01 Daily Lesson Plan

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Daily Lesson Plan of Science Form 4

Chapter 1: Safety Measures in the Laboratory

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Safety measures in laboratory
Content standard : Personal protective equipment
Learning standard : Explain with examples of personal protective equipment and its
Learning activity : Discuss examples of personal protective equipment such as
gloves, lab coat and closed shoes/safety shoes, eye wash, face
masks, washers, fume chamber, laminar flow cabinet,
biological safety cabinet, safety showers and etc.
(Activity 1.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Safety measures in laboratory
Content standard : Disposal of waste
Learning standard :  Explain with examples of materials that can be thrown into
the sink.
 Characterise materials that cannot be thrown into the sink
Learning activity : Categories of materials that can and cannot be thrown into the
(Activity 1.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Safety measures in laboratory
Content standard : Disposal of waste
Learning standard : Manage biological waste materials.
Learning activity :  The teacher asks students to identified the biohazard waste
 The teacher asks students to extract information on
Standard Operating Procedures (POSs) on biological waste
management and conduct discussions.
(Activity 1.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Safety measures in laboratory
Content standard : Disposal of waste
Learning standard : Communicate on the steps of managing accidents in the
Learning activity :  Discuss steps to manage accidents in the laboratory
 Teacher discusses symptoms of mercury poisoning
(Activity 1.4)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Safety measures in laboratory
Content standard : Fire extinguishers
Learning standard :  Communicate about the types of fire extinguisher
 Explain the method for using fire extinguishers.
 Conduct the audit of fire extinguishers at school.
Learning activity :  Discuss fire extinguishers for:
(a) Fire types A, B, C and D (ABC type of fire extinguisher
is for all types of fire except metal and gas which is not
allows explosion)
(b) Label colour and content of fire extinguisher
(c) Use of sand, water and fire blankets
 Demonstrations and training on how to use firefighters to
the teacher.
 The teacher asks students to form a group to conduct a fire
extinguisher audit in the school.
(Activity 1.5)
Reflection :

Chapter 2: Emergency Help

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Emergency help
Content standard : Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Learning standard :  State the meaning of CPR and the situation that requires
 Explain the importance of CPR
Learning activity :  The teacher discusses safety precautions to consider before
performing CPR. CPR is performed if a person does not
respond to a stimulus, does not breathe, does not have a
heartbeat or pulse. The situation may be due to heart
attack, drowning, electric shock and lightning strikes.
 The teacher discusses the functions and concepts of science
at each step in CPR.
(Activity 2.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Emergency help
Content standard : Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Learning standard :  Demonstrate the method of CPR
Learning activity :  Demonstration sessions by paramedics to show CPR
 The teacher discusses CPR methods for different ages
(Activity 2.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Emergency help
Content standard : Heimlich Manoeuvre
Learning standard :  Explain Heimlich Manoeuvre its importance
 Demonstrate Heimlich Manoeuvre
Learning activity :  Teacher gives the meaning of Heimlich Manoeuvre
 Teacher discusses about Heimlich Manoeuvre method.
(Activity 2.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Emergency help
Content standard : Heimlich Manoeuvre
Learning standard :  Explain Heimlich Manoeuvre its importance
 Demonstrate Heimlich Manoeuvre
Learning activity : Demonstration sessions by paramedics to show Heimlich
Manoeuvre procedures
(Activity 2.4)
Reflection :

Chapter 3: Techniques of Measuring the Parameters of Body Health

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Techniques of measuring parameters of body health
Content standard : Body Temperature
Learning standard :  Measuring body temperature using the correct technique
 Interpreting body temperature
Learning activity :  Teachers introduce types of thermometers
 The teacher introduces the right technique for using several
types of thermometers to measure body temperature
(Activity 3.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Techniques of measuring parameters of body health
Content standard : Body Temperature
Learning standard : Interpreting body temperature
Learning activity :  The teacher discusses factors that cause body temperature
to exceed normal
 The teacher discusses the factors that can cause your body
temperature below normal when exposed to extreme cold.
(Activity 3.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Techniques of measuring parameters of body health
Content standard :  Pulse rate
 Blood pressure
Learning standard :  Identifying the pulse points on the body
 Identifying devices for measuring blood pressure
 Measuring and recording blood pressure
 Interpreting data from blood pressure readings
Learning activity :  The teacher discusses the pulse caused by contraction and
relaxation of the artery wall due to diastol and systole
during heartbeat.
 The teacher discusses the devices for measuring blood
 The teacher introduces the use of digital
Sfigmomanometers to measure blood pressure in
millimeter units of mercury
(Activity 3.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Techniques of measuring parameters of body health
Content standard : Body Mass Index, BMI
Learning standard :  Calculating and determining Body Mass Index.
 Interpreting the Body Mass Index and decide on the action to
Learning activity : The teacher asks students to carry out an activity to measure
the Body Mass Index.
(Activity 3.4)
Reflection :

Chapter 4: Green Technology for Environmental Sustainability

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Green technology for environmental sustainability
Content standard : Environmental sustainability
Learning standard :  Defines and justifies Green Technology in life.
 Relate energy efficiency to Green Technology
Learning activity :  Teacher explains about Green TechnologyRelate energy
efficiency to Green Technology
 The teacher discusses sustainability in terms of energy,
economic, social and environmental aspects.
(Activity 4.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Green technology for environmental sustainability
Content standard : Environmental Sustainability
Learning standard : Identify sectors in Green Technology
Learning activity : The teacher discusses the sectors in Green Technology ie:
(a) Energy
(b) Buildings
(c) Waste management and waste water
(d) Agriculture and forestry
(e) Transportation
(f) The manufacturing and information and communications
technology (ICT) industry
(Activity 4.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Green technology for environmental sustainability
Content standard : Energy sector
Learning standard :  Explain socio-scientific issues.
 Explains socio-scientific issues in the energy sector
 Justify the application of Green Technology in overcoming
socio-scientific issues in energy sector.
Learning activity : The teacher discusses the energy sectors and relate to the
socioscientific issues
(Activity 4.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Green technology for environmental sustainability
Content standard : Waste and wastewater management
Learning standard :  Describes socio-scientific issues in waste and waste water
management sector.
 Justify Green Technology applications in addressing socio-
scientific issues in waste and waste water management sector.
Learning activity :  The teacher discusses:
(a) Socioscientific issues in the waste management and wastewater
(b) Factors contributing to socioscientific issues in the waste and
wastewater management sector
(c) Application of green technology to address socioscientific
issues in the waste and wastewater management sector
 The teacher discusses waste management and wastewater in
waste disposal area.
(Activity 4.4)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology
Learning area : Green technology for environmental sustainability
Content standard : Agriculture and forestry sector
Learning standard :  Describes socio-scientific issues in agriculture and forestry
 Justify Green Technology applications in addressing socio-
scientific issues in agriculture and forestry sector
Learning activity :  The teacher discusses:
(a) Socioscientific issues in the agricultural and forestry sectors
(b) Factors contributing to socioscientific issues in the
agriculture and forestry sectors
(c) Application of green technology to solve socioscientific
issues in the agriculture and forestry sectors
 The teacher discusses management of agriculture and
forestry sector.
(Activity 4.5)
Reflection :

Theme : Scientific methodology

Learning area : Green technology for environmental sustainability
Content standard : Transportation sector
Learning standard :  Describes socioscientific issues in the transportation sector
 Justify Green Technology applications in addressing
socioscientific issues in transportation sector
Learning activity :  The teacher discusses socioscientific issues in the
transportation sector such as greenhouse gas emissions that
can lead to climate change
 The teacher discusses examples of transportation
management using alternative fuels such as:
(a) Bicycle
(b) Public transport
(c) Hybrid car
(d) Solar energy car
(Activity 4.6)
Reflection :

Chapter 5: Genetics
Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Cell division
Learning standard : Explain gene, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and chromosomes
in the nucleus.
Learning activity :  Discuss by using multimedia illustration to show the
structure of DNA, nucleotides and chromosomes.
 Introduce the chromosome (autosomes and sex
(Activity 5.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Cell division
Learning standard : Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
Learning activity :  Explain about mitosis.
 Discuss the stages of mitosis which is:
a) Prophase
(b) Metaphase
(c) Anaphase
(d) Telophase
 Discuss the importances of mitosis which is to produce
new cells and replace the damaged cells.
(Activity 5.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Cell division
Learning standard : Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
Learning activity :  Explain about meiosis and its importances.
 Discuss on cell division in meiosis occurs twice to produce
four daughter cells.
 Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis processes.
(Activity 5.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Inheritance
Learning standard : Explain inheritance in humans.
Learning activity :  Explain the meaning of dominant alleles and recessive
 Discuss the traits that are controlled by dominant alleles
and recessive alleles such as:
(a) ability to roll the tongue (dominant allele)
(b) straight hair (recessive allele)
(c) tall (dominant allele)
(d) attached ear lobe (recessive allele)
(Activity 5.4)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Inheritance
Learning standard :  Explain inheritance in humans.
 Communicate about the inheritance mechanisms.
Learning activity :  Based on Mendel’s Law, determine the gender and height
of offsprings by using the schematic diagram
 Carry out activities to predict the genotype and phenotype
ratios for monohibrid breeding.
 Introduce F1 and F2 generations.
(Activity 5.5)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Mutation
Learning standard :  Describe mutation definition and types of mutation.
 Explain with example gene disorder diseases with its
characteristics and the screening method of the disease.
Learning activity :  Discuss gene and chromosome mutations.
 Describe with examples the gene disorders with their
characteristics and the screening method of the disease
 Describe an example of how to detect the disease of a gene
disorder is by using karyotype and amniocentesis.
(Activity 5.6)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Mutation
Learning standard :  Explain with examples the factors that cause gene mutation
and chromosome mutation.
 Discuss genetic research application to increase living
Learning activity :  Discuss the factors that cause gene and chromosome
 Discuss the genetic researches such as forensic science,
gene therapy and genetic genealogy.
(Activity 5.7)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Genetic engineering technology
Learning standard : Justify genetic engineering technology.
Learning activity :  Discuss genetic engineering such as recombinant DNA
(use of plasmid), gene therapy and genetically modified
organisms (GMO).
 Discuss the pros and cons of genetic engineering in the
field of:
 (a) medicines such as the production of insulin and
 (b) agriculture such as tomatoes, soybeans and livestock
(Activity 5.8)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Variation
Learning standard : Communicate about continuous variation and discontinuous
Learning activity :  Explain the meaning of continuous variation and
discontinuous variation.
 List down the examples of continuous variation and
discontinuous variation.
 Discuss the factors that influence continuous variation and
discontinuous variation.
(Activity 5.9)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Variation
Learning standard : Communicate about continuous variation and discontinuous
Learning activity :  Carry out an activity to study continuous variation of
students’ body mass.
(Activity 5.10)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Genetic
Content standard : Variation
Learning standard : Communicate about continuous variation and discontinuous
Learning activity :  Carry out an activity to study discontinuous variations of
students’ fingerprints.
(Activity 5.11)
Reflection :

Chapter 6: Support, Movement and Growth
Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Support, movement and growth
Content standard : Support, movement and growth of animals
Learning standard :  Explain with examples the types of support in animals.
 Relate the size of the exoskeleton with growth.
 Relate hydrostatic skeleton with movement.
Learning activity :  Explain the types of support in animals which is
exoskeleton, endoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton.
 Discuss the growth curve of insects and describes
metamorphosis involving ecdysis.
 Discuss how the fluid pressure in the cavity helps the
movement of animals such as worms and jellyfish.
(Activity 6.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Support, movement and growth
Content standard : Support, movement and growth of animals
Learning standard :  Elaborate the function of endoskeleton in animals.
 Dissect the human skeletal system.
Learning activity :  Label the diagrams of human skeletal system.
 Discuss the differences in the functions of the endoskeleton
for aquatic vertebrates, land vertebrates and birds.
(Activity 6.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Support, movement and growth
Content standard : Support, movement and growth of animals
Learning standard : Relate support system with animal’s stability.
Learning activity :  Discuss the factors that influence the stability of animals
such as the position of the centre of gravity and the base
 Discuss how animals like giraffe, crocodile and rhinoceros
improve their stability.
(Activity 6.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Support, movement and growth
Content standard : Movement and human growth
Learning standard :  Explain the function of joints and muscles in movement.
 Generate ideas regarding problems with joints and muscles
in daily life.
Learning activity :  Introduce cartilage, tendons, ligaments and synovial fluid
and their functions.
 Carry out problem-based learning activity about:
(a) joint and muscle injuries caused by physical activity
(b) knee pain among the elderly.
(Activity 6.4)

Reflection :
Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Support, movement and growth
Content standard : Movement and human growth
Learning standard :  Explain the pattern of human growth.
 Compare and contrast the growth pattern between male and
Learning activity :  Discuss the stages of human growth which are:
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescene
(d) Adulthood
(e) Old age
 Discuss the differences in the growth rate of males and
females based on their age and height.
(Activity 6.5)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Support, movement and growth
Content standard : Support, growth and stability in plants.
Learning standard :  Explain the support systems in terrestrial and aquatic
 Determine the age of woody plants.
 Relate the support system with stability in plants.
Learning activity :  Discuss the characteristics that provide support to plants
such as thorn, tendrils, prop root, clasping root and hollow
 Discuss the herbaceous plants are supported by turgidity of
cells because of their soft stems, while aquatic plants are
supported by water buoyancy force.
 Explains the method to determine the age of woody plants
based on their growth rings.
(Activity 6.6)
Reflection :

Chapter 7: Body Coordination

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Body coordination
Content standard : Human endocrine system
Learning standard : Explains the endocrine system and its functions.
Learning activity :  Discuss the main endocrine glands (pituitary gland, thyroid
gland, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovaries and testis) and their
 Explain antidiuretic hormone (ADH), adrenaline, insulin,
thyroxine, estrogen and testosterone.
(Activity 7.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life
Learning area : Body coordination
Content standard : Human endocrine system
Learning standard : Explain with examples the cause and effects of hormonal
imbalance on health.
Learning activity : Discuss the causes and effects of disruption to the endocrine
system as follows:
(a) insipidus diabetes
(b) diabetes mellitus
(c) acromegaly
(d) low metabolic rate
(Activity 7.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Body coordination
Content standard : Disturbances to body coordination
Learning standard :  Explain with examples the types of drugs
 Do reasoning on the effects of drugs and alcohol abuse on
body coordination and mental health.
Learning activity :  Discuss the examples and types of drugs.
 Discuss the effects of drug and alcohol abuse on body
coordination such as:
(a) hormonal imbalance
(b) unclear speech
(c) slow reflex actions
(d) loss of body balance
 Discuss the effects of drug and alcohol abuse on physical
and mental health such as liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcer,
vicious behavior, hallucinations and insanity.
 The teacher may invites representatives of the National
Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) / pharmacist to give lectures
on examples and effects of drug use.
(Activity 7.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Maintenance and sustainability of life

Learning area : Body coordination
Content standard : Healthy mind
Learning standard : Justify the need for a community who have healthy minds.
Learning activity : Value the importance of having a healthy mind on family,
work, community and country.
(Activity 7.4)
Reflection :

Chapter 8: Elements and Substances
Theme : Exploration of elements in nature
Learning area : Elements and substances
Content standard : Matter
Learning standard : Explain with examples of atomic, molecular and ionic
Learning activity :  Explain the meaning of atomic, molecualar and ionic
substances with their examples.
 Discuss the substances that are made up of atoms,
molecules and ions in daily life.
(Activity 8.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Elements and substances
Content standard : Matter
Learning standard : Explain the existence of elements in various form.
Learning activity : Discuss the existence of elements in various forms. For
example, iron element exist as nail (atomic substance), rust
(ionic substance) and in food like spinach (molecular
(Activity 8.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Elements and substances
Content standard : Modern Periodic Table of Elements
Learning standard :  Analyse the Modern Periodic Table of Elements.
 Deduce the principle of arranging the elements in the
Modern Periodic Table of Elements.
Learning activity : Relate the arrangements of the elements with the proton
number of the elements in the Modern Periodic Table of
(Activity 8.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Elements and substances
Content standard : Modern Periodic Table of Elements
Learning standard :  Draw and write the electron arrangement of elements in its
 Explain the formation of positive and negative ions.
 Justify the loss and gain of electrons to achieve the stable
electron arrangement.
Learning activity :  Draw and write the electron arrangement of elements in a
 Discuss the formation of positive ions from atoms of metal
elements and the formation of negative ions from atoms of
non-metal elements.
(Activity 8.4)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature
Learning area : Elements and substances
Content standard : Isotope
Learning standard :  Describe isotopes with examples.
 Determine the number of protons, number of neutrons and
nucleon number of isotopes.
Learning activity :  Discuss on isotopes.
 Discuss the numerical problems related to the number of
protons, the number of neutrons, nucleon numbers in the
(Activity 8.5)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Elements and substances
Content standard : Isotope
Learning standard : Communicate about the use of isotopes in various fields.
Learning activity :  Discuss the use of isotopes in various fields such as:
(a) phosphorus-32: Determine the rate of absorption of
phosphate fertilizer in plants
(b) carbon-14: Determine the age of rocks and ancient
(c) uranium-235: Generate electrical energy in nuclear
(Activity 8.6)
Reflection :

Chapter 9: Chemical in Industry

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature
Learning area : Chemical industry
Content standard : Alloy
Learning standard : Define and give examples of alloys based on their composition
of elements.
Learning activity :  Discuss the examples of alloys based on the composition
of elements.
 Discuss the properties of alloy such as:
(a) hard
(b) strong
(c) resistance to corrosion
(d) shiny surface
(Activity 9.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature
Learning area : Chemical industry
Content standard : Alloy
Learning standard : Justify the use of alloys in daily life
Learning activity : Discuss the uses of alloy in daily life such as:
(a) pewter is used to make photo frame and trophy.
(b) steel is used in bridge and body of a car
(c) duralumin is used to make the body of an aeroplane.
(d) bronze to make medals.
(Activity 9.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Chemical industry
Content standard : Glass and ceramics
Learning standard :  Describe the components of glass and ceramics.
 Explain with examples the application of glass and
 Justify the suitability of ing glass and ceramics in daily life.
Learning activity :  Discuss the components of glass and ceramics.
 Discus the examples of glass and ceramics applications in
daily life such as bottle, vase, spectacles and dentures.
(Activity 9.3)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Chemical industry
Content standard : Polymer
Learning standard :  Explain natural polymers and synthetic polymers.
 Explain the process of addition polymerisation.
Learning activity :  Explain the meaning of natural polymers and synthetic
 Discuss the natural polymers and synthetic polymers with
their examples.
 Discuss the process of addition polymerisation.
(Activity 9.4)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Chemical industry
Content standard : Polymer
Learning standard : Communicate about the characteristics and process of
vulcanization of rubber.
Learning activity : Carry out an acitivity to study the characteristics of natural
(Activity 9.5)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature
Learning area : Chemical industry
Content standard : Polymer
Learning standard : Communicate about the characteristics and process of
vulcanization of rubber.
Learning activity : Carry out an activity to study:
(a) the action of acid on latex.
(b) the action of alkali on latex.
(Activity 9.6)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Chemical industry
Content standard : Polymer
Learning standard : Communicate about the characteristics and process of
vulcanization of rubber.
Learning activity : Discuss the vulcanization of rubber by adding sulphur to the
(Activity 9.7)
Reflection :

Chapter 10: Chemicals in Medicine and Health

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature
Learning area : Chemicals in medicine and health
Content standard : Traditional medicine, modern medicine and complementary
Learning standard : Explain the criteria of traditional medicine, modern medicine
and complementary medicine.
Learning activity :  Discuss the characteristics of traditional, modern and
complementary medicine.
 Discuss traditional medicine that is still practiced in
Malaysian’s society.
(Activity 10.1)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Chemicals in medicine and health
Content standard : Traditional medicine, modern medicine and complementary
Learning standard :  Explain the criteria of traditional medicine, modern
medicine and complementary medicine.
 Explain the medicines used in traditional, modern and
complementary medicine.
 Justify the use of traditional, modern and complementary
Learning activity :  Discuss the examples of traditional, modern and
complementary medicine.
 Classify the modern medicines into analgesic, antibiotic
and psychotherapeutic.
(Activity 10.2)
Reflection :

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature
Learning area : Chemicals in medicine and health
Content standard : Traditional medicine, modern medicine and complementary
Learning standard : Do reasoning about the use of medicine from natural resources
and man-made resources in treatments and healthcare
Learning activity :  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of vitamin C in
fruits compared to vitamin C found in supplements.
 Clarify the side effects of taking medicines from natural
and man-made resources.
 Discuss:
(a) uses of drugs that do not follow the prescribed age.
(b) non-dosing of prescribed drugs such as antibiotics,
cough medicine and paracetamol
(Activity 10.3)

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Chemicals in medicine and health
Content standard : Free radicals
Learning standard :  Define free radicals.
 Do reasoning about the impact of free radicals on human
Learning activity : Discuss:
(a) the formation process of free radicals.
(b) how free radicals can be found in the body.
(c) how free radicals act on body cells.
(Activity 10.4)

Theme : Exploration of elements in nature

Learning area : Chemicals in medicine and health
Content standard :  Antioxidant
 Health products
Learning standard :  Describe the antioxidant substances
 Explain the action of antioxidant substance on free radicals.
 Explain the meaning of active ingredients in health
Learning activity :  Clarify the antioxidants and their actions on free radicals.
 Explain the meaning of active ingredients in health
(Activity 10.5)

Chapter 11: Force and Motion
Theme :Energy and sustainability of life
Learning area :Force and motion
Content standard :Linear motion
Learning standard :Explain the difference between distance and displacement and
their units in daily life.
Learning activity :  Explain the meaning of distance and displacement.
 Carry out a measuring activity by using a map to show the
difference between distance and displacement between two
(Activity 11.1)

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life

Learning area : Force and motion
Content standard : Linear motion
Learning standard :  Explain with examples the meaning of speed, average
speed, velocity dan acceleration and their units in daily life.
 Solve problems that involve speed, average speed, velocity
and acceleration in daily life.
 Distinguish between the various types of linear motion.
Learning activity :  Introduce a ticker timer which is a device used to measure
time, distance, speed and acceleration of an object in the
 Carry out an activity to determine the speed, average
speed, velocity and acceleration of objects using a ticker
(Activity 11.2)

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life

Learning area : Force and motion
Content standard : Linear motion graph
Learning standard : Interpret the different types of motion from the linear motion
graphs to determine distance, displacement, velocity, average
velocity and acceleration.
Learning activity :  Students draw and interpret the linear motion graph of
displacement-time graph.
 Solve numerical problems based on linear motion graph.
(Activity 11.3)

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life
Learning area : Force and motion
Content standard : Linear motion graph
Learning standard : Interpret the different types of motion from the linear motion
graphs to determine distance, displacement, velocity, average
velocity and acceleration.
Learning activity :  Students draw and interpret the linear motion graph of
velocity-time graph.
 Solve numerical problems based on linear motion graph.
(Activity 11.4)

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life

Learning area : Force and motion
Content standard : Gravitational acceleration and free fall
Learning standard :  Interpret the motion graph for a free fall object.
Learning activity :  Discuss the shape of motion graphs of an object that
experiencing free fall in two conditions which is:
(a) an object released from a cetain height.
(b) an object thrown vertically upwards.
(Activity 11.5)

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life

Learning area : Force and motion
Content standard : Mass and inertia
Learning standard :  Explain with examples the meaning of inertia.
 Communicate the effects of inertia in daily life.
Learning activity :  Discuss the meaning of inertia by studying the situations in
daily life that indicate the existence of inertia.
 Discuss the situations that show benefits and damaging
effects of inertia to humans.
(Activity 11.6)

Chapter 12: Nuclear Energy

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life
Learning area : Nuclear energy
Content standard :  Application of nuclear energy
 Production of nuclear energy
Learning standard :  Justifies the use of nuclear energy for a country that has
been identified.
 Describe the production of nuclear energy by nuclear
fission and nuclear fusion.
Learning activity :  Discuss the production of nuclear energy through nuclear
fission and nuclear fission.
 Students show the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear
energy compared to other energy sources on a paper in
mind map form.
(Activity 12.1)

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life
Learning area : Nuclear energy
Content standard : Production of nuclear energy
Learning standard : Describe the generation of electricity from nuclear energy.
Learning activity : Discuss the generation of electricity from nuclear energy by
using the diagram of nuclear reactor.
(Activity 12.2)

Theme : Energy and sustainability of life

Learning area : Nuclear energy
Content standard : Impact of using nuclear energy
Learning standard :  Tell a story about the impact of the usage of nuclear
weapons on life and the environment.
 Conclude the impact of nuclear tests on the environment.
Learning activity :  Discuss the the impacts of using nuclear weapons and
nuclear tests on life and the environment.
 Tell the history of atomic bombing in Hiroshima and
(Activity 12.3)


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