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 to heighten the intensity of a scene

 camera shake is subtle, but it's documentary style presence makes us feel like
we're standing right there watching this intimate moment, AND WHEN The
camera shake intensifies.
 A handheld camera can be effective at increasing intensity or intimacy.


 either static shots or shots with movement

 tripod allows the camera to smoothly pan left and right, or tilt up and down
 when you don't want to distract from the subjects within the frame

like in dialogue scenes

Emotional, single shots


 camera mechanism that moves vertically up and down for smaller vertical
motions when you want to match the movement of an actor

match the movement of an actor Establish a world

slow movement of the build suspense.

build suspense


 big vertical movements that a pedestal cannot achieve

 to highlight a specific emotion of a shot. Whether it be isolation. Freedom.

big vertical movements highlight a specific emotion isolation

highlight a specific emotion large camera movements


 great for communicating details within inserts

 to see and know everything that happens in the surroundings

communicating details within inserts to see and know everything that happens in
the surroundings


 A dolly is a wheeled apparatus that a camera is mounted on. The tracks can be
either straight or curved
 lateral movements as they are walking, running, or fighting.
 camera's sliders have become a practical and economical alternative
 a dolly movement with a lens zoom to create a vertigo effect, like this. We have
an entire video breaking down the dolly zoom, AKA the zolly

smoothly push into a character smoothly pull out

lateral movements as they are walking,
running, or fighting.

create a vertigo effect


holds a camera in a manner that compensates for unwanted camera's shake, allowing
the camera operator to move freely in any direction

complex tracking shots Ideal for long takes


 snorricam also referred to as the chest cam body cam or body mount is a device
that rigs the camera to the body of an actor
 establishes a dynamic point of view thas hinges on the movements of the actor
 used to create vertigo. Dizziness. Panic.
to feel the character's emotions, anxiety, completely immerse the audience into a
and nausea. character's experience


 A vehicle mount is a camera rig that simply mounts a camera to a fixed point on a
vehicle. Vehicle mounts are used for cars, Bikes. Helicopters


 capture a wide variety of aerial shots like grand establishing shots. Wild chase
scenes. Or unique establishing shots

establishing shots
unique establishing shots as seen in "Bohemian Rhapsody". This scene seamlessly
combines the use of a drone and a crane in a single shot. From a large swooping aerial
into a close-up


 Motion control is a device that allows for the complete control and precise
repetition of camera movement
 It effectively captures time-lapse shots
 stop motion animation
 By using motion control, two shots can be taken with the exact same camera
movement, and precise framing.

time-lapse shots using motion control, two shots can be

taken with the exact same camera
movement, and precise framing.


water partially fill the frame as if we're floating with the characters. The underwater
housing creates an intimate and anxious effect beyond what any other camera rig could
have achieved

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