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University of People

EDUD 5271: Advanced Practices for Teaching Elementary and Middle School Literacy

Unit 3 written assignment

Instructor: Dr. Alicia Clark

December 05, 2023



Literacy is a highly potent asset within the human repertoire. Equipped with this

proficiency, individuals may acquire a deeper understanding of the environment they inhabit,

augment their knowledge, expand their intellectual horizons, fulfill their daily personal

requirements, and engage in social interactions (Irshad, n.d.). Case study #7 by DeCandido

(2001) examines Project Read, an adult literacy program located in San Francisco. The instance

elucidates the learning approach of Pair Reviews, while also examining the necessity of tackling

various cultures in literacy initiatives.

Important Facts in the Case

The major facts presented in this case pertain to four significant areas. The instructor

supervisor is an essential figure responsible for overseeing student development and providing

assistance to the tutor through the provision of materials and learning methodologies.

Additionally, the tutors, who generously provide their time as volunteers, provide guidance and

assistance to their assigned partners as they embark on their path to improve their reading skills.

At the same time, the tutors themselves receive guidance and support from their supervisors. The

third crucial aspect is the learner's role, encompassing persons from diverse circumstances who

lack the necessary literacy abilities to operate autonomously. Project Read seeks to enhance the

quality of life for these individuals and their families by equipping them with the skill of literacy

(Project Read, n.d.). Finally, an analysis is conducted on the diversity within libraries and

literacy programs to verify that these programs accurately reflect the varied communities they


Key Issues

Several crucial concerns were brought up throughout the case debate. Initially, there was

a lack of regular attendance and active involvement in the program, as students were not

consistently attending the planned pair meetings. Furthermore, adult learners needed to cultivate

an awareness of the necessity for consistent practice beyond the scheduled pair encounters.

Another significant concern for adult learners was the exasperation they encountered due to

difficulties with spelling. This influenced their inclination to write and subsequently bolstered

their literacy abilities. The fourth crucial concern was incorporating debates on cultural diversity

into continuous conversations about literacy and the services being provided while recognizing

that diversity is not only a trendy term (DeCandido, 2001).

Recommended Alternative Courses of Action and Evaluation

One possible approach to tackle important problems might involve utilizing technology

to streamline pair sessions. In addition to addressing absenteeism, learners would initiate the

development of their digital literacy abilities. This line of action has a possible drawback since

the learners are typically from socioeconomically disadvantaged elements of the community,

who may lack access to technology and the internet. One possible solution to address the spelling

problem might be to implement a multi-modal strategy for learners. Essentially, the goal is to use

visuals and sounds to teach words, so enhancing pupils' visual literacy abilities

(, n.d.). This endeavor has significant promise, although it necessitates a

considerable allocation of resources from the tutor's end, as well as ensuring that the learners

have enough access to the necessary materials. The final step in resolving the diversity issue is to

broaden the scope of the programs and strive to reach a larger portion of the community. During

this occurrence, individuals within the community will enhance their understanding and

knowledge of civic and ethical literacy (Pietila, n.d.). Nevertheless, implementing this plan will

need substantial human and monetary assets.

Recommended Best Course of Action

Among the several suggested courses of action mentioned, the most favorable one is to

expand the literacy programs to reach a broader audience. This approach will effectively tackle

all the main issues. Assisting all members of the community enhances their visibility, fostering a

greater awareness of diversity (DeCandido, 2001). Furthermore, this endeavor will need a

substantial infusion of funds, which will enhance learners' access to technology and educational

materials. This will lead to the emergence of many new literacies that will eventually assist

learners in their pursuit of being content and productive citizens in the wider society.


DeCandido, G. (2001). Literacy and Libraries: Learning from Case Studies (G. DeCandido, Ed.).

American Library Association.

Irshad, N. (n.d.). Quotes on the importance of reading | Academia. The Academia Magazine.\

Retrieved December 01, 2023, from


Pietila, N. (n.d.). Edtech Insight, Leadership, School Culture | Advancing K12. Edtech Insight,

Leadership, School Culture | Advancing K12. Retrieved December 01, 2023, from


Project Read. (n.d.). Project Read. City of South San Francisco. Retrieved December 01, 2023,

from (n.d.). 9 Tips for developing spelling skills. Touch-type Read and Spell.

Retrieved December 01, 2023, from


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