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IELTS – Speaking Section

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Speaking: Test Format
● Total duration – 11-14 minutes
● Total tasks – 3 parts
● Face-to-face interview or a video call interview

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Speaking: Test Format
Part 1 – Introduction and Interview Round
Duration – 4-5 minutes
In this part, the examiner will ask you for your introduction and will ask you questions based on some
familiar topic, like family, hometown, etc.

Part 2 – Cue Card Round

Duration – 3-4 minutes
In this part, the examiner will give you a cue card topic and you will have to speak on that topic for 2
minutes. You will get 1 minute to prepare on the topic.

Part 3 – k Discussion Round

Duration – 4-5 minutes
In this round, the examiner will ask you abstract questions based on part 2 topic.

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General Tips for Speaking Test
● Please make sure to work on your content of answer.
● Expressions and body language are important.
● Be relaxed and try to give answers that are informative and as interesting as possible.
● One word or one liner answers are not acceptable. Try to give complete answers.
● Be positive and courteous. Unacceptable negative words (like crazy, stupid, terrible) should be avoided.
● Choose attire that is both appropriate and comfortable.
● Carry a pleasant smile and greet courteously.
● Thank the examiner for the time and support.

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Parameters of Speaking Assessment
● Fluency and coherence
● Lexical resources
● Pronunciation
● Grammatical range and accuracy

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