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Atividade 02 (II UNIDADE)

- Reading comprehension / Vocabulary

* WH-questions
Sugestão de videoaula (Como fazer e responder perguntas com as WH-questions)

Sugestão de apostilas virtuais

QUESTÃO 01 – Reading (leitura)

How does nomophobia affect someone’s daily life?

We just have to take a look around to see how mobile phone
addiction and nomophobia make people who suffer its effects to
become sort of “slaves”.
In the first instance, nomophobia forces someone who is
suffering from it to check their mobile phone constantly, to the
point of neglecting other aspects of their life. Thus, it can have
an impact on someone’s work, relationships and, in general, on
any other aspect of the person’s life that may require attention.
But it doesn’t stop there. The anxiety generated by the idea of not
having a mobile phone and the need to check it constantly can
produce a widespread nervousness, which can increase
dramatically in certain situations, to the point of conditioning someone’s life.
For example, someone who suffers from nomophobia may avoid travelling or going to areas where the
broadband coverage might be poor, because that would force him to be “disconnected”. Or someone
could miss the opportunity to go somewhere, because there is no close power source available to
connect one’s device and might run out of battery. Bearing in mind our daily needs, the previous facts
may become serious limitations for our day-to-day.
In addition, insomnia could cause harmful consequences. Some people even wake up on countless
occasions during the night, in order to check that they still have connection and check the updates on
their social networks, etc.
QUESTÃO 02 – Leia o texto e responda as questões abaixo.
1) O texto fala sobre
A. os aspectos positivos do uso do celular.
B. o uso moderado do celular.
C. a tranquilidade que o celular traz para a vida das pessoas.
D. como o uso excessivo do celular prejudica a vida das pessoas.

QUESTÃO 03 - Retire do texto as “WH- questions ou Questions words” que encontrar e traduza-as.

QUESTÃO 04 – Agora que você já sabe o que significa as Questions words e o que elas significam, responda as
perguntas abaixo (tente responder em inglês usando palavras simples, o seu vocabulário. Se for o caso, use o
google translator para ajudar você).
a) What is NOMOPHOBIA?

b) What are the symptoms of nomophobia?

c) How does nomophobia affect someone’s daily life?

d) How do you feel when you misplaced your cell phone?

e) Are you a nomophobe? Yes or no? Why?

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