J& “23”, economics J “423%”, economic fz “5 Aw HK”, economical J“ HRASEEHS” . PMG; economic growth, Hf “zr HHH". 6. 34% information, {EH EYES H knowledge , information, equipment, advice, behaviour, potential &”\4+4 BAER AAS FGA ASR advice, equipment, potential, behaviour, information, traffic congestion TE HE (F312 HME ARAMA i, RBs, HEE EMM TAS a, [ @1 13 U€)] The equipment makes it easier to find the information that students need. RBA] (1) SR 1, SARA, Sie MCE, BTA allow SIAR T IFA “PAI”. AAIMBAA; Allowing-employees to work from home can help employers to reduce costs. Pat's Note: MBAR help sb. to do sth. HHA, tii help sb.do sth. HS AREREA fe LA), CAMEL ERRARE NY ARM WR, HLF Pa ARASH HEX EUSHS #5) help sb. do sth. 53, 4 (914) ~ (4113) HF FRX EDA help sb. to do sh. WHRAAES— (22RD HS help sb. do sth, TVs SHR K [ SHEITHYD] This contributes to job satisfaction ( 4 ith # FE) because they help each other to enjoy their working lives. ad RR: MS iMRI Ainley inl RUF ial , TEAS efficient (iG RRA) AMEE use energy EMT, ATE iil efficiently At %4JMMA; Electric cars can use energy more efficiently than traditional cars. eee 3. PARRA: replace AYRE —T RM aia, HFACEE ASSIA (their human workers ) ZARA ERA STAT 84) 22H; Some companies have plans to replace their human workers with robots. ER, IELTS f# KEMAH RAG HY Rishi RA, achieve (RMX EMH), create ( #]3), enjoy 4" prevent (FFE). 4. BARRA, 4 think Al that 31 FAY MA Z TANITA EHH BL about, A 4)MMHAH: They think that smoking should be banned in public places. (8113) #14]; Some people think that nowadays we have too many choices. 5. SARRA, Ae ial — Ae 2k fH PINE, RE HALT BREA because, MMAARAM, HARTER SH iki BEA a, UGK “AE HERA, BERET OT UIME, 1e RES AE TINY “MUR” PEEPS TTI TE SCA CEL BYE) (1) Jet because, JHE EEN Moe BRAT, aka (2) Hk PSSA th LEA, FER — 45 HY BE HE], HA: Many children feel lonely and unhappy because their parents do not spend enough time with them. Sk, DAA LRT — TMAH EA La, “Me” RT 6. SARA: ii hind i 2.52 Meu AE HA TE ed 9 Se, SE GEERT HOP RR, PEAK ATES EW (The results of space research) Hifi, of space research FUR M2(S ii fEFH, results AL MK EI EM ECIE NEF Aid, OFLA HANAN results —B., ARHIALALA , The results of space research have increased our knowledge about our own planet. HA, AHEREPHRENERHKEBVABA, One ofthe + RRA, EE BARELAR “CHE” UA, HARPKEBLOWETA one, HFAEEHARK 4a, eee 7. GARR, iA A BUSTER ABR Fi SF OOK Bie aE. a) GE AE that 31 SOY EI) YJ BH) websites, FLL that M43 if ii ah i) Re 1M BASLE St help, TARE AA “YL” JB helps, 4%&FIMBMA: There are many websites that help children with maths. 8. ARIA: HCA ial companies AAA, IU PAHH their, TAAL its, iki AY PUR TRAY HRT”. 288K; Many private companies do not understand their responsibilities for protecting the environment. 9. SRR: BEG WEES” , LATHE IC NH encourage sb.'to.do sth. fit) [EHC , ii ASAE encourage sb. doing sth. , AAIMAA: Parents should encourage their children to exercise regularly. 10. SARA; that AUC S| SH SA) a] TER PATA WO AL RY) FEAR AAT. PERRI HEE MAES RITE ACE UL, ARAN ARE Paw BEA: AIRE “WE BSE” HRA. AAIMABA: They believe that large cities can provide a higher standard of living. WH FEE that PE FAMAAZA SS @ such as KEN SGRRSS AG , WAXFRA: D because @ while WRABAS (2) SF 1. PRIEST. AAPA E TEE, RT“ ahd RUB ARE He EI” AI, (SA SNIAEGE punish SEI. BEA, AM AAE LAEATT M4 ial behaviour FAT SLR (4 ARH IESE ASIC SCE behaviour A] LAFASE RC, (EE TEAR SC BLA BR HEA) East Al (1) Punishing prisoners may make their behaviour worse. at #% (2) Punishment may make prisoners’ behaviour worse. (8112) 38 Gl]; Allowing children to make their own choices is likely to result in a 4 s a = ETA A a STAT society of individuals who only think about their own wishes, ( | ## # #4172 # A #7 allow ft £i%) TGBAOTE, QASIM AYE FAL the number, 7 AESETE SLAY ARE BEAL ALSF of cars, SLL, Ashi number HAF—HBL, (HALAL is. AAIMBA; The number of cars is increasing in large cities. (4113) 3832614); One of the choices that students make each day is how to spend their free time. (RMBHESBMLK, BEBWEF HME one, FZ choices L# students, ft WEA is, FF are) ALT “WTASIE”, Xshinl argue ANH Iw PtH, SU; RAR AEC EAA ERT APE 2 A), BAL ARH ESOL eH HH RAE, AWA EDIE AE RL, (3111) BAS. 5 SEEM RM: Mt reduced pollution when more people give up driving to work. (RAFLARMELHTAAPMBE WHR, WHLFRRHEA BEAARU, ARAREHRUTMT STS RUBBED CR See) AIHA; Some people atgue that the government should give financial support to artists. BLAST, reason Ji HS St ial ME for, MASE of. FIFE ANY SHAE RCA pay attention to, suffer from, contribute to, result in (#34) . (4110) 383¢ 14]: This may result in the child starting to bully others. (84; 938 ZATAL EMA staring, 7 HL HRY start?) A)HELA: The main reason for this view is that men and women should have equal opportunities. Le IE A) FL walk EAT people 8k, HE “MLS”, ATE AAR, Weta i walk PRAIA regularly, mR AE AVE 2A) regular, GNA A AMIN, ROMER IME” 7 tae ee 2 © [ BBC 16) People who read regularly are more likely to feel happy. 4] MBA; People who walk regularly are healthier. FG, BOW TIPRANOTR, JLB “BEIT”, RATATAT BeBhIA ASMA ed, TAL, i&/MAlPEB ESIC TE because / that / while / such as JARI 7A AER RIES YE 413) Gi]: Some people believe that (that i Hi 7 fi 5 22) some subjects are more important than others. %®4JMBMA: Many children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents have busy careers. SRT, Sis AVIR, 4E think Al that ZIA|ASHEAT about, Pat's Note: » #RE, wanspot KAMA, LAME HH, HUERARBE, AKRAK £*4 (E public transport, + EF] *#(I] % %4 % fY public transportation 322 ABI, REEKE, RAMAARBEHA TUBS th MEX MB RARER -K. IMMA: Some people think that schools should encourage students to use public transport. BENE AAS HT BR: (1) ARSE REA il 200s HITE AS MT “its” visitors, J0i%28CHL their visitors AXt; (2) encourage sb. to do sth. \/ ALIE BHAI, Iiij encourage sb. doing sth. X WeHiR MRC, (4113) $14); Employees can complete their work more efficiently, IMMA; Good zoos encourage their visitors to respect wild animals. . achieve TELIA BE HD HEME in ah ia], BTLAZE achieve AE A932 18 Z lil A He AE St ia for, WA, #8 potential (97) AAMT, AEN s, IELTS 5 (EE ARE HE A Yahi BG BULB A create, replace #l prevent, E {MH ItlAF FAME: EMT MRIBZ AREA Sia, [ BBC HI] The school provides children with exciting learning opportunities that help them eae gae to achieve their potential. (4%; ii BBC (| 4) 284 help H(A RIE “BE” DR) ARFIALALA: These programmes can increase job opportunities for young people and help them to achieve their potential 10. HASSN ial a LUE ER SH Ia OE, Ae AR ial, IELTS fE3C SUH HRI ASBNIALA can, may, should, LSE RA LRH EMAL HEA G4 HOLL FRY could il would. (8112) JE3CU8); If we can reduce (i ELA A SAR Y, AHEM reducing, reduced %& “RH” HBX) the number of cars on the road, we can also reduce traffic jams and road delays. AS4)NAA: Governments should take measures to improve health education. A (i) LK H governments EXP VEX SRHA, RR “AMR, “SREY RH “BRB” HT, [Si ¥A BID) Governments should focus on prevention of crime rather than on Punishment of criminals. (ii) health education 2 (shit 3 CHS, RAE “AA. IELTS fEXHWEIES IFA BOR error-free, (ARF UE HE A LAF AED BIS AEB, CMTE AME, MAMET. RESIS 1. encourage sb. to do sth. JZiIEWIAUHSAC, encourage sb. doing sth. ALHHRAVEAL, TLL 2% to buy, 2. SVABUE ARRIETA, Maoh % ial Having (AWE, HUH KS). 3. Shi] by JT ANHERR SHIA UE , 10,3862 ia] spending , —7— = a 2 . HASSAN LAUR SNAIL , He weaken, 5. BEAR ERE SSAA OL, SCARE FALE BER AEE, OF HE If enter, X BMRA ARL AIM entered REL AGMA “RIAA” Sa) BE that | SHYT WA EB hi — SC He (buildings), PRLAREIA MAI ALIN iF ahie gMTTAAM buildings HERB, ABA “B=” Fs, He attract BMT. . Aaj HL EGA EF Mie] EE benefits, iii of environmental protection J&3CJE benefits HY #h FE PAGS, FLIGHT aia] AAI benefits —Be, He are AKL, [Daily Mail G6} The benefits of exercise are not limited to health. GAGE T make + S818 + IBA IAMTEAMAN, PTL BORAGE A efficiem, Ait Bilial efficiently, AfECREAT IE Ht. [ 254A BD] These tools have the potential to make health, care more efficient. pay attention to + 187A LIEWRIMFAL. age Day4 f€ ok $e se VARA, HRP EGNHEMS (AREER H), CR ATHA (#UMEEAH) HRABS (SBME EBA), Bo PINEAU ERA REE, PRBS A GPE fh ASE TEM IF BAMA, REE KM F Introduction HA iy BRA: Keep the introduction short and clear. MF RMB, Pat M298 Ui LIA li introduction 53, ER FELAPRESHLH- HARM, SHU A, English essays # introduction 3A HBR, BMRA T PAE XK, G 1» agree or disagree (FIFE) WE RAITAB SERS, AEG LA BEA HLBEIHIE Some people think that ...i # 4 I tend to disagree with this view. ($¢38 HY xt) WRRAEAREMRMA HERE RHA RE, LTV RE RMA AT fy ASAE: I partly agree with this view. ( 4% 8 44h [el Rak — LAR) ERXE, APM RRRARSRRMBATU AK, 25 RB RH Introduction KALE “HRHA”, RABE, PEER A AAR ], FAY English essays AWRLELA ARES HEAR MELLEL, R + ERE W ft A 4 dat K XB 4H AE body paragraphs "4 {F “main body paragraphs” , FHE—LHY agree or disagree WF ARS K (OSH A ass 0 EY CRAG) SR AER A — AS (352 4+) HW Although I agree that ..., I believe that ... XJiG HRW (KA CIFRES PELL SLAW, (ASEAN PT LS). DT LOSS 1 AS BE AR A AOL EA ATE MOPE, NLA 2 PRS LA ip 8 OY TARAS MRS mT AT, AAT 1 A Pe SE HH th HY LFA] While T agree that ..., I believe that ... BPRS, — 2 — | RAFLRN DEEL MASEL, CEMBRETEARE RHE | a) WEEN RELA, WERK RE | |B” A, Ab META ok, SRI a — AN LA AR | | # f SRHEHY agree or disagree BFARS ik (Lie SHRIEK oh aT 0 HF) BL) SPATE OR MITT SPE, (92H) FAL agree that ... iF ARV A EA OTA TE Es (583 4) JH However, I believe that ... 48th fis 4 Ch Uy Bet A AS ULAR em TA Fill. es) KAFLRAT APRON RRAR ROH, REMBRARR Gam), KLE LNARAHRT AAAS } BES agree/or disagree Dif KH RAH HRA GH RH 3] “Others thinkthat ...", 2AM RAMEX “HR” SRT D&GAER. EA POE MMT, agree or disagree AMSMERA-HWMA, SHH BasHRKALHTRARAWAR, HM “Others” ZSFBR, EMFM RA fe XE BAKE tt _“ Others think that ‘SE BZ) (Practice does NOT make perfect, but it does give you confidence and help you improve. ) TALL ~2 SPP 3 GERHART BP ALIAS, OER AHLALHG— TAR AMUA REM Ra, RFR A”). AL 1 ~2 Spb Hh GAO FS, PRY P. 28 AYA: (1) The subjects that children are taught in schools are decided by the government. Some people argue that teachers should be responsible for this task. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? errs (2) The consumption of junk food damages health. Better health education is the only solution to this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2>DaG (MnL) VERNAL MABMUG AR: “HUAHTIE” (Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ) ft) HL — EAA ARLE. WRAPS OAT IS, RARELY SUBTEST “TATE” SCH — HSDPA ETE A BERRA T A ASE, RATER E NEM “D&G” WCET LAA A BE AMA, MEE SE BEA MPRA MTEL, ARR EAC MEM NB, RAS VTE Discuss both views and give your own opinion. AVHEMBOR (MALS AE HED & G BUSCA FES BE MEER A FC AaB tt ET PAH SE AY) MBATH D & GRFLRSK (GES RK wh — A 05 FF) CR) WR LAT AP, BL SHE A GEE a eR AY (AEG Keep it short and direct. (IF BES (EGER). MRAM MT IFA ATER, ABZ AAT DL TE GREAT, (2 4) FA Some people'think that ..., while others believe that ... F@i8/01 5 "2 4 ii AYPTAUU. HERE: BOG PTI SAE HE while HTT, TAN AE AE while Ja (fA WIC, AER “ike” think, believe, argue LAShAY MEI, Ail, I—HAH TB BHEAMER) « DRETKANAAAK, MAEERRERH RF EE ES Some people | ASAE (FAIA reasons) HELHRY 7A, | think Others believe .. T, BAVA “wR” 2H, LANE ARERR | B £0) D & G BFARSK ESRI Kaas 05 FF) BAB) SRAM — HS A ; (352 4) Jil People have different views about ... #£#78K 3 BEG A WiC. —2-— SWEAR IE ASHE, MEL EET MES BEA SPA LIN Fp BEG AY UT A — READ, RAE Ae SE Re Be aT A TAL RAZERAEAALRSHARASAM AE, HU, WRETHARRAS 2, MAESARRER TMA (4 —KiNFX) F Some people think that ... ( A—RA KX) FS Others, however, think that... #URACWASAS HEM =e a (2h) PRAIRRAM A, iS SHEN D & GHFLBS KE (Bie SRE AR ald a4 FP) CL) RES AR US HET (323) FA Although I agree that ..., I believe that... AHAB WA. A—Ta RE SEASACAAMAMIDAULS, RES OS CE Bi AOL BOT, Hae BEICE While I agree that ..., I believe that ... ff) a) HU Jz MRE AY SHAE. Zt F 5b BBl Some people ## Others 7, iif 2% —4+= KIA On the one hand, ve» EA —-AEMRH AS On the other hand, #FASHENAPEABRAX | A ' ‘SE Be} (Practice does NOT make perfect, but it does give you confidence and help you improve. ) AF ~2 HESS 3, PRGA ~2 SPS AFB, BRET P.30 AAS: (1) Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others, however, believe that children should be taught to cooperate. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (2) Some people think that museums should be places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. —23— (3) Some people think that the government should give financial support to artists such as painters, sculptors and musicians. Others, however, believe that artists should be funded by other sources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (4) Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion, 3 » advantages and disadvantages ( LeStFISt) BA AVTESL BL BUSA. 1h 9) BF HE HEY He BE AME (advantages & disadvantages Bk # benefits & drawbacks) WAU RAL HRC AMS ZARA TSE ACW, HXTT EAS RG, MAELO MM, HARA EARN A LAVA, PURE ABTT TT, KARTS FADD BEANS, ASCE ATT, A A AL AS eR ‘SL HE) (Practice does NOT make perfect, but-it)does give you confidence and help you improve. ) TAAL ~2 SCALES i. PRGA ~2 SoS TPS, FT P.31 HWE: (1) Some people argue that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? (2) In some countries, governments encourage businesses to move to areas outside big cities. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? 4 > report (SARE) WMA AB SABUG A: SHURE (report) MAAN SALT A ILA AEA WLS, (Late i — ARR, CORAM RR, GF report MUFF IEE XARIE ; — FE BETH Bl BUS BER ASE TL PA Ti (IGN, 74ST causes, PRAT solutions, FT LILA HE measures, 8 (1 (a BE og problems, #/3€ A904) effects %) , report (EX BM MI AY A Mi BE DR AE A A BER AAT AID THs TH BRE FEAT A WT BH DBO LATER IT causes (FARA) Al solutions (RAE) MAR Bl, FF KERES MAT C1 Bs) FA a Sa RCE Pe HR CUS), ERR RELIG, BMA Lal AER (R23) FANE, HAIER ETT HIoP OT, flan, There are several causes of this trend. There are several reasons for this trend .-. and... are responsible for this trend. This trend has several causes, but various measures could be taken to address the problem. (ANRC RES “PRP”, BZA but Jes AY EB Sti BUS 2 A EMELINE ES EY AB BAY, IELTS SERA “VK”, BMH — BOR IE, BABII arrange ideas logically) SR aE BEE A SEAR BE EASE TCE ERBSP (the real content) . Bibs 'Keep it short and clear.” AFAR (FERKRERA SHORE, PLRAMPKRACALR “RRNA, K SHBRAAT FORE: UE. RAG. AMS BRERREEXWRE THD, PHTERSA “BE RE", HHREXA RAM ARGH (1-24) MEADE SAREE, AREXHEWEBE, eh age i) SRRARAS GRU FA 5 FER Th HG PS A (RIANA / D&G BL / EEREA YER) / Report HB), Ha tAXt P. 32 AER: (A) Ii conclusion, there are various reasons for overpopulation, but measures could certainly be taken to tackle this problem (2) In my opinion, focusing on sporte facilities would not be the best way to im- prove public health. People should be encouraged to lead a healthier lifestyle in general, (3) In conclusion, | agree that e-books are cheaper and more convenient. However, | believe that paper books will still be an Important cource of information. (4) Overall, it seems to me that the benefits of nuclear eneFgy\ outweigh the drawbacks. SUSHI TS Hi SOMEISE SURI SRE? MARS NRE A BX IB PAE XA IK (an ESL writing test), IELTS 4630 HES CEH, SAAR, AAS, RORGMT REE KERR, A REAR, BLS BH Ed Cambridge ESOL # (a9 3 AEG, | Cambridge English Language Assessment #248) HX 6.5 5} Report HSE BUTI AF 21 PE BEY 6. 5 ARETE, TE Day 8 BARRERA 7 SE ASE A, PYRAEAELLB 3 MADE DD RY Report FE: 1. RAFAMSEERAFAR, ERRRZSERI 2 AMET EXHERRERHADLEA (reasons) MADLANREKEA (supporting sentences) 4%! £9 2 3. WARE He ak EE an” — TR, AR HES BR? = 6 = {EH The average weight of people today is rising and their levels of health and fitness are declining. What are the causes of these problems? What measures should be taken to solve them? SRAHFHRELLA, WMAP AET HR. KARE RAR BRT? TARR BE RAAT In come countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. | think that the main causes of the problem are the unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Many people are busy and rely on unhealthy fast food. They often choose a fast food restaurant meal rather than a home-cooked meal. Burgers and pizzas tasted better than a home-cooked meal. But the calories in fast food meals are very unhealthy. Eating too much of them can lead to weight gain and diabeties. Another cause ie that people are getting more lazy. They want convenience in everything that, they do. They drive to work every day rather than cycle or wak. When they come home from work, they have microwaved dinner 60 they do not have to prepare a meal. The most important solution is to have a healthy diet. For example, people can eat lees meat and drink plenty of water rather than drirks that have too much sugar. Another solution is to have a more active lifestyle. The recommended exercise for a day is at least 30 minutes of walking. This can be eaelly achieved if people do not drive to work. When they come home from work, they can play with their children or take their dog for a walk. People can spend time with their family to take a wak outdoors to enjoy the sceneries. This is healthy living for the body. People are less likely to fall sick if they do plenty of exercise. —7— Day4 Hh] Se FILRSASR (LPR ARS Bh OD AF HS TT, AEA FIP KBE Keep the introduction short and clear. AYR, Wi ELH iat CIE AES A A CASAC, ARR S SHA CARA AROMA, BBA AeA) introduction BIL AS HIN FIFE I Be) 1, agree or disagree (MAMA) PEBHFARAISR CL) © RAG THLE AGL DEER, ARCS, Ae SAM, Pade AXA AAI TT The cubjecte that children study in schools are decided by the government. Some people thirk that they should be decided by teachers. | tend to agree with this view. (RB RH) AUER BWSR, HALAL LAG MR: I tend to disagree with this view. (#258 45221) / I partly agree with this view. (iM AIA) AS, HABSE FARIA Ws), AGEECE BROCE EMM, BITE A ORK A A aDey Age RNRL: BACXHALAHRARH “RAE SK", RERAS : | = 2H La, MeN AE TH, RHERBREXABAME. WRE RALBAPFARERZAK, MARE EGHS2 HERS 3 TEA RMSH AE TL: The subject that children study in schools are decided by the government, | tend to agree that they should be decided by teachers. | CER: agree 4 disagree HAE that /\47 HEA 2 with) ' The subjects that children study in schools are decided by the government. || would argue that they should be decided by teachers. FBLA E EMER TAL short and clear HA AME ATH, SHA ARWH RRERELH, SHV KAT KK (introduction) ZZRAW EA, FBR. “REAR”. ‘ > PENT LAS, The subjects that children study in schools are decided by the government. Although | agree that teachers underetand children’s needs better, | believe that ‘the government should continue to decide what is taught in schools. © BON TTRLES The subjects that children study in schools are décided by the government. | agree that teachers understand children’s needs better. However, | believe that the government should continue to decide what is taught in schools. (2) Ri IAW Some people think ... (47 1/3 LAKAAAB MS ES FLEAS MLR, “BAAR” RE OEMY ) . ARITA EEA agree or disagree WAHL HA BG, GAPRRAESAA-AUA, PUMRRERGE “AAA” HET. FREE RNSRAHLE A BS HERERO, RALERAS “Some people think” iE. > RATHER S IE: Eating junk food damages health. Some people thirk that better health education is ‘the only way to solve this problem. | disagree with this view. © He -HNB: Eating jurk food damages health. While | agree that better health education helps to reduce the damage, | believe that solving this problem needs more than health education. + PERM EE: Eating junk food damages health. | agree that better health education helps to reduce the damage. However, | algo believe that solving this problem needs more than health education. — 29 — 2,0&G (Mutt) DERHFABAISR QQ) © Pi PATHALES Some people argue that children should be encouraged to compete for success, while others believe that children ehould be taught to share and work together. © PMN KESE: People have different views about whether children should be taught to compete or to cooperate. © BOM LES, While | agree that children chould be encouraged to compete for success, | believe that: they should also be taught to share and work together. (2) © (AD THHKEB There are many museums in my country. Some pede think that the purpose of museums is to provide entertainment, while others argue that museums should educate visitors. o HENLE SE: There are many muséime in my country. People have different views about their purposes > RRNA ASE: There are many museums in my country. Although | agree that museums should provide entertainment, | believe that they should also educate visitors. (3) © BATHE, Some people think that the government should provide artiste with financial support, while others argue that the funding for art projecte should come from other sources. © PMRW LBS: People have different views about the funding of artiste. — 30 — © ROEM LBS: Although | agree that the government should provide artiste with financial support, | believe that the funding for art projecte ehould also come from other sources. (4) © BATH AKEBIE: Some people believe that today we depend on each other more than people did in the past, while others thirk that we are more independent: these days. © PMA LAS: People have different views about whether we are more or less independent today. Pat's Note: .” SWH3HAEARAMABTNA CHEETA, BBSRHBRZREME Eq MPRALRRERN (—FUAMILRERMERM, F-HRAAN RS &EBL), RSRAEM LAM, HA Although I agree that ..., I believe that ...2< ARSPRABEK—-NE, HURROAR ERAN MA TAVASPH-H, SM REAWRRT. 3., advantages-and disadvantages (StH) BSMHFLRSASR (1) Some people think that children should start studying a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. | believe that the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages. (2) In come countries, businesses are encouraged by governments to move out of large cities. | believe that the drawbacks of this trend outweigh the benefits. Pat's Note: » #£3b XZ, the government fy 4 2 governments (FH XA) RAH “STK FE A UE BR at SIE” [ S5#XA PID] Taxing cars is one of the most efficient ways for governments to raise money. af BREBAGRISR 38 Report WF o Jf D & G WMA AMAR ACA SR AMAA WSE, Ke D & G AAMT BH T ACS S SEA RAS eo ad J(3f4 Cambridge English Language Assessment Ti Ji 6.5 S+FESCAPHT In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. (#RREG#MAS TRA, FLERE (7&3 04418) 1 think that the main causes of the problem are the unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. (RHE ZAAHRH, REM, RARRSLRAMIEF KS HE, HM, HAS ABRAM, English essays 5 XE LTH TRMERZARIN, REE KF A BY AREAL short'and clear, FF 3k Hk Bl At, OMRE SRT) Many people are busy and rely on unhealthy fast food. (4#Q1; ae A(R F748 EH HAR). They offén choose a fast food restaurant meal rather than a home-cooked meal. Buitgers and pizzas tasted better than a home-cooked meal. (taste HRA, AR TT RA WRAY EB eat ARASH MARAR, BARLALE AMAR” WAAR). But the calories in fast food meals are very unhealthy. Eating too much of them can lead to weight gain and diabeties (RRMA AMER “ALM aT HR” BATT F, BURP, APRRARENMERAR, WERASERLLRRA | diabetes #48 7, (25% 822i oh ey). Another cause is that people are getting more lazy. (436K 2: ASV EWE). They want convenience in everything that they do. They drive to work every day rather than cycle or walk. When they come home from work, they have microwaved dinner so they do not have to prepare ameal. (A{] FHARE HT FRRAARP ARK, HRW RADERD FeO BRIM, He dw Pat HRP microwaved food, 12.6.5 EX MIEBZR RAW, A, REE RE) porate re _ The most important solution is to develop a healthy diet. (4 4) 3k © Bay Mk Ask EAR EMEA) For example, people can eat less meat and drink plenty of water rather than drinks that have too much sugar (ZFLHA, Sl; Tew, & GA, ALG SHA BH). Another solution is to have a more active lifestyle (3 — + fH hk BRS EH WY SHR). The recommended exercise for a day is at least 30 minutes of walking. This can be easily achieved if | people do not drive to work, When they come home from work, they can play with their children or take their dog for a walk. (RIXHA, RASBALL RA RR) People can spend time with their family to take a walk outdoors to enjoy the sceneries. (native speakers #% (Hl M2 Hy 5 AH 4 Hl scenery HA RH ARI (21 T LAH, FART sceneries) This is healthy living for the body: People are less likely to fall sick if they do plenty of exercise. Bit: RAG AH NREHS", Pe AMHTL RAE RREAHET short and clear HER, MHESHRASA ODA RHHERDSS PERS HT RAR DBR A — MR abe oR, | AERA RASTER, RAREST E Ht 6.5 HE HREER,. —33— PLAT ML MRE 08 Day5 fF ok WET MPG, HRA MAMMA, AME ews CRE), FE FAD 25 0S A A A BE HO, TERE: DOR EOHIR RARER “Oi”, WARES ITI “Kode”, BBA APRESS HEI , Hi YUE RE RAI ATR. 1 Some people think that students should focus on a few subjects, while others believe that students should study a wide range of subjects. Discuss:both these views and give your own opinion. 2 Some people think that the media should stop reporting on the details of crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? DayS HIYA SB DRBISR FE% ideas MEUM: AER “PRA” Bee THN”, HAW SIM, AeRSTPAENY ideas Bt JE good ideas for IELTS essays 1 EPRBRST SIS ASAE A) BR BEI Fb A EAE BBP, Tat A RAED BANS KEM ARR SHC (a) * Core subjects (#0: iR 4) can help students to develop important skills. — tafe ‘ Focusing on these subjects helps them to learn more efficiently. — RK 2. 84, AEE DAWEH help HARA SRE" BAP sassy 7anane (b) © Studying a wide range of subjects can help students to broaden (ffi) their knowledge and skills. — the [ BBC #9] Primary schools should encourage children to try new things and broaden their knowledge and skills. (ZERE: knowledge 4.1] %) * Students who have a good understanding of a wide range of subjects can find jobs more easily after graduation. — * Art subjects, such as painting and photography, can develop students’ interest in art. — Ste & a SE PABE AP SS MAARSEL TU TRAV Y AU h Ph, LAGRIMAS, PAR SG AT (a) # They may violate the victims’ privacy (#1 fl 2 #8 18-44 HRA). — BAI & Some of the reports are false or misleading (Ai #& % HE i) — HE © Most of the reports focus on the\'details of violent crime. They are likely to increase people's fear of crime: — DEBE AAA (i) are likelyto..) REREXEW—SHAAD, HER EH ew Ee oR FRERER: RATES [ Guardian 3) ] These children are likely to have behaviour problems at school, (ii) increase people's fear of crime J JU P28 BAI —PSE TALE, EUEAE. Jet AAT ALE A [ BBC 4 ] Broken windows make people feel unsafe (# % 4 fi) and increase their fear of crime. (b) © These reports give people detailed information about crime, which may help them to protect themselves and their communities ( # & ) — Be * These reports can attract (%3]) more viewers, listeners or readers. This means more profit for media companies. Us Htggioe Day6 ff dh S EREEXE, SHIH (HH reasons) (2 Hoy RIF X44 (supporting sentences) ARAMA ERIE HE AY “TSE” (real coment) HA, LALAARE RK A, EFFRMK: PREASA HMMM ESRERAEXEH-DBOT, ® LPREARAWRERTRH A S REG XEWRARHARRARER, Fit, HRA WREFE RA", WEMAREMDAEORARRT, BKWR, RAS HORARAAR-RRE BRA 6 SS, BFE DRE AE ATK ATH Hy BARE use a range of cohesive'devices appropriately (ti 428 RASAMEFR), HU, SRRCKHRARAPANTERKMERA, RS PEAR HL AUBERT, % RILAANEAR H HAMIL They, their, It, This, these (7HZH, Kile MHSRWRA ERECT), RAXH AA ADR SH Mw KRIS them, their, they, this , these ( (8/8 2 Hi #L we, us) . SIELTS FXWRILR RANE RA AAS, TA RAB (BR, Biel, GR, US. HL) AACA, ME, RRA ARK RER, AMBER LILA native speakers £5 HARI MANA EH, (i) SARRMAER, EMMA AT LARLRBBR A, RHAH AMAR WAST (KFBERME, RPRRI~-3 PAB): Asaresult, (#4), Therefore, (Hifi), For example, / For instance, (Ali), By contrast, (4A ARMA At HAE) (i) FASRMHER, CA-+AFERAASAAZMRLAABAR. RF AA AER LAS T (RERR2-3 FRG, ESHEARERRATA RR): 7 because (HH), such as (thar), if (49), although (BH, #FIEH), while (31H) SOR RHA WW 4 He BT eR RH AY HK, fle: consumers, tourists, children who... , many parents, young people, governments, advertisements, an active lifestyle JRE SEY AS BETA] (PCIE SA 1 ~2 BREDAT) {6 AM0%E1B Al; people / children / students / parents / employees who... {SiR NZ IBAM4 ; activities / buildings / advertisements / that ... {StH ADA0RIS MA): 4, which means that ... / 4:4], which can help them to ... (PRM 3 MAMIE BRM, HRA Day 2 BY fe AL) SRE SE YA Se USA) (She ~ 2 ARELTT) ii that S1SHAYSEiA HMA, fH 01, “This means that ... Hh what 3] SFAYS8i8 Ma], Bila: copy what they see on television Hi how S|SRSFi8 SM) CHERT>—se) , fA: choose how they work i RARSAOAR TUES HARRARAHAD, RESHRTKEAER A (MSH-SUEWER HH) RUT, RHE “kee” EA Dib KH RIAA ATHY, native speakers 4 203k MAN MRE RAB: (1) Why is this true? (4 ft & Lak HP) 5 (2) What does this mean? (2 TW AEBS ERAT RAMAN NER?) H English essays 25 RIK A MAE PABSRANARER—1, = 3g = AAPA i CA FE, CENT AZ ER ARO, AEA eR. (ARI P. 61) EBAARS 1. Many students study abroad to improve their foreign language skills. This experience also makes _ more independent 2. Long-distance food can damage the local economy. also takes away jobs from local farmers. 3. Young people can be easily influenced by violence in the media. are likely to copy the violence that they see on television or on the Internet. TAA are likely to... EHHHRAEAH AME, REE. RATKS 4, The number of cars on the roads is increasing leads to more traffic noise and air pollution. 5. Fast food increases the'tisk of heart disease and high blood pressure. problems can lead to high medical costs. 6. At school, children learn and play with others. This helps to improve social skills. 7. Many products are cheaper in online shops than in traditional shops. means that more people can afford them. 8. Many immigrants are well-educated and well-trained have skills that are needed by local employers. HMA that, who, which “YP eePE Ai) —TLA FE NE, (ESRI P. 61) ealaots 1. Parents have busy careers often find it difficult to spend enough time with their children. 2. Activities can help children to build their self-confidence should be encouraged 3. Many people today work from home, helps them to achieve a good work-family balance. 4. The cost of using public transport should be reduced to a level most people can afford SHEE iA BREF TR ATS PTL AO ERTL i LF TR AT AB AR EE, LIL F. UNTER: AGE ABNER HARA ABA cia], (BRM P62) 1. Many jobs today require university degrees. , university graduates tend to have more job opportunities, than-people who do not have university degrees. 2. Television can, have ‘negative effects on children’s beheviour. » many children copy the violent behaviour that they see in television series. 3. Governments should give financial support to artists, _ painters, musicians and dancers. 4 e-books are cheaper and take up less space, many people still prefer to read printed books. 5. Public transport is more efficient than private transport. more people use public transport, there will be less traffic on the road. WA VHA efficient Z “FRR” = 40 — BESS TEAR FTES RFF SHS A 5p SDT DAE 3 ATH F-BE (cohesive devices) , If ALAA REM ERTIT ARMS AL, (ASSL P63) © 1 S¥#8AR: Young people who take a year off to travel or work may never return to their studies. may 7% “3H” ‘EM RFRA); They may think that it is better to continue in a job or to do things that are different from a university course ° v SPA: An advantage of going to school at an early age is that children develop faster socially. CHR XIA: They learn how to make friends with other children of a similar age. This is often not possible at home because their brothers or sisters are older or younger © 3. S38: Human activity is the main cause of global warming. ‘COREA S444). For example, the number of cars on the road has been rising each year. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions from cars have been increasing, which contributes to global warming 4 Ft, Children need to develop their social skills. ‘EMRAXHA: Group activities, such as team sports and playing games with other children, can help them to do this. © 8 $}#AR: Car companies should help people to better understand electric cars. ‘Eh RIX: More people will buy electric cars if they know that electric cars can help them to save money in the long term eae ° ° ° ° 10 SK: People today are less active than they used to be. ‘EM RIFXHA;, Many adults relax by watching television or browsing the Internet, while children play video games instead of playing outdoor sports (14 £ Al surf the Internet K# TEA, 33 browse the Internet 4 3 i % XELMHELAA-ARLE RK 4}1€8; International pop songs are products that are marketed and sold for profit. ‘MRAXHA: By contrast, traditional music expresses the culture and history of a nation. It is an important part of a nation’s heritage heritage 2 “XbA” HEE ae, actors or singers. Some advertising companies produce advertisements with famous ‘EMIRIFSIA, Many people-buy goods that their favourite actors or singers advertise, although they, do-not really need the products SA: Some children are spoilt ( #35) and allowed to have whatever they want. CMRF XIHA; This means that they grow up without any understanding of where their standard of living comes from. Sti¢&: Government funding for public art projects should be continued. ‘ENUFF #4), Without this funding, cities and towns would become less interesting and attractive. ap RARSOISIERD (A) Seif —FE Cambridge English Language Assessment $2(th9% 8 9 SUX WRT EAS IN SHEA (reason) : ‘The amount of waste produced is a result of our habit of using something once and throwing it away. ASS ES Bi IF LAF] ( supporting sentences) ; We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag has used up valuable resources and energy to produce. We also forget that It is a source of waste and pollution. HERA Cambridge English Language Assessment $2809 7. 5 4} 45 18 XLII AY RARPAREAR A: SPIER (reason) ; Playing sports.helps Children to improve their health 7.5 DARE E 5 BS HEF HFA] (supporting sentences) : Children today relax by playing online games or watching television. Many of them spend three or more hours every day in front of a computer or televicion ecreen. This increases their risk of being overweight and may lead to other heatth problems. Playing sports, cuch ae football and badminton, can help them to develop a healthy lifestyle. GRID ANAEMIC: BES, WEE IAL “SE” (MER, BUR MAR GN, PRESSE AO BLUR T TG ALE REE TA FEIT (common sense) —43— SE, ABP, Sth FL 2E SPIE AMY supporting sentences, iff He BR, UMM HCAS 1 RFE). ER, ERPS, Students should be encouraged to take part in group discussions. ER, HARA they / their +E -TRHA, » Robots are programmed machines. GA they C5 —HALHA, o Multinational companies can create jobs in developing countries: WEA they ES —H RHA, multinational companies & “#121” # [BBC $8] Many multinational companies, such as Starbucks and McDonald’s, want this brand on their products. ES Television can help children to develop their language skills. ER: HRA who EHR EA ATES -ARHA. a . Violent crimé/is @ main subject of many news programmes. ER: WARM This tes —AXHA, 2 Technology can help food producers to reduce costs. ER: RA Asa result, te S—AXHA, Most people have not benefited from space travel programmes. ER: WM therefore US —ARHA, 8. Governments should give financial support to research on renewable energy. ER: HA ouch as PES RHA, A238 renewable energy “THA” WES, He AMIR age 9. The Internet can help businesses to reduce costs. SER; iE JA For example, / For instance, #125 —J RHA), 10. The Internet reduces face-to-face interaction. #3 #48 Fi For example, / For instance, #13 —] X44). 44 interaction Z “Ri, EH” [ BBC HI%)] These websites provide children with new ways to interact with their friends. 11, Museums should provide visitors with an interesting and enjoyable experience. ER: HEM fT ES-ARHA, 12. Governments should pay artists to create art for public places. 2K. iA Without ..., ... would... (@RRA~ AES -ARHA, o Bx ee) AIRRAT 13. Many people rely, too much on their cars. BX, if rather than SHES —ARHA, HiBrely on Z “ARH” 14, When high school students do volunteer work, they need to work with different kinds of people. ER: iA This means that... #4 ES -—ARAA. 15. An ageing population means that more people will retire and receive state pensions, ZR, HRM In other words, ES —ARHA, #RE, state pensions £4 wy HA RAM RAS eae eee RARBAS ER (A) WER AAR BEDE Bt AR as ES SR EL Bl eR, EL UF fa DRI 3 th — a Se PEATE DPE AEA TS TEL, ELBE SE I IE SCS a] I BL SE NE ORS HH, BAW, ARAM SHE AA support MEA, RAT, WALA Why? What does this mean? , #42 4H ah MIF Sc 47 09S ERLE) 1, They can share ideas and opinions with their classmates through these discussions. RA RA RH AREA T Why is this true? (AA TWH?) LR #118 share ideas and opinions HRB “AERA R IL” 2. They can work efficiently for many hours without becoming bored or tired, #34 KT What does this mean? (2 FRET WH ESA RMR aE 2) LE 4818 work efficiently EG “BA He T fe” RE RLR I, M4 HAMS; By contrast, human workers become bored and tired easily if they keep doing thé same tasks. 3. HAMAD Why? TS They need employees with local knowledge and language skills. (Rik ARE IF, HB ABTS ; This means that local people can find a variety of jobs at these companies. a variety of... SARAEBEY +--+) 4. Children who often watch television have a larger vocabulary because they can leam from conversations on television. 5. This increases people’s fear of crime. ( {0RiRAMMRSENEIF, IBZAIRMTLAG, They worry about their own safety and the safety of their family members. ) AGB fear of crime £24 “ALTER” 6. As a result, consumers can buy food at lower prices. sir zai 7. Therefore, the money that is spent on these programmes should be spent on improving public services instead, such as education and health care. (1) 7a spend HHEAWUAMAMA spent, KF £RA spended X eH HA (2) Aisuch as kHHF—-EESMRLARBHBA, FHBMAA [ BBC I} More students take science subjects, such as maths and physics, which will be helpful for their university applications. 8. This support can help scientists to develop better ways to use renewable energy, such as solar energy and wind energy. (solar energy SEACHfE, wind energy J&JAUfté) such as #7 BEA E 9. For example, / For instance, business partners in different places can reduce travel costs by having online meetings to discuss their plans or problems. 10. For example, / For instance, many young people spend more time interacting with their friends on Facebook than with their family and friends in the real world. ( 10 R25 #44 BR FF, 4H ADU; Also, distance education courses that are taught online reduce students” face-to-face interaction with their teachers and classmates. ) interact with ..2 “GRARHEH” ARS [ SH2XAID] Social media are changing how we interact with people. 11. Visitors are likely to become bored if they can only read or listen to educational information in museums. BH: If visitors can only read or listen to educational information in museums, they are likely to become bored. cages 12. 13, 14. 15. (i) boring 2% (44) iLAR MH, become bored MAK (A) BER [ Guardian 69 ] If they think about finding a job all the time, they will soon become bored. (ii) are likely to ...2 “RTS JRE may ET » WRRABAR THe BAR [ BBC HID] People who do not exercise regularly are more likely to ( # = # 2) suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure (iE) and obesity (JERE). [SFFABGID] Governments may contribute to the funds of intemational or- ganisations such as the United Nations. Without government funding for public art, our cities would become much less interesting and attractive. When they need to go somewhere, they always usé their cars rather than public transport. HRA E, HE public transport BAH a" ‘This means that they can‘improve their social skills and make more friends. HB social skis “RARER A” In other words (8815, “HAZ"), there will be fewer people who work and pay taxes, — 48 — —S oo wPRARER—KAE “RA” F supporting sentences, + TH 24 G5) TACAAL, Bk, BREA MUKA, RAR, RERAPZAMLA EMF MieiLLA (real content) #47) IELTS (FXG EMA, ZLAAG SAAR GMM (You are NOT judged on how good your ideas are. You are only judged on how well you communicate your ideas. ), *@AREHLRARH, REFLATAR RAGEAMELREHRTAT, BLRPAD, RETWASHUBRE TRA RHA NFR, RRARBESS RR AS FRI SAF yf GH US; (1) Why is this true? Patt AT EBL? ate (2) What does this mean? J&ASJE HT DF BEGG AY F7 SO A PK FIER? RATE MST. 1 (JHA) Studying abroad makes young people more independent. (independent “285708 J&—(P CREAR BES, OFLA RIE SH LAT LFA : What does this mean? S278 Ei WY VJ SEGRE 27 RAE PEK TITIE 2) CEM SHFA) Young people who study abroad live far away from their parents. They need to cook, clean their room and manage money on their own (SHie#i) Newspapers still attract many readers. (GHEE, WAR; Why?) CREA) Articles in newspapers are written by professional journalists. These articles have more details and are more reliable than news articles that we can find — 49 — on the Internet. © attract E277; 3], reliable 2H; TAAL, professional journalists“ Meh fl TH” . (Sr iG) Cooking and eating meals together can help to improve family relationships. (Why?) RIFE) When family members prepare meals together, they have the chance to help each other. When they share meals, they can also share ideas and opinions as a family. As a result, their relationships become stronger. (4ti€:4) Historic buildings are an important part of our heritage: “> heritage & 4 7] eA, TR AR 5 at cultural heritage (What does this mean? ) CREA) They show us how people lived inthe past and help us to better understand our history. Many of them_are also considered important works of art. “> works of ary EA WIE, ERR (4ti€ 4.) One of the main disadvantages of international food trade is that it damages the environment. (Why?) RFF AF A) Many trucks and planes travel thousands of miles to other countries to deliver food products. They run on fossil fuels and produce large amounts of greenhouse gases. This contributes to global warming and climate change. © fossil fuels 2 “(LB HA”, BB, AMA. H (oil, natural gas and coal) 4 PERE RAMA — 50 — 6. (4hies#i) Security cameras can help to reduce crime. (Why?) CRITE) They monitor and record people's activities in public places, such as office buildings and shopping centers. This can help to deter criminals and prevent crime. % deter criminals 22 FGME WERE: RRB [ SF7FABID ] The purpose of these measures is to deter criminals from repeating their crime 7. (4b) Governments can reduce traffic in big cities-by improving public transport. (fA: Why?) RFF EE AI) For example, if better underground train systems are built and maintained in large cities, traffio;on the roads will be reduced. More reliable bus services can also attract more passengers, which means there will be less traffic on the roads in large cities. ERE ARIE KAS TRAD AY REAL Be a (oh 0 HE SA J HY I HORS), QAR RIES AIA fe BUTE PIG PE support AEA, TAS AEE Fi FIZ A004 — AAA LACE WVTIE imported food (HEM ECHL) AIBEAIZEIE SS, (ELE EMM ARIEL, FATT AONE PPI, EKA OUR ARE AE IE SEAL, PRET AE RTE AF IZA “100% HIRES BE” ee SEAR (reasons) Imported food can provide consumers with more choices. International food trade promotes competition among food producers in different countries. Imported food can cause damage to the local economy. Transporting food across countries. wastes energy and pollutes the air. Most imported food con tains harmful chemicals. TESS AD details) | = (A) They need to compete on price and quality of food. This leads to lower food prices, better | quality and higher coneumer satiof action | = (B) These chemicals change the taste of the | food and damage coneumere’ health. By contrast, locally-grown food is fresh and healthy. => (C) For example, they can buy.dut-of-season vegetables that have been trarisported from other countries. => (D)) Many supermarkets import food from other countries where food is cheaper to gow or produce, which helps them to sell food at lower | prices. Ae a result, the imported food takes business and jobs away from local farmers and food producers. => (E) Trucks and planes that transport food to other countries use large amounts of foseil fuels every day. This means that they increase greerhouse | gas erriscions and contribute to gobal warming, Matching & 5) 3 as a+ Gd-£ v-Z O-I — 32 RARSISERS (B) BRE7 SMAFRURAMETES, BRS. 5 HL THREAT FAME FMC AS MH 2 ~3 AIEEE AT, AEE TAME SHANE, A BAAREL, RR GWE Ai EBA). ATLA IS AAO, FERRE MS, ASRS PIRI, RRA AIA, GRRE SAY ENE HHL (common sense), fit — HAE SRPGE MG IELTS (ECHR, SAVIO IER. FATALLY: (1) Why is this true? (Shi NTT ARCPEBE?) , BREF (2) What does this mean? (AEA JEN] LLCS D7 ARMREST HEA?) RAR, RR HAY FTP SAS AD PIE AFUE support HYPEFH. 1 People should be more careful about uploading personal information to social networking websites. upload: ft 2 Students who'take distance-learning courses can study at their own pace. study /at their own pace; Ml fi.{i] 8 22 7 Ay ak 3 Many people move from rural areas to cities in search of employment. 4 Educating people to have healthy lifestyles can be very effective. effective; AH 5 Advertising is an important way for companies to promote their products. promote their products; #848 °% (89 & 6 Children can be easily influenced by advertisements. 7 Tourism may cause damage to the environment. saasery eal 8 - 10 ant 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 Solar energy is more eco-friendly than fossil fuel energy. solar energy; Alf, eco-friendly; af 963% 7 at HY Mobile phones can help people to stay connected with their family. Job security can increase job satisfaction. job security; I ff 58 te Improving public transport can help to reduce the number of cars on the road Both parents should share their parenting responsibilities, such as preparing meals for their children and helping them with homework parenting responsibilities: CAH RF HH E Adult children should take the main responsibility for caring for their elderly parents, adult children; 1&4 Foe Countries that are facing population ageing should encourage immigration. encourage immigration: 8) GEEBRMHAMAE) OR The main purpose of prison sentences is to punish criminals. prison sentence; 5 40 2 Mk BJA Al Ay #2 There should be more police officers on the streets. Community service makes offenders useful in their local communities. Television can improve communication among family members. Development aid is a long-term solution to poverty in developing countries. development aid; RRLH, RAGKPUHRAPHRASRA, Ei, RAS Oy Bt The traditional arts are an important part of a nation’s cultural heritage. cultural heritage; 3 (i 7 Sate dees RARHASEAS (B) MER (BA) B AYER AE 7 ~ 7.5 RASS ATP PE CE TY TT SC), BARA AERA ERE — AE. BER REIE CHF LSE SE ORS HY, AE OS BIER, WKAR SATE. HI support HYfEFT) 1 ere It is easy for other users to view this information. The website owners may even sell the information to businesses that want to know more about people’s habits and activities. PRAARSE “AN GKRAEMEMGEARABEEDA ER", AHAREH, PRU eA BZ Why is this true? (Hfte THR), RAARFLHAR RAAROR, CHEETA, ARALEET Why is this true? Hy lL 2 Spies HLTH study at their own pace iE LAS WT LLBLAL LLAFE MA] AE What Goes this mean? (Je ASAE AT LA FE Gri Ay SAR FRX SPIE A) They can decide how fast they complete a course and how much time they spend on a lesson. For example, adult students who have jobs or young children can choose to study at a slower pace. Distance-learning students can even listen to a lecture more than once if they find the lecture difficult to understand, 3 (AG: Why?) Cities can provide a wide range of job opportunities, while farming activities in rural areas need fewer workers than in the past. This helps cities to attract many people from rural areas. (1) a wide range of ...2 “S# SHA", EY X MiB a wide variety of... (2) MRESRMMERARALHARARR THEMES, W Mai ZH i employment RHF RL, PESAR “ ” DRAKA ARH AM EAL, TE 2 #H partially off-topic (fa 38) ar + (AG: Why?) It can help them to understand the benefits of healthy lifestyles and the negative effects that bad habits may have on their health. As a result, people develop healthy lifestyles to improve their health and quality of life 32iB develop a healthy lifestyle REL “RRR A EAA” [ BBC GED) Nobody can force young people to develop a healthy lifestyle. But if they are provided with useful health information, then them can make better lifestyle choices. 5 (fala: Why?) It helps companies to provide consumers with information about theit products. Good advertisements can also make products look more attractive, | Without advertising, many companies would find it hard to attract consumers. 6 (fA: Why?) ‘They are excited about new things and do not understand that the purpose of advertisements is to sell products.’ For example, they are likely to believe the claims that are made in junk food advertisements. are likely to... BERL “MTHS 2. BA: the purpose of advertisements 5 HAN sid it ARIA is, WALA are? (RARE, ARAMA IK p.0 BRA BAT ERR aA) 7 (IAG: Why?) Railways and airports that are built to develop tourism can change the environment and destroy wildlife habitats. Also, hotels that tourists stay at create waste and pollution. Spee

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