BUS 720 Assignment 3 2

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BUS 720

1. Explain the different theoretical approaches to the staffing process

[a] person-job fit.

This traditional approach to staffing is based on the view that organisations
should specify as closely as possible the requirement of the job and then look for
individuals whose personal attributes fit those requirements
[b]social Negotiation
The following ideas are central to this alternative organizational entry paradigm
[i] People are constantly changing
[ii]People self-perception are important
[iii] Job are constantly changing
[iv] Selection is of both parties
[v] Information is exchanged
[vi] Negotiation takes place

The purpose is to establish a psychological contract or discover one is not feasible

The psychological contract involves the creation of a work environment. In
decisions about organizational entry this approach emphasizes the need to help
the newcomer perform better by enhancing their understanding and motivation
during the process.
The social negotiation approach is based on the idea that factors external to the
individual have critical bearing on the individual ’s behavior

[c] person –organization fit

This approach to staffing process believed that human behaviour stems from an
interaction of a person and situation or internal and external characteristics
These has important implications for organization entry
[i] It has being suggested that, if you want to predict people’s behavior and their
performance, you need to analyse their ‘’fit’’ with the organization’s culture.
[ii] An interactional perspective on organizational entry highlight the importance
not only assessing job-related performance, but also an environment that suits
newcomers and of creating a job that is satisfying and motivates the individual.
[iii] The interactional perspective acknowledge that high performance in one
situation does not necessarily mean that the person will perform well in a new
situation. Therefore this perspective prompts the manager to explore the reason
why a person has performed well in their existing situation.
[iv] Organizations are affected by people and people are affected by organizations
therefore when choosing to recruit, the manager is influencing the future of the
[2] Understand the importance of job analysis as a pre-requisite for sound and
effective staffing
Despite possible limitations, the process of job analysis can aid managers in the
following human resource decision making points.
i. Assessment of where the organization stands and where it wait to get to
with regard to the tasks that must be performed, the skills required to
do the work and the roles that need to be performed.
ii. Analysis on how the job might develop with the organisation,
iii. Analysis of the organizational environment which involves the job that the
newcomer will do, the subculture and work group they will join, the
organisation’s mission, objective, value and dominant culture.
[3] Comprehend the work involved in job Analysis
Central to effective staffing is job analysis. As the steps involved in the staffing
process is sequential, any error made during job analysis will cascade down
through the whole process, creating greater problems elsewhere. Job analysis is
therefore the total process by which you derive first a job description leading to a
person specification.
Information about a specific job is obtained through observation, quesionering,
using test critical incident analysis and so on. The information is to gain a full
understanding of the critical component of the job and the context of the job. The
entire human resource function rest on effective job analysis.

BUS 720
Outline the major steps in human resource management planning process and
comment on the principal consideration at such step.
The main step in human resource management planning process are:
 Corporate strategy, external environment and internal resources audit and
look into opportunity and threats
 Human resource strategy
 Maintainance which include reward system and motivation, redeployment,
redundancies, retirement, pension) and Resourcing which include
recruitment, selection, placement and utilization.
 Training and development which includes appraisal system, career
planning, training, management and development, promosion and
succession planning.
 Industrial relation. This include trade union, collective bargaining, join
consultation, grievance, discipline, dismissals.
In human resource planning process, the principal consideration should be
resourcing which include; recruitment, selection, placement, utilization. This is
the principal consideration in human resource planning process because from the
pool of job seekers, during the process of recruitment, the best individual that
meet with the requirement will be selected and then placed in their respective
department according to their area of specialization and the organizational need,
then they will be utilized for the benefit of the organizational growth.

2. Recall your appointment to your current organization and prepare a brief

write on the sources of recruitment that was used by the organization.
The sources of recruitment used by the organization that I had an appointment
with are internal and external sources.
i. Internal sources of recruitment: this is an in-house recruitment. When
‘la vacancy exist, the first place you look to fill it is naturally the in-
house, this is a case the organization look through its member first to
occupy the vacant position. This often take the form of promotion,
transfer, re-deployment and even demotion.
ii. External recruitment: when qualified candidate cannot be found within
the firms, the external labour market is tapped. The external source
typically include college graduates, the unemployed with a wide range
of skills and abilities and some retired experience persons.

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