Quant Studies Chapter 7

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Business Statistics, Cdn. Ed.

, 3e (Sharpe)
Chapter 7: Introduction to Linear Regression

Short Answer - Quiz A

Consider the following to answer the question(s) below:

To determine whether the cash bonuses paid by Johnson Financial Group are related to annual pay, data
were gathered for 10 account executives who received such bonuses in 2007. The data, scatterplot and
summary statistics are shown below.


$ 70,609 $ 11,225
$ 58,487 $ 6,238
$ 104,561 $ 14,194
$ 43,922 $ 4,188
$ 82,613 $ 11,863
$ 116,250 $ 13,671
$ 76,751 $ 7,758
$ 68,513 $ 20,760
$ 137,000 $ 55,000
$ 94,469 $ 34,368

Mean $ 85,318 $ 17,927

Standard Deviation $ 28,077 $ 15,618

Correlation 0.735

Note: In answers to problems 2, 4, and 5 we will be using regression equation coefficients received by
computer software. If we apply textbook formulae, the value of intercept will be a little bit different.
Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
1) Comment on whether each of the following conditions for correlation / linear regression is met.
a. Quantitative Variables Condition
b. Linearity Condition
c. Outlier Condition
a. Yes, both variables are quantitative.
b. Yes, the relationship appears to be straight enough.
c. Yes, no obvious outliers.
L.O.: 1

2) Estimate the linear regression model that relates the response variable (Cash Bonus) to the predictor
variable (Annual Pay).
a. Find the slope of the regression line.
b. Find the intercept of the regression line.
c. Write the equation of the linear model.
a. 0.409
b. -16,945
c. Cash Bonus = -16,945 + 0.409 Annual Pay
L.O.: 1

3) Find the value of R2. Interpret its meaning in this context.

Answer: R2 = 0.54 = 54%, which means that 54% of the variation of the cash bonus can be explained by
variation in the annual pay.
L.O.: 2

4) Using the regression equation,

a. Estimate the cash bonus for an executive at Johnson Financial Group earning $82,613 a year.
b. What is the residual for this estimate? What does it mean?
a. $16,844
b. -$4,981. It tells us that the actual cash bonus was $4,981 less than the model predicted.
L.O.: 1

5) Using the regression equation,

a. Estimate the cash bonus for an executive at Johnson Financial earning $200,000 a year.
b. How confident should you be in this estimate? Explain.
a. $64,855.
b. Not very, since we are predicting for a value of annual pay beyond the range of the data. We should
be careful about extrapolating beyond the range of the predictor variable.
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
6) Below is a plot showing residuals versus fitted values for the estimated regression equation relating
cash bonus to annual pay for the account executives at Johnson Financial Group. Are all the conditions
for linear regression met? Explain.

Answer: The residual plot shows that the Equal Spread Condition is violated. The residuals "fan out"
from left to right in a cone shape.
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
Short Answer - Quiz B

Consider the following to answer the question(s) below:

A small independent organic food store offers a variety of specialty coffees. To determine whether price
has an impact on sales, the managers kept track of how many kilograms of each variety of coffee were
sold last month. The data, scatterplot, and summary statistics are shown below.

$ 3.99 75
$ 5.99 60
$ 7.00 65
$ 12.00 45
$ 4.50 80
$ 7.50 70
$ 15.00 25
$ 10.00 35
$ 12.50 40
$ 8.99 50

Mean $ 8.75 54.50

Standard Deviation $ 3.63 18.33

Correlation -0.927

Note: In answers to problems 2, 4, and 5 we will be using regression equation coefficients received by
computer software. If we apply textbook formulae, the value of intercept will be a little bit different.

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
1) Comment on whether each of the following conditions for correlation / linear regression is met.
a. Quantitative Variables Condition
b. Linearity Condition
c. Outlier Condition
a. Yes, both variables are quantitative.
b. Yes, the relationship appears straight enough.
c. Yes, no obvious outliers.
L.O.: 1

2) Estimate the linear regression model that relates the response variable (Kilograms Sold) to the predictor
variable (Price per Kilogram).
a. Find the slope of the regression line.
b. Find the intercept of the regression line.
c. Write the equation of the linear model.
a. -4.684
b. 95.47
c. Kilograms sold = 95.47 - 4.684 Price per kilogram
L.O.: 1

3) Find the value of R2. Interpret its meaning in this context.

Answer: R2 = 0.86 = 86%, which means that 86% of the variation of the number of kilograms of coffee
sold per month can be explained by the variation of coffee price.
L.O.: 2

4) Using the estimated regression equation,

a. Estimate the monthly sales (kilograms sold) for a variety of coffee that costs $12.00 per kilogram.
b. What is the residual for this estimate? What does it mean?
a. 39.26 kilograms
b. 5.74 kilograms. It tells us that the actual number of kilograms sold were 5.74 kilograms more than the
model predicted.
L.O.: 1

5) Using the estimated regression equation,

a. Estimate the monthly sales for a variety of coffee that costs $20.00 per kilogram.
b. How confident should you be in this estimate? Explain.
a. 1.79 kilograms
b. Not very, since we are predicting for a value of price per kilogram beyond the range of the data. We
should be careful about extrapolating beyond the range of predictor variable.
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
6) Below is a plot showing residuals versus fitted values for the estimated regression equation relating
monthly sales of coffee to price per kilogram. Are all the conditions for linear regression met? Explain.

Answer: The residual plot indicates that all conditions are reasonably met although a slight spreading is
noted. A further analysis may determine the reason for this pattern.
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
Multiple Choice - Quiz C

Note: In the following problems we will be using regression equation coefficients received by computer
software. Sometimes, they might be a little bit different as compared to coefficients calculated by textbook

Consider the following to answer the question(s) below:

To determine whether the cash bonuses paid by Johnson Financial Group are related to annual pay, data
were gathered for 10 account executives who received such bonuses in 2007. The data, scatterplot and
summary statistics are shown below.


$ 70,609 $ 11,225
$ 58,487 $ 6,238
$ 104,561 $ 14,194
$ 43,922 $ 4,188
$ 82,613 $ 11,863
$ 116,250 $ 13,671
$ 76,751 $ 7,758
$ 68,513 $ 20,760
$ 137,000 $ 55,000
$ 94,469 $ 34,368

Mean $ 85,318 $ 17,927

Standard Deviation $ 28,077 $ 15,618

Correlation 0.735

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
1) The slope of the estimated regression line that relates the response variable (Cash Bonus) to the
predictor variable (Annual Pay) is

A) 0.409.
B) -16,945.
C) 0.54.
D) 3.45.
E) 1.32.
Answer: A
L.O.: 1

2) The intercept of the estimated regression line that relates the response variable (Cash Bonus) to the
predictor variable (Annual Pay) is
A) 0.409.
B) -16,945.
C) 0.54.
D) 3.45.
E) 1.32.
Answer: B
L.O.: 1

3) What percent of the variation of the cash bonus can be explained by variation of the annual pay?
A) 100%
B) 85%
C) 73%
D) 30%
E) 54%
Answer: E
L.O.: 2

4) Based on the estimated regression equation, the cash bonus for an executive at Johnson Financial
Group earning $82,613 a year would be
A) $11,863.
B) $16,844.
C) $27,682.
D) $4,958.
E) $15,819.
Answer: B
L.O.: 1

5) Based on the estimated regression equation, the residual for the estimated cash bonus of an executive
at Johnson Financial Group earning $82,613 a year would be
A) $0.
B) -$4,981.
C) -$15,819.
D) -$4,958.
E) $15,819.
Answer: B
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
Consider the following to answer the question(s) below:

A small independent organic food store offers a variety of specialty coffees. To determine whether price
has an impact on sales, the managers kept track of how many kilograms of each variety of coffee were
sold last month. The data, scatterplot and summary statistics are shown below.

$ 3.99 75
$ 5.99 60
$ 7.00 65
$ 12.00 45
$ 4.50 80
$ 7.50 70
$ 15.00 25
$ 10.00 35
$ 12.50 40
$ 8.99 50

Mean $ 8.75 54.50

Standard Deviation $ 3.63 18.33

Correlation -0.927

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
6) Which of the following statements is true?
A) The Quantitative Variables Condition is not satisfied.
B) The Linearity Condition is not satisfied.
C) There are obvious outliers.
D) The Quantitative Variables Condition is satisfied.
E) The intercept of the line of best fit is approximately zero.
Answer: D
L.O.: 1

7) The slope of the estimated regression line that relates the response variable (Kilograms Sold) to the
predictor variable (Price per Kilogram) is
A) 95.47
B) 0.858
C) -4.684
D) -0.858
E) -8.999
Answer: C
L.O.: 1

8) The intercept of the estimated regression line that relates the response variable (Kilograms Sold) to the
predictor variable (Price per Kilogram) is
A) 95.47.
B) 0.858.
C) -4.684.
D) -0.858.
E) -8.999.
Answer: A
L.O.: 1

9) What percent of the variation of the number of kilograms of coffee sold per month can be explained by
variation of price per kilogram?
A) 93%
B) 100%
C) 86%
D) 96%
E) 14%
Answer: C
L.O.: 2

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
10) Below is a plot showing residuals versus fitted values for the estimated regression equation relating
monthly sales (kilograms sold) of coffee to price per kilogram. Based on this plot we can say

A) the Linearity Condition is not satisfied.

B) the Linearity Condition is reasonably satisfied.
C) there are several extreme outliers.
D) the correlation coefficient is close to 1.
E) the correlation coefficient is 0.
Answer: B
L.O.: 1

11) A regression of two variables, x and y, results in the value of R2 equal to 0.7834. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) The correlation coefficient must be 0.7834.
B) The correlation coefficient must be -0.8851.
C) The correlation coefficient must be -0.7834.
D) The correlation coefficient can be either 0.8851 or -0.8851.
E) The correlation coefficient must be 0.8851.
Answer: D
L.O.: 2

12) A pair of variables, x and y, have a correlation coefficient of -0.8851. Which of the following statements
is true?
A) variation of x explains about 78.34 % of the variation of y
B) variation of x explains about 88.51 % of the variation of y
C) variation of y explains about 78.34% of the variation of x
D) variation of x cannot explain about 78.34 % of the variation of y
E) variation of y explains about 88.51% of the variation of x
Answer: A
L.O.: 2

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
Consider the following to answer the question(s) below:

To determine whether the tip left at the end of a meal is related to the size of the total bill at their
restaurant, Chez Michelle, data were gathered for 10 customers. The data and summary statistics are
shown below.

Total Bill Tip

$126 $19
$58 $11
$86 $20
$20 $3
$59 $14
$120 $30
$14 $2
$17 $4
$26 $2
$74 $16

Mean $60 $12

Standard deviation 41.57 9.45

Correlation 0.937

13) The slope of the estimated regression line that relates the response variable (Tip) to the predictor
variable (Total Bill) is
A) 0.213.
B) -0.213.
C) 0.877.
D) 0.937.
E) -0.937.
Answer: A
L.O.: 1

14) The intercept of the estimated regression line that relates the response variable (Tip) to the predictor
variable (Total Bill) is
A) -0.6684.
B) 0.6684.
C) 57.42.
D) -57.42.
E) 12.0.
Answer: A
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
15) The percentage of the variation of the tip that can be explained by the variation of the total bill is
A) 87.7%.
B) 93.7%.
C) 21.3%.
D) 66.8%.
E) 96.8%.
Answer: A
L.O.: 2

16) The regression equation would predict what size of tip if the total bill was $120?
A) $24.89
B) $15.55
C) $26.03
D) $30.00
E) $20.62
Answer: A
L.O.: 1

17) The residual for the estimated tip for a total bill of $120 would be
A) $5.11
B) $19.00
C) 0
D) -$11.45
E) $9.38
Answer: A
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.
18) Analyze the scatterplot below. What solution strategy would be most appropriate?

A) The relationship is perfectly linear. We should construct a linear regression model.

B) The relationship is straight enough. We should construct a linear regression model.
C) The scatterplot shows extreme outliers. We can swap the variables to transform it to linear model.
D) We should collect new data as we cannot identify the type of relationship.
E) This is an example of non-linear relationship. We can try to transform it to linear model by a function
such as logarithm.
Answer: E
L.O.: 3

19) Which of the following is a correct interpretation for the regression slope coefficient b1?
A) The average change in y of a one-unit change in x will be b1 units.
B) For a one-unit change in y, we can expect the value of the independent variable to change by b1 units
on average.
C) For each unit change in x, the dependent variable will change by b1 units.
D) The average change in x of a one-unit change in y will be b1 units.
E) The change in y of a one-unit change in x will always be b1 units.
Answer: A
L.O.: 2

20) The regression equation, = -3.61+0.106x, expresses statistical dependence of vacation expenses (y) on
personal income (x) in a sample of 45 clients of a large travel agency (both numbers in $thousands). A
client with $80,000 income is expected to spend
A) $12,090.
B) $8,476.
C) $8,467.
D) $4,870.
E) $1,209.
Answer: D
L.O.: 1

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Canada, Inc.

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